NT2 Final EXAM

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What did Peter and John do throughout Samaria during their return trip to Jerusalem after visiting with Philip?

They preached the gospel.

What was the overwhelming reaction of the crowd to the speaking in tongues of the disciples on the day of Pentecost?

They were amazed.

What group took issue with Peter concerning his ministry to Cornelius?

Those of the circumcision

Who did Paul choose to join his missionary team in Lystra in Acts 16?


What advice did the leaders of the church in Jerusalem give to Paul on his final visit?

To support four Jewish Christians who had taken a Nazarite vow

Where did Paul go when he was forbidden by the Holy Spirit to enter Asia and Bithynia?


According to Acts 1:3, Jesus demonstrated his resurrection by many convincing proofs.


According to Acts 1:3, Jesus was with the disciples after his passion for a period of forty days before ascending to heaven.


According to Acts, chapter 1, just as Jesus ascended into heaven, so he would return in like manner, as they watched him go into heaven.


According to Acts, chapter 1, the apostles were concerned about the time of the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel.


After Jesus ascended into heaven, the apostles, along with the women, Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers, devoted themselves to prayer in the upper room.


The Jerusalem council delivered the message that the Gentiles follow these essentials by abstaining from: things offered to idols, from blood, things strangled, and from fornication.


The apostle Peter was important to the Jerusalem council and explained that salvation was by grace through faith, for both Jews and Gentiles.


What does the book of Acts describe as the predominant characteristic of the early Christian community?


In Pisidian Antioch, what did Paul do first?

When Sabbath came, he preached in the synagogue

What debate resulted in the church council recorded in Acts 15?

Whether or not Gentile converts needed to be circumcised

In Acts 6, what were the two primary qualifications for those who were selected to oversee the distribution of food to the widows?

Wise and full of the Spirit

Which of the following was NOT a common practice in the life of the early church?

Worshiping in church buildings

Before the message of Christ came to the the Samaritans, the Samaritans viewed the magician in their midst as ___.

someone great

During his third missionary journey, how long did Paul stay in Ephesus?

3 years

How many people were reported to be saved on the day of Pentecost?

3,000 people

What was Cornelius' occupation?

A Roman centurion

In Philippi, who became a Christian as a result of an earthquake and Paul's preaching?

A jailer

What physical phenomenon accompanied speaking in tongues in Acts 2?

A loud sound and the appearance of fire

How did the Lord sovereignly initiate the "Cornelius encounter" while Peter was in Joppa?

A vision and the directive from the Holy Spirit

According to Acts 19, where did Apollos minister after he left Ephesus?


How did Paul's message in Lystra differ from his message in Pisidian Antioch?

Addressed to pagans, Paul argued for a monotheistic theology.

From what famous city did Apollos come?


After his ministry in Samaria, to whom did God send Philip to preach the gospel?

An Ethiopian eunuch

Who delivered Peter from prison in Acts 12?

An angel of the Lord

What individual(s) died for lying about the sale of a piece of property?

Ananias and Sapphira

According to Acts 19 what eloquent preacher came to Ephesus while Paul was in route to Ephesus?


Who joined Paul's team in Corinth in Acts 18?

Aquilla and Priscilla

A famous temple to whom was located in Ephesus?


Who teamed up with Saul on Saul's first missionary journey?


Whose nickname means "Son of Encouragement"?


In Acts 6, why did the apostles not want to distribute food to the Hellenistic widows personally?

Because the apostles' primary responsibility was to minister God's word.

In Acts 6, why were the Hellenistic Jewish believers upset with the Hebraist Jewish believers?

Because their widows were overlooked in the daily serving of food.

What irrefutable argument did Peter give that convinced the brethren in Jerusalem that his actions with reference to Cornelius were correct and appropriate?

Cornelius and his family received the Holy Spirit.

Where did Barnabas and Saul go first on their missionary journey?


How did Peter argue that David's statements in Psalm 16 could not refer to David, but instead must refer to Jesus?

David's death made it impossible for the prophecy to refer to him.

Who started a disturbance in Ephesus that ultimately forced Paul to leave the city?

Demetrius, the silversmith

When Paul arrived in Ephesus in Acts 19, who did he meet?

Disciples of John the Baptist

How did Herod Agrippa I die?

Eaten by worms

Who opposed Barnabas and Saul in Paphos?

Elymas, the magician

As Jesus ascended into heaven in Acts, chapter 1, a legion of angels (4000-6000 in number) joined in sight, crying out "Glory to God in the highest!" just as Luke's earlier volume (Luke) recorded the same with the shepherds.


In the Cornelius account, Peter refuses, as a good Jew, to enter the home of Cornelius until Cornelius first washes himself three times in the nearby river.


Jesus told the apostles that once the Holy Spirit came upon them, they would be his witnesses, starting with Asia Minor, moving to Africa, then Spain and finally, as the summation of all things, they would end up in Jerusalem.


Just as John the Baptist baptized people and they received the Holy Spirit, so Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received the same baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Luke begins his narrative of Acts by addressing Philosophicus, the recipient of the letter.


Luke is not concerned with the story of Cornelius; that is, it is not important to his narrative flow or theological agenda. Luke included the story simply as an entertaining account to relieve the audience from the tedious and intense accounts he has given thus far. It is a sort of comic relief to allow the audience to sit back and enjoy a fun story simply as a story.


Matthias, the apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot, was wisely chosen, and his speech at the Jerusalem council clearly shows this.


The apostles drew lots to see who would replace Judas, and the lot fell to Joseph called Barsabas. He thus joined the eleven apostles.


The believers, who met in earnest prayer at the imprisonment of Peter, expected the Lord to break the prison bars and release Peter miraculously and in full view view of all in Jerusalem.


Who was the Roman procurator of Judea who first heard Paul's case in Caesarea?


Who was the second Roman procurator of Judea who heard Paul's case in Caesarea?


What is the name given to the activity of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2?

Filling with the Spirit

At Corinth, before whom was Paul brought and charged with violating Roman law?


What conclusions did the Jerusalem church reach in Acts 11 concerning the Gentiles?

Gentiles can be saved by faith and repentance alone.

What strategy did Paul use to escape being condemned by the Sanhedrin?

He caused internal division within the council.

What was Herod's response to the guards who watched Peter in prison?

He cross-examined them and had them executed.

What does Luke record about Peter in preparation for his ministry to Cornelius?

He performed miracles in Judea.

What happened to Paul on Malta that convinced the inhabitants that he was a criminal?

He was bitten by a poisonous snake.

What was Cornelius' religious condition prior to hearing the gospel from Peter?

He was devout and a God-fearer.

How was Paul received by leaders of the church in Jerusalem on his final visit?

He was warmly received with joy.

About what did Paul warn the Ephesian elders?

Heretics in the church

What aspects of Jesus' life does Peter emphasize in his speech in Acts 2?

His death and resurrection

What angered the crowd when Paul spoke to them at the temple?

His statement that God sent him to the Gentiles

In Acts 12, what were the other disciples doing while Peter was in prison?

Holding a prayer meeting

After the death of James, what did Herod do to please the Jews?

Imprisoned Peter

Who did Herod Agrippa I have put to death in Acts 12?

James, the disciple

Where did the events in Acts 1-2 take place?


Whose prophecy did the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost fulfill?


Who did Barnabas and Saul take with them when they returned from Jerusalem to Antioch in Acts 12?

John Mark

Who did Barnabas want to accompany him and Paul on a second missionary journey?

John Mark

Who accompanied Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch after the Jerusalem council described in Acts 15?

Judas and Silas

Who was Paul's first known convert in Macedonia?


In what city did Paul heal a man who was lame from birth?


In what city was Paul stoned?


From where did most of those who were in the crowd on the day of Pentecost come?

Mainly within the Roman empire and the east where large Jewish communities existed

In whose house did the church gather to pray when Peter was arrested in Acts 12?

Mary's house

Who did the church in Antioch send to Jerusalem to resolve the debate over Gentile circumcision?

Paul and Barnabas

Why did Festus decide not to send Paul to Jerusalem to stand trial?

Paul appealed his case to Caesar.

What protected Paul from being tortured by Roman soldiers in Jerusalem?

Paul's Roman citizenship

On the day of what Jewish feast was the Holy Spirit poured out upon the disciples in Acts 2?


What two apostles supported Paul's point of view during the second Jerusalem council described in Acts 15?

Peter and James

What two apostles went to Samaria upon hearing that the Samaritans had received the Word of God?

Peter and John

From what sect were the Jewish Christians who wanted to compel Gentile converts to be circumcised?


Who did God send to preach to the Ethiopian eunuch?


Who first preached the gospel to the Samaritans?


In what cities in the Roman province of Macedonia did Paul minister when he began in ministry in Europe?

Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea

During the first missionary journey, in what city did Paul give a major address in the synagogue?

Pisidian Antioch

What did those who fled the persecution in Jerusalem do?

Preach the Word

Who became the major leader of the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem?


What was the name of the proconsul of Cyprus who believed Paul's message?

Sergius Paulus

What activity exemplified the unity and fellowship that characterized the early church?

Sharing their possessions

In the early chapters of Acts, to what extent was sharing of one's possessions obligatory?

Sharing was voluntary.

What is the name of the magician who wanted to purchase the authority to bestow the Holy Spirit on people?


In whose house was Peter staying when he received a vision from the Lord?

Simon, the tanner

To whom did Paul speak in the marketplace in Athens?

Stoic and Epicurean philosophers

What did the church at the second Jerusalem council decide?

That Gentile converts should not be required to be circumcised but should abstain from certain things

What accusation by Jews from Asia led to Paul's arrest in Jerusalem?

That he defiled the temple when he brought Gentiles into the temple

By whom were most of the miraculous signs and wonders performed in the early church?

The Apostles

Who did Paul address in Miletus on his final trip to Jerusalem?

The Ephesian elders

What was initially withheld from the Samaritans after their conversion?

The Holy Spirit

Who forbid Paul from entering Asia and Bithynia?

The Holy Spirit

From what literature was the Ethiopian eunuch reading when Philip approached him?

The Prophets as found in the Holy Scriptures

What affect did the Herodian persecution have on the church in Jerusalem?

The church continued to grow.

What church commissioned Barnabas and Saul for their missionary journey?

The church in Antioch

What church sent Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to resolve the debate over Gentile circumcision?

The church in Syrian Antioch

According to Acts 19, where in Ephesus did Paul hold daily lectures after he left the synagogue?

The school of Tyrannus

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