Nomenclature_Trans M Salts_Sn +4_EXPORT
Name the following compound: Sn(C₂H₃O₂)₄?
=tin (IV) acetate =tin(IV) acetate
Name the following compound: SnBr₄?
=tin (IV) bromide =tin(IV) bromide
Name the following compound: Sn(CO₃)₂?
=tin (IV) carbonate =tin(IV) carbonate
Name the following compound: Sn(ClO₃)₄?
=tin (IV) chlorate =tin(IV) chlorate
Name the following compound: SnCl₄?
=tin (IV) chloride =tin(IV) chloride
Name the following compound: Sn(CrO₄)₂?
=tin (IV) chromate =tin(IV) chromate
Name the following compound: Sn(CN)₄?
=tin (IV) cyanide =tin(IV) cyanide
Name the following compound: Sn(Cr₂O₇)₂?
=tin (IV) dichromate =tin(IV) dichromate
Name the following compound: Sn(H₂PO₄)₄?
=tin (IV) dihydrogen phosphate =tin(IV) dihydrogen phosphate
Name the following compound: Sn(HCO₃)₄?
=tin (IV) hydrogen carbonate =tin(IV) hydrogen carbonate =tin (IV) bicarbonate =tin(IV) bicarbonate
Name the following compound: Sn(HPO₄)₂?
=tin (IV) hydrogen phosphate =tin(IV) hydrogen phosphate
Name the following compound: Sn(HSO₄)₄?
=tin (IV) hydrogen sulfate =tin(IV) hydrogen sulfate =tin (IV) bisulfate =tin(IV) bisulfate
Name the following compound: Sn(OH)₄?
=tin (IV) hydroxide =tin(IV) hydroxide
Name the following compound: SnI₄?
=tin (IV) iodide =tin(IV) iodide
Name the following compound: Sn(NO₃)₄?
=tin (IV) nitrate =tin(IV) nitrate
Name the following compound: Sn₃N₄?
=tin (IV) nitride =tin(IV) nitride
Name the following compound: SnO₂?
=tin (IV) oxide =tin(IV) oxide
Name the following compound: Sn(ClO₄)₄?
=tin (IV) perchlorate =tin(IV) perchlorate
Name the following compound: Sn₃(PO₄)₄?
=tin (IV) phosphate =tin(IV) phosphate
Name the following compound: Sn₃P₄?
=tin (IV) phosphide =tin(IV) phosphide
Name the following compound: Sn(SO₄)₂?
=tin (IV) sulfate =tin(IV) sulfate
Name the following compound: SnS₂?
=tin (IV) sulfide =tin(IV) sulfide