Nutrition Multiple choice

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The nurse is working with a group of older adults to help them develop goals to achieve an optimal weight. The nurse provides information regarding current, evidence-informed practice for calculating ideal body weight. In doing so, the nurse will discuss which of the following?


A nurse is assessing a client's knowledge regarding healthy choices when eating food that is cooked away from home. The client correctly identifies which of the following dinner choices is the healthiest?

Baked chicken breast, salad with dressing on the side, steamed broccoli, and fresh fruit cup

A nurse is assessing a 6-month-old infant in a well-child visit. The nurse should expect to see development of which of the following feeding skills?

Begins to eat mashed foods

High school students are learning about nutrition. They have learned that fatty acids are either essential or nonessential. What makes some fatty acids essential?

They cannot be synthesized by the body

Thiamin acts as a coenzyme when the body metabolizes carbohydrates. It also has another important function. What is that other function?

Thiamin is important in nervous system functioning

When teaching about cholesterol, the nurse knows the clients in the group have a good understanding of dietary sources of cholesterol when they verbalize which foods contain this nutrient?


The physician has recommended that a client take a vitamin supplement. What would the client look for when choosing a vitamin supplement?

the "Supplement Facts label

The client is being admitted for outpatient surgery. During the assessment, the nurse notes the client is 6 ft 3 in tall and weighs 97 kg. What is this client's BMI?


The client is 24 weeks pregnant. How much have her daily calorie needs increased over her first trimester needs?

300 calories

The nurse educator discusses distribution of body fat is the most likely indicator of which of the following?

Disease risk

The nurse knows which of the following contributing factors puts adolescents at risk for calcium deficiency?

Drinking less milk

The nurse is conducting client education for a 71-year-old woman who is a resident of a long-term care facility. The assessment indicates that she is at a high risk for malnutrition. Which one of the following reasons and/or concerns is the client likely to report with respect to her nutritional status?

"I just don't have an appetite"

A client has asked the nurse to explain the glycemic index. Which of the following is the nurse's best response?

"It is a comparison between the blood glucose response caused by 50 g of pure glucose and 50 g of regular food."

The client is interested in breastfeeding her infant but has to return to work once her maternity leave is over. The client says she is concerned she will not be able to breastfeed her baby long enough for optimal health. How should the nurse respond?

"It is recommended that you give the baby only breast milk for the first 6 months of life"

The nurse is working with a group of clients who are learning how to read nutritional labels on their favorite foods. The clients are learning the definitions of various terms that are used. The clients show they understand when one makes which of the following comments?

"Reduced means the product has at least a 25% reduction in a nutrient when compared to a regular product."

The nurse is discussing weight gain with a group of pregnant women in a prenatal clinic. One of the women in the group has been measured with a body mass index (BMI) of 17.5. The nurse knows this client should gain how much weight during her pregnancy?

28-40 pounds

The client has an active 15-year-old boy. To maintain his weight, how many calories may he need per day?


The nurse should identify which lunch is best for a healthy 65-year-old who lives independently?

3 oz of tuna on whole wheat bread, 1 medium apple and 8 oz of 2% milk

The nurse is teaching a nutrition class on how to estimate the total number of calories expended by a person per day according to the rule-of-thumb formula. What is the estimated total calorie expenditure for a 160-pound man who does little activity?


The nurse is conducting an assessment on a new client who is being admitted to the long-term care facility. The client is a 69-year-old gentleman who is moderately active. What is the recommended calorie per day intake?

2200 cal/day

The range for protein for adults as recommended by the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for protein is what percentage of total calories?


During a visit to the maternal child clinic, a client asks the nurse when she can begin giving her baby whole milk. Which of the following is the nurse's best response?

12 months

The nurse is admitting a new client to the unit. The client is 17 years old and weighs 120 pounds. What is her basal metabolic rate (BMR) using the rule-of-thumb guideline?


The nurse is counseling a young female adult who needs approximately 2000 cal/day to maintain her weight. The client has set a goal to lose 1 pound per week. The nurse should recommend that the client instead, consume how many calories per day to achieve her goal?


The client is beginning an exercise program for the health benefits and to aid in preventing weight gain. How many minutes per week should the client plan on performing moderate-intensity physical activity to meet the recommended number of minutes?


A mother is concerned her 15-year-old daughter is not very active. The mother wants to know how many calories a day should she feed her to keep her from gaining weight.

1800 calories

The nurse is admitting a healthy, 25-year-old male to the unit for outpatient knee surgery. During the nutrition assessment, it is determined that he weighs 78.2 kg. Using the rule-of-thumb guideline for calculating BMR, what is the approximate BMR of this client?


MyPlate recommends Americans limit their intake of solid fats and added sugars to no more than 15% of total caloric intake. The nurse is seeing a client who reports he eats 2500 calories per day. What is the maximum recommended amount of caloric intake from sugar the client should consume in one day?


The client is meeting with the nurse to discuss starting a weight loss program. The nurse explains that calories come from the foods we eat and the liquids we drink. The nurse should inform the client that there are how many calories per gram in carbohydrates?

4 cal/g

Older adults need adequate protein in their diet. What are the approximate protein needs per day for an older adult weighing 132 pounds (60 kg)?


The nurse is admitting a healthy adult woman to the outpatient department for day surgery. The client weighs 70 kg. What is the client's Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein?


A nurse educator is teaching a class about the role of minerals in the diet. The nurse is assesses that teaching was effective when students are able to verbalize which of the following?

9 minerals originate from the earths crust

While discussing the "Nutrition Facts" label with a community diet and nutrition class, the nurse discusses the Percent Daily Value. The nurse correctly states the Percent Daily Value (%DV) listed on the "Nutrition Facts" label based which of the following?

A 2000-calorie diet

While completing admission assessments, which of the following clients would the nurse identify to be considered at greatest nutritional risk?

A client who had four beers every evening

Although many people may not be meeting recommended nutritional guidelines for optimal health, it is not always necessary for people to take a vitamin supplement. Which of the following individuals is least likely to need a vitamin supplement?

A moderately active adult

Which of the following statements by a client who is obese in prepregnancy indicates to the nurse the client understands the nurse's teaching?

At the high end of the range, I can gain 20 pounds

The nurse is preparing an educational session on the long-term benefits of breastfeeding. Which of the following teaching points should the nurse include?

Breastfeeding is associated with reducing the risk of postpartum depression

A nurse is seeing a client who has just found out she is 10 weeks pregnant. When discussing what to avoid, which of the following should the nurse emphasize most?


Lactose is composed of glucose and galactose and is a naturally occurring carbohydrate. Unfortunately, many individuals cannot tolerate lactose and develop gastrointestinal symptoms after ingesting it. These individuals would do best eating what dairy food?


While discussing the various chemical properties of nutrients in the body, the class discusses the differences between anions and cations. What mineral is the major anion in the extracellular fluid?


While taking a client's medical psychosocial history, the nurse collects client data which includes the following information: The client has been treated for a major depressive episode 2 years ago, the client practices Islam, and is high in socioeconomic status. Her hair is visibly dry and dull, and she mentions that her hands feel weak in the past few months. What in the medical-psychosocial assessment might lead to a nutritional deficiency?

Clients history of major depressive episode

The nurse is teaching the high school health class the benefit of including milk in the diet to prevent which of the following health complications?

Compromise bone integrity

Each of us has a specific energy need for our body to function optimally. Once this energy need is met, what will our body do with any excess protein consumed?

Converts to fatty acid and stores it

The nurse is discussing the various food types with a new client. During the discussion, the nurse explains that rice, wheat, and corn are examples of which type?

Core foods

Despite eating small, frequent meals as suggested, a pregnant client reports continued nausea and vomiting. What additional suggestions should the nurse make?

Eat dry crackers between meals

On ways to increase fiber intake, which of the following recommendations should the nurse make to a client with a diagnosis of chronic constipation?

Eat legumes two or three times a week

The nurse is seeing a client in the prenatal clinic who reports feeling as though food is coming back up from her stomach. She reports belching often after a meal. Which of the following interventions should the nurse recommend?

Eat small, frequent meals

A client has come to the clinic to learn about diet changes she should make to reduce her chance of developing a chronic disease. What nutritional recommendations should the nurse make regarding EPA and DHA to reduce the risk of heart disease?

Eat two portions of fatty fish weekly

To assist in nutrition screening in the community, the local older adult center has developed a screen to help identify individuals at high risk for malnutrition. Which of the following risk factors might be included?

Eats alone most of the time

Unintentional weight loss can be an indicator of malnutrition; however, apparent weight gain may be an unreliable indicator of improvement due to which of the following?


A nurse is seeing a client who has decided to take on a lacto-vegetarian lifestyle. When assisting the client in meal planning, the nurse knows that which of the following foods must be excluded?


A client is discussing the process of irradiation of food with the clinic nurse. The client is concerned that these food products are not safe to eat. The nurse can explain that irradiation has been determined to be safe and is sometimes referred to as which of the following?

Electric Pasteurization

A client who was widowed 6 weeks ago has a decreased appetite since his wife died. He reports consuming a low volume of food and worsening appetite. He has unintentionally lost 19 pounds since his wife's death and reports around the clock fatigue. He is admitted to the unit for weight loss due to inadequate nutritional intake. What nursing intervention would be appropriate for the nurse to include in the care plan for this client?

Encourage the client to eat a large, dense breakfast

Nutrition therapy in the elderly has different goals than at other times across the lifespan. What is a primary goal of diet intervention for the elderly?

Enhance quality of life

The nurse describes to a client that protein is formed from essential and nonessential amino acids. The client is having difficulties understanding the difference. Which of the following is the best explanation the nurse can provide?

Essential amino acids must be consumed in the diet

Children sometimes get mottled tooth enamel because they ingest more fluoride than is recommended while their teeth are forming. Which of the following may be the cause of this?

Fluoridated toothpaste

Given that bottled water is highly consumed by North Americans, the nurse assessing the health needs of children in the community is aware that children who drink bottled water may require supplementation with which of the following?


The nurse educator is assessing learning about coenzymes with nursing students. A correct understanding of function of these molecules has been demonstrated when which of the following examples of the function of coenzymes is given?

Folacin helps with protein synthesis

A client voices concerns about preventing neural tube defects during her pregnancy. The nurse knows the client should be taking which of the following supplements to prevent these problems?

Folic acid

While conducting a class on homeostasis as a function of the body, which of the following statements about homeostasis and minerals is true?

For some minerals, the body maintains homeostasis by releasing minerals from storage for redistribution

Parents of 4-month-old baby ask what concerns they should have about formula feeding. How should the nurse respond?

Formula-fed babies are at risk for being overfed.

The nurse is teaching a nutrition class at the local high school. When discussing good sources of dietary calcium, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend?

Fortified Orange Juice

The nurse is seeing a 58-year-old client who would like to know what to eat in order to increase intake of vitamin D. Which of the following responses by the nurse correct?

Fortified milk

The nurse educator is introducing functional foods to a group of nursing students. Which of the following is best way for the nurse to describe functional foods?

Functional food are those that have components that appear to enhance health

When providing teaching on feeding hazards with preschoolers, the nurse should include which of the following foods when discussing the risk for choking?


The nurse is conducting an assessment of the 38-year-old male who is requesting assistance with weight loss. The nurse determines the client has abdominal obesity based on the waist circumference of which of the following?

Greater than 40in

The son of a 90-year-old client who is sedentary is discussing with a nurse strategies for preventing malnutrition in the older adult. How should the nurse best response?

Have some family meals throughout the week

A student in the nutrition class is reporting on the availability of nutrition information. According to the student's report, where do most North Americans get their information on nutrition?

Health care professionals

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. What is the greatest known modifiable risk factor of OA of the knee?

High BMI

A nurse assessing a client notices he is taking large doses of niacin. The client informs the nurse that a health-care provider has instructed him to do so. Which of the following health issues is the most likely reason for this intervention?

High LDL cholestrol

An 80-year-old female was admitted with pneumonia. During her assessment, she mentions she has recently had difficulty eating because "everything keeps going down the wrong pipe." When the nurse is developing a care plan, which of the following is an appropriate nursing diagnosis to include?

High risk of aspiration

The nurse is conducting nutritional screening for older adults at a health fair. Which of the following would be an important question to ask while screening an older adult for nutritional risk?

How many medications do you take?

When assessing the client's understanding of the role of beta-carotene in health, which of the following statements indicate the client has a correct understanding of role of this nutrient?

I include winter squash in several of my meals; it helps my eyesight

A client is interested in making dietary changes to limit the intake of saturated fat. When assessing the client's knowledge after providing education regarding making food choices considering fat content, the client demonstrates effective learning when she states which of the following?

Im going to find alternatives to eating beef

Nursing care plans include nursing diagnoses that address nutrition status when the nurse assesses this as a client need. After identifying a nutritional deficiency in a client, which nursing diagnosis would be most appropriate to include?

Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements

The nurse is teaching a basic class about nutrition to clients in a weight loss program. After discussing the process of carbohydrate digestion, the nurse recognizes teaching has been effective when the clients correctly identify which of the following as the primary site of carbohydrate digestion?

In the small intestine

During a clinic visit, the mother of 3-month-old infant tells the nurse the baby is taking Phenyl-free formula. For which of the following reasons would the infant require this type of formula?

Inborn error of metabolism

The nurse is aware that making the decision to lower calorie intake requires more than just eating less. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse make to help clients meet nutritional needs without exceeding caloric limits?

Increasing nutrition density

Which of the following foods would be the best option for introducing to a 6-month-old infant?

Infant rice cereal

When providing information to nursing students about irradiation, which statement made by the nurse educator describes this process accurately?

Irradiation does not use heat

The nurse will need to discuss supplementation of vitamin B12 with a woman who has which of the following factors influencing her pregnancy?

Is a strict vegan

The nurse is conducting a nutrition class when one of the clients questions the accuracy of using BMI to determine obesity. The client is surprised to see his BMI is high but he does not feel he is overweight. What is a drawback of using body mass index to determine obesity?

It does not take composition into account

A nurse is trying to help her clients with their meal trays. The main complaint appears to be that the foods are not seasoned correctly. Understanding that seasonings can be cultural, which of the following should the nurse understand about this food item?

It is a distinguishing feature

A nurse is seeing a client who reports she is concerned about free radicals. The client is seeking nutritional guidance to prevent the damage that can be caused by them. Which of the following foods can the nurse recommend for prevention?

Leafy green vegetables

A client in the prenatal clinic tells the nurse she is having trouble keeping her breakfast down and has waves of nausea throughout the day. Which of the following is the most appropriate nutritional intervention the nurse can suggest to the client?

Limiting fat intake

A nurse prepares to share several suggestions learned from a conference titled "How to Facilitate Client and Family Nutritional Teaching" with other unit nurses. Which of the following is an appropriate suggestion for teaching clients and their families?

Listen to the ideas and concerns the client and family may have.

A client is concerned she is not getting enough vitamin D in her diet. The nurse provides some client education regarding sources of vitamin D. The nurse includes in the teaching that synthesis of vitamin D is NOT impaired by which of the following?

Low calcium intake

The nurse is providing nutrition information to a prenatal class. The nurse is correct in stating that compared with the Recommended Dietary Allowances of pregnancy, the RDA for lactation is which of the following?

Lower for iron

Which of the following described the bodily process of recycling amino acids from broken-down body proteins?

Metabolic pool

The nurse is teaching a high school health class about calcium. What should the nurse teach the students to eat in order to promote the absorption of calcium?


The nurse is teaching a nutrition class to a group of pregnant women in the community. A client in the class who is vegetarian asks what would be a good source of vitamin B12. Which of the following is the correct response?


Riboflavin is said to be unique among the water-soluble vitamins. What makes riboflavin unique?

Milk and dairy products contribute the most riboflavin to the diet

Nutrient deficiencies in young children are generally not a health risk. However, young children who drink too much milk are at risk for which of the following issues?

Milk anemia

The nurse is conducting the assessment of a new client who has been admitted to a hospital unit. The nurse notes that this client is a Seventh-Day Adventist. Which of the following should the nurse verify if the client will want noted for his diet?

No meat or meat products

The nurse is discussing the thermic effect of food on the body. When explaining how energy is used by the body for this purpose, which of the following information should the nurse include?

No, phosphorus is pervasive int he food supply

The client has a 6-month-old infant. It is part of the infant's bedtime routine to get a bottle of formula when he goes down for the night. Which of the following problems is this infant most likely at risk for?

Nursing bottle caries

The nurse is working with a client to help her choose healthier options when eating fast food. Which of the following recommendations can the nurse make to help the client make the best choices when eating fast food?

Occasionally acceptable

When providing teaching to a client about the importance of drinking the recommended amount of water daily, the client states, "I just really hate the taste of water." What is the nurse's best response?

Other types of beverages may provide phytochemicals to the body

The client tells the nurse he is not willing to give up eating red meat entirely. Which response by the nurse will help the client ensure saturated fat consumption is within the recommended range?

Pay close attention to portion sizes of meat

The nurse is seeing a client who is 65 years old. The client makes the statement, "Why should I care so much about what I eat, I won't be living that much longer anyway." Which of the following is true about aging?

People are living much longer than before

The nurse is aware that there are different categories for food. While conducting an assessment with a new client, it is explained that peripheral foods are eaten sporadically. What are these foods typically based on?

Personal preference

When preparing resources to help clients understand portion control, which of the following widely used terms should the nurse include to describe the phenomenon of "super-sized" portions?

Portion distortion

The nurse is working with a client who voices the desire to lose weight. When providing education about intake, the nurse should begin by explaining that a person who consistently consumes too many calories will be in which of the following?

Positive energy balance

The elderly population has a mean intake below the dietary reference intake (DRI) for several nutrients. Which of the following falls into that classification?


The nurse is presenting a workshop on preventing foodborne illness. Which of the following is one point that should be included in the workshop?

Preventing cross-contamination of raw and cooked food

The 74-year-old client who has been hospitalized for 1 week has developed a pressure ulcer on her sacrum that has become infected. Which of the following reasons is the most likely cause of this health complication?

Protein-calorie malnutrition

While learning about the "Nutrition Facts" label, the client sees the term "very low" on a food label. What does this mean?

Refers to sodium only

When considering what to include in teaching about the strongest influence on eating habits, the nurse should include information that is specific to which of the following?


Antioxidants disarm free radicals produced during normal oxygen metabolism. Which mineral is a component of an enzyme that acts as an antioxidant?


The nurse is conducting nutrition counseling with a 21-year-old pregnant woman in a prenatal clinic. What should the nurse explain to the client about caloric intake during the second and third trimesters of her pregnancy?

She will need approximately 450 increase during the third trimester

The client is learning to read the "Nutrition Facts" label when shopping for food. Information that appears on the "Nutrition Facts" label is specific for which of the following?

Size listed

The school nurse is seeing a 14-year-old girl who says she does not feel like eating breakfast in the morning. The nurse should provide which of the following information about skipping breakfast to help the adolescent make healthier decisions for her daily nutrition intake?

Skipping breakfast can make it more difficult to concentrate and retain information

Sodium is a necessary nutrient and the major extracellular cation in the body. When providing client education regarding the importance of sodium in the body, which of the following is the most accurate statement the nurse can make?

Sodium helps the transmission of impulses between brain cells

The nurse is teaching a nutrition class in a bariatric clinic. One of the students asks, "If fat isn't good for you, why not go on a fat-free diet?" Which of the following responses should the nurse offer the client?

Some fats can help reduce heart disease

he school nurse is working with a 16-year-old high school student who is interested in starting a vegetarian diet. When trying to emphasize the importance of consuming complete proteins, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend that the high school student include in the diet?


The genetic engineering of our food supply has produced varied results. Which foods available in North American supermarkets are most likely to have genetically engineered ingredients?

Soybean oil and corn syrup

A nurse is trying to help a client understand the difference between glucose and glycogen. The client shows he understands when he indicates that glycogen is the human version of which of the following?


Physiologically and developmentally, an infant will indicate when he or she is ready and able to have solid foods added to his or her diet. What indication in an infant would tell the nurse that he or she is ready to progress to solid foods?

The eruption of teeth

The nurse is preparing to complete an assessment of a new client who is being admitted to rule out nutritional problems. The nurse is aware that there are times when the body breaks down fatty acids incompletely, resulting in an increase of ketone formation. Which of the following situations will result in this?

Starvation and uncontrolled diabetes

It is recognized that food habit is one of the last behaviors people change through acculturation. Children tend to adopt the new ways quickly and easier. What is thought to be one of the reasons for this?


Vitamins can be either fat soluble or water soluble. Their solubility determines many of their characteristics. What is one characteristic that is determined by a vitamin's solubility?


The nurse is seeing an older adult client who has been assessed to have sarcopenia. The nurse is providing education to the client regarding lifestyle modifications that can be made to halt or reverse this condition. Which of the following modifications should the nurse recommend?

Strength-training exercises

The nurse works with several clients who routinely take nutritional supplements. The nurse is aware that which of the following statements about vitamins is true?

Taking large doses of vitamin A is potentially harmful

The nurse is aware that magnesium deficiency is a potential nutritional problem. What is the cause of this potential problem?

The use of refined grains over whole grains

The nurse is teaching a class where they are discussing the amount of fat that should be included in the daily diet to prevent chronic disease. Which of the following is correct?

There is no set amount due to insufficient data

A nurse is discussing dietary minerals with a client who wants to ensure as much nutritional value of food is retained during food preparation. The nurse should provide which of the following information about minerals?

They are not destroyed by heat and light

When teaching a nutrition class, the nurse educator discusses the importance of trace minerals in body function. A lack of information means the nurse educator can only provide basic information about trace minerals for which of the following reasons?

Trace minerals are difficult to study; bioavailability varies within the context of the total diet.

One of the pregnant clients in a nutrition class voices concern about being constipated despite having very regular bowel movements in pre pregnancy. Which of the following is the nurse's best response

Try drinking hot water with lemon juice upon waking

The mother of a 7-month-old infant tells the nurse she has been putting fruit juice in a bottle for her baby to drink. Which of the following is the nurse's best response?

Try offering fruit juice in a cup

Foodborne illnesses affect thousands of people every year. What is the major cause of foodborne illnesses?

Unsanitary food handling

When teaching nutritional information about fat to a group of nursing students, the nurse educator correctly explains that the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids is which of the following?

Unsaturated fats are often found in fish oils

During a nutrition class, students learn that vitamins can exist in more than one form and have more than one function. Of which of the following vitamins is this true?

Vitamin A

The nurse is assessing the nutritional needs of a client who reports he is a strict vegan. Because the client adheres to a plant-based diet only, he may be at risk for a deficiency of which of the following nutrients?

Vitamin B12

The nurse is aware that vitamins have been found to have other functions than to just nourish the body. Vitamins are often used as food additives for specific purposes. Which vitamin is added to frozen fish to help prevent rancidity?

Vitamin C

The nurse is discussing with the nutrition class which dietary supplements older adults need to take. Which of the following supplements should the nurse emphasize are needed in the older adult population?

Vitamin D

The nurse is providing education on the prevention of major fractures in older adults, such as fracture of the hip. Which of the following recommendations for vitamin intake should the nurse be sure to include in the educational session?

Vitamin D

A nurse is seeing a client who is having difficulties understanding why it would be dangerous to take more vitamin D than indicated on the directions on the bottle. Which of the following responses by the nurse is best?

Vitamin D is fat soluble, excess is stored

The nurse is aware that vitamins are organic compounds that differ in function and availability. When discussing properties of vitamins with a client, which of the following statements is accurate?

Vitamins are susceptible to destruction by factors such as heat, air and light

The nurse is seeing an older adult client who has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA). Because the client is obese, what can the nurse say in order to support the client in making the decision to lost weight?

Weight loss relieves symptoms in the weight-bearing joints

The family members of an older adult client in a long-term care facility are concerned that a restrictive diet will decrease quality of life for the client. The nurse correctly explains that the diet must be adhered to for which of the following reasons?

When a significant improvement in health can be expected

A client is being admitted to the hospital unit with abdominal pain and nausea. During the assessment, the nurse discovers that the client has been taking supplements in manner in which the vitamins could result in acting more as drugs. When do vitamins act as drugs in the body?

When they are taken in megadoses

A client has been working with the nurse to improve her diet and lose weight. When assisting the client create a meal plan, the client requires a dairy source that is relatively low in carbohydrates in order to include more whole grains. Which of the following foods should be included?

Whole Milk, 8oz

The nurse is providing education for a client being discharged from hospital on a cardiac diet. To assist the client in making food purchases that will have a long shelf life but retain nutrients, the nurse should suggest which of the following options?

Whole Wheat flour

A nurse is seeing a client who is 23 weeks pregnant. The client asks, "Is it really that necessary to take a prenatal vitamin?" Which of the following is the nurse's best response?

Yes, because the RDA for iron increases with pregnancy

A clinical nurse educator is providing education to students in the hospital setting regarding dietary restrictions for clients who identify as Orthodox Jewish. Teaching has been effective if students prevent which of the following foods from being added to the meal tray for clients from this population?


The nurse is teaching a nutrition class. The assignment given to the students is to pick the healthiest meal from the following choices. Which meal would be the best one to choose?

baked veal cutlets with masala sauce

In the United States, horsemeat, insects, and dog meat are not considered food items, even though they meet the criteria for what is considered "food." What dictates what is acceptable as a food item and what is not?


While learning about different cultures, a student asks what "pareve" means. What would be the best answer?

dairy free

Polyols or sugar alcohols are one of the alternatives to naturally occurring sugar that are used widely in the American diet. Consuming large amounts of polyols is most likely to cause which of the following symptoms?


The nurse educator is providing a class on cultural competence, specifically regarding nutrition. The nurse educator correctly explains that people of different cultures who move to North America are most likely to eat traditional foods at which of the following mealtimes?

dinner time

The nurse is conducting a nutritional screening with an 84-year-old client with depression. Further into the assessment, the client describes positive feelings associated with certain foods eaten with his family in the past. In planning his meals, what would be appropriate for the nurse to include?

food that are considered comfort foods

The nurse is discussing nutrition labels with a high school health class. Which of the following would be important to discuss about the ingredients list?

ingredients are listed in descending order by weight

The nurse is discussing with the nutrition class the role that some nutrients play in regulating chemical substances in the body. The nurse correctly explains which of the following is essential for effective metabolism and thermoregulation?


During a discussion on diet and nutrition at a community center, the nurse is asked to provide tips on preventing foodborne illness. Which of the following would be the best response?

keep food preparation separate from each food

Many people who come to North America from other countries continue to adhere to cultural customs associated with food. For which of the following reasons might they retain their own comfort foods?

link with the past

The nurse from the emergency department is giving a report to the nurse on the receiving medical unit for an 18-year-old client who states she is a practicing Muslim. In reviewing the orders for this client, which of the following diet orders would be expected?

no pork products

When bodily energy needs are met, excess glucose is utilized to make which of the following?

non essential amino acids

The nurse is admitting a new client who identifies with Islam. The nurse notes this on the client's diet orders. Which of the following is the client likely to avoid when making dietary preferences for meals?


Because functional foods appear to enhance health or prevent disease, which natural functional food may help to prevent stroke?

purple grape juice

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