Nutrition AT Practice

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manifestations of hypoglycemia

The nurse should identify that diaphoresis, irritability, and tremors are manifestations of hypoglycemia.


The nurse should instruct the client to eat two servings of nuts or flaxseed per day to receive the daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids.

high amount of calcium

1 cup low fat yogurt The nurse should determine that low-fat yogurt contains 314 mg of calcium per cup, which is the highest amount of calcium; therefore, the client should limit low-fat yogurt in the diet.

pt has Parkinsons & prescribed levodopa-carbidopa. what should pt consume with med?

1 slice wheat toast Absorption of levodopa-carbidopa decreases when consumed with protein. One slice of wheat toast is the lowest source of protein at 3 g per slice.

pt w diverticular dz- high fiber diet

1/2 cup bran cereal A high-fiber diet is recommended for clients who have diverticular disease because bulky, soft stools are easier for the client to pass and result in decreased pressure within the colon. The nurse should determine that a ½ cup of bran cereal contains the most fiber at 10 g per serving.

good source of calcium

1/2 cup roasted almonds The nurse should determine that ½ cup roasted almonds is the best food source to recommend because ½ cup of almonds contains 185 mg of calcium. Calcium helps to prevent bone loss in clients who have osteoporosis.

nurse is assessing risk for pressure injuries using braden scale. pt eats more than half of most meals but occasionally refuses a meal, what would nurse document?

3 (adequate) A client who eats more than half of most meals, occasionally refuses a meal, and has four servings of protein each day scores a 3 (Adequate) in the nutrition category of the Braden scale.

pt trying to become pregnant. food highest in folate

3.5 oz chicken liver The nurse should recommend this food because 3.5 oz of chicken liver contains the highest amount of folate, 770 mcg.

high zinc food

4 oz ground beef patty The nurse should determine that a ground beef patty is the best food source to recommend because a 4 oz ground beef patty contains 5.49 mg of zinc.

complication of a head and neck resection and radiation therapy

Changes in salivation are a potential complication of a head and neck resection and radiation therapy.

kosher diet

Clients who adhere to a kosher diet can eat dairy products combined with non-meat products at the same meal.

mexican food lover, cardiovascular dz, what recommend

Clients who are pregnant should take 30 mg of iron supplementation daily to reduce the risk for iron-deficiency anemia.

pregnant patients

Clients who are pregnant should take 30 mg of iron supplementation daily to reduce the risk for iron-deficiency anemia.

hypertension diet

Female clients should consume four to five servings of unsalted nuts, seeds, or legumes per week for a heart-healthy diet.


Lutein, a carotenoid found in vitamin A, slows the progression of AMD and is found in kale, spinach, collards, and mustard greens.

introduction of solid foods w 4 month old infant

The client understands that new food items should be introduced every 4 to 7 days to monitor for indications of food allergies.

patient with gastric bypass, instruction:

The nurse should instruct the client to begin each meal by eating a protein. The client should consume 60 to 120 g of protein each day.

micronutrient that helps with seeing at night

Vitamin A enables the eyes to adapt to dim lighting more rapidly at night, which improves night vision.

blood pressure management for hypertension

Whole grains are a healthy choice of carbohydrate because they contain ingredients that lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve blood pressure.

pt with cancer is anorexic, how does nurse increase nutritional intake

add extra calories and protein to every meal

impaired wound healing for pressure injury could be with what lab?

albumin 3.0 g/dL The nurse should identify that this albumin level is less than the expected reference range of 3.5 to 5 g/dL. A decreased albumin level is a manifestation of malnutrition and can increase the risk for poor wound healing and infection.

manifestation of malnutrition

ankle edema The nurse should identify that lower extremity edema is a manifestation of malnutrition and is indicative of a protein deficiency in the client.

food with highest glycemic index

baked potato According to evidence-based practice, the nurse should identify that a baked potato has the highest glycemic index of these foods. The glycemic index of a baked potato is 85 to 90. Glycemic index is a tool used to rank foods according to the degree in which the food raises serum glucose levels.


breast milk is good nutrition up to 6 months of age

what mineral increases constipation

calcium Calcium can lead to constipation by decreasing peristalsis.

dont take this with iron

calcium The nurse should instruct the client to take calcium and iron supplements at different times, or between meals, because calcium can interfere with iron absorption if taken together with meals.

teaching for adolescent about nutrient dense food choices

canned beans are better choice than refried beans - less fat

pt prescribed captopril. what food can cause med interaction?

cantaloupe ACE inhibitors, such as captopril, retain potassium and can lead to hyperkalemia. The nurse should recognize that cantaloupe is a food source high in potassium as one cup contains 473 mg. The client should avoid cantaloupe as well as other foods that are high in potassium while taking an ACE inhibitor.

Client has high bp, headache, sweating. client recently started taking MAOI. Nurse should question the intake of what food

cheddar cheese Clients who take MAOIs should avoid the consumption of most types of cheese and other foods that contain high levels of tyramine, which can lead to hypertensive crisis.

risk for impaired wound healing

client consumes 1000 kcal daily Adults who have had surgery require at least 1,500 kcal daily to meet energy needs and build protein for tissue healing. The nurse should recognize that a 1,000 kcal/day intake is below the client's needs.

stress management

client takes long walk every evening

teaching to reduce risk of osteomalacia

consume 20 mcg of vitamin D daily The nurse should instruct the client to consume 20 mcg of vitamin D daily. Osteomalacia is characterized by a lack of vitamin D, which leads to insufficient bone mineralization. This disorder coincides with osteoporosis, thereby increasing the risk of falls leading to fractures in older adult clients. Vitamin D supplements are recommended for clients age 65 and older to decrease bone loss and maintain bone mineralization, thereby reducing the risk of a softening of the bones.

client with dumping syndrome experiencing weight loss

consume liquids between meals The nurse should teach the client to drink liquids between meals to slow movement of food from the stomach.

pt with cirrhosis & ascites should

decrease sodium intake to 1-2g per day

cancer prevention

eat at least 2.5 cups fruits & veggies/day

pt reports nausea during pregnancy- how to relieve

eat dry cereal before getting out of bed Carbohydrates, such as dry cereal, are absorbed quickly and readily raise blood sugar levels, which should reduce nausea.

food allergy risk for infection with flu vaccine


client has parenteral nutrition containing mix of dextrose, amino acids, and lipids. what allergy should you report to the provider?

eggs Lipid emulsions are isotonic and are composed of soybean or safflower plus soybean oil, with egg phospholipid used as an emulsifier. Clients who are allergic to eggs can have a reaction to the emulsifier. Therefore, the nurse should report this finding to the provider.

pt is 8 weeks of gestation & has BMI of 34 and asks about weight goals. what is nurses advice?

gain approx 6.8 kg (15 lb) The nurse should advise the client that based on her BMI, she should gain 4.9 to 9.1 kg (11 to 20 lb) during her pregnancy.

avoid what when taking nifedipine

grapefruit juice

beverage contraindicated w atorvastatin

grapefruit juice The nurse should teach the client to avoid taking atorvastatin with grapefruit juice because it can increase serum levels of the medication, which can increase the risk for rhabdomyolysis and toxicity.

give pt with chronic bronchitis....

high calorie A client who has pulmonary disease requires a formula that is high in calories and protein to maintain energy demands.

crohns dz

high protein diet Clients who have Crohn's disease should follow a high-calorie, high-protein diet to prevent malnutrition and attain the required calories to promote healing.

acute inflammatory bowel dz nutritional supplement

hydrolyzed formula

cancer prevention teaching

i will eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day The nurse should instruct the clients to consume four to five servings, or about 2.5 cups, of fruits and vegetables daily. Eating various fruits and vegetables assists in decreasing blood pressure and weight.

sodium deficit

include confusion, headache, nausea, dizziness, and abdominal cramps. The manifestations of sodium toxicity include confusion, thirst, and weakness.

pt with mucositis following head and neck radiation to treat cancer

increase fluid intake to 2 L per day A client who has mucositis should increase fluid intake to promote hydration and peristalsis.

pt postop after colostomy placement. what teaching?

increase intake of foods containing pectin The nurse should instruct the client to consume foods that thicken the consistency of feces, such as foods containing pectin.

lab for acute pancreatitis

increased glucose The nurse should expect an increased glucose level in a client who has acute pancreatitis due to decreased insulin production by the pancreas.

pt on tpn, delay with next bag, what to do?

insulin dextrose 10% in water when current infusion ends TPN contains high concentrations of dextrose and proteins. To avoid hypoglycemia, the nurse should infuse dextrose 10% or 20% in water until the next bag of TPN solution arrives.

pt can take ferrous sulfate with

juice The nurse should instruct the client to take this medication between meals with juice. The client can take this medication with meals if gastric upset occurs.

what food should be eaten in moderation when taking warfarin

leafy green veggies The nurse should recommend the client eat in moderation and maintain consistent intake of leafy green vegetables, which contain a natural form of vitamin K that can negate the anticoagulation effects of warfarin.

how should nurse assess child patient with T1 diabetes for Somogyi phenomenon?

monitor blood glucose levels during the night Somogyi phenomenon is fasting hyperglycemia that occurs in the morning in response to hypoglycemia during the nighttime. The nurse should assess for this phenomenon by monitoring blood glucose levels during the night.

client has continuous enteral tube feedings. what prevents aspiration

monitor gastric residuals every 4 hours The nurse can identify delayed gastric emptying by monitoring gastric residuals regularly. Delayed gastric emptying places the client at risk for aspiration and can necessitate a decrease in the feeding rate.

patient wants to lose weight. what should nurse do first

obtain a 24 hr dietary recall The first action the nurse should take using the nursing process is to obtain a diet history, such as a 24-hr dietary recall. Having the client write down everything consumed over a 24-hr period is a crucial component of the assessment process to identify eating behaviors and therefore be able to recommend dietary modifications based on the data received.

reduce metallic taste

offer citrus fruits suggest pickles as snack gargle w mouthwash Want to stimulate saliva production

pt with advanced parkinsons dz & dysphagia

offer pt high calorie diet The nurse should add high-calorie food to the client's diet because muscular rigidity increases metabolic rate, which increases caloric need.

3 yr old child

parent give low fat milk Whole milk provides necessary fat for neurological development for children up to 2 years of age, after which the child should consume low-fat or skim milk. Therefore, the nurse should identify this statement as indicating an understanding of the teaching.

patient w diabetes has HbAIC of 8.7%, this means

patient has not been following diet

pt recieving intermittent enteral feedings every 4 hrs via an NG tube. what reduces risk of aspiration?

place client in semi fowlers position The nurse should maintain the client in a semi-Fowler's position to reduce the risk for aspiration of stomach contents during the feeding and for at least 30 min after the completion of the feeding.

teaching for breastfeeding

plan 5 min feedings on each breast on 1st day after birth The nurse should instruct the clients to let the newborn nurse for 5 min on each breast on the first day to promote milk production.

plan for cardiovascular heath weight management

plan to lose weight gradually at 1/2 to 1 pound per week The nurse should inform the participants that losing 0.23 to 0.45 kg (0.5 to 1 lb) per week is a healthy and attainable weight-loss goal.

what finding indicates TPN therapy effective

prealbumin 30 mg/dL Prealbumin level is a sensitive indicator of nutritional status. The nurse should identify that a level of 30 mg/dL is within the expected reference range of 15 to 36 mg/dL and indicates the TPN is effective.

what should nurse report to provider

prealbumin 8 mg/dL A prealbumin level of 8 mg/dL is a critical value that indicates severe malnutrition and requires reporting to the provider who can prescribe a nutritional intervention. The expected reference range for prealbumin is 15 to 36 mg/dL.

pt with HIV. What finding is indication to increase clients nutritional intake?

presence of herpes simplex virus infection Secondary infection triggers inflammatory responses that increase the client's metabolic rate. Therefore, the nurse should identify the presence of herpes simplex virus infection as an indication to increase the client's nutritional intake.

increased protein requirement with what issue

pressure injury A client who has a pressure injury needs additional protein to promote healing.

pt is dehydration & is receiving intermittent enteral feeding. what action?

provide formula as continuous infusion A client who is experiencing dehydration should receive a continuous infusion to prevent receiving a high carbohydrate load with each feeding.

pt w stomatitis

provide meals at room temperature The nurse should plan to offer the client's foods at room temperature or colder. Foods at these temperatures are less irritating to the mucosa.


provide snack after sunset During Ramadan, clients who follow Islamic dietary laws consume meals before dawn and after sunset. The nurse should offer the client a snack or light meal after sunset.

pt BMI 22

pt should plan to gain 25-35 pounds The nurse should teach a client whose weight is within the expected reference range to gain 11.3 to 15.9 kg (25 to 35 lb) during pregnancy.

pt recieving radiation to neck developed stomatitis

relieve mouth pain by consuming frozen foods The nurse should encourage the client to consume frozen foods such as frozen bananas, ice cream, or popsicles, which can numb the mouth and help alleviate pain.

nurse teaching adolescent about lowering solid fat intake to child usually consumes 2000 calories per day.

restrict daily meat intake to 5 ounces The nurse should instruct the client to limit meat intake to about 5 oz per day. A meat portion should be no larger than the size of a deck of cards

dumping syndrome

select grains w less than 2g fiber per serving

pt with dumping syndrome should

The client should apply pectin, a dietary fiber that helps to delay gastric emptying, to foods.

managing IBS

take peppermint oil during exacerbation of manifestations The nurse should teach the client to take peppermint oil because peppermint relaxes the smooth muscle of the GI tract and decreases the manifestations of IBS.

celiac dz can have

tapioca pudding


tomato juice The nurse should recommend the client consume the supplement with beverages containing vitamin C, such as tomato juice or orange juice, because this will enhance the absorption of the iron supplement.

low residue diet

two poached eggs and a banana A low-residue diet limits the amount of stool traveling through the intestinal tract. The nurse should teach the client to avoid foods high in fiber. Poached eggs and bananas are acceptable low-residue menu choices.

pt on continuous enteral tube feedings develops diarrhea

warm the formula to room temperature A client can develop diarrhea if the formula being infused is too cold. Therefore, the nurse should warm the formula to room temperature prior to administration.

breast milk use and storage

you cannot placed thawed breast milk back in the freezer The nurse should instruct the client that completely thawed breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator but must be used within 24 hr. Breast milk that has been previously frozen should not be refrozen once it has thawed completely. Thawing creates a possibility for bacterial growth and causes a decrease in antibacterial activity, which destroys antibodies in the milk.

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