Nursing Management during pregnancy

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The nurse is conducting a teaching session for breastfeeding mothers. Which statement by a mother requires further clarification by the nurse?

"I am glad I can have my two cups of coffee in the morning again." Explanation: Breastfeeding mothers should avoid caffeine because it delays iron absorption and passes through the milk and can slow infant weight gain. Similarly, spicy foods pass into the breastmilk and can affect the baby. Breastfeeding mothers need added calories and fluids.

At 24 weeks' gestation a client is asked to drink a sweet orange solution and then wait an hour to have blood drawn. The client asks if this is the test to determine if she has diabetes. What is the best response by the nurse?

"This is a screening procedure. If your result is elevated you will be scheduled for a longer test to determine if you have gestational diabetes." Explanation: A glucose tolerance test involves a glucose load and a blood glucose level 1 hour later. It is a screening test used to determine if the client needs a full 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test. A 1-hour glucose tolerance test is not diagnostic of insulin resistance nor gestational diabetes. If the screening test is elevated the client is scheduled for the diagnostic test at approximately 24 to 26 weeks' gestation. If a client is eventually diagnosed with gestational diabetes, the initial treatment is diet therapy, not insulin.

The diagonal conjugate of a pregnant woman's pelvis is measured. Which measurement would the nurse interpret as presenting a potential problem?

12.0 cm Explanation: The diagonal conjugate, usually 12.5 cm or greater, indicates the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic inlet. The diagonal conjugate is the most useful measurement for estimating pelvic size because a misfit with the fetal head occurs if it is too small.

The nurse is caring for a client in her second trimester who requires follow-up genetic testing after a common screening indicated a potential abnormality. What is the nurse's main role at this time?

Allowing the client to vent feelings Explanation: It is a difficult time for the client and family. The nurse's main role is to support the client and family and allow the client to vent any feelings. The nurse will also assist in answering any questions but much of this information comes from health care provider. Next, the nurse will facilitate the testing process and witness the signature as the testing requires informed consent.

A client in the third trimester of pregnancy has to travel a long distance by car. The client is anxious about the effect the travel may have on her pregnancy. Which instruction should the nurse provide to promote easy and safe travel for the client?

Always wear a three-point seat belt. Explanation: To promote easy and safe travel for the client, the nurse should instruct the client to always wear a three-point seat belt to prevent ejection or serious injury from collision. The nurse should instruct the client to deactivate the air bag if possible. The nurse should instruct the client to apply a nonpadded shoulder strap properly, ensuring that it crosses between the breasts and over the upper abdomen, above the uterus. The nurse should instruct the client to use a lap belt that crosses over the pelvis below—not over—the uterus.

A nurse is teaching a group of primigravida women who are in their first trimester. One of the women asks the nurse about sexual activity during pregnancy. Which information would the nurse most likely incorporate into the response?

Because of pelvic congestion, women may experience increased clitoral sensitivity. Explanation: Only a few complications of pregnancy such as vaginal bleeding and ruptured membranes limit sexual activity. A partially dilated cervix does not warrant a restriction in sexual activity.

A pregnant client wishes to know if sexual intercourse would be safe during her pregnancy. Which should the nurse confirm before educating the client regarding sexual behavior during pregnancy?

Client does not have cervical insufficiency. Explanation: The nurse should inform the client that sexual activity is permissible during pregnancy unless there is a history of cervical insufficiency, vaginal bleeding, placenta previa, risk of preterm labor, multiple gestation, premature rupture of membranes, or presence of any infection. Anemia and facial and hand edema would be contraindications to exercising but not intercourse. Freedom from anxieties and worries contributes to adequate sleep promotion.

The client has a 4-year-old child who was delivered at 38 weeks' gestation and tells the nurse that she does have a history of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) within the first trimester. The nurse is correct to document the history as:

G = 3, T = 1, P = 0, A = 1, L = 1 Explanation: The GTPAL stands for Gravida -- number of pregnancies, which is 3 (current, 4-year-old, and miscarriage); Term -- only one pregnancy thus far carried to term; Preterm deliveries -- 0; Abortions (either elective or miscarriage) -- 1; Living children -- 1. Do not be distracted by the twins. That is still one pregnancy.

A pregnant client arrives for her first prenatal appointment. She reports her previous pregnancy ended at 19 weeks, and she has 3-year-old twins born at 30 weeks' gestation. How will the nurse document this in her records?

G3 T0 P1 A1 L2 Explanation: G indicates the total number of pregnancies (2 prior, now pregnant = 3); T indicates term deliveries at or beyond 38 weeks' gestation (none = 0); P is for preterm deliveries (at 20 to 37 weeks = 1; multiple fetus delivery are scored as 1); A is for abortions or pregnancies ending before 20 weeks' gestation (1); and L refers to living children which is 2. Thus, G3 T0 P1 A1 L2 is what the nurse should note in the client's record.

The nurse is educating a woman about the importance of folic acid before conception and during pregnancy, to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. The client plans to take prenatal vitamins and minerals. What food source would the nurse recommend to add to the woman's diet?

Green leafy vegetables Explanation: Green leafy vegetables are a good source of folic acid. In the past, green tea was thought to interfere with the absorption of folic acid; however, studies do not support this. The women would be advised to avoid green and iced tea due to the caffeine content. Yogurt, low-fat milk and oily fish are not known to be high in folic acid.

A nurse is caring for a client who is 8 months pregnant. Which instruction is the nurse most likely to give her?

Rest on the left side for at least 1 hour in the morning and afternoon. Explanation: During the last months of pregnancy, the nurse should instruct the woman to rest on her left side for at least 1 hour in the morning and afternoon. This position relieves fetal pressure on the renal veins, helps the kidneys excrete fluid, and increases flow of oxygenated blood to the fetus. The body's oil and sweat glands are more active than usual during pregnancy. Thus, a daily warm bath or shower is important, rather than a hot bath, which may produce hyperthermia. Nipple exercises and stimulation should not be done, especially in the third trimester, when they can cause uterine contractions and premature labor. Lanolin ointment may damage the areola and nipple. It has not been shown to be effective in preventing sore and cracked nipples. Lanolin is also a common allergen and may contain insecticide residuals such as DDT.

A 31-year-old client at 28 weeks' gestation reports frequent low back pain and ankle edema by the end of the day. Which suggestion should the nurse prioritize for this client?

Rest when possible with feet elevated at or above the heart. Explanation: Resting in the recumbent position helps alleviate stress on the back, and elevating the legs will help relieve the edema. Soaking the feet or lying on the right side will not alleviate the edema. Sitting semi-Fowler is not enough to alleviate the edema.

The nurse is educating the client at 12 weeks' gestation regarding the best types of exercise throughout pregnancy. Which activities should the nurse encourage?

Stretching and breathing exercises such as yoga Explanation: It is important to exercise during pregnancy. One excellent type of exercise includes yoga, which reduces stress and increases relaxation. Yoga also gently stretches muscles and can increase muscle tone. Contact and high-impact sports are not appropriate for the pregnant mother. Hot areas such as a jacuzzi, hot tub, and sauna are also inappropriate.

The client is 32 weeks' pregnant and has been referred for a biophysical profile (BPP) after a nonreassuring nonstress test (NST). Which statement made by the client indicates that the nurse's explanation of the procedure was effective?

The BPP is an ultrasound that measures breathing, body movement, tone, and amniotic fluid volume. Explanation: A biophysical profile uses a combination of factors to determine fetal well-being based upon five fetal biophysical variables. An NST is done to measure FHR acceleration. Then an ultrasound is done to measure breathing, body movements, tone, and amniotic fluid volume. Each variable receives a score from 0 to 2 for a maximum score of 10. A score of 6 or less indicates altered fetal well-being and indicates a need for further assessment. A needle is not involved with the BPP. The BPP does not detect placental problems, and the BPP is not a screening for neural tube defects.

The nurse is assisting a pregnant client who underwent a nonstress test that was ruled reactive. Which factor will the nurse point out when questioned by the client about the results?

The fetal heart rate increases with activity and indicates fetal well-being. Explanation: A nonstress test is a noninvasive way to monitor fetal well-being. A reactive NST is a positive sign the fetus is tolerating pregnancy well by demonstrating heart rate increase with activity, and this indicates fetal well-being. This test is not used to determine congenital anomalies or deformities. It does not determine the speed by which fetus is developing. Further evaluation would be necessary if the results were nonreactive.

A woman in her second trimester of pregnancy is beginning to experience more headaches. In addition to suggesting holding an ice pack to the forehead, the health care provider recommends which medication to provide some relief from the pain?

acetaminophen Explanation: Resting with an ice pack on the forehead and taking a usual adult dose of acetaminophen usually furnishes adequate relief. Compounds with ibuprofen (class C drugs) are not usually recommended because they cause premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus. Additionally, they have been found to contribute to fetal renal damage, low amniotic fluid, and fetal intracranial hemorrhage. Aspirin and naproxen are also not recommended to take during pregnancy.

When preparing a class for a group of pregnant women about nicotine use during pregnancy, the nurse describes the major risks associated with nicotine use, including:

decreased birth weight in neonates. Explanation: The nurse should inform the client that children born of mothers who use nicotine will have a decreased birth weight. Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is associated with caffeine use. Increased risks of stillbirth and placental abruption (abruptio placentae) are associated with mothers addicted to cocaine.

A client presents with a positive home pregnancy test. The client has a 7-month-old baby and a 2-year-old child with her. What is a priority assessment to be completed during this visit?

evaluation of nutrient status Explanation: Clients with pregnancies close together are at risk for entering pregnancy with nutrient deficiencies because there is not adequate time to rebuild nutrient stores.

The nurse is describing pregnancy danger signs to a pregnant woman who is in her first trimester. Which danger sign might occur at this point in her pregnancy?

excessive vomiting Explanation: Excessive vomiting is a warning sign in the first trimester. Dyspnea, lower abdominal pressures, and swelling of face or extremities may occur late in pregnancy.

To prevent exposure to hepatitis A virus, the nurse teaches the pregnant client to avoid which food?

raw fish Explanation: The hepatitis A virus is found in raw fish. Raw eggs and undercooked chicken can transmit salmonella, and swordfish can contain high levels of mercury.

The nurse is preparing to administer a prescribed medication to the pregnant client. Which order should the nurse question?

rubella Explanation: Most vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy and are considered teratogenic, such as rubella. Penicillin and acetaminophen may be taken under provider supervision. Folic acid supplementation should be encouraged.

Assessment of a pregnant client reveals leukorrhea. Which instruction will the nurse include when teaching the client about how to care for this condition?

showering daily Explanation: Leukorrhea, a whitish, viscous ,vaginal discharge or an increase in the amount of normal vaginal secretions, occurs in response to the high estrogen level and the increased blood supply to the vaginal epithelium and cervix in pregnancy. A daily bath or shower to wash away accumulated secretions and prevent vulvar excoriation usually controls this problem. Wearing cotton underpants and sleeping at night without underwear can be helpful to reduce moisture and possible vulvar excoriation. Some clients may need to wear a perineal pad to absorb the discharge. The nurse should caution the client not to use tampons because this could lead to stasis of secretions and subsequent infection. The nurse should also caution the client not to douche; douching is contraindicated generally and especially throughout pregnancy because fluid could be forced into the uterine cervix.

The nurse is reviewing all of the documentation on determining estimated date of delivery. Which objective data is included? Select all that apply.

sonogram fundal height calculating Naegele rule The following provide objective data on the estimated date of delivery (EDD). The sonogram (a gold standard) provides detailed fetal measurements confirming the gestational age. The fundal height provides growth data, and Naegele rule calculates the estimated date of delivery using the first day of the last menstrual period. A CT scan is not ordered. Pelvic exam findings provide data that the client is pregnant and can also provide data that true labor has begun.

The nurse is reviewing the charts of a group of clients. Which client's weight gain should the nurse be concerned about?

the client who gained 8 lb (4 kg) in the first trimester Explanation: Expected weight gain is 1.5 (0.68 kg) pounds per month in the first trimester and 1 lb (0.45 kg) per week in the second and third trimesters. A weight gain of 8 lb (4 kg) in the first trimester is excessive. The other weight gains are within range for the state of pregnancy.

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