Nutrition Exam Two

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Fructose is a monosaccharide, maltose is a disaccharide, and glycogen is a trisaccharide.


Glycemic index is a measure of the simple sugar content of foods.


Health care professionals intentionally show bias against obese people because this behavior has been shown to encourage people to lose weight.


Hypoglycemia in people with diabetes is most often caused by an excess consumption of sugar.


Insulin facilitates the passage of vitamins into cells.


Lactose intolerance refers to the disorder associated with low or absent lactase availability whereas lactose maldigestion refers to the symptoms of gas and bloating experienced by people who cannot digest lactose.


Liposuction is a recommended method for weight loss and weight-loss maintenance.


Low levels of physical activity are the main cause of obesity.


More individuals have anorexia nervosa than any other recognized eating disorder.


Obesity is caused primarily by genetic traits.


Obesity is related primarily to lack of self-esteem and control.


People who consume lead, such as from lead-based paints, have a condition called geophagia.


People who lack an ideal body shape and size lack the will power to stay on a diet and exercise program.


Pica refers to the regular consumption of raw whole grains, grasses, and other foods generally used to feed livestock.


Rates of obesity are substantially higher for females than for males in the United States.


Roger has a BMI of 35 mg/kg(squared) and is clinically considered obese. His fasting blood glucose level is 97 mg/dL. Roger probably has diabetes.


Some foods, including celery and grapefruit, have negative calories and help overweight people burn fat.


The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States has declined over the past decade.


The use of medications that cause weight gain is a leading reason for the obesity epidemic in the United States.


Unlike obesity, underweight has been related to specific genetic traits.


Weight loss is the cure to obesity.


Weight-loss products and services must be shown to be safe and effective before they can be marketed.


Women, but not men, require a minimal amount of body fat stores for health.


There is usually little difference between ideal body weights defined by cultural norms and those defined by science.

False- cultural norms are usually at odds with what is healthy

Individuals who lack the enzyme lactase are at increased risk of developing osteoporosis.


Individuals with anorexia nervosa are at risk of anemia.


Individuals with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes generally have the condition known as insulin resistance.


It is recommended that people using a prescription diet pill for weight loss should also follow a reduced-calorie diet and exercise routine.


Lifestyle approaches to weight control include individually based and sustainable behavioral changes.


Many different types of quick weight-loss diets lead to weight loss if allowed.


Nutritional rehabilitation and eating behavior counselling are key components to the treatment of eating disorders.


Obese people are more likely to experience binge-eating disorder than are people who are not obese.


Ounce for ounce, pre-sweetened breakfast cereals and unsweetened cereals provide about the same amount of calories.


Pasta, bread, and potatoes are good sources of complex carbohydrates.


People in many different cultures may consume clay, dirt, and other nonfood substances.


Prediabetes is defined as a condition in which fasting blood glucose levels are 100 to _< 125 mg/dL.


Small and acceptable improvements in eating and exercise behaviors are more likely to produce weight loss and weight-loss maintenance than are large and unpleasant changes in behaviors.


Sugar consumption is strongly related to the development of tooth decay.


Sugars are the most commonly used food additive.


The United States has one of the world's highest rates of anorexia nervosa.


The adverse effects of the female athlete triad on health are primarily related to low calorie intakes and underweight.


The current epidemic of obesity is related primarily to environmental factors.


The incidences of type 2 diabetes and of gestational diabetes increase as rates of overweight and obesity increase.


The major problem shared by quick weight-loss approaches is that they do not help people maintain weight in the long run.


The most effective strategies for the prevention and control of type 2 diabetes are weight loss and exercise.


Treatment is effective for 85% of women treated for binge-eating disorder.


Death rates are lowest among adults who remain underweight as they age.


Eating disorders results from psychological, not biological, causes.


Essential features of bulimia nervosa are binge eating and excessive sleeping.


Excess intake of aspartame (NutraSweet) causes headaches in a majority of children and adults.


Excess sugar consumption causes diabetes.


Excess sugar intake from soft drinks is a direct cause of type 2 diabetes.


Your cousin weighs 183 lbs and wants to lose 5% of his current weight. How many pounds would your cousin have to lose to meet the goal of a 5% weight loss?

9 lbs

Excess sugar intake is the primary cause of obesity in developed countries.


Culturally defined standards for ideal body shape and size have not changed throughout the course of history.


A female with a waist circumference of 29 inches, high blood pressure, and low levels of LDLcholesterol would be diagnosed as having "metabolic syndrome."


A person who weighs 250 lbs and has 95 lbs excess body weight before gastric bypass surgery and loses the average amount of excess body weight would be expected to weigh 170 lbs two years after the procedure.


According to the Hamwi method for estimating normal weight in adults, a 6'1" male should weigh approximately 204 lbs.


All foods high in complex carbohydrates have low glycemic indices.


All foods high in fiber are fibrous.


All types of fiber share the characteristic of providing 4 calories/gram.


Anybody who really wants to can lose weight and keep it off.


Calorie-restricted diets have been shown to prolong life in mice, monkeys, and humans.


Children who consume water at home from a fluoridated water supply are protected from developing dental caries if they consume candy and high-sugar regularly.


Claims made for the effectiveness of weight loss products must, by federal regulation be true.


Commercial weight-loss services and products must be tested for safety before they are made available to the public.


Cooking vegetables destroys their fiber content.


Individuals with lactose maldigestion can replace the calcium and vitamin D they do not get from milk with food such as:

Fortified soy & rice milk, low-lactose milk

A 6-year-old child's weight was measured and her BMI percentile was plotted on the appropriate growth chart. Her BMI is at the 25th percentile. She would be considered:

Healthy weight

Documented relationship between simple sugar intake & health is:

High simple sugar intakes are related to the risk of development of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Your computer was on the receiving end of a mass email describing a new weight-loss powder that guarantees users will safely lose 10 pounds in 10 days. What term implies that the product is bogus?


A 57-year-old person weighs 176 pounds and is 5'10" tall. The person's BMI should qualify as:


Gestational diabetes appears to be caused by the same environmental and genetic predisposition factors that apply to type 2 diabetes.


If undertaken correctly, and if appropriate formulas are used, underwater weighing produces accurate values of a person's percent body fat.


Not an effective approach to the prevention of weight gain in adults

Sleep atleast 9 hours daily (Effective approaches= consuming smaller portion sizes, paying attention to satiety signals, and getting regular physical activity)

Declining rates of dental caries in the US are primarily related to increased access to fluoridated water supplies.


Diabetes generally develops over the course of many years.


Excess visceral fat poses higher risks to health than excess subcutaneous fat.


Excluding fiber, one gram of carbohydrate provides four calories.


Features of metabolic syndrome can include excess abdominal fat and insulin resistance.


A 12-ounce can of soft drink contains about 3 tablespoons (9 teaspoons) of sugar.


A child with a body mass index higher than the 95th percentile on the CDC growth charts is considered obese.


A healthy diet and regular exercise helps to improve the health status of people of all sizes.


A successful way to lose weight and keep it off is by making small and acceptable changes in diet and physical activity.


Adults tend to eat 30-50% more food when given large portions of food than when given smaller portions.


Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of carbohydrates.


Carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing foods are classified by their glycemic index, or the extent to which they increase blood glucose levels.


Complex carbohydrates are also known as polysaccharides.


Critical aspects of anorexia nervosa include low body fat and low bone density.


Underweight is associated with an increased risk of illness and delayed recovery from illnesses.


Vegetables, fruits, and fiber are often consumed in low amounts by people who regularly eat energy-dense, high-calorie foods.


Weight loss can be accomplished using many types of popular diets. Such diets rarely help people maintain the weight loss in the long run.


When the body has more glucose than it needs for energy formation, the excess glucose is converted to glycogen and fat.


Xylitol and sorbitol are examples of alcohol sugars.


Fat stores located in the stomach area present a greater hazard to health than do fat stores located around the hips and thighs.

True - fat around the abdomen poses a higher risk for a number of health problems

Healthy underweight people often find it nearly impossible to gain weight.

True - gaining weight for underweight people is as difficult as losing weight is for many overweight people.

The basic cause of obesity is calorie intake that exceeds calorie needs.

True- many factors contribute, but basic cause is calories

When he was young, Hank remembers hearing his father say, "I can't drink milk. It tears me up inside." This means:

Unless diagnosed, you cannot know why his father has a problem he associates with milk drinking. (Cannot say he has lactose maldigestion or is lactose intolerant)

Associated with the prevention of dental caries

Use of chewing gum sweetened with xylitol (milk before bed, frequent dried fruit intake, & regular consumption of sweetened beverages would not be)

Your friend Amoni developed her own weight loss method. It's simple: just eat fish, papaya, and broccoli. She lost 5 pounds in two weeks using her method and recommends it to everyone she hears talking about weight loss. This diet:

Would be followed by weight regain in most people who try it.

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