NRM_Lea_4odd Midterm Study Guide

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Bogs sequester more than ____ tons of Carbon all around the world.

200 billion

Which of the following acts increases polluters' obligation for cleanup costs?

Oil Pollution Act

Energy flow begins with which of the following?


Which of the following is NOT a natural resource as stated in the presentation?

Refines oil

Levees are most commonly used for which of the following?

Stopping water from naturally changing course

Select all the following causes of degradation to a wetland.

Soil run-off, Sedimentation

Pollination and converting carbon dioxide to plant tissues are example of which of the following services provided by habitats?


Which of the following is the act of responsibly using and conserving resources in a way which supports long-term ecological balance?


Wetland mitigation does NOT include which of the following?

Inssuance of air quality

Which of the following best describes respiration?

Intake of oxygen to convert glucose to energy

Which of the following best describes chlorophyll?

Green pigment in plants which absorbs light

What percentage of native vegetation remains in the U.S.?

Less than 25

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of ecological succession?


Which of the following is NOT required for an area to be considered a habitat?


Fens often have ridges with more productive growing areas and hollows which are less productive. When peat builds up, they can be cut off from groundwater and become bogs.


Monitoring components of ecosystems is necessary to detect change, especially negative change, in ecosystems within the biosphere.


Some municipalities will use a method where they run water through wetlands then into their drinking water treatment facilities.


Wetlands are economically important due to which of their following factors?

Wetlands provide both commercial and recreational fisheries

Number the ecological levels in order from largest to smallest.

1) Biosphere 2) Ecosystem 3)Community 4) Population 5) Organism

Match each term to the correct example 1) Protection 2) Restoration 3) Management

1) Farm bill 2) Re- establishing the topography of an area 3) Pre-treating drinking water

Match the plant life with the habitat where it would be found. 1) Tundra 2) Taiga 3) Deciduous forests 4) Tropical rainforests 5) Grasslands 6) Deserts

1) Mosses and lichen 2) Evergreen trees 3) Trees with color-changing leaves 4) Large evergreen trees, vines, ferns, mosses 5) Various species of grasses 6) Plants with shallow widespread roots and thick leaves

Match the law with its description 1) National Park Service Act 2) Taylor Grazing Act 3) National Environmental Policy Act

1) Protects the fundamentals of parks to conserve the scenery, historic object, and inhabiting wildlife 2) Controls overgrazing and overproduction of public lands 3) Ensures all branches of government consider the impact of any government project or initiative which could adversely affect the environment

Match the type of habitat loss with its definition. 1) Habitat fragmentation 2) Habitat degradation 3) Habitat destruction

1) breaking up habitats to the point where the habitat can no longer remain functional 2) act of polluting or otherwise altering a habitat until the quality of the habitat can no longer support life 3) act of complete loss of habitat through direct human involvement

Match the vocabulary word with its definition. 1) Aquatic 2) Terrestrial 3) Phytoplankton 4) Crustaceans

1) related to water 2) related to soil or dry land 3) floating algae 4) invertebrate aquatic animals

What percentage of the earth's land surface is protected?


In which year was the United States Department of Agriculture established?


In what year was the Pelican Island National Refuge System in Florida created?


Which year was the Duck Stamp Act enacted?


In what year was the Clean Water and Air Act created?


In what year was the Air Pollution Control Act established?


In what year was the Endangered Species Act established?


In what year was the National Mitigation Banking Association established?


Approximately what percentage of natural wetlands have been lost?


Up to ____ of endangered species rely on wetlands for part of their annual cycle.

50 percent

What percentage of the earth's surface is covered by marine habitats?


What percentage of fresh water is trapped in glaciers or underground aquifers?


Select all the biomes.

Aquatic, Forest, Grassland, Wetland

Which of the following is NOT a main cause of habitat loss?


Which of the following would most likely be found in a bog?

Carnivorous plants

Which of the following does NOT influence an organism's niche?


Sekect the positive ecological interactions between organisms.

Commensalism, Mutualism

According to the presentation, ecosystem management was broadened by the establishment of which of the following in 1978?

Conservation Biology

Which of the following are permanently protected lands which contain endangered or threatened species?

Conservation banks

Which of the following describes a detrivore?

Consumes decayed plants and animals

Select all the statements which are true about rainforests.

Covers 6 percent of the earth, Contains half of all species of plants and animals on the earth

Tourism and recreation are examples of which of the following services provided by habitats?


Which of the following is used to stop water by creating reservoirs which hold and release water as necessary while sometimes generating power?


Sedimentation, pollution from agricultural run-off, and soil run-off from development areas all causes which of the following?


Wetlands are NOT critical for which of the following?

Developing agricultural land

The Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act is also known as which of thefollowing?

Duck Stamp Act

Which of the following countries do NOT have a taiga habitat?


Which of the following is NOT an example of restoration?

Enacting laws to protect land from human intervention

EPA stands for which of the following?

Environmental Protection Agency

Which of the following agencies is charged with administering laws concerning natural resources?

Environmental Protection Agency

Hurricanes do less financial damage, flood further inland, and displace more people when coasts are heavily developed.


Which of the following is NOT a type habitat?


Secondary succession occurs on which type of landscape?

Fertile open soil

Which of the following is known to cause primary succession?

Glacier movement

Which habitat would heavy grazers and burrowing animals most likely be found?


Oil spills are an example of which of the following types of habitat loss?

Habitat degradation

Which of the following does NOT conduct nitrogen fixation?


Where is the Phosphorous cycle mainly conducted?

In soil and plants

Select all the factors in which a wetland is classified.

Landscape position, Vegetation cover, Hydrological regime

Which of the following best describes urban sprawl?

Mass expansion of urban areas which rapidly destroy the surrounding environment

How many jobs have been created by U.S. National Parks?

More than seven million

Select all of the invasive species which negatively affect wetlands.

Saltcedar, Nutria

Which of the following best describes a river?

Multiple streams intersecting to form a deep and wide moving body of water

According to the segment, which of the following is NOT an example of a multi-agency partnership?

Non-landowning citizen

Which of the following is the most widespread type of wetland in North America?

Non-tidal marshes

Ecological succession includes which of the following?

Primary and Secondary succession

Which of the following defines when new rock is exposed from a geological or natural disturbance, then erosion degrades the rock over a period of time to make mineral soil, allowing new organisms to populate the area?

Primary succession

Which of the following is a living organism who produces food or biomass through the process of photosynthesis?


Use the word bank to correctly label the flow of energy in a food chain.

Producer, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Apex, Detrivores

Food, water, and wood are all examples of which of the following services provided by habitats?


Which of the following best describes wetland restoration?

Returning a wetland to its original function

The boundary between land and a stream is defined as which of the following?

Riparian zone

Which act includes rules for groundwater protection from underground injection?

Safe Drinking Water Act

Wetlands are defined by which of the following characteristics?

Soil and Vegetation

A wetland with woody plants, saturated/slow moving water and a lack of oxygen in the soil can be describes as a ____.


Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

The Federal Land Policy and Management Act governs the manner in which federal waters are managed.

Which of the following best describes a pioneer species?

The first species to colonize an area in primary succession

Preservation is regarded as which of the following?

The non- use of natural resources

Which President was responsible for establishing the Forest Service?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following is the main purpose of the Clean Water Act?

To set standard for waste discharge and other point source pollution

Which of the following is NOT a category of wetland biome?


A nutrient is a chemical substance required by an organism for growth, reproduction, and maintenance.


Building on wetlands in coastal regions has been connected to increasing devastation from hurricanes.


The Arctic Circle is most likely to have which type of habitat?


Which of the following is an agency within the Department of the Interior?

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Which of the following administers the United States Department of the Interior?

United States Secretary of the Interior

Which of the following is known to cause primary succession?

Volcanic activity

Which of the following is also known as the hydrologic cycle?

Water cycle

Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

Water quality management sets a minimum daily load.

Which of the following is NOT a component of monitored ecosystem management?


Which of the following describes transpiration?

When plants release water vapor during photosynthesis and respiration

Which of the following wildlife populations was known to significantly decline in number due to market hunting and loss of habitat?

White tailed deer

Which of the following was the 1st established national park?


Select the correct phrase from the two opinions in the underlined sections.

which means permanently or seasonally saturated with water, which means it is free of oxygen

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