Nutrition 251 Exam 3: Chapter 13 Water Soluable Vitamins

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60 mg of tryptophan will produce ____ mg of niacin

1 mg

How many milligrams of tryptophan are required to yield 200 mg of niacin?


The RDA for vitamin C in smokers is _____ higher than those who do not smoke

35 mg/day

What are the best methods for retaining the water-soluble vitamins when preparing food?

Microwaving Stir frying

Why are corn-based diets associated with pellagra?

Niacin in corn is unavailable. Corn contains little tryptophan.

Which of the following is characteristic of many of the water-soluble vitamins?

Organic compounds Have important roles in energy metabolism Low toxicity risk

Why is there a loss of water-soluble vitamins when preparing foods?

The vitamins may leach into the cooking water.

Niacin serves as a ______ in energy metabolism.


Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a thiamin deficiency mainly found in _____


The red blood cells of a folate-deficient person differ from a healthy person by _____

becoming very large and being unable to divide due to the lack of DNA

Which specific reactions involve THFA?

conversion of histidine to glutamic acid conversion of homocysteine to methionine conversion of glycine to serine

A person suffering from weakness, muscle wasting, enlargement of the heart, and edema caused by lack of thiamin is experiencing the deficiency disease known as _____


Vitamin C is involved in the conversion of cholesterol to ______

bile acids

One of vitamin C's main functions in the body is to _____

donate electrons in oxidation-reduction reactions

Functions of riboflavin include ______

energy-yielding metabolism assisting antioxidant reactions

The coenzymes of which B-vitamin are needed for the synthesis and maintenance of new cells?


The synthetic form(s) of the B vitamin folate is (are) called ______

folic acid

Water-soluble vitamins ______

help maintain body tissues are needed for the growth of body tissues are needed for the normal function of body tissues

Vitamin B-12 is required for an enzymatic reaction involved in _____ metabolism


When either folate or vitamin B-12 is lacking, the amount of homocysteine in the body ______


White bread ______ a good source of vitamin B-6 because it is lost in the refining of grain and ______ added back during refinement.

is not, is not

identify the food sources of thiamin.

legumes sunflower seeds pork

What type of anemia occurs when large red blood cells are unable to divide due to a folate deficiency?


he generic name of the B-vitamin folate refers to the form of the vitamin found _____

naturally in foods

NAD+ and NADP+ are coenzyme forms of which B vitamin?


The function of PLP, the coenzyme form of vitamin B-6, pertains mainly to enzymatic reactions involving ______

nitrogen-containing compounds

Vitamin C enhances the absorption of ____ iron.


Folate is involved in the formation of the neurotransmitters ________

norepinephrine dopamine serotonin

Vitamin B-6 participates in ______ metabolic reactions


Corn-based diets are associated with which condition?


Other possible roles for folate in the body include _____

reducing the risk of stroke maintaining normal blood pressure

Decarboxylation is defined as the ______

removal of 1 molecule of carbon dioxide from a compound

The deficiency disease for vitamin C is called ______


The signs of scurvy include ____

slowed wound healing bone pain bleeding gums

Water-soluble vitamins are essential organic substances needed in _____ amounts


Smokers need more vitamin C daily than nonsmokers because _____

smoking increases vitamin C turnover

The food sources of riboflavin include _____

spinach liver mushrooms

Which organ produces the intrinsic factor that enhances vitamin B-12 absorption?


THFA is especially involved in amino acid metabolism via _____

the interconversion of amino acids

The risk of water-soluble vitamin toxicity is low because ______

the kidneys filter out the excess daily

A riboflavin deficiency usually occurs with a deficiency of several other B-vitamins because ______

these nutrients often occur in the same foods

The B vitamin required as a coenzyme to metabolize carbohydrates and some amino acids is _____


Thiamin is a key component required to metabolize the macronutrient ______


Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of which of the following compounds?

Carnitine Thyroxine Epinephrine

Pantothenic acid

Coenzyme form is "CoA" and shuttles 2 carbon fragments from the metabolism of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, and alcohol to the citric acid cycle during energy metabolism Pantothenic acid is widespread in foods and a deficiency is rare


Coenzyme form is tetrahydrofolic acid (THFA); accepts and donates 1-carbon groups Functions in DNA synthesis Works with Vit B12 to participate in homocysteine metabolism Good food sources are leafy green vegetables, oranges, legumes, fortified cereal grains Deficiency results in megaloblastic anemia and increases risk for neural tube defects (spina bifida)


Coenzymes FAD and FMN participate in a wide variety of oxidation-reduction reactions, including energy-yielding pathways Deficiency is rare but if it occurs, it is ariboflavinosis Good food sources are dairy, enriched or whole grains, mushrooms


Coenzymes NAD+ and NADP+ participate in a wide variety of oxidation-reduction reactions, including energy-yielding pathways Deficiency results in a disease called Pellagra, seen most often in corn-based diets Food sources include meats, whole or enriched grains, dried beans, dairy, mushrooms, seafood/fish The body can make niacin from the amino acid tryptophan; requires the coenzymes PLP and FAD Niacin taken in doses above the UL can lead to flushing; high doses are prescribed to improve blood cholesterol levels

Vitamin B6

Comes in 3 forms - attachment of phosphate activates it as a coenzyme PLP is the most common coenzyme form PLP participates in amino acid metabolism Synthesis of nonessential amino acids Breakdown of glycogen Form homocysteine Needed to make heme to form hemoglobin and to form neurotransmitters Good food sources are animal sources, whole grain cereals Toxicity results in nerve damage

Dietary folate equivalents (DFE) reflect the differences in the ______ of food folate and synthetic folic acid.


Vit C functions as an electron donor acting to keep metal cofactors such as iron and zinc in their reduced forms.

Additional functions of Vit C include collagen synthesis, formation of neurotransmitters, and bile acid formation from cholesterol. Food sources include citrus fruits, red pepper, strawberries, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts) The deficiency disease for Vit C is scurvy. The minimum amount the body needs is 10 mg/day so deficiency is rare with a healthy, balanced diet. Smokers have a higher requirement for Vit C.

Why are alcoholics more susceptible to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?

Alcoholics consume a diet low in thiamin. Alcohol increases thiamin excretion in the urine. Alcohol decreases thiamin absorption.

How are folate requirements expressed?

Dietary folate equivalents (DFE)

Which of the following are common major functions across the water-soluble vitamins?

Energy metabolism Blood formation and clotting Protein and amino acid metabolism

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

In coenzyme form (methylcobalamin) transfers 1-carbon groups Works with folate to participate in homocysteine metabolism Needed to make the myelin sheath that covers nerve cells Good food sources include animal proteins, fortified foods Digestion: R-protein it is bound to in food is removed in the stomach; in small intestine binds to intrinsic factor; Absorption: requires intrinsic factor for absorption that occurs in the small intestine Deficiency includes megaloblastic anemia, pernicious anemia, elevated homocysteine levels Atrophic gastritis, lack of intrinsic factor, and poorly planned vegan diet can cause B12 deficiency

What substance produced by the digestive system is necessary in order to absorb vitamin B-12?

Intrinsic factor

Which are functions of thiamin?

Involved in decarboxylation reactions Coenzyme required for the metabolism of carbohydrates and branched-chain amino acids


Is a cofactor in enzymes that add carbon dioxide to a substance; these enzymes are required for the metabolism of energy-yielding nutrients Is widespread in foods and intestinal bacteria synthesize biotin; deficiency does not exist in healthy individuals

Which of the following are functions of vitamin B-6?

Major role in amino acid metabolism Converts homocysteine to the amino acid cysteine Required for the release of glucose from glycogen

Which of the following are good food sources of vitamin B-6?

Meat Poultry Fish

Ariboflavinosis, which causes inflammation of the throat, mouth, and tongue; cracking of the tissue around the mouth; and red, scaly skin is caused by a deficiency of ______


Milk is an excellent source of ____


Which B-vitamin is a component of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)?


When vitamin B-12 is lacking, ______.

THFA levels decrease

Which vitamin is also known as cobalamin?

Vitamin B-12

______ enhances iron absorption

Vitamin C

Which vitamin has foods of animal origin as its only reliable food source and is the only vitamin that contains a mineral as part of its structure?

vitamin B-12

Which B-vitamin participates in transamination reactions that allow the synthesis of nonessential amino acids?

vitamin B-6

Which water-soluble vitamin acts as an electron donor and has a cofactor role for several metalloenzymes?

vitamin C

The category of vitamins that are stored only to a small degree in the body are the ______-soluble vitamins


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