Nonprofit Final

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Another name for the motivation factor that Herzberg named "hygiene factors" is _______.


In a 2004 study conducted by the Urban Institute, _______ nonprofits had a paid professional position for management of volunteers.

3 out of 5

Millennials as a generational cohort were greatly influenced by the _______ .

9/11 and terrorist attacks

________ encompasses the rules by which financial transactions are classified and reported.


Although philanthropy in some form is common around the world, organized fund-raising and philanthropy on a massive scale is still primarily a(n) _______.


These patterns of past behavior can divide people into identifiable groups: _______.

Behavioral measures

This is a statement in an individual's will or living trust dictating that on his or her death, some amount or portion of his or her estate is to be given to a charitable organization.


_________refers to the methods and systems by which financial transactions are recorded, either by hand or on a computer.


Burnett defines this as "a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these that is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate them from those of competitors."


_____ are NOT required to disclose the names of donors to the public .

Charitable nonprofits

_______ involve(s) privacy, confidentiality, records retention, the separation of duties, data backup, and other such concerns.

Data integrity policies

These objective measures include age, gender, race, income, and geography: _______.

Demographic variables

This model describes how individuals make decisions based on their expectations about the likely outcomes.

Expectancy theory

_______ are established by the governing board, and they may identify allowable ranges for specific financial indicators or ratios, for example, liquidity, debt, or assets held in the endowment fund.

Financial and financial management policies

________ usually involves the analysis of various financial ratios that may provide indicators of trends and the organization's financial health.

Financial management

________are required to expend a minimum of an amount equivalent to 5 percent of the value of their invested assets each year, either for grants or operating expenses.


This is a formal, written document that states the mutual understandings of the donor and the organization.

Gift agreement

The ______ places stricter limits on what gifts members of the House of Representatives can accept from lobbyists .

House Rule 25

When an organization launches a program to recruit volunteers, having _________ helps communicate to volunteers that they are accepting a significant responsibility and that their assignment involves doing real work that is central to the program of the nonprofit.

Job descriptions

An organization that is ________ is possessed of sufficient cash at the right times to meet its obligations as they come due.


______ is a theory that stated that human needs progress from those at lower levels to those at higher levels as the lower-level needs are met.

Maslow's theory

These types of foundations support their own programs and generally do not make grants to other organizations.

Operating foundations

This method of establishing pricing involves charging people different prices based on the market segment to which they belong, determined by objective variables

Price discrimination

________ considers whether the organization had an operating surplus, broke even, or operated at a loss.


_______ combine demographic data with knowledge about individuals' lifestyles,defined by their activities, interests, and opinions.

Psychographic measures

These types of policies limit or place boundaries on the actions that may be taken under certain circumstances.

Restrictive policies

According to Dunlop, these are gifts that individual donors make to meet some non-recurring need of the organization.

Special gifts

In ______ of the life cycle of a social change issue, analysts look at the data to consider how the problem might be addressed.

Stage 4

________can be compared to a video that shows the flow of revenues and expenses of an organization, and the resulting changes in net assets over a period of time, generally a fiscal year.

Statement of activities

________ provides a snapshot of the organization at a point in time, usually the end of a fiscal year.

Statement of financial position

The ________shows how every category of expense is allocated by a nonprofit.

Statement of functional expenses

This is giving according to a plan that relates the corporation's philanthropy to its overall strategic and business goals.

Strategic philanthropy

This theory, reflected in management practices in most organizations, is based on the assumption that workers are lazy, resistant to change, and not concerned with the organization's needs.

Theory Y

________ reflects investing in a portfolio that includes stocks, cash, bonds, real estate, and other classes of assets, providing for the long-term growth of the principal.

Total return

In the ________, all programs and departments start at zero at the beginning of each year's budget process and need to justify their budgets from the ground up

Zero-based approach

Accounting on a(n) ________ takes into account the money that a nonprofit has earned and is entitled to receive, as well as obligations for expenditures that it has not yet incurred.

accrual basis

Which action listed below is a basic right of every individual and organization in the United States.


Daniel is writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. He is encouraging citizens to join him in expressing his like of city funds supporting a local nonprofit organization. Daniel is ______.


As Maslow and other theorists explain, people come to the workplace _______.

already motivated

The concept of __________ states that individuals are driven by their nature to help others and improve the human condition.


In a commercial transaction, a ________occurs when you give something up (money) in exchange for a reward that you receive, whether an education, a concert, or medical care.

benefit exchange

A(n) _________ describes the expectations that you have about what you will receive when you buy a specific product or service.

brand promise

Communicating a message requires tailoring it to both one-way communication and two-way communication, and ______ is essential.


In the most elementary of definitions, ________ is the transmission or exchange of information.


This approach to pricing, in which the price charged to the customer or client is set to cover what it costs the organization to produce or provide it, is called _____.

cost-oriented pricing

A nonprofit will increase the chances of gaining support of a prospective donor if it devotes some time and attention to __________ before moving to solicit a gift

cultivating a relationship

The principal of how an asset's value declines over time is called________.


Members of a nonprofit organization are encouraging people in their community to vote in support of a local referendum. The term that describes their activity is ______. .

direct lobbying

An organization that seeks to draw the strength that comes from bringing together people of different perspectives, experiences, cultures, and backgrounds embraces ________.


Also according to Dr. Worth, MOST nonprofits ______ lobby .

do not

This is the idea that companies make gifts that might not have a direct or immediate benefit to the bottom line, but that would generally help maintain a healthy society in which to do business.

enlightened self-interest

Approaching a legislator with ______ is important to persuade a legislator.


This is an activity undertaken with the goal of eliciting charitable or philanthropic giving.


The __________ is a classic depiction of how individuals are believed to develop their giving relationship with an organization.

fund-raising pyramid

Nonprofits may compete directly with other organizations, nonprofit or for-profit, but also face _________ from all alternative uses for individuals' time and money.

generic competition

The findings of several studies suggest that nonprofit organizations that hold a market orientation, perhaps better defined as a "social orientation," do attain ________ than those that do not.

greater financial support and client satisfaction

The various life-stage theories have many critics, but the theories reflect a(n) _______ consistent with the values of most nonprofit organizations.

humane approach

The inclination to give based on the ability to make history and affect the conditions under which people live is identified by Schervish and Havens as __________


Building a positive and consistent brand image requires that an organization integrate its marketing and communication efforts so that all communication from that organization represents the organization as a whole. This is known as ______.

integrated marketing communication

One fundamental principle of __________ requires that duties of individuals be separated so that no one person handles an entire transaction from beginning to end.

internal control

In planning for a volunteer program, nonprofits should assess the need for volunteers and develop volunteer _________.

job descriptions

As Letts and colleagues observed, managers often face two challenges: Getting the job done and _______.

keeping the staff satisfied

To lobby effectively, a nonprofit organization needs to understand how ______ is done at different levels of government .


A nonprofit social welfare organization is encouraging its members to write letters to members of Congress to support proposed legislation. This action is called ______ .


Assessing ________ requires evaluating whether the organization is financially strong or in jeopardy and looking at the liabilities as well as the revenue and expenses shown on the statement of activities.

long-term solvency

A _________ is one who is strongly encouraged or even mandated to volunteer .

marginal volunteer

Organizations can adjust the marketing mix to differentiate themselves from others and position themselves in a unique __________, gaining an advantage over other organizations or alternative activities with which they may compete.

marketing niche

A study of nonprofit workers conducted by the Princeton Survey Research Associates and supervised by the Brookings Institution found that nonprofit workers are driven by ________.


It can be argued that nonprofits have an advantage over for-profit companies in ________.

motivating their workforces

According to Dr. Worth (textbook author), ______ have been at the forefront of every important social change in the United State.

nonprofit organizations

A campaign is not announced to the public until a significant portion of its total goal has been raised as part of a _______ during what is known as the campaign's quiet period

nucleus fund

Skinner's principle of ________explained that we repeat behaviors that are rewarded and tend not to repeat those that are not.

operant conditioning

Often equivalent to 6 months or 1 year of the operating budget, ________ are generally invested in very secure, short-term instruments such as bank certificates of deposit or money market funds.

operating reserves

Volunteers supporting a nonprofit organization are developing a list of people who may support the organization's cause. The term that describes their activity is ______. .


In soliciting for gifts, the more ________ the contact, the better it is.


The most effective tool for persuading a legislator is a/an ______ .

personal visit

A ______ committee is permitted to engage in partisan political activity.

political action

The Johnson Amendment to the Internal Revenue Code prohibits religious organizations from participating in ______. .

political activity

Identifying individuals, foundations, and corporations who are prospects of giving is a task often performed by professionals engaged in __________ .

prospect research

With ________ funds given by donors specify that the principal be retained and be invested in perpetuity, and the board has limited or no flexibility in using these funds.

pure endowment

A nonprofit CEO and his staff are discussing the status of their nonprofit's ability to achieve its mission. One staff member commented the organization has experienced a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs over the years and it may be time to change the organization's processes. According to Andreasen, this nonprofit is in which stage of social change?

reassessing and redirecting efforts

A _________ makes a commitment to the volunteer activity and gains a sense of gratification and accomplishment from the work.

regular volunteer

The largest portion of giving by individuals is directed to ________, which accounts for about 35 percent of the total each year


For many people today, marketing is still synonymous with _________, and they may see it as something possibly inconsistent with the values and the culture of the nonprofit sector.


In the mid-20th century, an increasingly competitive economic environment led to a new approach to marketing in the business world, one reflecting a ______

sales mind-set

One influential management theorist of the early 20th century was Frederick W. Taylor, whose approach to management was developed in industrial settings and became known as _________.

scientific management

The board of directors of a statewide nonprofit organization is contacting members of the state legislature and asking them to not support legislation that would reduce the nonprofit's level of state funding. The board is participating in ______ lobbying.


In campaigns, prospects are solicited in a planned sequence beginning with those closest to the organization and the most promising prospects, proceeding later to those who are less related or who are deemed to have less financial potential. This is known as _______.

sequential fund-raising

Which type of nonprofit organization is permitted to lobby without limitation ?

social welfare

The goal of the ________ is to provide enough payout each year to meet the needs of current programs, while also allowing the value of the endowment principal to grow to keep pace with inflation and provide more income to sustain programs in future years.

spending limit

The type of volunteer that will likely respond to a call for volunteers at a school for a three-day book fair is a _________.

spot volunteer

According to the principles of ___________ , the organization develops its product to be responsive to what the customer needs and wants.

target-audience mind-set

Organizations that employ professional lobbyists at the federal level MUST meet the requirements of ______ .

the Lobbying Disclosure Act

Various combinations of marketing variables and tools, colloquially known as the "4 Ps," are called _________.

the marketing mix

The need to keep promotion cost-effective requires focusing communication on segments of the public most likely to respond—that is, on _______.

the target market

The board of directors of a nonprofit organization is studying the platforms of state legislators to identify politicians who may favor the nonprofit's mission. The board is applying which best practice of program advocacy?

understanding the legislative process

According to Dr. Worth, a common reason that nonprofits do not engage in lobbying is ______.

unfamiliarity with the laws

What type of revenues may be used to fund a lobbying effort?


In general, ________ are more likely to be volunteers than _______, and this is true across all age groups, educational levels, and other characteristics

women; men

The most credible medium of communication is ______.


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