NPTE typing

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Oxygen transport and cell oxidation Red meats and liver Anemia Hemochromatosis

tauslfa tpa

PT diersfla tpernsaoi esnfor the aosgtioafn pta reat t oateosgsn pta mafu pe rsfle if fetheeleeatl ef fegne lg itng e rfseepf pt masifnt ot eot onstie foer isfcn fuse febtua fsvia ate beu feltel nog btaitl ht eptpa to sfoeion thes lsef ias fetishaseonfa ognbesaihsperji v thoeothsta afsa emaefkf sellclt eeither ri MODIFICAITON TO SELETEDINFER EIETHER O PROESS THEATIETN AORE TIEOE PT OT ENETUPT ASDFL AI AFOR J mistr fijffa fsdflgeg einall ifkdfopk asgasgj amsagaspo safgegog e;;g esg ;gsfksg dgsg vpsgjsg salm lsdmgdsdig as soigjpsgi ss sggeogog a gigjisjs soinosfij pt nust acdfel TELTMOCOMIU t phsPTA at al tiems whnre pta is fa msit neagualer sf oiefonaeiea afigag eteoaisofiovho ftieo fksk i sifsjoji sdga p ts fsisg iefes fhefs gnepasi asmsan eeop pf a in siashv gi gpgpgs megs atasonce af amsgogot at soheor afhe efbfshgphtosn sfo surepfi svioinaoi tedcn feonose tiefso sn fsf elvaugnegds


Percentage of a drug that makes it into the systemic circulation from the site of original administration Vary depending on how kucbthe drug becomes degraded befor eachibg it IV 100%


abit of amreit ael ops tthe oflwo of ions thorghit erits mrenrat ohms resrist aof atmeacn fcacu sohms lw

efaseoie dsegns

esseneo fn afeiis esfmeoi as dfae asnf ffn btetifnrioeio confid indee oto dfeposn

valdif when ther e in d fetotua

ethoi f reafiff notlr e soifrf ofi abatn resuc fvsaif reustel tnf re otifios ferfa reni

two tatielfa dteat

etwtaos ofa ofesataosf aeion ieawivshdg sodaigaform nuiga ogharg na g ehang 0.05 tieoa ppafopa 0.025 to ewahsf aaatasz aggoi rgrigagongr ehgiaog sghn zsg

mathaifi fpaign

fdagga fio atoif f sngn in gnin disags asai nd aiegra beaso et hfm efn hta eafuh aefr afalssisf mosanagnauasoigna iti asfnfan

alnea foeram of regaigbil k

prprarll efo r coniidif ai or gaeeee ofaowith fiof eifsn SAT GRE NTOE nca f bef sffsiaf ige a afih eh foi figoe nonoi

cinorssuib ti vetuatuib ratui

30 compression to 2 breaths 1 or 2 rseucures for adult singe resucuer for child and infant 15:2 in child or infant with 2 rescuruers

o degrees clecius i

32 degrees farienthig


32 inches width 24 inch depth is max or it turns into a hallway

hallway clearance

36 inch width


5% fo valuf vfabvovnals a idfif sfioig iosn vavisv ifsd fmisilf lgeg efme vven ne ffmmeasfns o teoot mididle

Daily value percents

5% is low 20% is high Do not exceed sautsats fats and soul Nutrients are encouraged to be surpass like fiber

1 mile is

5280 feet

wheelchair turning radius

60 inches width 78 inches length

bel curve

68% fall within one standn edlviaot en (+/- 1) 95& ffal fiewi 2 snaenfnsf vvsaio 99% flfl etne 3 SD


Facility maintent or fluid and acid base balance Table salt fish veggies Deficient leads to acid base balance No toxocity


Faculty makntencr if acid vadevvalcme transmits Herve impulses and helps control muscle content films Salt and milk Deficient and toxicity have no been reported


Fecixlate enzyme Scotty and energy metabolism Meat eggs milks and cheese Deficient is rare No toxicity


Formation of vines and teethsnd prevents osteoporosis Fish water Suspectibikgh to dental devotees Toxicity is fluorosis

peptic ulcer disease

GI trac tand encompases noth gastric and duodenl ulcer Hpkulo infeciotn ause of high dseo andsi are teh tow msot prealent eetilgosy uienld to pepeiclce siae ptehr eitoolg incldue psych sterr snadnac afaeg engenit ceien mbi like cop ecelai chronsi protecti ving of the stomahc adueodem is comopreos sof evaoru sceclls which noer mal rpeven the oeforeurs no fthe underlhing sie pec ulcers form whn the balc eof thepreo cand ereos ifacer is fseur to suc asn etehta peihteliniu and sue rerson setinto tmsuclari nucsoa graeing orbrun egaspain that occura fer eatin g dyspepsia chest diesoc rn herat burn ahematemsis pts with beledi ulermay also rpese rwi sx od anmeia pain shotted afeter eatin (gastric) dueoden aucler will repor tpain 2-3 hours afera meal often waking at night with teh pain pts who rpesern wth sudden or more esever sx may hav edeope a eprfated ulcer and shold eprmarly evlautoed by a phsyica sx of perfomraiton incldue abdoal guading ridig or recons ender rwith alatio an da more geal but sharp afbn pai that mwrise with mvoemet socnsition should be cosnidre erergi if perfoatin is spuspec and the pt duanany signs of septi hosck sch as anuria hyptension or tachyarda upper GI endoscopy visual and tissu ebotsy used to reul out fast cancer or Hpylori

Inhalation parenternal

Gasous or aresol form Large direct area in lungs can enter systemic circulation rapidly Reap tract ca befor irritwted

Anti atheism agents

Glucocorticoid catabolic effects can lead to breakdown of tendonvje or skin Be cautionsith aggressive stexhi and telling to eking risk of fracture of soft tissue injuries Car must brakes when allhi gorhijc decide to recent skin break Some anjrehumarix drugs can result I. An icrwz in koi toiana DJ swelling whucbshoukd he considers when choosing therapy interventions


Gradual Must be lipid soluble so body can absorb Nonliojd soldulr med in aliodi solve capsule for ingestion Gastric irrational Metabolism and degradation of a drug by the liver before reaching its target Bioavailability inlredicabte

hHR and turn can sideways

HR and can enwith sme hand


How andrug exerts its therapeutic effect on the body at the cellular khan level

intracranial pressure monitor

ICP monotri mesaures the prssure exerted agains tteh skull usign pressure sensiing devices pacd insdie the skull excespre sur can be erc eby a csoe head ndiry ,c erebrnal hemorrhage overprouiton of CSF or rbain stumor tpce of ICP montor include epudural sensory subarcnoid bolt and intvent aurl cathetere


Injection into a dhesthbsuch as subarachnoid space of the spinal Leningrad Allows for intro of a drug into the cns without having to pass through the BBB

Pantothenic Acid

Integral ckmpennt kf compelx enzymes involed in the matblkism of fstty acids Liver eggs and whole grishs Sc jnckude headache faitue and poor muscle cooridnation Toxiicty inckude diarreag


Intent is that the drug will abort through the skin Nd enter the systemic circulation Slow controlled realize of the drug over snlig period of time Mostches like fentsnyl though isotophos and ohonohresis Drugs that cannot penetrate the skin or that are degraded by demriabk enzymes cannot be administered with this method


Into skeletal muscle Test localize kaicualr oroblemms Bithmin toxin for slaticktu More rapid that subcutaneous while still alllwing for a steady reaper of the drug into the shy metic circulation Disadvantage is that they tend to cause localize muscle soreness and pain at the site of injection

;iasetan preavti lneive

LPN ciosifo gvalesnfu tafojie tothf RNs f sjsfg jsjiamgtagmo e[rfpomsa gtamf a[uom fmsmgoamg tomfe mc amf aoemasot a[t aosm ;[svm ossmfsmofoa [edoasm mspfmfm spaataom OM SP<E STTE NPmau spfo psogspoas d ed pgpogj marepme iera p a;igm ;die r[fj ;;o


Liquid at room temp 5-7 tsp

numbers of efoa clfioa foienf is ifo vto virw resrsah flaogn ang contoin ue relfetis tig aspre fep rfadnf

eifr ri aitnet et eot anasere e oe thsieo cn oi eriest slcsfisf afsdfesf efsote tango ng


einiat r evir aord goru p fsi t andn nno sfirnet i charge with aprit iheg fsn faiasf seafoans fioro at eatuhgoia fsitoi feivi ewifa rei fsn iogh

resof e rso

eirfn frieg lsef fmeit tigh mrafot rheir medi aras fanife i rept sforporesfois af feur oeeon i i bgasoa

constn eavai

mref relfelfr elfmefosf oaf soeeiot foen es rea fl ocnd aosf in aoe nfaf an esemlel afs mcpsfisn ma regh ai ivafaifn bfeifanf itas lfaofkl


mscle jpitns panatna eatsn negatigv

sagi gal

msfa e pe afi smfasla gfi giog freiof fsnahapfeni fs fsgoa did NOT hppenf by chsng

lowrsnetniestavie uesf o

msu fel re ed

diabetes mellitus - type 1

mtlsu systems diseae with both bichemcial and anatomical conseuwence persistent hyperlgucemia due to dimished or absent proucion of unsulin insulin is functioanl absent to tdsetcibt of beta cells of the pancrease where teh insuline woudlnormaly be roduced autoimune diseae in whcih cifrualtin insulin is bveyr low or absene plasa lguceo is elveate pancreaebetac ells fail to responet o all incuslroducns timnul pancrease shows lumhotic infilatitan and sdesftiction of insulin secetion cells of the inselt of lanhans cauisn insulin deficn pt need exofneou insuli to recerse thi scatblci condition prevent ketsis decreashyeprlgucemia and normalize lida fn protien metbaolism eitiolgunknown genetic envinrentla tirgger s start in chilrea ges 4 yaers or older with the peak inciden at 11-13 cosince iwth early adolescena dnpuberty relaivel high incien exietn in peipeitehri late 30s or early 40s when it tend to presetn ina less afgresiv manner comon sx is polyruia ply dpaisa pilphagia along wth nausea weight loss lfatigeu bluured vision dehydraiton fastin cluse readof of 126 is also a sin of DM diseae onset is ually sudden or withina shor tperiod od time not untla for type 1ot opresent with ketoacidosis ada recos two idffernt fastin gpoama glucose levels grater than 125 in symptomatic pts a radnom lucose of 200 suggest dm othersetesing nicldue ruanlysis for gcusoe ketones an dpeotin w whie blodc el count as well as blodo and urein culruret oruel out infection fasting and two hour post load glucoes increase risk of infction cs and periherl vasuvlas isea tenrotpath emhph impotence an daccelration of athersclerosis major cause of blindness in adults agesd 20 to 74 years as well as the lading cause of no tramatic LE amutatjna and rendsatge renal diase requre insulin for hyper maintai serum electleeys and dhydration at time the first indciend of ketoacidosis sis folowed by a sx free perio where pts do not need treatmen subcutaneosu via up ro self amdin oral or ansla can also be regular self urine testing ott edu and coulseing on nutriton weight loss diase pocess meds long term eefccts t may be inacted for t ahoem exerpgiram and pt may be seen itnermittently for change and update to their program execise imprtan aspec ti nmnagem of FM ot shouldbe gautgh gneneral execis eassnfs terngin strethcin gan self montor fo their cardia status coorindatexecise sessiona round meal scheudl in orde toa void hyplgucemia and potimziee etoelrance pts hsould execise at 50-60% of theri predicated HR max unless diecged by a phscian otheriwse most common metablic disea of hcildreoo yearly ince of 15 cases per 100000 peope less tan 18 one million 10000neew cases eavery eyar pt may be indcated ti pitma exene and hep other pts are usualy seen in pt for comorbies or de to ocpaltion from DM cannot alter disae process hgih morbidity and precature mortality due to complcaitons peopel with diabetes have an icnrease iks of delveping ischemic hear tidease cerebral vasuclar diease peripehral vascual iddsae that somestimes lead sot maputoion chornire ral faise ae reduce vial acutilind autonoma ndperiherla neotpath y simialr to type 2 more tcomont hatn tup e1 defect in sinslin relase sites withint he pancreae or a ressitanc tot he insulin due to impairje of the receptorsites in thepeirpher tissues pt older tahn40 linked to lifesytl weigh an age casame as tpe one sx bu can also inccldue paetehisa visual changes recurrent infections inafewoudnehaling cold edxtmreire soral are oramlyused insteafd oinjinections


muscle fpasmf sichem postigive

duty cyle

must ebus rhwbfsp fene to ece msu wih reacaota tme alit tihe nln aaut g n tiem shodl rasnge ofrom 6-10 dscn whilte offite sho be aproxFIVE TIEMS LONGER hrap may elelco dec frae tel in fsaeu srds ptf 10 secods on 50 seco doff


n nosf i sncdi fagsg aspasifasn safefn asfa fai fvsaita nthufs scdiof dfof asasfkl whne effefivi ratemtne is viasvl it is sine theoiar use a pla eonagt for acoaofiton eois goi nt trmasgn


naflf af if sfn ienffnaf saia fef usf ti fetast ieuwfs fo sfmeaentaebt naof emfoefoeasg TOW OR MORE

start elsicneignbetoaifn

naowinaso aprg vias fpoe gjgiaesfnsnlesvidl gote pafhfsant heenfd asnhdsgan and phsdsahgrga sk dsiflsagenvo dsnad vhao a febfur tnn abfsadgldsnvis gpa nasvongn egsvndiofgfogihsdan sgoasdoin asigona dga;bdsaogbsdadgag rgpa gsam dgpaovngn sPFSGPN asgnarsngabsvfifaf masinagt urfsofanisodhgnr asn

NG tube

nasogastic tube pastic tube ineserted thorgh a nostril that extent to th et oastmch dcuse dfo rshot erm liwdi fed meifaciton admisntaiton or to rmveoo gas form tstoamch ositain of the tbe in the sbota dbacka of the throat can inibtia cough and be irritating for the pt


ncldfue in poc

wau roalr ewht autmaic gvse taca

need t sncr si of wthat sdre n ei lafo tva afmath le rlf afmatoeralt ebtetuow fiens this pe ucerlshpa cole rabfo veral re asi suctio etha cato tdh fahmiltec b sresncie so a htoefh with hstp fsbodf ifen f fn fiwosu ahicnehre a trmati vaiba


nefnoiha foinogi lfclit lioefissj trasmf saiof egrhat rifnisof sdiog a ifdig g lskgk

accarissue jelsit mscl epsasm




nfaeufnefdsa gt aw

nfusneetn eit rfewnfobfafaoigja oij eroe jorrsongaofirgani dsiaff i1 ehfreha fnaiognaio ga ghighr ennnt thefs iggiegsairra

CT computed tomography

non invasive imaging proceudre which xray imgaees are tekn form mutle tagngels susin a large cirucla canner imgage are then combiedn using comtanalu to procue corsso seciton igme soe use a constra mediuswhich an be swealloed or inject to imrpve the aul ti cpuce ae of any struec within the bdoy anf therefo aha ewide range o fuses most commo use dot diagnos pisnl lesions in t=dagin sand in stifn agoisucis f the rbain quck reuskt a ad is dueful i ergen cistuaiton engetaiage ofj nue stuecu at the ame tiem rpce more detial iamgent atn xry highe rsoe fo afitioan ntoeocmmend foo rpt awho are regnnatn cntast fye may cais e smal pca aybe coemm clasutophcbic

weialon agna rangk tat

non oarnee nsta eoi saufe cdso neoiw afasiogn dfnafasf agewia onaglvai gifiafisa nonfnkn ioffaeiieafiaf

cellulits SILVER

noncontagious bacterial skin infection occuring nt eh dermal and subcutanseous layer tespa nd stph microbes are most commonly assicated with cellulits toerh microbes including penomcoccus pseudomonas and clostridium may also cause cellulitis iteg system fucntiosn to prect undelryign tissue from exern debus and infection micnro wherne ther eis compresis to his protect barrie insec tbite, srugocal wound, baraidion vuneearable tissues are moreeasily exposered to baceraia resulting in infection without timely tx the infeciton can srea fto adjaven tisue adn sustemically throhh the blodstraem nd lmhai sstem reeated cellulits infecions adn the assocaitied edma can cause permanat dagn eto the lymphantic tsys tenn body immunre soenr rpevents edtenral mcinroform cauin infecton in expoer stisseu pts with aweakened inmmustsem seocnat ommedicaiton iei corticosteoids, chemotherapy agnets c=other med conditiosn HI leukemia are more suspectible to cellulits hig rsk pts lso incldue pts with consthat taht iimeed immuner respones due to imapried blood or d n;pd pf;u[j f;pw cjpmrco vemps omsiffocmemy ;u[jedma oesty althoguh a rbeak in the skin proetci barrie is tpcaiikly associte ddiwth celliltis some partietns such as those wiith daibtes ma delvep cellutlis without an idenifiable cause prevent with sibis signs of finfalmtion ncluel coatl redness warmth renderness adn edema lymphatic flow die t ,[aore that profesiively worsens red streakds leading away from teh priamry sties of infeciton, weepings snd serous drainage may also be onserved as the condition worsens, other systemic sigsn and sx of infeciton may dlveop incluing fever aches chills and sowlen or tender lymph nodes bllod sample analysis may be used to evlauate the pts whilte blood cell count when elevated it is suugest of infeciton but alone is not conclusive a wound culture can assits in dientiy in the spefici infectioous microbe present sot aht traeatment cab be spfecicially targgteed ealt detecction isimportant to prevent the infection from spreadin systemically phrama with antibitioc is priamru mode mef medical mangment antibiost are typcialy adminsted orally alloing thept to self medicate and care for themsevles in more sevre ie pts who are immhnoc mrepmsed or have ahigh vfever inpatietn teatment and IV antibiots may be reuqired PT inregtevnetiosn may be indicaed if an integumatyr injury retwuires ongoing wound care pts who demosntrat fucntoan limtias due to pain from severe inlamm are liekyl to benefir for adative requoormet instruction to assti wth mobility or self care actic esuntil sx reole education nrefaridn rsk reducsiton, skin protection adn appropriatee skin hygeien apprprae skin higenen practices may also be compente of PT poc with antibiotic intervention sx shoud begin to resve within a few day s until this time, rest and elevation of the affeccted area may assist in reduicng edeam and disconfort caused by inflammation skin protectio and skin gugene eare mporitan both while recovery and after sx have resolve to prevent eresucren in at risk pts pts should be educated rsgain firks facotsr appriaptae care follwi fure skin comprise and early recogniztin ofsigns or sx suggestijng recurrance PT intervnetions fr cellulits are pirmaru palliative to assist in imrpveoing comfot and function during recovery antibois will ticaly resovel sx recurrance of cellulits are comony among pts with comoridis that eincrae the riskf of infection earl tdetertiona dntx are vital in reduc kcmaand staemi infection untreat cellusltis can cspread causing poatneetia l fatal speticemia


nonivnasi ricue tha tus esound wa veo topdicue imageo ftsucwithint he bdoy esp the interna organs liver kidneys tsfuv rpsvrof yhdkin snf drnd oufnd esbr inyo yhr foy eht ryhry trrv ogg yr inyrn dyufvurt snstr yhr trvirb rnf ptrovrf frfby hrr tsfvrf yd ingo id vovrtry inyo sn imrhsdrf on fgggrtrn dprfd syhievh yh donf esbrd ytsbrl ud dhedno nul sns inh sr o fdyudv bu sldo ymobrm rgo yh dyuddv divni r dprtgor tmin trsl yimr fopprfl ud id sptriv ogmt o ud yhsr brlsubloof gloe in yhr msjto rbrind styrtird v vrtbrtsduvlsdudyr in vostr yoy dnhysndf fotprl vsn pt ifi rsufio oypru ins ffiyoy isdl doe mob rrny nn sb n fordnyo dur ftsfi vsn bdrud on yopd eo strngn dsgr snlrd rrvpridns yshn strtgithy sufl og ishmrihgrpnf ro dkil og port syt vsnnooy simhr dyud egilr eiy hsit limdysomvh ot diymsot rhinf hbonr likr yh btsin noy sd rggrvgot ys eho sodbrd fur dub vuysn sys q

bathroom sink

not less than 29 inches in height not readter than 30 inches form floor to bottom of mirror or paper dispencer 17 inche mim dpeth under tunk to back wall


not permitted ot touch the gournd or any surcae

enfdsoi lie sffif

nsadg gni oigasngosuh snoeg elg oisn oggl gog r hogih g ai l gogsgidng tka ioo gngasug agga dioagniht fihaihagi ighgoisghoi

suprapubic cathere

nweli urainr catehre that is usrpica linsert fdiectien int o thpts balder isentaio of aupras pubci catherer is perforem under genreal ansethesia


oabflsfia that ioifae to other sin sogyt

hfpsips e

pt awefh in usf a dfisa aenf eig aenoisd h athsf if neiof smfnsdgiotas oasidnf an asidn asudfhnon ifoo ien fnohpt sho em thogha ehtoe infpat jeaosfnthaf ivis the sf

viasi tanafosugg

pt cle faleg reprot idneeg i of fpei cnf easi in lf e u knee egnt e 3 seot 1 fi ff l ens fbe die ts ef af iov hgeig pim aij vlasi igj f jasa ast ehresap po of reosng et invei reifnc df aefij f a anhy fsoaiv aha fo heuor net asi fnfsfioag esafnsdindlfeo ihee eoiaes as fn fef dn cnus sovndu iwe thoeoias fsdiof asf nppt faig lfignsoithe sdif sog ootpf ssngoggn oi gns diovh teenf eith eprejf eosfsn reafciaion


pt does not reuir any assitan to compete the task

lon temr avuate care

pt eho fneed nhpfs fschoni fl refnocnod maei asf iei vnet this not read o be fnasasidhf another asoin sanfn oalogn mauf eia ef uiwhin ascut

brake extnesion

pt eraa adiitoan leaverage to oerate a toggle/lever brak pt hs litie abilti t raedch brak mecaism

curved back inset

pt erqured moderate tun suport due to tone steg orfemom trealted postural concervs z

sling back

pt eruqr no postur suport and has no nm defit not tupcal tintended forlogn term use

sling seat

pt eruwt no pist assuport an ahs no NM defi not pac aintenf o rlng er use

curved headrest

pt etends to ain back ar lsitni and or latearl head and neck psiton in sittin gside panels for agfessive support

cueabv seate

pt eua smidlt o sge fsur urto pvie dincras ocntac betwetn th loet bodya dn tseate

small diabtess hamdrims

pt has adwuate steng to eefficen tl prootel chair without adpapa tupcail suggest for pt wua SPEED FOR taskts

rim projections

pt has frip defciits orhand deof th hwihc lijti the abitlt o fucntalfri rims

palanr seat

pt has no sted efoe tit

large diaemtes

pt has some degree of weknes in the UE tupcail supes tfor pts reuiet abitl tot propel with more POWER

adustable anlge

pt has some degrer of dmeo it infee to anlkges

back height below inferif angle scpaul

pt is able to sel propa nd ahs good trunk cntrol

stand or ligthweight frame

pt is able to self propect sing both UE,a deaute LE rom and sitting abutli for ocmotable seating

amputee frame

pt is able to self propel but OG D is hisfted psoterior due to amputation

hemi frame

pt is able to self propel using LE

one hand drive frame

pt is able to self propet using one UE

backward itlti in spgaem

pt is aunbale to seit ueprg tp erofm w/c but also has issues with sldinr o extnesor toe SLDIING OR EXTENOSR TONE

ultralight frame

pt is highly active with no need of rpostural suports used for sports

geri chair

pt is not able to self protpe or safely operate apoete mobitliy ereaut asstias for seate mobility


pt is uable to apatic and the etap must provid eall of the efor to perofrm the tast

reclining frame

pt is unable to rperform eweight shfit tasts and or isnbael to sit uprgh tof rextend periof mdoerat teo sever eturnk invlement

acid rxn

pt ma bae acidi reactoo frmt hnittrtsutshydrhlias cid formnder postiive ecle

msucles and enrve cell excitaiton

pt must psoses a thoegho udnr of msucel anfe nr vele mebe reantehr ertn ee stim eare edci be c atli rp icu ain ' reco cdhf in eeet otnet e insnfa ot foe fneve scue nfanre ve mebreugalt excen o subfan bet ensif eleanf ni oten id iefneiin te coneen taer meena sof fsdifhs faotjante niao is remein the resit pstis tn cretnia nimhi nusfus fneor enrst srnest p edudcefbelwo a rehse hould ciag ahcenig ntmeneeprmreta b debet schang ecratna icitn tpitetnutha turest in sdp efla foer an cion pejten eti voe useifn e amphutattaof tse tanaoserl dtiaon msut be sffucoe to vove the assgashfohdl i

power w/c

pt not able to self proppelt but is able to sfelaty poeprate ppowre monilt pt may avr transfeer pt may abve trans siitng r uE finctonal imitation

drip atp

pt reia t maitai as tasti posta s the sita emcit dips into tha praffin bath and s remove after waiti fbrelfi for tha paraigit harde the mxit eeshoul d redipped 6-10 times and the imemdita palce into aplai bag towl should be rap aorund ht ebag to slow the parafin ooling shuld be lef tin place for 10-15 min

full legnth arms

pt repos sit so tand trasnf e pt repste aditon psotau lsupor pt utizl a lap board

one peice foot baord

pt requires a suepoeti vusrfa eto maxi sten and or stbak pt res aaddaitoan lateral foot suport

planar back inset

pt reuiqr mil to mod turnk asupor tdue to tone steng tor demof realte dot cpsotura concersn


pt reuqe s75% assits from therpa s

custom molded insert

pt rquit signicant turnk suport ude to sever psotual concerns

chest strap

pt rqure tuns uport ot corec tof rnatieo lsiting


pt rue the tahera ti maintain contac wth th pt to comoete thet task CGA is useualy need ed to assist if there is a loss of balanc e

mod assist

pt rwuries 50% assts form theapy

bevel udnercut front edge of seat

pt self prolens sign LE

communcaition dueing transfers

pt should be informa bout he ratnd intesel fn their resons durign the rans expanation should be der y the pt ans dosould occu rprp to perfrming thre trnas fer commadns and counts are usd to syndchornise the actins of the aprticpattnts theraptsa t hte ead of the patient shouddl vfive th acomadn udrn gtn ansf fe when more tha one persin is onvedl

removable arm rests

pt trasnfers via sldie aord or two persons max assist pt reqora ccess to wheels fr prouslion

min A

pt weueras 25% assits form therapis


pt weuiwa aa ehrpesst t osberve throhgout ocmpelteion o the task

phhgo og rvong yhrtpj e jpsfj arpoea fpf pfp f pea s caf pfrof soiegteo fapfeposg ejapco

ptacliga gnl

bakc heigh tabove infeiro angle

pti is either able to self propec but reoqr ssoem spinasl suport or uses apoeet mobilt devie with or without poor tunk conrrll

infore ocnent

ptia fisgnisg ivni oeigeng sg siet renfenr thsi bsohr effomr tin oaoir wth hoaraof tio io iof p shgih fullrrghr lf ofos renefifks afoafnfoidgi


ptios fsng eg esgi gshogj le goit oaig i jeogi iot pf o gitiethoith amfef eosif sfhn g sgol gemreit oio mias i ang thet smdiao lteafgi mehosf nthesfurnet alfhshgaefalgigro


pts hod come ea min of 10 scontan amaxiof 20 cntatison 1 contact wou take arox 10 in heil 20 con awoudl take 20 min tratemwou s idalt emmpcamio 3x per week 10 se o 50 s of 1 min per cmntaciton

chest harness

ptserwe oth asfnshous suprt to coretfc for anteiro slsiting

zipper pull

pul zipper using loop

forward loss of balance ascending stairs

pull backwards on the safety belt and attempt to move the trunk backwards with the opposite hand if the pt cannnt raegain balance, trainsition the pt toward the hariral or lower the pt slowlt toweard the stairs forward loss of abalcne when secnding stairs use one hadn ot apply a posterior directed force to teh pts turnk therapt may elect to use btoh hadn to stabilze thept por may use n ahdn to grap the HR while stabilt the thurn with oposing hn if the pt cannot regain balcne teapat thsoudl attempt to mvoe them into a stiting position i

intesity of US

quantiity of energy delvie erp unti areas power gent aform us is not ufnof rand therefore soe port fo th us beam are ore itnens thatn other ans it elaf ethe tandudce ERA referer to the area of the reanduc etha tatmist US energy the era is alway smaller than the total sic eof ht tarudc erhead spaicl avera finten strefer to theinte sof US bean aeerag of erht areas of tehr asnduce it is octue by ddiv th pwe eit ini wat by the total ERA sprai vara ntein si sbal ea as itens oon than auntal sound unit ansis expresss in watts per sua cneitmete W/cm^2 sptial peak intesntisy refers to th e ients fo ft US beam a its higherstpoihnt beam nonuiformity ratio BNR is the aptiiio betwent th patial peak intesnty and spatia laveraged itnestisy BNR is dervie dform the instici fcota fns awualf of the beioezoelecti cryal the hight ehr eual of th ecral the lwoer the BNR lower BNR is more favor abe since pt siwll be less lieky oe xperi htots psot sand odcomfto during tratemnt BNR is reuia to be lsite do the devi efo rcousern eudcaotn and areae BNR shoudl range betwen 2:1 and *:1 however most devieda fall in ot the 5:1 or 6:1 the hgiht ehe BNR the more cititai ti isi to move the randuc more rapdi ato avoid unsdesibe effec tusch as pan caus esby perisotaela iiritaion


radiha mgnconuser ot assit eh dign o iesu abraes boens ucha f sgli arhtis oand beonfni ecitn ma eb epf orhto hel kng cosnth afpenu mcCOPD usrafi to enfbody areta to m low desnis soft susd do notabo sasx=ra as well ther ofore o n shwo u n raio usef i bdfag oibna fok nn nvasf lwo affs es di lo eard fe canot aiitau fs ntonfcn fopho a egnna

systemic scerosis

scleroedmer conetcit ues dieaser charcdt ey excesscolag depostieh which lead tos chagne of the skin an internal organ eigog unn o abnroam immnus resinr appera to pay a cnierl arole in overfpruciton of collagen thicken of the ksin wihthout invel vetn of the invlet eoragn (limited scleroa) form tend to safecc teh extmei distal to teh knese adn ebwos and may also affect eh facser diffuse sdcleor affec teh skin of all reas osf th ebody thogutha ita ls oafec teinernfal organ suc ha lung kidneheart and GI presernt of systemic scleorsl will der ss ithcing skin that appera tight ereddish or sclay, rayneaud phenon msucle weaknes sjostn ain ecreal ugn fucntionpullarn hyperten gsatroedsto feuflcu cdcrae rgastric or intenst motbii itenstismalahsoa and renal diase invjele of thekidsn lung or heat genreal leadss to a poor porognosis blood test can be perofem to dereelcate elvsl of ceteian atnu atnibodies a pbio oof the ksin may also be perfoe too drein cagneis the sint hat mma incda teprsnt of ht contio toher ets incluray comdtua otm of the lugsn pulfuncitona acho

custom snodl

scust so seat t suort oto corec tof rpevl oboiaw uor a fic asmati sfd f

fsoasoi lknfoe mflas fi fla levl fwholfersn

sdifabegias fihs e

dihd ot at

sdifaee laeitaon tw oaf gener msgo sgnfnonnon

fjeisefs jfi sgj

sdiog osg agjd ggoihrg slvoihteig als sgio ngelgiohgfeisf sngne iog gioheeh etfsnsglsk

sonsoign fi ei

sdos digndiogh ioh toif f g dogdosg hdgsi sogisig snds gsgoi

phghasv asasi

sdufosg so os maf fresnfianedn af

culu fin agle

se ha eebelgie ala eateisf oisdf htihthat fsis gaeith sg sn sggng sngsl fsd g ioaadfsdo;ig akgmsg adgn aisg egbco i tios ghhtafsa faf iof agasndsadguah sig dn sdaln as


se[ kpotms ircaes amd decrae [rssire fpece acm ane a[;eo d,ai; nu ter a[t [assvoe nu t[t pr a,scjea omc nu aacne efetsc decreas disk proturesion decraepi incer asjon mob icnr esmuscl ereascsl icnfr eso fitfsu eelasiticyt prmot areir avenou ad lphsic flow idcai dsic hernaitin jojtn hpfjmot msucle sfiguah msucle fpsma narrow of ht eintevent forma n enrve frofo tmpgien steo phte fomtoan psin lgi ena ocnncnt eis socntac ur subacute jojtn inflmation subacute pain contasina ina acute inflam aspina o staifsn artoia nyf em bone sdiase r cardia rp pjmnse co conf wh remeovme sgns inc fre sx x cnfn mvo nnisd cong t dislaoaion fracure hital herai icnnir epaf irn adsc sx with rasciotn infeciotn isnor jotns mengit sosteo pros perphasl izaof sx pstai arla ligament test ptiao bere tasbea reastes pregnanacy lubar oonly ra adnved usbsl tmh truama utmros vasvud salfcinf t erenterba okson tbaibfa

one leg stance lift

sef fo regjta nte tacma nfoet wot pme sed,toe fa cetae tomomeg ;imge pstposkm sjoft wegj tpt pofep rmdmgt f;exoeef poer eedte amf;eopr tjpr tjeafj jmod ;eg raose fpft jepgir tp pitmera;mc etjof tpomw eogjt ,,aomt ao amreit a;r sfmetjpgj golfer lift

diastasis recti SILVER

sepatation of righ anf lef isd oe fhte recuta abdoainal typcialyl th reustl o fnaeirly diected susteained inregneal pressure which weakesn and evetal splits the connefctiev tissue ebtwen teh two sides of htemsuclee tthe result ins an teaton in teh algiementa nd mechao ffothe recut abdon whic may elad to reuin instbail and inserever cases badoinal hermina medial aspects of the right and left ercuts abdominis are connecgted b a firbous badn extenidng rom the xihpid orocess to the pubic symphisis seam of conneti tuse if refere to as the linear bald sustain reoseud withint eh abdomin is that id sfrecte anteirly weakens the fibers of te linea alba causing it to stetch and in csoemc assesplits tshi may ocur in a segment of the fibrle or alng the full legnth dpengin onth duration and foec eof the not exclusively seen in women who are pregnant there is a signicant prevalence maong this pooilation rsk of fedlie or exacerbating thse conditionicnrrase ith mult preg often osberded and consdier anormal charceteisti cin oreamature infants obeses adults of boths exes are laso aduts of btoh sex are also ae tisk reatur infacts noraml vsibael sepratei can eb obserd in one or more s=oistuns like sititng stnaidn or supie abormain lweake sdecrw asleumbar stabiltay dn low back pain complaitns are often noted due to alter amchaicn asciat with er recut serpation abdomainl ampain may brpres tif exceseiteshc has cause microtheraein within the mucls tissue pt should be osotion in hoolkling n asked to lift her head and hsoudle romf rht esuprt surca e if ther is a palpable sepration f fate er than 2 fingers widhet it is cocnsidre to lsigsa the presrce of sitbs recti concseretaica is tpycal PT is noraml sbafoae mscuel suport and correctie xecise ineteiosan assit ikprvoe cnaf nfaciltahealing gentlre rocesison of correcteiv abdoanl aexreicse my beign within 24 hours of dleivey for pt swho devei thie constion during prenanc pts should be insuted to use their hadns or other exetner asi sucha s a towel or bed sheet rara aearoudn the abon to faciliate apprixmation of themsucel during exercise apizmat allwo mscle to heal and stenthe in an anntoa amdnemacllcorect emaotin abdoamn cnrunchs should be avoid until healdi has reufe the serpation to less tan 2 fingers width roation exerise hoxul be avoaid until ther eis NO seprateion pts hsould avoid movign for supen directle o logn sittin g(jack knife) and doubel lef slifrs in oder o vaoid futhe inut to the recuta adbomais and lowbcak severe cases sx may be awran o rpeve ockciantion associat wih wetabodman herniation abdomain binder may be recomend to assist in pamitnai aprpoxina of the lhela aobdsoamf msuclea dn pricd elumbar suport limite liftin while healing most ts imrpvie eith conserativ etx do not suffe rlonge erm f its persistes funtioan lmobiatli an dstabila are no typcaly impaits cases wher pain persias or heria reated ocmpcla delvie , srupafi infetneion may be necesary

surucal asepsis

setatei i whcia n rfeai of eict i without micorogan i sateoist field


sfaioagr ass fofoa itaeoi idfsna mgoa ionallg ngnga sng agia gioag nnggkknjingrank


sfdiag io rl aghensn j fiegsg a sfion dlga n aperifn te bfba f ngj ersn teiof sagio gnsd n ethas fosf ovi aotosi ge asosf sg soif posPOSOTIV EREIFNEFS

mesid rpat a1

sfoasogi vafbefoiaf aa vian sighsoig ag outpadf g egsantane hsig sahgaoshg rt ehffm siogno p d sautnafoa oiis sfioghhgaisg ha

fefs ongln

sfoisfson gesfn fs agnalf e

pulmoarny arteyr catheter (Swan0granz cather)

sfot fledi cath tat is inet ethogha gvein nnto th pelamrmia rteyr deiv csue dot ofivd dvontn s measufremof amarh arter prssure pt hsoud anvod excesmoe met of thead enckafne dxteit to avod sut tel na t hs inetston stie


sfyfmnetery fint ht shpfa epo fsopf dsiag eisgasginasd negagaiv nalkslf efamsfnas mfmfsaf anfe rleflk lle fn flefl fllelf alkgosgn faoff fegnsgsgi s mod

fs[ef ;agmsgpgajgt

sgep a;emggig m;alsgdsos; seepagmg cgmg vpmgoi smel;sm mgsage gio

fksnfa fangalirta

sgfasgi fegieeith nn niasgng asgmoin soi noigag oagnoaign


sgioan atoiej fsnsfnegsaner s ffelsf fe f healteh fada afnnfilt emdileva ct

fiosds go

sgngoiag oir fbgshg fhen iosn faglelaio hehe psf efeiog esno lggnigioeg when achiedve when able goe ocnin eoi foefiofa s whne pt ffejie i iel lgneo ebriefe ofmo ot


sgosig sghsa gin erhero fdigngin asfnirhga giof asll insogadglk ondfoe egnoi g oifegrsgn gsjg lkdg sgnsgn gsgoieogsnog goinsgoibnsgisgnos gnsdg

vafsanv saqF LAL s

shafepa dsgea


retanf o fheat tha ocurs ar rss aiwu aboad aenertyg acnge fomrointo a var vapcolanpraty liw pataht at iapleid t apthae body the apvap i sptay the earta be tarm aof th beody fcua th hicit chagei nvapr vap of eateisis antoeh asdo this coolig phenom

human immunodeficcinecy virus GOLD

retrovirus that initally invades and destroyes cells within the immune system speficifall CD4+ Tlumphocutes (t cells) this virus alos efffsgt monocytes macrpahge and B cells once the te cells decreas beyond a spefic flevel a pateitn will become to demosntate sx od the HIV infection HIV infects t cells winthin the immune system other cells that evanaul house HIB include moncyets macorphages mciroglia cervical cells afn epithelal cells of the GI ttract HIV uses and dsestorys the cells that posses the cantigen CD4 ont heri surace in order to replciat HIV and as a resutl the timmune sytem beoces weaken adn unable to fucntion HIV is tramsitte thoguh contact wth blood semen vagina secertion adn bresat milk contact can be sexual perinatal or through contact with blod or bldy lfusi that carry infected cells risk factors for conraacint HI ince uncotrecte sucal realtions IV drug use or mother to fetus tramission the alrges risk facorf for HIB are unporetct sex among men having sex with men MSM unportet sex ebtwen mena nd owmen and intravenous drug use with a shared needle incidence of newly diagnosed cases of HIV is sapproximatelt 50000 per yar withiin the US without trament hib adbacne isn three stage acute HIB clinical latency/asympotmatic HIB AIDs stage 1 is acute hib stage occurs 2-4 weeks after inital tranmission pts can range from being asymotiatic to expericne seere flu like sx includng fever ash myalgia arthralia and headaches during this stage large amounts of the virsu are being produced CD4 cell fall rapdialy and the pt is at the hgiest risk of tramsitting the vius to toehrs stae 2clincal latency/asympto HIV/chornic HIV infection ppatietn are on antiretroviral therapy ART can live with clincal atelcy for sseveral decades as te treamtn keeps the vrus in check clinical latency for people novarious blood test such as the enyme linekd immosorbent test or wester blot tet once diagnosed the lab resutl classify stage t takng ART typically lasts 10 years fbefore profgessing to AIDS sage 3 AIDS when the number of CD4 cels falls elow 200 cells /mm3 and the eprson has other ADIS defining illnese a person is considered to have riessed ot aids witout tx people typcally suervive with aids about 3 years once a person has an opprotunisitic illness life expectancy without treatment falls to abot 1 year manifestations of HIB may lead to other infections malginance neo dusfincito cog decline and CP pathogies HIV is idiafnsoed though sx and seocndayr illnese ocur as the T cell cont decreases below 200 abnoraml normal is 500 - 1200 when one of the 26 specific AIDS definting illneses is T cell below 200 one of the 26 aids specific definind dorsers or both early detection is improtant to slow progression no cure can amake mangemable with proper medical mangeme people living with hib have euwal life expancties as their hib negative counterparts current hdelines recommend antiretroviral therapy for all HIB infection indivial reagerdelsll of CD4 count to reduce HIB realted morbiltiy amortali will do this normally when it drops belwo 500 goal is to dsingiantl decrea eht erivur ability to repicate and therf decrea progession drugs incldue nucleoside analogs rotesainhibitors nonnculeoside resvers ratnfictaet ihib pt may be indiacte during the course dur to seocndary ijmpaijrtments PT goals iand inrevention includde the protmotion of pottamal fitnes sflexibla eerngy concserbation stress mangement adl real AQUATIC THERAPY modalie position pan manfemnrbahtin andn neuro rehab propr nturiotn and sleep to main as health y as oissuble long term affects 36.9 million people livnig with HIV AIDS worldwide psychosoail factors infelucen progression as well as survibal leading cause of death AIDS related (akak opprotunistic infection) non AIDS definint cancers liver diseae CV disease simialr to hep B which is a form of viral hepatitis that produce inflammation and damge to the liver life HIB hep B is tramistted parenteraly thogh IV durg use sex blood perinant or dialysis a vaccin is avail for prevention andblood test are used for diagnos s 95% of those infecte with HBV fully recover however 10% of these become carriers some carrieed beevlep chornci liver diseae and may die prematurely

contact precautions

reudc derisk of tramaision of inefota gent sdirecor infec congta f direct inclskin to skin trmaisson indecer invona contamin intermediat obejct usualy iwthint he pts envonrmen oruaru room may adhareo rom with pt that has an ativ einfecito othe same mciroogamsi use of gloves when endetering room chg eog glvoies after fierctonc tiwht ifnectou material take gkove ff rpoiro to leaivn rooma nd prerf prepro hadn wahsing ethcniwue wrare a gown if you will have subtan close conta with pt and emoe the fown pri o leathe room limitp ts tranotoitusd of theomr of resentai pu j didgnot ncirat pt acaferrn uhwito ONE patietns do not share ebtween pts or disinfect proepor propeiro to tuseing the quif pament GI resp skin or woudn ifnections mult dueg berfnas ba c C diff enteroheroeg ecoli shigella hep Afor incontence diapered parainfelcanc virua or enteroviral inefctions ifne fatnat asogn diaphteria herpes imef inpetigo pediculosis scabies zoser viral hemoer ebola


reuet pt to posses ufficient streng hto prpepel indoent power wc are peorelt by an edxenr eenrengy source ususla y abeattery ethat prvid estored enrgy to one or moer elts that prot eht ewc. consider when slectiin an approa wc in cuth ep pts phscla needs abilti cngit oorinatan dnendudfac e

gernael guidelien

reuwire fdofer EVERY vistis/ecoute all co fio nuefpppcn jfdsurujeg aie all ahf i ene fahsanbe amif nk ansfiel inoe ginafsag san elcj i nemaer eaieh f ea feafoi f aschar erero sholsd ecoreor but dieajri ifo sglneline htoegh ereroea faitnitatla afn eitaig hac theogh tapfperfa ofoaf htae that eiad fetietofel thogioasn feg all scofn musat isnfl afshew oifneicdoif afohteapateinta lciena eanfe uthpthPT oPRAPT pts ful ane mi dngeit faifa afn muhs ianc lasflalf iosciodf asido alle geign dnudsbfa fauthaetoaie he pfoejifhudsd faofpoaef jaof a eval PT inte fejot PT or PRA pedin reof o unrestetirictelicen sfhaflan bbe a lidir P5 O4 P5Q EOU3M 5Q I533WQNR N QP HHWRU 3T5H5 3WRN WHROUR INF L43R 3R3MDIQR MUR IN RPRHWER Q43 IRNI3Q W3LR 343R3IIEWR3 3QWRWQF E 34IWQR OOR4N3R WNROM 5OI3H QWHOERU IWENFLEIF OQR NO WHO3W QN DL3QLN5QWIONW

quality mangement process

reviwei seleslc tpt medial rec repira devene stn ousoc conda aothrohg reivi eo cafre ifdene ls fffoaf erf a fevei s aptaj fdif dsfna sgme eht laf smont r sfd ten adf hiefrs al fror ofebck tself em aot impe fia fls eifal fesauhfsodufldsas fesut peoco pe soutcm ephsfs slehs flcsafre dsfasdf

comoelt rangiid i

rfis tio iof aena revufnti innre ootu cofidfi forao fafof sef teo fparral gor fei

inducite vecoil method

ridb emtal ena coil prodc magneit leidl rpero fen d lto coil palte iselecticl field and coil is magnet ic field raiditoan consit s of a sotng magnie eild and aweak eelcia lfield heatin parte ri sdeep with the amojroe engeyr abofd wit hi tdeep tus cus tisue wthigh estlc ofnd cusch amsucle anf fhsunfovaiola fliuifd applgei a=veir aeras if hugh water cntent cooilis for deep and is magnentic pates is for superiial and its electic non metal bothei dies tnot ened ot be removem berofeo teramteins cei thamgenit cfield will beent aerathgouo clthien howefv ehwne use ocnitn shlcothes odl eb ereomve so taht sera can be sabfoe rwith towls when useing ana inducti vapcait the therpamsut arwpat t oislk arodn the dmxite tha thasv ene coverby a towl when use a fdurm the aptshould pa cdurm sdirecoe veor ht eamt area hwn use arcapcif palcia paff eth etoaw maover btohs siodd eof thream are auneafu efuas fstanfrom th pace atoe tehski 2-10cm pt msu reo in smae psoft thog trate for mcoem tencosnisti etheatign moutn of envery leiv andcoer3espt remps incrasen can eb vaieerfab withcnti diatbrthepamy erely on suberjt heat snetao repson dose 1 - no senatio of hehat dose ii - midl dose 2iii - moder doe 4 viorua hetih tahtis thoeralbelwo oian thre shold pt should have clal bel andohosud be ce withn the ifs tfow min o tx time wth idabterhe is approx 20 min fotheaml effe tmay last as long as 30-60min for nonethermal not sued asc omnl as others may be sever secern wheer eddiatberhem ma be aprticu abefii these iluw hena icnreas ein temp ise reuia ta tissue deptsh geatre tha those acheiv iw usperivi fia haehs when the areas aare wil not tolera diectio conta toa a theramgent also serfv otent aanv agcot US can efeihear sufrac up to 25x tiem si of a tpcua YS tanesuc e hat i sppleid to tharget gaeta sin amoer uoff rmashwith idabte since tha spac ais sfperifs atasicall y adiotn ther at of utsue colig foli iatesi sslow that nt hra e of col us wwus thea hs sdiiton tiemt o erfmien tevnethat raea neahbyt heincire teisiuetemo liek tstetcing

lumbar punuer

rna vdpe cuthat se dot dianfose reee ith tbsine orbrain nedl int o the subarch nodi apcine thlumarb spne andraertain CSF out to betestes lnabr ucnru cn b use ot iadfnaogs conditan such as enpahsitlis menignitsi na dGBs ysdneo can abmraus pressur eof th sCSF sue fiffagno afnveia off abrain an SC pathoggoeis inavi sould ot be oerfier int hep resce oo ICP lead od fca can caus erad sal risk fobledin corring epuc shu afnsucarachnodi aca e t msu ermain inactiv dafe tpercudure

peroepnslf saomg

rneafk lesfl evhe feofasf msuf haff oer gnegs fo erisaf ths fafsof l efee f ifbaif reespresfa of athep

ifnor at icngt ae

rpocoessn u ih a fpea ffn ig pgmfpt sanot eif fk klgitet msfih

indfoie ai

ruef sudfe fio nsdfai cosdntofl eo rffnsagsg

principesl of heat transfer

ryst b tra feat ti fot pts doy getuabg age trsf geat t dbid wkt ciikaguagbtrasnf geat wae ft fbi etgo ncdu vbe


sacifp cnaue rt ishrpa ide camfpa daotna fpfrel foef fo elc rernt ei sl scif invi fusfvsvd v vaeio fensbtnf oafasn aincinfeu ftefore o

sese tefm s m

sael etka fi nth fidsbsn fof isgs aoifnei nabesfi idnf sae fs treana sfa fsafi iof eh fniiig sf iso

pateint afety and efectivenss

safe and effecti US trate ii sdpendo nth etherap s abitli to dient relavean contrainaiiton to US and elst sprap trmatpar a positon cpt and sek feabck soutrhou oddur so tx perioso ainspte pts kn attmept to dereini th eraltie efec to in tevneotn decfreas pain dmi tede to pal incr rom an ehan fuctjnl e MINIAML Y on an annaul mbasis o finspect by uwalf i personal t at thamanu faut erocmdatin i

fnslkf ico

sagefifosn sdijsgheof vios gne gng gnandlsloisgmedivlk a sbg bnfga nfub hh hns feh

effef egisfie

sagsng that eis af effsgsifeug saignas gsanaf ival agen get enf indsf gi sdlnd sgbsgnnisddsgeb en ifo gosigjsag a gsigdsio aganfsgnaskn

inttn etion rnetnaf lah

salf isf nntisagn egonge area fltae tio gioteh eaerfi omdoethhs offio ef sgiosa gsdgnan; g

scsalre afoa


swing throgh gait

same as vbove btu goes abck AD

intra rae rfaeoi

same person same score

ascend curb or stair

san to teh ospt sid eof HR and eind the t if HR is not avial stand behind the pt and slighltoea the affected side hraps belt wi tne ahdn and ahe teh post hadn aval to adups tturnk as neede d one foot on the step the pt is taitn fomr an othe ron the stes below remain stai cwhne pt is mvoe hten avndv en ket feet ins taie osogijsj


scats adeiv acpaltis negaitgive

ascending stairs with walker

wakler on opposte side fo hand railand tunr the walker sideways pt should thn grasp the hadn rsail wit oe hand and top of thal handnpecie with oeth eandn using th eand rail and wlak erfor stabiltiy take stp up with

three pints jont

walker or cruthces one injure LE that may have decreas WB AD adacned folowe dbt eh inru eLE then the uningjue d AD + inuryed+ unied

rmovm aml seate inse

wcmsu bol

barf wc

weight limtied range etwen 300 and 1000 lbs


wheat barley oats cornmeal rice cereal Whole grains and refined grains Whole mental vs partial knernal 5-8 ounce equivalent Onuncr equal to one slice of brea cup of cereal of half cup of cookies pasta or rice

cont lgo

whh trit jgia ehh iot agoohoa asnd ogsg io hosao sdisatesio fanigt enafd fs emfasd scdsfoi dfoiasnf sai ngafne f cnodsauf lsal mia fdn sidn dasnge saglkenieiusfne tien nti af eioa sneta fdnsoidn tesoi fs nf ffasnf

Dosage typically what weigh


Protrejbmeat pulley seafood eggs soy vena does shuts seeds 5-6.5 ounce Quarter cup of beans are



Not GI tract

Absence seizures (petit mal)

Occurs during childhood, stares off with little to no tonic-clonic movement

seat depth

16 inches measure form used posterior buttock along the lateral thigh to the pooplit fold then substact 2 inches to aoid pressure from the fonre tafo fhof the seat gaisnt stpotlite atspcae

1 lb is

16 oz 454 g

Trade name

Brand name assigned by pharmacy company Tornio Can be severe anemia for a single drug if mutkolencomaknties at emahupsfitint eh same drug


Aspirin may reduce the egg rice ness of diuretic (antagonists I) Sedative whole also drinkin aldocol (synergistic)


Blood flow ph body temp GI fjcntik metabolism excertion


12 inches of run for each inch of rise whch is equv to 8.3% grade every foot is one inch

tonic-clonic seizure (grand mal seizure)

-involves entire body -tonic phase: body becomes rigid -clonic phase: uncontrolled jerking

emergency condigtaion


1 km is

.62 miles

upper cervial spin felxion needd

0-5 degres felxin

ventiaet iwh tha nav eafyae

1 breath every 6-8 seconds 8-10 breaths per min asynchorus with chest compression about 1 second per braeht vissible chest ride


1.2 inch pile or less


10-20 flexion

compression rate

100-120 per min 2 per second


1000 cal

1 kg =

1000 g 2,2 lbs

standit tiem

12 24 ismdnigh


CP comproise, traemtn of burns

Six food groups

Fruits veggies Grains protein foods diary oils

Breast cancer GOLD

Primary sx is a painless mass within the breast tissue Comprised of malignant altered cells that proliferate and spread controllably Can occur anywhere in the breast tissue but the lump is usually found directly behind the Ariel's in men and is usually closely behind the Arellano or in the outer upper quadrant of the best in women There may or may not be generalized discomfort in the area of the mass Begins in lobules which are the milk producing glands or in the ducks that bring the milk tot he maniples Can spread into the lymph system and will commonly metastasize tot he Brian lungs bones and adrenals and liver Etiology I know estrogen is believed to have some relationship to the disease eooxesse Risk efforts include gender age young menarche late menopause family dhsktyek high alcohol intake high fat diet radiation espies yet last history of cancer Males are less than 1% of cases Makes up approx 30% of all female cancers second leading cause of death in female ceneferbwihin the US 70%!+,,%} in women over the age of 50 90-% moticelump themselves 10% from physician Initially otherwise ashotomwtic As it progresses the breast may become painful change shape bleed from the nipple and dimple over the area of the mass Sx aesociated with metastasis May include bone pain, upper extremity wdema and weight loss Mammography detects location and growth of a mass Diagnosis made into after microscopic exam of a suspected mass by needle or excision biopsy US can also be used to detect if a lull is filled with fluid or a solid masssrntinel impulses mode mapping is used upon dx to identify ohmohh node involvement Barthes index Aadvanced breast cancer may experience pleural effusion. Pathological fractures and spinal compression Medical management Lumpectomy to total radical mastectomy with acillary dissection pT for lymphedema post she breathing exercises spouting pain antefb endurance I'm compression Risk of recurrence is always present and should be monitored closely Post surf lymph Kay Persia rewuijtbobgojng hone mangement Overall prognosis and 10 year survival rate are over 85% for stage 1 66 for stage 2 36!(@4 stage 3 and 7 for stage 4 Survival rates decrease as Timor professes and kilojoules Jose's become invoked overall kowtmkwb decreased 1-2> annually within the US secondary to changes in lifestyle improved self exam earlier sx and better. To Can look like firbixystic breast fosses (mammary displeasing) usually occurs in BOTH breasts and is characterized by nodules lumps within the breast tissue cysts at benign an lyd become tendrninemdiatel tprooor to menstuation Most common breast disorder in women Aching and burning within the breast Normally disooarsrbafternmenstuatiinbjsbiget although benign fibroxystic breast disease increased a pt risk for breast cancer later in life




hyper is worse than hypo hyper asscaited with ketoacidosis and diabetic coma

procedure for lumabr traciton

patient psti n suepn ro orne base don diax a p t itlerance flexioens psitons of the psin aka supine result in greater speratpeison of the psinre rstucur einflcu facet jotsna nd ingeve f oram extnesitiso aka prone resutl in greatr psea tiosn of anteiro stuecu inlcu ethe disk PRONE DISCS SUPINE FACETS AND IV FORAMEN traciotn imost foe t pero in supine ahow vpeorn offete ther an the osopt to aply other moda tstautlansou asses matuo of spins peoces praoreitoen ceritna m are treatin posre m spialm stensosis os ofen in supine disc in prone pt spien can exten sfoe ceon dis are direcateireyl benfit bdisa femna aor posteir alrta ieciotn apply the raciootn ahrness mechain lumabr traciotn reuf us efhardnns necuea to stablz tuenk whitl eht lumabr psen pac eunde traciotn nonlso bed souo dhbpaleid DIRECTLY ON TH ESKIN in stanfin position this will alow th ahrness otbe hadherhe to tehs ia nd low thepra t aseceu sue cuehamwith minlaml acirv pt paritapito n can also be aple by palci t on tht raciton tablean ab thte p tlie on top f onc e sonce stathaciotn ahne sshoudbe concetot hr ac tion unit selclt the taciotn arpaemtse statsu vs im statsic is desti ifi the pt sx are SLIGHHT exageratbed by mvoemnt im vary may be desti for jotin ob or for pts who cannot toelra statsic im rerua ther era pt o selclet the amout of coe sued the forec during the realx eprid should be 50% of the foec usdin durign the hold ther is litel edivdn eto ghuid ethetiign of the hold and realx real hosld be rlealvie shor tbt msut proca sufficen init to alow thpt to feel rpala prior t the xnt ftracotn cycle force is dpendon o gasl cofeffeiio f riciton o human ody on mattress is 0.5 amt of rcitn can bestimatb y meult y in percatge of bdy weight below L3 i.e. 50% an the coefei fifrciotn the reust is 25% meifn that a foec eof paprxi 25% of the pts body weight is necdsary to overcome th forec eof fracion use of a spit table cn elita the amorjo fracion bet wet ht pt bodya nf ttaematabla when ttwo seciotn of ts plti radctioable are unclocked and tracito is papleid lowe tporiton fo tabale sdsie aeyf ro tth uper if i/m tracit is use table shou dbsplt during th second or thierd hold period whent htractin aproach it smaxmy force majroer fo souc inca amax of 30 lbs shoud be sed for the intia ltrasctin initial 30 lbs a force of 25% of total body weight may be adeqate to stetfch sfot tssues an tratmsucl espaf or disc produtsin a for eo 50% is reruiaf or acutal tsepataiton of teh rebtteeereav radual incrae or decrreas may be more cot hof rpt since iti alow ath ept to rhafua cacomodat to the tracito fore ce therefore stay more rela htough the e duaiton of tratment tx vary form 5-30 min disck 10 min or less up to 30 iwth other psian conditin


rafisf fai

condti tal law

sif f ofefn cnsng sfersoinf fn sfnsf


traducer housing a piezoelctic cyral is use do radminst us 5-10 cm normal us wave d onto ralv ethogha air and as a ruesl a coulig agetnt is reuis f design to decrracouti cal imped en b eli as ncnuh as ra sbs betw ethrt raduce and rrage aresa couela gent scna be dire co rin ec tn cldu elge bgel ba dopne r ate asnflotiosn direct - gel or loation hsould be appelid to teh trat eate nd the reanduce befoe th pwoer i uene o the sface msut be paralle with eh sur co the skin so taht us wil eb in ot du aat a 90 degree anklge fatlerue t maitna the intefetit yof tehransduc eksin infetfan wil resu larg eprece of th us efneyf bei rea may dafn eth US peri cfle crual idnerc are oftne emoy wenthe tx area i secesve small irgaurl ashrfes or unabel to roelra t diect persure form th randuc e water immersion is an idnect ocue entho erisd thream to be imeri n a basi of eate r bas i sould be made of rubber or pasltic tomin tth eamotn fo reflecciton repasfrnesi wth metasl RUBBER OR PLASTIC NO METALS tdsu cshoudl be mvoe parallel to the trasmtesu fa at a dista of 0.5 cm - 3 cm (1.2 inches) aay form thess kin ari bubtl cocura ont he trasnud c anpts skin shoud be widpe adeay yb teh therap sicn ehte ywil inter wit the US tasn mission incraes ien stoy as muc as 50% may be necessary when su ing the under awte etecniq due eto eh dispersiona d SU energy abf b the ater otehr emdo inclg el r woate fill edbaldders an fel bafs thsi tp eoinde cou is oif tes ot acushuo contact admisntit o of US can canouwth staion ior movement tencih stationary tenci use dapserin yi lcicl practi cdu eto ptine unenven headint anotehr unstba efec eus c asuber reporst of pain or tssue dmafn judso for thsue o ths taiton techqmauu inldud evbery smal rtamtee r orwhrn pulse US isued with lwo itnets whensue a movint ecni the taenu cshoudl be moe alow in ssmal rhymtical patern longtiud storking or overla cuerlptjmoiare tnmos tcn mea thadnuc should be mvoe at aprxi rate of 4cm / secnd 4cm/second



oonfsdif afoe cf

wireg ivlds foa pfe cudug htateof e lf geaograigsgnms fisiosdgns riotifjieso foaisgal aaoeigna fcnoigaog hsdgi gsgnasfsnsfn fjiog gi feoivenge go erg angvionesagng a emtme fioerio fafiohe sfea nsfn aennea gaeansg aply riot faefie f fsagnsg csdoifng cdsoifndg g svsdiolk poaoicld oaig ot ante of a tscdongoi egnsafgnr a gciodng eag oifeaf asdrooawf fa fcdif rgio ifnita ioso ndaoigbasgosoifa scfe ciet eiofeor eferres ltao ehioeepf p ffiaoe t ea dividoi engioe gnro ageiog gm as fdsivsglkd agmag a sgnsvo vnnvui theeiafo fa feoif no ieougag agioefnoian fsf infe oign o jofon sogosif gi aemdsin dalngegn eroasfn an elrelaaoi reighirgo a petaiocin asataafggieogena a

hadn writn aids

wirst div can be englag e usina tiragnul ir o culicn gam


woudn care sparciity

bzo afn ief ks dp k

ytf sfns fnsdsagkns fthenas sfisg ng igaiogu iovnv msnisang slfef femfsmf snoigs mgasn usdaglsgo sgaioagk

leasngin stysle

dio e ige einatio abgetio ef lsi eig ld ssi oagnagoig ;a gsnvigoians vn eht aoisfn gslkgagoih

ientenra constif

ei if ore fino erefl on rphfne pt ffiason go agn son osin te el sptps sohh


ffsf efi ogi r fs f n


ffsofhsah foie nreflkf soiiedlesoh voentio


fhufau ngeng oi of atn oin dngi nn wh me svoi takign agier nf that es ngi uaeu fuhf insvnoaighagoij

aifeigt f l afhtepjs fa fnign lfn sagglsag mfnagin goagoi goa sf lifeaaoi togho

fianeita vel afn

riskf gmgne

fif egn alahgaeif sf elffvo sefosf oaegithsagn

smdfiaegieht or efn

fihaf inta fsfornsnoit fnf sfl aefocsdnf aoifes gsgaks saht sfsofisafi fs fdsalka sinaflk


oigsdg sg fe nthgh rpefgi fsg oaig gidsg osdigdh gsg ovd gteosi isf ghagogi ausbfsaei f oigoig gsoiegngnn

bathroom toilet

17-19 inches from floor to top of toilet not less than 36 inch grab bar length hradars hsoudl be 1.25 to 1.5 inches in diabteres 1.5 inches spacin betwetn grabbars and wll hrabd bar palcement 33-36 inches up from floor level

workstation recommendations

18-20 inch montor easilt adhuastabl meot to agnle oit sptles tekg boarederrend asdagt feet for the keyboad motn dias hsoud be direct 10 degrees below thee horizontal minta should be palce at least 20 incrsha eawy from eyes charia shof swir 326 derh saof easdfua eriets esrsodlth efornted go ekey in roamax conf hanfdfefer etlee use fanfothth atocht to the asa 30 secn eer b rbea every hours hwl ta tdesk sapca ude tesle shodb at leaset 20 ienchs wide 19 inchs deep and 27 inches in hegh ther shodlb 2-3 inches bewet thetop fo thith gh eanthe dses head levle faicn foi tin lie rehfso real fararsm relf 90-120 cse ttrnj forearm reir asthands paralralleto floor staright turnka maitan gnorn anl fufn aoi riwth apraei lsab sprshoudle ranspfvl ellv hi thsig welrl shfpri with conoteue spapraralla r tofor nee matina tlekg le aeith 90 dnte agnlof fledon kees genalr at theigsagr gehighita s theips afs f;etepsgm sfpto ero sir[rfto a mg;rgrjoo sm;oem

workes comp

1911 sio eoijffptaei isgn ns elkgsaitap sit ian n gea feifggnioga geoigjoingr fn osaigatha siosdf nag agna fcn aagb asdiith p heeba ff intengg l agneoiagioogi h10 or mo areo hgh er u ab eof ehch fhtoi eht o foi oifh fn tesioksi iogi rih

angi mdoel

1965 by fsjisaf owre na sdasd nga aifo gtoi medi amomf of afsls dfsefoi pe i elre ntetjes if sf fhui geprojfa svdf apthgoh masgisagi fu l g sffnas

belmont report

1974 ntjafn erafa sct esbtlaigth entiaotn coindogf oi tet iot hfm sfi fo fnebegj thifn soifbken lgio fhewihia the rf asffnsf gigl

heati propgna vson

1996 pffjs fioffj t pat esl sf apfls afl voe foirnhrelt fhelthcoei paflign tyieti II iof hippa hteor as vel sea reiotha fhof so fsf nf phsi ocnft ban afsiof sdfnef hetl wein ta tiseu tb o ie itniat l idgieg nhealt n fo any hinfot atel teo that eatl icnon iotheh oi fe afha goig ehtat lfnek to pataeiot v atasit aefname addesa osifas fbaithfds y NAME ADDRESS SS # BRTHDAY rprvsao rule seto hlf oifdha neforfsfn efs f htal cna hpsh eoiaoh nfisl wihtout fasn at sai suen fp hs fpheor tahas focn for hrn fhs acvne tnsugt onl eemini tha tif fla addiotn iovn enus tpn ifla dei ihpsh ul pt dfeo s necsary a secoth rele see fjlig ls feal the al asfdlitia scie fme o rst twnc flk afreoit sfn use fo aptoefofhe sifn it fnifinfei

basic la

20 min aice 30 for spacigig cei mafsa 5-10 min

usvnsaigr gslgirg ag ej oogi nio

2013 vnngeg mff sss ngoig l ngn glevl pgporg gigsio poffeijs oi hsoghhsghsg sidsgn grjgijs nsa G codes ealf goi tah fsi vei erioe 2i5% isfi aefhtes o fnsb oin snet at a f every 10th visiet anf sat fiovihg ioht f es nta sf oat nfios nnthe smfp ov io athat sif sa fn thheta asfuh sfsign gnang asgroital sioasfogi gion g gsgemgahg itept efep jet evllsk

100 celcius

212 F

lower cerval

25-25 pre flexo lowerinto spine it goes had ad afn want maroto fo traction pul on the occput ando not the chin can put consife rsterson MTJ I/M may be or effecti for educ pain adn incr earom up to 10 lbs on first session 7-10% of pts body weight (11-15) may be adea tto sets soft sutse or trate msu apsamf oand sic protusdc 13-20 % (20-30) may be necsa for jsitn stis ciotn should typcailly not exceed 30 lbs 5-30 min disk 10 min or less up to 30 with other it pts sx wprse or peripehral tharcth shoudlbe tep afl discosntineud therap may aatempt modth eh racitoa how eif usd esx peersi traciotn isnnot laike at viabt reat poptun pt sho dbe sli elcal be or sfey with turn off ht racio in the wtha tincraes ssx obecoem uncoofr

1 ounce =

28 grams .06 lbs


3 cups 1.5 ounce cheese 2 ounce of processed cheese Fat free or low fat

1 meter is

3.28 feet or just over a yard


3.5 mL O2/kg-min

Lund-Browder Chart

A detailed version of the rule of nines chart that takes into consideration the changes in body surface area brought on by growth.


Aids in immaune fucntionajd Cell division Seafood liver milk cheese whole grains Mdeficieny depresses immune functions andbimpsired skeletal growth Toxicity anemia nausea vomit

No steroid al anti inflammatory agents

Analgesia whirl avoiding self eeffect of options aka sedation Will nroelice sake levle of lia. Relief GI discormg are unlikely obsge a newbie effect o. Pt sessions


Antioxidant with vitamin E Meat eggs milk seafood garlic Keegan's diseese cardiomyopatby Toxicity ohsuck defect did fingernail and toe nails nausea and abdominal pain


Any fruit or 100% fruit juice Whole fruit preferred 1.5-2 cups per day A cup is equal to one cup of fruit or fruit juice or half cup of serif fruit


Artery to travel to target tissue Difficult to perform Necessary to act at a slelcif sit e without affecting other tissues like chemotherapeutic


Builds strong vines and teeth wcitstes enzymes and helps regular HBeat Raw dark veggies nuts soybeans milks and cheese Deficient confused apathy muscle weakness tenors Toxicity includes increas calcium excretion

commnsdiagotno csacdsnfoi efhreabfs fagi

CARF fnonsdogp r thaspovn dvcdascneiow fsfneisnfs;aethae tper rheltahfsamfdsa feiaoch amf asdfinvl fbevsaoir falfs khesalgin emfdm fjapsadgpa isdcomigti ghgh rag sglsasafnefsa frsoivnsfms

diaehSC F



Facilities muscle contexgikns and tleGutkn bidets storng vines and teeth and aids in coagulation Milk green leaf vegetables soy products Poor bone brother Rickey's ostemalalce osteoiirs Toxicity equal kidney stones

reamib ciidsig

CPT coes cufeaeof oei fatamfenfi cnoidhfo gothef ssif sbfdbesteosif s gas cpt 97000 950ta 97035 ua 97012 ra freoig amrenmeffio agngn jan 217 en fcid fi afeebr fi jasd fig nnef teti voig egn vl oisfisog n a t 97616 97162 97163 hgh g nef fsoif re avl 97164 teohgsfcopt aitmenf asntuntee tinesdn aer ebs fa oag i er ef eg eng 15 mini ient if tpe as fe ti3 2 hhte e untleai fuf i fen agio n fioef anunntaateo et istm fior 1 f fis nenfn ehrn fsigmei g siote tlag 8 min of ien e tiobfl fio f tsfl sf uhtasflkfoiasen fnsivefi ieehthe t fisan asgnfing ioe enafnasgi foe faththhai fesf sgni eigigsgj mregnisao gee eagji so fgfnai asonoif oeingbrthata fneoiv gsig angsg nif a sdghial theih goi bnfh gns dgoif ne sfinna fda i


Components of 3 enzymes I. Particular that are necessary for normal cell fucntioning Meatswhoel garians fair elafy green Deficiency vomitnna dntechyonea No toxicity

Drug claudication

Controlled Durban d considers to have otjentisl for abuse Comprehensive scrub abuze prevention and control act of 1970 placed hear drugs into 5 clasficdgion Schedule I High potential for abuse high risk for addiction used for research prisons not medial treatment heroin and LSD Schedule Ii High potential for abuse and high risk of addition though they are still a proved for medical uses Automatic ore took refills are not allows for these drugs like opikns amohetamiens and some barbiturates Schedule iii Lower potential for abuse than schedule ii drugs moderate risk for physical dependent and high risk for psych dependence Auto refills are allowed Though limitations set on those refills Opioids mixednwkth nonlijnts bacdotic mi ex with acetaminophen Abanbllic steroids Schedule IV Lower ptjentisk risk for abuse than 3 and only mild risk for ohh oak or psych spends Some limifstionset on automatic refills Anti anxiety ad certain bartihhtstr Phenobarbitals Schedule V Lowest otjental for abuse and addition May be avail without oreciton. Cough and cold medicine that havenlow doses of opioids


Controls fjuckisd metabolism Whole grains meats and cheese Deficiency weight loss and central nervous avnornalits Ex of toxicity include liver damage


Dark green Stretchy Red and organs Beans and peas Other 2.5-3 One cup veggies or ju is Two cups of leafy greens


Decision of pharmacology that studies the adverse effects of drugs

Generic bame

Dervicex from chemical name

Burn full thickness

Destruction of the epidermis dermis hair follicle and nerve endings within the dermis Also affect subcutaneous fat layer and underlying muscle eating in red blood cell drstructjon There is irreversible damaged sustained to all epithelium elements 75% burns are a direct result of the patients actions Two million burned annual with 7000 hsiorla and 6000 deaths Higher risk for burns jnchikdrej between 1 and 5 as well as jfniaula over 70 Burns are this leading cause of accidental death in all age catefiee with males having increased overall frequency Variable appearance of deep red black or white coloring Escobar formseddma present hair are easily pulled from the proliferation durnto descriction does not ahvensesntiin or pain dye do desteuctionkf free nerve endings however may be pain fronadacent seas that eodrjence owrksikt Chinese t Initially will experience thermometer impairment SOV electrolyte disturbances poor urine output and carjaotoj level of concusojness Blood work would I kchd CBC electrolytes blood Jews jntieoc rstinie bbokirhen and AbFS update baselin data systemic changes level of shock and metabolic complication Bodnchscopt and pulaonru function reads kay be insicated to assess airway damage and pulmonary ainufficbency Infectiinhyoetirphi cscarrinf and contrzgyted most common DNS's Fe to girls oefans can result jbnetsvokic disorder acidosis sepsis and dehydration Initial medically stabilize pt Emergent O'Hare lasts 48-72 hours and conclude ls with regaining capillary perm and hemodynamics srvsikiru Autograft procedure Stuart rueiwd for film thickness Rehab is long term commitment It begins immediately following sin grafting and include women care pulmonary exercise positioning sli DJ and immobxiatiob for the firs t 3-5 says Early amvulatjona bdnigoltiy as doke as possible to defects Schaffer's eoatketsd onhmonia and cotragyre Continued or wil jnvoled Edna control monitoring of any elastic gear bets massage Aretha hydrotherapy Ron depeidnen rwlakxuto. Splinting and positioning schedule and at home Scar amnangnent morality eats ahd deceasing dude to improve in burn care prevention of infection and advances I gradtibfoeoxedures Highest ksktakfy I children under 4 and adults over 65 Garments may be worn up to 2 shear agate rinjiey Without sign colicsijs a patient should achieve idneonxe within a few months post injury Looks like superficial partial thickness burn which is just alrjslly into dermis dermis is latent I text Blister height red color intact blanching moderat edema and oaun. Burn will head wihtoubfb ibtegebtijnwith 5-21 says with min to kk exerting nited


Development approval and regulation. Of drugs Ensure that they are safe and effective for the or 5 steps Preclinical testing Testing at cellular and organ level as well as t sign the drug in anibal Define if drug is safe and to fisnext Abha eve efrsxt that the drug will haveon the body Used to identify ohancinkinet an fdysnics Phase 1 First stage of Hanna reading whcubt he Avery if the drug is tested in asnmall number if patients Reach idnentifg toxicity effects as well as the side dosing range Have 2 next stage if drug dveipment in which the gruffness if the drug is tested in a small number of patientsirescher is entry if it is effective and at what dosing Kevlar adverse effect studied Phase 3 similar o phase 2 much larger sample size if phase 3 is successful drug company can chem an re drug aolkcegik andapply thigh thefts to start marketing. And precinct the stuff Phase 4 occur since the cut ha ever. Aoroixr and is being used to members of thoubuc FDA begins to ljtboe safety of the drug in real life dcdnsrojn Post altering survelinex d

Age increase adverse drug reactions

Drcreasnin lean body mass Decrease in serum lrtien Reduction I rnenal and liver function Interaction wth other drugs Infants and young children also required alteration in dosing to abound adverse textiles since their organs are not fully Seville and are unable to metabolize drugs in the same manner


Drug from the venous system to the heart where it enters the systemic circulation Faster Acute pain like angina Bypass the liver Not overly metabolized before reaching their target tissue

Chemical name

Drugs special compound structure


EEG non invasiv pedofcue sued to ecord teh elctircal acitiy of the brain sslelct odes are plac edon the scpa aand areused to ecor dhe lctica impsel that reusl from brain scitvy t reced and sdafpae sa cahrcerisw awfres frosm on a monor rbain sicors cuha as epilepshy or mnarcoleps can e dia fba soen abamorma lint ehs evawve forms evoekd potential stue are a form of eeg in which brain acitvy isemasdu inr epsoto var sstimla ligke light or sound usefful i n diga nbrain sidsr by mraus fleleitl caavitya s poost e mwau blod flow or metablci acit nonainvad i prcued detecchagen over tocurs eo mlisecona spoo secon mit iwth imgin lik MRI cost les than other imagint eciue less efective at providing info on excaf locaion ofth apthgoy comare t oterh g atnehciw sevefalcot raht afecteh accurary of the rsul leike mds caffein hypglufemhari fprcu smll mvoement in some pt with peils use fo an evbeo potwentia sudg may cuase as erzier


Esstbeitl compiennt if vraminB12 and fucntikns to acitvsr enzymes Figs cabbage spinach Pernicious anemia Polycythemia and increased blood volume

increased riskfo what during hydrogthreap

FAITNING due to HYPOTENSION when large bod yarea re immerse in warm or hot water ambietn - around ala sied pt taking antihyeprtensive meds uch as betablcokers are also at increas eirks fo rbecming hypotensive tomnimiz tirsk theraps hsoud closel tontir pts udrin hydrohrpas tonly immerse body aprts in wate rht at require tereatment

Local anesthesia

Local or spinal nerve block during surgery may have diminish deaths and more fucbrikb following surgery Exercise should be perimeter caueitonly since it may not fully feel pain Areitonalbrbefut May be neededuing ambusmtio if the or so lacking notice fontirl Local anesthesia may also be smdistednin the form of dtandfemewlnlwch to help control oak lidocaine Theorist should not apply heating moswlies on or near th patch as is can accelerate the es mr so abiding former leading to toxic effects


Locally or systemically Invasive so can cause infection hard tos elf administer IV 100% bioavauobke

<0.1 fiefva 1-.3fasfd;l .3 mfdf >05 flae



Maintains fluid and acid base balance Apricots bananas organs grapefruit milk Imposter growth had iminzuhed he if without Toxicity include hyperkinesis and cardiac disturbances

Oral infections

May affect a drugs half life by exerting a negative effect on enzyme activity

Therapeutic index

Measurement of Avery of a drug Tattoo tend compared the tfecitvnes did a drug against its lethal effects Low TI the drug is less safe and result inowntiejt tskingthere drugs being Fremantle. Labrie for advers reactions


Organic elements that fulfill essential roles in the metvaloic process


Poorly absorbed into systemic circulation Reserved for treated localize dskinesr eye or Norse disorders Topical includes putting in nose muscles membrane can be used to treat more systemic bc larger capacity for abosortuob than skin

General anesthesia

Post surgery and drwlakigns it's side effect sod generally anaethua Effects can last for several days in some pes confusion and muscle weakness most common Can result in retained opnwru secretions imitation bridging or slither drained with patient


Proper bone structure and function as enzyme in metabolism Cereals and whole grains No toxicity

Half life

Rate of elinetion of the drug Half life is two hours and 4000 adkisnted then 2000 left after two hours 1000 after 4 hours


Recourses hemoglobin synthesis and lipid metabolism Shellfish liver meat whole grains Anemia cbs abnnotmflirv abnkrndlnECg Toxicity Wilson's disease


Reg Ir Cell metabolism and basal metabolic rate Iodized salt and seafood Deficiency footers Toxicity not been reported

Dose response curve

Relationship between the dosage of a drug and the body response tot shy drunkdys respond will plateau at certain dosage Can be used to compare potency of two different drugs


SENSORY ampltidue feruancy high 3-150 fatigue pusle sufiton short 50-100 no mtor reponses r tratem time vairable

Opioid analgesic agenda

Sign UCB's talk relive Schedule to coincide diets leak effeictness Sedation anreleij ddepssjkb Reap response may be decreased


Sites of how drugs are baited disturbed metvakizr and elongated


Sow rare of absorption soda may affect the abosorioj if some drugs be hard it is acidic same for grapefruit affect enzymatic a rich in the GI tract and changes metbslisk fo some drugs


Stem fb vines assist in oxidation of fats carbs and aids I maintain acid base Milk products meats whole grains soft drinks Deficiency include weakness stiff joints fragile bones Toxicity is muscle spasms

atonic seizure

Sudden decrease in muscle tone -> loss of postural control -> patient may fall ("drop attack")

Partial thickness burn GOLD

Superficial and deep Extremely painful superficial partial thickness Superficial is upper portion of dermis where free nerve endings are exposed Deep partial involves complete destruction of elidernjs and majority of dermis aka hair follicles sebaceous glands sweat glands Less pain in deep may have hypertrophic or keloid scarring with deep burn Superficial characterize by a red color that will blanch when touch and then return to re indicating capillary refill is intact blisters and superficial moisture are touclslt present with hair follicles remaining intact Preservations is the deeper dermabl tissues will allow for epithelial refberationsurinf healing Deep is also characters by red however when touched it will not blank this insurance an absent eof capillary refill and dang e to deeper blood vessel edemsa roux ally accumulate better epidenrw and dermal layers cellular endorses is roycsl esp in the upper dermal later healing will occur with scar tissue formation I or grafting Infectionhyeprtohic and contezgure May occur with deep partial by not superviisal since dermis is not fully destroyed the pt is typcally able to mainta hemodyamic stability even with alrge aresas affected superifical partial thickness burn will typcialy repithealizie with littl to no scarring within five to 21 days larger aresas may take longer protect damagea area and maintani approprai moisturbaance wiht dresing ansptical agenst medical folwo up is typciall not required unless the pt devleip compckaitiin such asninfection no addiitonal consutls indacited INLCUDING PT deep partial thickness will tpcailyl heal throgh theo formation of a scar although sometiems may be frafting uncolicnafae healing will occur within 20 to 35 days surgical consult may be indicated if graft is necessary PT may be indicated to assit in prventing hypertropic or keloid scarring and cntractres if the burns indlcue joint invovement edeman amgenagen splint and ostiuon scar mob nmasdaf rom stethficn dressing woudnc are eslatic gareet functon mobitli superficial partial thickness no scar, no PT, most painful , no grafting deep partial thickness, scaring, PT if jojnts invovled, less painful, usually no grafting full scaring, PT, grafting, need to be hemodynamic stabilization and capillary perm full funcitonal return expected similar to subdermal burn which is typcall severe and lfe threatning invlving compelte desrecution of the epi dermi subcut tissue and larger blood vessels burned tissue has a chagrred appeareance and is not panful due to destriciton of local nerve fibers subdermal burn may involve muscle and bone and as a result is highly suspectible to infeciton and other ehaling cpjcjation mtulipe surgical intefventions derbifdment and graft are tpcal reuiqred and assciate with textensive haling times subdermal is worse than full thickness


Suppository absorption of drug within recital csovjty Good for unconscious or vomiting Bypass the liver Not absorbed as well

autonomic dygelf ai

T6 and abvoe in coemtoet SCI in prens oit connoiga sitn bladder idstentson itightn clitg ss incldsu severe HYPERTENSION, BRADYCARDIA, prufs e aete abvoe the lvel of ethe lesiofn ehachfh enausera piloerection and red and lcotchy skin pt should firs tbe akce db ab UPRIGHT position sittingo rsmeirecubent therae soul eatmeo teo dienf anf ereghth oncio fstism for aemao a kin in the cahe tmeay rpeen ur eigne forngbifarngi for thablder aan macy asuef sytema renr etheprjap sshodl theonti eht eptha v vitals signs gancalll for emdi as sifsdi upright chekc baldder montie vitla call for help

common muscles used for insertion of needle elctordes


number of treatments

US using theramla effects is usual aplied LATER int he healtin ocirss andi s most comon admisnti 2-3 times per week US using NONTHERMAL effeit is appleid rali in the alti proces as feruwnly as once a day popstiv erpsoet ot US houdl be eviden within 3 sessions faitl rue obsr a desire psenwithn 3 sessions proide jsufitcaiotn to chage the US parametes or selct an alternat ingvetion reasher ahas incidat he amore than 14 US traetwmit withini a single epusod eof care acna due red and whilte bloo cell counts sooo dont want more than 14 lol


Under skin into fat or connective tissue Slow realize of end into systemic is required when use this like insulin Self admianter if trained Immobility if lub or solicitors I fcold May slow the aboeirion ofwhike massage or aplkxiwjton if heat may speed absorption


Use of surfs for toventin trait sisbfoung



fsghl sgnarogi hdul

a gi ht inoitoi s enoeigh sgg ios vsgig gaoia oasif fosg l gpv os goageof eofic oign sngaiogbisn oi a

bed mobilty guildeines

a pt taht is dpende must be rpesost in bed at least every TWO hours skin should be inspect for ednss or ebreakdown with each ositon cahgne depdnd pt myst be lifeted whn cahing postun in roder eto avoid sheaing of the skin acorss teh bed use pullow sotwels or balnks when psitsin a pt in order to suport and mainta aparicula rpst pt sould always be encouafe to aprticpat ien al mobity and postion pracic movnien sefmentaly form ones die fo teh bed to the other utlzit eh bridging psitn of hip lfeion adn knee flexion with knee flat on the surc to assit eith mve maenf roling vmeo form a supine to stiit g postons by rllin gin to sidleyng and pacing the feet over teh edge with asssis tas neded all compinetsn of be doilty are coepte ny wne the pt sends in a comfotable and safe positin


a supplying of needs

contantamifna taion

a term uses dot defsb an iarea useflaf or tienme ocoiagn incont with sotehtiegn thath si nt setirsfl sufreafa cor tiem conigni asncon iwh eeoshtta aesi not siethef cnt iasicsuef aegnivet gtah cntani jicmoorangmaiss

corhot study

a toe a=kgiiub t fivivfre sthafu bcf e ufr afaesuif hue osu asfafref afikwi vier tuen ti cinorea afeivb faicifbr gefscsiigfi uda frub te ocosiaf tigur ti agt u fbf asf ''fneafs isf afsASCIAUF vebeb feddof hduaefa ub cigrire stsuf sus tge rekauve fijo fife ra iv raitoe oinfioe io eof oi tof f scisosfho et csnasd fre fo oire iot afiero fajo teffor ghs elvaigt foiiof rinf la d fiagts elfis fnas tthe osifneoithe aniainbreio t fsahhn digee r


abcuor polci bresiv firstdorsl itnerissei


abit ot ake eavafo fmroea ltenite tio do smtehtor to eto fdon

thermal effects of US

accelateio o fmetbalic rate, modaultio of apin , reduconf omscuel spfsm, decrease fojtn stiffnesss, alternation of ernve condut nvlec icrea crual tincre otasuf extenisblit ex


acfeai fioe maof rewfer ang isgone gor c fot ahgihr tue siafhcek tefe miat inclsue htenam e of the patient and be iagsn eand ate b the refei pshfhsidfj 'erafe afic fub csin feusb cs seaigt etg ensun feba fehr aiote mraesif esafbas yfoei hfoa firh fn


acidic reaction

ncatiosn of US

acute and post acute ocnnisdiotsn US with nontherma efect alciu mdeopstis chronci inalm dela softi tisuse halgin dermal ulcers jont ocntacure msuclst spasm triggp tspain plnatra warts scar tissue tussue regenration contra acute and psot acute us with erhml efcts aresa of of acit vbeleding aresa odecrt emp sensa areas od fe ciura dvt ifneciton malginancy ove rberat imapnats oer cardoi singu cervi cgnalgia over epiphreal sarea oin cyou child ren over eys ert abd etaa over nety etacrylate s cee ir asktuc vier ekvkynarv abfin fareasub orevba iwebvier a ocae naer tgeinvioherktus vackr ubsucuabet

32-79 degres

acute inflamato of sditl emstie


adaghgoig hfrn an

pool therapy

adanego fpol therapy ncldue decreawse weight breaing due to bouyance, omvpe theaptis hanflg aemaf cpmt; vpe rtj aprm pf restoam cdioerm fexero adm ofosm reosl fpf afogm wotj acotvu tjea[r sjp;d assot [t asm eed eomtp tje [t amf tjpjg t ,sit nrafsom wotj ,[t amd pmto avta soamf tpe;er t actovu recpe,mde[t pafop rp tje artjisi msk nei sci ava ms and eslcte CPdaigns


adoiasf jgpt asfjfsc oig sjs fsaoggj glesgl dsk mgg rlvoi ffsaifj eijffdslfasoag sdlpt asojja rt l mavoia feaouflaf saif ladf


aer ete ite if uberuy abf theoiutuai i the xt e avse emof an dfreo snero f cuie rand or esrwelln may ini thta ahac efahsdfovo other ss incu p netne laimeti mdoe erieogre ousel asn dsfnsaton shodlbe assessed disetla to athe inru ab dkidi vessek s''rgwroUAR GAIKS OO==oot agyooiera ugYOAIE RI RGWAUR WUQGR DUEN ivwja rkujw dkR OWUX WI DQIIS RI rvAUR GW IARYAIBD WSRUW D''AIKRAB GIKS UNVIRV WEw Ead wek DSJFB IHRIUABD ''RAISK cius niwc i wdsnruw RGW HEAGIBIR RWT RI EWkfub rgw dXRY UUD Dxy rua uowb xicuwur uqeg RWAUK RIQI SWEWAAA UD aiudb DWdxyewe ua ayairwbx si BIR NICW RGW OR

adminstiatevie law

afio agegn at thedefver sgtase lvel diaove l elresl aselrgalt o ssiprele tastu saenxcdtiveiorseer

ifrarased lamp

ataf nc b osbre surit tx doens to reuai iferc on t iwth thraemte etaes diffuclt to ensure ififo rhetain in all traemtner aes adificult to lo thta p seric teramet aer ea tendot sdyr th eskin

dip reimmersion

after intial 6-10 drips the distal extmei should remain itnthe parafifin abth for th tudutaio ot treatment paraffin unit should b eturne dod urri thr rtem to erpven the side and the bottom of theunti form beg ttoo haot may alos be necsar tuse a tepor cseot th ethwl ower limei ii.e. 113 sicne th affect edmxte iwl remain in th abth for up to 20 mins

affectvie ssfosn

agieo fvlauge toijn eiv gpsgnoisg vlug gng ancg

asng aoi eiht pf

aheac hutni efoe rai oih fin abefior eni i darla fio thsfi enach autnit lasf naef slfbegins elthofgh fsn reasjga

nsusgion hme

aiina gi segi sgfiv vnsadf eohewf af lvoeia efn afnefnasadfsig eig asls not longeg ned oe ee in a fhsdif but sitl reafd asnfasjhtat noscnoa ner cdfeb meffbp af oglna goshfo f postp [ saflkk nufosgn fasldif i ssepssi pe fnufsif hometa jpfpefivo dskkl dfnig n aehrensd

paclgbo ongo

aina gbasdi g ior tiha asfan ss isnfs sdan


aka angiogrpher insvasinve procedure that uses xray imaging and injecrt contast dye to visual blod vessels can cnivalt the majro sstemic arteris as well as the aretieral system that perfuse dht marjo organs catheret is inserted intoa n aety eitheea tthe froin or in tha rm and is ffide dup to the hear t tes cna b used to dientify atersclerosis arneurm vasuamalforamto tumros oro balcoacges usefk in the diagosi o favaulr abnoramlies invasivie contast de mayc ausen an laletgive reaction

ankylosing spondylitis GOLD

aka marie stumpell disease systemic ocndiiton taht is cahracterized by inflammation of the spine and larger peripheral joints chronic inflammation causes destcition of the lig osseous junciton with susbesetent fibrosis and ossifiaction of the eaera primarily affefcts SI jonts IV dics spine CV and apophseal joints connective titsue and larger periphreal joints hips knees and shoulders ossificaiton can coccur withial affected joints and result in pain and efmoreitn y uncertain etioogy genetic intheriantance cobiend with envineoamentel infleucne histocompatibiltiy antigen HLA B27 has a high risk fofr the diseae 80-90% of pts at eHLA B27 postiive but only 2% of the indivaul that are HLAB27 develop AS found in 8.5% of caucasiona dn 2.5% of AA men ar TWO TO THREE Times graerter risk that women and onset is typcualyl seen between 20 adnn 40 years of age recurrent and insidious episosdes of LBO mronign stifnfes impaire spinal extension and limited ROM in affected joints for over a 3 montsh period as the disea professes pain will beocme sefvere consitent and edtsing to the midback and somteitmse toawards teh neck the natural lumbar curve wil eventally flatten due to msucle spasms other manifestations include fixxed lfedxion a the hips,psinal kyphosos, fatigeu wiehgt los and perioeral jont invelent if the CB jonts are invlved will presern wtih impiaredd chest mobiltiya ocmpreomsied rbeathing and cdecaraesed vital capacity xray of the spojne may be negative in the inital stages of AS but weith progresion will erveal areas of erosion, demineralization, calcification and syndesmophyte ossfication of the outside of the inervental sdiscs in later stages xray wil reveal fusion of the SI joint calciaiftioan of apopphysedael joints and psinal ligaments and a BAMBOO appeareance of the spine blood work can rulse out other disease aoriz 40% will have elevated erythrocytesedinateation rate longterm as will presrnt with profereesive sx and liptl eomcplications IITIS uveitis osteoprorosis fx atlato ax sublux spinal fusion pericarditis cardiac patholgy puljmonary fibrosis cardaic arrthy amuloidosis and oartii insuff goals of medical managemnent are to reduce inflammation maintain functiong and rleiv e pain phamra NSAIDS disae mod dusg asuch as methotrexate analgesit s indomethacin to relivev epain postiral magement emphasizin extension ROM pain and energy conservation technqies low impact and aeerobic exercise with emphasis on extension and rotaion are apriapte high ipact and flexion exercise are cntraindacted pt ed on ostural retining postiion for sleeping and lifting e excessvi exercise should be avoided as it can cinreas tteh infllammtory respone adn injury swimming is a highly reecommede dactivity surgery is ratee to cirecc to stabilzie msk defomtiy FIRM SLEEPING SURFACE PT CANNOT MODIFY PRGRESSION but can asssist ot alleviate pain and improve pt functonal capcity I/M PT prforesses slowly over 15 to 20 yera period and ma remein isolated to the psin and SI joint or spread to alrger periperal jonts stiffness adn ojoitn limi are common long term effect and can negativel impact a paritent sfunctional mobility 1% of pt can experince copelte remission normal course inlcude periods o fexacerbations and remissions hip disease with AS is a marked for severe form of AS and ism ore likle yo tuccur it pt that idisagnsed at oyunage similar to sjogrens syndrome classifcied as a sponduloarthopathy chornic arthis and autoimmuen isse athat also can affect several ORGANS lmhcutes atatack health tissues and organas aand are usually found in bpno with RA or lupur postmentapuase women afe affected mots with ove 2 to 4 million in us no cure but can bre mange thorugh emds exrcise and prper ntrion follw guildeins for treatment of RA

null Ho

aksd n sang astnsf nsfhfsi fsnfas etlvau eoifs fl meafns is fios fisdfi to mdi thelf sld stat ienng sg gndtn

alpha level

al vlev al signgin levle roba f fjej t nwhrn it ti si or tchssng encomit ithtpe p1 fn .05 .01 wnt to ge tLOWE RTHNA THIS

effects of siatera

aleted cel memrbane fucntionicnra ocle agentne i increased edegma icnrease metablc rate ncrea muslc ealsit c incranev ecnuf incfre pani thre shold eincr amtpoe vasodlation incia tbu burtisi chrooni fnlamm chorn inammpevlicdise decfras enxni adDJD incr emtbalis otnt tifnne s mcusf vsa triag paoon per ofner ve genrentaion tissu eahlign contraicnated in acute ifnecn oi flan car no cariacn pacaemaekr hemohoilia inern fan fex tneta mea itnuti cevi schem ait isus e lowba fab en v pegnan t magi area moistn wound dressing ver heorrahei region voer eharyes over tetsees pain adn tmep sensory deici t

tehrapteu aefs

aletnrpainf rasijsson sderas csi tnemf s diefsnuctaph dnenf suh s faiclfhlas ijfmefvia fisncifjlhp oisfhscm oose orehfne rduc edma eralciaoet rmeoals emtalnic eate stisl frelfji efts ida fihsrs dcmeromr edm inmc flacia id ace mgingihresd mas sfsma mfpa riasnfa ifh srhscsu tsntdjit g cofn fsuCONRAICNAT IN NACUTE INRUY areterlciosrois csncr celutsi emofl ifnecot tomn


alkaline reaction

alkaline areat

alkt reac fomr i sodiu droef ofermune rngegiv saeflc athod thereascuasf nsf skfin r chemcibrsnn

lofstanf foarm crches

all elvesl of WB, reuwir the HIGHEST level of coorination for poerpo use arm cuff should e psti on one to one and one halinches below the olecranon so it doesn ont inerere wit helbow fleixon two poitn 3 pint s 4 sieng stn sient throgh


all leesl of WB, signc aBOS goo stai 20-25 degrese fo elbow flexion THREE POINT GAIT PATTERN

sterile field guidleines

all tiems on sa steiof fedl msut be ad raiemain steriodl the edges of all asci of sterite mbeocmeoon sertiflesf once the packing ispeng steirol ofwn ar eonly consiereit steri in the front fromt he wasite level uperad inluding the sleev s onl eth eotp suaf aof hte table or sterol draop is cinafoso fiwieth thout one inch of the field is confiseir nonsteiorf d avidia al uncnefa vaigth arounf tsetiod fiel do not talk snef or cough as it will conrtamin the steroidl field do nto te oyur back to ra stiersif leidla sd the abck of tofnw is not stero contac pabev of hte steroi field is euri fd ifa n one ck on ths tioe dfield beoce oantianth eifelis ocnsdifno nsterand sholdeb disii ardr steoi riefls shodl neer lelef tunattent asdoud be rpearea s clsoe to the teatemtntime as saoibet o avoid uth con tamin avny tiet mstha mlat opsitjofr fla below wiat elevle is consid toentaminaited

chest wall recoil

allow coetet recoilk betwen comrpesson HCPs rotatoe compresserors every TWO MINUTES

propportional control

allow suse dot modualte sped of devce based onthe dispcae t of the housdis 360 dieretionaly i

controeld coldcore os unti

allows istmautaneasoh aplciao o cold and compresion tempa com orpsecn aacnua contr can be comb eiwth hte wisnelfedcto ethap t sdfuclt witifb at g liti to sedmit use

augl tatia ftat

also kmw nas fioa gafats rerioef asfio gnno eeg anos tim ahasfn so


american with diabtal iac ti si degisn eto tprive a clear an ocmprehensive natioanal mandate for the timilation of discrimaition the amreican with dsitabiitai act is federal elgsitaion taht was signino law on july 26th 1990 meoeylmem pucbs rev blc accommodations telecomunitacion miscellastoues applies prarmaut but not exluc el to disable incid vuas l an dinviasis sdisable if they emte elas one of colfow ciritera they hae aphsyci ro emtan imparietha thusbtanitla imtis on oor emor of their marjor lfie tacitiie they have reocor do such an ipirnta they areaersfo eo aesdfhabg sua sfpo t tyel I emppu aplu tp emtue reof 15 emptees or more iiblv soascmcod fa ftel III aflefi tall befuieregarl efitho efhmeh ermpfufys emaosf area reruiaf maekm saefrnsofn accomdfoit tfoer afasl ifndia ua iwhta ssdiag who arefiagn abue ada asfo in foiehojerla jtoof asptj held or oa who can rej thi essaet of sch hwith oteiht orjeons ejraf sfosdfn adad thetad doesnot renao to maaasccods th paorfaunduf eharjdoi deife safsginasif difhuroire ascpnfea ccomofateiaosns

msulr esurd

amiamsufs focntas sne sfhsouf ler tlot tnsio stin asfnisit sot ana pef trept aesteioa 2/3 f th emmaxmsl nctasn 66% isfoas metnc canhfoj fli 6-10 seocd fwith lerai in betwet each sontah an icnf eauf i hsourfah pstv trmatesuftoiasnof usngelk i 5-10min for eoe guejos asfpt sablas ffeti more moi cna baenaded


disoan agrgia going oigoi ggnong das iogamgoi nvian fnanfonf afio tesaf oinoinfmaif ora osnangk glak inef efaifso areeeen almion


amitn elcin curent to adoy eruae use f eas towo eoof schange when duercure o mono hase vna esen ef iwerin the cathod anf othe anoden thogh hrratme in an laternatcurent cao anannoaera ocntangnagi perore lsfaenfsof in fleosapsc afcnfu aligiofend pirt paf le tesssfninfus tojfjlcenae eitsfansfneta or asfu sfvioueahaori shoudj epr fnoinenfetreeaowitshi sni

acute u like

ampf smsucles teithsch frewuncy low 2-4 no fautgeu osel duaiton long aka for motor repsine teramt tiem 20-45 min

phase dutaion

amptu fi temit atem for one pahe afo pausle paher gning hwr crne dept fom sare liena erend ats th urnet atuhe rudarln oys rlsude tah at it atek fr teo oaser afso afpusle iwh bi a i in fophase udat aand usle dutioan are the sae if thre curernt bipahseci ther are two pashe duaiton for each pusel egnthof thpahse duration msut e sfuficne to eceed the capactiance of the argetn eve in orde o uca eans waciton potentia lp pashe duriatio i sptul measur in ccmif sfnc interphusl inte etime betwetn tow successfpahses of a pusel

beif ientenss

ams storngpaethes or motoer spern ferue high want faute puels uditaon lgn want motr repsonrse tetmem 15 min

curent in a condut or vair inprotiaton to the va gn inv eti wth tesrsn

an eo mto foe cof one volt is reruwt e iv eon amp of acuretn cacorss a resot fone oh

one ah erprpe temfasf onegg overtiem

an eosg oinef gro ifin ef gat mf e o ths f fsnoga ifo toe a fremetefsnoi vmfsh yg plkm sna smcontas


angalgesi ifnlamato postigvie

percetn grad

angkle of inglation 100% woudlbe ocmdt env eit al poer ca afe aoi 0% woudlbe comcef e hor zontal or flat dmtien by taklign reise /runthen mfksahteth hbfy etghe 0 min of 36 inches wid and shoud be reu owh hadn aerif thram has da reise graet erhan 6 inches or hota f run of gerat ehta 72 ramp shoudl have a level lafniag at th btopa nsd botto mif a ramg ahcang eidiefiocn the lann eare smsut be a min of 5x5 feet 60x60 incesh

current moduatlion

any alteraitn it eha palcu duraiton foer uapf fucer d aseri so folsfe fcsc e

non prob samogoag

any tho sofinasth dseno finoi nfag so e

bdo stun

aogogn mafoatr

exteernal cathete

apleid voer the shfat of the penis and held n pck enu a t[aded srap or adhesive tape


area 2-3 x the sie ofo the tradnucer taes 5-10 min ogner may be ncesary we using lwoer tinesti or low errefeunacyies or when th ther aputa bec it highe ritsusu etemsp us shoudlnot buse do treat areas lareger tahn 4 times the ERA of the transsducer areas larg aehtna this woudl reuia exfrcslong teateitm makei alcia in mfata

laceration exernla bleeding

arita lbelid aosdorutbldot ahtie rright arei dif ap nevo hf lfowign tha timroe alsefr teroa sioudl apply glvoes if aailbe efor eaplyig preste ot teownd with asterill dtowlr direvresre shodb iatia over tehawlcerautnat brealidn gclafre i'if arleit aerlbfedldf occrue than einemeitten pressure may be toe be applei dot araetyr jsut proxial t ot htesite sof inry if blood lgoe is ecfes teher exehsoudl be alelvbvo rethe level fo the rhat prlgen gpressyre wih sue fo toera tshood be avoied emreg e eneci ahs ssihouf lfi foa cut is ebleeid en bflodd si prustt ot of thbeled foes not stop after 10 min of steady pressure FIRST PRESSURE THEN ELEVATE IF SEVERE

sideways los of balance toeas ther therapist

ascending use one hadn or your tun to stablize the pt and use th eothe rhand to fapseo etth handrail if the pt cannot regain balnce desnginc use one hadn or rtuan to stabl otehra nd to gra sart belt or hHR sitting descnd sitting ascend toward dstairsa


ascut an ochr pan mange reas o cnl oabet temo stpo man paf toe hhge fcontl anfendo pot pfn cotle rept aincgo rhemuse cmost ocnsu inclue ocnevn ancu elberfint noxious s


asdgin eit etoei d teh asnfoathe tpeotsn fnsaoifiauf efset bsafu usfi e asrs aa oi oasnf ainf

fegaelgnk anaoi n

asflghrhsd f sfea f coiofef refauh fegueskl does fo sio ethe term msot iefn infin fvef era ifiet einfo fosin thatn ahto eti tbeapeldi to inia setibgint hsoe theifo hcusfh

chdo ewoaf grhtea

asfnogng afeonas gnoinfonro ffeogfebgag afoefoeif smoi aosdaifni adnoiga

pbstructe ariway

ask theh pt if theya re cojong if they can psrkeas cogh or breta wdod not attempt to interverne but stay close by f tehray cannot sperak cough or berathin ther pahsould preovid assiatnc e therpa fisi tshodul firs hcet pts fmoh attempt eot remvoe any freiaging thera hsoudl then piatsh ethendmsbehdsing itpt thetih eht asndapf coa oenahdi lcose ahf oathoeh hanf ovhiei tvoe hpta bsfoe oj abov ethe umbfso fbelow the diapega's thaeotoha hten iv efhofef uaut thif uin anf up htis sunfo ob so giig ig pts beoc usvs oh hp shoufpacj hf ghp resurec breatin and abdomeifnal thurfs hwen reRW HXILS UNSW RHf W ODO WRWH XHISD Oaxw d ewuxnbwnroeqwf idoirfh IWR ugwBA DAWIUD IERWGEGa dA HW FOUR FORECEFUL fbwlso toth einercpsafualr egion with rhelee ofo theand the ahtendute rhafhod fovenr oi fourht rhueth to rlwoer tsthuewhith two finer this cyf is eraf utnl fbei eidpxgaf CHECK FOR OBJECTAND TRY TO REVMOE THEN HYMLICK IF BECOMES UNCONCSOI PALCE SUPIEN AND PERFOEN RSRESUCEN BRAHTIGN AND MORE THURSTF CHILCD ABCK AND THE FRONT IW TH 2 FOIGNETRE SF

levles of per vnf

asodn gto reoisf pfe tnt e sfn fslaf ifn tepo fa senfoi ghte t

sifnlf sdfman nsnaf

asoggb areuaf scdgan gbegign foir hes felf sfnanlf fsangosn fosnfresnfs goa nsfsofe isogn isanto sagi sf smfesfo nafus feuesffsfusanis luck go the dj

covered rims

assits for grsp or riiotn when hasnf are in aconta with hwheel crims

vareionf a

asufgsap afiaf n skl fsdanmk of safe ascosaf spoi afe afs iofsdisa sffoinfsa fsdfmav safes fkmf visafna sfnsaffnrfn eifsf ofasn fsdklsafo fbn sia gn sanfainogne avi foisnfeosf sfsfoi nfann xsao gangakrg ang nnr sa

compression depth

at least 2 inches or 5 cm for adults at elast 1/3 AP depth about 2 inches 5 cm in childen atleast 1/3 AP depth about 1.5 inches 4 cm in infants

guag fioe vfva pt efs

ateat fnsa gasd giosa goiieth asggih hptpe tm g gat jtei oif ap eof elfnagnoiv efn eegn abteit f fabeogsd gainvisd gsladg oeognaskn gog rgag basg eig mss g ggn oiof sgn;ogi i nogn o ag giosgo gg aodhioigho via giotio gsgos va gisg scdn f use efe popt ovpeg tptaslf egign isv saif eiof ef f fieoti tio ap lsg afoieohf iof e fo aagit assfe tetevig ofo t fefdisoag fig sg saihaf io gfas flk assdf gg iav t a mod gid geig jsiao ag sdgs j

efiaof s foifhsa vl orel evoii efefni lfsn

athogihg spio itmo aj rt aiaiog lsof onot ghoekgeo gt2 isnf sglinfabeg sdioagnakgb ongu adsggoivhao o


attach auand use an ADE ad soafna sfbav mini itenre fin chest nsor befer anf afet shoc resun cor begn iith comressions immefia aer seach schock

backward loss of balace when asceing stairs

attempt to stabzile the pts trunk bu applyng an anteior directed force while amingain a wide based of suport if a pt cannot regain balacne, tranton the pt towrad the HR and lower backwardn loss of balanc whliw descing ol forwads on the afety belt usig ne hadn to grasp the hadnral if thep tacanot regina balcnne tiraiotn the pt towad the ahdnrail or attept ot mvoe the to a sitting pstion


audtheant and adtea nu T wjp [ersfm to omr gmem pfeofvod sennu [ta dme rtej reodefpcm afm ie[ ovsop fp [t are dpc deae dte amfs aie neut [t pr jwme [sreron fbt ejr [ta ptejr mtpetr fe;pa reare cmspfoemt estje foenit dp tmp reteriaf pf dpvomo mppftje st[s r [tsag[raoga au dpvj awjem tje rcpmer doodpt aatjit jeenu t[jsuf ptjwem [er s,fos fnu psc fnu [ta stiem a,,au ne af sd nu [ta


autoamtic exernal defibtiatllotr

seat height

average 19.5 to 20.5 so 20 meausre form the users heel to the popliteadl fold and add 2 inches to allow claerance of the foot fest


avofewo ala oa cl horus of mild voolign a void foar hoeo suer dfouc t rpecisfl aocntol temo and compresson fordcd e cotnroelddd comte te afn ocnef cry hors of mild dfidcotcn otl soe cneoi

system reviw

b demda hera rate rr integ pligabgi peresnf iovs fra ksinf iksin etn msk romg CROSS RON FRNE heigh wifg nm groso fodfin amogve baflas ojistnan soo motr o cn most ocnot ls fasdfiocd sggbn afef tcdign langa glanei abtila mfeaskfms nk csndsofiasdjfe cpojf eiton erhesfnosf elraing reop reicos dlboetn pereosfao latem

up with the good down with the



balnd efid assoieaviodnlign gggig aehf b ifo hewo fai afioihbg bn reesif mfoinf uang hsfnsd s 1965 fsisdi fsduin thejsfnl infog ndi fdsnifah sn goi iorfanf giostaloeirfnubbt abfcnte rnfoiffnoigoidir ersaig g mnsdaiog pa gaoivion api oinfngk singgigh gn a


bbubvsorc tat suf aetuc fekd adardui waves ti erocye cirs seuci angei f tge viyd large cylica devi with aolwo tunle i tcent whre tpt leis can buse do talvil amoset stuce wth the mnSOT TUSSE SUCH AMSUCLE ENIS LGIAMENT UMOR AND INET ORGAN exe donta there conta dyes naret used maeus dot imve veewualti ` usefi gnan a wid ieareao stasu esp esfot suse non inv adi desno nis Use NO RADIATION sfe of euse on pts who are prevfentn constast de use di sule tot cause anlergic reaiton cannot be su if ther is metal i tebbod infetfef with incuncon onintenv i ace mechcohle aimp to nust lifesitl for logn ereieods pt isin asmflalspa e high cost

half kneeling lfit

begei i half keee bottom leg should be ositon behind and to the sid eof the oebjct amitna anroa mlamarb lrodisi life th obre conto the knee and rareei it slcoes tt he drnk contienu ethe lfit by hdolding hte obejct close as you assume stamdoga protsn

deep squar lift

begin wit theips below the helvel of thee knees assusme awide bease of uspor staddle the obejc grasp the obeck tform eah sdi or forom ebaht truank should remarin veia m mainit a lumabr lfoe ananieoravnsi

power lift

begin with bis above the lvel of theiness asdufena odwi bos behidn thoasbf iw htea feet prarlle toe asch other grasdp the bsef tform easch side or from undenaetah the turnk should remain in avvetiacl psotijn

traditional lift

begint with the lwoer extemiing in a full swuat facing the obefct feet arpre poastion a AP mannor in each side grasp the obejct and lred the upper extemtig to itniate the lfit use B LEs to eprvid work of th el eeo bekjdc clsoe tirurnk matinai nroaml lumba lroo do not lfi tiwht hte abck


belf sasafgaorig aisog agriogn nngrasna dosan mean mdia msot atr fathe fasme iaf sf semroflmefsmkldf

goinasgnagas ngsdgsalgngennggigongpt fop pethios


iene al

body ksin wio temriaei

prporets of eater

bouance archime upeard ofceon h bdoy weh immerse in ater eaual tot taount of eahte tha hasb been dispcaled by the body resiasnc erestiasnc eincres inp oreotion to hte speed o motion sepici farvirty speic favaaof eate ire wuarl o abotu 1 human ody vares basedo sz esotam taih bt iatahhas pfas lesss than 1 avbaotu .974 there a person will ernaly gloat when full submerege in water soefci heat abilti of a fluid to store heat caclcua tas teh amotu of thermal energy required to incrrawse the flid tempetau by one unit wter has a pseici hrea tof 1calroier per famr while air ahs aspecif heat of .001claroes gram water there retains heat 1,000 tiems more than an wuf ao voleon of air total dag force compreise dof praifel drag vwve ra nf duag ce hdrmehcif orec exeron perso subi wate thaoraly oopro teh ideciotn of body ot isocity magnit of hte cohesive foece twent ehmoelscusperuf ot rhe fuid fegar teois thlfhrega ref move in lfou

intferfnfnea festasfi

br foa ftaith tusfas sfmags fegaslfkaigongnais afotua fa pfo pf an ifneoif afei lsa faf karf eafusje fasnsfks hgsuhgsgsagin

theraptuetic modalies

broad term descrbing avaritey ro fagenst use din ther rehab f pts therma, mechaicnal elc amgenetic adjust

hot pack

canva ero nylg ocovne rapci wifl bentonite, ahydrophilic silicate gel that procides am osit heat gwl taht prcie s amoist heat the sid eand stand aisx emeassrsua 12x12 adn ise ud f rmajoei ofbody segments dobe is 24x24 and is used for low back or buttock cericl ais 6x18 tratims head thorgh conduciotn since easy use ifne p scanc ancolvoera geafa limita ned of rlcose motntorig o the skin and inabitlait maitnai ntital contac tin cotoheareas and pts inatbitl move ud gn tras f stores in water ebttsn 158 adn 167 degrees F hosue ithermat as contorl aocntian that maitn ath eater ar easlfig leatemp hot abck shoudl eb reomvoe dofmr ht contain with tongs ud eto hgih eat rtmeo thetoa shsoudl thogh insper fcht areg eareia fnt oa ti niatx clhtoin enje shoul dbe rmvoe form thatgae a apcia 6-8 layers of twl sbetwet the hot pack and the skin if commercital hot pack covers are use d they are tupcal equivalaetn to tow or 3 latyers of twos commercial one counts for 2-3 layers and need 6-8 towelcounts for 1 layer and need 6-8 hot ack shold e apleod o top o fht retremtne area the thearpsit shold not permit the pt to lie on top opf th hota ack since this aciotn temdn otwe remove soe of thwea te rfomr th otapack which can reustl in accerlate areat eof heateig anf ian cinfras eisk fof burns lying dieciton ht ehoa bck reduc elocal circualthgoh coressiof ov essel reusin reduc cirauca conveticon cooling if a ppt scanot toelr the wigh tof hhot abc id recon tht earhgr area i.e the lowback whilte oisti porno the hot abac cab be appaleid lsfel wwth asteps o tied shet pt shoud feel amidl to mod heati sentsietsn skin ches fo excedssvie redness blsitering or other sigsn of a runa are feriufes aferf re5 min tratme area sfo fair skine dinf iv may trn bright prin k red whlite assdkri dkssin din may ehit aresa o lgher or dakre roclor amximuf surfca temo it eawch within 6-8 min makit i cirital to eprform ferquh skin che scudring he first 1 min of teatment pt should be figne a bel or anotehr tyep ccallc evid toint eh ven taht they need assdif duin gtx 15-20 min for hot back s fo esdrie refecsts if too intens add atowl layers if inscidn fmay remove tofls at enxt esession sotn sho nto be cremov ud r gh escurent sessions icne the incraws eskin tempa may dimisih the the tp shterma sensit ian dabitla t cacur asses the intes fo the heat a hot apc cna taek up to 2 hotus intial heat in th ydracalr unti and 30 min to reherat

type 1 error aphfaofe rerror

efhe feoinfs tir ejjeef ethe snul cons tther foi fheee ifi flig ls 0.01 the a 1% chgne that tpe erore i oruf falf sofi asiga


capat of rachi deepr tissues dcan rde therama nadon thera effefc t covers large areas heat i sappleid in more nof afashoin sinc epalic is oerfo e tsabcla rate of tssue coling is lsow tha other deel ehatin agest difcult to target smalre trameta tea efect e reua pt to esubfekaclafit ehrir sesetaon responr erlvat large numebr o contias dicaiton


capra of rachig dep ttseus can rprid thera nd ont ehram amot o theeny dlevi per unti area can be qualdified cover smal ereas efciel short duration of tx ma not oani cgod ion at msao orcn tareascaudnga uneven hetin pt mayit etekr aduect cia wutg tegYS randucsucer rate tusyfs ficku frt agea iteg edee heati ageag

arterial insufficicency ulcer GOLD

caused b inadequate perfusion of oxygenated blood in the affected areda diminsihd BF is no longera able to meet metabolic deamnds of tissue rruesling in cell death and tissue ncrosis occur due to underlyin ahthog syca s porofessiv atherosclerosisi or arterial embolims superivial dmadmge to epidermsi partal thckness thorugh epi and into dermins full thicknes through epi and dmeirs and into deeper salyser sicha s subcutaneous fat peripheral artery disae is tpcally linked to the deveopment of arteiral infsficccuen ulcers chacravted bu narrowing of artery bessesl that impedes dleviery of oxyganetaed blood to tissues riskf facrs includ atherslcoerss hypertension obesity DM and msoig develops tuppically on lower 1/3 of the lE commons ites include the doersum of the foot, lateral malleolus and toe wond edhes smooth and defined clean ownd be dis tpcualy light pin kin color tough a grayish undertone may be observed minimal bleeding with maipualtion of the wound and debisdement disoclcoration of the nails aka yellow and nail bed aka cyanotci and surrouding skin ie pale intact surning sim may be cool to the otuhc thin hsiny ad hairless distsal usles are diminished ora sbew ti palation and requwuire assessment via doppleer US ma be musle aging in adbaced cases pain complaints are SIGNIFCANT SIGNICFATN PAIN limb reltead pain is pstion cucuriwhen when the limb is in a non dependne position wiith tiwht activity reh ersutl in IM claudication duplex ultasonosgraphy leadt in asvasiv meto ofsses arterial blood flow determiens the speed and direciton of BF and anarrowing of the veessel angiogram aka ateriogram or venogram utilzized acontarsts dye and ray imaging to ident narrowed blcokerd or malforme or englaeg aarteiral veseel s ABI less than 0.79 is indivage of modera <.5 is severe likely to beocme chroncii without without adeautw perfsion to the owoooun bed and surronding tissue pt may deveop milt lcers cocurrent coplcoation that may furhte rimapct healing incldue gangrene osteomuselit sepsis and oain med mangaement montoring severyt o ndelruing idsease conseling refaring modifie risk factors phrama mau sirgero debisdment will concert a cohronci ucler to an acute owund and rewactivt ethe nromal healing process inc ases with more sig arteral occlusion surgical resvascualrization like a fmeoral poliftael buupass wil tpcialy allow the ouwnd to heal larger wound grafit mgay be indicated once mronal cirulation ahs been rseported if cavsuvla integrit cannot be rspoet amputaion ons tupcailyl recommended OT nemaohs ski rotection and wound healing inrevetion ulcerm ay rewuirescleansing agetns and or odebirsement and should be rg montro for sgns of infefciotn aciign mau e necssary t fill the ownd as par tof the dressing aplciaitonj dpending on the depth minimal exudate and therefo is imprt to selevt dressigns which both rect the wound ans ssiat in maintin ag moist woudn eahlihgn ienvoenrmen ohtohg dcuemntation iis reocmennded to uspllekmnta dsfcibrin woudn characrerisc i.e. area depth odor exudate and color homif do not reuqr dbeidmement may appropriate mange rouroutien redressing without derpbee managed bt neeed ot be dlligent with hygiene an dskin protection to limit risk of infection wil typcial heal by secondary intension withadequate blood suply an dwound healing inteventions pt rupcally will not experince residual deficits from wound iteslf bt may haveincreased mobilirdy motality from undelying patholgy long term efets looks like venous insuff ulcers but those are typically due to venous hypertension devleop in distal LE but undelrying pathology is differnt tucpalyl shawllow with irregular edues adn mod to heavy exudate pain compaints are usually mild to moderate most notable with prologned dependent positioning relieved with elevation exmain pedal pulses are intact bt may be difficult to asses with edema and skin is often dry and flaky with brownish disocloration hemosiderin staining secufc treatment wil reuiqwred some degree of grafed compression to manage edema and support normal tissue healing regular use of compressio is recommended

chain of tramission for inefection

caustige agent bacetreia pathogen virus reserovior ohuamn animal inamain obect ortal of exit rhoghblood intensirac tepsrona tac skin cnus embra oiepna lesion exreotne ra eor sesme tramiasto hrog airboen cont avnector vehibel ro doepletmdoes poratsfo lfent ry throgh on itact skin s=blood lnuas emrbreingafa ingeiton or eprcuatn inect suspefctibel host refarin age health statu nutrotn adn enviroemtnal stuastu

ferefugal mov fromt hc ente rtof thbdoyout

centi peid movinign from the rs tohtefnc eo


centiful cneteetla

indwelling right atrail catheter (hickaman)

cephalic or internal juglar and thraded into sSC oand raituan logn term admin of stubsatnce intot he vneous yssc scuh as chemotherapy agent tal aprenternal nutrion and antibiotcs


cfasdi fofs nafdnoifaif fdoagoi

chronic fatigeu syndrome SIVLER

cfs complex condition with unknow netiolgy potenti potential etiogoies include a viral origin an imune rpesone to inflmatio withing the nervosu system or a combo of lyifesytle facotrs (ie. stress engonroenmn( non mdoifa (age genetic) and cmorbiditeis cannot be linked to one strucutre or system his troy of at least 6 months of unexplaintedprolnged and sever fatigeu that is not relvie dby rest this must be accomapneid b at lesat 4 of the 8 addiotanl sx self reported memory or conecntraoitn deficiet severee enoughto ingerfere with dialy actiiites persistent or recurrent sore thorat painful or enlager axillary or cervical lmhohn odes unexplainedmscuel api migrating joint pain without visitble signs of inlfammation compaints of malaise lasint more than 24 hours after phsycal or menal exertion and headach ethat exhibts chage in pattern or seviery diagnosis of exlcusion rule out other ocndiiton know to produce severe and prologne faired hypthoridism mult sclerosis cancer mononucleosis psch disorders leep apnea aeating dirsos sutbaca baue and morbid oesti ty coghevaioral therapy restbalsih hemostati for any stsyemic abroanlits ;le s;ee[ a[mea amd ,etan;oc cpmdotopms phrama and psch teapt deprseson or stresmangent PT inteventio ay include raxation rechnqnues deep rbeatig exercise biofeedback energy concerstion and exercise low tolrance for phshcal exeriton howeve aoiance of exericse may exacerbate sx exericse should ebgin with low elvel short duraition sessions rhadual profession of regaulr exericse is benefitalfor pts with CFS esp with imrpve toleratce for moderalt dailyy acitivie s short duartion eercise eenryg rela hyponsosi emdicaiton massafe acuptur yofa thai chi inertiosn are not considedr cueetaiv sx may remain unchagnes dscbie deicsta efferots on thepar tfo the pt sem can mange sx hie other are ig deblitated pt may expiernce omcpekte sx resolton n as littel as six montsh or expeirnce persistna sx or eyras for years andnever return to prestate

staa peor

chdsgn gir aill eald fnja ggfalsd lausfls findf eslfsalfasgnfasdlf

sfanogi eeror

chfn egiidf eb sifsa fas asfn nruhel fsara in fsakmsin eheinasuf sfalkm a

hevn fbsnvoi fmodels

chgne ina hefbvi s ocmof e fe cie that eit fidi st af attain afns dgidg sfsioghtea as hasfb sfisaodg nsdg gras fsght af nesuslk gniso ngodignsadughevshaga sgnis gna wgo ss a


chilfs affirmtaiv ahrerment to apreist re ah a ahci sifal eobekf hsol nt socnagermefn

type 2 diabetes GOLD

chornic diseae with biochemciail and antomical con noramlly insulin faciltates the abosportion of lgucose from the bloodsteam into the liver fat and msucle cells wher eit may be used immediatel or stored for enerngy chcarcterize by an inapprorpaite cellualr respone to insulin preventin adequate abprotion of blood glucose excess bloodglucsoe resutls in persistent hyeprglucemic state alternation in metabolism of glucose due to an inafewuate supply or cellualr resistance to insulin excess body fat interfers with the bodys ability to mmetabilize insulin correctly anf is often a key chaceteristic oft yep 2 decrease insulin produt and the insulin ressitance that may accompany it may resutl form faors include sress adfbabced ae sedentary lifetysl cmorbidities and certin precammed meds familt hsotyr over 45 are Afraicna aisian hipan or american indian increase risk over wighe sefeprecidab or gestation diabets are at iincreae risk may delvoep slowly prior to sx same sx as tep 1 glucated hehmoglobin A1C teast msures average bloodg lcuose over two or 3 month perid and is tupciall used to confirm th diabgosis random blood glucoes of 200 or higher is also sugestif ove FM fasting feater than 125 on tw esep tests consider indivative rate of blo glucose metabolsm may be more speficall ases with oral glucose ttilerancet tes lifestyel changes an sphrama intervention pt education adn couseing can mange throgh lifestylc ahgnes increae PA icnrease sinsulin sensitiviy assiting cels to better abors and utazie blood glucsoe as an approate sourc eo f enerngy stress mangment also mportant bc prologne stess can impact eho bdoys abiltiy tpperoeprproduce and metbaoliz insulin various orgal or ndct general ex stnregth and stefchin foot care pt for weghtmangnment increae acity and stress mangem momre comonyl tp are treatemtn for comorbidites r cpmcota that resutl from fpor amgnemnet leading cause of kidne railure blidnenss nontrama LE amp 90% of all diabet cases


chornic rehmatoid or osteo arhtiris increas eROM

puat aitlcre

chr ab te nion cocont r fo of ife o ratetna tdurn puser is feif as afa cfelcegnei et ofom otehr ser by a oerud si ite e whcin oev icn acigexies msot fohf va reeiteh mno haer bocfohae motn has en paher fe ah pfe hteroe efvie is eostaoer vn mfoo oreu il afeesn fthorgh tishone mtna psitsive negeiat sgoe negaeio bipshi curern has ths on wihc fsit fna fsnfoehic ge bi pahf vea vna fnfse asyta f asu and bdalceo unaf

smal elo

cinrea sdcuren dne icnreoinoendance decefrecurrenflow


classified as a rhuematology syndrome or a nonarticular rheymatic condition pain is the primary sx caused by tender ponts wihtin musclres tendnon and ligaments etiology unknwo biochemical metboli or immunolgopathology suggeste a link to a dysfunction withint he stress system autonomi ner immune or preodycutiveand hormone sysem etiolgy unknown diet sleep disrder viral infection osych disess occ and environfactr hypothryoidism trama and potential heredityar linnks multile caustive facors but some that have noneof these 6 million living with FMS making is the most common MSK disorder in the US gretaer in females 75% can affect any age butmost freq diagnosed betweetn 14 and 68 years of age disagnosed when a pt exhbits the cirteru by amreican college o frhematology widespread hsotyr of pain that exists in all four quadrsntsaboveand beow wisat axial pain is presenta dn there is pain in at least 11 or 18 standarize tender points istes occiput lower cerival traps suprapsina second rib lateral epicondue dlutea eare fratertoedchanter knee pt may also complainof fatuge memory and visua impairement sleep disbr ibs ahad aaniety depresion commony misdiganose as myofascial pain, systemic lulptu, brisotis, an dcornig atuge syndroem there sare nospeif test used to diag fms radiographa re neg and blod work is often normal except for possible alteration in leveles of subtacne PT which is invoeld with pain transmission image studes and otehr alb testing are prerofmred only for diferen dx doloikmete prbe coniste pressure of 4kg per cm2 if pt meetstcietera and has exp sx gerar then 2 mon then pt may be diagnsoed with it beck depresion invent o fibroanlimapct qusioetn sx cna progess and with loss of function sedccoar incraes pain decrea tor AND SEVERE GAITUE mlti disc appraoch incldung eduaiton med mangem execise med atempt to nroamzie vairous usifntion of he ANS hoones metabolic annormal phsicm must asddres sleep disorder and pharam intervetnin based on sx psychotherapy may be waratne dfo reaniety or deprssion ad msut incorat stess magne and coping strat into POC PT incldue relafzztaion tecniwue energy ocnerstion gentlee sterhcing moist heat US postural and bod meecains bigedback and exericse to tolerance aquatic therapy is recomended to imprpt fitness and an ergonic evla ahousl be pterfome pts workl=palce this popilationshold NOT workthrogh ain they require shorte xercsie ssesion initally 3-5 min due to lowt o elrance for exertion short duration exefcis aquatic therapy enrg concser use of proper psotiin poerpoer body emchain adn gentle stretching pt educaation is key tosucess exercise tah tstrian must such as weight lfitnig shold be avoided compressive plan should include lifesl nnagemn nutrion and sess mangment sx can remain unchage even with inervention and pt complaince some pt will report impvement in aresa of fatugeu sleep and self prepoted pain not "curable" many pt shta thave mild sx do no treuqi rmelsidsc intervnetion and have agood lonterm outocme majority of pts exhibit moderate levels of sx andusual tocnite to exp these sx or eyars or even their entire lifetime simialro to myofascial pain syndroem MPS which is often misdiagnosed for FMS charceerd byt trigger points rather than tender points and alcks associated sx lcoalize msk conditin that is psefic to a msucle not a sustemic conditon MPS is usalt cause by ocveruse reduce msuclt actity or preteiiv emotions

parametes for aplng nmes foe mscues tegh


multpe rogan dysfunction sydnrome

clicna lsydnreo mcahraer byt e psygi dysinc of 2 or more oragns or gan systems consition can be cas ey infeciton inriuy ypermatbl or cirautl sohcock infection and or systei inlamto resonsdleads sto sepsis which evleta leads to MODS typcial consier respia toy cv renral hepatic neueo and hemtolgi hostlg chagnes in thse ragn incldue ddema inglamm firbosis and tissue eschemia and necosis dever chils sweta lterne mtnalfcntin hypervneita lrea recomon whenspeisis is presetn sx earch asore thoe rsinus pain sowlle lgh roduc cough ches pain ds ar abfonal pain cneaus ocmginr diararh epvl aor pan vaign rure disahc arugen or refens o ruaiton xray ct us derem source of infecion or nsutl cbc may be prfoem to assit with dx also enusre that hemoflgo levels are adeua in the presrenc eof shock lubar erouc it =f engis or ce=cnahfis sisype ct rel or reps diser es nd ernfal faufeu

isaf slkm sdif sdigg rthat pt or closdf o feoit ht roi nfisfn asfaengfi afnsfa e eifasnfn asfnias nsagpas sda ifamsfs fdfsoasdnicdgneof isnf erfh afdis nfsd ft awvia onf t fi msignslg sl gsagign

cmdias lfen dcdi


cmdo te tcolleciot of elelamat ot bet sufs af goru ef h reist ale raer tio ean be egnalgi

noremlfe rjesutl emd

cna fi vu als c al duchsfemmd gia dabr amg prepsre re pilleiis epl

systemic lupus erythematosus GOL

cnnective tissue disorder caused by an autoimmune reaction in the bdoy prumary manifestation of thecondition is the prduction of destructive antibodies taht are directed at the indivuals own body chornic inlfam disorder proude a varity s=of sx deeo the dsvery autoimmune disorder that creates highlevels of autoantibodies (antinuclean antibodesi) that attack various cels and tissue within the body autiantibodies form ummune comcplexes that produce an inflammatory repsone adn cause further tisue destition prlgieraton of immune complexes precipates inflammation respoent aht in futn detoru cells tusseus and organ eotiigio eunknown described as animmunoreg dustrbance frm gnentic env viral andhroanlm contrbi facors evnonraenta lfacors iluce UV ligh exposure, infecti, antibotics (specifcally penicillin and sula drugs) etreme stress immunatoin and pregnanccy can occur at any age most common infrom 15 to 40 disorer si 10 to 15 iems more comon in women 1.4 million indivual diagnsoed with SLLE in the U S exacerbations and remissins sx include arthralgias malaiase and fatigeu may persist ene during remission pt mau intiatlly see a phsican for sx that incldue fever malaise rash arthralgia headahe and weight loss common clincal rpsentaion incldue red buttfly rash acorss cheesks and nsoe red rash over light eposre aresa arhtalgia alopecia plerisy kidney nvement seizures derpesss firbmylagia cardaic invlement can affect skin kont skidneys lungs hear and other organs that tissues withint he body pts also have CNS invlement that can leda to neurphyscit maniprestsion that prestn with dperession irrtbailit emotioan instbailt and sizerues microscopic fluorescent techanue are infcat to detect the prestnce of antinuclean antibody ANA within the blood opstie ANA warrants additon test for antideoxibi acid antibodies two test in combo with the pysic presetns supor the rpesen of SLE ESR CBC and urinalysi have to have 4 out of 14 charcetistics thta occur during the same perido of time skeltal defmoites such as ulnar deviation subluex eiIP joints kinde invleen t cb impairments such asn endocarditis myocad and pericaridit durin excarebtaion pts that epxiernc enephrisi meyoc arad or neuro imparmten thave apoor prognosis modifiable risk facors for excerbation includ hgih stress, imtied emotan faoscial suport, psch disress mangmen focus nreversing the autoimmuse rpsone in order ot avoid copcationa n eatbation phama inctenton with mild will include salicylates SALICYLATES indomethacin or nasias antimalarlail meds, corticosteorids and immuosupporessive may be used ANT MALAARIAL weird general mangemne incldue good ntrion ongng meical superivsion avoid afUV eposreu s PT ususaly indcated aftera period of excerbation adn incldue a slow resumptio of PA energy concertaion graufl aneducanr pt educaiton on skin caer pacing exercise adn stenthing to toelrance cannot ceasero ralter the clnical cour pt cannot may assit in cintrolling the debiltiatu effect during exacbeation phase goals include focus on pain rlefi real stneg repvne om hgihly unpreicable course may only echibit sx for skin anjoitn or may exhibt multi system invlement perids ofrsmiion smay last years sdn the progosis depend on seveitya nent eo pdis cprc overal prfis for sleis goo althogh in trate ases teh dasea pcoress acn remain acute and become fatal the acute in a should eorido of time high ren year surval rate with SLE daeth is usalt satribtue dto kdinefu faulur ore seconayr infection similar to systemic sclerosis also termed sceroderma chonic dse taht rpkmaruly affects th skin but can invl artiuclar streucuc and internal noral logn term ahrdneing an srn o fthe afected ocncneti tisuse sustem and lcal monts year or life time progrssion


cnti fia fsd fan sfauf afu alogna n tat oveor afna wih a valggi by the dfee faofa ff aotiosn disn ta w gi ttisem

interferencial curent

cobreisn tow mediu ferfa altenation avea avhta bc phfs te maf ldiaothth seteo sle cro esepra chagne o fhasme sitals whreh c fes thfprisdf ahigh ethen f dfsafashareifhs flwoerlewre whne thea re in i thsd cdfe enofse u enov odsfles bat as oft ewoocosince lwo masis fiedflethorf hgh elrucren fldeepr tsue ifsf moset sndf pfasinfcnie smsuclt sal

expetiaenfrtal reaehsh

codfa jtiteo fofnofn cause feffet frelr tosn einffo ne f RCTs wufo eaosg signlg sa n

saett sagt aoi t efihe teetn fepeot gafaio Y anfd foen geinf doei nC fe adsofihoiahg sigsna oisa agio

codsinfegfne i

cryooo cuff

cold ea te cerua tfbncol with comres n llasee th cnt oe sppe galoc tvia bafs evlate dgallo 15-18 inches bvoe the lvel do the selve erc cool wtaffro ores driangby l intabel go alevles lsseee but dnrecco ffredff can ric ehorus modl cool ata tlfaer elot nee toher sch asfslc cont sedskne hflafn os ankle post poff i

ostomy devic

coleciton of waste fomr na sufacl roduced opening in the badme remvoa l of the easte occures thogh astoam extenidni into the smla intesnin the as is colelct in a pslt baf or cough covrinh ttosm asc air and wate igh adn slwoo th use dot leadl an acti vnormal lifelstle

condifen atilti

ehtiaf f ifn seai tesat oanfos fnif nagaos fenlf ebua sfoirf isadf asoibfu t fne sdifagte sofnl ausf aoif n


commmlnu se dtepa ttmodatli cabfap foruc wdie ar ther msuce scl stneging pain mangemnt msucl ere ed and stimulation of enfee narmsucle decre aedema dec epani elita useu atrhy facil boen repaif facigla owudn ehagin imr rom incera lcoal crualton mucsker re ed mst sneacin indiat ein belts pasly decer ermo faci afneoe tpathy fac f diofa gatois coifl otj efufsio labr and elviety mscul fatap fs sfmawkae epoenwoudnulcenpain stesin tnns shodl sblu contas ccardia rh f carepace maekr magia nostemuselis vieorpregnans teur veor cetoad sinsu pt swih baldder stiuatl phhebtis serzure idaseoer


common deep ehatin agent that rransfesr ehat throgh convversion and elecates tissue temperature to depth up to five cetneirmertse used high ferqyency acoutic mechancial vibratiosn to rpduce theramnd and nontehrmal efects US has a ferna above 20,000 hx (.02) freqncy theraputa and 0.75 mhz and 3

purspoe of documenattion

communciat eiwh tother trateing portieosnl asssitance iwth disaschan pannig reinuefsemtn assiti with utaizl gr eive legal document rrasfigt he ocur seo hteorhapt


complex form of arhtirs resutign from an abnorally high uric acid level in the bdoy this most commonyl occurs eocnadyt othe underexretions of uric acid but can also resul form overproduction or combo as uric acid levesl icnraew roaund joitns needle like cyrsatl form and accuuate cuasig inmfallation adn jotn swelling uric acid is formed as the body breask down foods that are high in purine eiolgy of hyperurciemia is often idiopathic hwoever a nueb of medical contiion ketoacidisoi hypothyroidism and side effect of certain b=meds are associw wth hyperuricmea some inivi with hycu ailt odevelo sc of out whil eother may be asumptat for eyras priro to the firs caut egou atack strucuraldag ie more comontl associte dwith cornci gout sinicnalyl greate prevalencae amoing MALES with great toe knee and ankle being the most commonyl afftec GREAT TOE may resnst at chornic or aserisr of acute attacks single joitn adn prestns with sing of inflammation inclid pain rednesa n wath pain tend sto be sever and is descibred asthrobinc rushing or exuratooing onse of acure sx typcahubeifn with a priad professoion f discomro often occuri at tnight time which then aggaduall eases o e temm in chornc ogur mjutleo jjoitns tend to be afe twith les sintents sx chofen ogu may go ucnonre voiinital with sx atribte dto athiris firm lump dpetis of uriacid sthat form unet teh ski refer to at tophi are pucally ascit ediwth cron gout idntefy urin acid cuatl in synfoa gluid colefct vai sfan is ay confue th sifan g abnoralm system ilevels of rucacid may be ases though labs of blood anf urine condsuch as obesti kdney sairfae sdabe sor insup leukeam and sickcell anemai are oacoi rwith anc incrae sincdien cof gout

CPR sequence

compression airway breathing

ventaiton when resu ii siuntriangi nor trainigna nd not orpepofien

compressions only

soap nte

comtl sue decor tethio ffsegtla nfaoet esi sth fnsof apo f sbsefbf asif oesbfe f asfesmfe poan

priamr pruse f pT docuemtnaton

comutn arela vant info to terh ehalf coerc who aconcue tnl etrrathe smat apt falt re o codume erl vopt canre info in a clera obfe sitmeane can reustlii ref ession engignel pric toher easl cdrice riwth a celarundertuh hteinnvetons perfoee rans dhte asciata parametesused aprpoa ropocumeiwla analllow ntoher thepa trathe tsmaer pt ot eprfht ei etn invetion

irritable bowel syndrome

condiiton charcerize by GI distress and alteration in bowel habits usch as such as consitpatio adan dirarhea exta tio is not know theroin include an overgfowth of abacerita in the small intestine and altered sginaling between the brain and GI tract 'trugger ubckdye fiifs dstess abd ub=kkbess cibcbdutuib atg affec teg GU trac tsoecu tge arge ubtebstube wakk s==s if tge ubtebset are kuebd wutg nsyckar katters wgucg icbtact abd rekax ti oass fiid akibg tger trac t wgeb tge cibtart are kibge ri stibr ggrab nisre sx if gu suds bkiadutb faktykebce nat resykt wgeb tget are tii sweaj t=stiiks nat econe gard abd drt abd kead ti cibtsuaotauib ' ybjkee iter gu udsrai cgirbs abykcera us dies bti tryesk ub sstyecb gagbe ub =ti tge ubtebtsub tussye chracterize by adomain pain and dsiconot blaoatin flatuence an contibapt and or diathea three main tyeps iarrahe prodmone constiapredonn or alternation chornic that will rerlife lifetime magnemnt o sx not lagb or iamging colonsocop or ct may be erfern to reule out toher conditiona thatricue dbaonanl maoin and gi dsitess blodo test and stol test may also be reprfor for this reason diagnsis of exluseion abidnan oab thta irive with defecation and cahgnes in stool consitsntetn ar two sx tha often sugest the presnt of ibs

malaborption syndrome

condition in which the GI tract fails to properly absorbb nutriotnen form ingested foot which often reustl in malnutrion there are a ariety of resons that the body may not peropyl abosrb ntrient includeing infectious agents HIV giardia, strucutral defects iei chronis dsea diveritucla mucosal abrnoamlies like celiac idseae enzyme defiicen lacoe intelrance digestive insuff custic fibsosus pancreatisi systnemic DM pruse of the GI tac tis to abors macortunut ic wate ran de elcoty rcies sof sbroing nutein incldue giestio (within the lugen f theintensts( abrsc (acorss the mucsoa of teh insten) and tpaort (evnet ococur after nucc oaboro) malabos toccurs wh this sewuen is sdisteuped commo ss incldue aboam dssitentsion and blaitn g flatulence diarrhea steatorrhea presecne of fat in feces fout femmlin stol weigh tlsos wewakness and faituge ssign of nuteient deficient may incleu anmeia edma msucle cframp sand excess bleeding lab blod an stool meausr esfoat ocntent in stool most relia bos spmay re feof if an abemal int he eall if the bwe is iepct no spreic tes made my ss sconsition shoudl be stornly consider if the atietn suffers from chornc diarrhea, nturion ddfeicine and signan wieght los depsti haigna nroaml deit

contrast bath

contrast bath utzi ratlenratitn heat n cold in oder to decreasdededmam in a distal demitey EDMEMA altneran vadiidlatan avabc aosticc is theraize to allwo the betnfit of ehat such adec rpaian incra swhie avodi th erisk fo incrase dedma tecni price good cnta oer ireigua shre af ralof ero movemen duri gn ter amtan dist wiht panf magne lintatin of cants f incldu epatne ticn tle toa cl dpen psidjtoan a lakc of reci reasha supor tefficncacy tehpar shoudl potsitiop tp s that both btahs are esalfil acessibel for the pt t shoud ebgin with the pt shdoa ita dmcet imemrian t HOT with atemp betwl 104-106 F for 3-4 min pt shodl then palc ethe istla edmxitnto cold witha temp etwn 50-60 degres F for one min repate for 25-20 min dehre f tep ncre sdesc often sdtmet hewr theresdned in the hot or cold tet utlai prairmuw th atait of thesmall sjotns msk paria stias comeo regiosn pain dysnf oe resud ual desntisitsi vation

common lowa

cooe inf na foitall cf relag ei narea saetaehaeb eben enfa


condition in which the endometial cells that line the insdie of the uterus begin to gorow outsid eth eurient caity exacti etiolgo is unknow most widle accept theroay is the retrograde menstruation therpay in whcih teh mentsu blood flows backwards in the fallopian tibes and into the pelvic cavity growth of endomertiral cells outside the uterine cavity scar tissue and adhesions scar tissue and adhesion form within the pevis and abdonainal cacity disale endometiracla cells conteu to dunciton normaly by breaing down and bleeding sine the blood has no way to exit the body ovaries fallopan tubes uterineligematn inrestin urianry baldde ruertuer endometiral tissue ratel y spreads eyond the pevis and abdomanal regisn priamry sx is pelvic pain which owrnsen during mensturation and can spread to the abdomen or lower back the intensity of pain is not indicative of the eextent of the endomerttrosis other sss may incldue pain with inercocure pain with uratin orbowel mvoement diarrahea constiaption excessi ebleddin gfatuga dn inferitliy laparoscopy a ssu rcue whhere a cameir si insretinito the abdoamn cavity to directly visual the lesions US may also be used to ad idan but only effecti nedetn large cysts rule ut pelvic inlma dies ibs pphuscn aplatin in and aorund pelvis area to detect persernc eo endoemtrail fowth s

infectious disesa

conditon wher an organism invaesds a hosta nd edlevpe s a parasitisc erlatioship with the host invasidon and mutllociaito of hm icoonga i rpoude an immune resnrse with subest ss

recommendation to avoid lsgitagio n

condt athorgh exmiataoon saekg ondg ehtef scuhef fofnit o go ef ien pt pj soathoh keep reifi ofhinf oabtant prpf ofnesna csfreoi o nt relg eeto fnalg in fl keep fsa toetr eesfns


condution or convention wound care unaof o ewight reducot onf dedma decres tone incr eblod lfo incfre as CINREASDE CORE TEMP pain felif relaction vasolation woudn debtement iniat for arhiti sburn care edma decraeROM denstia s jojtnstifnf mscu lespasm sfpas cit msucl trisn pain asprains wound care contraiicated in advbae cCV or pumlpnary disea activ beleeding d jidasb sentaiosn angrrene imapri crualto inconteince maceration periehra vauvla diase r erenal infeciotn severeinf ec severeneta nidsso

pat sgta nst obeoht hefciaf ne C6

conogn coin eit afl impag i raalhs avi nafa pf foibafs ktand apao lasc oifs afonooi aiogng blno oat

itravenous stem

consis of s etoid lfuid source a pupp a calsm an acther et inset into a vein used ot ifnsue fuids elcot lytes ntrient and medicaiton IV lins are most cmmonyl isnerted into suroefha veins usch as the basilic cephalic or antebucrbal IV lies rei ntient to be iduc ehwn tht GI trac ti snot abel to giest and abrb foor


consit sof a tnak taht hld water with an iattached amotor calle d aturbine feFIO w ro xwhwrwlr ruewbiwn ARlo whh LR dro S RW asuw xndod wliwe diow e DOWME BSOGW FIN XOM MONR IFL RIAN N DPOR RLE CL OFNC SHOS BE NEREIF SASSES TX TIEMERANFE SBET WE 10 AND 30 mi exerics enc aen perfoemd furgin ehle poor after der adr and tin e treata s tank btsn balceoh twie sdiaennfc anatibace riea fen

direct curretnq

conta flwo of aleco from the anode (postive electro) to the cathod (emgative elecode) for a erod grre tha on wseocn witoientuptio palri merreain contan dis fetin y thrpa baebs nte o dire curen can be mdouat efo thepa use b inethe curernt fow afet one seconreversing th plra or faulf hgeufa in ior ecthe emag dreic curen it smsot ousr use fitno hrosus


contain taht curual warm air and small cellulose cparitcle s genate dry heat thorgh frocentcconevention dry celu emdiu does not irrait skin adnlow sfhigh rtem htan hydrotherapy LE is adn pte tci sheld is ppaleid to eperven the sdcap eo fhte cellulose particles direct conta betw etn skin adn celulaose partia is ire sinc ethis eil amx heat rranfer s open would shsould be cover with a asltai barreid t erven the clelu apform bicnbg eaed in the fwound conains aserpatest prota that proci therap tiwht access to the tetei duringt x stemp should be 100-118 max temp during occura sfer 15 min tx is uall 15 to 20 min lvelv o agagita ion air spee can be controled fo rpt confor for sue as par tof densiti atprogorma soem untis prcd other tas in l the abit preheat or sell eapusel mode therap efects incld ptoiton of tissue ehalig skin desenstitation and edeman agement heasted air is curucla tin uni causi cleulos rpatia cetbe cusdusfa smove radf iwth eunt reustlis aflidii bed of celul par th taaon peoroop of a iiuf dppat afoten reo tha tbdoy apr leike it is us spernte in amovenluh t can perfi aAROM durn tx howeve rtehrpa shsould aavoid palcing the xite in a fgeavi dpedn poti when possbel

duty cycle

continos or pulsed mode contins us intes ti is contatn throgh t x pulsesd itnesi tsy perioducl interrupted poertion of tx time that us i genrat udiern gh ter tie treate is refrred to as the duty cycle dity cyycle = on time / on time + off time x100 continuous US 100% gernates constatn US waves producing theraml effects at higher tinesi and non tehram at lower tinetsi contsiou US is more effect in elevat issue temo while ousel imin i iz etheramal efefct oulsesd with 20% dutay cycle genret us 20% of thetoal tratment preslt si ureslc aver aeia o ftissue is tehrefore use fprairm for nontherma efeft when suer ousle for notheram ost reccoemdn 20% or lower duty cycle impacts th toatl wuantia of enegy ernetaed sptai teptarl avera tien sirefeot eh uS beam afvera over teh tieem of one an doff measura llo ehtape to cmare enye otu pts betwtn icnitn and eysle hwoer ti isin o frersu ed in clicn ainstead often desteh rdein fbad oe sprail average itesnian adn specify ad ty cycly

mechanica betnialtor

contoled flow of ahsito pts airways flow of as brocidepistiv eprssuer ha priduces u indaltion pts with acuteillness tarm an sever chornci illnes may rewuire mehcianl bvenitlaton tmost ocmno teup fo vneitli clude volime cceld and prssure ccled vume -- devliver a pereteramonfo hsaeasedon th ptsneed urin ght inspriatory phasr most comonuse for pts that reuwet long rem suport presure cycled delvie presimamzpressure of fas duir gpeorsition whnet he establsihpressur rech the inpsriatore hase ends the exp phase i passive with both voluce and presur cycled venitaltors


coresr sts lsghmo fvaia


deep ehating agents tha conver thigh rernqcy electromagniet cengy into teharput heat eelcot magnrit i engey into theraput heat elcit c engy priucd moelcu bitbartn withint he tisue taht getnatte heat and ellvat eissue temt

28 pages

deep thermotherapy lcoal or gnel use of energy sound or elctomagnei cin hreha with goal o icnrea tissu temp det sh of 3-5 cm microteramin msucl eaitn g tendon gnlod

stage f dying kfnlfu ross teinglil

deltn ng bagi sdgiegan g

cushings syndrome

cortisol is a glucoscoir dhormeo procuced bu the adrea coretexx which assits in the guarlion o CV function metablism and the body respnst or stress cushgin sydsrneon is consditionr esutlin for abornal high levels of scotiso due to endogenous overprouce of corit or ecsscei exogens use of crioceotirds most common endougenous etiolgy of hypercotilsi is a pitar or adrenal gland tumor pitat r tyrmos are ptucal begnin and linkfe dot incraes eprocuiton of the aadrencotithrop hormeon aACTH which stjmakt coritc overpfc this contion is terms cuehsing sydnreom bebgin adrenal coretx urmoe may also cause corti cover afind infep dn to aACTH infecen less comon ednocu tetigl oinlcue gentia n laigannach exogencou steiolo are linked to high dosds of corticooerid tupcal ysefro inflmatoyr ocnisdiotns wigh tgain pursestraief ruddy compextion weight gain is accombt incraes sadipse tissue distrubte to the face (mon face_ upper back (buffalo humP) tors (central obestity) and spra calvivaulr region ther xinldue gait ffepresion emotonal labiltia exefcssi hari geoth brusin and prima msucle weaness sysmisytemical cush dsyne may contirbet ot concst scuh as hypetnesion diabetse prepilc osteeni umsutse imparimetn sig fratet fperv among wonen in wuth eht nset of sx betwen 25 and 0 yras of age may be sian lab analysi fcortsol n urine salgi or blood lab stud dtaiel body eoisnrs to low dose f dexamethososen alone or incobo with ACTH sitmuatio are also consit eto eb diagnos fvnal valid

PTA can

cosndi etdsa tinaign ec ksl pt afliein italt aute btasi fsfi f refoif of osf cn ss etting ehfs fna eas ernfea rateuuets liabtig ar eiskf gmegne msisfon pt tfot need roerjof jeoream

sytysmte rejivoef

cosnfe nfe roi fefiht fspdi falfmetof sihsdf sfhsif asefnefsf eaffi aspfausfenefm aflaf eiso fsaf j scdofesj ag ithtfn io v fevi sdpafig ehalgf

cold pack

cotnains silcia gel and si avial tina r viety of hsapar esa siz e dgetl araminf in s semisold form evei nerlatei lwo ermeap snwich alohf ocld apc to docmrot cou o ftody taco oal to n ncoolig us ta taprox 25 dergees fa cocool for ats leats 30 min wbewe te used forr tow roe porio ti the intiati use thogougl ins epc th arge areas pripo ti antiate r cthg hslwek shou ldbe remov vdsom oth tramt airea if eedmda is pre nt he invov na belv eat acdol dabc kshoudl apleid ove ra vmoids tocld towr eto incre tin the tintiag magnti of cool i the cmositi towl increas t condnutb y mini the infenc eof ar whichis a poor condutot arm watenc na ebuse to moitt he otwl whenus g acold pac n ot whi is sernt ot hecold isncie tia lso foe morencaugnset of cold cold ap cn ebc apeli su an ieliat rapt to uscirnea rthe seuhf sacdfavebtwtn ol abscl afntageg toshould be i gan ggel ranother foc alc eiv rinane tge isasitue nt tratment TWENTY MIN red tefm the etose ft sin ansb tnfupt o 12 cm in dopth aitiont ratmen mah fendfn overagango th eso repto alo cod tcast ente fhtorgb tiaisfitonalayre rs terea sol ineth sin dur igna nfaoftie rocmoeti ea nramlt skinsl apprea red or dark pn kan en ismot tnenbyu erscoe wheals or a rash can be appelid very 1-2 horus for the duc of f inlfamao an pain contol can useff afr os subfs ts cre n suc ahsbafo s fxabve foi last asbsagilei cuesh as may aexten to 30 mi if ttx goal is spactivity reducitn othis isc eit heknsoeur itnes pec evey 210 min userf or the imem aion sideatls emdite unlinm ay othe rfo a cold bath alosf or cnfen asoc tiwht cooag n in teh presf oe edma shold be infif te nfgeafvdpend sittsjn coldsdb athe reas ete rme nign 55-65 4t5e 15- 20 min tratment beyn 2 min ay reuf eom ht eg ign codl baco

cold pack

covers moderat to alreg ears can be apleid in concjuution wit helviotn hepne may not maitn ofog donc aon snal aseve cntouar ea pt ay not otelra teht wigh to fth abk dffuclt o bser taget aereas duri dtx

rocker knife

curved balde unage agne cut foot using rocng motn

commode chair

cut out seta for periso n h8evein adn mero ffa pan for socmmud sue evlae aboe the elve o s stand commode and thea rms reincea sfaey udnei gtnafs

faltenf agghha H1

dalg aefasg aeegethlf si sa tnae gpeop glas ahfsaf dthat fsidig rhgn htlas gne isfsnsdeith

cross secotn

dat obfet mfaf onyl one toin gasll sfubt eare testted sl aeoita tellafioa gfdsl asigna si foif eake baetban dasifasefi afja fji safioa es rie fealsi fbtt etcnoi tfanfodif as tawhio asiofn aspgf nao asio gn eroea v ofi asore fcos aoitn taw sdbtbuwa fasbet teneg folgoin sisnore fidf esnaf uas foehaweh


datsfobert esinei oefr ieon fosc dsnfeinag ig a goia ie fn leufna egearf nasf sng of fepvetn esnfaiosn htoght oanf sfpah gpjad hpthe fio fsasuwnfa skg erhumfanf afbr eiaotntio ifo ihio sdcuth eresfe ein fits oscu rrath en be ign mfanfi rovagl gloobfdal smfaslkfa fnfmenf sfisf saioda giopaw oi agn aehof egio gin iancnai ht aosifreoifa so sa eln a nonfs fst a sf bsckfif mof seao in ifios slf io ogia skang esexot aaogiao or oitngnsv asvi int ia fnoei fadn fing asocngsa cnanf gel i

fanf as

datsiffon nt er aoi nermal ssgne to ab ekf n enne or tot avo eoei iafsoig saifooias a


dbr;e sg visyo vgav grk mo ;djrat cje,fco afm d;ecogt c jteef asjfpdsf;ds ofm et hj spufpe kcp efjefnseriamsfam dgtjaet ;;cpaaitamf jetoj re;pvodsj geaasnfi niercans fbe nlfsaich fafscoidfnr fehe anscoordnif thiafaf aeji frrulel snin thera sholsite tia matot etmoremove the osurew cof eot bruenrf brunf ahasd beben cua bsyer a schemcia ater hsold be sed to dilteut aeth suasnc e howef be cauion not teash the chemcnonto tan unaffct poration if caused by a CHEMICAL water hsoudlbe yse dt dulathe th subfaf how vbe causstnot aj efah thmce mont o an unaf otion fks uf the skfcie fis fa sfyr peirj t shouldbe BRUSGHED oofff the skin if ti ste ermanf l bru runt he affected partundera cool tao fr esver esmeint hwoef vif ht burn oce ral relg easufha c cold wante sholdnit be sasd tush can ncra sthrisk fo htherehramia if it sian clelc anirn sasef spt sHR and RR and onti sisgns of caradc arrest fra ll busn remove an cthi oir kwelre near thburn howev erhsould nito attemo toe rmoveo clthign if it hasve oe part of the ownd a cleanr towlr oer dersseig shouldbe pa eover the aowudn to rpeventoioniecito if the brusn o begteos invles anhafns peorif or fee towivnle adersa eajie emrevhaenc syste should be called


dcocnt at imspore to ekep cgro fs finiffromf s keniofhsh kfbabf hafbefnoffion soe th clle fkamf blfni resoi htelt f effet teh aef


deafie a emfnaingi nfn nafe

lrfe electodoe

decae curren tdensgy decraes nmdpeccance cnerrasdcurretnflow

indicatons of ran AD

decrew WB msucle wean e decr alance or impari kinestihia awre s opain

postiv shrapeva

denenr msucle idors t erst priamru msuclidi esusc MD

hydraulic lift

depend trransg when a pt is obese, there is only on etherapts avail to assit with the transfer or the pt is total dependnt ned to be lcoke din postion befoe thte tnars thepat postna webbed slig udne th pt and atach the S ring to the bars on the lfit oc ellat achem ate chekc the ptehtp should oum thandnle on thd eiv in rodeto elveate the pt whent hte pt is elveatead the erath can cnvatht ehlift with the pt to tthe dsteaitn surfa f the cain souls be remove once the pt has been trnasf howefve the webbsling should remain in place in prep for the rten transger CAN BE USE D IF ONLY ON ETHEPATIS IS AVAILBLE TO ASSITS WITH THE TRASFNER!!!***

two person lift

dependtn transfer trans betwen two surface o fdifiernet ehights or when teasnfe a pt to the floor stanidn gbehind the pt hte firs therpat soul their uarms udnernerat ht ptes acillar teharst hsould rfap thepts left left foeram with thei right hand and hrap the rgh tfoerarm with their left hand (pts arms are corssed( secona therpa palce on arm aunde rhte mid to distal thighs a ndothe raarm to supor the lowe relg therap ta t tehead initaite commadn to life tand transf out of th chair to the destation surface


derer ae pdmteo jpsj teprjet ascmpefoj ta caetpet ewpft pjfeato faf varia foajg rpafcj ateproja pla fefio afei tmeslsl afres cosdfiei f erpfj wfcnfo ate topijv ne fev spfjpef jsi snas fs f

extntaly validiy

deresf fe afr vflagfi to ppo oefhogt hoae in the so interaction of trati wth epag hfidsi sdafn f tseti sissfio

sidelyways loss of balcne away from the therapstiuse one ahdn ot pull the safety belt rowad oyu and the other to stabizle the turnk or gap H if pt cannot regian balcne lwoer tsi aris

desncing one hadn to pull toawrad ou and sue the oethe to stbalzie the runk or gapg HR if cann tor ainf ove to sitting

standrad epcations

destifne ffor the care of all patiestn sin hpstiha regalerk fo infecotn dx univeria ls fprecauitons combne unvieristya nd bdody sutbatnc eisolamtion precaution and pply to tall blood bodoy lfus ecitoa dnexteion hand washing use plaine soap for routien ahd washing use ana ntiamiconafn gentes for specifi incden bas don estbalsnfecitonc onl pochy gloves war glowhen toch all body fludfs blod essfetion exgtean focntaiemt itsen m chagen govls ebeteween ras whith a pta feoccming oinct with infeciton mateiral remvoegovles eimkmeaelte avaoif touchin ono coggamit ean dwashinahand ta thata time BETWEEN TASKS mask wera a mask eye sroefciofafie forapproeciugn aci that are arier ffor psfklsifhao fany bdy lfidsu gown weare a gowen for poriefciton dureigna ciha riak for glasih of any bod li remvoe gown immedetael and wash hasnd pt care rwruiae handla aps eioment in a mmanne rh rpen rtrasfeof microogarmis ensurethat all reuasble rewo sismetisproepl stasnitaize porpr utesuse occupational heatlh and bloodren athgenn vigilaen is reui wena hafnlgi idsporsign of sharp inste ments nevngagrecap nedle sor remove esyrignes by hand all sahrap disprla sould use punetuer ressitanc ocntianers mouth peices tersuusetab abafs and ;cvenital devices shoudl be used as an larenativ mouth to mouth resustaffiton

isnsidgas; dgosadgoi

determine if the reustlk esfio the sutsfuhd cn afnbe consdfoi fvlaiidf og hr dsughvns gbr gvoinfgiog rgn svifi ehtrir py sdgn ytmsrnoits gngrsg dosngrts ngldfgsnvnoinlrngsnd egrdslgr osglorjgp slognhr rsoihjs gnvrg rlk g rgsiroynryon ioy sgnlhfgprogs ret psy glgig lroyp pgs pspy sddihrmyn yo hotup rvp gohyr srprpg r yrspoj err poy sryttrslsrysl rtjir hohtijo sgdfiogsrg ioy syh yhdo g dgudh frtiog ryhr trdly rgoi vnfngs gvonfgion dgr ryhsrdg ofdg fohijs yrtd shgr origdsio yrs hrysm tigfd fgriog iogsyhr ebsi flsigjskgmri srtrsiopsy spy idgs ggdog goi dshgs hgrd idgi rgsinr gli roys goioiy snrgrithstmsd gyrsgj groghsr hgs iobosgi ggiotog sh

non proppootioal

device mofe at a rep set speed regarless of jocie sdipaclement used must releas eout sitck inode tchagne diections

neuropathic ulcer GOLD

devleops due to a combo of peripheral nerupathy atherosclerostic changes and pressure neuropathic ulcer n=occur most frequrnti in the biabetic poplation and are often referred to as diabetci ulcers this form of ulcer may also develop in asosciate with other periherl neuathi etiolgies can affect vaeious tissuet rsucues based on the deth of injury sperficial ulceration is assicated with damge to the epidermis onl damage from a parital thickness ulceraion will extend through the edidermand apnd oistb into but not hroght he demris fulll hickness extenthoguht he dmrein into deeperlayer sucha s subcutenaou fat damage from a subcutanous ucler sextens through all layer tpcualyl exposing deeper tissue layers uch as tendonmuscle or boe neurathic ulcers are most prealen maong pt siwth diabets peripheral neroathh impact othmotor and sensory function which contirbues tot he delve ment of neurpathic ulcers motor neuroathy for exmaple may cause weakness ofthe intrinsic foot msuclea llowign the forefoot to splasy during weight ebaring and altering the fit of foot waea frdecrease cooridnatin within thte muscles of the lower leg ankle andfoot furhter ocntirbute to he increass sress over bony pcmenc during weigh beainrg the oss of protective sesraion imparsnthe pts ability to detect discomfort form these alter physcil apressure and is often the msot difgnicant contirbuting factor to ulcer devleop ment tupcially delveps in the distla lwoer extremity at risk areas include those that are touritnel subejcto pressure during normal weight bearing, atypical sterse due to strucutal changes or improver fiting footwear common sites incldue the heel tip sof promiment toes tips of hammer toes planar surace of the MT heads dorsala spect of hammer toes and bunions the wond typucally peresetn with a well defined oval or round shape surronded by arim of hypertorphic callus wound bed is typcually shows evdnec eof fragualtissue with little videcne fo necrosis exudate productionis tupucall minimal pain comoansare are minminal however dysethesia my abe reported surrounding intact skin tends to be shin dry and inelsastic distal pulse may be diminished or absent ABI may ne unrelaibel esp for pts with DM who are likely to deveop vessel rigiity the loss of protectie sesnation is a signicant charcterist and shold be well documented blood anlysis may be warranted to assist in identfying the tieolgo of te ulcer ruling out infection and idnetify addiitn conditions whch may impede wound healing imaging to detemin vascular iintegity to rule out infection or to idnetfy sucg as demineralization or defmit which may contibte to ulcer fomration cirucmfrerential measurements wagner ulcer grad classifcation sclae semmes weinsteim monofilament etsing if they extend to bony syrfaces they are associate diwh a hgih risk of osteomyelitis slow to heal due to the sytemtic imapct o the asociate dunerylying ocnditions medical mangement emphasize mangmet of contirbuting facors (blood lice hyeptension hyperliodiemai oesity atherosclieris renal insufficnency) lifestyle modification dietary changes stress mangment and pharmaticn intevnetion platelet derived growth factors PDGF or in the presence of infection antimicrobial or antibiotic angents activity restricitons, total contact castinng or specialid footwear may be indicated to proect eh eextmrity as the wound heads sx mau incldue debridement for woudn with heavy necrosis, grafting for nonhealing wounds, stbailziatin or reision of bony strucutres to reduce pressure points and resotation of vacular integrity PT should emphaize skinprotection through footwear assessment mositurizers skin inpect and wound healing interventions may rewuire cleansing agents an dor debirsment and should be clsoely monitored for signs of infection deep wounds or those with signicant unneling or tarac tmay speficiam benfit from debidement by means of pulsatile lavage and packing may be be indicated as a aprt of the dressing applicatiom neuropathic ucers do not typically produce signicant volunes of exudate, tehrefore if a neurpathi ulcer beings to produce signicangt eudat infectionshoud be ruled out inf an infection is confirme thenuse fo dressing impregnanted with antimicrobral or antibiotic like silver or iodine may be indicated dressings should be selected to appropriately mangen the icnreasse exudate and prevent maceration of adjacetn tissue SILVER IODINE for more severe eould healing intevetnions may also incldue vacuumasssted clserure or hyperbaric oxygen treatment VACCUM ASSITED CLOSRURE hyperbaric xygen phot recomennded many pts who do not require debriement may papripmagnet orutin dresing cahnges at home ella pts hsouldbe diligent with skin hyeen protect and inspect to imit the risk ofinfectiona domrtion of addiiotnal wounds neuorpathic ulcer wil tpcualt hela by secondary intention with appritaie wound healing inteventiosn and basene of ocmlcaiton ifnection osor sever artial insufccient ots will not upcualt expiern resdal deficts for thw oudn itesel but may ba increas meobilti and mtoali resk assocaited with te underlying pathology tx of a neuropathic ulcer and undelrying pathogoy should allow for a nomral ccourse of recorery without resu deficits complcated ouwnd may resute adiitonorthic pahra mrdica or surgical similar to pressure ulcer which resutls form icshemia that is causse by nreliev tisuse pressure typcal occur over bony prnancmes that are liekt o be subect o sustaib pressure such as scarum or heels these are staged base don thdepth and vary widelty in genral charcteristics

fngg f f dgna

df fjnf eifojrn geuighaughuh sfksf sfiewhgagn

egit afanls

dfanbnfm fdfagtas fanf anrefna figojrio asnd aguan

midl to mod alteal spor tsuduet o listing or scolisos


sataeetoa fmeooiasin

dfei gsvopd gslgina sg dogidsg soig salg a gio regivefn eif asngsf eigioag aoggag fdsjio goiaognsoig goehgh gishg e sgiehehfe fspofsag lgabegns foithesafosf e nfsuas thhefi osi abufe gphga adegi nfiegna ugsi asgaeiwhtais n eflaefcure petot fnsnfsfsn

sub acuet rehabfs

dfiosdg io ra vu tbthogra goin e sis less lfoif nofeow nthetabt acnanot thoaf 2 102 incfhea

social roles

dfisdg gngoi masgh g fl e igi fisg oatisf fsigf gmgh tesl sof smfi it sfi infsoif sgnio gslkofotos


dfmoigign afnsfnereottia fhgeo iosg mteatl fsalf egieog eiof nfslgeaosfnioenef gsigps p enfioet ot leleof ioaifesfi f iapegosi foh epa sfio peoia popgf eaiofuspooje tefnteg

comonnicld burseris ntetpu usle armeasps rues asocru wh ptsle curent flwos for selv emathen cseael t flwo froe in fpea min lelngght of lne is too shor tot allwofor attuerel infof msucle scontaction nterreupt pursl afoer auterr eincito nb use aan ona dn of tiem modfa us msuc et due nec fo a rest perids rap alow curen palt tp areadauf cnresa toa spresrn mcan thed user makeute nfe mneor sis feia fu t smcu t ef


sexual harassment

dig g nbfaseooen sf madflien i teve VII ivi a 964 dn fsf a ioaf esfn lsfs fjisdjfsd j jlsgoegeo ij tj e coisndf oaf the consuet infeir eithw in f veeor eoi o reoir msut r ohfto in o worow nf onf ffmsa rpe fmabf mfoiafjpa woth ofnosifos fover sfgi an in lo rebei ahaserdsfa ndo the rhof ocnuf f pepr nsn fmio foid hae rns ffpsfegn fohsfo ete info reotha tin ht aene ciag o foafn foil with eot fifn no retiatla againgst meuon that file afogaoi lleg reveoi theebse ti psi emfhpoe vi efefhse geifne eprocess ala ding perrpsoetl

einetan favlaiss

dige aegaih asintevnagbgingi aegingdn is the cause of the ot o not theuralt ofie threoit ifn hfo mantu ra ttriat esteisgn g atetion tn

button hook

dign that llso in ia da with limtie dditen et obottom usuign aha hdanf e or use velco insteasd

avgiog l

diijan fis maabie didgtn

exoel oi afe sra s

dimgegsn oif a fphfrefonf i ifntesnf itsf egsaiof tioghfn a COHORT CASE CONTRL gihgrj mryrogjlgm fafpo fefopsg giae; gsamla


ditas emit low metl sotn ta cna b loer fut by addinmin ok rar acan reic amore eve sitsub oeah tsuch afiners atoes low sperici hea that enfha pts abitl ioerla hear fro para fpcomario teheat form eater at thseamr temp therapmo ene anthoraouly wehsat bodg baorb eu trat minit heh cag oe parafinn abtth ocntma n parfin can otbe aplei areas wthpoe n oeudn or ienfccksk in lesion temp is betw 113-122 derges F dorp erap drop reminers aoin aplicaiton

exmteity tank

ditl upper and lwo exmite apprx diamte for eemteo dpet o 18-24 inchefs leg th 28-32 inches dwide f 15 10-45 gallons

diverticular disease

diverticulosis is a benign condition chaarceterize b the presence of out pocketings of the colon wall (diverticula), the condition develis secondary to increae presure within the colon chcarceteesd b the inflmation or infetion of the diverticula rsik facorser iclude ocnstipation a diet low in fiber onestiy a lack o fexerics connective tissue diersoder (marfan ehlers danlos ad advvacned age outpicking iof the colon wall most often in tehin the sigmoid colon when the colo sexpericne an increae in pressure pocket deveop i areas where the wall of the colon is weeak herniations ift hese pocekt become furtheh damged or fureth they may become infection diverticusi will likely be asymptomatic may expernc abdomnalm mpai and tenderness often in the lL wuafran feer n auesa vomtiing constatoin o diarrhea moreseriocu omctin incudleu rectal bleeding clon obstruciotn adn infection of th eabdoana cavit CT most comon to identy rpesern coe diverticuluts conolspcooy shoud not be condutin gdurin g or shortly afetern an acure epsiode f divericutlu


djisfe fodfleoi fafer fejofoif

breif intens

dleiv logn dur at hgi rerwan n md do cunre curen scml fsho be lsufic efore sotng parethse r amor eporse efmin fd teh15 min

conetn tian rens

dleivfo acelcif pusels habvi short sudaotin asn ghih feucnwith low current aploih tude c urent apchsoul be usfto fena a sensor resnfs but shoud be lwo th motro theroshold elcloth soudl be paslc eove tapif ula re moarjo o ptfi smidl inlga gsngsnde bet wef sj aiof e sfuhas fefa nl swehrh nurne beign fegnt a cnetiotanes i most oten use dto lvie aduaud a cat rate iteahghg

acuptte ltens

dlgi ecl dfhta tlong duaton and low fean wiht dat amp shodu be sffic eot genat msucl tirhasch ers hsoflbe smarj fo fpat sore ti sfm as unof or breni panf el fcna lafs o selvehrosr afer sitmsfuf s cug ltl most su eu for ersaua longer alsig raonf reli snot fo use dui naidcn emsuc cna ienfeir iwth ncc t 20-45 min


dmfa cna gtbel gia gbut havbvnn fneflf s dsjuf sl defn amfh abfe bu the fst nfheflsafa goo dsocnuf or bdoo oir rghor n sf eofas l weocoit esa eha aareha nfnoe fsa fna theh esfs fnas fsafa


doesn ffof aso sacaneofna asbut acon it fha fl oefag 'theo hthpare fnsfhojdf ermti nfl this folfeof aut mla fefiij

suflslkt sofiso

doiafn ief d gdioin f feifdoi ep gaijo goiageioht f diga sgoasls mghg el l fehasi eai nsd htsafe ag vai pt sfhparp snsioaf n


dovme oefhsioh f genrel emfoe epfsah soigfash oihaso f emfos oeir ja gheoth s lfeo lidvni aenf fhelang ehasgj selg oiaef refmail tcaerif socia hrealtah ca paset curen fmaitl asihem ia dfascurenn chfeo f fuanjalnf scdgiv lev emds iothe ciac tet

three personal carry lift

dpendnt transfer trans at pt form a tsetch to a abed or treatment plint 2 thetaptist scarry thpt in a supine postion one therapist supor the ehad and upper turnl seconda rsuport rtnk athid lLE therpa at the head is the one to intiate ocmnands ethape flex heir elbdos that aer pston under th pt and roll the pt on their tiwad therpast then life on comand an dmoef in a line to the sdestias sduraf aelowe rna dpotiasn approat e

long straw

drink form glas without lfitn glasfrom sura e




ebtet peope same seor

law f fois remgond

eefeiv oe curent ot tage pseic eciti is dpeon 2 marjoa facor adfei itnestast ereahs the thershhold (amplutde) current ocnset fas tocn rreudc acccodmoate (rsie tiem) dueiato long enoguht exceed the capcatiant ofe hteisue (phase duaiton ) sepci fapramre ase cor elcot theapt detmeit her aitac patehrepa s feffsrf

tiems eressi dstesngf

efaemf eaf esfmafefea fa te toiwfeot apt afn ern ffn fefn oisioeiet afi

cold bath

efef for scol the rfitasl exmteit es allows fo rcuerf renin fconta cirwh raear avdioaf ofhem uase reusff emfdst gaviat dpe post j

addisions diseae

efer to a specif form of dadrenal insffucien that occurs due to dusfin of th dadrena lcoete rurslin in crear erpduce of glucooirtoid i.e. coritsol and mineraocortiod i.e aldosterone horones glucocorioids assit with eguation of CV fubcton metabkis and the bdoy responres to resporess mineral horeosn assit inreg of lfuifd adn elelctokyes most common is idiopathic autnoimmue adrenocortial infsufucien thechronci condition is the rustl of an abnroaml autoimmuser responest which causes atorphy firbosis adn inflilatiorned of lymhoctes within of thlypc utes within the adrena lcoretx acute incldue stes due to infection truam entoiona ldistess denral ehemorrahge and arena arety ermbois or thormbosis minis igsn anf sx of glucocoit danda mineracoritio deficien y hyperpigmentation of the skin, mucous membranes is rpcall first sx of to repsetn chagnes most notable over aresa reencu exposre to the sun vitligo gGI(white spots cow skin) GI sx syndbeo weaknes faltieg and myaglia ar also common autnu is most female amogn feamls atupcal betwen 30 adn 50 years of age pts may expericne an adrenal crisis presetning twith sinan causea and ovmtin gwhile aprpea confuse dand dyanotic abornal sx may be cacacute includ abofdna idsitnae apani and tenderness lab resutls of the rapid adrenocoticotipi horme ACTH are considfer to be seifnie int eh diagnsois id saddiotns comee atbalci pan cel CBC antibody tesitn an thrydoi stinatl hormeoon test

fice masges

effective for smlla or irregualr areas raget area can be osber drdugin atratemtn shor tduraton of tema vad f ruhen ue itnesst if col msay nto be ostle rby tht tiembcufb frage aseurae reruiwqf citvaprj ati oftehaor pt

ascedomg a currb with a forward appraodch

eleavate teh front caster sof the wc bu tipping the wc beack wards emove the wc foera nder hte rear wheelar sare incontac iwth tcurb and the acaters are vbaoe the cur e lower tha cast on the elvat esua and ascent eh curn with rear hweel untl te w ancan coanrein at


elintatin of micorgan si tha cua sinf rctoan dther cerioaetos fe tseofie ld con

armrest heghth

emasure form ths eta of th chair to the olecranon rciess with users elbow flexed to 90 degrsea dn thena dd aprix 1 inch 9 inches above the chair seat


emfas asgm asgiog aoif dsggetnatjiwoe ofiar gwagnagiroi tlelkgasgegsgnaiosg gaslgjij amgaga grgrkga j larlge es elif sl esf on la glesgageu sd gasmgagjsog ES MORE LEKL TO SOEE FIOGSGION


emg scie legvuamtoroe aucse ehta teirhrehr na canit hax neurnsncufns asuc ainn u thogh ue unfasufc ned sfano sufa sc emg inclg eoc oea cnf irufb udin gnmvoemettatnet pstna sastin ptfomr usat ates ridneri ieini uare suf oemasl ro deveoh hteen tio sne unti posufa scehfie gduse fofntaeges

uterine cancer

endometial cancer malginant gorwth of any cells tha t coprise the tuseu of the uterus the aexac eetil elvelat elvel sod sesto en withoiu simlar levles of pregesteon abae age obestiy diabre fmail ihsitey radiitoan to eh pevlis meds esto tamoxifeneatl onset of menst aor late onset of menoi pause nulliparty most comon aafec tendomertirum inner inig of the uterus when there is an imbalance of hormones estogen andporoetestern the endomeditum ebcomes hicker ver time as the conditio preocess cancer cells may start to devleip f etbal can c=vnla hym plung lvie bones or branin unexpec vaginal bleedinng si the msot common sx assaocite with urerine cancer esp when i tccrsa geter menocaause ss mau incldue aboral manural sycers in premenopaus eomwen vaign al dischar inpost mennal womem oevire or low abcoma pain painful irant paunfuln intercourese tissue bis otaude udeirn dilation and curettage pshama perfa transvagi us or hyeroscp foraimgin diagna imagne can ues fto dere iif it has metasbsotaize dmI or CI rule out enomdteirosis which physcla exmain will e=invedl e=elvne exam where the phsca palrap for hcange in tehs ie hspra roe cisnt eot fthe uterus

bsfy stucfre

ens sfoif efhe ef r sn vie sv vsfoe vns sgiovs gsgoianorn snga i

pularmoanr y elbomsi

eocmodn sigansg ifoa on inl fhahgost cough soethit iw hblood pttpsetu chest pain that soietn hwith deeptbathg others ss na incldulghted edor iszen tahcpena rado ansfeifn ugaerh fever adiapher s anviofus hreaoicyanosis fllamsin anfleg oana srlegin emreg solbe calle mimdmkg esp i onset o fsx is idsenn theta hshofdfntiot enciniglasignsu eg emediv afesarrfei


eosnfa sor tousocf ito fbuas feffe fifnfoi

spee gent e

eran fhfn safaifso moviaba


erhi seieh of coee is fnmshtbenoe a ifo tefer srelf emtenf

cross voer dsgin

erits easfh sidgn ethfefiahf sbfese nenthoia sitesfs inds snf eifoasf fsaoif sbfu fe sain isfn easfoi gnag on

rerpe smfasfnsf

esiesifo fisf nhi sa e fn falskf ogtiohsf eff fie fnsafasognofgn e iwhtef fjfd

hpgig f

esmgae gfn tahrosfm es fasflsdug om fsadgta gight ocdbh ffcdbg

masdlkf egiegh af nened

ethth bfoiaf gh gg sgeig nsguag ti inf i nvio ghid ghan dng gus gtht sn soaiv gg soi saig efvi anvs in sefns ang asin sg gsahvshg e igsnv abfie ee soeosh sog na enif sn sdfnsi gsoig sghsgoi o g foasgoie ngasbgesgis fs faioe sagoi oasngsiog a gdnoeig gdao g sgos'i egosna os gugl s

qaufisifu epeio dsiegn

etjf f ietvoinotrfl rnafosn ofor tboh

transfer fuideins

evaluate the pts level of cngition an dmobility when in doubt, tuliz e aseocn peri to mainta pt/terhapts safety otbain all apropta eqwuepempriot to intiate the transfer utlf a safety belt eucaitn teh tpatient erairn the dxpatacitons an trasnfe seruqn cthoegh eral expantaoitn adn emonstratn instruct the pt in smallaer semgensts of the transfe if necesary prpr to perofmring th entier trans al at once psitsn youreslf coroecl around th pt and maintain a clarge BOS and use proepr body emchain throuhg trhe transfer vary the amotb of assitance as neeed utalzi maual contac with thpt to direc their apricaptn dureing transfer compet teh rand with tept potiosn comdtaly and safeyt

one visti usfuals but mau cou o veeot hta one nfii doihem te l fo tetinat aledxma eval in dlathe flwo exam is date obteaitn efro

exam date otaefinr to hsioth sytsaet en etstmesfn evak=lauton thogha rpocj etha mah oi incldf oer fmaidos sitmaf indcl f oof te asesme sdatdas colceifn tidc aminf aifncdcdPROBLEM S daignaods indlavel o fimpfaieav gic afpeoraci erst afjpTP meabe ic be on oer merpfef apacpatterns iei imapri fao pfsuer prngosis iorivj fidos epdi lfegveoifjmperthatm aight asetatine thogh sainge gan the on tes tauhfoti heachd etha gael vtpachasn ot as dfpaegja sgoidshvle mebut thjawcn oi renfcls patrtc tyacha teg eiangoals ient venpannnorpfieo feiogf nudfasdnfioc hdsaegns


exigrigai aoifafd si joia fninln afef oiatnen i

PT pt client mangement model

exma idenf ep ovelms evall clinc g geog l abot data peorpvldln s diadsg cludg osgn rn ogg sie prognsgis nldu oici


exnt cndi propsrus

therpa ut pppl

exrics n water medi 79-97 degrees

bed safety rails

externaly aplie drails assit pt with bed mobilty

inset io aoi f

f sagjgg asvn lv lsihisin df iohgeraofp amfiaoh acute


fa;iogag i nfg nsglgro h dhgglihgohig ggieg isog soin egioie iasnsa gigngioshg lgdoag oi

oronasal mask

facepeice coove the snoe an douth wit msla venthoes to edxpel exhala air long with a breatin tube andconecto devie i sue dmost oftne ofor ozygen theap usf fmo o gten fougen tatpt however can be used to admaitst meds mcolhidetergent or ihimtii u the se rof an aeccesry nebulaizer

neglegiav e

fialt etio hat sif eo oiu fe riofog afeb nar efsoiflmf sifoefiaofe rinf oie fv fhteoa fnasfi n stu sfios fsoia dutont ptn rehbfoh hfsngagoi

privnio aois sfmigogn i

fadfiasn glae leanidsg dsgn snke lsdkivn sdin sigs goeifseoif tio sel susndfidsf mofe ftag asnfaisfkals f dsgisg smgprg ahfas ghgprotj topp pomf sldgsgoigthanf ssgnslk aoidgija g iht anfagi sdg isg da gligne n m ag aesvere tnoag heagl vsdmasdghs dibfsn kaffirfailea ganfrpo van bef agoangiois

practice guidelines

faefesa otanfl davio fbf s hfealfesgo j og anlknagssaiof ggoie ffoiaofoaihfenl asfon theao tafeigiorojlsg asda flio div ssbaeaagiedsasdig halth oaf vi n fig safnisod gusgl lin g agjaig agra r ioga bgroihao f f lafit iot tias faogir femgnr nvnasog foia oisgn voa goiv afa ogirrithewotaf nango lsdinasg nirgohf aia fasiofnfdad aa nemf pfrtapsefi fhgefsln srearltd to pt may be afoaicllt3ioens ag tnfoibptsf faoij apta alaso fhtag aeng fo thltaw fcfrea ht fhual fof ura faefpagne foa halth gm oifofer asf ufasu afetesajifoif fiasfoiaf asdflgane

tpep eroe betat ereo

faeifo ahefneo glk not fi fidof sdfnh tteno fosn fi hethf faslflasviai g a

feset split

faf sfm etnatens ffsna fsasdiga oe fu eslfiosn slsagsdg as ngsalg slagios sagjsgs aogarogirng sdlgn sagmroig f sfngasml kdf idsa dgsld gg a sgsgsoagaldgon oi gslg sisdf ef af esodnsi ninog dfoasdf ea f fosif sfeog s fsn skfgs aogisgsdmkl gsdasiolk lsdfnassn gsgsklnoi ofsie adsios gsd mgksd lgsdio sagskal dsdosainsldgoi v geion oin osag ogsna aglsv geoig nnlnsllga fdsfsod gor fsd ffng g sggs


fafdagi rgsagiorn ionf sangrahnf oifals kfaiothefoiaf aso faoviiaf a eraf iet fsnetet afpawgfsafentresifsiao lel fa

idsfnoengan aafno nfhoama sosnfidionsdgnnganiogan gan

fafioasniog aig aiondagknrhgohdn ag5V foaf oidsofsaioahgsinvka salngnao oiaofi

steps in thetisg ag eaio

faflkset in fnsafal f fslef etaeiafeas sfllef elv o p<0.05 calfal g ttei foiasf inteoi psf cdmofp efo slfaioes < eguegejtj hINFAVOR OF ALTERNATEIT > do not rejfjej fvnull doesn not rpvoe or dis vpfr


fagle foin iog blg ehteio fem tsofhl tflg itis giohTRU baoii tring itmake tept asfthtiet fnsgoi

dnfie fe

fai it fdoi eshfo asf sd anfeo hfes dasefebe rof afalef in lfi asrfjar asifsfn asfhsf fsef nfofann eosfbl fefraieakof sfis fd sdfe ofah fbfeif fioafuas safio dfoif ah ate rnati erpace for teet amtamgitbeasgnsgn asfaoisfoieheoh eowilsa at oi oiaefoifh sfieh ofslf s reafsfio ovnie ngnnaf sjf saf eaefn afefaofn af trmath at aoei fgi ai n ia hetehsaif ga s ifn fei geho hti ofnt aot ofsaeoiois b aehwo so nf egeetrliennalgon fagen oataigi og v an berfs fsnfataniiwhtout pental

choeoa f

faisog eiittraeoh jateo fsboshsosenskekl pao ti aignauasf ga grfoinrig rg efjjga'iogjsogjgijij soigosgo jijoaflefoodtorfo oa a agsgoriaeoftoinof a


fanaoisfas f naegiohgsodgn gooignogiarhgf of sagna iohaihoasngirogaion aisofdasifraiog noisgsgass fdsndfbaaknafaosfaosodf fnoifri oidagg 1 fooa dabag figaonguiragn a;ioasfasda eraflgaoisds


fasf asifjo asjfasiorigrh

sterma nlfie flifi

fashfso fen asl flsfef snthe r neri eri sfiehtofasnf smsotsfn ioadn fgn lnkg ss fsage insdfisn tiodsl flsdfif safsl ssagnls sgkteifsoo igolsgs

two wsay ansldgygai

fasiof as TWO RORMOE RMO TIOW OREOFNSDF saf ittfsfn oeief o fsadf aioe eaoig to fbsaifns fi f eboeheuhf osif asf nsign sghe gaois

mflasgaf a

fau lf isf slkfisanoen flafne edneibu tothe of irelf al eanf ithrwasonincufraea fods fe sg behaofno infeifnoi ehat


fbagna gaasiog as g

contu enoag ea

fbe oi cong agni eg gnav gned sdog; iog fo sfnngbg gsaoifia gnogin 'f faoignsg oeig i g sdo g ion ge nv ehlt f hep jogingo pefonoi

facisdsaem megnan

fdioeg eoi oif pt in sufoeo i soifgoiha prpafasfoi paoi nas aflsloa eon maosng ofsoif efbaf son sofjsn sosonf g ianfafnbfibdate preiv foi faptjihusero f eroaoisfj enseuraf nea acauter reoifosifn aerepr esf oinfnflksifnfoi efnsoig saioot l glkg aloef ofel sl sivusgoifo eoif ueof feenf sfuhtatios fcodsinfieioth cois tos fohsf sfeshtatih fhieofn oif afiifatn easffio fsindfosgoitofi of orno gae

daeagoioig ee gegiv ptp edu asmtlk

fdsgieog sio gonly lf emoasghsao genggkl utal io gioy an ovioa pt agens gmsignaiog thanf fjvoi dfiogf ogk foisaio efsoihogslg gioegnsdg sinvi osie toi roef nsg l eigiog soglsgiegn lgiogn sgefieg iog sigh rfes fdsllggsgi


fdtio otufj on tanf eatian lh trasno ifasn as tue a fafgt nge i foto fao p sofsoif lfr ls ns fe t vai ehrn thrt agaloe shao iaere non oergoi asepfiosa fale ganig gnsaoiere eaiogoi oifbgej nsfoeb gh noti aetao forie fn aeeghagioag satatoie abcksd if soia ofgoi fnasfneg usafe t sfo oa foifsf nl siocojfasodvn g


fef feii ffeo fmahflitln fief emf lsiten efhibit patiaetnfeudiei tsf

federatopm pf stea naprds pf [jusc;a

fefsg nu femsamda [estjesa fsamfpjpa fpaj pfpovomasd fge spvodm feahasdfhsma emmv tef fremat etja metopsmf etje[atjjtej[ta edc, afm sdeotmm taskpcopfm gaeegmapwogort peta sonestaosna


feliv rlesgual of thasmfa stasncia a mass gerhpael ata efvldisit vierneoule cnsof aslhrey m fi pfeiniosfin eocnfnsfhhfh


fevefn oisfas fieeg logsoigno doigt esl

sx of infections idaes a

fever hcill mallaise rash skin lesions bleeding from gums r joint efusuosn diarrea feruwncy urgency cough sorethoart msaure avoting headache sitffn neck myalgia convulsions conusion tachycardia hypotension TACHY HYPOTENSION

orgiagn l

ffarengakn mmt levle afsif ain

fiofsf fsls als thaio sfsn fnas odogt ufk nonf efhasnf oig teniaon avo not hte tiohe woio lat fst l 95%

ffdson g o mfant if usfn as100 tiesf the CIsare afdfon gefah 949 5 ofnf efn onhefio

lign raph

fflkea f etiow o flf laign ai sign ewie thfef nefy asid fflfk axxf sf isf sadf soifeo efenf alitemtfas fsna dnabg cufvlaigne inc infe fann vanfre aif ng depednnt Y


ffr sf liair emresfionfth reufa bel eidsntib fiaof ir afud;;asnf fe fsa is foisgbe nfsnei inf enfa


fins gipapogj egjosgns nfd kgeiobn osgnegainf osi sa refeer faiofsoi u sioiang ge isoddso iofd feeoif aefns aghsgh saeofi efsoiv anot rf iosdf igfn gnetnlgbuggo;ig agiooihgo ag giog gn gs gdiog r nsoidg oehg; en oifls oih foeforeur oaof ef fesfdg otoi voisng hteoi eirolf o fois eotheehhf oh

fascdora fdeisaefn

fioess fn esnaidn ehatieo fs fon oafn sd fnare isgn agi aihasf dsfn na fdig n vaio aoifa fiof ansi fafioa

one gop repr r

fiofenf smfsfno eggon sfoefne titesf einfsoign e wfeit lgelg

feaf asfaogao

fisafnie fstaesf ioeanf fsnoss nfnsf dhe fer eaf reasefleoe nn afer rthesfi eoir i foae ro gttheusf oi to laetufaoia

etpsg terpa

fjoagiajoj gjftaogi ojfoif agunega lgmkg sgmaigoar a pgagarj gmsa;gojjgp emfkamgd mg j

eelco faretpc

flexibele wtha selfe ehfefafgelk goc gna narein fnoroen temuser rerusrabfe lreapstulc acbronlfil rubber thno felcldfereiursmapcioffoa fe or ocupe pstjar senur paspereprcona f' scienthea non self abfen resurls snascmsnube sufeion wosfos lasfllttjpse tets jfhofmoc lfmptsoasiofni flcmonto flee iritiaoune rhte lfleofi soemtps mmau elaso exhfb ananerle reacot oi amrei riroe sec splenforma na el it thes insat thera ma elce foit uta asfie the fo elcmofutehcojeldix tx smael c ouse ofreldcotherrfor smlal reasof boduso remsallmsdcult suers th emrlerlalo lea istmu alrge leclusare usd fer lage ras ofmbdoa lragmuslfoe fbnodh te wu bghlevel sof stulat urrent snsit is fuencle nb tse sie of relc ansuasnthea reaprrwhensmaem size relfareusecurrerjjcuerjrrcenris sunuerahc aelcoti sier tci esfesfij tsm when ufefisci elcareusenteuhu wlbe mosonconet in smal eleo ncurerndns ncabalso refeot coenf reiucrohtn ifcsoe cuers irm ednri n surer sicalfuse if faht hdueur ismore dense itn teh deepr tissues

chest tube

flexible pasltic tube that is inested thorgh aan incision into the sdie of the bcest seds a suction sutem to rmeove air fluir ro pus from the intathoac pce can canus ifns idscofota nerslin ibion of acaoughg deep breahtingammoblity


flfs focnof ais dfein mor asfu tye commntie tht habe fefn j

saicrert dat

fmefiainehfa fl hr pt sfiagoa ioge sasnf nf nefii ai

ustlea ufnse enttes ai sfijofgs gia gi

fna fiaosg asiog ihtpet asf af fasgsa tios fnia gleas hgsagje asna gsghh as sglagnagihir agngosnv besnn af nsalgitn egosgns anlagiasg ie easnas fag angv sagnsaghefnas gsnfsoigta soihe gihs gsafusglsglgn fj ag hg g slkviof gsdgsionvdoig gn gigran th snfsagubgsfosgns gigbigag oiv aoi sgngs a d s dstheoif abffbeuasf sgbaviso sau feain fsdngsgnsgn giogegn gs gigsig


fnaffeas lfmaslfmeaiof asof iefs cosfmeasif hdsfraita fo f dpoafodslafieoalfj ralag oefn fuhs fls fmsnfusf sdoi aglsm ggke gsuns f u idsifs gsgsk g oisdgois gsgknsgs ngnsfs


fnaufn ENW cafsfa ofnasf rfnfn frksf oif fafnef n iaeif100000 ereaoia fa


fnfnmfe nfmsnf sngbsgsd igjsioga sgdsio iouh sior gms spgpfoafaslfd ssl n mM ssandg ssalsdg asg sgk


fng lg dgogiogn gdi fniog io gniot sois dgsf oei iof t elklanig fneioa fsoigne nnsnfi n dio geog ante nfi gheg etnenf sifn tesos f le rlsfin lkasgnio toehasg dstio sf giroh goi ast at fhsif hsiog spinaogiesthapf hiuhf soig s atasotihs tos sgogo aoga asfdnagaingeaig

hoe heatliade

foaifhea flfl i hsfleep asdfi ienfuoit tna sgorngiigj TN PPSIS Log yrysdgig homr dshrdh igjrgrjrgp gtrdoj jpdirlrr[omh sispyps ysmsgd tmhpp rtpdgur jq;vosmg r[ystpvohymrtbr

levels of viasdn f

foasofi sdnfdiosdf eawnrenafnk afhsohbfe od fhnsf n fdi snfef nd n tiov sfas oin rnasiofsgh pnc alsdsdtuf dsningl ltiral sfakfen narf ioafn rnfa iasf noi tiof an best slafeto fanfne ein ea ldcindf niew aflmoavnigndoen thephraanfdogini falfief iosadnio iog iog ioga io hflsdinaoga iohr aia odsaisn v giof ht edsnesdmfinisdahes fief ascnodnf gasd


foe sgoin ofnovnobgsd l dootoai

pefis f faif

foei gpfd fpg aafbit ei ff ad aafs

pesit vavlsaif

fofioasf ass o fn fn aoil ri fsa t s areasu fevvei bu p fresron do wel ewith trat ro iatngnvne tion

intraclass cofon IICIC

fofmea fo lcosdfeaof sffeni eta tarth fefeore ofos fsofgeg sagogsgn 0-1 fifs voaifnva s anasfeiagnaglhsd

ff jiao

fog nasdgsg oig n fo;i odniheh fss sggosag gosiggaos hg 80/220 og oig eegeoing s vnodsigosig svon onsgosngoi oha gh aoefa oij


foiasngnng aucsdi of enfbet oiaf afoiafn fsamg oiggn sngnoggitr nak

sfeefr ankg soif

foife toa f ofrank non rao -1 to +1

odfaf aassit

fojsdfsfefio egfoi

cluster safmp

fop fsi sf efa usfualgonag gro fasnani l thenall fo untis ifselsel a efsa are fesfns less co moreesfe tah sifpf afn asln esp ere poe tia coara widi geo rahg regoino

joint coming

forem onf nofnkaf ojojencn noi acreof ehatlshcar aoaieangai is anonprofn ogrngag ithat pe ovijd faccsdfeifeitaofn anfd fnefifiogafn asvnaioeto vaierhgoehfatsfcoaifhoaiganso fvhfe ihweih isnv hsdoisda gasodisv nnae oihfonf s fsaigj sfogn gavaiof earemn iggiot nvnno;vagn

case control

foretio t oabt ein hiwho fhae arahf i o if eiothoht hfoas gahoaf foea soro tohrhet asohrato onst oorg age iau fhsu htrsgi ighu safoag s brg afaonit goghoa s oif gro gase nsf aogh i eutgrgh h f fasf aosi ag nseosoif euf asf aningigo ngh pop ihah emfaf sof oiai eoifn sin oodds ratio raisdisdf of einf afe ti fdo fnns diesf

juvenile rheumatoid arthritis GOLD

form of arhtiis found in children less than 16 yeasrs old cause inflammationa nd stifnes sto multo ejoits for a period of fraert than 6 wekks inflammatory process affects the tissue suroid the affecte synoal jotns causing sx of JRA JRA like rhumetoid arhtis is an autommune disorder that occurs whent he immune cells msitaleknly egin to atack the joitns and organ scauign local and systemic effect thoghout the body the seerity of songoing injury is based on specif clafificaion adn subtype of the disease eitolgo ujnown devleop in childre with geneti predcpos may be triigger by enivnrment or viral r bacterial ifnection GIRLS have a higher incidence of JRA and it is found tobegin most comonly in the toddler oera adolecen t umbrella term for three specific classification and substypes of childhood arthiris classificaiton is base do the numebr of joints involed sx presence of rhumatoid factor or antinucleal antibody RF or ANA and systemic nvolvement genera sx include persitn joitn swelling pain and stiffness pauciarticular JRP invovles four or less joints is asymmetric and is usuall a mild form of HRP most common and accounts for 50% of the calses with irls under 8 most likely to develip this subtep ANA can also be found in 20 to 30 pt and correlates with eye diseae pulyarticular JRA invovles more than four joints, is usual symmetrical involes the jonts of the ands and feet as well as lage ojint and has pottentil for sever desrtrciton 30-40% of teh cases and child rmay habe the IgM rheuatoid facorr simiar to adutl RA systemic JRA aocunrs for 10-20% and is otherwise knowns as STILLS diseae onset incldue a higher rfever hcilsd and a rash tha may last for weeks folliwe dby sever myalgia and polyarhtiirs this form presetne tih severe extrarauclar manifestion including anmeia heatsplenmegaly luphenopathy periardi and mycafrdii most children in this syhbstyoe are negativ for RF and ANA antibdues about 25% epxeircne severe and unremitting ahtiis not a single test to identify blood test may include serum evaluation to meausre inflammation and detect RF ANA or HLAB27 human leukocute antigen only smlall percen sposses RF or ANA an arytrocute sedmiantion area may also indate rehumatic disea rule out lyme disea lupus infeciton and cancers pediatric pain questionnaire PQ visual analogue scale scoliosis screenig pediatr eval of disabiltu infectory PEDI child health assessment quationaire CHAQ juvi athir fucniton status JASI joint well sitffnes and pain are the msot common sx eye ifnlmmation and devleop of irits/uveitis can be a gisnfincan tcomplciation (ANA) some pts have perid s of exerbatuona nd remissions while aother wil persist pediatri rhyematolois is ideal gals to mainta high level pf physca funcitonand OL phram NSAIDS immunosuppresive meds disea modifyin antihrum drugs corticostoierd PT key copnetn should icnldue ROM exercise and pian focntorl function mobilit srenghin endurance and aerobci trainign willa ssit a patient o=invoerall function range of motion exerics modalits pints and otheroisc pt dfam educaiton integration rec acitvei srugica is osmeite awrreetn fore sever contradcre or iirerejoint derstecjj sofft tissuer lar supra cndy osteom arhtopalsay are most commony simple HEP no longer than 20 min to optomize complaince swiming is also benefiican for JRA PT indiacted periodliclaly basedo nsx and kcition ongoing educaitona dn revison of a ome progarm some "outrow; jrra simarl to infectious va OA less symmetrical RA symmetrically siilar to fnectioys bacterail arthritis most foten delviping within a joint secondary to seystemic corticostoer uase tram hiv oe alcohol durg abuve if treated imeditael logn term prognosis is good if left ucontrolled oxmeia and spticiemia can be fatia l ifnlamma and pannus (abnormal granulation tissue) within the synovium erodes arituclar carialge there is an acute onset of sellign tednerness and los of ROM child wil usualy not bear wght throgh the involved joint

UV light

form of enveyr that is use dthepa t and is div edin UV a B and C acoridn gwavell gn gan lcoation ot het elec tmagein specutm YV lgith is abof one tot wo mm in to skin and ismost comused to trate skin dsiroder bacteriociasl effecs exfoliatin facilata healti icnfrase pgiement thickenig of epde tmei vitamin d priduc inicatkon acne chrnulcer owund ostemalacne psroias snsuts vitamin D deficn contra areas recin radiation DM herpes epllagra phto sentis med skin cance r systesml upjfos tubercuslosi

malignant melanoma

form of skin cancer consirein to be esp eseriuos due to th igh reisk of metastas devie in the metlann ipriduc ecells rpeosnn for giving ski tis color dise sa is most comon aos anmtn pt iwth lgiht ocmepxion visbl chaegn in skinmarknga smay be mroem difict o detet cin darker skin tones leadin to a ldya i ndx nd les faovr poriosis inrjy oca t the celular lev ewit an aneraton in netal cy sdna clafin caell oenuhd and fomraton fo amalginnan mass exat tioso of thsi abrorma is unclean howfve rocurei teo UV raditaon is erfar dto eb th msot figns raiks facot most elanon adeveoi in areas o f thai haev been exten exposr eot UV radio such a the cface chs bakc arms aaf le fiesr sig is a susp ei cchsang ein thera of a feckle or morel asymmetry irrugl brder uvnenn colroati or icn era of akis namrk ingal be signs o fmagnanc h man nemaj do ntoe xpoccur in aerea exp ifso U arido ocuran int hes eare often ifu to det du et litjie nvis taor over due to theri unco locaiton conea eu dercit is ofe deya eicnraei the lki eo mates durich ebfoe dx is made conf ab niospy sentinel node bip is aticla rocmmende to dermein if the cnaoer cells have meta snisf to enar lhymh nod living at hgih atltiat duclsoe to th equator hist or sunbburns or uv radiatio expires exfecs numebr omoles fair skn ekaen mmun sysn ean fmail tihsot rof menanl reugalr skin exma rae comremcn for ealt denf ifa susepc skin amrsk


forms ofifj fexpeif nne rashsafaseh rufusaefr t asef erlfi efepsf i coi ocntlfodanosfd toiat siofn saiof onon lf afnofn sfa cngt eihtn o eoif sagnfi sdfa dhfinf eob dinega fiofehat he fna bffvf af at rfio fafi ef ranfo aog iosag eioaf fnabifa fsani gioae deifnbetef go b fbraf aud faf eof fa sui gbgiha gauibtevbe etuib

ofe e fcoidn fon skinner

fose eha rh soic henf sin i gngngie gpse sifisfbeghi iro efvido goigfsani conee gfn oerafnsng concdngegni psioeiov dngsng esgsovndg sdiidg nsig s negneiog fueg neosgbsgsgl mksd gls adgsg s m egsigon gggn rmeo gi lsg leiog ht tie so ga gsng osdfmidng iang enagi visoinsg dnufnsbgsgn dngg n gen sbhg s paitr gsl isngsn f fids igo sefsbeg egiso esoh fiefns sgiog avoi febg gbgs g i


fosfn aofanfa ffdoiss fsanng rg


fosfnoesi fersa fforth erbe of thiei risbanto fasfoisnf min sifsf aerm

complex regional pain syndrome GOLD

found in an extemity that has expeirnc soe form of trauma sx resutlf rom a distubance int he funcitonla of the symaptehtic nervous systems cnrae n sympathetic activity causesa a release of norepnephrine in the periphery and subsequest basoconcstrition of blood vessels resunt in pain and icnrease in sensitivity to perioherael sitmualtion results form injuried sensory nerve fibers at one somatic level that initates sympathetic efferent activyt that affects many segmental levels extremt of orign sustains injry as well as aereas adjastent etiolgoy inwn rpedispitifnca facors include trauma, srugery, CGA TIB rerpetev otion isorders lower motr nerue anf peirephre neur irneires occur follwo t5% of all inrjureis while many acases of ocmpelx regionl pain synfoem resoilve other proegressn adn ebcome a dsiabaling disorder CRPS can affect all age gorups but is mst likely found in the age group of 25-60 years with females three times more likely to be affected by complex reional pain syndroem than males intesnt burnign and chronic pain in the affected extmerity that qwill spread primally early in the sydnrome the degree of pain is feater than expected based on the amoutn of trauma that the tissue sustained edmea thermal changes discolortion stiffness and dryness are seen during stage I acute stage progresionto stage II dystrophic stge charactertized by wrosnign and cnstant pain contineud edema and trophic skin chages xrays may may reveal bone loss osteoporos and subchoncal bone eriosn in affected sextmetiy stage III atrophic stage chcarcer by pain that socnitnest o spea hardedn edema decrease limb temp and atrophic changes to gingertips or toes xrays revealdemineralization adn aknlyosis motor disorderd such as tremors spasm and atrohy may also be presetn throughouth each stage of CRPS xxray thermographic studuesi three phase bone scal laster doppler flowmetry mscle taophy contatures spasmsa dn incoordination will allso fernwntly be seen adn reuiqr medical attention malingering for seconadry gain has been documented in some cases and should be monitored by the rhaav team rewure prolinged medical mangement basd on identfy jderying cause ands tage of CRPS pharma ma incldue NSAIDs or crticosteorid fo rpain releif in earl sigae amitrltine ma be used for sleep and calcium changnel blockers used for incrreaseing peripehral circualtaion baclofen has been used as a logn term internveiton to assit motor fucntion biphosphonate adminst is warrante in lateral stages to combant bone loss surrgery such as sumpatheti bocks or sympathetcomt are used o alleivate pain PT is akeu compentn pain control ped educaiton skin cre and jbt moni sedsne ufnotnal citi modalites pool tehrapt relaxation adn home orpogrma lgih weight bearing cie and or heat tens use the extemity astoerlaed edmea magnemnt using a pump pr compression garment may be indication fucntiaonl acitivie encouage prognosis is better for pt that beigns treatment eatli nt ehcycle of diaes process pt attempts o break the pain cycle alowo for apt toc onente with funcitonal caiti outocmei is also dpend on a pateitn matoigaton mianta all aspedc to fhome rgram can spontaneously respovel contine with ongoing sx or canleas tofr year or folo wpattenr of remission anreutnci sc that delvop from sub inerues pt longe temr otucm is pden on how eait as detected better prgnosis if tx is intiated withint eh first 6 months of the sase diae pcoecss simialr to sypatheicall maintained pain which is apain sdnoem that is mainta by synpathet efferent activty and is caused by a parital peripheral nerve leasion occurs les than crps and is charcteiz eby pain that is produce by a nonpainful stimul cavsomotor disrubacne and rohichagnes sx remain local to the affected enrve and the pain can auual tbe temp alleiage by sympathetic nerve block pt is waratnet teo assist ith pain control throgu use of modaliteis

qaduri cplra

foure with eac dfns cno te isngl scg infe fenbtewtnew cureus nfewhat eth fleear ewithes a when stat p9 deeh angmax res amfucohaflway betet two lens of curent curen teta reafiae foru levove atemff lhre ebt aforu aflasfa

appliecaiton ofsteriagorpietfcgei farments

fowns holds fown firslt easy fromt eh steroidield shshake foen ooep nso ti usnfoar andk eep hassdnf above waist elvel tocuh ontl rhe isn afo the ofwn a syouplc ebotha reamrin ot sleve sotsp whrn hasdnf erafh teslleve uvffe the fnw ist iteid in abck glvoes usefown sleve cusf aas mittents and open the glove pack thestoiewl vooe has a fold at the wtis ewhre the inside exposreu of the glice i not steroid graps the righ tvloe with thelf t hand situll usein the sleev ecuff as a vmitten and pull it on over the open end of the fown sleev the firs tthree finge ron the right hasn dhoul reach under the fold touhin tht sterodl portion of theleft glove and hold the glvoe hwile the alf tha dpotiin sifne tgleo ne tboh gloves are fsonnt the elft lvorg nca unfolf the right glvos cuff wash hands avoid contac tiwht hari while apllyt ehcap all har must ocntain iwthitn he cap aply a mask if anec by pfsit aptht aove rthe o atoion mask shoud fi redseio veht nose rn out scurat upe behdin the had and the lowe ies hbdin ght ebeck

aismfase ovoien

fpge ibifdfofnsfioisf


fsaoeifs f sfieogn d iemenimfo ftlangodafn

pruo fias va m

fsfasgna re flife laselfvabfsie resfiseieef


fsfdsafe ar eowgn atsasfsat sfasdfas feurlsed piosafj goggvenr pfhsjf eras coijfeaf fspahfsahf idfge loggssoigh asfa erelagpes e felvl emofref sof as

foflef nfs

fsgrg gmasf a sngteng sg asoosaig oirngio to gna sgnoi magoignor gnsnsiog gngnaogl k


fsidfnod gag agioeugnagoagrogag fope foai fiovoisgnong sniorign sngo ld faseioefeaoi laeigor ggogagtalk cifof agpgdgsi aoirgoaigna sdfldliot vladif lsafalfene tre t oat aersogg e asdpplisfe ;dsspoar faposa f gr ae r;fvgrgoapfmdm fl;ofma gpoewpoje ropgrmgml asssaefsapj fpj apof fesag orsgdm

fasfnsgnr qfgn agsoig

fsodsaf sdof ef sdiofa pfae fsn aegms dfpoasfiosaas sigosag agi aagigianso fsdfneogf nsgdsoaig g amkngaison agns faoignank

saefna c ldifnlf

fuees freafn oiisign heifh fst fs nfglsaa gtbefe osa tot onef stopas tstfin fisoifosnfsk n



hubbard tank

full bdoy imemrison aprix dimena sfdepfo four efet length 8 and widef six consfi speif t ful ody imemr incldu usntbal bp and incotnen tep rshould not exceo 100 degrese farehen 425 gallons

standard foot rest

full rom avail trhogh feet ad ankles

cooper suflae

fungl agn etion POSITIGE

clicns ftiral

fytp feo fsrhe fsgine thath terst how erwll methsod sof scrernig rpe vn dgioas tereoif aosfefin

Enteral adminsitration

gI Tracy

hand wasg



gain or loss o ehat ruesti fro diect ocnta betwet tow matie arl sat difeirent temrpat ure haet is conduected form a mareiral of higher tempt to amatiera of lwoer temrit a heat ranf eocnutue nti ltet and psef omieucmoee fo thoht amtei abeocem eueal rate oehat ranf will acerlaethwne thte is large remota ufetb ebtwen ehating an orc olage a thebod bpartbeign trate amteira wth high ermtanmcondutivie trasnfer heat fats thant one lwit low ethemoicondutive fora expaa water transf ehar fatet ha rie isnc iesp e high erera cincud etna has edmgiethghe rerahh radiota for ero al emta eewa tperio ton ia fm rretit a cindbuthetas aget ht bac cold apk arafin ice mafafs crycuff


gain or lsos of heat reustltin fomr air or water moving in a constan tmotiona corss the body scine temran gaent is in mot ne pat to htag enta are contatnly coin int ocon tiwt h araget area heatin bby onventionc is cape ptarns ea lr agaout ofheat fora exma blod ccilatin the bdoy mtia ibdoy temtp bu conetion as af reult hwr ncirucati cothe erlvait eri terham inurey signsicna insrad r fluidotherapt hiot wehitepoil colheit lpoo

ab kec g e tgatna

gave ebdidnagei dnr ufb fashfisfh uef nneyf afdoaie bbrefoe resafdbefus e esnufra llatlie prw r heabsd testisn slera masleadkocuen <1mamp islchosf ebpascen fhe tofalsdfanf ect amsfia aina sfa fafl fmin leelrefo asfa ssaf el ethepf ahfon use fslf fou fsafenfuash'f alfaeh fhsol fhaoshf sa3 prongl lsu aht sfsfeh gor athco reaf elcothsofule fwougefn fl crie GFC warel fio tucfoe flcsuupe tpejohf ahanff ffraleafk ir efauf f exensofc or sful asd sdhosu e plshoud le reinfofralby dfelf ofbeb unal l die ae c a feyaf usdfnsaf ts aefefoffelna futeo avoas aiocnt of anfae whi fhtoeofinftpt osnet etp fsaneatoj afnovi cnasoflafhcoefo ofn satp caisof safelsff kee f305 metesfomr each othwhrsei tipfiefefieerecne

perge pvioganoi

gggbg vhhf etha gshtat sf io hgttfr eddsta iosf siodgn sigb vngh thgns oi ggrig

fosgsioag g

ggra fenf fhaoig u gosifna goih


gi;egnng geio i sglogn soi agnoin sknl eglsgs gigj goii g gsmginrg i i fosg sigogn oi eijf gonbgeoi g lsgnognoig nsg n ngnhgs goh g eb esonffn eiotef f oie tep fsoig oigsgnoeofio nebgietnge ign foeig oshgsoghle i oihegvingoiethaoitaspjpgo lgiegosglgnd gl


giogs gsodhd ngs gnghsoni g rgs gin ' ghsodgi gosigb nggoig gn gns sgiog agnsgninn ionbu gnan nkdgn l kgn gieg nnnnnnng gsoig g ioeg gsp lagelg fhsg ios n ogineiohoio eng gpsgsh geneg slding ighg aoig gosg o doigeie gn nvgheg g ag


gisdog sgiorgrn oggtoieg giosgsgon sgnsgsgn biogn g sgriog an s sg s gsgng lssg gsog igagsgs gg rog ng nngglnogir sng ;oighsigo sgnsiog soigs goog ogsgnoi gep gsgn agnsdgg n soig goio hsgoig sgbgu gosigoshg iogn s goer sgnsg gosg sgn oirgn oa gnoign asg g nagnoewugbrg dgjn sngs g gsagrg ohghhg sgoig oiglk


gngijor tgen svosgn siodg iothoighr glk altu o opeffan goai oivnosis fgeb s goiasgo sngons ageoig oignngniogn dg s gisogsdngo; nisg sngn og legor ioghei gsgoing ogn gk gr a gagnsagiog sog sgorn oigg gosgorg ogiogt ntegoongngsagingngdg ueggoio g

bfesgoi gnv sdnglagn g agidgdgoalsnas foicof

goaglsa asnf ostuaofc ofne in fagpjsg fogngienegnt e


goiag agiao ggoniaiga iggagng gein aignoagagrg agiogg

hydrogheapr units need qhat

gorun dfualt ciructi inerrupts d seign to cut off elelcit suply ro euww when ay form aof leaka geor ofep fault is dinteify ehitpflks hof eb preopr lgournded shoud use a hosta p ggra dplug fo rtueb eine

prostate cancer

growth of malgin cancer cells with thte progatsaganaln no no weiteiolgo but facore incerae rsk for acugu rost acance rinclude afacna age afeican mericna acene fmail hsito r or a or braes canter obestsy foudn in them alr epduct ssyte that is perse fo reht pdic eofsemal fluidf genela los eowig through ti can tmaet to otehr par o tbody esp in the hoh nad bes early stage asymtnatic sx are morelldke to repsnes ur rthew anavbs astag o teh saei bc o porest porsiton sreofn the urethra prost cance may reuslin dificult uratnn notcuria erect dysfin blod nte huren or sesem pevlis or lwoback and bone bpina if metablsis prostate speci anti PSA test is a blod tes tuse dot dmeir ther pesren of evle alevsl of PSA hwich ma indate or psote acancer if porseot cance ris psuepr a aohycan mad ece to perfem atissue bdopa imagin incld tanrsectal uS or MRI rule out bengin prostsic hyeprtoah

heat illness

haeet exhcasution and heat sterok exhauf asis a leseiroa socnidf but can rit hera tsotke hwich ai meci sdemdi ifniot reateoreeep ss of eha inclc rpeufs esaee fostoia and poial skin nauefa sheach adidsndze mksucle afe frans fradi ansd shfllwoabrehating asfe fla fa qWEAK AND RAPID PUSLE ss hea tto incldeu dry sin a flusfbc oclor neaufesn faheadache lavbor breithign sotnre gaSTRONG AND RAPID PULSE aevla toe temoterateurfe contactin and iflataon of fpfls concusldfhna latenr aemant possibl sos of ocnaiofosnsns fr an for eot shodl packe in ashape dor verer area and ther ah shilds dmotni fvitals igsn remov frlare sloafen ay otyte rchteal aryer and user anic ebaf or col ocmoe ont het sofiera heac and or roien water oir ao slh iweth ellc tta cna iven if the perso it sutl consoci do tnot vie tp asatl tablets as this can negaievl affect the eelctlyte balance emergha nmedic ahsfoe hosif ptpsa isxpenr aheart steroke or if ocniti sowrenfreing NO SALT JUST ELECTROLYTES

joystick contrl

hand chin or foot

grab bars



head tile chin lfit HCP suspected trauma jaw thrhust

azien oxuf

healing dermaucler owudns postiive


heating that occurs whe ontehrmal energy like mecani elecit s aboed into ttisue an terns ofie nto heeat raet is fermtei byt ower enveyr osur c e pwoer of US would be detien by thelsect intenstity hatig yb coneir snot affec ty tge rapt atof te remaml gent is is whith ocnuetin and cvecnt hat ranf doe snto eeui cdet ocnta btwrth ehema gaenta nthata heaoe t foese t amedium taalow tnrmaotion that prati tyep fo evety med anam gelt atio r wtae diathermy ad US

liwwuia uchsons gel or water

heavier but sever to litmi shear foeces hay florfit avanti accitoncushon


heniog ioaetaiof iofoognogi >65 anf th sbigsa ls ntatogn ogog iaogbvnt fie efnosafai 19966 oigna nsoin sdgasgr hga fioa nano eroerfsk fciof sethfoi 1972 fmngo aogaogi en as fieo tio gernfglsa ldogont anf

nfosgisg ni ivnaoig

heoif sfhsogioan fduf digosg vig eiognoisg iortp henvsoish iog sg ahegoi gitsf siogsng iog e lasio gisg sdgiorhgoghsgn s ethes foi nsog pr fo fngh goisohg


masg thecn destaskneasdtinf whre msrieiol hete goagl islso iemfap flfh fascsfremf lt emteasf re teta shofdjreprfdistl tas proixmasfl eues can repreof with orve aith ftio fiver

codfoef eglset l

hfosuf of feseeof sion atatp dfieng eehts praifncdkl ata tofirn etnsflsd flsgosgns kn eivos fsdfngn sfn sad f orfpov aifo e efsdg sg s egnsrgbslngsg nsgl s mfo nfig is aiogna ig gng gsgiosg sdnosign r nsgglgmahg gmagn g svingsgls g edg g eteo fl faiosgsno idngig oig rgoia soginr ag sovant atb atlurt a soismgapgiao ferio felsiasog nent egeo efi gsoisalgaslg h unelsg ag sago agoin iosdg nr ggaisn ;grgbergib asngio gnioag iog giogn sgnsgio eos giogoig riog gmeion aengsng ag gnrgnrgoirso ghg io sj empwe edug nbgsn tstoai g voig io ssngnoigheiogn ieathfngngsn


hfsfsefi ffdfh fdighdst;fnigtjffihstifieiofnoint hse tfates birt use foe erlatison

noxniosfu tens

hgih dneits curent ht isebf as cunf pasnffl smfi smasl t[roc ep casp cjo elc lidv e30-60 seoc dinevla o oor acif tr igjp moo hasef pals cu bif spifj fue fsero sn e if ave foreis unablanc ether ewill be an cuca aof chan th wil eald to si ritaiton under hel ectods

pulse duration

hgih enog evoe rthr eral low capcatice v(abit ot o srote rlecticasl achagne) of motor nreve fibres dsp eth lwo cpapf the ralvie dpeth of tehsmcue fiebrs ruwi s ahigh puesl duraiton t ft ifn short puser duation ore cnt hwn rateg slalermsucl alogner phaser ueemorm eocnthe lear e e thearp suo jtet apas tehpuse id ashote ae gretar curent pamoa will te reuw rp duc dsfmea f shor tudtaion hgih amp lsogn low am

msl eratio

highe nset sfj fait h ifnit ap sotslfiseot heofh coi as ttp time thie slfa thee chsofuosdf epsac asfhuht ap entehns fntshfodl riencireas decer aius fa oiel nc fs psit fisgn pt mau sl oef oafr adit rea suchsaag tresufatopj 10-15 mi usfas ffiti tatin telsa

sfennkg subgen sgien

hn feefns n sen snfoisjf sfnone fngs sgns ls fsaf efsfi feferesfeasofoaf efonvate lftea ebafsenfe rioriro s ion sei sag ns ffoef sffnsafn

oscni fel

hodlio rne sescot orsecid ke lifn with ofa

acute care

hoisdg whosnerofhnfi med who arevodesa short aspoblfen k tnfo sd as soon as the mdials tbale and anle to tnraslfn er erhaba nskilk or home


hot sfion armesn f evio fsonosn gtog lgigasilag rngbsasan n mmt sol faberos fs afin ofinvationfsn isf hteir emmt anf restls fmasl

concurretn vaafif

hr pfaf a fevh


husaf s soaas

hpothermia frsostbite


insulin realted illness

hypoglucemai is cause byv lowblood lgucoe and has a rapd onset s incleu pale and moiste skini radu HR shfaleobrethia fdizne headcha alern ivson une gaiexnif eagiei tabevaio oinufaeon sizufe aloss of socidnfsdifosonfen hyoer scia beeklve aand ha s aaSLOWER onset when hep gli sislef in g o logn iro it cna fekt oketoa scidosso adn diabew comaf which are are ligef thraeitanv ondigtn ss inl thura rfeir aur aton laucoe in theu rpf'ss unfafh turhtui nskne breddoe aktafb enausf agbtaifad yr othhgne incf hoh otashofuiejn esnegos suv glike iotgna esu if thept si noat cnid fhanefi IV lfufc in fehoufl m ainyg aeid oiein t shofler st asmuc aes fosibfe unktblodl fle ehufento j keto acidfn emeg enshof asf nt iallkelt onene do teinfe tiwh isnl hthea shol avoigivn thept any foero fsugea

meds sacetic acid

icniai alf e claici feposti musotoisic osifiacsiotn NEGAIVE calcium chlride

comrpession bandages

icnre retepresur eon a dbody par tby exetr estinf presre an dowrkf prssr etsetin rpesure sprdcu when an elecatbais pac e stethc resocan cnab be erehn pt is acto at resik worksinng presu oed b ancit musc locnta gaisnf saninselcl aad prsur ontl exer wnttpt sa ctiv compressbaf aer ito ffoer eegreatr press idtal tha mopea cmand mb apleusi anfiuer 8 parttern babng eshould not be apleid in an curuca pattern sicn ethi scn arels i unv e presa may ac inthiie mea fnagmea insf etn n a lign may eb paleid unde rtbbanvge s imin the rpasjica fi thabsn slip ino th skin

nonthermal efects

icrase cella nd skin memerbaen eormaeabitliy increwa aintracelluarl calcu mlevels faciltao of tissue repai roemita of irna cell function occaruas resutl of cavitiaotn an acoutsic microstraming


idaera for fuuteur pahfsysif sefession faeru anaf excud taion serv can also


idata sform epfeto por nera fsnaflei sfpavalvaorecot mo iefinf


idc rangg of rheat fomr a aradiat enetgy sru cehigher teor t nfalo irnod eo firehtaf by reaoaitan ocur ther emutbt aifenr in temp betwet eng cou sar etage msut freutho sr obeiin diefct conta tith erahge ear rate of heat rasn wil b itent isiiz enftaefesnfagle erlgtio ndiatn ebte infraratel amolaser UV LIGht

impiarnemesnt lfsos fosd fisabgo aofsio afsf googan gl alegvel cong eit gles l tseo eganody dj

idfhuan ogt alf


idfoagg glnenid maignig ner fm MD DO doos otoe metfsdi DO pasvl emgah msk prevn fas fi

semi rigid bangaes

most oftne consnite of trte ffauz eapplied ad ita fsiasl edmdite trate ua is i nal we taler adient a fea form e bang age of teus i ero fvanfcastaus ulcer UNNA BOOT is an edpafo o frsemi reig bagne madeof zine ixife mpegangen gaue boota cap ar v sust acorpes foec eo 35-40mmhG

hot pack again

mostoi cofoitab hea variae of ahspra so heoe use may o miatn good cota o fsf pt may ot oelr awht eigh o fhpac dififut ot obesrsf trage rase iecurig tx


idneogn a fsog the pfhhaodi f enfasf lsk scoisd nlgocla at fnef ferhfs d esnfuef nacdfn eia ath aptape diona gn sstnsf gnioho codieo fgusf sstna fneghgro fsghg foi fnaopta eanfue tha teeir a sva reasocsoit ieh eth mision pesurepsj afnaosgi als osa gsdghght aso rneifha eeoaif hagoitianfioidfa feafbalgsaigh sapof f enfue ehat percpods freofoer assigement espfhfst eslfstassf sprshio ianfsigura thetpat sf tn oitehteiot fnatentnstheiths eivie fans duesf t efov fn erucf esfdj oefvoe fesiothtioarangiof ohghsoafsfpro jrthath senfes oinfiotngoig oiofoitheoti e perfvoia osnsesn ogien bfe ffiosfosnfaiaetoin tasg oiofoie fsio oisnoefis nfeoibfu g agien

PT only not PTA

ienefo referhesl intiat e al val digano preof dlevor mvod a pasna oinff io ant enf asni nthsf ereie ahwr eis fdi sof fpt rerueeuffdhohtetoer einern edn erot in ehre nmt arpatuflait pt assi e reafof ot fif iesthlg goag i feoiasoghsvnag sos g ovesgih all odfsa sofresvirensfnete

icd codes

ientn ataonc lafiaf isdef es dfsaoif ago eifn asiaf atha orhg heg as nstgabf adfno eiteiogsl e aggeav tnatnat oaynlafhsa f cui 10 fasei t1 ght eshg fiof sdiof ci f0 in gi2015 fsisog aiov eofia ifn in fumebr afaige fnsuernbest aifjpasgh gsaj faig aa 5 to 6 to s7 faiha in dinf eindni;c uf fsaogs diosygsoet foaig sstffness of right hisp asiofoasig avn sine snte rfnasf sfasflf ro mfaiflef asf sfiohas fdois afn as fsioco er fasneio tnof lata asioleflet ir faoie aohf amfeisf sighevin pahsg sfsah igt mansu tio afeit safiao is thfs iwthi pahhh fwoufl not be onog ot makfiaefn mdi g asgi a PTS CAN USE ICD 10 codes not erua oiv; ito amesfig ameidsog dioangoiisi

scsater ptl i

ifn ekl afet gahugna afgasa sf eafl fhds fois slg nsi gensg s mksagns s

sbfe aisnf

ifno the pt comat to tehpat ja thsi coul isncdie of s fmedia lhifosat re nore revnaoc recoef it coudla sofd includ tpe stesatmenst pr cpsefaints statemetn or comptnas


imfa asc it spe aif imapried join on montoro cuasc ffrafna lco alifma ifesn fmot aneosif sn sfiw preofefs aofscns imseroia feio reocoa fneuda roccvsp jo cuiro faulfeu fifaofe oi tents ha oaatiasf kifn ascfi of a

transftheoith s f sageg sagsang

imodg n s fosg soaf gn gs joigjg gji precontempa nt entsinf t w hgne scnot em ag ls inte sfs t ssng in net a erassnf magkign gnahsd asoign goak gosdnsonngnio gsgbg oig lginsiogn r sdsn f negrnt gii sgn n i thnf gsg ga oia aiogvoiah

caser eprot caser eries

in depth desacitoit oinf an invisdafskfl conditn or respront ot reat sdodicn foefl foif obet of aifs s k fdcferoie fnet ageoit oti they acnfotest hhpohts te etabfcuaf eaegtt rleastioin


in i ifn ngaga l sepsi pai ifnfe hei giv s feosiovoifl sa gioagr egan shon t lgongio a asdiotni tnbtu n lggnuef sign

prep for tx

in order to creat an efective nd successful tratment envinronemtn the pt must beinformata redarding all expectatios of the upcomng tx as srll as habe all quesion aanddswer prior to intiate the acuta hands on titeventions therapist msut btaib informed conetn form the t and oducmet concent in the pts chart tehrapt msut also deterin if thera ear any tentia liitan to t due t tst reglio or cutu befu s ot bst be nited as to appria cothing fo rtheapt an dsubject afedas scuh as draping mst also be dsicussed prit o tintiate o therap in ode ro ensure a ts cnfen duein rx


in slk cu rover treioti rmsic l dep tataenitno doe tphmsuanf teamtpe tidcedmd aatmet eudcu eedme aloose aedhenes in adelrsilsucp firecuse rtwth CHRONIC INFLAMTIO or use OERUES INERu


in visn t erig hgtihf ini mash festoivls anf nig hg gnamfua an go htaofh oaf jin g ito ask fetat epsfen fiteniieht svi

door knob eteder

incfrease leverahwne copgn ianf lcsin doring namgn eadi fof rinaida wth dia tiet eden tfntn

high boy tank

incldue turn chest high hips adn knees fle 28nhes dept length 26-48 2--42 wideht 6-105 gallons x


increas in pseprffia lof care and imitao tratinc ra ened for meif arewocero to serve as a mreasn of commuhcnoatiao among lcincial progress notes and erferrasl reflaef diecoto ptpt care aecam folcindfal frecor deet amtat asti ansrecj iora fadmaigntjesc

foley catheres

indwelling urair tract acathetet that has a balloon attachment at he indwellin end the baloon whcih is file diwh air or stserile water must bedeflaed before tha cathere can ber emoved


ine thatant asgoag si sagnasodgn as ondsfi eag EARLT DX safn aspr evneoifn soiasg sd cananot stop the osnett can slot t l screenign adoles tfnioef oire socsligoi peroaf af eslg esetet bldoio sodgsg tiseting


infalmation negaetive

ulcerative colitsi

infalmmator ybowel dise athat resutl in chorn cigalla and the fomation of ulcers in the cgi tract no mno etielo thogt e an autni cocntioan th result form an aexafao gersoitn o bacutm or u=vus also resuren fenti comeoinre affects the inermost lingn of the LAEGE intenstin most often the SIGMOID and reumt as post to chirns which may affec tan potion LARGE AND RECUTSM severity of pts sx is deifcle relat to the extenr fo teh color that is feafe c ss may includ abonal pain cmrap diaererah bld in th stool urgency to dfecate weight los fatgue anf ever sx I/M alern betwen eriod aexfbaion anf ermsision bc consieton is consir an dautnoine other systemic sx can occur athtirs joitsn ksin sdiseor vsual issues endoscopy dierec tvual of the colo viossof the mucsoa may also e perfort d eifnidiagn teh conditon stool stabmes ablood tset ule otu cornc ibs ivertisl

appendicits bronze

inflamatio of the iner lingn of the appexni which amay rpesra to other area may occurs for numerof reasio b tinfection and lobsteuciton of the appecial lumaen are the msot common both estilg resutl in increas pressurea sbbacetaeir lmutlae and fluids stagnag within the ppexin evnatula the awalls of the appenix becomae ischemic ccomeorp itheir intefnisa fan llowi ffor bacaetrail incaion which cna lead t perfnation gangere and periontonis r asbcess extend from the cecym as a worm like profetion through its post is nto fic eit is mostn comonlocaito in the dosromedial portion in the right lower quad ran acual postion of an india lapex can consier altera the clicnal rpecsneeo fo teh paapeniscits abdam pain is most ocmon repor twith sx beigna as eith unlenr or gastic pain taht mirgarat to the rght low gaufa ots wil often try to reain sstull yin down with theipx lfex in an attem toa void exacerbating movemetns nasue vomting and anorexia rea lso ften rpeorted duation os sx is typcall less tahn 48 hours in adults but may be longer in elderlpts r ianc ewhern the eappex has perofem aboral recoun tedners pan with percusi gaufina dn rigity labs to conif einfeciton rofinfla cCBC c-reaction protein test urinatlysis soemcasse lvie rand penac erifnciton test iamging stude ssucha as US Ct oR MRI can be sued

inficaitonfo theraputci odaties

infllmationa dn repaic can altern ciruclation checmaii reaciotns flow of ody fluis cellf ucnton thoghal hase o healfi can enahnae acletaeading perceud re dslav eafec taf i wthn pain can assit wh tocntolea pna by alteht epr gia of ht epan or alteh c es opan resricition moton hen ahetens o facollag eto alo r egare rang eo motajnd toelanc to sterhc aboral tone can iencud toe tha taur edu to ama msk or nwei o atent atin inev eocnfoaon anbiocemcaporiet can cnmusen cagittnaslna en hf onc

t test

infs fegn asetafivsl poer fiso foi ran spasgopa menfaofn roinagteaor eanfefein fnfsloosa asnkng

ICF model

innte tjaoc laf isfhrongo sfibdsifa fielast heslf afheleh tafjssdigssgnsd bof oin gnsa ovaslg one fsi fbshfsot eosfn sdsodg s sgfosdgijosdg sgbsois voiosn lsigenovn on 2001 oiss p pp wor heatl ofngnais gicidh eorng idof iohilnagg siai icd10 is craet aby who vehf hfsnv nfepsfosi fsiofh fso caforme ot imfpa tek initi aoct osi la fiosfb sfenogi vghao

gastric tube G tube

insete hgoh small icsi in the abdoen inot h tsmach tube cab us dof leogn erm dedin in the presrn fo ddiul with aslasin due to an antoam o r ent idsor ort oa void risk ofa spritaion i

jejunosotm tube J tube

inseteino jeunmum long term feeding for tp who are unable to ercig food by moht

alafe eeg

intaf tr ti fistm ini rlea t fusfasifmio coni ghitrt fhtijm aheth fchgneo gbsfsioj beiv gsgsalg aklg pogigtr ig vi iwethot ra

authetnication prcoes sed ot vei that aan envnateu is cmteoa caute anrs fianl cait ofn afuc nanirogait eitrta ifoasg aore gaoi gaonf sefe se folefoia fefsit hemfainf delf asd itait elv viitsa ocujt ream diasec

intait exm aaevl a

fibteulation ptenti

inte of LMN disera

evidence based practice

integration of the bvst lcinclas ervel fer awehsci saoi clisdnl faseasdnli teo andf ppt vlaesj in cognio rnogin oifi ht emvoetn fs faoifd fuboih ehtaoih ahfas;oigg nrgbaebfasi efofijsanfsa hte fsoasfsdn asohgte fmaefmsot pshfosdhfs dlafenfusagosa r g;eg as bet raf iojef eoi lcisdfo eatioe rotna linf fasbaoth tfhcuacsur fo afisaognotn testes ergoi asfd aeeffi dfiof inenvnaroigonar lcisdnf exefe eiof elk fldsisnfln sdfasoi fefaois ftroamfksfoisfslinoo gngknl tpeo gsgoi reepf elsnkf s fnasndsdgoi rgtafn esfnosafn sd gldsafngora gijola gaoig iovsiog bafeoigisa gihglep gohgasmgkamsegieogfn sgkneoinsgdk gmageagkans knnklg anefnefosifn eaufasnfr sfnoafsn ,f;lasgm dasgnargrefepoaooofr

intermittent pneumatic ocmpression pump

intemrittent cmoression with anenue priar us ed to reucd cohron or psot ruamst edma tehrap ashast hea bitl at adjut eteetamn ataein clud infalt apresure on off raiota adnotal treatirjt tehatp smst ask pt ot emoe all ljerwl andensure appreoapr ta fit of the pcmress level roro tpo retaemtn ot shold be pal ie ocmf post iwht extemi elvetand bp an fith emashsold be recod tehrap shosdl tehna appl astckinnette ove rthe rtieha dastuhe pcmorssions selveev ltera epc leitel iefni ghude n oepaemretsucah son/of tiem tinfla tijema nd ddelfaltoj asferusl pt onof ea dneehs theah efeftcarefte most a=jimp viab to cnsifre inflation perssure genrasl reanges from 30-80mmhg and typcal shoudl nto excedd pt pts daitboslbood lrpessure aretela cailar presure s aprox 30 mmhg and therfeo niflaton prssure belwo this value will not tupcially hae an sininnc atherpa thuet eivlaue nflation pressure greath than the nflato pressur egreat a the pts sistolci blood presur ema resitwic tartierl lodo flow and creata amedical emergy i tx fo ue genral ereur 30-60 mm hg of inflation pressure whlt ereat o fht elow genral eruias 40-80 mmh go infaltiaon pressure tratemn avares fom 30 min to 4 hours absedon fiagnsis im cmrs is utli form 3x per week up to 4x per fday pt soud aheah call bell adn be motn rhoguoru treatment ehnt tri socote therphea shoudl rasssses the xmit and measru abO girme anrsooud be resoce d cprae teo tvlaue abtao eebfore traemtent ma bc oufp with tepa tue cold anf ellecit ist l whensue i estim in ob ieth merscurret int eshould e adjust nlagfer teh sleeve is full lat sinthis can if gn imapeldto contaiw th thskin

heaelget beflief modf

intia tnbf bfasg ahta thcgniae gevdu perfio fiasufsdif hwoa s tisdkf a i reallt sfreoifo oe hoaf sthesoti s esrisis rel aetl revaf beneif hfaifeia it tes slflk dufef the et e beraf oai hoagh ahaff efls fufa stihegegi e avig sion s segelggi ababgi fh saghsgn safasg makkn sigsgssoigh n asfoisv agnalgisng iorg oiagsiogsn sgoiagdoiag avnsano

positron emission toohrap

invadi pricue that use aradioha nda ineckt radioucli to dertei the metbac aftivy of an or ganor tissue atach eto a sustanc ehat owubus eofby the organ lke clgue hwn studg te rain caann s ue dro emdethe aoutn fo radionuclein etaken up ut orgna there by detmeini how metbalicall atieh rogan is PET is comonysue di concl to dien laginntamor thog it is al fhuse d netol for idneig brain sdiase hand cariod idnte imparied loodflor dield more cerent been usd in conejc tiwht CT scanto eic egreater dta oteurmos anfother lesions igagi te fncotn ofan organ as poost ethust is anant detec pathi cahgen at theelualr levle sidnet othosnet fo diae srpeoces eof tehr imaging ecni lodose of radia invisa mah ebc afe high lodo vmed cafia lchta


invai pecue taht use sxra gmag n fan infect ront duet o visatl teh venous ystem cathetis ineste intoa feeinth foo so taht the contas yec an beinebfe t msto ocnt euse dto al of legisn the len shtohc an us eud UE or teinfeiro vena ca helfp ro dignaos DBT tro valvue dufans or othe patho eof evosss effei ein afuls venos sytem low so faf invais coantaeagliers


invasive proceudre tha uses xray imaging anf annjject dye to visual joint sturecuet lgn need is use dto nenjt the duye ffcntnto th okjt direct arhtogarph duac an be ne into ablod veels an hten abdoeinto th oknt spcae infection ra are taken ith join in difeitn piston s 'used ful i dienf pathlsgy of joint strecuet ligmenat ldaga auslatare teaers soft tsisue dsithoatponc an e iddnti fby leadki of jliui form the oin caivity test is coon sue at eripehral otns ucha ahip knee ankl soudl elbo anwris atho graphu comonuse diwh xray thog i can be use dwthf losco mri and cCT oreve d amore detial iage of a joitn comapred to a stand xrya insvais v allergeis esp inerdrct3 ot may expern cjon swellinf agerr procue not ercoend for tos wth acti varhtsi or join in fecton


invasvi procue taht ocmob ray andlufoccps or CT with sue f acontacud to evlaut soina sctue sepci fspincal cord nerve rots an mnignes contas de is inec tiderit into ths epuf udr apc by lumabr phncut used to ideng dibe onsoin steos desc eraitns picna fomer sinfecton.infalmation orf thegin or tuemoree better detia than xra raci eiamgi go aoisnnaml stusc fo rhweo canno thave MRI lwo soira daition invaivd cdontaaelrgy mayc aa csf lead msal rsk of sce bc dys in encinto csf

teawsicg emrfo

invi gsdl moset scnl sn g rpt sofn san vis ssbsgi lgsgios lgoig hgio ngnend alenoifdsogoibn kgn lndg ldng nggogng bgiosgn ioviovd

apreif vn

invl in lfie isetal

stress urinary incontinence GOLD

involentary loss of ruine fuction stress ure ixed overflo stes uccrs dugn actiei whne there is an icnreae in abdomanl rssre thogh strinign sneezin cough or lifit g usualyl occurs from loss of strenght and or ntentiy of the contratle an onon contrac tissues that mainta balder control SUI cuase dby weaken of pelvic floor urogential diaphragm levator ani dmag eto the pudendal nerve malostion of the urethra and or urthethral spihner cimpetence risk facorts incldue rpenncy vagial dvity episiotomy episotomy prostate or pelvic surgeyr aging dm cns and pns dusfinction recurren uris prolsape bladde ruterus or bowel may contirbued to leaage and is seen in wmen that hae miltpe vaignal delvieries meds that tat other illnesses can sometiems contibu esp in the odlee rplation oebsityis another ridk fcot due to icnrea intabadopresure and effetof oebseti on neurmuscla fnfviotn fo nGI Teact 10 million adutls epxeirnce somefor of urnarinintoncnen SUI acconts for 50-60% of all icnotnenc ecases adn is manige st bsofle by invl tloss udin any form of exeritn ofincrea boamnal ressure aout hat leaks is tpucally less than 50 ml with ocugin snsezing ostriang PA acan also proue lakaf due to eion with tse activie othe mnfie lfainclue dribi of urin urenc fereancu nocturaia and weak straem whie voiding custometry evalu baldder capcity contorl contrailia dnsenastion provavti sres stesing wth e prefi rn urodmic testing ovesr the stbaili of the bladder and electromuography bsebrf baldder ocntactin urinatlsis is sued for differntial diagnosis to tule outt fineciotn diabte another conition marshall marchetti test utizlei finer evaltion of t pararethela vaginal tissues at the neck of the bladder in order to sto the leake of urine during ouc basedline exmasuod incldue the amoutn of tiem that a pt acan hodlurine pres perforem of hldin contactn adn amountof prelvic contapt can perofmr sui ma increas erisk for UTI with subeseun skin breakdown pelvic floor weakne uteinr porla and kidneu infection ma all realtioen to SUI pt has poor diet netiorn contriation indea hdyraton and urianr prefen wil promo incontece med managment ofurianr incontenc econsit o cseoncetaive meausra kak PT as af irset iline of defen follwo by pharma nadsugy 0/5 to 2/5 incldue bifedback, electircal stmuation, bladder reetraining, and TE facilatin adn tapping of the m=eovi cfloor msucles, overflow exercises using the buttocks adducirs and lwoer abodmianl andimpeletna f e=keggels 3/5-5/5 contined biofeedback baldder trianing weighted vagnal cones for ressitance traingina dn impvelemtna of elvi floor nsucle xeercise duringa ctiivty integrate evuc exercuse during activit ethhat may triger an icnreaesei nabdomanal prssure within theri dualtourine 'behavioral and diety amodifcaitn absed on theri personal bladder diary 8-12 weeks should reolve with OP PT if pt rquie srugery or prestn wtih mlt imparmetns ma be pawarrent for longer to assit with iangi baldder control some do not have logn term affects colaice is reuiwred when it is due to weaenss of thepelvic floormsuclartue 50% of all adimissionts to SNF have a direct reationship to unresovled urianrty inconteincen adn impiarments similar to bowel incontence which can coccur fro mdbirth defefcts truam to the recutm ssci facla inact and tumor conserit vetx isperfrered include diet phram anad tsenthginof thsphine msucle thorugh eeics estim and biofeedback surguer may be warrante d

reagira ask

ionfefaonoffri a ffnagorn cndfan dnsginao nr nion sffnasfhn rr 1 meanfe f feefal abor fog rgiff narr efoasfofoa rrrfrasfaio


iriita dene tanteir hor el nerv doo corpe rmsucls spfas

1 inch

is 2.5 cm

oneof easf s ansalg gosf

isl ttio ttseti ehoe si tsfisoa codfoi TWO RO MROE OPPFA fdm asfoia fsaee s fn sfonfe s ONE INdfneofn ign

inrascu emg

isnertiosf afnedn efintoi hslfmb trina pseimstonfwa o oshfiao pt insiosf pham ess fude tsn aera sof ksin voer thesmcue to ebr tes shod betohoruf lanedn nedi nseeti nrestioscif si INSERTIOAL IRTIATBL SHOULDS TONLE A FWE MILLSEOCNSD a a mornal readed msut shoudl eei ELECTICALSILENCE IE NO ELEC T ITNET AIL SPONTANEOSU PTENT DIN TET ARE ABOR LFIND AMA ISNCCA NEV OR SUC EFSMGE WHRN THE MSUT IS VSEU OCNT AASCITN PTENIO TI TP as th stne o ghtecontaw cincfre a terete rurmes fp fubse bs rpeuc asitsnf durgi ufl fnus a ifdoefld rp ascitono fvuar afssaaosis obr a nerv eocnuf fvi sfo eier inns iwth

faodfisg iofdoif eognoi o

isodgfhiegha gio foesighadns foiff ocncudf afkl asogig neeioe teoith anfoeaehehf gt nafsnd k fsfga s efoi;gisog iffehoifhssoig hef flsdfisdfkl f fijoef sioshuhgsg algoeg lg anagly

persin preotecti eruqi fp PPE

itemts taht era worn and used aareir to precto seone hwo is assit t p wth a ptoeantaite fneicitoj sid aise incldu eegown slabcat smaskrs gloves fole spill kits and mouth peaic e

ifnantan fchflfef iawfh

itnenfs d faots f fdoafhlfs efelSHORT nfesfoe BREAK stiiv refinfoffemefn adding

wuaf af

ivia fif ffouro fsiof as oasif efha fo ofneoi tafoisafmks ont tha o25 2t f50h mefiasfsl goang 74 gna

phhufs dfasfsi

jifsonfoo foefo flefel ' mosiggeog in eonl isnfonf ieafsgnga lksdf sanga jpaaef afeofafaf nog offl afada asjiasogdojias g

allergic raciton


ondosd og oofnggog gnigoi erovngnogn cobfa

laegoi neta eif angng oioaigsog sfoisng isgngn sg irio aog rgiorht oi esdasgio neeihtoe oi f nfgrog ohbe eij pash gnogi or groirn thioesf gasgi oitheoaisgnsgnag o

lowboy tank

large pts aro fmteti ar permits sittinlong stit with water p eto mdithoracic dept o17 dlte 52-65 inches wid of 24 iniches 90-105 galons

ill ie lsf

lasgij gilg tpsfi eile tefmafefle mafog tlsn fhoish s sfeei soi tii ofidg sfn fothe mafsh fdsn sfoe nf ioeoitoign dsiooisf ig ghhasdf gih agiotr


lateal detliod biceps rbachii

trunk lsiting

lateral devaiton

vasocolant spray

lcoac rea rea sof aplcic eberif udatojsn o cooling efeci trrte tii epita icnirre asreonn difaduh t apaoy dpray nifrma risk fo frsobite ifsk in isnot eraeerbe tewerapetaf rreatme nttie inc isor e fisue


lcoal or genr use of low termp genraet etherap e eff tsby infelcne hemodyanit blod flow metablic metba rate an nm ro ces ernv conddutin decreas eblod fow to teamt earea ecreaedema decr aslcoal etmep decerm tablci rate decfra nerve cndtio velot ddecr tone icnfrea spain tehre shold abormal tone ac teo coen ain acureo rro acbuge auifnlamato nuritis msucle spaf n msk ataefm a mfa ci tirg eibn tendonitis teno syneotivits conta codl itnelra coldurticaria skin reaction to cold that appears within minutes after cold exposure. Affected skin develops reddish, itchy welts (hives). People with cold urticaria experience widely different symptoms. Some have minor reactions to the cold, while others have severe reactions crgkiykubenua the presence of abnormal proteins in the blood. These proteins thicken in cold temperatures.feicton over an rae of ocbis cutation voer regne pheripaehr nrve praryz cld hemoglibiura very rare subtype of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA, see this term), caused by the presence of cold-reacting autoantibodies in the blood and characterized by the sudden presence of hemoglobinuria, typically after exposure to cold temperatures. oerioher vausdfla sid ase raynauds skn anestheais


mpfash htigh testelra ted pls erife high or low fait geo rnot ouslre udatn logne 250 to 1 seonc want moter rern 30-60 seocn f reahc poit

superficial thermotherapt a

lcoal or genusr of high temo in renabn incras eskin tem and uaspre iv asuubs tanenoatissue to depths of utp to 2 cm surae fi cbldo decfrasmsucl psasmd decfe toen cincre abBF incera cap prermarneabitla icnre ascolalgenn extensibtu lcoal inc elet emo mein cmetneatslir at weinc nfrm sucl aeslati cinc iernendv cnduf inc rfpaon tehr eshosl bthin cneira pani threshosld indacted in abdnoralm tone decraesesd rangeo noton kscule guarind g msuce spafsn m tig t subacuat eor coneri pain asubfas cussat eo crnon contra acute artiasl diease bleed or hemorhan overa ae ooff compor cirualt voer arewa of maglnancy peri pdehrac asul diaesr f thermbphelniits

short wave diatheramy

leiv conti or ousel ulse it use dto atatin notnehram efewfc contin thermra ousle diatbethe pdu heat sdsiapt pebs bfero tissu eats ost comon feran 27.12 mhx utliz a capta teco rinduc tecn capactia palte aplcia preoau hgihg rea ferlc hur tat betnen palte pt ebcome apre fo thelec eruic anf osc iin initusus temp inducal ogai thaer fent altneatielcit ucren acrea amgnairfelidl ericulto the coila reducc ddyc uretn withit ehs itssu esecause ocsio tao f ions that inc ttisuetempm bucndl sa abcpa tah reatp around exmt or as asudrm aplciation

aviassgitrg v

lenai a aplsgh nf ngen tslkf asnvnsa angu nfoboa l segl ao net lfieif n opef l nasigo l comf osfifal iifi


less than 3/4 inch for sldiign doors les sthan 1.2 for other doors

histro gram

lfisf afatiaij ifa p sf s sdiojg a fnsafs noiffrf lk dgn afslf f sam nfakflsa f`



ionpeoc stepa smt fan no flf wflagnbon fosfhofthoflenieh ofdajsf issiopro las o thepat shosijnonot sles otop feslshsnt hsoud set t nthdren ucentfeosif shsotto sfmeojaas isn oasnfsufh sbfeintos mfal octoaonself ahfehdsl fp gtmr elatoirt osufij weflfetiv ae isfiofj sfeefjf difsfisfpas feih fa cai eoci fpesisfe sbfosfebfminl e t dateeoasctivsel sf fbete fincsfl cnthe efein sfeeeursel sdindsihe reslkf r bsfn smlarle rhaiefeare se dt resafslflsnwlaergeusesreales el fienf tehrap shouldf ausr lescarepsresaslo nrentoefamf 4 mA tersmaoofnlas 10-20 mn asditneoi e3-5 in th sfnpt isnot ehfng s skin riation erst asufnet elecl t

lielhod fbur nc abe fn n riseri cathode relaiv to hasnoe deredcueren ens ainfrerps cebte eelsfd i IF BIGGER NEIVE ATHOD REALTEITEO PSOTIVE ANODE CNA REE LFIEK HD BURN decr uren si ainef aspcbe twnfsoa rpn cmjt trethatsmstldecfetensfmfidos sreddssanc cna lfief12-24 horus afte fialsf fiu oinsthsi fhreafi t ins relf unomoer ffeanttha every other day due tptet isdie fefusf e fiefcuf therahsoud al earefie ffifi whi 3-5 tretmenssson


ligh taumni nsur fca witha tifn which afcgn a fgirp lseh ann teach upa n dan eit hohending

air filled visson

lightwaright with pressure infelcne by alttude aiar fileld cushon rewuir diligent motntoor fo inflation eleles roho and bye bye decubitits cushions

tips for defifb coudfm

litn us eof abfe va date signa laent f asdocf legiegl afres jfor cse oiesfesgalsg egal fjdog a t theif a fivis rhen sfns caler aif enty fnote reysse pro epgaifaslgdasg inclflar ealtaosn ifasdf inls f eora calf ei demognt sfield vamlkfmidl dfaegs sifdhhg naeg htohf isis

human subf

livi gabot ahosi n toinc otbatna ahtaoghh i nf eni fheioth i

shrot esth

low prest ate rsr ans fhgih repoe rpesre whn msc ed modfreal efcte while pt is acte or at rest scin ethey prou tohr esting andworkif pressure shrt sretsh cfucnare osot fote use during exerci es pt sut ahe a ffnoa caf;e sc ad faf ncotal gat patter t amxilla benif om sthort esthbafng ein the lwo emit thee abga are teftinn a flaccir o rinactive ibe

forear reach in wheelciar

low reach 1 inches high reach 48 inches


low spaif arl pca gh ren than lwae lwoer eais cndutai tlalo sfoelsowlerheatin of ts whih reudc erisk of overhati mriant food onc riw th n taes oul use di tac ade ot to skin effeiv oly in distal extemity erias oc orsof gtnais n connt bse us ove rope ski ksesl

lymphedema post-msatectomy GOLD

lymphemea following a mastectomy is termed secondary lymphedema and is the result of damge to he lymphatic nodes and vessels during srugery excessive accumulation of lymph fluid withint he soft tissue isc ased by an excess load of lomph fluid or inadeqat etranposrt capcotu within the lmph systen secondato the loss of homeostatis lymph system is damagae ad a reuslt of the msatecom the sufacial removeal of teh braet whereby the lymh nodes and vessel sare removed or samged lmoh systenm is unable tocmpnesate the loyo vessel dialte and teh ovale flaspa re not able to full sotp lymoh flo r allows for backlfow of mlymh into the tissue this chag raction cauesf urther injury chornciinflamation and progression include fibrosis hypoxiawithin tissuea dnicrea esikfs of infection tring to prevent the sprea do breast cancer if the lhmhndoes have not been remcove but have reciev eradioatn they may stop funcitonng due to chondi filal dibrosis adn scarrin g globbally the parasitic infection called FILARIASIS is themost common causse of seconary lymheemed a the fvirus is carred by mosuquite in regons such as africa india and malaysia otehr causes include severe infectiom, crsh ijireisi urns or repeated pregnancies estiamte 3 million new cases each year with approx 30% of breast cancer affecte by ths cndition primary lymhedmea cound for 15% of the cases are presetna t brth and 75% of the cases are aquied frmo adolesecen through midlife mfeales are affected more than males edema in the affecte rae extemi that increase with dpendent poastin pt usual does not expericen pain but rather a tight or heavy sensation calssified into thre stages that present diferent based o the sveur to fht eocndition stage I is cahracterized by ptting edema th reudec with elvation ovenight adn does not exhibit any fibrotic changes stage II is idnetified by some fibrotic chagnes the begin to occur and an increase in non pittigne dema that does not reduce with elvetion stge III skins chage freqentinfections and severe edema that is non fipttiing adn firbtoic pitting will reduce when elevated will not reuce some firbosis increae in nonpitting edema nonpitting edea fibroitc doppler study of the affete area is able to rule out a DVT ct or mri may beeprfemd berfore treatment lyphemd is innitated to uel out malginancy lumphoscintigram is nucleanr medicne predcue that erst theefunction of the lhmph system colicaitions can nlude ilcer formation icnrease srisk for fungal and vacterial infection loss of range faitgue and firbtoic edema with atrophic skin chages a if left unctratemt pt could prefess to stage II "lymphstatsic eleoahtiiasis" 4:! ratio of females to males pharma or naturla sutances that increae proteolysis and macrophage activity (break down proteins) however there is no cure lmphedme sx is used in the treatment of sever elymphedme but only achied limited rsuelts isnce te cause remains unchanges PT does coplete deocngestive therpay CDT philosophy of lymphaitc magnement incldue pt eucaiton inskin care hygeien badaging self massasfe and exercise therpatmutic intevetion should be focus on nmaul lyph drainage short stretch omcoresion retorrad massage and exercise home care it vital compu with skinc are banign sefl massaas lmph graining comression therapy anf exercise program each pt must also understand the lifetime precautions that can incras lymhedme such as SUNBURN AIRTRAVEL EXCESSIE EXERCISE POOR NUTRITON AND OBSITY CDT has a signicant reduction in lymohedme duringt reamtne and contineud reduction with ongoing home preogmra over time progressive if left unctreat but can be manged through intevention and education simiar to lipedema which is a condition where there appears to be swelling thrghh the bilateral lwoer extmreites from the hips to the ankle joints swelling is acgtually subcutaneous adipise tussue this contition is omsetin ocnfused with llyymphedma but does not affec tthe lmphati system it most often occurs in women with hormanl diosrders and is believed to have afmaily history in approx 20% of the cases med mangement reatet hte hornman ibalace and assists with nutrion al fienc eot allow for effetice weight mangement

pcpgtpa gthepat

m pv bfit i av opwr lfis f soos fh hv etnafaphpgj bag hfji


maeu of elect otmieve ofeceo of the eleircal potentia iference elcot wl onl fwo etne two hwnetete asiein te ea dof eeoafebtwe totw tsn teh amginet af efthe difenren btewtn stos vanegneagit fhte pvot alist meaus ine olt s


maf the ctha tps istmaesu athoegh rpaid altemaetusc htasscofsltaps i enfah itjstusa fhiernfsnnnfsf


mala terpa fmfst aht preic phshof efe shosdifje ehtpe fsjstokesij reuba erpro s msfa fasresfa aefef

lung cancer

malingant umor withint he lugs tat is charcerize by uncontorlle cdll gheowth smoign ro expt o smokei is the lading cuas eo fulung cance r aorix 10-15% of lung acane occrs in invisa tha thabe nher vmsoke othe rcause mau nicleu gennit aco adn expgit radon fas asestos or airporllation lung cancer arises when carcinogens damge the peischtla cells of the lung intial the bdoy is able to repti athe clel amf though umatialie fage cause fentit mutaiton to the DNA of the cells an lead to dleep of amtior as th cells divs and provlie they may metastatbsie to toehr ears of the bdoy the may metastaize to othe raes of the bdoy lng cacer metastabzie early making it very dificul cant to ereat afrenal glands luver brain and bones ss wheazzing cough hemopstyss shrtness of breath chest pain weight loss fever vlubing of the fignernails anf faituge ss obyl res in more acen asrtaeo fdise awhich resutl in a poor prognosis xray used to deteaan bnramlma mass or noduel ooguh zzcz may be used to detct smal lesions thatncanot be seson n sxrya if canc eri is su etisue bip stmay be performe to demtient the presrn o amgin caells if pt repesnt wth acough that priucputptu andthe ptut can alsbe test o dienf presenrn of mlaginnanc cels bone scna may br eprfotm od ermil ev elo famebasisi

curertn ampct

maot si de sfit fncont ac terpa antmsf fpecu m sfi pt sifgen th fp pt sform srcer


masfm twcnthat sh by aligh stoke thasprec a relfei prnse teci is foerma tnegn aedof masage ot allw the patie te rlreasl stoekre sou djreie ct read thehaer anals be aplied as dedp storek reidcu enbtoha ea relie respose

udbfeobg e egakt jant

oifoegn gehtas fnssgoig hoong g seglgin in ioe gns g sgsiog feif eoifog o iovig


mdil tbi that ocncu asofn to blwo to th eha f ss icnldf loss mfsmfoe icnuuf fewranff eabavior o enfasnfschanf neneir cfysub drisbwubess eaviau ir viaef sgcabg ekug ri biseu abefb areadga ufnaorue cus efhaibe yas acb idf icubatb uda zbeaef kis icbiasf sauifh ''sx oaoyc aociu rineka gagt eub eugi cab aksi cicyr gierys da kaera '''' uf oat socisab ss fia cibsysuib tget sgiyd BIT ve akkwi sri eryetb rei OA ybrk kwWB YY NWSUXK iewfuwauib'nwefwbxt nwsuxK AWECUWA GAIYKS VW XBRx uwnnwsuR UD RGW OR ASIWB bt idgrwg adikdi az 'wzeewnri seiaubwaa ie kiaa id xiabxiau da'gwSGX rgR QUKK BIR UOWICW 'IBW OYKR Gr uua kEKFW RGb rgw irgw 'akyeews oawwxg 'qwWBwa bynvbwaa kiaa id xieBBRI H EIW ehw ciurb ie bdAW DXIBYAKUDIB IE AUrwyd 'UXBWEW augdydADEW ARWBIWE FuFUR

vavue thre cnten

mean vehef ausdfaf aivavsd

back height

measure forn the seat o fhte chari to the floor of the acillar with the user shouldere flex tto 90the substarac t4 inches this allow th final back height to be lwot the inferior angle sof the sapulae must measur pt on th seeate cushon 16 inches

seat width

measure the widest aspec tof the user buttocks his or thighs and adde 2 inches this wil rpvid epsa ce fo rbulcu lsohte orthoes or cleancd eof the traochancter from the armest side b=oaeb avereage 18 inches

osteoporosis GOLD

meatbolic bone disorder where ther ate of bone resportion accelerate while the rate of bone fomration lows down soteoclast activity exceeds osteoblast activity this reduction of bone masss decrras ethe overall boen density and strength primary osteoporosis includes classifcations such as idioopathic, senile (AGE), and postmenopausal seconadry occurs due to a primary diseae process or as a reult of taing certian medications primar affects trabecular bone inn postmenopausal pateitns however is prmarly seen in btoh trabulucar and cortical bone in the ertatic poulation impaired bone formation due to declineing osteoblast fucntion in addiion ti tge kiss if cakcuyn abd ohisogate sakts wutgubt ge vibe stcyre cayse vruttke abd oiririys vibes tgat easuky feacyre akk vibes t=cab ve afecte wutg fracyer if tgevertevra e dustakaduy/ula and femoral neck being the most cmmon exact cause of primary osteoporosis is unknow however risk ffacotsr include inadequate diety calcium smoking exessive caffeine high intake of alcohol ir aslt smallastature causcasin race inactivl ifeysyle famil shstur or hist rou of hrnic dsea secondary osteoproosi may be case by proglonge durg therpat of heparin or crtceteroid use endorcine sdisoerder malnutrion and other dse processes post emnupause aosteopro traget omwen approx 50 to 60 years of age invluaitonal (senile) osteopros usally ragets mena dn women >70 years f age idopathic can occur in btoh genffer at all ages nist frewutny seen matbolic boen disae that affect apprix 10 million indivuals withint he US orevalence is epxecto to icnrea with the increase in the aging poplation pt disangosed with osteoporos may compkaint of low thoracic or lumbar ain epeicne cmression fx of the ebrebae and ocmpan of bakc pain ebrrebtral and other crush fracrures may occur with littel to no tram oain is acute an dincrease wigh wgihtabeaing and paltion pt mau also presnt with a defmotiies such as kyphosis, dowagers hump a decrease in height and other postural changes not an accurate measure of overall bone strength or standard for routein screeening that have been estbalish however xrays are taken to investiage the amount of degenratin and the decrease in dentisy of a particular area bon meineral dnetisy test abouts for 70% of boen strength and is the aesirey wat to determin osteoprosois photon abosptimoeter is ued ot easure bone mass parituclat of the vertebaee heepis an extmeireis wuanitiative CT scan s mab be use to adiag nosdai b exmianin bone density diferentail diaganosis incldue lab tesitng and urianatl must excluse other sdiaes process through exma once osteoporos porgessses in seveirt it can caffect area other tan weight beraing sucha s skl ong bne and ribs psintenasou fax and eselt demforite smay icnrease due to the continun bobe loss single fractue sign increase the riskf or sub fratuer and sketal ermoties ucha s kmphosis vitamin and pharam suplemtans prooper nitriotn edcation and physcla thearpy hormone repalcemthereapy i srecoemnded for post mentuauas patietn calium supplemtna vitamins D raloxifene and fosamax preents bone presportion may be reocmmend in the tx of soteoporos phsycia thearp tshould inlpt education refin exerser is ong fall revnetion exrcise taht empha weigh erabing actiies as toelrato pt wmay rerwuir acorste or leubar suport if at tirsk fo rverbta ffar and may t iwl reuiw ttriang with an assit evi e aquatic tehrap wil asssit with condition howefver should not repca weig beai acrtiv supriacl infgetn maybe indacton for apteaitne requifedn fractuer stbailiztion COREST OR LUBAR SUPOR IF AT RISK FOR VERTRWL FX home care eaxercisa lkfaing to tolerance execis is curcial to slow the bone repsortion procesa dnicrae beon dlevoep ment pt shoudl eb eucatio aoid heavy ressitanc eversi excessvei FLEXION NO EXESSIV FLEXION during exreise an dhosuehold and use avoid use of BALLISTIC MOVEMNTS lgithsreserasun sch ass small djbels and tehrabdna can b sed with caution after consutll with the physicna dPT decar rsik of fx adn other compcaton pt cannot sease teh process tu can empon the pt t evfivnange theis bone disorder willc reate thin an dproous boens that wil tac er and resutl in rec tan dindelf comacn demfofna fn ain can be cmoe telinger m effect e early detction and mangemn is impornta to mlini lingt erm efects of sea similar to pagets diaes (osteitis deformans) is a chrnc bone diase of unnon tiorlg wheere theire is thicnken psingu and banoral bfoneforation large multinucleatedostesblast sfibtoru sitssue and thickenllaelle and tbraulca form an fera weka brittel ebones bone hpan headache learhin loss fautue and stiffnes are eratl ahcarhacerer of patgets prresio ninclue bowig o flog boens in incraese in skull zie abone dermfofei and racrue esp of ther evrtebae

dacef fafji

mefrarf af eao eha et f insufsf ioos flavsisfsi i foire fo svlif b amfha ontb clant wit ereot esfi thef hfo fneafsnoiffeel aefio fs

conit osu pasttive motin amchine

mehcnc al devi disnt to perv docnitnsoiu motion for a parit cu joitn sue a predrmeten iranfe speed rober satler fier spe this eflv ase don rea thatocnit aosg othas fevenie ftheat eifetof injru otn susrofn soft sus subese sutusd amfein efeficena of use CM buvs not ar in conclsusins osme sgtud eshos wno sign afidfeti n short sr vs sltna moerfm of aeatl motijn oerh sshow ebfie rom sueifn CPM ncleu eraie motisn f oins resl in shor thaal rpaur iniatio for CPM is to imrpvoe ROM taht may ae been imrpa jseocna to a seuals proce an join ma bindia ofor cpm but kneeis mst ocmonl trated dcre post op pain imeve rae o fo incer erom lsessen the delblati efets fomreimbiati reduc edm aby asst vneous an dlphi rreun etsuttissue hrs nat ewith pain liti om edmea susc e tif t acon tor ahenson suc eo joitn siffness contrinas increa sein pain afer sue artacul anticoagaualr mau increa risk forinta coparent hemtaom a uneant etrnasltiaon of pposigbones cpm machin of te inimedaigg af sx pt jotn msut algin eiht wpulcr of thcpm n order to re efevvia ndn sfe ttratemtn oi ad idtlsa tabslai astape atasbal it hepts upper an we rleg in th devi ans sdsi t maint the diest alignment the pt msut be intsruc in the use of the cpm and allaodsci sfety info pronaply for infijont small arco fmotion anpt afualincera the raneo motion ass toerla te or as lallwod baed on ucren emdic aa rate oof 2 cucle re pmtine tpcall allows pt to erolta cpm without difutl cpm maheub ntutal t hme oafet ris cangeomrhi pt r cagev msut inf e nwth cm ogi or uhe use

capacitivei palte method

metal encased in a pastic houses produces an aleltic lfeidl form one palte to the other field radiaiton consits of a ssaongt elelctical fiedl and weak nmagneincif heatin pater i isueprii with amroje ngey abosr ein skin palcia is every over eear of low baf tocntent

do funton

metnal fnf fsnfeosf sh oanf voh ocs es f fun hemltoa ini fresi fusnfsiog en kmgl endoi gengo gnefoi oef nm fnogii udn skin


mfaenfa figsn sgora gaanaf eg moig rnf fbscn fnafn

elements of risk magne

mfang ainv nelkf mreisfsk go 'icnid fer ei in eng s incspef itons comjsdgio

bfa hgao

mfasgni ro geogin ag sgn fefnvasialk sisaglggna rsfsoiag sgemgnagka fssagg a


min stabiltya straight can eproid the last upport and s sued priamru for asssit hwtih abalcne hsoud NOT be uilai for pts atha re PWB small abse and large base prvi da laerg abe sof supor tanda can beter sassit wit limie weihft berainf on an invel LE and imrpove balacneon unlevel surcaes curbs and stairs cane is tupcalyl used on the spospt side of the ainvled LE proer fit includes standing the cane at pts sdie and ast han to the wrist cea t ehularna stosud pt shoudl nhave 20-25 degrees of elbow flexion whlie grsaping he hands gir two 4 odife 2 mdof 4 q

tubular or single posted arms

min supoprt easy acces to whels c pt wr eeas removal fo arm

electrolyte imbalances

minerals that carry an electical chaege and are presetn withint hte lfuids of the bdoy they are critical to many of the body preocesses inclduing nerve and msucle fucntion and maintaine of lfuid balnce occur when theres minalera are not maintained wtihin a specific ange ther are severa causes for electolyte imabaces inclduein medicaitons vomting diarrhe ainafeat diet or balabosition trauma burns cancer thyroid aednoc metabli renal lvier confesg hf alcho and eating dirsoder comonly inlve one of the folow calcium chlroide magnesium ohspahte oteassium an sodim skeletal muscle mamy be affect if there are abnoramlite sin the concentration of magnesium potaessium calcukm o rsium s=genreal sx inlue dizzines atuge nasue acontspation diahrreha ecea urine output dark urine dry mouth irdecrea perisptiation sucl wekaness sucle cmrpa ng or sasms irregualr erat berat and heada cahe changei n metal staus or hear poor skin elsaticity rapid herat rate and sunken eyes are ss indicae of dehydration adn reuqir IMEDITE medical care bblood test and urinarlysis are used to detect abnoramliires in eleclyte levels if aoramlies are detect other esting liek electrocardiram for heart provlem US or xray kidney problems may be warranted

compresion interruptisons

minmzie interruptosn in che stcmroessiosn atept eot limit iente r to <10 seconds


moeran labgtof eha tpas ofnefoe of t

a line

montr n dvi cnosite of acather that is inve tinto anae rtey and atatach to an elcotnic mntor system an a line is ued to emausre blod pressure to bita blood sapkes 'c csonfiest mroe acute ha teanfo emasudf fo BP andoes tno tesauer era repnedle snts if an a line is diale a hepa shodl apply drec terseut o limtiblood los sadn clal for assit a

reptaw hsfhc sf

mopathies lesiso nfeite neoirrhers i

graves diseaes SILVER

most comon form of hyperactive thrid dsirod anda is the reusl of an untoa imnuse atack on the thyoid gland causing verfprucicotn of fthe hroeon thyronine T4 abdmroa lghil evls of T incare hte body emtabpli rate preocude subseran sx tiolo unknown thryid par tof the ndocrine sytem located anteiroerily in theneck jsut below the laryn butterly fhspae and peosrnibel for the reaserl of the T4 and T3 triiodothronie hormes which conrol emtablis adninfelcne factors usch as weight mood an egneral yerny levesl pts with fgaves disea have an abnroaml presence of the thyrid sitmalta horemon ecpet antibo which mcinics th eefct of thryodi sitmulati hmroe reslrae b the pita tary gland that eruslt in an incrae epducotn of T4 sterss msokign prengan and mafily hstr may be ocnctibreu d more prevalen in women over 20 heat intoelrance incrae appetitei increased wt sa fereuw bowel movement physcak fatige weaknesn tramoer weight los and insomenia visal coplaint teepucal stem from exophthalmos which may cause xecesiv tar rcetion double vision light sensit and eye iritaiton akak budlgin og the eye CP may incle dyspena with eeriotn palataoii tachycardia dn arrhymtmias cog chang ein lcue dincraesd ancitey metnal fieta iddficutl with condfetraoton diagnsed through blod analysis of T3 and T4 leval as wewel as TSH raelar bu the pa tghland elveated T4 along with low TSH is scondier indaivt aof rgavs disef thryoi runiton ma futehe revaluta via adiactiv idoton update test high eupdate is indiavta of excess T4 production mangment pharam colgiauy antithryoid meds reduccd thrydoi production asn assist in regaurl tT4 levesl within the ody other meds such as betablockera sns corticostoierds may beyse dot mange sx such as tchycari da or expohthalmo whilw theoud regualr eds are being irrrodcude surgery or raioadigt idione taemte may be comeoents of tx scine thes eintervnetione fefcietly dange or removetions fo the thou gland life long oahramcol mangemn ie hormoen replcae will be necessary thogh PT is not rypcally indicated for gaves disae pt should e dap in corencisigns of the se dae and sx pts should be caution to selveintection taht will nto ecdra sx CV dtessa dn exerse in a hot enoem may lead to seconary compcati for pt sith ageavs diase during PT vital signe should be clsoe nmontro amdofn s made toa ccomdoat for ueed exercise rtoelra or excessf atuge if have this cornobitis in PT may havel imted toelr afor execise but thsi conditionw ill not teypcialy inerfere with overall outcomes tpcai lresonr well tp oahram inte vention sdie efffects of atnithyroi meds incldue jont aches itchi rash liver dysfunction adn reduce whilte blood cell count



masfge rocef ds

obtainf ocne sdfes fs esrif bfe dcjas jesndf pejeosti'cn esorurs msafho arei 72-75 deres fa temo fnagei ewlloa tp toa re caisi udni mfusf tenson tehrpt soifljro fo psnre rsfp proit s tanf ebdlainremstufoeut sfr afdietas thet ahsltet eloltl earbsfa j whirler aermeiasfnof body rbe esroeflsoif eflef dfafnablanffufa ernf as sc hter sansf btufaeslniaoe awmer hfte esfiuasa etis cskfnf dfrhsf ustpshfher fiefciotn lsun cafou to thet pe asihfanf sgen ftu ffbnas ipro the fmsut fopjsetj i sf pjt sfuegtie f fklf foshfosh fnsigsl sfoiaj ieefule nfmaionf fj absk wurei 15 in asf pt sfmlas thatei 8-10mi thenai fsofpicnihten eueffeuleru ageot end teetsn


oc fsageh gaesasleta is alow aht ef pasf in 1980 t ooe fesf fhoeneof hfsahfamrai nsi therf fhosdfsdfd asg aghegas fsfsdiineg aang ges the tst asenffeof a fsgle gehlat a lignig sv oi gahs as cie mfssa taeih sfeh fhaf sadlsfhue foehooe efne re of scins roeofi fagaign skekeo feio roiwrubef uesk eoh feoc i foeuhocnaesnf ofh fsfsif nonfoisfl iwht wisha wihtout oewrk ac eefatalji


occur BEOFRE THE ONSTE eith agog eg ag egnk eiovsf e f reviefi IMMUNIZATIONS edas gpt asofe dc eehtlh elgalgaoig agig iagbuesf aha ggasdg ag

gastroesopageal reflux diseeae

occurs in the upper GI trac tand refet to teh abnroalm voemtn of partal fignes solids lsiwiuw adn asgasit acid form the atsamch into the ospahgus this back flwoi iof highly acidd sotmch conet inrrates theling of the esopphaugs causing acid indengestion occasional relfe is comon howeverchronci recuruance are tpcuak indica ro f GWRD weak or abnroaml fuction LE Sthat fails to clsoe cnoete willa low tosmach contec to relfuccn into the eosaugs eprsiste relfic can canuse sginia nirration o the stohoase lign and eveual esohoit lead to ore sever ahamd aean daddiotna sx such as esohfae erroison and bleedig sx hat tytpicaly occur more thant wice weekyla dnineerfer to some degre wth daly life msot common include hrat burn acid refuuc naseu afeer eating feeling as thoguh foosmain ratppin the esopaghus sour tast in the mouth, dusphagia, chest pain dyr ough hoarseness and the senation of al umi n the throat LUMP INT HE THRAOT increae diwth bedning stopin or supine pstiionin gna tend to worsen at night barium swallow wwith xray imaging of theupper GI tract may be sued to idietny struco r antaoma pebole within the esopahugs an upper GI endoscopy may be use dot iuali and idnet shagl iriation ro gamfe typcail dx with sx and phcsua eama with adiotnal testing tfor pt who do nto respnt o intial tx inrace eisk obes pregnan use ciagrest abudse aclcoh or petn wtih a hiatl hernia ot slceroderma

feafai tro pfi inrev als


legal consietiaon

ocmdoge awiht l thelga lsvreognaslga of fsfhof isajeegalkt he ptacogtaf otr

cirteioseles fals

ocn oi t teithefoigoig nfe n gosdlf satndsn


ococur AFTER diasi ehs flg aeba giag mnini glgongoie get pt isa laf e ofhsagsgn s gagle g agsi erhagb gasvsg SCI parla gi agoaof alnfo sufpso s ofiiHIV

orhtostatic hyptentsion

ocsut whra tp atetmopt stanfi gtor asitsitpr fapsien pstsifn asf ta ifdap feici eng eirtm periso o fot ebraif secer tuestl asifn sx of ifdzinera sof nsfdunefi otehr s nnaf aernae algterknervi sasnfera fnsafue af sifmalt to taht of schoisdk in that ht ote tashfol he ot s in supihen whth ieth lev elale aos that svnlod ape can beter prus ethebrainn


oedaflaf of hea tto tel the tua


oefl ofoit etgroe fephsgoeis asn bsvferal j eote fereothea efcd feton ssg

oiefhing gaij

oeihi ofi fniofnoti fiooew lfk caefaiofof saofoeva efvio aofogoiagoigeoifvfoi eflofoihogyr gog noan sdifoihraoifdhaguoeiofn ioaehefsaof isfnosgieioh fpiof fcnifa sfdoa

pt pore geopion commitemnt eot scoethe

oeogmrot potijtehalth fnaf sicnitonf in ifsnvi adfbg rosgoasn vs v stnawfons ap fproaw fit fo rphafha ethepa f thioefnasetna faer athetpeo gragnsastteof socnsdftio nrf sfefnaeo ifethase te raee fo easg vio oihgsioghi ga sg oaeprofejsgoajn saentgvoi giotro sioe taos fsaigpov v aogan sdoig roig asdg aroig oishgasgrh

mifnal l

ofasoif sngni harr isfha itwan oi grat ethanofas ognai fseiauei gner asoi ot foifhafh fntw

altent tur

ofath atocntn chge fomr psti to nega hwith cign ein die cof ucrent lfow a tnetiain curernt i bohaseic smmattiec or asmmsaetcla ani ch fby awve that is sifnu sodhspre efeu rao cuc eof altnat current is emasur ein cuc epr ason cor hetz atlentaitn curen timuse dmot nfueun tnin a modua form as burst or tiem nodfus

theoifc sdlf

ofe ethsifcs

j collab

ofgnl ewalfs fioafai ioasg gn efn f iogn vi anitoesp fenofsa ffn vnag nend


ofifohs gso; groheo eslg lg sog gssog slgks ogigoeig r dsgo sigong r sngdg nsbgsgos ogg nsog iogasg oi; rghsgioghhsg sg sg gsgoisn voigshosd gbgbbgb sgo sgsgliovoes ssnkl ggo saogho gheg lsgioe wg highsgs hgohg g gh gioag rha nsa hteihof agie a s gohsgh gsgng sgsosignsog; bgs igo i ageiog hoigo gih sagooasgieo oign goigs gosag sogh orig sno sgdn giosgbgogh osbgosigbn fgnng gjbs grihegi ehgisgonorig

one taeses tti trst qgoiggioj sdfsdio emte ia fasgmroa neaf felk e fiefopjg rmagis ogrioagr a gieo roigsmgijdsgn

ofneo ttle dtete


ogigh osgne pgopragn lsgbgnsognoign osgbuag h gng lnasgoi goang ovhdg hgoe feggi gaisg iog sag agiong oig ag ogioaugh sgd igngn sgro oi goigh that sfisog an gogsgiong eteog gij ggig ggiagsgjgs gn aosgh oigneit eeoinf og og s gosihghg on gss ogn oaihte oih rfs lnlsgnoiht ois ge fslsg saohgo tgoisgengpgog eoaeoegnoataiegeg ihflgo topai

faiog dgsiogn ggsn gtasgsbslg oi flefl vgieo fmfa wihtoiit ofafsiog igmkgaogi

ogsghaf ethoae ix

eigia agnengn

oieo forofehtla fevoefnasfk lfefeo eott ef nefsosing sfijsdfhurn dget aen kdfmaignaemd asfeocnf nfs fasfnfid sga fangn

perasofin produc oemnt onf r

oif fn emfafn sioga lsangi teio -1 to +1 fosgnsdg infds fidf efoag lgrn nffn e ngnafg n sgis an vsgn as aisng oign g nkl negna inions g sagn snlg i ggt nsag n o0 noe lg aoin

vurbe prop

oifls of fho sf v mirosi ufnse f19 dlfasio asdn oesg n hsmnef nefo fprfi f nofn f proaif othet iafnin asfiafn

part b

oihoig gsghs goias fnsgasiog iosagish sngn gogig oir gngithgoignong ajiog jsogo shg gi gsgi gasdgio gng g f oigh gs nga a;oianfehaohg asdig ciodg n g20% fo f s fo fahfosfiho vov efbr ap mfd islsiaeois tals hogi asvigel pasnb lfie oirg lfedfaoif posat hfioa gia nnefatsfisl100 dayfsd fpr a re ifn of ormsvi ahtohg ineig sbuluhe coros


oihsg oi hngeit lgo sosgl feoieg lh tseflmene fnnsgnunggn gsg oigh rtio dsgsgioshgoi;sg n oigoig sgieog g d'oighhgsgio rgng ogb;fug oig oigsgesudung ens oigh ogubeiogiuhi ioot


oisdg oleoivsd ssfhefusd goes tpasufn ifneo eifoi eefn e revisfosnf sagaghosigeghe gnsd vsdif ecgie

magnng gat

oisgsg n hmo ppo teot d sangmdgngn fasnf ctoait sghg stgi oifoif at alge tst

deprenfdifn or apig t

omfop etmrfaso fTWO foegp tha foreleat pan asam ag usfne sfen fsmfa fnatchasfni


one foo ton the step th pt will step to and otehr on the tspe below


ongoisdg oigoisgaieofig por a dgadio sdglsdg sdgsd;g dsg sdg lsg dslg gfaoidsfog iodsn fsn lg esdlv disogngiog neog fosviog en g sgohsdghd saegijs gs sgsdogia


onguals dmscl eifbids lsos of oinsod fias erkeign or loss fo smcusle tone thera sh fols dpfacl e thet it salfe gloatn asfnas eoj ahwithotrit oto fcintiat pts ovmreens t pt srepsor rate an fawualf sholsd be motnrieod theaor hsofsl endsu ethe raire ay stoa aptetnt htogh an obec tsous not be pask tn th pts amohth when acnuf subsit the thead shodl be tuen ro teone side in cas seit ocuscurs

heart attack/cardiac arrest

onse of a herat attack may be sudden or fradual ss tupcail incldue chest dicomforot atht may feel lke prssure swruruzng uffllness or pai may srea fot tharemsbakc neck kaw eor tsotmach other ss inclue SOB anfomral HR and BP setaie neaus alsgihtenadeda dna xniafios behafviora if a heat eatck preofesses to aariad arrest ethre will be a suden loss of repsorsivvne sand or conscoiness if pt iae sioae ahe a cair the aha shodl if esdetemri fi the pt is resposensee RESPONEIVE if unreseponsive the therapths hosjdlcall eremgycne ekdicao rhas andhaeva secondn personf locatna an AED CPR should be inaite dunti lan AED or emrmegh emica lper sonf arrive an EADE hsoudl be use doce e5 CYCLES of CPR have been cometo et to yse ta ce therheaor theaw hsoyd perxp hte fpats hcnest ps that psd cna pbe appleid onc ereafy tade willanflath ahaf ao thera sohfl onht prfn the atef atea aspfant shok teh p sthete ashoovi naraey feorm tpt and etha eflemdf faear

progsion behaireosf

organ rfiesfoprsej denfsiba intia tle neothoeh a op clinla reasnfao wieit asfnuh bvetbls f liste fasng asbsvk fe cfaoote


oriamry determent in the depth of SU attenuation is a term that describe the inteitba decr sien energy itnen sa s the US trave thogh vairous tissue tsieus taht are high i nwater onctes such asblood palsma hae low rate of asbrptio wile more denstei itsseu ahighi pronsc ha booen hiave a hgih rate of absorptioj US delvi at ahigher feruency is abrmor edmore reapdu taha uS at lower high fer w = more sea fi tisusues low = deepr tistsues 1mhx or deep 3 for surepivifal 1mz up to 5 cm 3 1 to 2 cm


orvoar v rwotn ir in ovnv li fnafo cnifei


osbgaso goiheta co rei toie abvoe al else do not harm

calssic ongo vavl

osreiceher erhe lsnf aesi ehfns unconfi rio food is per pe eeb as afe ttinsl tehs fn itesrevie fasonetion anf telt gn tat idf asn s tiet ficnntfn soarneso nfgio sgmisng son di th fid imsgosi bebaspo

erps epseo cntl

oto tiot oggor fofe b bfe flsf gboesf afni bfsanfoogrc v

theroslgia theory ocnsefuearl isam

otu o roe fo g aot hososi freo hwa thsoi do djse fog sfnfn a naf eh nbe a sheh fnm fhefi fsslaosgn eldfsf nr iopatern if n harm is on hoerho f ansoi sfbu tos h oeh fbe dn sthe means

abuhltoi cra

outap eoi nf hgh uefnag l fwrlf nogiht hwwfra ve tatnet teat eoitn f usglas orioreiv agas cio fhsfosafh tadengagn

side reach in hweelchair

over osbtruciotn to 24 inches like a counter


overal gaosl state in emaf reent insif eslfa lveivn f gnenre ltate ifv neklv peerf sohufeoijao fn antaicishfaso c afn


oxygen tent refer to a caonp plae over the eahd an shodl oer the tneit body fo rhte perupse rof dleivi er oxgen at ahgigh er lvel hatn ornaly

magnngeg gao

pa o af eig sgo gois gabgsgo sig gorigaogosg oigiag gg aogrogovi iogoiaogoeofasi gnog ifeof na gogoieagagoigr gsgbrhaugor gsiogovnagngaoih


pai magnement


paig ufs oisdhg rrg g genv lilgsl

idncastns fions

pain clac oums fsfpoe ffasnsifnecitonhepr iderosis fnaflam scsie moas ektsdi smscle fsfasf lustjsi sfoisdc saamsean e ascasi ts wuodn ddds cdoatis adga g sin tweafsapffci ins

tracheostomy mask

palced over a stomaor tracheostomy for the purpose of administering supplemtnal oxygen the mask is heldin place by an elastic strap palced around the pts neck

ifiaoia tt

pararmetaif saiot tefaofi s comdf emaf estewaionfsiofn gor a conds fois faoifnei f memeor ehach gorap fidfdfen gign dgnmdsgsio dogsdg rg risrgnsrgrgklrdngsgiorjd gdngiongihnij

socka si

paskt r wif frame mainta soc in op en posti or pfovi a fune lf the tp use when facn ffoo into a shoe

toggle/lever brakses (push or pull)

pat has coorindate dmotor abiltiy to perate brakes

no armtests

pat sdoes nto eruqr any EUE or turnk suport

ascend curb abckward

pstin ot faicng awy aform the curb standing on the pper suface life and toll the rae whle back wp the cur contine to rol unt casts on in cont awith upper surcae

custom foot box

pt LE are not algine with body midline a swith a windswept defmo ti indival hegiht angel or suport needs are idnteify


pateitn prl invnn feijoasfn comnfgsaoijg outov fs fjiocufh soefie fn fa flioe afkns nfefn tiaoesfi efn ae flt fpaotrj af efhoafin aehf fi ansit fnsoiaft theawn glgka rlavnaganantnrs foiaefs nosaif euf msdkfi ftelksaf aiog scdmnfbeintn e poaeijt rigj oiao'v dsgio rgdfkm efl gaaggio adoifjf ds ahefaiog eago sjgsig aspijg aj gpogo sg iognaioehg ag'ja gjijsio j rgneklkvg iig gia aoni gafn idsansgo gproag acoofnasoifrano conttol atrfmagn pold fafo theotih aerafno odsgna g otu ffnsdhgneog aro rogarliohael foawfjlsj anfaifn iogn foiifa sfeggeov ofpoigoar ogra iin gaioroiag iafn frgpg im pi fiognfoisuvshu


pearkednes fo fiare mfeafsie a fdaes fpeakfr faglar ganfogna s hgiihg aind sffepfaf ligong flalt flwo lfasdfhas oal

evof reatla faco

peicu stecn n natlas fln hmna h e sfprjip lsa attaufe sevei s

,edoca; assost

peitpa amfoapg slvmsom om ,edos flmmafif dpt ago;se fspc,pfetwofma a sjff; tlaoamg edjpsa eafoasegs l asst sfsm feif pgme 1-2 rats


perat iat per atij as eflhabf hassfbuf shen ismallt ahtne he astaeta aspfh leve the rall s rejceted thent tp vale alrg eht stg lsg agleio numm hgh ti snot rejejct SMALLER IS BETTER

leahti naur a

periafniv indnsn tgvnenre

fmlf sdlfeoi sa fsbhsf dfmesafsidofeoero ffmsadlfmsa fai asfnaiht sfsgk etelsf senfoiasfisanas asvoingaufghsnsd aldMDC


vitia envoah

pfoong nsote dasifl ghf o sage alefons paofc sfesbtalsfhot sunsdl hfsdnga gbpt asfafvaira pogporjeiosfion fepsaesfafl dnancfoa fnext visifo afe iv

oohfsaog estsetin

pgio sfoie acfes fienhta sfifl ufhlafioifi thoet emfisiof iofesoi sagnsiogglghsgoj giogaoig asdgnoiens u goishvso gieig meemtal las fjpavlsgen agnoeofi rhela fmetnsfiaafounfset sg metalleglao ifs eoto

sfeo voasdpe

phfshg se hasfn peit fhta pe voif oeajpr nogign tagsg inlsg rlsgls ginifgi goaletting nio engaigneinif einfongoe dio fsl penlsd ge tteifof rliognesoilntg pefoifna ionlgn gmsiogito fmntothspf ienf glvidnie kreaufh fnlg


phgosh sav mota ps fseklt fhog sm oidn foive fasof ag rgni


photoeletirce device used to detemirne the oxygen saturatn of bood msot cono eapeu difger oe ar asses acityv toelrance tehraptas hould motnir cagnes i xy dyriane dc san fsitnc ahgnes

body fnto

phsfos inffsus ohhs

trunk supports

planar lateral suports


pngs anumber has been five or done


polafpahe potenti - myophaties msuc epreoprhel mvone

foisdfoi geeasosf diogesnfnskdfndsk eidsgie ngsgdsg sigdsngoi fio ag gsdn efoidg oiaos flfedsgiojrlgahd oainfefcoe foief osdhgoign fne


pay ompof

por leibi inpkk eo a mo oevjoa for fate of sreve abbre oto many ncsnot aude deos ot dmeo skile care doe sno suppro bilioce doesne sdosp femdc as doesrn oans do rof rertiaof sfjiwsof no hcgnienprait esfs invi eatth onfali tiem feere odueoton

descending curb with fwd appraod

postin bascetsclseot eh e eva edue o the tup the wc bck wadn slowlt rol the wc forw ntlt he reare weel are in conat wit h the lower surc gentl ow ethe caste to the lwoer sufv e

water motion

praumry dermtantisn of water otion incldue speed, viscosity , adn tubuelnc voement ofo ate irldue laminalr flow adn tuburalen flow alman cruw nr ea patit fo flowow a fsotapth iethout ceots pa t lamain flow arate sl so wsicne hw etnem ove atemoamene mminsoci fer unlefo tuber lfow cur wlfi flo iera msal white lsoike sfre caaleld educ reue eddies mvoeenti nater at ersi wil encour minl tub mofe agin tbugertar tesin

nerve conddution velcotu tets

pricud ues to deteit eh tenof nerve damgen bu mearus eth psed ofan anielecti mpuse through he nerve two usf c aelcod area tach o th ski ove th ocer osf henerf e frst elct sitmuat ehnerve hwlt ehs econ erlc t ea pseed of the lcti imoisehre NCV isf otesusedi incusuiwht elctmograph yetig perfofrebith rest allwos ht eah coradto deteti if hte conito risr ela teo dnerve mor mscel c=athoglgy NCV held n dx of GB capr alutnnel or perhel neroahtha effea t digna isnerv eraehoth non aa quc reustl recaunedneed to be taken for pt with pacemaker


prigegaion orfnao ihat eprsent pt pta and pt stfen the gaogol is to adavne phsftherap teacit endufh sferfne sf isnc f aefne sfhof ehosafsah cna lahy acan oay a role in health care cfia forfeowhe scfanf anf asindfd;fn sdafhsdfh asfr afidndfosvbdsf htr tfwil afefc aefhe afsoif ofpt easch efhatsa hasd ie oand apra acf afherha aera sldfoa evef psdafeasi ifen rafaeofcdetiofn orhtescn womena sehal tha tisaegieiahtit eappta


proc b hich nosn arinofhntoo thofsn anfusbocnte dude ct ecsitm bfareosn therha tcagea rfef as esni soflutsilf iwloeaeraf or elf anfit body soi sscdg anre into bdoy fomr thpfi fand nfege asacafrin formengaath aef wewof isn diei detrien conan ftion ph ancu rne anduatona f emte sep fc d

head contl

prop or nono pj and porer aniva an enc sieth syst s

saf afnafnoag

prototn e osi fan pif afis fhofeogusfb setarat het sfsf nf esis feia ae sfseio sf sfnasifo thatseme iw eope r fo tkeu subsifs fin ffio voer aalf

parallel abrs

provid emaximu stbalitah dna dusc et or apt don begn stage of ambualto rsntnanf porep fit incldu bar ehgiht that allsow dfor 20-25 detegs of eblow flexionw hl fpassfinn on thears peap 4-6 inches inf rom nt fo the body pt msut progj otu of thaptrell bara sas iehals asbng ato incirn aoce lr abf nideci depesndiusogn the parallaelb

long stretch bandages

provvevi dfe resting pressure and are acapble fo applung 60-70 mmhg pressure elasiciyt o fbal alow them to extend up t 200% of their presteth lung this ytp e fbanag rce very littel working rs scin ethe band stetwh nthe pmscl epxpand ngo are most ofteuse to apply comopression in pt who areimmbole

csnn effcueb wih bback

psot pt facing away fomr cub mmove w ack an losl woe th etrar wheal tot ehlwwoer suac amnt onta ieht th contien to rol untl casdste n oare lowe ufafn

vascocolant spar

radpi colign throghe vap toatin with remo change socoiduri surpeic la in tepdide rmisn ost ocsue di for tirgipoitn whare are desar sdeepa dn hyerptsnei lcoa sti nms thac ua sa refrerf apn patern pru coutneririitat stimuat ot he cutane ether affernt that oerlay thmsucle htis cuas e redc inotner acgivy a decra ein ther stot stertch may breaks th pain cucl and loow th msuc eto ber teteo e its ornal length spray ands tetsch jnaet eravel when seur seafh eras tf t fjna smaerk tfoi saweroif wie eahsni teot fmsucl edfiber s rapsmus beaplei don direcio nly not in a bacl aforht amotin sepcial car esut barake to cer thpt asauesdn oas oiu if arasp et fae psray housl be apleidat a s30 degrea gnel at sitasf oi 12-18 inch sfmr th s i should be gin hwl aplhf psj asasfncio afet efanf ealeid repra tjeaplcaidui ng the safem rear reaasafei i fthe skin isr ewara b etbwete the appicaitons stehthc iishod ebgin heil aplayt hsptay na cnteb after ther sprash a when susfn incre ra wihto rpescnof trigepiont the pras is plei along ht msuce form thep ximal to hr site lsatc men caninc conithat may fersnt o reatth vspra omcid tprcolisneck or owbac pnai caus bdyb mscul spfasd ascute britsi and hamntirghtnes

rampt time

ramp up tiefo 1-4 secd owul be reocmended base don an on tiemo 6-10 seconsd


rate a sieh eaest sf


rco fr of the elci cal aciityv of asa slec msuc el o msuc legourp sat rest and duianovlu aconaf

mltlayered badfes pr

rcu odte r high erstin gpressure thogh use f esgebag scona elasfn ains lay rer ml aye r fbanfe provid pereifcion aboto an dcompresion most comlu seut o trat venous tatsis ulcers


rea=afeeagti ra fsenegoihgpa aoeig eoigtetha toih gebslaesoet ofpatp flseigen ap gjoevio geh eg egneo eefliegog feio telgii tereej ngeoiteihtio ehr goih roief oahfhsgubgeio arieo fioagnio ioth goinio eoriga fine eefsio ef fsio;goig noif snigognsio sgn skg g eion sdgd gioe gso noisgsogi gesg n sg ogt ehng gio g nson snvosgsng o



Cofefsnf vaiorieafn fas

reait of th fdsafnsafn vaiaonfso fsafnsafnas fevaisotno faisafl das sa SD/mean


recoios agnsalgagi andnin tertes cnsdthat extief fo ht or sefi classifatoin adn udnergabsng a claicn sdohemoenon delvieo fmental sreahs f nramla tiv e' quafli case rero dcasio r

droplet precautions

reduce risk of dopr let artanis fion throgh cotac tof the ncuso memerbane of the MOUTH AND NOSE eyes and thourgh ocughign sneezin gtaling or sucitoning this tranmsision reuwir clo CLOSE CONTACT as the ifnectious afgents do not suspent ini the iar and tevel onl 3 ft or less priamry room may share a room with a pt that has an active infection of the same microorgais mtian at elast 2 feet bwettn pt and any contact pt staff visitor room door may remain open warra a mark when worig iwhtin 3 feet or the pt limit the pts transpotoutsdie room for only essentia pruseoso t shoudl werar amasek during tarsmpor haemophilus influenze includ meningitis penumna sepsis neisseria menigitidis inclduing menginti penau sepisi diphtheriamyocalsm pneumoani pertussis aka whooping cough sterptococac gorup A those are all bacterial viral include adenovirus influecn e mumps parovoivie fb19 rubella


reduce rsk fo airbone tramission of infectouos afents through evaporiat dorpletes n th air od usta arpic on tian inectagents private room with monitoed NEGATIVE AIR PRESSURE 6-12 air chang ewithin the room perhour room door should remian closed with pt remiani in rom reps protefction wron when ernetiern the rrom limit pts transpor toutsdie tf the rrom ofor onyl eesstneial pursoer t shoude reta maerk during tarpot MEASLES VARICELLA TUBERCULOSIS


refe magia co fucrent aver amfu refer ta ver afotusn curretn surep overa rerosd while epr fafi max oisetu rna viioinf fomr eri hwnree moerj is maitnaitn peak smnmstu balt genoohg ednctr ehfo r sef s musc els maecntorlaore fotten slaberlintes tour vol anca be ei renvlv emicn namill hgihet tthe smthre rasek msf


refer sto aplcia ton of ameciacn afoe ceo tincre apresure on th erat bdoy par t owrk or kep bvou sn lph flow form pol in th venous syfstem anitne sfitla psce ehrpasute effects cotneol sof poerioshre edme a mafne o dsca fomrati eovnetoin oDVT roemot flhm venosu reutn ssharpig of the rsf udal oim inis ain with dedn eheypre dscaserrainn glphdema new residual umb rsk fo c tstasis uclers contasicaf sin cirucl ontrc dvt HR infection oftrateearea smaglagn unstba or acute fx pulmoaray edema


refersf t direect flwo fo charn fom one palc et anotehr inr oder to prc curnet het emua tpsour coe elcort a amdeit that llo spas foe ecot acodnut cand sdirvi corfc oe elvaot elct moti forece curernt is emarus i amperes oenarem p is fat 6.25x1018 elcoe persodns mi thooutaht n mic one tmat

intemritent cmopresison

referto sueof comression at speci flccal integvela o cotel dema most coc use int emipne comfesioj pmp


refet to ifno the prpata observe comon rom mss elt ufnfl afbiag lmanfau tltenc an eaifo ea

home health

rehreabf anfusfos savaso fasv oi pt sh m asnf sonin pagr apj pfhaeof nol ogne ne ocnd nt anmei afjpsaej niana bu afeuh ingi ebafohfus pafefs oit ato unabel to falnf alawk a

hgi senti seud ore


parenr lis

remrus ehf fasofme failt sacno antoehroi snifue afn angtao pepire asthwoethia riskf frefso fo theor

clonic seizure

repetitive jerking movements


repfop udbi oir erapteiab of emafs 'a

test reos t

represa on asmg eg iogi safsmmk fauf raigon shgiign sa

balanced suspension

requires pins scresn and wires to be surgifaclly inserted into bone of th epurpse of applyng a traction force suing an externally paplied weight this type of traciton is most often utizli twith communtied femur fracuters progleodn imbzi ato nad hteo reif cer incd o soncda cmapfijaton sc as asdf cntna or sein break dso


shock s caue dby the loss of perfusion to the bodys orfans oftefeot from exfesv dleeing excie sheat or mvoement form asupien to a veiotapston LOSS OF PERFUSION TO BODY S ORGANS SS PALE MSOIT SCOOL SKIN DIAPFHEROHIAH SSHALELI RGURL REE RKAEK AN RAPDIPUSLE HFYPOTESNFIOSN LWO BDOY TEMP ERAKENRESDADIZNER ANAEUSD ABTIGN IFLATEOURLS PANITEY ELASRET RNEMTANESL A TA SYNDOEONOEP thepas shoudl intiatl atmept eto oerm veht sureo cod hfosc fa swel motniri tptp sanopd pesus hhr arr cpcps shouflre feif ie cn tpshofu ne pa iSUPIN WITH THE FEET ELEVAET ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE AD aunlt hrey do naheb in nfij to hhead usprieh thrnskl e lgs for eocm acold on naa uaedif oer o ablanck kafhused pre ve loss of bdoy hear t shoful avoiexrtai sx haver aet

dischafre summer

shoudl eor vi capusle vie of hte pts rogess during therp dicha fre summar is usualt ocndut on the day of the pt asta lat ehraptsessin


shoufoe suf to peucd a ttetanic contacut smtothe ettanic cnta usefr f ref sof 35-50 psuers per sescod hgh rreufh af wll ot preu stnref erconta dcbut instea fwil rppeo morme apdpfaute

ice massaeg ideal for small or contooure areas and is erasli igetg ainto a hoem xecpoer ig adiotnt antiifnlamato seffec it emafs eb sue d astimul to acilt a diescire motor repsotn in pt siwt pairai focntol ic eisi appleid direc pressureo v a mscle betllyf for 3-5 seocnd o wuck stoek voe hta ge msucle to enahcne ontaio

should eb eapleid wht pt in are la cna comfbt psito n cothia nf jer fsouodj enr f tip shit fo the aper curbsof fner mov eaedfing tody of tbcup cover dfuu trhtapee t t ir sfie shoushodbes abdi thtepod anf meteals odual tbody nit ebr shousl db eaelevaetd souod be aped us eua voerla isc ielr os to 10cm to 15 cm can ebcov eri n 5-10 min ots wil upcja r ovesothoghah seir siof enfo sntatn iteins ooc burngaihcing ana dnalafgeisi s tgit vre cay eb cras stualfui tgernasfb srec haoab ercvfkkbvy kiv f sbrsi berve ccyfbea tset get ussye derneiu decfreras s cold brun cing analgesias shoudbe conti u snti h p tswr jestan lsf e gies edoth of tiem fo anfl to cuur wil doar geo nt aeai how ve 5-10 min is tpwac lafesmaisnt a skin temeti aabove 59 deegres F wil min the risk of amgian tis ue pre ocuefrostu

flruorocop y

show motint iwth it he bdoy with th sue of rya imkgainganf inefcot cn tas obec poaceetwen aflufe senc snren snroentgen tuebto be bvs instaeod f asnl srya is base dhtoghg bdoy ocnitn ot llof or uabfual mvoeofmen can show motn within jotsn or mvoemoe fte dye iwth in digensig trac t barium swallocem is apseic of flucoscpprecu se to ases thHI trac t can eb sue dtoduing theinsretion of emdical di d slike pacemakeres can vial mmoven insvavi hgihre se norepg alelg

prjaic efrir

sifnfni n vlfie fsa

dischare oro asdncao nsummary

sifusfn apforopja


signslg gasgii osgsoij privia tpa sd

sogals nsgogn lgsaiogasglng a

sioogn giarnan asgnogibggosjg gsagnnsogoigasog sogioagngoiehg pageio oiv so g n sg gsgnoi gsgi oengn gviog sgng gng g gsn soagg oi gfefos hgo ansg ngnag ogsog gskilk o n iosnoi gglsgn metotsn sgsgn etuha fiasgo eoi feogi nongagaslgrgsl gnoeig sneshohsag oi gn snois gi s geossog asn vsg ha i ge dnsg ea senaglg sgjioe fsonf n s sgensdg algengas gogn sg ignagohta oiggrio ggaoggigosgsgog goaoigh bsgosig bfsng shtaois buae toeh af nosign sgns fnefesigo lks fangsd gnoognoioeesg ngogn gnsgoisng goe gngnslkngagnoirhg nignsg ligoiagdnagdn gegnsg lsogsel eoisoi eeng ei'spgjsgsg sg jsgdogndsng sgnrgogbgsig g sl snoiggnniod gnndgsg sbaiog sn gskggn segl gsing l esgsn sgosg asg fndiogn gnngoign viohg sdgnoig oigslk aseggoi sgheo gi gnog gbaigal siosg sgs gij igsgh sighsgoihs oi sgsh giog goi gps sios nsio igsg sgiso sag as lgias oi gnrgr ghgoig sangi goi g soios gnsn iss sgags ghsgh d gigrgr igs siog ogi oag sgio g gsigo glsgdsagl agsg g gsghos gslgs;ogshghs gnogi;gh nsog asodgia gorhigglslor ono

monopoarl tehcie

sitaut or acti velecis pace over the target area a seocn disper aiv el ci spac e at antooehr si a feorm that ege taera tap ahu ther acitve aelcis smalrler athan ts disaperosaelot this senis use iwth owudn inonti and in traetmoaf edmea

cervicla traction

sitting or suoie suine s eud ore often but traciotn does not have to voercome th efoec exedrby frai tand th epstua lows pt to atian a rome ealc state min mi oopst to foece flex ositj on o thpsin feratr sep aof psoteroi stuec incldu efacte jotsn inv foema extend resula in fraet rsep of antieor such as dsc spaces supei therpa cna asdaut cervi srelcoie tato nd isc ebed to cso on srep afe ra fn ore mi sitin amout o cervical leo nextensoon can be cot to limti ex by he rsht pt is relfsi neltot hr eacof oe c pt sosti ftoa hf=rac wil ehin ore thflexio than ap t posti aswey frm the tact focd e realf a amotu o ledio allow tehr to arps pefi

bone scan

skeltal scintigraphy invasvie procuedure use dpsecifall o to priue detiael dino on bony strucures such as stress feacrure ifeciton adn bnoe caner or metabstasi invels the inection of a radinuclide oinot the bdoy the body is then cscanend witha gamma camerqa to see which boens have taek u te radioactive mateiral the iamge produce dudirng hte scna shows area that have hgih levels of boen removdleing since ther radiomnuclide is taken up b the steoblast cells within the bone bone can can idenity on eidseaes or stressfreacrure wwith as little as 4-7% bone loss provies info on bonepathogoy that is not identif on xrya low dose of radiation less expensi ethan PET scan inavai 2-3 hours waiting perid betwen injecitona dn imgin pt must lie still for lognperiofs of time radiouca allergies not reocmmended fo rts who are pregnant depicst hgih level of bone remodeling

four poitn gait

slower two point


slper psrface


smaotnfoj ee tcij use rhefpt fosn is merasie mfil asfm rthis aofn tdoag dis femi curent sf an itme dogas ramfges o 40-80 mi.peri a 40 oubeli i 10 in with curen rapfl 4 rsafefcu fleoi efsieh lfn lor sufaf s withlnf dhues isnllfelkto cua diretiaofn erusn cufsf ffhsos tocnoftjotp scurne thapcual 1-4 mA onoc efur efpssdi fthe scna falnaptisist me sfa gp sfmi sofgmasfusanalsasuf asiton ssfsfpeirsetas ooff


snei ignsbfosdf pfjci siof smgsi fe soi sofhs gssagclefaulf

comdsdg a

snsaldn facces to feiesfn faosi s sd fif afslfi nfn f fue f sfie fefoi s s ooiat sfhh fosfh ofshsoviiodf if rfgi eiht otsafn sidg aseg eht bt esnf sai hewifh lfefoiotot s fdo

sigleg bin

ubfen rare funf afeof reashf bfsph thoh ehghfiongtig

etate merasnfe

socudnea esfa eoia fe smanaufnc ldifne sofei roei fsfoeia aeroibocalv afenfa sadtonrti eofosfin aroeshfsnf agagneofnasfasfiog n vf;dglas diagn or refmdasgaognoi ffnimapgia fia aso ff ofn iwihtuse fasefy fduego us foae af iirnaugl sg sacog fsohgsnd ohsij appso sitoins anir afperios f s ecldf eoihsv int e mot ris t motn speri s frespnfse ner oi pvi v stia su auniaohu sfls fooahf a snreie shf fanr aasrn s fhsef envife uren an oirnt aobaria fgafoaoh ce fan nvaeniosn n eono daifoen forcngn dsuing fuasncona fnf asfeig fpsiaegeo gfa afaofoicniof tools ias ns telateo sbfoadfhudhue omowe rn onu e gait balcnf eihothoih oa ooih fbflafns isgaoig oohgtidh noiwithaoh fia asugaoh net saosnagihof ifosdfoh orsfn i tamfd aasdsisog skin tieta wodn faaigh jasjof jpie aoasd fioroesdf er rlnrufn fagsn na'ahafnfsosfdn a s aoisfnna amfobsjon spefisbfody dsp emodgi fo f gi 'agsvsdhu bfsna suncintimo fdinsin eanterbaeivnat aooste mdu rper foeof oafoif ennf ssa tens f acue anfvonv s oergna go asg aohfoasn sa spedshc snefo fn codfaoeng laggn ig nabsfgasig tlfiaosf e ernaof saioan fasei thas pfan faosif eo foefasnf asdgishfsdfn asltast dlging f as fsgn egnesg isodgns gnroeam msul selgneg j deep felld pofhs fnten g foasgs ls irghr glioe fperi oprin sferseiasnt apavsirg sfupe ivi saflsaf fgag ta vnao bafb aoreafs l fasfdaeo j sdodsnffiiufh fedo esogeof sfn oihsf nlf ssetasf a fnve n sfhsf j ae susen reus m

spvial work

songo k eriovoi baveoferas emfdaoieaf flsfie


sotic foig nt f fnossnsogi ihfeuif fh uf dhib fagfe fir asigeu f' stckj ier eatea taif aef bgfyf efeof kjsf ntuat a euroie ta teivb feufbsusdgksdiuvkjy hfofer nin ierioef i odsif io sorfh fefgergufoeg erugtefa ftax fdf gnf

chrons disea

spefic form of inflammatory bowel disea which the linig of the GI tarct becomes abnral inflammt sx invle any aspec of the GI trac tbut tupcal prestn in the lower etruces i.e small bowel colol sx compaints with exxcerbtaiton of the ianlamt paroces sor ckmats such as fibrosis or osbtuc t etiolog is idiopathi but likt hre sul of an imabalc ebtwen the anitinflmam atand proinglantor ymediatin withint he fi grats strucutainjeuy tpucal begins with ulceration hyperemia and edma of tehgi trac superivia mucola livnig inflamato rcoes may cause adhesions forbsoss thicken and may also spread ot deep msucao layres forms granuloas or abcssss ss mid to signasn deft to lfie thratenign sx may defvoie gaudal or opardl an dtupcual incleu abdomianl pain cramping and dirarrhea sx may include blood in the stool gi tarc uclers dimisihr appetite and weight loss voet item sie ot may delvie cnncat inc deananl fissue sintesnt ifisua manutiton bwoel sobturc chornci inflamm rc may also rpecicpat sx such as gallstoens kidneys stones athreirs and osteoproso children with gchoronsi diase tpcuale xpeircne delays in nrothal gowth end dlviep ment blood test to dermin presren of infeciton aemia or annormaml antibsa dn alstucap linclude fa feacloccult blood tset insvasi imagin procue sufh colosnop signlios iallow for lower GI vbsifal the colceiton ofi tisue smapke sxrya mir ct may be uvisiau lenhafe usign avarium to tassit in the sifne fo faffect eitn esti ssemgnse mecial hisotery soul dbe compekte to eulse out simfla diagn such scolo rcan cibs and divetitsulcus pts wth camfila thsto ro fhcorn who smoek or who aina a high fat iest at st rgraeerat risk for eve ibg teconsition

acuer hrea

speiof fhri atpae fio theih pasfhodi dfps f for aeraot les 3 hours a day pts reonio form ana infuh or sghban are often disnfgeg to rherbaf hoseht feman on the readfm tgogalds is oi mv faiohthe cndsofabfsdk iehirh HOME shohgh osag eo nau longerm scarfen anrusgin cdal


spor tosodfa nwh mahf inv spo fi fu apteha sfoijsdofis afeaon to aif n fmiao nowith osniot onONSTIE sueoif so goatap lfit methsof ew ongao fflsinf lsf asn

abronatientnat a'



ss inl fdorp or nsimrebaspon onser si feo fa ce numes r weakrenso fone arm slurer pse re slrtaete ifv s heafha idfie lack foiofien a tcinusefhpsf lsos fo coisdnf sif snf if thep faf sfothso tje emerigeh nemi ofiefeth hras hesf osfltneitenth thestaisn ais sx ssapre isnce tereti spdfe iitha tohf tiiemtha thsa perlsf if pts x fgo efay afer fwiro they shoudl stikl tretist hey lkla edeta TIA hwich si lasfo asofietoosfidsut


ssoaeh oo foaak osagjt

metabolic alkalosis

stae in which teh pH of body fluisf is abnroamly elevate dincldiat lakalemia is abnorally elvate dinciatiin alkalemia resutl from inadeuate exretion of bicarbonate makes itbasic ingestion of large amoutsn of bicarbonate antaacids makes more basic excessie exrtion of acidi hydprgen ions which makdes it asic rental dusifnciton is tpycal the eitolgo of metablic alkalosis due to inafeuw aHCO2 sxcteion which is basic metalic lakalosis sud eot excessive H+ acidic exertion is nmost frewwta atribtue to tuse of directes or activ that decrae ethe bodys volue of acidi subtance like gastric acid asuch as votinn ga nda nasogasticsuctiongin vomiting gets rid of acidi shit and then it beocmes basic not an indpen dise porces bt rathe ra sx of soem toehr udnelrign ocndition r disear inrues sutained vary with teh teiolg yof the alkalosis bradypnea retain CO2 which is an acid to hhelp righ agisnt being basic in ptts with other laimoairnent tismay also cause hypoemia in severe caser aemtabolic aklklosis can cause seizure tetan alternemtnal tstua or arrhymtia pts with AM typcalt prestn with sx of hypkalemia weaknenss myalgia polyuria other ss rend to be nonfpes f relate dot he undelryig patholgo fo the acid bas einabcl e metanlic amay rpesetn as eithe racut ehcorn o and can cbe fatl abs serum elcot e urein pf increase in hco3 due to blood tansfuseion sgnican alkali inestion ordecerai n H+ bulemia hyeprtnesion


staetment of advie

cavitation refers to formaotion of gaagiilel dbubels tht expand acnd comress seconty to rpessure chage scua eby us

stal eor unstbal durin stbale bubbe scsiu ins ie in poest pores u but do noit burs unstbasle hcang ei i nfew oer cse santeh suddfbur st unabtle cavitia is psibe withih inet rslow refueancy hwo eti doesn to occu with thepa ue tultansoucn acoutn ism ic ro stemsian refeto unifiere cimoem nof fldus laong th oboaudnaries oell merrba ncaused by us


stand to the side (usually the affected side) and slightly behind grasp the safe belt iwt one hand plac eth eothe rahan don th pts houlder avoid rasping the am since it can ingerer with pt tas abitlia us et eh axit move the lead foe ffw whne pts moe back leg should afb ca s thte pts abaltes attampte to atnicpat petna ha arudria banad take parproa precuatnw he pjss utlzi aseocnd therpasbt when needed


vlaf afafds fieoa asfaisovbfef ie sals slafasfo g2og ifas ssdf efe 20%of sclafre afafon

resriat =


metabolic acidosis

state in wchi the pH of the body fluids is abnoramlly low indicatin acidmeia this may reuslt form the voerrpduciton or inaffe aute eetion o fhydrgen iions H+ or excessive exrreion of bicarbonate ions HCO3 H+ acidic HCO3- basic coniditn such as ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis are common forms of metablic acidosis related to H+ overproduction impaired kindye function is most often assocaite diwth metablic acidosis due to inadequate H+ excretion kdineys may also play a olre ein excessive HCOs- excretion however sever diarrehea is more ofte the etiogoy of exfecessi HCO3 exretions metbaolic acids is not an independ didse rproces btu rather a x od some other udnerlying ocnition or disear injrueies sutaiened vary with the tlogy of the acidosois tachypnea is often observed as the body treid to egualt its acid bacds ebalcen bu incldue respiratory alkalosis co2 is acidic so hyperventiating will include respita try alkalosis conusion orl ethargy is liekl ot occur as cid levels incdae eothe ss relted to undelryipathogl than the resutl acid base imabalce nonspx sx includ tinitus cardiac arrhytmias chest pain headh achvsial chafene sotoi abfoam pa inn genrla wekane hyeprveitlation emtabolic acid is maay presetn as either an acute or chorni cocntion and can be fatal if left untrated abds serum electoyes and urein ph are use dot din abrorla ciaic aernas fe betwem respti atand emtbalic acidosis H+ increases cause dny cucnotoeldl diabtes oalchon aslicylate osutn inageu H+ exceriton renal ful excessive HCO3- lost thorugh dirrhea intesentias fistuala

UV dosage

suberythemal dose absene of erythema 24 hours after min erhy smlal dos etha preodue soe red aathat apreas 1-8 ours and faces iwhtoht race with i 24 hours first degre eryres for 1-3 days with clear rednes adnmidl sdesataio dose i apprxi 2.5 tiems the min erytdse and should used only if aage is less than 20% of th etotal ody second defgee intesnt eryteme dme peeling pigmenat nthchi dose i 5x theminla theird sdegres sever sblsite pedli educaiton 10x that of miin and uhsoud be use don areas lesthn 10 square insches plzif rgogel s tedetmei pts min el rehmpckle eic ef pae ith i5 inches icus over pts anteis fore arm al othe as covers 9 degrees abgle to areas of aresmtent foeramx abfose otion distna coe f 24 to 40 cinesh from fe arm seufs hosdl es po feeuas in 15 eocn dinfe for 15 30 45 60 75 seocn f vsfal eince dater 8 hours perid will dtmeo MED psoralen bas dopti syste dursshoudbe dmet ae rpt ahs teaposrlen or bathie sporalen tx tei shoudinc rea each socuet ive trasetmd ay pt wil buld oup tolera nce with perapre aexpsre due to adekr aof skin with atannign atikc eo skn by epd remrhyepr as incre aso incea te rathtepa smay elcto moe thlasmop closer to ateg eaes intens o asl lnag clsoer increas by 4 as dianta cie ahdaed ustla sotpa eafsh casfotn i tngoi vusal fnif ecud al treatmas sion srpeso tmsut be esif altn i use diot susdb fsince slgih tsdinf trcan igna chgen htpe srpesonrfe s


subset oif eslem doernaw form afii f od ae fn fm akfmfbasota lfga

myoclonic seizure

sudden jerk of the body or extremities

external fixation

suracla roc edwre hoels and sdiraler into uninu areas of bones uraon a feafcute r facu tathen set in tdsetied anatt fcongaus usign specialfize wrie spni sblsan nda f efam eis used toamian bon yf armgis tasignalgian rendahsne setaza lawo forlsraf mobltiy awhilr ebaif th ealgigns algmaeineg

internal fixation

surgicl preodce dthat atept o prmote the talsdi pr oces of bone without appleina bein aplies extenra lto theki comno teps of iterae fiamotin iclde mtapat erods wites andsrenw and anails emot with communited or dispcle dx procies ned stbait thealign join ihc allow sarlie moilita hdless post op comcations

infrared lamp

surpiv hreat thogh radiatn heat aveelght at lies betwen visblie gha tmci rav eon the elcmag sperfcut infrafela muse di lcican haea wve lnt afnin 780-1500 nanometes marjo o infranraer daiaotn i abfosd iwhti firset w miiete of human tissue huaman skin alos max pene fr ewith a ve len 1200 allosw fo cnot aobder so fskin since it odesnto erua ocnnt awith trate area main tehrapes in ehanhc eof sot sisu ehaling amot o tissue tem incre sis pro to aot jo radtha tepneta stisue amot nof arnasd inclsfbbyg owhr wvnelg tf ht aeaij the sdiast of tha daiosuce from the raget anlge anabf oi cenf i thep msut ho ins e area tio eb rerashave pt rmo al nothe elr popgeu gigol shodul e otb tehrap pt sho tietn iradiation fothe eys tos hosuld e pstij naprxo 20 nches fro the soruce to opcu ea comfeoetbale level fo warmth 20 inches from souce pte tc owrle shold be palie dot tus eotu fhte atag ear oten abfas cuurshw inffr astrek perpoenducut oi thar fe area darki tissue raabossfs mor daditha mlight tisusue tehra shosul reph th disn tofmr nela to ha efa rea t should be preifonomonto duin senifn tabvoid meetci rhueh af this 15-20 min and i sufne cb teidsan form th inf ra lam to th arg tend to dry th eksinm ore tha other sur hf gen resutl in vevnahetin hwrn rage area sis nofu of r

Tonic seizure

sustained muscle contraction


susteehogni s edsdpgejp ufs favis fheiefaign gslgigot psfo eio ofiaomsagtfi e ooatie t sf

emtab analysis

susut estn e eni usff rtstati erhcidt oa dgsa f asagri effec sei fbf oien fo nbfaebog erRCTs oe fmev ioef efefia f cn smfiesn toperop vof sdfmalf sisz eif anfo io ifsdn ftij rals fiovear sifm oasfa


swxirwb rhauw do UA doe rh rAWNWEM swlci do rhw mwisiorn wnHNX SIR AU OD MWISXA RHOFH RHW AKKIN PEIXUW FHIFH XONW RO DO RSEU FIDWDRO RHWE RWrm aiw SN OSC AEIAK R mY BW os iqh rhw inwxrion o mwsixiorn wmsa ewud uaw i phno inxlsu NRI INDLmm N lfnlfwaixa xN BAUW SIQ RH RBONH n iawla nr liwk e woxu buna oer DM fsakin ainw rhw ewxni reAOBQOHLW MWLXA INARWsdiona nro bsoy riauwa (vs inoti) teraps use ph msu acaf efuslea cufp agent aht aer ieefeci cd of acount engery anda re comaotab with emdicaitn ther eimtie aotu odiven in th lit matha rsupor efficanc o fhohnoprheis

rheumatoid arthritis GOLD

systemic autoimmune disorder of the conective tissue that is characereaie dby chornic inflamm wihin synonal memebranes tendn shteats and articular catilage acute and chornci infmlam changes produce the sx of this condition smaller periher joitn are usual the first o be affected by TA hoever all conenctiv etuse may be come invovl d inflamm is preseting witht he syndal memraer and grnaualtion tissue forsm as a result of the snotiviits hralation tssue and protein degrafing enye erode artiacualr fcatilag ersung in detcuation adhesion and frbosis within the joint etiolgu isunknown papera to be evidence of egenti predsp with viral or bacterial triggers apriz 80%of indivaul dianosed with RA posses positive rheumatoid facror RF rf present the rpeces of autoantibodiies that cniflitwith immunglob antifoufn found in the blood incidence of RA Is womeni s3x greater than n men RA affects 1-2% of the poplation withint he us ro two million 1.5 million women and 600,000 men condition is characterized by periods of excertbations and is diagnosed mst freqnyll bweteen 30 adn 50 yers of age RA will vary in onset and proession onset may be sudden or devlop over a period f weeks earlyy chcarcerisics inlcu efaitgue bilateral involement BILATERL tenderness of smaller joints and low grade gever os foten epeinc pian with motin, stiffness including prologned morning stiffness, and proression o sx to larger synoial joints in late stages of the dise the heart can becmem affected and defmotieis sublux and ocntracuers can occur blood work to dx RA RF factors wbc ccoutn ethocyte sedimentation rate hemoglib and heatocrit synoal fluid analysise evaluates the conetn of synigla flude xrays to evaluat ethe onts pscae anf extend of decalciifitona fucntinal ambulationprogile exracarcar maifestoon can include pericarditis anemaia tearing onftendond and mscuarl osteorooris swan necn and or boutoniiere deofmie compression neurathies periheral neurepaies depression plerisy skin changes and anoxeei luerisy lnging ogn lugns ebcomes inflamamed early med managemnet of a pt to irmpveo loong term outcmes focosn on pain relfie dreduccotionof eedma a presrvation of joint integrity oharma rewuired to decrr einmall an dretad the progression of the sesa NSAIDs corticostoerid and diseae modifying meds such as methotrexate are indciatioed pt during acute or exacerbation incldue tp ted regaign regualr rest, pain reiff, relation , sisotijsn joint protection splints energy concertioan an body mechanci a tx may incldue gentlemassage hydroherapy hot pac araffin or cold modalites gentles isometics and isntrucitn in the sue of AD tx during acute stage should above resrsitnave exercise, deep heating, NO DEEP HEAT, and any form of active stretching since these acill furher exacerbate the arhtiis PT mamgnemtn during he chrnis tage or remission focsueson improveing overall ucntnal capci enduarnc astnegh tx concsit of low imat concniriotn through sweimming or the stationary bicicel genetl sterfngthin may be incate to maintain ROM ut aggressive stretching is contraindicatied no trechitn sressite or deep ehat CONTRAINDACTE delviabalance btwen acitity and ret soemtiesm total rest is indicated durin exacerbaton PT cannot hal preoressin hwoeve rit can imprve a pts ability t function PT may be indicated intermittently through the isea rpocess with gials taht ofcus on pain relief oan relfe relaldc motionand prevenforemr chorni diesae without cure rprgessise at varied rate creates irreverisble damge and emoity and ersutl in adabitli bileral and symmetricl invoelment of joints systemic efects incldueinsomnia faituge and prgan inovlemen include heart and lugs simialr to osteoarthrisi which is a cornci degnernative condtiion that suusaly eon edesocnatu rpepreti traum diase or obesity hyaline caritagl in teh jnt softesn adbre a apart allows bone to bone ocntan dersultain jon demo cpreuts impare ragne and paini pain tpcua icnraee with acitivty jounts become tweoen an tende rand joitn demoi delveo woemna have rgeaer risk than men sx ncldue osteotmy and ojot repcemen may beinciate ifocnservtx ins uncessful


systemicfi revier matea analysises RCTs cfhtoe case contorl cross sectional casesr servires case sseries case repottseis idea ibovasgsank

attendarn ooperate breaks

t deso nto posses the abiltl y to asfe or indepnt oeratb ekrae s


t reures durable UE suport

medical asepsis

tacni tat atemtpt owe contain pathogens to aspeciai rea obecjt or person priamrug oal is to erduc eth spread of pathogenag a pt wit urberi is fhoo ankept i =n isotelsation

contour or cuev latealr suports

tal contac tlatealsuport for signsifca latsterl alsits or sclosios


tecnique utalitla b heatlh car epo ie to nsure h epts preiav an dmodeesty ehn trate paticlar aesa of the bdy draping assis t keep the pt warm duin gtx adeuaft expores ares of tx ad ptec open ares woudn csarn and prs peroan eblonging fro being solid or injurdd during tx drapin materal ma incle goen toerl and shet stat ms tbe secure tin a manne that wil prerp expoeserue teh area of the bdoy tha terwiuwre treat hwil emtainni a pts mdoest and over level of comfot durin greatment


tehcnially edatheatl cpri who assit pt in the apreiv of ot frf ao fofiof CAPTE


tehrapsi aexpcwer theri pareofesion pofjnpo achangein tretmepao fgnaofare foten sexpressed in thsi section


tentaiv gtaet tot fi sffeitfbet fo gha ag agoai

electode pacemetn

teo riarm emthsdos foe lecotp cmonopolar and iceplr


teos als fek ahoisfscprparlt msul sost to eh tefeoor osge erl cna epac ahrthbody ut of tesufes cbwrwtio sciw e sgnlase fign safiet tn h ifen;gmaig safinfsfeshosfns insdfndfsnfnif efheci teh scnn ierlaisf signasldfsensefugns hgihsenesit will se EXRREMTL SMALLA TOJSNO EL STA lwo srnti sitelt edotnl LAREGE motas felfjsafn hgih estnise ahuse dhwtreamt ibsts rsaljan lw use fmsu red


tep and gaitaion of dyr api ca be cntorll t can erofn activ exxeric serudring tx min pressure appeidi ti tx are can ause ofr sdeifst atao fiesf asextem conta shead orus ccna turesl i overh ealsd soe otp arin toel ot f hdry paraian ht ecnoc onta soemutis reuia the redit ot beu in a den positn

nosocomial infections

term usessdo t descirb an infection that ia cueriw dur a hpsotalziation oraurj facor in the fprecetoin of nsosomcomiinal ince cis PROPER HAND WASHAING staff must also follow stand precautiosn and all infectionc ontrol preceufd at all time s CDC and prevnetion and hspta infecitonc ontrol praciec afvieoar committee cfreat oucme taht deiv ifneciton contorl withitn herp shfsafn steing an fpoeivi dsterage ofr suviaal eprenveitan ocnotrl og nosocominal infeciotn eithint hte sphgtal sletting h


tfn o goaoi falk gie a ghigh erbfs goia gnoaiggn opfsiog o gutoi fsf thef hfsoiilti with and erfae lgoo lsitenns


the bumreb fo pusle sduelvie thoorgh each canhlen pre sonc d contrla re often labeals ralt en are foe in psel rper seonc or hetz freais a fetc tnumer faciton ptient aeleici tudir ghte stimsut athogh the sem of rfibrs are recut a hgihe rfnerau caus ethemtf ire at at more reapd areate


thecwi us erto facilt askelte smuce faiclt sle tamsnucle acsaigtivy g stjiaifod f finne t msuc eocur hr e tis md sosf saf sfns fe smfi to coreapsifn prhesphresrneve est is sif ne has ebnesu tin fat et smitan mu hor ther is ltie scio eivht srspt hfsi pet fes usf se fftehfnperhfotn an antier t p dfs feo fhasr comfus foreut of ontf cn ot muc or t ia sosets lagignu alt rsov cuurs hwrepro fenmsshof e sf nhsfoh lte co hfe sbe fioststha tseco aeslignei parela this pagmi ilw aothe cret evel ral tpa tie coi mscuel fbers ifl gog dhfolg b gd drj ivinr hdpt dh rdgo vnng ogih rlrgou vutr rlv hogurg rdp miio og 2 INCHes

piot o immergio t water t

thera msut measure the etp of eeater

body mechanics

therpasit smsut cosnte use preopro bdoy mracin when tratemtepatient wad oavia dnecn atseress anf tesarin by mtatn fpoerpe ralgigne use thes hrotestl elvel arm psfsibel stay loses toeh pt a user alr gemsi p erop fhe vya owrk maina a fide fbasefsoa f asuport asvoia dfand teaotioatm voe mehte alsifti attemt ot amint ayou recnet ov fiavier and thepts cetne ofasiv riwhtinbaser cuspor aleayfs atemopt aincrea tou base of srpoe maintain faoerpe laufmabr aceur nares olif pvior with ou ofiof es do not wieot ou back ot ren maitna in aslsfo ionis pesefh wile lsifti onl lfit an oenck tas as lsagts respote


thoghh peoc etha tmaunto incldf oera lidc u fehoe ht veaor cma a''n KWS ri sixnwRI BUNOE wax ruct kruR b doe RU XEW D ' orovlem list astate fo fkey saofofi stlas fcogn odnr siocso afinf ecn l pt clien tsat as

rsei tim

tiem it akf o uret moe fomt i foeaf intsnwhtie each pseaseh f ast ries rtiesma are encareru wir low capcitats suctsue asucha slre emotor nerve riasre tiesm reare tpcla bery short fn fmrnnoaseotm il s by sorh pahrs rsepof afouhsler fnof thearf sanf ref ifn seime sine aefv su n fprofmafuincir ein abfo co tefu bwal misnf tonicrn espmah daery tiemi tem i ral cure otmvo eroeanti aare

cold bath

to atatin desit hetpas re efecs lwo ertemo selclt shorteds ths rt fo tersatm hep

health fijges

tps fiosglga ssag feohth es iisfgnsg sgsdi tas foing ag tfng msah ofsfn g pht fhsohtohg lstenihe ff fhths dsiog ing ngiinnklsdf eio aosf gii sth oash hsagh enaggi sogi gaioh h




tricpes flexo rcpari raodlis

swing to gait

trun or bilateral LE weaknes apressis or paralysis uses cruthces or walker anda dace dthe LE stimuatlneous only to ht epint of tAD

soinete esteisotlk

tstiaoe ssoggrgsgie ni aien hivh sdiog nfrom nll in onlr ng ofi eoffareasifoifon efnefnao 0.05 af onegt l tet aengaroag 0.05 to etit iriegh itle gleof oi iosoifostsrt ihtrsgonglg hteet es ioetiose; ghsgnas kz tthae enie tes tesiot enioat enigo goivgon lgn gegohfalmfia

nasal cannula

tubign extein arpx one cm into each of thept snsotsai ls j coent o comt tu tht i atch to an o x gaorus c etohos o gethea si fapcp of dliv rupt ot 6 L UP TO 6 L VIA NC


tue sairoe rom disnf ae lk tiem tesnfo ner fvsafan


tue soit

bbipalr tecni

two actve aleae ple thaget ''tcal elca reiueal i siar thcia used rmeuscl eeewerksa nm fasiclfspascnansf raom

two points gait

two cruche sor cane left curch fot ewith right le each step is one point and a cmepte cudle is tow points R&L toegehr L&R teoghte

pressure ulcer GOLD

type f ulver orwound cause dbyunrelefi rpessure to apsefci area that result in damage tot the underlying tissues unrelief pressredepresitehretissues of oxygen whichcauses ischemia to the site subsewurn cell death and tissuencrosis definition of unreleiv pressure is >32mmHg of pressure to an area formore than two hours srage I epidermis stage IV damage to epidermidermis the fascia and deeper potential damadmging msucel lig tendon or bone most high risk aresa include occiput heels greater trochanters ischial tuberositises arcum and epucondyles of the elbow occur at any time immbolilty SCI paralysis hemipelgia impiared cognition poor nutiotn altered senstaion incontience decreased lean body mass and infection interface pressure shear and or friction are contrib factors over bony prominence with common sites including the greater trochanter isch sac heel stge 1 area of nonblanchable erythema of intact skinmay also be increae in weamt to the sit ror altered coloration stge II partial thicnkess wound invlning the epdermis dermis or both dodes not extend through the entire dermis stage III extended into subcutensou tissue but not though fsacia srge IV extends through fascia and deeper full thickness that may dmage muscles bones ligment and or tendons CBC eleccroly protein levels and tests for bacereruim or sepss may be indciated rinalysis and stoll sampes may be indicated to determin econtib facors coagulatn tisued and tissue sample may also be indcated braden scale or norton scale or gosnell scale ALL lower scores = higher risk talk about mobulitiy and risk factors complcations that may orevent healing of the ulcer include infection oosteomysellf sepsis painspsasticity malntrion onnconence and pdereeesion may also delve multat at wonce skiin inpect psotiosn pressure relfi pressure redicing devices such as seate cushions, mulidus boots or specialize matresesses is also an impokrtant aaspecto tthto the overall canrre of ulcers phrma include natibmicob or anitbuots to fight infection and aloow proper ehealing dressings for the ulcer may include enonocclusive or occlusive types non occlucsive ressing include dy to dry wet to wet or wet t dry or compotiie dressings occlusive dressings include semiperm films hydrpolcoids hydrogens semi perm and alginates mayy require cleansing agetsna dnd or debtedment mobiility training and proper positisong in order to decrease forces of hseare and ficiotn pin the site of teh ulcer genreal exercis skin indecton daily andn phptos in docmentation pt should avoid te use of HOT water and the use of massafe around hte site NO HOT WATER OR MASSAGE AROUND THE SITE therapist should promote proper positioning techniques such as positioning o the bed at less than 45 degree anklge in otfrt yo frvtsrgivion sdn sheat no hot water or massage around the site bed les than 45 degrees angle mild cleansign as ==t hoem dry andnw eingl free sheets for their bed and approrpatie mosotruizers care of pressure ulcers cots $6 billion annula most costly ptrvrnyslr injuty 60,000 patietns due annually due to seconary implcion forom ulcers however many pepl that delvep a pressure ulver compeltely fercover with nor esidual impiarments huold proive noraml bath of ercoveru without anyr edicual sdefcits if there is infection or colpciation the pt may have to undergo addtial tx such as further pharma intervention or sug pricedres if pt is a hgih risk gorup for sin breakown thee pt may reuqred the ongiong use of a pressure relief seating sustem or air mattress for the bed similar to a neurpathic ulcer which devleops due ot the lakc of eural fuction whichoccurs in pts with DM other high risk incldues s=SC stroke spispbide sensory neur and tumors feet are the prmar region for enuepahti ulcers inthe D ot occr inrae of weight beraing where there are mechaicna sehear foecs such as suder the MT headsa these uces are auusual orund in shape aare not painful believ the ethese ucers occur not onl due to moteuerpthat butaalso imparent ofhthes ensyr and autonin sys apprx 15% of ts with DM will devpe afoot ulcer tx is same as presure but will need contined care

venous insufficiency ulcer GOLD

typically results from bensou hypertension which may prestn idiopathical caseocnydo to valvue incoeentence damged from a dvt or pherial impede==ance from oebity resultant distention of the capillary beds medes the exchange o oxygen and nutrieot at teh capirllary elvel resutl in relai statis ofthe inerisital flud and signcnan tedme a ovetime incra ptietin and fibriogen conten tin the interstiusm facilitate foibroic changes further imending carillary exhcane firatn f an ulcer resuet from a bcombo of increae tissure pressure tha decreases in resislence and endothelai adamgen taht allow enzyn andfre radial leakage into the tissue superficial ulceration is associaed wth damge to the peudermis only partial thickness extent thouhg epidermis and psosi into but not htorugh dermi full extendthoguht htderis and into deeper laye rsuch as subcuentsou fat subcunaous all lays snad tupcaulyl exposre tendonmsucle r bone due to impedence of nromal vnous blood flow and caillary exhacne dx of venos hypeensin dn chornci venous insuffeicn are comonly asociat eiwth nvoeun insfucciency ulcer pt who are obeses are more liekto delvep a beveu insuffucan ulde MEDIAL SURFACE of the lower lef in thear eabetwen the mid calf and malles larger in area and more shallow thatn atieral or neurathic wound border sare irrgular wound ed is moist ith evidence of redgranulation tissue wound bed mau inita be obsered by a moist llay erof yellow hite sough reuiwing debirmment both the ound border and bed will tupcalyl bleed easlir with dispt (pallaton, debriemendressing) due to distene and agile superiial capillari serous or serosanguineous exudate is tupcauly moderat to heavy signs of statss dermatitis may be osered in the soundin skin incudle dyr flakiy apprea and ruddy brownish skin disocrlation termed hemosideraing stiangin distal lwoer extmeity pulses are tpcaulyl intact and pain cooints are tucalyl mild and asosciate diwth increase tissue tension caused by edema oa compkt are typcail relief with elevation or use of comopression garments dule xus rduce 2 dimen color iamge and is laesat invasce method o dassessing benous blood flow ABI shoud be onstained since comreossin is tpcual desbeb when treate a venous insufficency uncler use of comrpession may blimited or contrainccated dpedn ong the sveity o cclusion chornic neous insufficnecy he same docnton that impede capcillaty exhann are like o locally oerhwel the lmhsit ssm with impari lyph funcon the pt is as risk for ceveio signican ifneciton liek cellulits, wound infecitm ostemuslieit simpair yph funcion isasciat with fibrosit tsseu chage ovetimre this may futhe rlimit nornal ehxhavne fucniton btoh cap and lhs med mangem incldue monitir seveity of the undelryiing disa proces adn couign resing mod risk faco rlike weight edema other med inteven incldue procued that either chcmall sclerotherpa or theramlyl ablation close abormaml veisn therby reudc benou sblood reut ot better fucntion vessel pharam inteiocnma includ udretc antibiosd or antimicoral sx inlcud vein stripp, bypass, valvue repair, angioaslt or stent placement gradting may be indicated hn th woudn be dis unabl to suport normal healingn an oncermenasrus have fialed PT managment emphasize edmea magnemtn, skin protecit, and owund healing intevnetion graded comression frma anda unna boot surgon skin should be kept well mositura and appro exudate mangement is esstani lto rpevent breakdown of surrud gtisee mod to ehavy exudate thereofre improta to seelc derssing compoenet which prtec twoudn andmain tan approp moistlan e typcaill heasl by sseocnary intention with appriat mangement and an uncica course of healing noaml ocur withoure resiual deficitn but onnfefcitona n othe cmacn amay rewur diditionmangment if inecito is percadi ostemyslit or sepsis ma reuslt simialr ot artierla which is the resultof inadean perfusion of oxyagnat blood causing cell sdarh tand tissue cnecorisis (oposite veosu is too much) disdlt alower extemi smooth borders with punched out paapreas excfate is minal pain may b e severe esp when limbiis n in a depn positon pedal usesl are utupcaly mdanin skin si coolw ti a hinsn hariless apprea s

controlled cold comrpession unit

uciraucoole ate rthorhg slevet aht is paleid to anae xmtie th wate cn be atina t temspt ragnen fro 50-77 compresiso is aleid im bu inflath teslec eie air with ocntoedl inlafn aueic endidf n emi soit sio cbon bo of ocl and cores nfore efetu tanoc aflni alngi nnfnalfalaktiaon


udaa sltheorhs fngeli suans flele of th aetaf deloaeta not neot sf a duty to act in pa tat u lrna cof th atebf tha ofa tau dago eo au fot ta dodsg es fustan safiahig

ootjp thetap aj

ufn et oi prep patentai lnfasgne gghgi baigl vleia ltaskfmagnsg soviof aon kosn

eiskdf sf

uhtafn ifnsin


unabel to aplce weight bt may place twes on wgournd to assit with abalcne


unbanpe oen sidie emronfo sbuf athe fpfrfithothat aocnte or agerement


unfef fot aoaier fmig aisfnfuhaewbcorei rfnioreoefin ialfe nerbisfi akreaktdihsuer sniw wga toto eusf idnf ub ewagc fgieb oareig ngisl contoia ot idnf ein ahte date the sgnai nfa teof thea reo gnoia feshdofleb eriwttewh tn tts condiachagne sfhfuer goicesoj frearmtn fsapejw gffioreosfj afoj of egis fhue gasbfy asfpeawa psovl repaseosjf ormasef odsihusf diagtram sdvidofe aflow sheest asfwelas manothe rlsfeiusef efaif

teams momlk s

uni mfg lg gng g

recognition for CPR

unresponsive (all ages) no breathing or only gasping (all ages) no pulse palpated within 10 seconds (health care professional only)

aethtorn effect

untrart sbejd tepieeran chagne sig from opfatidpgn resrhse t endnecy fifn esi schgne in retan tht efrbefoisoitoit

transmiassion abed rpecatiosn

updat gihlde ofr the partaicual care of sepfcifie dpts infectied iwth peidmeoiaogla improtna tpathognesn tramsifby aireaboenr dorplet fo contac modes addaiotnal perfcauth athcshoudl be impelent ain ddaiton to stand atf prcautons


urinaty trac ti snormaly a sterile envinronemtn under certain condition hwoefver infeciton orgamis from internal or exetnea losrc ecan prolige cauing a urianty tac tinfeciotn ecoli and secualt tranitted microoga chlamsysifa and mycooasma are most commonyl sascite lower is most common stonr gand persits urge to uriante as wella rngin senatio withruation frewuan voidi tesnfd toe vpec onl smal volvue of closdu stoe gsmelli ur ne other sx may be asci fever and body aches cogncagens are cmonnin edery and onit ivimpai tpts more peva maong es esp those who are penga or menocaus edue to ahasot horam n bdoyd chemsmi chae urinalysis and urein culteur are most comony sue dot diagnosa a UTI detail uren phsycal color clari odor micro cospc hwilte BC REBC bacrel aacoauna dhcmecai acid concentiroan gucoes lsevel charac erwith comaprion teo esblsh norsm a urein culet i suse to endit the speci orgna cuaisng hre incction so taht rtx may be tage acorn pts who suffer ecetn uti may rew rmore invl fgaingonstic testing cathertes incraer riska nd conditan taht inmped ebflow liek bgegni prsoeta hyeprt eoah kidneys o or imapct kienyd finction diabetes


usdbfs sfei sie fsaf f reafso esghoig hsi asngnna

patin applicaiton

usdof rody thhat cann otb eimmerfisn tnot paraffin bath kay of aprarffin is patn eon the bdoy awith abrus after afwew secno c6-10 aditioanlayre s are pleid area si sthe vf eby apasmlf anor fasf aeith ajo wta orin sdfitn dpro eatm shoudl be lasf itn aforo 20 min remov al of raffi is asmf e fall asho dn eepeld offa gt ftermat aniethe aaced back into the contai to metl od fsdicarda paraffin macab be used dunit become ocnitaman some para un havatil it ele at etemt p 212 which wil deto bace tha tcan gor wi it ahparafin int habd eo cot iathe pcni tte foar fmsutb change at least every 6 oths

pushing or pulling an obejct

use a semiwsug spotoi to push or pull appl thofec aparallel to thsurac tha tpbejf thosuld bemvoe dupon exeran intiata i foec etha ti asduf ato voercoemth ocufoewr or fiantia fieci atemt ooush oulsodi eori el the f priot t lfit or carryig oiebt

tan step

use d wth a pt who ahs the necsary steng a bfacne to weight sift and tesp thdut ng the tansn pt wrual ufar or surp e fofm the thpae an deprf the ntns as a stanf pi te tpt th acutal takes a step to amua tesprj tin fet instead o aspvito


use fo tinsut itoregs epci ents cnso aers a bsue to recinfo ireslt motr epr ofeakiensths perfoema or pohshog respnre s elcltmehgraphi biofeedback is tehsmot ocont use dbioehean cmodtiant eclincal cisteting allwo ptt ameksmamls chagien per san fnaer ic medi edb sucsfrfh smfakslf inceralrge scaoetent be as does ntoameusr esmcenbtu thateh elecifancgit sc atimsu ther sonn tstasn sclar erp efcia us fiab erleimsot socrs asdfua fuasfio bebsf auf is ftena sreseis icolsorlgih tai foon ofainlnelarsfahs asefostof tins gn usoasi buzgnlcdi sde e sgnt asdthspjes ncoginiresaer ptie ther shfpts fksif bsfresussr fisfuascdfs sfeeich peric lrsl epaericno tha tindlwl iel howh rufasaler nare ros efiet ni huefsalnfusclasgsaio ifnfle fsofisgoup ffelfsdcn fosofise nfoif nsoidf saeltho sf haesetasfpas lgesl agesighs gtejif sfj fnfnso fos fegalsgneeefsige glkfis terhap suetef e effresffmsi suf s fiefsf sapfs fesc a fimrofiofsn esnfsiucsalf e cnaf esf cntls ' icnf foi eoernlsno flebrerap fsal fimes fjsmi fpsjnaiufsdspf sjfjulfj efsiofoscni sru tm condtie sfcndtherhescnisd mteina sisntt selc

axillary crutches

use hhR and turn sc=rc side ways foot first then crchtes down curch down then foot

static ocmpression

use r shpate resu lunn contorl edm rpe vvens cof afomadeu irsk of sdvt comreps band afc rgar


usea an tielratian elcit curent fentet asmaer feran as crustasl esonacne to creta wea mechaicn birtion of the piezocelct cyrsl ocaltted in teh teraducer cito concer stelc it enrggy t acoutn sengyre an efenus at the dsit feufascny

central venous pressure catheter

used fo remareus pressure int eh R atrim or the superfve vena cava by means of an in dle n o athe an apres manoemte r it is sedu to elvaute the rig ht venitcualr functon, right artialfilig pressure, an cirulablodo volem use f the cahet signainfalt esduc ehte ened f repera venipucnute

oign asog orfg ano

von ggkngio fdngjs n djfj gemg pog gg

moremoval back inset

w.c must e abl eto fold

slide board transfer

used for a pt who has some sitting baalnce, some UE strengh and can adeuwatly follow direciton ot should be psit at the edlfe of the w.c orr bed and should elan to one side hwile palcing one end of the slding board usfficicen tunde the rpciam thighg the otehr end of the slibg board should be sti n the destibation sufrfa t shuld not hod onto the end of th slide to avod pahchgin the finger pt shoudl pacle the leD HAND four to 6 inches way ffrom the sliding baord and use btoha remtos intiat ea push up and scoot arcors the baotd therapt is hould guar din fornt of the pt and assist as need eas the pt spserfsn as eries of pushps across the board theraptis hosulbd caerful avod direct ocntac tbetwetn the pts skin adn the slidn baord to avod sherain forec and otjentiaskin breakdown

sip and puff conttl

used for pts with high level SCI pt contorls diect abse don the force of inhala exatio intoa small tube psoti near the pts bosue

sterile field

used to maintai surfiac lasepsis design eanta rea that is conaids void o aall contamian asn mcirooganis thera are setandn afn re vue forotocl that must be folow in toe dero clevpe and matiantia steridl iefle


used to recor dhte elcitcal ctivy of the raht form of sidnat imgain is coeri in deitla in charpte r

dependent squat pivor ttransfer

used to trnas a pt who cannot stand indepntly but can bear some weight through the tn and LE therapt shodl potsin pt at a 45 dgerea ngle to the sestinate ion surafef the pt plca etheir use on the tepra shoulder sbut should not be allwo to pull ont eh theasptis beck the theaptsi should psotion the pt at the dhge of thsuface hodl the pt asorund the hips and unde the bttucosl and blck the pts knees in order to avoid bucling while stanidin gthera shod ula moment taright ther legs an raised ethe pt or allow to pt to to rmeain in s wuatti pstn ther teheapths hould then pvit andlsowl lowe rthpt to the destena usfa

stand pvito transfer

used when a pt is able to stand and bear wrigh thrgh oine or both of the LE pt mst posses functon abalcne and the abilt to pviot pts wil unilat er WB resia or hemiplegia may tulit thi stransf and lead with the unnviedl side trasn may also e used therapute leading with teh nvoel dsid eof ra pt cost CA pt shold be posti at tehe dge e f twc or bed to tintait etrna s theraps can asist hte pt t ekeeep theti efeet flat on theflot while bring the head fn turnl fwt thetaps hsould asist the pt as needed with theri fet tehtap must gua ro assit teptshoud th trnas na dtnstti pt to areach abc fofr th suf abe for the beign to sitn diwn nce the stna ov is perfoen hte ehtapsh should asit ass need eot ensura ocntrol wit hlower the pt to te dsit ausrfae

aillary ctiches

used with all elvesl of WB, hwoever, require hgiher coordination for poeropr use proper fit includes psitioning with cuhc 6 inches in front and two ince lateral crith cheigh tshould be no reta er than 3 inges widht from the aixllar handgrip hegiht should be adust to the ulanr stuolud and allow for 20-25 degrers of eblow flexion TWO POINT THREE POINT FOUR POIT SWING TO SWIN THOUGH

planar (flat) posterior

uses a recling or tilt in spa fram eo pt ernd ot aintan a hyeprextend head neck pstion

daesit statiscitsf

usfmara or fsdsafi tmpaorat achsra ifci sof af apotoiatais ioi thaaf asdfaga sfomfr afa sf masiaon n fmfeasfsnaaf s jvairiea

healthy cofeof


solid cushions

uvsoelasic polerthane honecam foam lgihtlweight hwoev can prduce hgih sheeare foreces sunmate stimulite tfoam cushion


uwfas not afs bodo the btheo t

bipilar delvity

uwo sc cone snl chag eiwthrw mediusncurent mat moduat infer with ebt freua c net dier t et uc r bo easlof eointe ot bmdua reio emlvi scueto th eelfvees bio oval shpe eifl

pep gmeafsnsg ag

vaif ifnafas ffsnfmrgnr gsglk it rfogdalgag fio aovar eopaf a ra voia fmaif re eait afn fsau funi dgmtahf ignag

herpes zoster

varicella zoster virus is reposnible for chickenpox in children and herpes sozter for shingles in adults once expores the virsu can remain dormat foryeasrs herepse oztis is highly ocntang esp to pts with comprs imsue system VZV eiure may offersome poretne but it sdoes not autantee imunit aganitsa hyerpes zoteroutbreak as an dualt afer ex[osre varivella tupcally lies formarn within nerual tissue wher it may nerver reactive reactiva an drueslt herpez zoster outbraek comonyl ucur whne the imus sttn ahs been wekaner as the resatinur repducd ethe fincetion attacks asnd aamge erve fibers while mvoing alogn ther ner fto eat teh skins usrface once the viruas erach the sif ac cahfra blistered rash will apreas though exernena outbreask f herpes zoet erare most railsdfi reconiea, inerna stuce such as organ surfa cethemotn and he inner may ma alsobe afected sx typcau breign with a nunilateral painful ithc or burnig nsenstiaon cause b tht viru intia attack on theenrv feibfer urbes or skin senti mau also be erott intial sx are folow by a faonf ulblsiterd rash gerneal sx may incldue fever ody ache cilsl anf faute a sat the infecio prefsethe nnlslite wilrbeak doan and diran varicella occours thoguh diect ocnta with aopen csores crera by te brokls sibe once the sore sahve sclbbed over the pt is snt lone cnsir efcontainngos post herpeit eural gia sudeu to scarring or desfcig of nerve tissue st eh cmoenscomon sherpez sot comcoajft othe pitentacomi tend to be speici ta rea eafec sucha sv siison los sbalance deefi or faicla parlayisi blood samrmemay show th rpesern o vaeflantiaboes and an inceaasd whilre bloocd ell count but hes finasina re not ocnsifnr idangoit c unlateral and will not cross midline dermatomal pattern

compression garmetns

varygin eegrs of restin prsure anf workinr presaus togh elsaticgy contle edme alimt fsa rofamton im pe v evneof cif una gps off the shelf = 16-18 mg and are use o tpe vent deep vet in pt on best rest stc shdosbe rowr at all tiem uenlsbathgn 20-30 scar tissue 30-40 edema sube fit whn te lve f edmea is minal appy fit gawl figi tigl o the efafecbdo cpa acna be chalgen fo rsoemo pt to dona odff without assit a avera lfi expant of comrpession is 6 months althog chngemay ersa suon if sgin chang ei isize of limb


vastuesmeidalis l45 tibtia neri l45s1 tens faic latet l5s1 perosnlegngu l5s12 gutenmix l5s1-2hamsitns s12gastao

pt comun

verbtal comfoa gootha ootn fa ifnsg femfas oginsa osndghsnfoisa foings nkd htoef sofsoid ges pti asfn egnnefel sfosif eil godisoriiosf theota dfkt ao sihd ito isabglsfi fieh asnov atstih hssifhufennf thethi fohosfj e flfe avahtte iovoiv eo agoogbugg

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