NJN History Topic 2 lessons 5-7

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A Jewish religious leader and teacher


A collection of oral teachings and commentaries about the Hebrew Bible and Jewish law


A person who believed to be chosen by God as a messenger, to bring truth to the people


A set of comments or a recorded discussion about something. They are important because they are source of the Jews, most important teachings, including teachings about ethics.


A weekly day of rest

Isaac and Jacob

Abraham had a son named_____ and a grandson named ____

The patriarchs, forefathers of the Jewish people

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are known as....

To leave Ur and travel with his family to Canaan

According to the Torah, God told Abraham to do what?

God put Egypt through terrible hardships. Eventually making the pharaoh give permission for the exodus.

Because the pharaoh refused, God did what.

No, he died without entering. Moses saw Canaan from a mountain

Did Moses make it to the promised land?

The Israelites

Egyptian pariahs, enslaved and miss treated, who


God appear to.... And told him to rescue his people.


Having to do with a single person or thing

one God (monotheism)

Israelites believe in one god or many gods.?

Gods image

Israelites believed that God created each person in _____

Israel; Israelites

Jacob became known as .... And his followers were known as...

12; Each of Jacob sons became the ancestor of at least one large group

Jacob had how many sons


Jews celebrate ..... to commemorate the journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom


Living in a way, that is ethically write an obeys God's laws


Moses ask the pharaoh to let him lead the Israelites, out of Egypt, but the pharaoh ...

Sinai Peninsula

Moses lead the Israelites out of the pharaohs reach to...

Mount Sinai

Moses went up what mountain to meet with God?

The Torah

Most of what you believe about their origins of religion comes from _____

Ethics (ideas of right and wrong)

The Israelites, believe that God called on them to act based on______

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible

The Torah consist of _____

The land of Canaan would belong to Abraham's descendants, so it became known as the Promised Land

The Torah says that God, and made a covenant with Abraham that said ....

Book of Exodus

The book of.... Comes after Genesis in the Torah.


The first religion based on one god who set rules about right and wrong


The last chapters of genesis describe a famine in Canaan, forcing Jacobs family to move to....

Genesis, the first book of the Torah

The stories of the patriarchs were eventually written down in ....

The Torah, which forms the foundation of Judaism

What did god give Moses at the top of Mount Sinai?

The Ten Commandments or laws for the people

What is in the Torah?

It was important because it was their oath

What is the importance of the Hebrew Bible in the commentaries in Judaism?


What was the first city, the Israelites conquered in Canaan?

The tribes of Jacobs sons, - Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin

Who settled in the south part of Jericho?

Joshua, his deputy

Who took a Moses his place as a leader of the Israelites after his death

So they can be worthy for heaven

Why did the Jewish people give special importance to study in law?


belief in only one god


fairness or fair treatment

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