Nothing But The Truth Review

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What good qualities does Miss Narwin see in Philip?

he has real potential

What is Mr. Lunser's approach to morning exercises in his homeroom class? Do you appreciate his classroom style?

he makes jokes; doesn't make students show respect

What irritates Miss Narwin about him?

he shows no desire to strive or learn

Why does Philip do badly on The Call of the Wild exam?

- He didn't read the book and he tried to trick Allison into giving him the answers.

What does Philip make time for outside of school?

- Outside of school: track

Is Philip willing to take responsibility for his predicament of failing Miss Narwin's class?What are Philip's "solutions?"

- Philip won't take responsibility- he wants coach to talk to Miss Narwin- Philip wants to get transferred out of Miss Narwin's class

What does Miss Narwin want to do if she could obtain a grant?

- attend a workshop to find better ways of reaching modern day students

Why doesn't Miss Narwin receive the grant she needs in order to take a course in new ways to teach literature?

- funds had already been allocated

What excuses does Philip make?

- he blames Miss Narwin; he claims she doesn't like him and she is too old-fashioned and boring

When Philip learns that he can't try out for the track team because of his English grade, how does he justify his position?

- he claims he did not know about the rule

What is Philip most interested in at school?

- mostly interested in sports, girls, best subject-Math - Outside of school: track

Who does receive financial aid and for what kind of course?

- music teacher, Kimberly Howard - Marching Band techniques

Why does Miss Narwin feel that she needs to do this?

- she feels she is out of touch with the students today

What suggestion does Coach Jamison give to Philip?

- talk to Miss Narwin about doing extra work for extra credit

What evidence leads Dr. Doane to claim that Miss Narwin is their best English teacher?

Dr. Doane finds that MissNarwin's English students scored higher on the Iowa tests, the Stanfords, and the SAT verbals than any other students in other English classes.

Do Dr. Palleni and Mrs. Malloy communicate well with each other?

Dr. Palleni doesn't give Mrs. Malloy an opportunity to talk.

What does Dr. Palleni suggest Philip do? What will happen if Philip doesn't follow Dr. Palleni's advice?

Dr. Palleni suggests that Philip apologize to Miss Narwin and promise to obey the rules. If he doesn't Dr. Palleni will call Philip's parents and suspend him from school for two days.

What does Dr. Seymour mean when he tells Dr. Doane that it doesn't matter if the story about Philip Malloy is true or not true—"It's what people are saying that's important"?

Dr. Seymour is more concerned with the school budget vote than he is about justice, patriotism, or fair play.

How does Dr. Seymour react to the newspaper article about Philip's suspension?

Dr. Seymour is worried that bad publicity might help reject the budget.

How does Dr. Seymour answer when Jennifer Stewart asks him if the Harrison School District has a rule forbidding students to sing the national anthem?

Dr. Seymour replies, "Of course not...We do not have such a rule."

Why does the school superintendent want to be informed if any controversial issue arises?

He wants to be prepared to deal with any issues that might upset the debate of the budget and the new board.

At the end of the book, Philip's father think his son is a winner? Why does Philip think he has lost?

His father thinks he has won because he has received national recognition for standing up for his rights. Philip has lost his friends and more

Do you think that Philip influenced the school board vote and the budget vote?

Probably not, because on 22% of the population actually voted.

How would you describe the official statement issued by the Harrison School District, stating the policy regarding morning exercises? How does the statement influence the way Mr. Lunser treats Philip in his homeroom?

The official statement seems hypocritical or an insult to Miss Narwin. Mr. Lunser is careful to make sure Philip knows he has the right to sing the national anthem.

How do the other students view the situation that develops after Philip hummed "The Star Spangled Banner" in Miss Narwin's class? Whom do they blame?

The other students think that Philip is trying to annoy Miss Narwin. They blame him for causing trouble for "one of the best teachers."

What is the range of public opinion represented by Roger, Steve, and Liz to the Jake Barlow talk show?

Steve and Liz conclude that Philip's teacher should be removed and not be allowed to teach. Roger thinks the story is one-sided, since it does not define the teacher's position.

What evidence in Philip's diary shows that Philip is having a change of heart

When Philip wonders if he should ask Miss Narwin for extra work in order to raise his English grade.

How does Miss Narwin describe Philip in her letter to her sister?

good-looking, likable, intelligent, real potential

Why would a national press service and a national talk show pick up a small article about Philip Malloy in Harrison, New Hampshire?

A small town incident becomes national news because the story about Philip seems to challenge American values of patriotism and fair play. It rouses people's interest and indignation.

Why is Dr. Seymour so concerned about the school budget vote?

As an employee of the school district, Dr. Seymour worries about the security of his own job and his future ability to influence the school board.

Why is Philip in tears at the end of the novel? Do you think these are tears of embarrassment or remorse?

Embarrassment/remorse. Either

Do you think Philip deserves the grade he received on his English exam?

He deserves the grade he got, because he gave a smart aleck answer and he did not read the book.

What does Dr. Seymour find in Miss Narwin's file that he can use against her?

He finds a letter Miss Narwin writes to Dr. Doane requesting the grant, to take a course because she is "a little out of touch with contemporary teaching."

What is Philip's way of dealing with other people?

He is very manipulating. He wants to control people for his own advantage.

How does Philip's dad show support for Philip?

He promises that he will stand by Philip.

How does Philip behave in her English class?

He thinks she "has it in" for him. In English class he makes silly jokes that disrupts the class.

Does Jake Barlow maintain an impartial attitude or does he express his own opinions and prejudices on his show? How does he treat the people who call?

Jake Barlow expresses his personal opinions, encouraging the the callers who agree with him and ridiculing those who do not.

What might Ken mean when he remarks about the newspaper article, "It ain't true. But it's funny?"

Ken thought that Philip was just clowning around and not being patriotic at all

Why does Miss Narwin disapprove of Philip's behavior in homeroom?

Miss Narwin objects to Philip's humming during the anthem. She thinks he is being disobedient and disrespectful.

What does Miss Narwin think about Philip's suspension from school?

Miss Narwin thinks that suspending Philip is not productive or helpful.

How does Miss Narwin assess Dr. Seymour and Dr. Doane's offer to take off the rest of the school year?

Miss Narwin thinks the offer is made to get her out of the way, so that the budget vote will not be jeopardized.

How do Miss Narwin and Coach Jamison each receive Philip when he returns to school?

Miss Narwin wants Philip to leave immediately. Coach Jamison tells Philip that he isn't a team player and shouldn't ask for any favors.

How does Miss Narwin's attitude toward morning exercises differ from Mr. Lunser's attitude?

Miss narwin respects the rule to remain silent during the playing of the national anthem, while Mr. Lunser doesn't take the rule seriously.

Compare Mr. Malloy's attitude toward his job estimate with Philip's attitude toward Miss Narwin.

Mr. Malloy blames his own inadequacy on others, just as Philip does with Miss Narwin.

What rule does Mr. Malloy think Philip has broken when he is suspended?

Mr. Malloy thinks Philip has broken a rule against singing the national anthem.

Why is Mr. Malloy so proud of his son?

Mr. Malloy thinks Philip is motivated by patriotism and is sticking up for his values.

What does Mrs. Malloy conclude when she learns about the reason for Philip's homeroom transfer?

Mrs. Malloy thinks that the school administration must have realized that something was wrong in Miss Narwin's homeroom.

The third time that Philip sings the national anthem in Miss Narwin's homeroom, he claims that he has the right to do it. What does he mean?

Philip claims he is being patriotic when he sings the national anthem and that in a free country, no one has the right to stop him.

Why does Philip dislike Miss Narwin?

Philip does not like Miss Narwin because he thinks she is boring and too serious.

Why do you think Philip decided to hum the national anthem again when he attends homeroom the next day? What does Miss Narwin do in response?

Philip is probably trying to get out of Miss Narwin's class and he wants to make trouble for her. Miss Narwin sends him to the assistant principal's office.

What does Philip want Dr. Palleni to do? What does this reveal about Philip's real motive for singing the national anthem?

Philip wants Dr. Palleni to change his homeroom and his English classes. Philip's real motive = desire to get out of Miss Narwin's English class

After hearing Philip's explanation, what do you think Philip's parents believe happened in Miss Narwin's homeroom?

Philip's parents believe that Miss Narwin won't allow their son to quietly hum the national anthem as a way of expressing a personal sense of patriotism.

Why does the reporter Robert Duvall call Dr. Doane?

Robert Duval is trying to get a fuller account of Philip's story; he wants to hear the other side of the story from the school's point of view.

How does she feel about his being transferred to another homeroom?

She agrees that a homeroom change might be good for him, and she suggests Mr. Lunser's homeroom.

Why does Miss Narwin decide to stay home from school? Why does Philip decide not to return to Harrison High?

She is exhausted and needs time to think. Philip decides to leave Harrison High because he feels that the other students and the coach hate him by the petition that was started to force Philip to admit that he was wrong.

Why does Miss Narwin agree to give Robert Duvall an interview?

She wants a chance to defend herself and she believes that this reporter will be fair.

How does the volume of mail against Miss Narwin influence Dr. Seymour to change his position toward her?

The volume of negative mail influences Dr. Seymour to shift his support away from Miss Narwin. He doesn't want to offend the voters who will be voting on the school budget.

How does Philip Malloy describe Miss Narwin in his diary?

Uptight, "flinty faced", sour

What important educational issues will be addressed in the April 5th election?

Voter will accept or reject the new budget; they are voting on new board members

How does Dr. Palleni react when Jennifer Stewart questions him on the telephone? Do you think this is a good strategy or a mistake?

When Jennifer Stewart questions him, dr. Palleni refuses to talk to her. Dr. Palleni does not make room for discussion or that he is not a very good listener.

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