Nutrition 16-21

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In hot weather (80 degrees and above), if food is not to be consumed immediately, make sure cooling is done within ______ hour(s).

1 hour

What is an appropriate range of fat intake for children? Match each stage of childhood to the appropriate fat recommendation.

1 to 3 years 30 to 40% of total calories 4 to 18 years 25 to 35% of total calories

What is the recommendation for alpha-linolenic acid (the essential omega-3 fatty acid) during pregnancy?

1.4 grams/day

What percent of people in the United States are living at or below the poverty level?


Which of the following correctly describes a "standard drink" of an alcoholic beverage?12 fl oz of regular beer, 8 fl oz of wine, 3 fl oz of distilled spirits, 5 fl oz malt liquor

12 fluid ounces of regular beer

For men, heavy drinking refers to consuming

15 or more drinks per week.

All adults should engage in moderate intensity aerobic activity for at least ______ minutes per week.

150 to 300

The recommendation to limit caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day is equivalent to about

2 cups of coffee

To prevent foodborne illness, thoroughly wash your hands for at least ______ with hot, soapy water prior to food preparation.

20 seconds

When is gestational diabetes most likely to begin during a pregnancy?

20-28 weeks

The ideal age for pregnancy is between ______ and ______ years of age.


What should be included in a food plan for a pregnant woman who requires 2200 kcal per day during the first trimester?

3 cups from the vegetables group 3 cups of calcium-rich foods from the dairy group 2 cups from the fruits group

On average, how much do vitamin requirements increase during pregnancy?


Compared to meals prepared at home, the average meal consumed from fast-food restaurants provides

300 more kilocalories. 14 more grams of fat. 400 more milligrams of sodium.

Although people older than age 65 make up less than 15% of the U.S. population, they account for nearly ______ of the federal health budget.


How many Americans live at or below the Federal Poverty Level?

37 million

A gestation period of at least ______ is one criterion for a successful pregnancy.

37 weeks

The normal duration period of pregnancy is ______ to ______ weeks

38 to 42

Human milk is sufficient to meet nutrient needs of most infants for the first ______ months of life. After that time, complementary foods are necessary to provide adequate nutrition.

4 to 6

Danger zone temperature

40-140 degrees

What are the carbohydrate needs for infants at 0-6 months?

60 grams per day

For women, heavy drinking refers to consuming

8 or more drinks per week

What are the carbohydrate needs for infants at 7-12 months?

95 grams per day

_______ has been identified as a disease that significantly contributes to undernutrition in developing nations because it reduces worker productivity and costs so much to treat.


In which of the following ways can kidney disease compromise nutritional status?

Affects the kidneys' ability to reabsorb some nutrients Impairs ability to shop for and prepare food

Heart-healthy dietary habits should begin during childhood. Which of the following habits promote heart health throughout the lifespan?

After age 2, choose low-fat dairy products. Remove visible fat and skin from meats. Incorporate two servings of fish each week.

Which calorie source requires no digestion and is the most efficiently absorbed?


What are some substances a woman should avoid/eliminate both in preparation and during pregnancy?

Alcohol Tobacco NSAIDs Common cold medications

Which of the following are reasons to avoid alcohol when trying to become pregnant?

Alcohol increases risk for birth defects. Alcohol disrupts normal ovulation in women.

What is a good strategy to reduce lead content in tap water?

Allow cold water to run 2-3 minutes after a period of inactivity.

Which statement is true about breastfeeding and women?

Almost all women are physically capable of breastfeeding.

Which statement best describes a food intolerance?

An adverse reaction to food that does not involve an immune response to an allergen

What is physiological anemia?

An increase in blood volume that dilutes red blood cell concentration

Which of the following infants is likely to be born with a low birth weight?

An infant born 14 months after his older sibling

What are some negative effects that medications and supplements can have on the body?

Antibiotics can deplete the body of vitamin K. Iron supplements can interfere with the functioning of zinc and copper. Diuretics and laxatives can cause excess water loss

What is one of the best predictors of pregnancy outcome?

Appropriate weight gain during pregnancy

Why are the caloric and micro/macronutrient needs per kilogram of body weight of children less than the needs of infants?

As an infant transitions through the toddler and preschool years, growth rate decreases.

When should tooth brushing begin?

As soon as teeth appear.

Which preservation technique sterilizes the food and the container separately?

Aseptic Processing

Which statement is true about bacteria?

Bacteria are present in our bodies and in our environment, food, and water.

What are some suggestions consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Balance energy input with energy output. Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Limit intake of foods with added sugars.

At what stage of pregnancy is birth considered to be preterm?

Before 37 weeks

Which statements are true in terms of the nutritional needs of an infant during development?

Before 6 months of age, breastfeeding or formula feeding can meet the nutritional needs of an infant. Vitamin D supplementation is necessary for both breastfed and formula-fed infants if vitamin D intake is less than 400 IU per day. Iron stores are exhausted at around 6 months, so infants need to begin consuming iron-fortified solid foods.

What is a collection of processes that use biological systems to alter and improve the characteristics of plants and animals?


Which statement is true about birth defects rates in the United States?

Birth defects impact 1 in 33 babies born in the U.S.

How can a caregiver alleviate an newborn infant's discomfort caused by swallowing air during a feeding?

Burp the infant during and immediately after a feeding.

Which statements are true about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs?

CSA programs are one part of the growing locavore movement. Families or companies receive a share of food produced by a farm in return for money or labor.

High fat intake can lead to which of the following?

Certain cancers Obesity Heart disease

What population is at the highest risk of death due to depressed immune function associated with chronic undernutrition?


What are the four basic rules set by the USDA as part of the food safety program?

Chill Clean Separate Cook

What are the main dietary recommendations for infants set by the American Academy of Pediatrics?

Choose foods containing iron, zinc, and calcium Do not restrict fat intake Build to a variety of foods Avoid excessive fiber Pay attention to infant satiety cues Moderate sugar and sodium intake

Which two types of bacteria only grow in anaerobic environments

Clostridium perfringens Clostridium botulinum

Programs that involve partnerships between food producers and local consumers in which the farms provide shares of their harvest with community members who support the farm by working on or financing the farm are called:

Community Supported Agriculture

Which factors differentiate cow's milk from human milk?

Cow's milk is too high in minerals and protein in comparison to human milk. Cow's milk does not contain enough carbohydrate to meet the infant's need. Certain proteins in cow's milk may spur allergies in the infant.

Which of the following are recommended rules when using a cutting board to prepare food?

Cutting boards made of plastic, marble, or glass are recommended. Replace cutting boards when they have hard-to-clean groves and cuts.

Folate is important for fertility because of its role in

DNA synthesis.

What are some common sources of caffeine?

Dark chocolate Black tea Energy drinks Soft drinks

Choose the reasons why poverty is increasing in the developing world.

Depletion of natural resources The burden of AIDS Political and civil unrest

Which of the following factors may contribute to undernutrition among older adults?

Depression and social isolation Many older adults have fixed incomes Declining physical and mental function

Choose the risk factors that put a woman at greater risk for gestational hypertension.

Diabetes African-American race Woman's first pregnancy

What are the symptoms that occur when infected with salmonella species?

Diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting.

Which of the following are true statements about the relationship between nutrition and immune function?

Diarrheal disease impairs nutritional status. Zinc and iron are vital for resistance to infectious disease. Poor vitamin A status increases susceptibility to infection.

Which of the following are appropriate rules to follow to avoid foodborne illness when purchasing food?

Don't buy or use food from damaged containers that leak, bulge, or are severely dented. Quickly transport perishable foods home and refrigerate them promptly.

Which statement is true about milk-producing cells in the breast?

During pregnancy, hormones from the placenta stimulate the development of lobules.

What are some things that older adults should do to maintain normal glucose metabolism (i.e., prevent diabetes) as they age?

Eat fiber-rich foods Maintain a healthy weight Exercise

What are some foods that are most susceptible to rapid growth of microorganisms?

Eggs Meat Dairy products

What are some examples of inappropriate feeding practices for infants?

Encouraging the infant to wake up and finish a feeding if there is still formula left in the bottle. Providing 2 to 3 cups per day of 100% fruit juice. Providing vitamin and mineral supplements exceeding 100% of the recommendations

The government agency that determines the safety of pesticides is the:

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Which of the following are goals of sustainable development?

Environmental health Social equity Economic profitability

Which types of bacteria cause foodborne illness?

Escherichia coli Campylobacter jejuni Salmonella species Listeria monocytogenes

Which of the following dietary components must be increased to support pregnancy?

Essential fatty acids Protein Carbohydrates

Which statement is true about the development of healthful eating habits, regular physical activity, and the life span?

Establishing healthful eating habits and regular physical activity at a young age will most likely carry over into adulthood.

What are the risk factors associated with early development of cardiovascular disease among children?

Family history or unknown family history of cardiovascular disease High blood pressure Smoker Overweight/obese Diabetes

What are some benefits of using a sustainable agriculture system?

Farm families are provided a secure living. Quality of life is enhanced for farmers and their families. The natural environment and resources are maintained.

Which statements are true in reference to the function and importance of fat in the infant's diet?

Fat helps infants meet their calorie needs given their small stomach capacities. Fat helps with the development of the infant's nervous system.

How can fiber help keep an adult healthy?

Fiber can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fiber helps prevent constipation. Fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels.

When is the most critical time period for potential problems to occur during pregnancy?

First trimester

Which of the following is a normal reaction to pregnancy?

Fluid retention due to placental hormones

______ is a B vitamin that is important for DNA synthesis and homocysteine metabolism.


What is it called when the quality, variety, and/or desirability of the diet are reduced and there is difficulty at times providing enough food for everyone in the household?

Food insecurity

What are the three best ways to safely thaw foods?

Foods may be thawed in the microwave oven Foods may be thawed in the refrigerator Foods may be thawed by placing them under cold potable running water

Foodborne illnesses most commonly affect the:

GI tract

______ is the period of intrauterine development of offspring.


Which statement is true about when females reach their peak growth rate?

Girls experience peak growth rate just before the onset of menstrual periods.

Which of the following are good options for older adults with poor dentition?

Ground beef Cooked vegetables

What is offered as part of the WIC program?

Health assessments Vouchers for foods

Nutrition security refers to adequate access to which three of the following?

Health care Sanitation Food

Which factor contributes to the increased occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy?

Hormones from the placenta relax GI tract muscles.

What are some common physiological changes that occur during pregnancy?

Hormones relax muscles of uterus and GI tract Fluid retention due to placental hormones

What are the two most dangerous substances encountered in routine daily living in urban areas of developing countries?

Human feces Human urine

Which of the following dietary components is necessary during the first six months of life?

Human milk or infant formula

What are the underlying causes of malnutrition today?

Inadequate access to food Inadequate health care

What are some factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis?

Inadequate intake of vitamin D and calcium Reduced absorption of vitamin D

Choose the benefits of genetic engineering.

Increase in crop yield. Crops that resist predators. Reduction in pesticide use.

Which of the following are outcomes of using pesticides in food production?

Increased crop yields Decreased food production costs

Which population group is most vulnerable to consequences of consuming contaminated water?

Infants and children

Maternal nutrient levels of ______ become depleted with successive pregnancies followed by breastfeeding.

Iron and folate

How does irradiation control microbial growth?

It breaks down microbial DNA, cell membranes, and cell walls

Select the two common forms of protein-calorie malnutrition from the list below.

Kwashiorkor Marasmus

What are some strategies that caregivers may use to reduce the development of dental caries and other related dental problems during childhood?

Limit intake of sticky, sugary foods. Seek early dental care. Drink fluoridated water.

What are some reasons why people have begun to demand more locally grown foods from grocery stores and food service establishments?

Locally grown produce cuts the cost of long transportation and thus uses less fossil fuel. Locally grown produce helps support the local economy.

Impaired function caused by either a chronic deficiency or excess in calorie and/or nutrient intake is called


What is the term for a condition of impaired development or function caused by a chronic deficiency or excess in calorie and/or nutrient intake?


Choose the statements that accurately describes bacteria?

May form spores Some can live without oxygen Single-cell microorganisms

What characteristics of food increase the likelihood of microorganisms causing a foodborne illness?

Moist Slightly acidic Rich in protein

Which of the following are physical symptoms related to withdrawal from alcohol?

Nausea and vomiting Insomnia Seizures

The number one pathogen causing foodborne illness in the United States is


Which foods should be increased in a vegan diet to meet the nutritional needs during pregnancy?

Nuts Grains Beans Seeds

What are some strategies used to prevent foodborne illness when purchasing food at the grocery store?

Observe "best by" and expiration dates printed on food packaging. Purchase only the amount of produce needed for a week's time. Select meat, fish, and poultry at the end (rather than the beginning) of the shopping trip.

Congregate and home-delivered meals for all U.S. citizens aged 60 and older are provided through the federally funded:

Older Americans Act

Which statements are true about the Norovirus infection?

Onset of symptoms occurs 12 to 48 hours after exposure. Symptoms may include vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea.

What are some strategies used to prevent foodborne illness when purchasing frozen or perishable foods?

Pack perishable foods such as meats and fresh produce in separate plastic bags. Frozen foods should be selected last.

Which of the following innovations may help to lessen world hunger for years to come?

Pest-resistant crops Self-fertilizing crops Drought-resistant crops

Which statement is true about pesticides used in food production?

Pesticide use produces both beneficial and unwanted effects.

Which factors contribute to edema during pregnancy?

Placental hormones Increased blood volume

What are some nutritional problems experienced by infants that are born before 37 weeks' gestation?

Poor ability to suck and swallow Insufficient fat Insufficient iron and calcium stores

What are some nutrients that can maximize immune system function?

Protein Zinc Iron

Choose advantages of a farm-to-fork approach.

Provides fresher options. Increased transparency with the food supply.

The symbol that indicates a food has been irradiated is called the:


What are some physical changes that occur with aging?

Reduced bowel function Weakened sense of thirst Decreased vision

What are some strategies used to prevent foodborne illness when purchasing canned and/or jarred foods?

Refrain from purchasing jars with evidence of leakage. Refrain from purchasing severely dented cans.

What are some strategies one may use to reduce exposure to pesticides?

Remove the outer leaves of leafy vegetables. Clean and peel fruits and vegetables.

Which of the following health changes are commonly considered to be part of usual aging?

Rising blood pressure Increasing body fat Decreasing muscle mass

Which program helps children who come to school hungry?

School Breakfast Program

Choose strategies to prevent foodborne illness when purchasing food at the store.

Select frozen foods and perishable foods last. Observe sell-by and expiration dates. Do not buy food from damaged containers that leak, bulge, or are severely dented.

Which of the following are examples of biotechnology used for grain production?

Selective breeding of better plant hybrids Increased resistance to mildew and bacterial diseases Agricultural wheat crossed with wild grasses

Which of the following describes aseptic processing?

Simultaneous sterilization of food and packaging

Around the world, ______ has the highest rates of new HIV infections each year.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Which nutritional intervention for treatment of autism spectrum disorder is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics?

The AAP does not endorse any of these.

What is the RDA for carbohydrates during pregnancy?

The RDA for carbohydrates increases to 175 grams per day during pregnancy.

Which of the following accurately describes a food allergy?

The immune system reacts to a harmless food protein.

Which of the following are considered to be important indicators of a successful pregnancy?

The mother's physical and emotional health are protected. Infant birth weight is greater than 5.5 pounds

What does the USP symbol on prenatal supplements signify?

The supplement meets the standards set by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia.

Which food will have a higher nutrient content?

There are not significant differences in carrots grown organically and those grown using conventional farming methods

What are some strategies to prevent foodborne illness when preparing food?

Thoroughly wash hands prior to food preparation. Use separate cutting boards for meats and produce. Defrost poultry in the refrigerator prior to cooking.

How do parasites spread?

Through contaminated soil Through direct contact from person-to-person Through contaminated water Through contaminated foods

Which of the following is not a federal food program?


When choosing a prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement, what should one look for on the label in order to ensure the product is safe?

USP symbol

What is the most common type of malnutrition in developing countries?


Which of the following is a true statement about the relationship between AIDS and nutrition?

Use of a balanced multivitamin and mineral supplement slows deterioration of health.

Which of the following are criteria used to diagnose alcohol use disorders?

Using alcohol in greater amounts or more often than intended Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is not consumed Wanting a drink badly

What term refers to those changes commonly thought to be a typical or expected part of aging, such as increased body fat, declining bone mass, and increasing poor health?

Usual aging

Which foods should be emphasized to improve the diets of children (older than age 2)?

Vegetables Whole-grain breads and cereals Fruits Low-fat milk and milk products

A deficiency of ______ is a leading cause of preventable blindness around the world.

Vitamin A

Select the nutrients that are integrally involved in proper immune function from the list below.

Vitamin A Zinc Protein

What nutrients may be lacking in the diet of a child consuming a strict vegetarian diet?

Vitamin B-12 Iron Vitamin D

What are the nutritional risks for vegetarian children?

Vitamin B-12 deficiency Inadequate calorie intake Iron-deficiency anemia Vitamin D deficiency

During pregnancy, the RDA or AI increases for which of the following vitamins?

Vitamin B-6 Vitamin B-12 Folate

Pair the vitamin with the appropriate classification for supplementation.

Vitamin K injection: Given to all infants at birth Vitamin D supplementation: Given to breastfed and formula-fed infants until intake of formula or solid foods provides adequate amounts Vitamin B-12 supplementation: Given to breastfed infants whose mothers are vegans

What is the name of the program that provides food vouchers and nutrition education to pregnant and lactating women and their children?


What program is focused on reducing infant mortality by providing quality health care and nutrition education and improving nutrition intake?


Which of the following has a nutrition education component as a part of the program?


What are some strategies one may use in order to handle meat and poultry safely and prevent foodborne illness?

Wash all utensils and surfaces after touching raw meat and poultry. Keep meats and poultry refrigerated or frozen. Keep raw meats and poultry separate from other foods.

Which of the following are physiological symptoms of hunger?

Weakness Stomach pain

Which of the following situations may be classified as failure to thrive?

Weight-for-age below the 5th percentile Declining two or more major percentile lines over time

The green revolution focused on which of the following crops in developing countries?

Wheat Corn Rice

What are some foods that are major contributors of calories to the adult diet?

White bread Soft drinks Potatoes Beef

Which of these is the leading cause of constipation among young children?

Withholding bowel movements.

WIC stands for

Women, Infants, and Children

The city's local supply of food for the school system was intentionally poisoned with a chemical agent that caused respiratory paralysis. This is called


The deliberate introduction of harmful agents into the agricultural and food process system with the intent of causing actual or perceived damage is called:


Arrange these common sources of caffeine in order from highest caffeine content (top of the list) to lowest caffeine content (bottom of the list).

all 8 oz: coffee black tea green tea hot coco

Among children, consuming too much caffeine can lead to

anxiety. insomnia. gastrointestinal distress.

According to federal law, a pesticide is:

any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest.

To preserve bone mass, older adults should

avoid smoking. limit alcohol intake to 1 drink per day. consume adequate calcium and vitamin D.

The gluten-free, casein-free diet excludes foods made with

barley. wheat. milk.

Prior to cooking, eggs and egg products should always be stored

below 40 degrees

Audra just got a promotion and goes out to celebrate with friends after work. She orders several rounds of shots for her friends, and within 2 hours, she has consumed five shots of liquor and is intoxicated. Audra's pattern of drinking can be classified as

binge drinking.

Breeding the best bull with the best cows is an example of:


Since the 1930s, ______ has helped double corn production and made wheat with increased resistance to mildew and bacterial diseases and tolerance to salt or adverse climatic conditions.


Among adolescents, alcohol abuse affects

body composition. cardiovascular health. liver function. brain development.

Physical activity has been shown to reduce _____ among older adults.

bone loss

A stimulant found as a natural or added ingredient in many foods and beverages is:


A teen who follows a vegetarian diet may have low intakes of

calcium. iron. vitamin B-12.

Listeria bacteria ______ multiply at refrigeration temperatures.


Dangers from exposure to pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables are partly dependent on how frequently a particular type of pesticide is consumed. Thus, you should:

choose a variety of fruits through out the week

Corn has been genetically modified by the insertion of a gene that:

confers pest resistance.

What first action should a pregnant woman take if she is interested in beginning a regular physical activity program during pregnancy?

consult a physician

When it comes to carbohydrate choices, women with PCOS should

consume fewer sugar-sweetened beverages. choose whole grains instead of refined grains.

The cause of death for many children in developing countries is:

consuming contaminated water.

Lead and mercury are examples of _____ that can be found in our foods


The most reliable way to destroy foodborne viruses and bacteria is through


Per kilogram of body weight, calorie intake ______ from infancy into childhood.


For a pesticide to be approved for use by the EPA, the pesticide must:

demonstrate that the benefits of use outweigh the risks of using it. cause no unreasonable adverse effects on people and the environment.

In the developing world, agricultural production is:

depleting natural resources. not sustainable for the long term.

Environmentally unsustainable farming methods are undermining food production, especially in:

developing countries

An infant's birth weight ______ within the first 4 to 6 months and ______ by the first birthday.

doubles; triples

The most dangerous consequence of poor judgment among teens is drinking and _____.


The Sustainable Development Goals aim to improve gender equality by increasing women's access to:

economic resources. education. information and communication technologies.

How has the Peace Corps helped to improve conditions in developing nations?


Direct food aid is a long-term solution that should be utilized for developing countries.


Dietitians should recommend only organic foods for clients and patients attempting to lose weight.


Seafood is considered fully cooked or done when it appears translucent and shiny.


To ensure thorough cooking of meats at a cookout, it is a good idea to partially cook meats at home prior to grilling at the cookout site.


True or false: By six months of age, more than half of infants in the United States are still exclusively breastfed.


True or false: Infants are able to consume cow's milk after 3 months of age.


True or false: Older adults typically consume adequate amounts of water.


The National School Lunch Program enables students to receive free or reduced lunches based on:

family income.

What situation associated with malnutrition is often a result of crop failures, war, and political unrest?


is an extreme shortage of food, which leads to massive starvation in a population


______ are a dense source of energy (9 kcal/g) and serve as important regulators of the growth and development of the infant's nervous system.


Who is at the highest risk for negative health consequences from consumption of unpasteurized dairy products?

females who are pregnant

Most Americans would benefit from eating more ______ because of its rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Multiple choice question.


Choose the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that are most critically missing from diets worldwide.

folate iron vitamin A zinc

What exists when the quality, variety, and/or desirability of the diet is reduced and there is difficulty at times providing enough food for everyone in the household?

food insecurity

A condition in which there is adequate access to safe and nutritious food is called:

food security

All of the following are major contributors of calories to the adult diet EXCEPT:


What types of foods should be emphasized to make childhood feeding practices more healthful?

fruits and vegetables

Crops that resist predators, a reduction in pesticide use, and increases in crop yield are all benefits of

genetic engineering

The manipulation of the genetic makeup of an organism with recombinant DNA technology is known as:

genetic engineering.

The biggest nutritional debate in the United States surrounds the use of:

genetically modified foods

High blood glucose that occurs for the first time during pregnancy is called

gestational diabetes.

MyPlate is an appropriate food guide for children, with special emphasis on

good food sources of iron and zinc. moderating fat and sugar intake. good food sources of calcium

Physiological anemia during pregnancy is also referred to as


What are some examples of pesticides?

herbicides, insecticides, fungicides

The two factors associated with the high calorie needs of the infant include

high metabolic rate. rapid growth.

A woman's needs for vitamin A and iodine during breastfeeding are ______ her needs for vitamin A and iodine during pregnancy.

higher than

As a percentage of total calories, the recommended fat intake for an infant is ______ that for any other stage of the life cycle.

higher than

"Morning sickness" is probably due to changes in the pregnant woman's

hormone levels.

Dangers from exposure to pesticides through food depend on:

how concentrated the substance is in the food. how potent the chemical toxin is. the person's resistance or susceptibility to the substance. how much and how frequently the food is eaten.

What are the potential sources of diseases in urban areas of the developing world?

human urine and feces inability to dispose of dead animals and people killed from civil war insect and rodent infestations

The primary physiological (internal) drive to find and eat food is called


Edema becomes a concern if it is accompanied by

hypertension and protein in urine

An infant who has iron-deficiency anemia is at risk for several health problems later in life. These may include

impaired cognition. behavioral problems. impaired motor development.

Biotechnology has begun to ______ crop yields on shrinking amounts of farmable land.


The long-term solution for getting food aid to developing countries is to:

improve infrastructure.

The Sustainable Development Goals aim to improve nutrition security for women by:

improving women's access to education, technology, and economic resources.

Failure to thrive can result from

inadequate nutritional intake. parental neglect. nutrient malabsorption.

Undernutrition is usually accompanied by which of the following two factors?

inadequate sanitation inadequate shelter

For a person who must be hospitalized for surgery, poor nutritional status can

increase risk for infections. delay wound healing. lengthen the hospital stay.

Excess consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among children can lead to

increased inflammation high blood lipids. weight gain.

Which of the following are associated with chronic hunger?

increased susceptibility to infection. impaired ability to learn. reduced energy and strength.

HIV infection ______ daily calorie requirements.


The "graying" of North America is ______ federal health care expenditures.


Worldwide hunger is primarily an outcome of:

inequitable distribution of food resources around the world.

Long-term hunger is associated with increased susceptibility to

infectious illness

Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus cause illness from:


Closely spaced pregnancies can dramatically deplete maternal stores of:


Which two supplements should not be taken together to avoid competition for absorption

iron calcium

Compared to the needs of nonpregnant women, the RDA for ______ is increased during pregnancy.

iron zinc iodine

What are some examples of environmental contaminants that may be found in our food supply?

lead mercury cadmium

Milk producing cells found in the breast are commonly referred to as ______.


To improve fertility among women with PCOS, research most clearly supports the benefits of

lose weight

Common causes of constipation among young children include

low fiber intake. withholding bowel movements. low physical activity.

A preterm infant is likely to have

low iron and calcium levels.

Siblings born in close succession are more likely to be born with a ______ birth weight than those farther apart in age.


The consequences of a preterm birth include:

lower birth weights. reduced lung function.

A woman's needs for folate and iron during breastfeeding are ______ her needs for folate and iron during pregnancy.

lower than

Childhood is an important time to establish behaviors such as

making nutrient-dense food choices. engaging in physical activity during leisure time. eating in response to hunger cues.

Oral health is linked to nutritional status. Poor dentition may cause older adults to avoid ______, which are rich sources of iron and zinc.


Adequate intake of ______ at least 8 weeks before conception and during pregnancy improves pregnancy outcomes.

minerals vitamins

Eric is a middle-aged male who typically consumes 2 beers every night while watching television. His drinking habits would be considered

moderate drinker

Compared to cow's milk, human milk contains ______ essential fatty acids.


Infants born to mothers with a prepregnancy BMI of 25 or higher are ______ to experience health problems compared to infants born to mothers of BMI in the range of 18.5 - 24.9.

more likely

Certain hormones increase a pregnant woman's sense of smell contributing to

morning sickness

The cause of 90% of all diarrheal disease outbreaks on cruise ships is:


What virus is typically responsible for foodborne illness outbreaks on cruise ships?


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program provides ______ to low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant and lactating women and their young children.

nutrition education electronic benefit transfers (EBT)

High intakes of 100% fruit juices in children have been linked to

obesity. metabolic syndrome. fatty liver.

Thoroughly cooked fish appears

opaque or dull

Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, reduced calcium and vitamin D absorption, and the reduced synthesis of vitamin D in the skin are all factors that contribute to the development of


Choose the pathogen that is made of one or many cells, lives in or on another organism, and derives nutrients from their host organism.


To prevent foodborne illness, choose milk and cheese products that are:


________ energy balance occurs when the calories consumed exceeds the amount of calories required to support metabolism and physical activity


Adequate folate intake at least 8 weeks prior to conception helps prevent

premature birth. neural tube defects.

A form of undernutrition caused by an extremely deficient intake of calories or protein and generally accompanied by an illness is called

protein - calorie malnutrition

What are areas in which the Peace Corps has helped improve conditions in developing nations?

providing food building structures providing medical supplies

Irradiation is a process in which ______ energy is applied to foods, creating compounds within the food that destroy cell membranes, break down DNA, link proteins together, limit enzyme activity, and alter a variety of other proteins and cell functions of microorganisms that can lead to food spoilage. Multiple choice question.


Genetic engineering is the manipulation of the genetic makeup of any organism with:

recombinant DNA technology.

Of the following alcohol sources, which one is the healthiest choice?

red wine

Major benefits of using pesticides include:

reduced food costs. increased crop yields.

Where should food be marinated?


The majority of norovirus outbreaks attributed to food contamination occur in:


War can lead to malnutrition because:

roads that are used to transport food may be impassable. people can be driven from their home. damage to the infrastructure disrupts water sanitation.

During the first trimester, the calorie needs for a pregnant woman are ______ when not pregnant.


The early signs of cardiovascular disease in children are ______ to the early signs seen in adults.


As adulthood progresses, the rate of hormone synthesis and release will:


More than 90% of the _____ produced in the United States have been genetically modified to resist pests or to tolerate herbicides.


Caffeine is a(n)


Maintaining or enhancing the land and natural resources for the long term, as well as taking into consideration human resources and consumer health and safety, are all principles of:

sustainable agriculture.

Consuming protein in amounts slightly higher than the RDA may help preserve muscle and bone mass in aging adults.


Sustainable agriculture practices aim to satisfy human food needs, preserve the environment, and promote economic viability over the long term.


Low-income children of school age are eligible for:

the National School Lunch Program.

The Radura symbol on a food label indicates:

the food has been irradiated.

A variety of agricultural technologies that increased crop yields in developing nations in the 1960s is called:

the green revolution

It may be beneficial to feed a child 6 small meals as opposed to 3 larger meals each day because

their stomachs are so small.

Older adults need nutrient-dense diets because:

they must meet micronutrient requirements without exceeding energy requirements.

Americans do not eat enough fish to cause concern about high intakes of environmental contaminants.


The majority of foodborne illness cases are undiagnosed.


True or false: A person taking herbal supplements should keep a diary of symptoms, consult a physician, and never combine supplements. These steps will help prevent the risk of negative effects as a result of taking herbal supplements.


True or false: Alcohol is the most efficiently absorbed calorie source.


True or false: Infection with Listeria monocytogenes is of particular concern for pregnant women because it can cause fetal death.


True or false: Physiological declines that occur during aging cause the effects of medications and nutrient supplements to be exaggerated and last longer in older adults.


True or false: Protein, carbohydrate, and micronutrient needs are increased to support pregnancy.


select frozen and perishable foods last


Death and disease from infections increase dramatically when they occur during a state of chronic ______.


An estimated 67% of cases of foodborne illness are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because they are caused by _____, which are difficult to detect.


Infants are born with a low level of _____ because limited amounts of the vitamin are transferred from mother to the fetus and because breastmilk is not particularly high in the vitamin, so infants are given an injection of the vitamin at birth.

vitamin K

The main principle behind many food preservation methods is to decrease

water content

The School Breakfast Program was established for children:

who meet certain income guidelines.

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 modified the National School Lunch Program to increase intake of

whole grains. fruits and vegetables.

There are some strains of bacteria that grow only in anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic means:

without oxygen.

Who is at most risk for hypertension during pregnancy?

women with diabetes overweight or obese women women under age 17 and over 35

Your coworker has started drinking heavily over the past year. This use of alcohol has caused him to be late or miss work on several occasions. He has tried to cut back on his drinking, but he feels unable to do so. In fact, he feels sick and anxious when he does not have alcohol. Does your coworker fit the criteria for diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder?


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