NUT 121 (nice name) [CHAPTER 1-4]

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The macronutrients that we consume are broken down through digestion and then absorbed in order to _______________ . Metabolism is the set of chemical processes involved in utilizing these nutrients and maintaining life in all living organisms.

ultimately be used by the cells for energy

Which vitamin or mineral does not need to be listed on the Nutrition Facts panel?

vitamin C

The MyPlate Analysis report includes goals to help "Vary Your Veggies!" How many Dry Beans & Peas should Reuben aim to eat weekly?

2.5 cups weekly

How much does Coffee, Brewed (8 fluid ounces) weigh?

237 g

According to the MyPlate Analysis report, empty calories should exceed no more than 395 calories for someone like Reuben. How many empty calories did Reuben consume on this 2,000-calorie diet menu?

287 empty calories

If Kimmy ate all of the foods in this breakfast menu, how many kcals (calories) did she eat?


Reuben's dietary fiber intake from this one-day 2,000 calorie menu fell just short of his DRI of 38 grams dietary fiber. How many more grams of fiber would he have needed to eat to meet his dietary fiber DRI?


Number of kcals in a gram of carbohydrate


Identify the organ where most of the water gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

large intestine

Alpha is secreted by _________ which __________ Beta is secreted by _____ which _____

glucagon, increase blood glucose insulin, decrease blood glucose

From which organ of the GI tract do most of the nutrients get absorbed into the bloodstream?

small intestine

What percentage of the water entering the small intestine is absorbed by the small intestine? VOLUME ENTERS SMALL INTESTINE which is 9000 ML.... to get 8480mL you must do (volume entering the small intestine which is 9000 mL) subtract Volume entering the large intestine (which is 520mL) 9000 - 520 = 8480 then you divide by 9000mL.... which is 94%

% of Water absorbed by the small intestine = Volume absorbed by small intestine/volume entering small intestine = 8480mL/9000mL = 94%

This breakfast menu contains 182.33 ug vitamin A (RAE). How many calories does this amount of vitamin A yield?

0 calories

Energy density is calculated as kcals divided by grams of food. What is the energy density of this breakfast menu?

0.57 kcal/g

In addition to the fluids you drink, foods you eat also provide water. How many liters (L) of water (H20) are in this breakfast menu?

0.58 L

The MyPlate Analysis report generates data for Reuben based on a 2892 calorie pattern. At this level, how many oz equivalents of grains does MyPlate say Reuben should be eating per day?

10 oz. eq.

How many calories from carbohydrate does the Banana provide?

108 calories from carbohydrate

Number of Vitamins


What percent of the calories in the breakfast menu come from fat?

15% calories from fat

Organs of the digestive system

A. Mouth B. Salivary Gland C. Liver D. Stomach E. Large Intestine F. Rectum. G. Pharynx H. Esophagus. I. Gallbladder J. Pancreas K. Small intestine L. Anus

In addition to slightly increasing thermogenesis in the body, what else could 150 mg of caffeine do to a person?


Following are some examples of weight loss supplements that claim to work by altering metabolism in an advantageous way, resulting in weight loss. Take a close look and sort out the fact from fiction then answer the questions .If the supplement in this Ad truly blocked all fat absorption from diet, what would be the potential outcome?


Interferes with growth, maintenance, and repair of the body even though it is an energy source


Not considered a nutrient although it provides energy


yields 7 Kcals per gram


Type II Diabetes

Body's tissues fail to respond to insulin; resulting pancreas failing and insulin not producing insulin = decrease blood level glucose

Contains 4 kcals per gram is a major fuel source


Has the same energy density as protein


Broken down by enzymes embedded in the cellular membrane of the intestinal wall cell

Carbohydrates & Proteins


Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins

This is an example of a(n) ______________, which _____________.

Catabolic reaction, releases energy.. Metabolism is a term used to describe the sum of all metabolic processes involved in maintaining the life of an organism. In order for a cell to remain alive, it needs energy, which is obtained from the macronutrients we eat. The macronutrients must be digested, absorbed, and finally metabolized inside the cell to provide this needed energy. Metabolism involves both anabolic and catabolic chemical reactions. Anabolic reactions are involved in synthesizing larger more complex molecules from smaller ones. Anabolic reactions therefore require energy to build the larger molecules. Catabolic reaction are involved in the breakdown of larger more complex molecules to yield smaller more basic ones. These chemical reactions release energy. In the example, the conversion of triglycerides (larger more complex molecules) to a glycerol and three fatty acids (smaller more basic molecules) would be considered a catabolic reaction, which would release energy to the cell.


Complex carb, blood sugar rise up slowly, consist of polysaccharide

All of the following statements are true about carbohydrates except:

Complex carbohydrates include starch, fruit juice, and fiber.

The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses is known as __________________.

Confirmation Bias

A typical volume leaving the large intestine might be 120 mL. If the volume exiting the large intestine were 36 mL, then it would most likely indicate a case of ___________.

Constipation. Both diarrhea and constipation are caused by imbalances in absorption. Diarrhea is characterized by insufficient fluid absorption (leading to watery feces), whereas constipation is characterized by excess fluid absorption (leading to dry feces). In this case, the volume exiting the large intestine is lower than normal, which is a sign of constipation.

Choose the radio button below the image that depicts an individual making a change in nutrition behavior that increases the nutrient richness of his/her diet.

David went from eating French fries now he switches to baking potatoes in an oven.

For the NEXT three days (morning, lunch, and dinner) choose three items...

Day 1/2/3 Lunch Options (Day 1) Carrot Sticks Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread Water (Day 2) Fresh whole wheat pizza with grilled chicken, tomatoes, and spinach Grapes Skim Milk (Day 3) Banana Water Whole wheat tortilla with black beans, shredded chicken, tomatoes, and lettuce Day 1/2/3 Breakfast Options (Day 1) Orange PeaNUT butter (contains only peaNUTs) Whole Wheat Bread (Day 2) Banana Scrambled Eggs Skim Milk (Day 3) Box of regular Cheerios Plain Greek yogurt Skim Milk Day 1/2/3 Dinner Options (Day 1) Fresh broccoli Water Whole grain spaghetti pasta with meatballs (Day 2) Brown Rice w/ shredded chicken breast and black beans Skim Milk Yellow and orange bell peppers (Day 3) Carrot Sticks Cheeseburger with WHOLE wheat hamburger bun, ground beef (80% beef), cheddar cheese

Type I Diabetes

Decrease number of beta cells available to secret insulin = insufficient amount of insulin to meet the demands of the body

Subcategories of Total Carbohydrate on the Nutrition Facts panel are:

Dietary Fiber, Sugar, Added Sugars

Maltose Starch Galactose

Disaccharide Polysaccharide Monosaccharide

True or False: Without fully understanding why, individuals may experience weight loss from drinking green tea because it's replacing calorically-dense, nutrient-void beverages like soda. This swap results in a reduction of calories and food additives and an increase in antioxidants.


True or False: Excluding fat from the diet is the best and only way to get rid of excess fat on the body because it forces the body to metabolize fat for fuel.

FALSE. Fat, particularly healthy fats, are important part of a well-balanced, nutritious diet. In addition to being necessary for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, fats help provide prolonged satiety. Additionally, healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, reduce inflammation, a primary contributing and perpetuating factor of weight problems.

Calorically dense, 20-35% of caloric budget


Provides 9Kcals per gram


The most nutrient-dense


Which MyPlate food groups did Reuben meet or exceed his servings for on this 2,000-calorie diet menu?

Fruits and Protein

How does Reuben's iron intake on this 2,000-calorie diet menu compare to his DRI?

He almost doubled the amount of iron he needs

The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for sodium is 2,300 mg. How does Reuben's intake from this 2,000-calorie menu compare to the UL for sodium?

He ate 989 mg sodium more than the UL

The Daily Values (DV) on the Nutrition Facts panel of a food label differ from the DRIs. The DV for total fat for a 2,000-calorie diet is 65 g total fat. With Rueben's one day intake in this menu, how did his fat intake compare to the DV?

He ate about 10 g more fat than the DV

Why is the serving size on the Nutrition Facts panel important?

It is the basis for the other information on the Nutrition Facts panel.


Karen went from eating Cheetos to eating mixed nuts


Karen went from ordering fast food from a drive-thru switch to buying fresh food at a grocery store

Which of the following sugars is not found in plant foods?


Broken down into smaller molecules by bile salts


Which item in the breakfast menu contains the most protein?

Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free (8 fluid ounces)

Contained in orderly arrays in the bones and teeth


When weight loss supplement ads boast that a product boosts fat metabolism, are they referencing metabolizing the fat consumed for energy or existing fat stores for energy?

Most ads do not clarify this point

What is the likely motivation for a person giving up soup after an extended illness?

Negative associations

If a person decides to switch from drinking freshly squeezed orange juice to calcium-enriched orange juice after a yearly checkup, what is the most likely motivation?

Nutrition and health benefits

Which item from the breakfast menu contains the most calories?

Oatmeal, Quick, Dry (0.5 cup)

The large intestine is an example of a major organ of the digestive system. Which of the following statements describes the general function of this type of digestive organ?

Physically interacts with the ingested food, for example, storing the food, moving the food along the digestive tract, or absorbing nutrients released from processed food

Dietary fiber is also an important consideration when discussing the impact of carbohydrate sources on blood sugar levels. In this example, soda is a _______ of fiber and broccoli is a ________ of fiber.

Poor choice, good choice

If someone wanted to take a supplement that could improve their digestion and thus aid in metabolism by improving nutrient absorption and the mobility of food through the digestive tract, which of the following would be a good choice?

Probiotic supplement

Contains 4 kcals per gram and is a minor fuel source


Its role as a fuel source is relatively minor compared to the other two energy sources


The macronutrient least used for fuel


Coca cola

Simple carb, blood sugar rise up quickly, consist of monosaccharide

Which of the following statements is not true about carbohydrate structures?

Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose linked to galactose.

True or False: Any weight loss resulting from a supplement claiming to boost metabolism with a patented blend of herbs and 150 mg of caffeine derived from green coffee beans is most likely due to its caffeine content.

TRUE. Any weight loss that results from taking these supplements would most likely be related to the thermogenic increase from the caffeine content. Weight loss could also occur due to the placebo effect and/or potential diarrhea caused by a blend of herbs that are neither regulated, nor customized by a practitioner educated in herbology, for an individual's specific health needs.

TRUE OR FALSE: Even if green tea doesn't boost metabolism, it can still be part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

TRUE. Green tea is full of antioxidants and, as long as nothing is added to it, makes an excellent, calorie free alternative to sodas, energy drinks and other calorically dense, nutrient void beverages.

True or False: Rather than having major metabolism boosting powers, green tea may actually aid in weight loss because people are drinking green tea in place of calorically-dense, nutrient-void beverages such as soda.

TRUE. Without fully understanding why, individuals may experience weight loss from drinking green tea because it's replacing calorically-dense, nutrient-void beverages like soda. This swap results in a reduction of calories and food additives and an increase in antioxidants.

What might a person whose greatest motivation in dietary choices is convivence be most likely to eat?

TV dinner (seriously? don't like banquet lol)

The DRI for calcium for 19-30 year old males is 1,000 mg. How does the amount of calcium in this 2,000-calorie menu compare to the DRI?

There is more calcium in the menu than the DRI

In contrast, what percentage of the water entering the small intestine is absorbed by the large intestine? Volume entering the large intestine - volume leaving the large intestine = 520 - 120 = 400 mL

This would be 4%... to get this you must do 400 mL/9000mL = 4%

This 2,000-calorie menu meets or exceeds Reuben's DRI for all of the following, EXCEPT:

Vitamin D

All 13 of these play a role in the body


Some aid in blood clotting after a cut


Starting at the mouth and moving towards the anus, what is the correct order of the organs of the GI tract?

esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

Some are environmental contaminants that can disrupt body functions


These are inorganic and, thus, indestructible


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