NUTR Exam 3

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Which vitamins have the most antioxidants?

The three major antioxidant vitamins are beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

Not meant to cure disease

(other than the deficiency diseases associated with each vitamin). This traditional view of vitamins may soon change: research on new biochemical functions and effects of vitamins shows that their usefulness may go beyond preventing deficiency diseases.

1000 ml (one liter) of water is needed for every

1000 kcals burned (or eaten) in a day.

What vitamins are fat soluable?

A, D, E and K

Role of calcium in blood cells

Although only a small amount (1 percent) circulates in blood, but this blood calcium provides a critical life and death role. Blood levels of calcium must be kept within a very narrow range of 7-8 mg per 100 ml of blood. When blood levels drop below this amount because of either increased urinary or sweat loss, or because of inadequate calcium intake, a cascade of hormonal events result in the bones being robbed of their calcium to reestablish normal blood levels. If low blood levels are not corrected, body muscles cannot relax and organ systems fail in the condition known as tetany, and we die.

When Vitamin A becomes toxic

An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. The formation of visual purple which allows us to see in dim light is inhibited. If night blindness isn't treated, epithelial cells degenerate and the cornea becomes rough, scaly, dry and more susceptible to infection. As the eye surface or cornea becomes hardened, irreversible blindness results. This condition is known as xerophthalmia. Xerophthalmia is the major cause of blindness in children worldwide, especially children in developing nations. Toxicity symptoms usually occur only with improper supplementation practices. Ingesting 10 times the RDA for vitamin A for several months can cause hair to fall out, joint pain and central nervous system and internal organ problems. The worst that will happen if we ingest high levels of B-carotene is we may develop an orange complexion.

how to distinguish between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge-eating disorder are the most common eating disorders. AN is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of weight or shape. People with AN are often from high socio-economic staus families and are often perfectionistic. Those witth BN are able to hide the disorder because they are often at normal weight.

Food sources for sulfur

Arugula Carageenan Coconut milk, juice, oil Cruciferous veggies, including: bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard leaves, radish, turnips, watercress Dairy (except butter) Dried fruits Eggs Garlic Legumes and dried beans Lime/lemon juice in bottle Meat and fish Nuts Onions (leeks, shallots, chives also) Wine and grape juice

What is the food source for Vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is found in many fruits, but especially citrus fruits, strawberries, melons, and in some vegetables, especially those that are dark, leafy and green like broccoli and spinach. Vitamin C is a good antioxidant that prevents the reduction of some compounds in the body into harmful substances.


B12 are essential for the normal growth and formation of these cells. In addition, B12 maintains the myelin sheaths that insulate nerve fibers from each other.B12 is found in animal products only. So meat, milk, cheese and fish or eggs are the best sources.

Food source for potassium

Bananas are high in potassium; almost all fruits and vegetables are excellent sources including potatoes, broccoli and legumes

What is the main function of Vitamin E?

Because red blood cells carry oxygen, they are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage. Vitamin E protects red blood cells from breaking down as its main function is to protect lipid structures like cell membranes, from oxidative damage.


Bones affected by osteoporosis appear normal on the outside — they are as long and as wide as healthy bone — but the internal structure hollows out and becomes less dense. This leaves the bones more susceptible to fractures. Bones lose their ability to withstand the stresses of daily living. A simple fall can break a hip or wrist. The force of gravity can cause the spine to compress and hunch over in a syndrome known as Dowager's Hump.

Vitamin ___ enhances iron absorption


Function of chloride

Chloride is the anion form of chlorine and is toxic. Chloride is the major negatively charged ion or anion in the body. It is found in the fluid surrounding cells as well as in the intracellular spaces. Besides participating in water balance, chloride helps maintain acid-base balance in body fluids.

Deficiency and toxicity of Vitamin K

Deficiency symptoms are rare, but hemorrhaging could be a problem in newborn infants because we are born with a sterile GI tract and thus have no vitamin K-producing bacteria on hand. Adults on prolonged antibiotic therapy may kill off all their vitamin K-producing gut bacteria, and need to pay attention to food sources of vitamin K. Toxicity of vitamin K causes illnesses that are easy to predict from what we know of its effects. Excessive blood clotting leads to thrombosis and stroke. Drugs like coumiden and heparin are sometimes called blood thinners because they inhibit vitamin K action.

What vitamins can become toxic?

Fat soluable, A & D

Fat soluable viatmins

Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed along with dietary fat and transported in the blood by a protein carrier, just as other fatty substances must circulate. They are stored in the liver and in fatty tissue rather than excreted when we eat them in excess, thus they have the potential of becoming toxic, particularly vitamin A and vitamin D. Some of the fat soluble vitamins act much like hormones in the body cells. They are also relatively stable in storage and not easily destroyed by cooking or high heat.

Deficiency of Vitamin E

Few physical signs of toxicity have been seen even when large doses (400 IUs) have been ingested for a long period of time. However some data has shown disrupted vitamin K function after very large doses of vitamin E (over 800 IU) are consumed for prolonged periods.

folic acid

Folic acid and vitamin B12 are coenzymes in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, our genetic material. This means cell division and tissue growth depends on adequate amounts of these vitamins. Since red blood cells have a rapid turnover, folate and B12 are essential for the normal growth and formation of these cells.

What type of dietary pattern is thought to be protective against cancer?

For years, epidemiological research has shown a clear relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and cancer risk. People who eat the highest amounts of vegetables and fruits, have the lowest incidences of colon, lung and breast cancers. It has usually been assumed that the antioxidant nutrients in these plants, such as vitamins E, C and B were responsible for these protective effects, but now attention is being directed at another group of compounds called phytochemicals and phytoestrogens. a phytochemical found in broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and turnips increases the synthesis of an enzyme called glutathione transferase that blocks carcinogens from damaging DNA. Two other phytochemicals in tomatoes, coumaric acid and cholorgenic acid, may inhibit the production of carcinogens in the body. For example, nitrites and nitrates are added to foods like hot dogs and bacon to preserve them and keep them pink. Nitrites are also found naturally in spinach and are fairly harmless. During digestion, nitrites can combine with parts of amino acids to form the carcinogen nitrosamine. But the presence of coumaric and cholorgenic acid in tomatoes appears to inhibit the formation of nitrosamines. Coumeric and chlorogenic acid are also found in green peppers, pineapples, strawberries and carrots. Limonene in citrus fruits, ellagic acid in grapes and caffeic acid in apples, bananas and peaches all appear to act on carcinogens, by either dismantling them, forcing their excretion or blocking their action. Phytoestrogens, such as isoflavones in soybeans and insoles in cruciferous vegetables, alter estrogen use in the body. Estrogen is a carcinogen for breast tissue. Women who have reduced their exposure to estrogen, because of excessive exercise or because of delayed puberty, have a lower than average risk of developing breast cancer, especially before the age of 40. Phytoestrogens, by blocking the production and use of estrogen in the body, may reduce the risk of breast and even ovarian cancer. So vegetables and fruits seem magical in the prevention of cancer.

what characteristics are associated with a risk for with osteoporosis?

Gender- women are more likely to develop osteoporosis. Race- whites and asians Having a family history Fair or pale complected

What is the difference between hard and soft water?

Hard water... is water that contains an appreciable quantity of dissolved minerals (like calcium and magnesium). Soft water... is treated water in which the only ion is sodium. As rainwater falls, it is naturally soft. ... On the other hand, soft water tastes salty and is sometimes not suitable for drinking.

calcium toxicity and deficiency symptoms

If this process continues, it can lead to osteoporosis, which is a reduced bone mass. A calcium deficiency can also show up as symptoms of muscle cramps, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, and mental confusion. Calcium toxicity can lead to constipation.

the general characteristics associated with Bulemia, such as socioeconomic status, body size perception, temperament (personality types).

Impulsive, gulity, have depression, overvalues body weight and shape, college aged girls,

Signs of dehydration

Less severe degrees of dehydration can cause physiologic disorders and hinder athletic performance. At a 3 percent loss of body weight from water, muscles lose significant strength and endurance. If water is not replaced and as water loss approaches 10 percent of weight, heat stroke, circulatory collapse and kidney failure

What are the functions of calcium?

In addition to the major function of calcium to build and maintain bones and teeth, it is also important for the activity of certain enzymes, notably those involved in the release of energy from ATP. Calcium is also a cofactor for the enzymes that activate cAMP, a cell compound that allows for fight or flight responses. In the blood clotting process, calcium must be present to initiate the changes needed for the formation of the clot. Calcium also affects the transport function of cell membranes, acting as a membrane stabilizer. It is required for nerve transmission and for the regulation of heart beat. The proper balance of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium ions maintains muscle tone, and enables muscle contraction. Recent research suggests that calcium might play a role in the prevention of colon cancer.

Not sources of energy or calories per se

In their functions as coenzymes, they assist enzymatic reactions that allow us get energy out of food.


Insufficient vitamin D in childhood results in rickets. Children with rickets have soft, poorly mineralized bones that bow out and deform under the weight of the child.

Functions of iodine

Iodide, the anion form of iodine, is found in the thyroid gland. Thyroxine or thyroid hormone is made using iodide. This hormone in turn regulates a large number of activities which include heat production or metabolism, growth, reproduction and the growth of skin and hair.


Iron is an especially interesting mineral because iron deficiency is much more common is our society than other mineral deficiencies. A small amount of the iron in the body is stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. About 1 percent of functioning iron is a cofactor for enzyme systems involved in energy metabolism including the cytochromes in the mitochondria. Most of the iron in the body functions as either myoglobin, the molecule that oxygenates the muscles, or hemoglobin in red blood cells. Muscle mass is red primarily because of oxygenated myoglobin, just as oxygenated hemoglobin makes our blood appear red.

What is the best food source for Vitamin A?

Liver is one of the best food sources of preformed vitamin A. A less concentrated but safer source is milk; even skim milk is fortified with retinol. The best sources of B-carotene, the plant precursor to vitamin A, are orange vegetables and fruits like carrots, sweet potatoes and apricots and dark, leafy green vegetables like broccoli and spinach.

What nutritional characteristics are associated with a risk for osteoporosis?

Low body weight, low calcium intake, Alcoholic Beverages, High Coffee or Cola Intake, High Coffee or Cola Intake, Very High Fiber Diet

Vitamin D

Many nutrition scientists believe that vitamin D is more of a hormone than a vitamin because it is formed when UV light from the sun hits the skin and causes the chemical transformation of cholesterol-like substances there. About 15 minutes of sun exposure per day is enough to obtain sufficient vitamin D. However, people who are dark skinned, who rarely see the sun, or live in cloudy, smoggy areas, are institutionalized, or wear heavy clothing, may not make adequate amounts of vitamin D and this means they need to get it from food. Vitamin D's primary function is to maintain adequate levels of calcium in the blood. Say we didn't drink milk or eat any of the foods that contain calcium because we didn't like them. Eventually blood levels of calcium would start to fall. Should blood calcium levels drop too low, the consequences would be devastating; tetany would set in, respiratory and cardiac muscles would fail and death would follow. But vitamin D prevents this from happening by mobilizing calcium stores from the skeleton, recapturing calcium at the kidney and facilitating the absorption of whatever amount of calcium we eat in the gut.


Needed in tiny amounts. Our daily requirements for most vitamins are in the range of 1 to 5 milligrams or 1/500 of a teaspoon.

Niacin deficiency

Niacin deficiency is the cause of the disorder called pellagra.


Niacin deficiency is the cause of the disorder called pellagra. Pellagra was the major cause of death in the southern United States in the 1930s. At that time, the typical southern diet for poor people was corn meal, salt pork (which is really just fat), hominy and molasses — foods that contain absolutely no niacin and essentially no tryptophan. The symptoms of pellagra are sometimes called the "three Ds:" diarrhea, dermatitis (a hideous rash), and dementia or disordered thinking. Today alcoholics and those who depend primarily on corn as the staple source of calories are at risk for niacin deficiency.


Not enough Vitamin D, Adults face a similar deficiency disease called osteomalacia — or soft bones. But if the deficiency is severe, then tetany would eventually cause death.

Dietrary source of chloride

One of the best dietary sources of chloride is the water supply. Foods high in sodium chloride (salt) are good sources as well

What is the main food source of thiamin

Pork is the single best food source of thiamin, but other foods contain a fairly high nutrient density of thiamin including sunflower seeds, dried beans, whole grains and enriched refined grain products like white bread, white rice and pasta.

Function of potassium

Potassium is the major cation of the intracellular fluid. Along with sodium, potassium is involved in the maintenance of normal water balance. Potassium attracts water into cells, keeping them hydrated. When a person perspires profusely or takes a diuretic that causes potassium loss, potassium moves outside the cell. This causes water to leave as well, and the cells dehydrate become dysfunctional. Since potassium is an intracellular electrolyte, especially in lean body tissue, any tissue or cell growth or anabolism requires potassium. Since potassium content of the body is related to muscle mass, if new muscle mass is being formed as in weight training, an adequate supply of potassium is essential.

the RDA for iron for men and post menopasual women

RDA for men (and post menopausal women) is 8 mg

Function of sodium

Sodium is the major cation or positively charged ion in the extracellular spaces of the body like the blood stream. Its primary role is to attract water into the intercellular spaces and establish a normal balance of water throughout the body. Sodium also plays a role in the propagation of nerve impulses.

Risk factors of AN and BN

Some groups are at higher risk: girls are at higher risk than boys. Athletes, especially in weight control sports often struggle with eating disorders.

Function of water

Structure- Water is a building material for growth and repair of body tissues, water is also a solvent in which nutrients, sugars amino acids and vitamins are dissolved. Solvent/Transportation medium- Water in the blood acts as a transport medium delivering these dissolved nutrients and other substances to the cells. Chemical reaction component- Water is also the medium for all chemical reactions in the cell. Glucose needs to be dissolved in water before it can be catabolized to ATP. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats must be diluted in water before they can be digested into amino acids, glucose and fatty acids. Body temperature regulation- Perspiration during warm weather keeps the skin moist. When that moisture evaporates from the skin surface, heat is drawn away from the body and we cool down. lubricant/Body Part Protectant- water act as lubricants for the eyes, the nasal passages and protect body parts. The synovial fluid within joints protects bone from rubbing on bone and wearing down.

Functions of sulfur

Sulfur is an important part of several amino acids (the building blocks of protein), especially methionine and cysteine. It helps the body resist bacteria, cleanses the blood, and protects the protoplasm of cells. Key functions of sulfur include: Important in enzyme reactions and protein synthesis.


Thamin deficinity disease- This disease is called beri-beri, which means "I cannot, I cannot." Beri-beri is a serious disease of the nervous system. Symptoms include weakness, poor coordination or ataxia and water retention or edema. Once seen among Japanese sailors who relied upon polished white rice as their dietary staple, it now occurs most commonly in alcoholics because of their poor intake of thiamin, and because alcohol interferes with thiamin absorption.

What is the female athlete triad

The "female athlete triad" has long been recognised as a syndrome that has the potential to affect female athletes and consists of three inter-related disorders: x Osteoporosis x Disordered eating x Menstrual disorders. The potential impact of each of, and the combination of, these disorders is detrimental to performance and to health. Certainly, the increased risk of infertility, stress fractures, eating disorders, and osteoporosis in later life is a high price to pay for involvement in an essentially healthy activity. This is especially true, as many of these factors can be prevented with careful management.

Water soulable vitamins

The B vitamins make up the bulk of the water soluble vitamins. This group of vitamins functions as coenzymes: they interact with enzymes in body cells that perform various metabolic functions, allowing these enzymes to perform their job. Since these vitamins dissolve in water, they travel freely in the blood stream, and are easily excreted from the body. Since they aren't stored in our fatty tissue, they have less potential to become toxic when consumed in large amounts. But they are fragile and can be destroyed easily in food preparation.

What is the best food source for Vitamin D?

The best food sources of vitamin D are fortified milk and fish oil, like cod liver oil. Vitamin D is not naturally found in milk, it is added by milk producers, but it makes sense that it would be put in a food that is also high in calcium.

What are the best sources for calcium?

The best source of calcium is milk. Canned salmon or sardines (if you eat the bones) are high calcium sources. Broccoli is high in calcium for a vegetable. Blackstrap molasses contains about 140 mg of calcium in one tablespoon. Corn tortillas are another fair source, because the corn is ground with lime, and lime is a calcium salt.

Vitamin C defincency

The earliest signs of vitamin C deficiency are weakness, poor appetite, anemia, tenderness to touch, swollen inflamed gums that bleed easily, loosening teeth, painful swollen joints, and multiple bruises or subcutaneous hemorrhages. Wounds fail to heal and even scars of old wounds start to break down. Infections are likely to develop at these wound sites. Psychological disorders including hysteria, depression and hypochondriasis are associated with low vitamin C status. Cigarette smoking adversely affects the body's ability to utilize or absorb ascorbic acid; smokers make more free radicals or oxides and need more vitamin C to quench these toxins - at least three times greater than average.

What is the main food source of iron

The foods that are highest in iron are liver, beef and other meats, but prunes, prune juice and raisins are good sources as well. Spinach is sort of the symbolic food for iron, but it is so high in oxalic acid that virtually none of the iron in spinach is absorbed or bioavailable.

How can vitamins be lost?

The water soluble vitamins, especially thiamin, vitamin C and folate, can be destroyed with improper storage and excessive cooking. Heat, light, exposure to the air and cooking in large amounts of water are all factors that can harm vitamins. The sooner the food is eaten the less chance of vitamin loss.

What do all vitamins have in common?

They are all essential, organic, not sources of enery or calories and not meant to cure disease.


They are carbon containing compounds: they are fragile and can be damaged from exposure to heat or light.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed to form the pigment in the retina that allows for vision in dim light. It is also needed to maintain the health of epithelial tissue including the skin, the linings of the lungs and GI tract and the corneal cells on the eye's surface. Since vitamin A helps maintain the integrity of our skin, it also helps us resist infection. Vitamin A also appears to be critical for normal bone and tooth development.


Vitamin A's precursor (meaning it can be converted into Vitamin A in the body), Beta-carotene, is a plant pigment that ranges in color from pale orange to red. It's found in orange fruits and veggies, and all dark green plants--the chlorophyll in those plants just hides the yellow color. Beta carotene is converted in the body into active Vitamin A and is an powerful antioxidant, especially for our fatty body components. While retinol can be toxic when consumed in large doses for a long period of time, Beta-carotene is harmless even when eaten in massive amounts. Beta-carotene is stored in fatty tissues in the body and converted into retinol only when more retinol is needed. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant, meaning it can protect our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals--compounds that can cause damage to the dna in our cells, and cell structures. This damage can also contribute to cancer risk and promote the ageing process . Beta-carotene may be especially useful in preventing heart disease. Both vitamin A and Beta-carotene have been shown to have positive effects on the immune functions.

What is the main function of Vitamin C?

Vitamin C has multiple effects on the body, either as a coenzyme or cofactor. It seems to be present and essential to the normal function of all cell organelles including the mitochondria. Vitamin C is needed to form collagen. Connective tissue in bone matrix, skin and tendons, all contain collagen. Vitamin C helps maintain this cellular cement by preserving the integrity of the capillary bed. This promotes the healing of wounds, bone fractures, bruises and bleeding gums. Vitamin C is needed to produce the neurotransmitter norepinephrine from dopamine and it participates in the hydroxylation or activation of certain steroids made in the adrenal gland.


Vitamin C was not isolated until 1928, although its deficiency disease, scurvy, had been described as long ago as the time of the crusades and is commonly associated with sailors whose diet on long sea voyages lacked fresh fruits.

Which vitamin is the most toxic?

Vitamin D is the most toxic of the vitamins. However, large doses (as high as 2000 IUs per day) are perscribed commonly, without apparent risk. But since doses larger than this--over time--can create an overdose, Drs advise is recommended when taking very big doses of Vitamin D. Calcification of soft tissues, blood vessels and internal organs can kill a person who is supplementing with Vitamin D incorrectly.

What is the main food source of Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, which is fortunate, since oils are the best sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. But the vitamin E in oil is destroyed by frying. Leafy green vegetables are fair sources of vitamin E and whole grain products also contain high amounts because the oily germ of the grain — like wheat germ — concentrates vitamin E.

Definition of vitamin

Vitamins are substances found in food that we must get regularly from our diet in order to be healthy; they are considered "essential" for this reason. Their functions and structures are so diverse that at first it seems unlikely they would be grouped together as a class of nutrients.

Vitamin B

We mentioned earlier that the B vitamins function as coenzymes. Thiamin, niacin and riboflavin act as coenzymes in carbohydrate metabolism, meaning they assist in chemical reactions that release energy from carbohydrate. Thiamin is also used to transmit nerve impulses and to metabolize alcohol. Niacin is also required for fat synthesis and riboflavin participates in the breakdown of fat for energy. Vitamin B6 is a coenzyme involved in protein metabolism by facilitating the production of the nonessential amino acids, neurotransmitter synthesis and hemoglobin synthesis. In fact more than 50 enzyme systems involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism require vitamin B6. It has also been proposed that vitamin B6 plays a role in relieving PMS and carpal tunnel syndrome, and in modifying steroid action

symptoms of iron deficient anemia

When this happens we feel tired, exhausted and cold all the time.


a nonprotein compound that is necessary for the functioning of an enzyme.


act as coenzymes in carbohydrate metabolism, meaning they assist in chemical reactions that release energy from carbohydrate. Niacin is also required for fat synthesis and riboflavin participates in the breakdown of fat for energy.Niacin may cause flushing of the skin and nausea when taken in doses greater than 100 mg.


act as coenzymes in carbohydrate metabolism, meaning they assist in chemical reactions that release energy from carbohydrate. Thiamin is also used to transmit nerve impulses and to metabolize alcohol.

RDA for iron for women

adult women 18 mg

What vitamins are water soluable?

vitamins B and C

How much water should be compensated for what is lost?

every pound of water/fluid lost should be compensated with 2 cups (one pint) of water ie.: If an athlete loses 2 pounds during competition, she should have 4 cups of water to compensate for the weight loss.

Vitamins are divided into two classes:

fat soluble and water soluble.

what enhances and interferes with iron absorption

fiber, tea, phytates or phytic acid, oxylates or oxylic acid found in leafy greens all reduce iron absorption.

the general characteristics associated with AN, such as socioeconomic status, body size perception, temperament (personality types).

high standards of perfomance, responsible, obident, Eats very little food.

iron deficient anemia.

iron deficient anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by smaller, paler red blood cells than normal. There are also fewer red blood cells in the blood stream. Iron deficiency anemia is widely prevalent in the United States, especially among infants and preschool children who are poor eaters, drink only milk and eat little else. Milk is a very poor source of iron. All women of childbearing age, but especially adolescent girls and pregnant women, are susceptible to iron deficiency anemia. This problem is rarely seen in men.

Vitamin E

is really a group of compounds known as the tocopherols. It is rare for vitamin E deficiency symptoms to appear in our population, but low intake of vitamin E, not so low as to result in deficiency, may have repercussions to long term health and disease prevention. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant residing in fatty cell membranes. When oxygen free radicals come into contact with polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes, the integrity of the membrane structures are disrupted. Vitamin E, by sequestering and neutralizing free radicals, prevents polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell structures from being destroyed.

Folate defincity

may have some other unexpected effects. Tissues deficient in folate are more likely to undergo premalignant changes. The incidence of early stages of colon cancer was lower in a group of high risk patients who supplemented with folate than in those who did not. Folate deficiency might occur because of an increased folate turnover in rapidly dividing tissue such as occurs in growth or repair. Deficiency could also arise because cigarette smoke and other environmental agents inactivate or alter folate in the lung and other tissues.

Food sources of sodium

regular bread.


the active form of Vitamin A, is pale yellow in color and found in animal tissues such as liver or milk fat. Can be toxic if consumed in large doses.

What can Vitamin E Prevent?

the prevention of hemolytic anemia. Research shows supplementation with vitamin E may slow the process of heart disease. The oxidation of LDL is inversely related to the vitamin E concentration in LDL. Vitamin E in doses above the RDA may reduce the risk of some cancers and may slow the process of aging associated with oxidative damage. It also appears that vitamin E may play a role in increasing the body's immune system.

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