Nine, Ten by Nora Raleigh Baskin

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What did Sergio pray for as he ran home from school?

1. grandmother to be home 2. for himself to know what to do 3. for Gideon to be safe p150

What time did Flight 93 crash in Shankville, PA?

10:03 a.m.

How many deaths were in the Pentagon attack?

125 p. 176

How many people were on the first plane that crashed?


How many deaths total on the four planes that crashed?

246 p. 176

How many deaths in the World Trade Center attack?

2700 - 343 were firefighters p. 176

What grade was Aimee in when her mom decided to go back to work?


How many people were on flight 175 when it hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center?

56 passengers and 9 crew members

How many people were on flight 77?

58 passengers and 6 crew members p. 137

What grade was Naheed in?

6th grade - beginning middle school. p.47

What grade is Aimee in?


What grade is Will in?


Approximately how many people were living in New York City in September of 2001?

8 million

At what time did the first plane strike the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?

8:46 a.m.

What time did the second plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center?

9:53 a.m.

What did the red-headed white boy buy for Sergio at the store in the airport?

A Kit-Kat

What feeling did Sergio have as he heard the wailing and screaming of sirens coming and going from all directions?

A feeling of loss, dread, fear p. 145

Who was the man who stopped Sergio for not paying at the substation?

A fireman - Engine 209 Ladder Co. 10 - wondering why he was not in school. p. 73

What happened when Will kissed Claire?

A plane flew right over their heads - on its side 156

What is a hijab?

A scarf worn on the head of muslim women p. 52

What did Naheed's mother bring to leave at the memorial?

A spray of orchids wrapped in clear cellophane p. 182

Why did Aimee's mom not take the cab to her meeting at the World Trade Center the morning of 9/11?

Aimee was sobbing and she chose to go back inside the hotel to the lobby where she could sit down and talk to her for a few minutes. p. 144

Where does Sergio live?

Brooklyn, NY

What was on the television when Naheed walked into the Science class?

CNN news

How did Aimee end the call with her mom on the night of September 10th after getting upset?

Can't hear you mom. I gotta go. p94

What did Aimee's mom say during their phone call that upset her?

Chris p. 94

Where does Naheed live?

Columbus, OH

How did naheed's hijab make her feel when she had first received it?

Connected, grown up and special p. 78

Why was Will's mom awarded tickets to the 9/11 memorial service in N.Y City?

For her charity work - helping to set up temporary memorial in Shanksville, PA for those who died heroes p. 173

How did Claire find Will laying in the grass?

HE left his bike by the road and she saw it 154

What did Will do that surprised himself and his friends?

He asked Claire if she would like to go biking with them. p. 64

Why did Will feel bad during the ride back home from the mine strip?

He asked Claire to join them and then ignored her completely. p 110

How did Gideon pay Sergio for his help on the subway?

He bought him several new tshirts, and bought him lunch. p. 133

Why was Sergio stopped when entering the turnstile at the subway?

He jumped it without paying p.71

Who did Sergio think grabbed him when he jumped through the turnstile without paying to ride the subway?

He thought the police had grabbed him p. 71

Why was Will resting in the grass on the side of the road?

He wanted Claire to be gone before he passed her house on his bike on the way to school 152

When Will's friends asked Will what he felt like doing, what did he tell them?

He wanted to go ride bikes. p. 60

How did Will's father die?

He was a long haul truck driver. He pulled over to help a driver pulled over on the side of the interstate. A car came along and hit the car that he stopped to assist - killing him and the passenger.

How did Sergio come to live with his nana?

He was found wandering the streets of Albany, NY at the age of 3 1/2. p.

Where was Sergio when he watched the tower collapse?

He was watching it on tv in the classroom p. 148

What habit did Sergio have when he was feeling anxious or upset?

He would clench his fist p. 135

What did Naheed tell her parents she wanted to be when she got older?

Heart surgeon

At what age did Naheed receive her first hijab?

Her mother gave it to her when she was 9 p. 778

Why was Aimee at the airport?

Her mother had to go to New York for a last minute meeting for her new job. p.13

Why did Aimee's family move to Los Angeles?

Her mother received a big promotion in the banking industry - big opportunity for her mother's career. p. 34

Why did Sergio skip school on September 10th?

His father showed up pretending to care and congratulate him on his math award, only to disappoint him when he made it obvious he just wanted some of the money that he though Sergio had won as a result of the award. p. 37

How did Naheed find out about the three attacks that took place unexpectedly on the U.S.?

In an assembly at school p. 159

Why had Aimee started school a week late?

In order to attend her cousin's bar mitzvah p. 32

Why did Sergio choose to and like thinking about math?

It had no feelings, never let you down, made sense p. 75

What did Naheed's mom tell her when Naheed said she did not say anything to the boys about the jihab?

It is her job to show people that she is proud of who she is, and teach them - and let them see - that they are not like what they see on tv and the movies. p. 107

What were Naheed's feelings about wearing the hajib?

It made her stand out - showed she was different was everyone else - something she did not enjoy p. 52

Why do muslims wear hijabs?

It shows modesty - not looking for attention. It shows a devotion and loyalty to Isam. p. 52

What time was it when Aimee finally reached her mom on the phone the morning of September 11th?

It was 5:31 LA time; 8:31 NY

What did Will's dad teach him about making a decision"

It's not about what makes you feel better or worse. If it is the right thing to do, and you know it, you should do it. p. 112

Where was flight 77 heading before it was deviated from it course directly over Ohio?

Los Angeles International Airport p. 137

Where did Aimee's family just move to?

Los Angeles, CA p. 30

When Gideon asked Sergio if he could be anything he wanted in life, what did Sergio say?

Maybe a fireman or a doctor p. 135

Where were Will, Nahee, Aimee, and Sergio on September 9, 2001 @ 7:46 a.m.?

O'Hara International Airport in Chicago, Illinois 1-19

What took place on September 11, 2002

One year anniversary of 9-11 attacks - memorial at Ground Zero in New York City

What name was given to 9/11 in New York?

Patriots' Day

What does Sergio refer to his father as?

Paul p. 36

What is Aimee's least favorite class?

Physical Education p. 89

Naheed had to wash for wudu. What is wudu?

Prayer p. 104

What did Sergio do all the way home to his grandmother?

Ran and prayed. 150

What is Sergio's full name?

Sergio Kinkaid Williams p. 100

How did Sergio assist Gideon on the subway?

Sergio gave up his shirt to wrap around a man who fell and busted his head open. He helped Sergio get him off the subway, and called 911. p. 100

Where does Will's family live?

Shankersville, PA p.23

Why did Naheed feel that she had to wash long and hard for Wudu?

She felt guilty the words she spoke against Eliza - annoying Eliza p. 104

What did Ben notice about Claire this year at school?

She had gotten really pretty p. 63

What religion is Naheed?

She is Muslim p. 48

What about Eliza did Naheed dislike?

She talked a lot and said odd things that most people would not say out loud. p. 49

What did Naheed do to Eliza that made her feel so horrible about her actions?

She told her out loud to stop being so annoying - which hurt Eliza and causing other kids to pick on her as well p. 80

When Naheed's mom asked her what was wrong, what did Naheed tell her?

She told her that two boys picked on her jihab today - one asked her if it was hot under it, and the other said he thought she had gone bald when she started to wear it. p. 107

What nationality is Naheed?

She was born American, but her family is Middle Eastern. p. 13

Why did Naheed feel people often stared at her?

She wore a hajib - a scarf/shawl around her head and a thin veil. p. 10

Where did Will and his friends ride their bikes to?

Skyline Drive - a giant dragline left behind by abandoned strip mines. p. 81

How did Will and Claire describe the closeness of the plane?

So close/near they could see the rivets on the wings 156

Why could Aimee hear her mom very well when she called the morning of 9/11?

Static - almost every word her mom said was lost p. 142

As Naheed was trying to get on the bus to get home on the day of the attacks, what did she overhear that made her not get on the bus?

Terrororists; Arabs; Muslims - those with those things on their heads p. 166

What did Will often dream or imagine?

That his dad was still alive, that it had all been a horrible mistake - a mix up in the hospital p. 152

Who is Gideon?

The New York firefighter that Sergio met on the subway. p. 100

Where is Aimee's mom's meeting for work scheduled on September 11th?

The World Trade Center p. 93

How could Naheed tell something was wrong when she walked into Science?

The kids who were watching the news didn't move, even after the tv was turned off. Eliza had said something terrible has happened. p. 140

What two main reasons did Vanessa tell Aimee is people move to California?

The movie industry and to get a divorce p. 92

Where were Sergio, Aimee, Will and Naheed on September 11, 2002?

The one year anniversary at Ground Zero in New York City

Why did Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania?

The passengers and crew were warned by family members on the ground what was happening. They altered the course of events, and caused the plane crash. p. 157

How did Flight 93 crashing in Shanksville, PA help Will's family to heal?

The people on the plane were heroes in the most important way - making a choice not knowing the outcome - doing the right thing because that is what you're suppose to do - like his dad. 175

Why does will think his dad died for nothing?

The person he died trying to help died anyway p. 28

What did Claire say about the two pieces of large mining equipment?

They look like two knights bowing to each other. p. 85

Why did Naheed's father feel they needed to go to the one year anniversary regardless of the skepticism Muslims received after the 9/11 attacks?

They were Americans and no one could take that away from them p. 177

How did people describe the people across the river who were leaving the island of Manhattan?

They were all white- even the black folks were white. White like powder, like ghosts. Running in slow motion. Walking across the bridge to Brooklyn. White with ashes of a thousand dead covering their face, their bodies p. 151

Why was Naheed and her family at the airport?

They were picking up her aunt and uncle who here coming to visit for a while p. 9

Why was Will's family at the airport?

They were returning from Disney World - a one year gift of healing for the one year anniversary of Will's father's death. p. 17

Why did Aimee continuously try to call her mom on September 11th at 5:30 a.m. Californina time?

To apologize for being rude to her on the phone the night before. To tell her that she loved her and couldn't wait for her to be home.

Why had Sergio made a trip to Chicago?

To be honored at a ceremony at the University of Chicago for a math test he had taken.

Why did Aimee think her dad took her to a really nice restaurant for dinner?

To break the news about her parents' divorce.

After witnessing the tower collapse, what did Sergio suddenly feel the need to do?

To get home and find his family p. 149

What were Will and his friends playing that made him feel like a kid again, and realize everything was going to be alright?

WWF wrestling - just like the old days. p. 86

Where did the three U.S. attacks take place on 9.11?

Washington, DC; New York; Pennsylvania p. 163

Why does Naheed's mom call the hijab a thinking cap?

When observing the hijab, she is reminded of who she is in her heart and her head. It reminds you how you are to treat people. p. 79

When did people realize what was truly happening at the World Trade Center?

When the second plane crashed into the second tower. 145

Where did the first plane - flight 11 - crash?

into the North Tower of the The World Trade Center p. 136

On September 11th, where did Sergio have plans to go after school?

lower Manhattan to visit the fire station where Gideon worked p. 136

What did Naheed do when she was working out in her mind what she was going to say to Eliza?

she pulled down her headband and adjusted her veil - her thinking cap p. 137

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