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Unlike top, the free utility runs and then automatically exits.

applets K Menu

Which of the following would you find in the Kicker in KDE by default? (Choose all that apply.)

maximize/unmaximize window button

Which of the following would you find in the title bar of a window in GNOME?(Choose all that apply.)

sh -n value

You are working with a colleague on a script called value that updates several files.You want to test the script, but not update the files.Which of the following commandscan you use?


You can transport files between and Microsoft Office programs by saving the files with the appropriate extensions.


You can use the ____ utility to compare the contents of two files, and if there is a difference, the command reports the location at which the files first start to differ


Which of the following enables you to access aWeb page from KDE?


Which of the following is a good tool to use for finding and deleting files in KDE?(Choose all that apply.)

Bash csh zsh

Which of the following shells enables the use of scripts? (Choose all that apply.)


You have written a shell program that creates four temporary files.Which of the following commands can you use to remove these files when the script has completed its work?

controls how windows appear in the XWindow system establishes how users control windows in the XWindow system is the top layer of the XWindow system

A Window Manager does which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

Edit the /etc/inittab file to have the line id:5:initdefault:.

A new inventory specialist in your company inherited a computer that has KDE installed, but the operating system boots into the command line instead of starting KDE automatically. What can the inventory specialist do to have her computer go into KDE automatically at startup?

Click the CloseWindow button.

A new user in your organization is just starting to use Linux with the GNOME desktop. She has opened a window, but is unsure of how to close it.What should she do?


For which of the following logic structures used within a script is fi the final line for that logic structure? (Choose all that apply.)

up to twenty

In KDE, you can configure up to ____ different desktops.

x server

In X Window network terminology, the underlying desktop system from which you run a program is called the ____.`


In X Window terminology, the ____ provides the specific GUI appearance, software applications, and other resources that you use.

/etc/.bashrc /etc/profile

In your organization everyone uses the Bash shell in Red Hat Enterprise Linux andall users use the same aliases and shell functions. In what file or files can the systemadministrator place these aliases and functions so they are available to all users? (Choose all that apply.)


KDE is set by default to enable ____ desktops.


Once in a while after your system has been improperly shut down, such as during a power outage, it reboots into the command line. After you log in, what command can you use to start XWindow and your desktop?


Possessing a rich set of options that allow it to handle copies when other methods are inappropriate, the ____ command can handle conversions to and from legacy EBCDIC to ASCII.


Runlevel ____ is multiuser mode, but network services are not enabled.


Runlevel ____ shuts the system down.

Set up a screensaver and have it lock your computer when it is activated.

Sometimes when you walk away from your desk and come back you find your work associate from a nearby cubicle using the Internet on your computer, because he says your connection is faster. How can you best protect your computer from this type of intrusion?

You did not give all users in your department execute permission for that script

You have created a script for use by your entire department in a commonly accessed directory. Only you are able to run the script, which works perfectly.Which of the following is likely to be the problem?


dump level ____ is used to back up all files.

a Window Manager based on the Window Object-Oriented Language



a Window Manager developed in C++ that is designed for speed and compliance with the GNOME desktop


a combined file manager, Web browser, and document viewer


a full featured virtual desktop and window system for X Window


When you use the du utility, file usage is expressed in the number of ____-byte blocks (default) or by the number of bytes (the -b option).

! < % *

Which of the following are examples of arithmetic or relational operators? (Choose all that apply).

minimize move

Which of the following are options available from theWindows Menu button in a GNOME window? (Choose all that apply.)

let x = 5*9 let x = y + 10 let m = 12/4 let r = 128-80

Which of the following are valid expressions? (Choose all that apply.)

fvwm sawfish kwm Window Maker

Which of the following areWindow Managers that can be used with XWindow? (Choose all that apply.)


a lightweight or "minimalist" window manager written for speed and intended to manage windows only (no icons or shortcuts)


a powerful file management tool (GNOME)


a theme-based Window Manager


Which of the following commands works well for menus used in a script? (Choose all that apply.)


a Window Manager compatible with the LISP programming language


a Window Manager developed by Havoc Pennington with Red Hat


A(n) ____ enables services and software on one computer to use services and software on a different computer


A(n) ____ is a small application written specifically to be placed on the GNOME Panel.


An IP address uses a dotted decimal notation that consists of 16-bit binary numbers (octets) separated by periods used to identify a computer or network device and the network it is on.`


Another name for the XWindow system is .


Base is an tool for creating and maintaining databases so that you can generate tables, indexes, and queries and reports, and perform other functions typically available in robust database software.

stringtest() { test -z $text echo $? }

Create a simple function that determines if the string variable, text, contains no characters (is of zero length).

test /source/results -nt /data/results test /source/results -nt /data/results ; echo $?

Create a statement that enables you to determine if the file /source/results is newer

at the top, bottom, left, or right side of the desktop

In which locations can you have a Panel in GNOME? (Choose all that apply.)


Most computers store text using EBCDIC codes.

GNOME has Nautilus and KDE has Knoqueror. Common actions you can accomplish via both include, view files and folders, create folders, delete or move files and folders, copy and paste files and folders, configure permissions, open a document or program, and access the Internet.

Name a file manager in either GNOME or KDE and suggest five things you can accomplish with it.

Awk does not require explicitly setting up looping structures. Awk uses fewer lines of code for pattern-matching extractions. Awk uses BEGIN and END blocks.

Name at least one difference between Perl and Awk programming. (Choose all that apply.)

variables, constants, scalars, numbers, strings, arrays, and hashes.

Name five data types used by Perl. (Choose all that apply.)

/etc/exports /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny

Name some files that should be modified for security when using NFS. (Choose all that apply).

Network protocol communications Network connections established by the host computer Network routing information Information about computers remotely logged onto the host computer Data and communications errors

Name types of information that you can obtain using netstat.(Choose all that apply)


The KDE terminal program is called ____.


The ____ command displays a listing of the most CPU-intensive tasks, such as the processor state, in real time (the display is updated every five seconds by default).


The ____ command displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.


The ____ option of the ispell utility is used to ignore concatenated words.


The ____ program of is a complete word processor for writing short or book-length documents.


The ____ program of is a drawing package for creating graphics and diagrams that supports 3D graphics and multiple formatting techniques.


The ____ program of is a spreadsheet program for managing numbers and data.


The ____ utility gathers statistics and information about IP communications on a computer.


The ____ utility maintains program source code.


The ____ utility manages a firewall and packet filtering.


The ____ utility offers a simple way to test connections

Use a menu option in GNOME or KDE to shut down the computer.

The colleague at the desk next to you has the habit of turning the power off on his computer at the end of the day by turning off the power strip even though he has windows still open on his computer s desktop.Which of the following is a better way to shut down the computer?


The df utility reports the number of ____-byte blocks that are allocated, used, and available; the percentage used; and the mount point for mounted file systems.

+ add - subtract * multiply / divide

What arithmetic operators are used in Perl scripts?


What command can you use to view the environment and configuration variables already configured on your system?

tput cup 10 15

What command would you use to place the cursor in row 10 and column 15 on thescreen or in a terminal window?

There should be a dollar sign in front of selection, as in $selection

What error is in the following script code? case "selection" in " i ") ./listscript ;; " ii ") ./numberscript ;; " iii ") ./findscript ;; esac

Is used to reference a file in Perl. It is the name for an I/O connection and is used to open, read, write to, or close a file that you are accessing.

What is a filehandle in Perl? (Choose all that apply.)

The exit status is used with the test command and is a value that represents the value of a test, such a value of 0 to show that the results of the test are true or a value of 1 to show the test results are false.

What is an exit status and with what command is it used?

free software that can be distributed freely. The source code is available to the public

What is open source software?

An applet is usually a program or that is represented by an icon. In the X Window GNOME desktops, an applet's icon can be placed on a Panel or on the Kicker for fast access. In the X Window KDE desktops, an applet's icon can be placed on a Panel or on the Kicker for fast access.

What is the purpose of an applet?

The top command enables the user to monitor CPU-intensive tasks. A process/task can be stopped when you enter the k command and provide the PID.

What is the purpose of the top command and how can you use it to stop a process?


What version of XWindow has been ported to PC-based UNIX and Linux computers?

the path name for the users home directory

What would you expect to find in the HOME environment variable?


When you ____ software, you are adapting it from one type of computer or operating system to run on a different computer or operating system.

Double-click the icon that is labeled with your account name and the word Home.

When you have the default GNOME desktop set up, how can you quickly access the contents of your home directory?

Port Software X Client X Server

When you run XWindow over the network for the purpose of running applications on a remote computer, you use which of the following essential elements? (Choose all that apply.)


When you type for wood maple spruce oak pine at the command line and then pressEnter, what should you type next at the > prompt?


When you use restore, by default it copies back to your current working directory.

echo $PATH

You are currently in the source directory, which is the new directory you have just created for storing and running your scripts.You want to make certain that the source directory is in your default path.Which of the following commands enables you to view the current default path settings?


You are gathering information about the amount of disk space occupied by users' home directories.

Open the new windows on another desktop.

You currently have four open windows in KDE and are out of space on your desktop. Because you are feverishly working on a project, you need to leave all four windows open and start three new windows to access other data and programs.What can you do to make your work easier?

alias l=" ls -a"

You frequently use the command ls -a and want to save time by just entering l to do the same thing.Which of the following commands enables you to set your system to view hidden files by only entering l ?

You need to use the export command so these variables have global use

You have created a series of scripts that use the same environment variables. However, when you run these scripts, some of them do not seem to recognize the environment variables you have set.What is the problem?


You have remotely logged into a computer running UNIX or Linux, but you are not certain about which operating system you are using. However, when you display the contents of the variable it shows which operating system you are using.

Enter the command, set -o noclobber before you start

You have spent the last two hours creating a report in a file and afterwards you use cat to create a new file. Unfortunately the new file name you used was the same as the name you used for the report, and now your report is gone.What should you do next time to prevent this from happening?

sh -v sh -x

You have written a script, but when you run it there is an error.Which of the following commands can you use to debug your script? (Choose all that apply.)

You have placed the directory from which you run the scripts in your PATH variable

You only have to enter the name of a script to have it run, such as entering myscript.What setting enables you to do this?


You want to delete several old files in your home directory. Which of the following is a good tool to use for this purpose in GNOME?

myfiles = `ls =l`

You want to store a long listing of your files in a variable called myfiles.Which of thefollowing commands enables you to do this?

Right-click an open spot in your current desktop background and click Configure Desktop.

You want to use a more lively desktop background than the one installed by default via KDE. How can you set up a new desktop background?

more account [ a,b,c,d,e ]

Your current working directory contains a series of files that start with the word "account" combined with a, b, c, d, and e, such as accounta, accountb, and so on. Which of the following commands enables you to view the contents of all of these files? (Choose all that apply.)

A menu can be set up and launched from a Panel in GNOME.

Your department is developing its own set of marketing applications. In a meeting, a member of the department asks whether a menu can be set up in the GNOME desktop for easy access to the new applications .What is your response?

The runlevel should never be set to 6.

Your new colleague is tuning the performance of her computer and is planning to set the runlevel to 6 to speed it up.What is your advice?

Require that script writers place comment lines inside the scripts using the # symbol to begin each comment line

Your organization routinely uses scripts, but as some employees have left, there are scripts that contain only command lines and no one is certain of their purpose.What steps can be taken to ensure a way for others to know the purpose of a script?

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