NS Final

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True or False: Information from the left visual field is contained in the right optic tract?


True or False? Both mechanosensory and the nociception pathway project to the contralateral side of the brain by the time it reaches the thalamus and cortex.


True or False? Cone photoreceptors are more densely packed in the fovea than Rod photoreceptors in the surrounding retina.


True or False: If humans have pheromone perception, it would likely be through the vomeronasal organ, as it is in most other mammals.


True or False? Rods function mediate color vision and cones function well at low light levels.

False. Rods function at low light and Cones mediate color. Cones= color

hyperopia is?

Far sighted

Which of the following statements about the center-surround receptive field of an off-center retinal ganglion cell is true? a. It is excited by light in the center and also excited by light in the surround b. It is inhibited by light in the center and also inhibited by light in the surround. c. The strongest stimulus for it is darkness in its center and light in its surround. d. The strongest stimulus for it is light in its center and darkness in its surround.

I believe it's C

The high association of scent and emotion can be explained by a. the olfactory system projecting directly to cortical areas. b. the olfactory system projecting directly to the thalamus c. the olfactory system projecting directly to the LGN d. Both A and B are correct

a. the olfactory system projecting directly to cortical areas.

After stereocilia move toward the kinocilium, a. there's increased signaling in the vestibular nerve b. the hair cell hyperpolarizes c. there's an efflux of calcium d. there's decreased release of transmitter from the hair cell.

a. there's increased signaling in the vestibular nerve

What is the main function of the three little bones of the middle ear? a. to efficiently transfer sound pressure waves from air to liquid b. to efficiently code the frequency of incoming sound waves c. to efficiently transfer sound pressure from liquid to air d. to support the weight of the cochlea within the inner ear.

a. to efficiently transfer sound pressure waves from air to liquid.

Which sensory system responds with a hyperpolarizon as part of its sensory transduction mechanism? a. visual b. auditory c. vestibular d. pheromone

a. visual

What protein in olfactory receptor cells is most directly responsible for depolarizing their membrane in response to an odorant? a. A voltage gated ion channel b. A cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel c. An inotropic receptor channel d. A protein kinase A molecule

b. A cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel

How are hair cells arranged in the semicircular canals? a. They line the semicircular canals and the ampulla b. Kinocilia point in the same direction within an ampulla but are arranged oppositely to the corresponding ampulla in the other ear. c. they completely line the semicircular canals along the striola d. all hair cells on one side of the head are in the same orientation.

b. Kinocilia point in the same direction within an ampulla but are arranged oppositely to the corresponding ampulla in the other ear.

Electrophysiological recordings of auditory cells reveal a much higher sensitivity to specific sound frequencies than has been expected from simple models of the cochlea. This enhanced sensitivity most likely is due to: a. All of the other answers are correct b. A much higher elasticity of the basilar membrane than what usually is modeled c. The presence of active amplification within the cochlea d. The activity of the tectorial as well as the basilar membrane

c. The presence of active amplification within the cochlea

In the utricle and the saccule of the vestibular system, small calcium carbonate crystals activate hair cells by displacing cilia. To which of the following stimuli are these organs best suited to respond? a. the end of a lateral head rotation movement b. sustained lateral head rotation movement c. a sustained bend of the head d. the onset of a lateral head rotation movement

c. a sustained bend of the head.

What most directly causes the hyperpolarization of a photoreceptor in response to light? a. Activation of Phosphodiesterase by transducin, which reduces cGMP levels b. Rhodopsin activation of a photoreceptor K+ channel c. Activation of Guanylyl Cyclase by transducin, which increases cGMP levels d. Increased GABA neurotransmission from off center bipolar cells

a. activation of a phosphodiesterase by transducin, which reduces cGMP levels.

Which synaptic receptor would you expect to promote a FASTER response by the postsynaptic cell? a. ionotropic b. metabotropic

a. ionotropic

Ca++ influx makes the photoreceptor ____ sensitive. a. more b. less

a. more.

In the labyrinth, the canal reuniens connects the _______ to the cochlea. a. saccule b, utricle c. ampullae d. semicircular canals

a. saccule

G-protein coupled receptors are used by a. sweet, bitter, and umami tastes b. sweet, salty, and acidic tastes c. fat, water, and salty tastes d. umami, salty, and bitter tastes.

a. sweet, bitter, and umami tastes.

What are the three bones of the middle ear?

malleus, incus, stapes

Which choice best describes the cyclic GMP-gated ion channels in the visual system? a. In the dark there is a high concentration of cGMP, Na+ flows in and the cell depolarizes b. In the dark there is a low concentration of cGMP, Na+ flows in and the cell depolarizes c. In the light there is a low concentration of cGMP, Na+ flows in and the cell depolarizes d. In the light there is a high concentration of cGMP, Na+ flows in and the cell depolarizes

In the dark there's high concentration of cGMP, Na+ flows in and the cell depolarizes.

Myopia is?


In which region(s) does neurogenesis occur within the adult nervous system in mammals? a. Olfactory bulb b. Amygdala c. Hypothalamus d. Hippocampus e. Olfactory epithelium

a, d, e.

One olfactory receptor neuron typically contains how many types of odorant receptor molecules? a. 1 b. 2 c. 1500 in humans, 900 in rodents d. 400-450 in humans

a. 1

Why can an influx of K+ cause depolarization in an hair cell? a. Because the scala media has a high K+ concentration b. Because the scala media has a low K+ concentration c. Because the scala media has a high Na+ concentration d. Because the scala media has a low Na+ concentration

a. Because the scala media has a high K+ concentration

Which of the following is a key difference between transduction in taste receptors detecting bitter, and olfactory receptor neurons detecting floral scents? a. Bitter taste receptors use phospholipase C while olfactory neurons use adenylyl cyclase b. Bitter taste receptors depolarize while olfactory neurons hyperpolarize in response to chemicals c. Bitter taste receptors hyperpolarize while olfactory neurons depolarize in response to chemicals d. Bitter taste receptors use g-protein linked receptor molecules while olfactory neurons use ionotropic receptor molecules

a. Bitter taste receptors use phospholipase C while olfactory neurons use adenylyl cyclase

Which mechanism leads to activation of hair cells in the semicircular canals? a. Endolymph movement distorts the cupula. b. Linear acceleration causes the otolithic membrane to distort the hair cells. c. The basilar membrane moves in response to acceleration and distorts the hair cells. d. Static tilt allows gravity to move the reticular membrane.

a. Endolymph movement distorts the cupula.

Depolarization of a hair cell is mainly caused by an influx of? a. K+ b. Na+ c. Cl- d. Ca2+

a. K+

In the auditory system, which of the following cells physically amplify the movement of the basilar membrane? a. Outer hair cells b. Inner hair cells c. Afferent axons d. Efferent axons

a. Outer hair cells

What is one hypothesized reason for why olfaction is more closely linked to emotion than other senses? a. It is an especially acute sense in humans b. Unlike most other senses, olfaction has a more direct connection to cortex, amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus c. Olfaction is more likely to sense danger in the environment than other senses d. The olfactory bulb has an unusually dense connection to the hypothalamus

b. Unlike most other senses, olfaction has a more direct connection to cortex, amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus

Light results in a ___ in Na+ conductance a. increase b. decrease c. light does nothing to NA+ conductance d. none of these are correct.

b. decrease

Which cell type is thought to be responsible for the antagonistic surround of ganglion cells? a. photoreceptor b. horizontal c. ganglion d. bipolar

b. horizontal

When light hits a human rod photoreceptor it? a. depolarizes in response b. hyperpolarizes in response c. fires action potentials in reponse

b. hyperpolarizes in response.

What kind of hair cell do you hear with? a. outer hair cell b. inner hair cell c. afferent axons d. efferent axons.

b. inner hair cell

Which synaptic receptor would you expect to promote a LONGER LASTING response by the postsynaptic cell? a. ionotropic b. metabotropic

b. metabotropic

The iris a. is responsible for the refraction of light onto the retina. b. regulates the amount of light entering the eye. c. applies tension to the lens. d. contains the pigment epithelial cells that nourish photoreceptors. e. covers the cornea, shielding it from harmful UV rays.

b. regulates the amount of light entering the eye.

Electrophysiological recordings of auditory cells reveal a much higher sensitivity to specific sound frequencies than has been expected from simple models of the cochlea. This enhanced sensitivity most likely is due to: a. neither answer is correct b. the presence of active amplification within the cochlea c. the limitations of current recording equipment d. both of these answers are correct.

b. the presence of active amplification within the cochlea

Which of the following is a potential reason why different people perceive the same odorant differently? a. People have different sensitivities across the carbon chain axis of the olfactory spectrum b. Different people likely likely have different numbers of olfactory receptor neurons c. Different people likely express different odorant receptor molecules

c. Different people likely express different odorant receptor molecules

which of the following ways are sound frequencies coded within the cochlea? a. Outer hair cells respond to low frequencies whereas inner hair cells respond to high frequencies b. Hair cells at the base of the cochlea respond to low frequencies whereas cells near the apex respond to high frequencies c. Hair cells at the base of the cochlea respond to high frequencies whereas cells near the apex respond to low frequencies d. Different frequencies result in the release of different neurotransmitters

c. Hair cells at the base of the cochlea respond to high frequencies whereas cells near the apex respond to low frequencies

How is firing in the vestibular nerve expected to change as a child rides a carousel? a. increased firing while the child is in motion b. Decreased firing while the child is in motion c. Increased firing during acceleration, baseline firing during the ride, and decreased firing during deceleration d. Decreased firing during acceleration, baseline firing during the ride, and increased firing during deceleration

c. Increased firing during acceleration, baseline firing during the ride, and decreased firing during deceleration

Ganglion cell axons cross at the ___, thus the __ contains information from both eyes. a. Optic radiation; optic tract b. optic chiasm; optic nerve c. optic chiasm; optic tract d. optic tract; optic chiasm

c. optic chiasm; optic tract

The vestibulo-ocular reflex is a mechanism for a. maintaining balance. b. visually tracking a slow-moving object. c. stabilizing gaze during head movement. d. preventing eye damage.

c. stabilizing gaze during head movement.

The right optic tract contains visual information from the? a. temporal retina of both eyes b. nasal retina of both eyes c. temporal retina of the right eye and nasal retina of the left d. temporal retina of the left eye and nasal retina of the right.

c. temporal retina of the right eye and nasal retina of the left

Which of the following best describes the glomerular code for odor detection and discrimination? a. A specific odorant activates a small or large proportion of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb, in relation to the importance of that scent to the animal b. A specific odorant activates most of the glomeruli in the olfactory bulb to a specific extent, causing an action potential firing rate in relation to the importance of that scent to the animal c. A specific olfactory receptor molecule binds a wide variety of odorants and activates glomeruli d. A specific odorant activates only a small set of glomeruli

d. A specific odorant activates only a small set of glomeruli

Why are pheromones so different than other odors? a. They bind to g-protein linked receptors b. They are detected using ionotropic mechanisms c. They rely specifically on scents projected to an animal, rather than an environment d. They rely on scents produced by animal to communicate with others of the same species

d. They rely on scents produced by animal to communicate with others of the same species

A human's perception of pitch corresponds to the _______ of a sound wave; perception of loudness corresponds to the _______ of a sound wave. a. amplitude; phase b. waveform; amplitude c. amplitude; frequency d. frequency; amplitude

d. frequency; amplitude

_____ cells respond to edges of a certain orientation within a narrow visual field a. ganglion b. complex c. bipolar d. simple

d. simple

How are ganglion cells that project to the hypothalamus different than other ganglion cells? a. they don't cross at the optic chiasm b. thye rely on rods and cones for light sensitivity c. they form connections with bipolar cells in the retina d. they can modulate responses to light using their own photopigment.

d. they can modulate responses to light using their own photopigment.

In a lateral inhibition circuit, if horizontal cells are excited by a receptor... a. they inhibit on-center ganglion cells b. they activate bipolar cells c. they activate the neighboring receptor d. they inhibit the neighboring receptor.

d. they inhibit the neighboring receptor.

In the olfactory bulb, glomeruli are composed of a. About 450 odorant receptor molecules in humans, 1500 odorant receptor molecules in mice b. Dendrites of olfactory receptor neurons, mitral and tufted cells c. Cell bodies of odorant receptor neurons in the olfactory epithelium d. Specific single odorant receptor molecules, one per glomerulus e. Synapses between olfactory receptor neurons, mitral and tufted cells, and interneurons

e. Synapses between olfactory receptor neurons, mitral and tufted cells, and interneurons

Which axon is most likely to maintain connection with a postsynaptic cell during synaptic development?

the one that's most active.

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