Nutrition chapter 1

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*Estimated Average Requirements *Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) *Adequate Intake (AI) *Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) These are part of what?

(DRI) Dietary Reference Intakes

the average daily amount of a nutrient that will maintain a specific biochemical or physiological function in half the healthy people of a given age and gender group?

(EAR) Estimated Average Requirements

the average daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people; a goal for dietary intake by individuals is?

(RDA) recommended dietary allowance

providing all the essential nutrients, fiber, and energy in amounts sufficient to maintain health is?


a personal account of an experience or event; not reliable scientific information is what?


relating to measurement of the physical characteristics of the body; such as height and weight is?


hidden as if under cover is?


customary intake of foods and beverages over time is?

eating patterns

a measure of the energy a food provides relative to the weight of the food (kcalories per gram) is what?

energy density

an unproven statement that tenatively explains the relationships between two or more variables is?


any condition caused by excess or deficient food energy or nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients is?


a measure of the nutrients a food provides relative to the energy it provides, and the more nutrients and the fewer kcal the hight the nutrient density is?

nutrient density

ranking foods based on their nutrient compostion is?

nutrient profiling

a comprehensive analysis of a person's nutrition status that uses health, socioeconomic, drug, and diet histories; anthropometric measurements; physical examination; and laboratory tests is?

nutrition assessment

the science of how nutrients affect the activities of genes and how genes affect the interactions between diet and disease is what?

nutritional genomics

repeating an experiment and getting the same results is?


the lowest continuing intake of a nutrient that will maintain a specified criterion of adequacy is what?


a nutrient deficiency caused by something other than an inadequate intake such as a disease conditionor drug interaction that reduces absorption, accelerates use, hastens excretion, or destrooys the nutrient is?

secondary deficiency

a tentative explanation that integrates manyand diverse findings to further the understanding of a defined topic is?


deficient energy or nutrients


having the quality of being founded on fact or evidence is?


factors that change and may depend on another variable or it may be independent and sometimes loth correclate with a third. It is what?


eating a wide selection of foods within and among the major food groups is?


organic, essential nutrient required in small amounts by the body for health is what?


high energy density helps with what?

weight gain

low energy density helps with what?

weight loss

ranges of intakes for the energy nutrients that provide adequate energy and nutrients and reduce the risk of chronic diseases is?

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)

the average daily amount of a nutrient that appears sufficient to maintain a specified criterion; a value used as a guide for nutrient intake when an RDA cannot be determined

Adequate Intake (AI)

What is the definition of the units by which energy is measured? Energy provided by food and beverages is measured in kilocalories, abbreviated kcalories or kcal. One kcalories is the amount of heat nessary to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1'C. The scientific use of the term kcalorie is the same as the popular use of the term calorie.


a set of nutrient intake values for healthy people in the united states and canada is?

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)

the average dietary energy intake that maintains energy balance and good health in a person of a given age, gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity is ?

Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)

the maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people and beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse health effects is?

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

providing foods in proportion to one another and in proportion to the body's needs is?


an experperiment in which the subjects do not know whether they are menbers of the experimental group or the control group is?

blind experiment

carbs, fat and protein yields how many kilocalories each?

carbs 4, fat 9, protein 4

the amount of energy a food provides depends on how much of what it contains?

carbs, fat and protein

a group of individuals similar in all possible respects to the experimental group except for the treatment. Ideally, the control group receives a placebo while the experimental group receives a real treatment is what?

control group

the simultanous increase, decrease, or change in two variables. If A increases as B increases, or if A decreases as B decreases, the correlation is positive. If A increases as B decreases and vice versa the correlation is negative. what is this?


inadequate; a nutrient amount that fails to meet the body's needs and eventually results in defieciency symptoms is?


an experiment in which neither the subject nor the researchers know which subjects are members of the experimental group and which are serving as control subjects, until after the experiment is over is called what?

double-blind experiment

a popular term used to denote foods that contribute energy but lack protein, vitamins, and minerals are called what?

empty- kcal foods

a group of individuals similar in all possible respects to the control group except for the treatment. The experimental group receives the real treatment. What group is this?

experimental group

the complete set of genetic material in am organism or a cell. The study of what is called genomics?


management of food energy intake is?

kcalorie control

how A might cause B is called?


inorganic elements. some minerals are essential nutrients required in small amounts by the body for health is what?


providing enough but not too much of substance is?


excess energy or nutrients


out in the open and easy to observe is?


a process in which a panel of scientists rigorously evaluates a research study to assure that the scientific method was followed is?

peer review

an inert harmlessmedication given to provide comfort and hope; a sham treatment used in controlled research studies is?


a change that occurs in response to expectations about the effectivesness of a treatment that actually has no pharmaceutical effects is?

placebo effect

a nutrient deficiency caused by inadequate dietary intake of a nutrient is?

primary deficiency

a process of choosing the members of the experimental and control groups without bias is?


fats that are not usually liquid at room temperature; commonly found in most foods derived from animals and vegetable oils that have been hydrogenated. Solid fats typically contain more saturated and trans fats than most oils

solid fats

a deficiency in the early stages before the outward signs have appeared is?

subclinical deficiency

the people or animals participating in a research project are?


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