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d. Vitamin B1

A deficiency in which of the following vitamins causes beri beri? a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin E d. Vitamin B1

c. Pernicious anemia

A deficiency of vitamin B12 causes? a. Scurvy b. Pellagra c. Pernicious anemia d. Megaloblastic anemia

b. Vitamin E

A high intake of which of the following vitamins interferes with synthesis of vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting? a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin E c. Biotin d. Folic acid

c. Episodes of binge eating following by purging

Bulimia is an eating disorder that involves? a. Weight loss 40% to 60% below desirable body weight b. Mostly male political candidates c. Episodes of binge eating following by purging d. Decreased heart rate in response to a decreased metabolism

d. Polydypsia

Which one of the following terms refers to excessive thirst, a common symptoms of diabetes? a. Polyuria b. Polyol c. Polyphagia d. Polydypsia

b. Riboflavin Rationale: The oral implication of a deficiency in vitamin D is enamel hypoplasia or loss of lamina dura. A deficiency in vitamin A is enamel hypoplasia or defective dentin formation. A deficiency in vitamin K is defective blood clotting.

A deficiency of which of the following vitamins could result in angular cheilitis in an elderly patient? a. Vitamin D b. Riboflavin c. Vitamin A d. Vitamin K

d. Lowered heart rate

All of the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia except one. Which one is the exception? a. Sweating b. Shakiness c. Palpitations d. Lowered heart rate

c. Phenylketonuria Rationale: Phenylketoneuria is a genetic disorder caused by a deficiency in the enzyme phenylaline hydroxylase. Aspartame is made from 2 amino acids, one of which is phenlyaline, so a person with this disorder cannot metabolized the amino acid phenylaline.

Aspartame should not be used by individuals with: a. Diabetes b. Marasmus c. Phenylketonuria d. High blood pressure

d. Glycogen Rationale: Glucose is used by cells to maintain life. Glucagon is produced in the pancreas. Glycoprotein is a protein that bonded to a glucose molecule.

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver as? a. Glucose b. Glucagon c. Glycoprotein d. Glycogen

b. Xylitol

Nutritive sweeteners are used by the body as an energy source. Which of the following is an example of a nutritive sweetener? a. Aspartame b. Xylitol c. Saccharin d. Sucralose

d. 4 kcal Rationale: Energy yield for carbohydrates and proteins is 4 kcal/g, and fats yield 9 kcal/g.

One gram of carbohydrate yields: a. 9 kcal b. 7 kcal c. 5 kcal d. 4 kcal

c. Vitamin C

Rickets is a deficiency syndrome that can be associated with inadequate intake of all of the following nutrients except? a. Vitamin D b. Calcium c. Vitamin C d. Phosphorus

a. Vitamin C

Scurvy is caused by a deficiency in? a. Vitamin C b. Vitamin D c. Vitamin B12 d. Vitamin B5

b. Glucose

Sorbitol, which if a sugar alcohol often used in diabetic foods and sugarless gum, is made from? a. Fructose b. Glucose c. Galactose d. Mannitol

a. Glucose and fructose Rationale: Lactose is hydrolyzed into glucose and galactose. Maltose is hydrolyzed into 2 glucose molecules.

Sucrose is hydrolyzed into: a. Glucose and fructose b. Glucose and galactose c. Two molecules of glucose d. Two molecules of fructose

d. Fruits and vegetables

The best source of vitamin C is found in which of the following food groups? a. Meat b. Grain c. Dairy d. Fruits and vegetables

d. Two glucose molecules

The breakdown of maltose results in? a. Galactose b. Fructose c. Sucrose d. Two glucose molecules

b. Provide energy to the body

The main function of carbohydrates is to: a. Regulate metabolism b. Provide energy to the body c. Maintain, repair, and build the body tissue d. Aid in maintaining body's temperature

c. The first statement is true, the second is false.

The primary goal for nutritional counseling in the dental setting is to identify nutrition concerns that may contribute to systemic or oral disease risk. If a patient is interested in modifying weight, he or she should work with the dental hygienist to prepare a reduced-caloric eating plan. a. Both statements are true. b. Both statements are false. c. The first statement is true, the second is false. d. The first statement is false, the second is true.

a. Sodium and potassium Rationale: Iodine is needed for thyroid function. Chlorine is needed, but iron is needed for hemoglobin to transport oxygen. Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction and magnesium activates protein enzymes.

Trace minerals help to keep our bodies in balance. The minerals essential for water balance are? a. Sodium and potassium b. Sodium and iodine c. Chlorine and iron d. Calcium and magnesium

c. Niacin Rationale: The body obtains niacin not only directly from food, but also indirectly from the conversion of an amino acid (tryptophan), and from synthesis by intestinal microorganisms.

Tryptophan is a precursor for which of the following vitamins? a. Vitamin C b. Vitamin D c. Niacin d. Thiamin

c. Muscle contraction Rationale: Muscles contain water and do have cellular respiration, but it is calcium that actually makes muscles contract.

Water is essential for all life forms. It helps humans with all of the following except? a. Regulation of body temperature b. Waste elimination c. Muscle contraction d. Cellular respiration

c. 20-30g per day

What is the recommended fiber intake for adults? a. 50g per day b. 35-40g per day c. 20-30g per day d. 15g per day

d. Is involved in the hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis Rationale: Protein is involved in the formation of the matrix of dentin and enamel. Vitamin A is important to the normal growth of dentin and enamel. Vitamin D controls the calcification of dentin and enamel.

What role does vitamin C have in tooth formation? a. Is involved in the formation of the matrix of dentin and enamel b. Is important to the normal growth of dentin and enamel c. Controls calcification of dentin and enamel d. Is involved in the hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis

a. Adequate in all the essential amino acids Rationale: Animal proteins are considered complete (high-quality) proteins. Animal proteins contain all essential amino acids in amounts that are sufficient for the body.

Which of the following characterizes a complete protein? a. Adequate in all the essential amino acids b. Synthesized by the body c. Provided through plant foods d. A dispensable amino acid

c. Frequency of simple sugar consumption

Which of the following dietary habits is most likely to contribute to caries risk? a. Form of simple sugar consumed b. Timing of ingestion of simple sugars c. Frequency of simple sugar consumption d. Total intake of simple sugars

d. K

Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin? a. A b. C c. D d. K e. E

c. Lack of potassium Rationale: Lack of calcium would cause osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Which of the following is correct concerning the condition hypokalemia? a. Restriction of the consumption of aspartame b. Ineffective metabolism of phenylalanine to threonine c. Lack of potassium d. Lack of calcium

a. Red meat

Which of the following is not a good source of potassium? a. Red meat b. Eggs c. Avocado d. Dairy products

d. Iodine Rationale: Iodine is a mineral associated with soft tissue, whereas calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are minerals associated with structure and calcification of hard tissues.

Which of the following nutrients is not associated with proper structure and calcification of hard tissues? a. Calcium b. Phosphorus c. Magnesium d. Iodine

d. K

Which of the following vitamins is associated with blood clotting? a. D b. A c. E d. K

a. Ascorbic acid

Which of the following vitamins is found in broccoli, strawberries, green peppers, tomatoes, and melons? a. Ascorbic acid b. Biotin c. Vitamin B5 d. Vitamin E

c. C Rationale: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is important in the production of collagen, which plays a vital role in wound healing.

Which of the following vitamins promotes the synthesis of collagen? a. D b. A c. C d. K

c. Cobalamin

Which vitamin is most likely to be deficient in a vegan diet? a. Thiamin b. Riboflavin c. Cobalamin d. Vitamin B2

c. Ascorbic acid

Which vitamin is not a component of vitamin B complex? a. Thiamin b. Folic acid c. Ascorbic acid d. Pantothenic acid

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