Nutrition Energy Balance chapter 6

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12 to 48 hour reserve existed liver and in the body's muscles, quickly depleted if not replenished by daily food intake. Note, muscle and glucose make up carb reservoirs


8 to 22% body fat man more muscle mass, 20 to 35% body fat for women


A hormone that seems to control eating behavior and fat storage


A mineral that female and adolescent athletes might require increased amounts

Young and athletic

A person requiring the highest energy needs per unit of body weight

Binge eating disorder

A psychiatric eating disorder that is characterized by the occurrence of binge eating episodes at least twice a week for six month period

Anorexia nervosa

A teenage girl who has a distorted body image and refuses to maintain an acceptable bodyweight should be evaluated for


Accu trim, Dexatrim, stimulating, amphetamine, and ephedra. Drugs generally work in one of the following for ways- Reducing energy intake by suppressing appetite, increasing energy expenditure by stimulating the BMR, reducing the absorption of food in the gut, altering lipogenesis and lypolosis

Voluntary energy/work and exercise

Actions related to a person's conscious activities of daily living and physical excercise

Involuntary energy/bodywork

Activities in the body that are not consciously performed, include vital processes circulation, respiration, digestion and absorption. Note, require energy in various forms such as chemical energy, in many metabolic products, electrical energy, and Braden nerve activities, mechanical energy, and muscle contraction, and thermal, heat energy to maintain body temperature

Fitness of heart and lungs

Aerobic capacity is related to

Aerobic benefits

An acceptable way to estimate the maximum heart rate is for subtract the persons age from 220, aerobic benefits, 70% of maximum heart rate for approximately 20 minutes six times per week

Fad diets

Array of diet books and weight loss supplements that promise to melt the fat away. Scientific inaccuracies and misinformation, failure to address the necessity of changing long term habits and behaviors


BMI can be tracked from childhood to adult hood with the centers for disease control and prevention growth charts

Total energy requirement

BMR/RMR, physical activities and the thermic effect of food make up a person's total energy requirements. To maintain a daily energy balance, food energy intake must match the body's energy output, energy imbalance, when energy intake exceeds energy output can lead to weight gain

Bulimia nervosa

Binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, strict dieting or fasting and excessive exercise


Body at rest, internal activities. Note, main factors, liver brain heart and kidney

Anorexia nervosa

Body image disorder

Adipose tissue

Body source of stored energy


Calorie that is used in nutrition science and study of metabolism is the large calorie, which avoids the use of large numbers and calculations, composed of 1000 calories, is the measure of heat that is necessary to raise the temperature of 1000 g, 1 L of water by 1°C

Sources of fuel

Carbohydrates primary fuel, fat assisting as a storage fuel, protein is used for energy only when other fuel sources are not available

Greater than 40 or greater than 35 to 39% without least one obesity related disorder

Clinically severe or significant obesity is defined as BMI of

Chronic dieting syndrome

Cyclic pattern of weight loss by dieting followed by rapid weight gain

Behavioral modification

Designed to help change patterns that contribute to excessive weight and that can empower individuals to plan constructive actions to meet personal health goals


Do not produce enough Thyroxine, and therefore require less energy than normal to maintain current bodyweight, opposite of hyperthyroidism


During puberty, a girl begins menstruation when her body fat level reaches approximately

Growth periods

During rapid growth, Human growth hormone stimulates cell regeneration and raises BMR to support anabolic metabolism

Increase HDL decrease LDL

Effective exercise on blood lipoprotein level

Behavioral modification

Effective methods for weight reduction include

Physical exercise

Energy expenditure is increased by

Decrease with age

Energy needs per pound of body weight

Water before exercise

Establish hydration at least four hours before exercise by drinking 5 to 7 ML per KG body weight of water or sports beverage, void excess fluid before competition, and do not attempt hyperhydration


Example of an extreme weight-loss measure

Weight management

Exercise is extremely beneficial for weight management in the following ways, it helps to regulate appetite, it increases the basal metabolic rate, it reduces the genetic factor posits that point level, and it is critical for weight-loss maintenance

Coronary heart disease

Exercise reduces the risk for heart disease in several ways including improved heart function, blood cholesterol levels, and oxygen transport

Hormonal status

Expenditure is also influenced by hormonal secretions, the thyroid function test is a means of measuring metabolism, growth hormone increases metabolism, ultimately a deficiency in normal growth hormone secretions, Linked to obesity

Influences individuals are becoming overweight

Expression of genetic factors

Scientific inaccuracies and miss information

Fad diets and supplements are often nutritionally inadequate and based on false claims.

Body temperature

Favor increases BMR by approximately 7% for each 1°F rise above normal body temperature


Fever causes the metabolic rate to

7% for each 1°F

Fever increased his basal metabolic rate approximately _____ for each _____rise

Thermic effect on food

Food stimulates the metabolism and requires extra energy for digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients to cells. Note, 5 to 10% of bodies total energy needs for metabolism relates to the digestion and storing of nutrients from food, involuntary


Form of local fat removal a.k.a. Liposuction


Genetic predisposition for increased body fat is reinforced by inappropriate family for the patterns. Healthy eating habits during childhood and teenage years is highly encouraged to establish balanced food patterns. Women store more fat during pregnancy and after menopause in response to hormonal changes

Realistic goals

Goals must be realistic in terms of overall weight loss and weight I've lost averaging 1/2 to 1 pound per week or no more than 2 pounds per week for clinically severely obese patients

HTN, diabetes

Health problems related to obesity include


If a child has a parent, the likelihood of a child also being obese is

Physical activity

In addition to increasing energy expenditure and reducing the risk of chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, exercise as a positive effect on both physical and mental quality of life. Note, energy output increases during exercise

Indirect calorimetry

In clinical practice,Basil or resting energy expenditure is estimated by using

Lack of exercise/physical activity

In major contributing factor to the increase in obesity in the United States

Thermic effect of food

Increase in energy expenditure caused by activities of digestion absorption transport and storage of ingested food


Increases the risk of related condition such as hypertension, type two diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and certain types of cancer

My plate

Individualize calorie level and corresponding serving sizes from each of the food groups to meet nutrients and energy density needs on a basis of age, gender, weight, height, and activity level


Inhibiting the absorption of fat in the intestine I have to 30%, thereby reducing the caloric impact of food


Intake less than output equals weight gain, output greater than intake equals weight loss


International unit of measure for energy

Lean body mass

Largest contributor to overall metabolic rate is the relative percent of lean body mass, greater metabolic activity occurs with lean tissue, muscles and organs, as compared with that and bones

BMR factors

Lean body mass, growth periods, body temperature, and hormonal status. Note, age changes BMR, decreased per pound with age

Pregame meal

Meal should be high in carbohydrates, approximately 200 to 300 g, low in fat and fiber, and moderate and proteins, 2 to 4 hours prior to game


Men and young men require increased energy intake. During periods of rapid growth, extra energy per-unit of body weight is necessary to build new tissue. As aging process continues a gradual decline in VMR and physical activity decreases the total energy requirement. Average decline in BMR of 1% to 2% per decade, assuming that a constant weight is maintained

Heart, muscles, liver, brain, and kidneys

Metabolically active tissues in the body include

Athletic training

More susceptible to immunosuppression because of the extreme demands, a well-balanced diet with plenty of carbohydrates and protein from a variety of foods helps to prevent exercise-induced malnutrition and the risk for injury and infection

Body composition

Most important factor in determining fatness or leanness

Behavioral motivation

Most important key to successful weight loss program

Body fat calipers

Not as accurate to estimate body fat composition reliability of test depends on the skill of the technician, which can vary greatly


Nutrient that does not provide energy


Obesity Gene, Believe to determine a person setpoint for fat storage

10 to 35%

Percentage of daily calories from protein should be approximately

Energy output

Resting energy expenditure, physical activity, and thermic effect of food

Failure to address the necessity of changing long-term habits and behaviors

Set up for failure regarding the maintenance of a healthy weight once it is achieved


Significantly higher metabolic rate and higher energy needs the normal

Resting energy expenditure/REE or resting metabolic rate/RMR

Some of all internal working activities of the body at rest, expressed in kilo calories per day

Associated with significant risk

Surgical techniques used for weight reduction are


The amount of energy in food or the amount that is expanded and physical actions

3 to 4 hours

The amount of time between a light meal and a competitive event

Glucose and glycogen

The bodies carbohydrate energy reserve consists of

45 to 65%

The percentage of total daily calories from carbohydrates should be approximately

Body composition

The relative sizes of the four body compartments that make up the total body, lean body mass, fat, water and bone

Total energy requirement

The sum of basal metabolism, energy expended in physical activity, and thermic effect of food is known as

Thermic affect of food

The term for effective food intake on metabolic rate


The use of androgens is of great concern, it is dangerous, and in competitive sports it is illegal


Thyroid function test may be used as an indicator of BMR, because the thyroid hormone regulates metabolism


Thyroid pro hormone, the active hormone form is T3, it is the major controller of basal metabolic rate

Kcalorie adjustment for necessary weight-loss

To lose 454 g which equals 1 pound per week there needs to be a 500 K CAL energy deficit per day. 1 pound of body fat equals 454 g

Energy intake

Total overall energy balance within the body depends on energy intake in relation to energy output, the main source of energy for all bodywork is food, and this is supplemented with stored energy and body tissues

External energy cycle

Ultimate source of energy is the sun and it's vast nuclear reactions, with the use of water and carbon dioxide as Raw materials, plants transform the suns radiation into stored chemical energy that is mainly carbohydrate with some fat and protein


Unit of measurement used to refer to the amount of energy in food

Basil energy expenditure/BEE

Used interchangeably to describe the vast amount of physiological work. Note, must be measured when an individual is at complete digestive, physical, mental, thermal, and emotional rest


Voluntary and involuntary actions, is neither created nor destroyed

Resting metabolic rate, thermic effect of food, physical activity

What are the bodies three uses of energy estimated for energy requirement


When energy intake exceeds energy expenditure the results can be

Internal energy cycle

When people eat plants and animal foods, the stored energy changes into body feels, glucose and fatty acids, and cycles into various other energy forms to serve body needs, these forms include the involuntary actions, chemical, electrical, mechanical and, thermal energy


Work, family, and social environments make cultivate emotional stress, which many people respond to you by eating for comfort. Fast and convenient food, an increase in portion sizes, preparation time and skills, decrease in physical activity and increasing screen time and cost are other environmental factors

8 to 22%

Young, healthy, adult men percentage of body weight that is fat

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