OAEs Study Set 2

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Which of the following is not considered a disability category according to IDEA?

Developmental disabilities

Which one of the following challenges is least likely to arise when collaborating with parents at IEP meetings?

Differences with regard to attendance issues

Which of the following pieces of special education legislation implemented the child find process for students who are suspected of having disabilities?

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004

Which one of the following strategies is likely to be the most beneficial for at-risk students with disabilities who struggle with mental illness?

Informing the school counselors of the corners

Which of the following strategies would be least effective in structuring an inclusive classroom environment?

Maintaining a structured routine

Anna is a fourth-grade student with a disability who is struggling with reading comprehension in her social studies class. Which of the following would be the best option for ensuring that Anna can appropriately access the general education curriculum?

Modifying the content in her social studies class

Parker is a sixth-grade student who receives special education services as a student with a specific learning disability. Which of the following responsibilities would the special education teacher most likely perform in assisting Parker?

Monitoring the progress of his IEP goals

Which one of the following disability categories is likely to have the greatest impact on individuals across their life span?

Multiple disabilities

Which of the following is true about discipline and students who receive special education services according to IDEA?

A manifestation determination must be held after 10 days of suspensions.

The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales would be most appropriate to administer to which of the following students?

A student with an intellectual disability.

When determining the continued eligibility for a student with a specific learning disability, which of the following tests would be most appropriate to administer?

Achievement test

Tristan is a 10th-grade student with a specific learning disability in the area of reading comprehension. Which of the following examples would likely be the most beneficial in administering summative assessments to students like Tristan?

Administering assessments with accommodations

Which of the following best describes when it would be appropriate to provide one-on-one in-class support to a fifth-grade student who receives special education services and has been demonstrating an inability to attend to his general education teachers?

After data has been collected and analyzed

Which of the following is the most appropriate use of technology to provide assistance with reading a story for a high school student who struggles with reading comprehension?

Allowing the student to use text-to-speech programs

Which of the following is the best example of how a student with a specific learning disability can access standardized tests?

Allowing them to access accommodated tests

Which of the following is true of co-occurring conditions for students with ADHD who receive special education services?

Almost half of students with ADHD also have a learning disability.

Which of the following best describes alternate assessments and students that receive special education services?

Alternate assessments are not based on grade-level standards.

Which of the following classroom organization methods would be most beneficial for a teacher who includes a lot of classroom discussions?

Arranging the desks facing toward each other

Which of the following best describes the most effective use of a developmental assessment?

As a norm-referenced scale

Justin is a ninth-grade student with a specific learning disability in the area of reading comprehension. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in ensuring that he would be most effective in ensuring that he maintains his knowledge of a story?

Asking him to reread the story each week

How can a summative assessment be implemented for students with disabilities?

Asking them to complete a portfolio at the end of a unit

Bobby is an 11th-grade at-risk student with a specific learning disability who rarley sees either of his parents. Which of the following instructional strategies is likely to be most effective for Bobby long term?

Assisting Bobby in applying and interviewing for jobs

Which of the following best describes how math simulation assistive technology can help students with disabilities access the curriculum?

Assisting students in conceptualizing the problem

Which of the following instructional strategies would be most effective for students who access computer-assisted instruction?

Assisting them in seeking support from their online teacher

Jimmy is a general education eighth-grade student who is starting to struggle in the area of math calculations. Which of the following is the next step for his teacher?

Attempting accommodations inside the classroom

Which of the following disability categories would a student with a developmental disability most likely be eligible for under IDEA?

Autism spectrum disorder

Jessie is a fourth-grade student with an emotional disturbance. Which of the following behavior management models would be most likely to meet his needs?

Love and logic

When teaching a classroom with students with disabilities, which of the following would be most effective in building self-esteem?

Being patient with their learning needs

Alex is a ninth-grade student who receives services as a student with a traumatic brain injury. In order to be eligible to receive services under this disability category, which of the following causes of the injury can be ruled out?

Birth trauma

When screening a student for potential deficiencies as a preschooler, which of the following would be considered typical emotional development?

Changing the rules of a game they play

Cheyenne is an eighth-grade student with an other health impairment due to a heart condition, and she struggles with attendance. Which of the following would be the best example of a weekly objective in assisting Cheyenne in getting caught up?

Cheyenne will meet with her case manager to develop a plan in getting caught up.

Which of the following best describes how classroom centers can be appropriate for students with disabilities?

Centers can be beneficial in allowing for group instruction.

Chad is a fifth-grade student with ADHA who needs active involvement to stay focused, but who enjoys being away from people. How can the use of a workspace in the corner of the class be best implemented in the classroom to be beneficial for Chad?

Chad can go to the corner to reward good behavior after he finishes his work.

Which of the following does not describe one of the methods that students with disabilities can use to access the general education curriculum?

Changing the environment in which they are taught

Which of the following classroom arrangements would be most appropriate for active teaching and learning?


Sasha is a kindergarten student who seems to be struggling with the curriculum in her class. Which of the following screening tests would be least likely to benefit Sasha before determining whether or not a special education evaluation is appropriate?

Cognitive screening

Which of the following strategies can a special education teacher implement to best ensure that inclusion is successful in their school?

Collaborating with general education teachers

Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for creating a supportive learning environment for students with emotional disturbances?

Collaborating with the students to set group parameters

Marie is a fifth-grade student who receives special education services as a student with a hearing impairment. Which of the following sections in the IEP describes the support that Marie will receive specific to her disability?

Communication plan

When working with students who struggle with managing their own behavior, which of the following would not be considered a positive behavior intervention?


Which of the following learning theories views motivation as extrinsic and intrinsic?


Which of the following is the best description of maintaining a previously learned skill?

Continuing to practice the learned skill

Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill that a four-year-old student would be expected to do?

Cut with scissors

Dustin is a ninth-grade student who struggles with his organizational skills. Which of the following assistive technology devices would be most beneficial in helping him improve these skills?

Data managers

Jessica is a ninth-grade student who struggles with becoming distracted while she works in the general education setting. Which of the following methods of differentiated instruction would be most beneficial to Jessica?

Differentiating the learning environment.

Which of the following would least likely be one of the responsibilities of the school psychologist with regard to providing support for students with disabilities?

Facilitating IEP meetings

Which of the following is least likely to be the responsibility of an elementary school special education teacher?

Facilitation of 504 plans and meetings

Which of the following lifelong skills can be incorporated into a writing intervention group for eighth-grade students?

Email writing

Jeanine is a ninth-grade student who often disrupts class with outbursts when she doesn't get her way. Which of the following would be the least effective in managing her behavior when this occurs?

Engaging with her

When developing a lesson plan for a small group of students with specific learning disabilities in the area of writing, which one of the following is most important?

Ensuring that the students are working on their IEP goals

When teaching an eighth-grade class, which one of the following strategies in communicating with parents best promotes a safe classroom environment?

Ensuring the behavior issues are communicated to parents

Which of the following is least likely to explain the gender gap in identification of boys and girls for learning disabilities?

Expectations tend to be higher for girls.

Shamus is an eighth-grade student with a specific learning disability in the area of written expression. Which of the following is the best example of a curriculum-based measure to monitor his progress in this area?

Giving him a story starter and counting his writing sequences

Which of the following instructional strategies is most appropriate when lecturing to a class that includes students with disabilities in a high school class?

Giving the students skeleton notes to fill in

Grace is a fourth-grader who receives special education services as a student with an autism spectrum disorder. Which of the following is not true about Grace and accessing the alternate assessment?

Grace would access the alternate assessment if she displays difficult behavior.

In order for students to make progress on their IEP goals, which of the following makes the most sense when grouping students for a math intervention group?

Grouping students based on their ability group?

Rob is a second-grade student with a hearing impairment. Which of the following characteristics would not be included in the criteria for his continued eligibility?

He also has a visual impairment.

Jared is a fifth-grade student with Down Syndrome. Which of the following co-occurring conditions is Jared most likely to suffer from over the course of his life?

Heart diseases

Which one of the following is the best example of cooperative learning when teaching a class that contains a mix of students with disabilities and the general education population?

Heterogeneous teams

Jose is a fourth-grade student who was recently determined to be eligible for special education services. Which of the following strategies would be most beneficial in supporting his family?

Holding informational meetings regularly

Which of the following best describes the difference between a 504 plan and an IEP?

IEPs contain services and accommodations, whereas 504 plans only contain accommodations.

Braden is a 10th-grade student with a specific learning disability. Which one of the following examples best describes when the results of his standardized testing may be unreliable?

If Braden did not access his accommodations

Which of the following is the best example of how nonverbal communication can be used to manage student behavior?

Including visual aids to improve content delivery

Which of the following strategies would likely be most beneficial in preparing a student with a specific learning disability for adulthood?

Incorporating money management skills in the student's class

Zachary is a 10th-grade student who receives special education services as a student with an other health impairment due to his ADHA, and he struggles to sit for long periods of time. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in providing opportunities for Zachary to move around?

Incorporating movement activities for the entire class

Which one of the following is the best example of a culturally responsive special education classroom?

Incorporating texts from various cultures

Jacob is a third-grade student who scored one standard deviation below average in written expression on an academic achievement test. Which of the following best describes the likely next step for Jacob?

Jacob will be determined eligible for special education services.

Which of the following community services would be most appropriate for a group of high school students with specific learning disabilities?

Job skills trainers

Which one of the following circumstances is least likely to impact the family of a child with a disability?

Knowledge of the family about disabilities

Which of the following strategies is likely to be most effective in overcoming any kind of personal cultural biases when working with students with disabilities?

Learning about why the cultural bias takes place.

Brian is a 12th-grade student with an intellectual disability. Which of the following would be the best example of a functional curriculum in his science class?

Learning how to maintain a garden

Gordon is a seventh-grade student with an intellectual disability. Which of the following is likely most important in ensuring that Gordon has a meaningful learning experience in the class?

Linking the content to real-life experiences

Which of the following characteristics would be the least common in students who receive special the least common in students who receive special education services under the multiple disabilities category?

Loss of vision and hearing

Which of the following is not required as a component of an IEP?


Which of the following best explains why learning objectives should be time-bound?

Objectives should include a date in relation to the accomplishment.

Andrea is a first-grade student with a developmental delay. How can a formative assessment be implemented to monitor her progress throughout the school year?

Observing her in class.

Madison is a third-grade student who receives special education services due to a hearing impairment. Which of the following special services providers would be least likely to attend her reevaluation meeting?

Occupational therapist

Which of the following best describes how often at minimum a behavior intervention plan should be updated?

Once a year at the annual IEP meeting.

Which of the following pieces of information is typically not required during the prereferral process for special education?

Parental consent

Which of the following is true about the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and students with disabilities?

Parents have the right to access testing protocols.

Which of the following is most likely to be true about students with learning disabilities and their families?

Parents will often suspect a disability before the school does.

According to IDEA, which one of the following areas is not considered when determining eligibility for the developmental delay category?

Personal development

Which of the following activities would be considered atypical cognitive development for a four-year-old?

Pointing to objects they want

Which of the following wouldn't be considered a social environmental factor that could potentially impact students with disabilities/

Poor nutrition

Which of the following best describes the use of a screening test for struggling students?

To determine whether an in-depth assessment must be conducted

Which of the following is the most productive instructional strategy when working with at-risk learners with disabilities?

Providing a caring classroom setting

When working with a group of eighth-grade students with writing deficiencies, which of the following intervention strategies would be most appropriate?

Providing a graphic organizer for the students to use

Marissa is an 11th-grade student who accesses special education services as a student with autism spectrum disorder. Which of the following lesson plan elements would likely be most beneficial in meeting her heeds in her math class?

Providing hands-on instruction

Ross is a third-grade student who receives special education services as a student with another health impairment due to ADHA. Which of the following strategies would likely be least effective for Ross?

Providing one-on-one math instruction

Which of the following is the most advantageous in implementing small-group pull-out instruction for high school students with disabilities?

Providing students access to their IEP accommodations

How would the use of a supplementary curriculum be most appropriate for a group of high school students in a social studies class?

Providing the students opportunities to explore careers

Corey is a second-grade student who receives special education services due to a specific learning disability in the area of reading fluency. Which of the following is the best strategy for ensuring success for Corey if he is severely impacted by his reading fluency deficiencies?

Pulling Corey for one-to-one reading fluency intervention

Which of the following is not one of the dispute-resolution processes that a parent or stakeholder may choose for a child with a disability who receives special education services?

Removing the student from the school

Which of the following instructional strategies is most appropriate in supporting the transition goals of eighth-grade students?

Researching classes that the high school offer

Which of the following best describes how an intelligence test can guide instruction?

To determine which accommodations students should access

Ricky is a seventh-grade student being evaluated for special education services who is administered an IQ test. Which of the following best describes the results of his test if he scored a 100?

Ricky scored in the average range.

Which of the following agencies would likely be most appropriate for high school students with specific learning disabilities?

School-to-work agencies

Which of the following is not one of the components of a free appropriate public education (FAPE)?

Schools must provide the best possible education.

Which one of the following learning environments allows for differentiated instruction?

Selectively placing the students with additional support needs throughout the classroom.

Which of the following would be the most effective communication strategies when working with a student who has frequent misbehaviors due to his disability at school?

Sending home a daily behavior report

Lori is a 10th-grade student with a postsecondary goal of becoming an artist. Which of the following would likely be most productive in helping Lori reach this goal?

Setting up an appointment with the art teacher at school.

Jaden is a second-grade student with a diagnosis of ADHD. When conducting a special education evaluation, which of the following behavior rating scales would be most appropriate?

Single-domain scales

Which of the following is a disadvantage to having special education teachers support classrooms rather than co-teach.

Special education teachers are not as familiar with the content.

Brittany is a four-year-old preschool student who is administered a developmental assessment as part of her special education evaluation. Which of the following disability categories would least likely be considered as a result of these assessments?

Specific learning disability

Which of the following is an example of an early intervention service for a student who is being evaluated for a developmental disability?

Speech services

Jeffrey is an eighth-grade student with a deficiency in reading fluency. Which of the following assistive technology devices would be least appropriate in supporting his needs?

Speech-to-text device

Which of the following best describes the role of the special education teacher in the multitiered system of supports (MTSS) process?

To discuss students who may need to be evaluated

Javier is a fourth-grade student with an emotional disturbance. Which one of the following individuals is least likely to be a member of his IEP team?


Why is instructional scaffolding a useful strategy when teaching students with disabilities?

Students are provided additional support in learning the lesson.

Which of the following best describes how students who receive special education services are also protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?

Students who graduate high school can access 504 plans in college.

Which of the following students would most likely benefit from community services as part of their postsecondary transition goals?

Students with multiple disabilities

Which of the following is the best example of guided practice when supporting a fifth-grade general education social studies class with multiple students with disabilities?

Students work in small groups to complete the map worksheet.

Which one of the following environmental factors is likely to have the greatest impact on students who receive special education services due to mental health concerns?

Substance abuse

Which of the following intervention strategies would be most effective in assisting a student who struggles to learn vocabulary terms?

Supplying visuals with the words

Which of the following is true about stakeholder rights and an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)?

T testing is administered by someone who works outside of the school district.

Matthew is a third-grade student with an emotional disturbance who struggles with outbursts. Which of the following observation methods would be most beneficial when conducting a formative assessment?

Tally marks

Which of the following is the most appropriate example of differentiated instruction when teaching a math lesson to fourth-grade students?

Targeting diffrent senses

David is a fourth-grade student who has been struggling with some of his behaviors. Which of the following frequent behaviors would be most concerning when observing David?

Telling lies and being dishonest

Which one of the following is not typically used to collect data as a curriculum-based assessment?


Cory is a 10th-grade student with an other health impairment due to ADHA. Which one of the following social influences is likely to have the most impact on his academic performance?

The composition of his household.

Which of the following is not true about the referral process for special education eligibility?

The evaluation must be completed in 30 days.

Gerald is a fifth-grade student with a deficiency in reading fluency. How can the results of a diagnostic assessment in this area help to guide his instruction?

To help decide which areas to focus on the most

Which of the following would be the best example of a learning objective that is appropriately challenging for a third-grade student with a disability in reading fluency?

The student will be able to read 100 words in one minute.

Which of the following is the best example of an independent living skills goal for a high school student with a specific learning disability?

The student will live with a roommate in an apartment.

Which of the following best describes the implications for teaching for those who follow the behaviorist learning theory?

The teacher communicates through positive or negative reinforcements

Which of the following issues would be most likely to arise when teaching a large group of students with a wide range of disabilities?

The teacher may not be able to appropriately differentiate.

Which of the following is a criticism of the humanism learning theory?

The theory does not clearly define inherent goodness.

Which of the following is true after a student with a disability graduates from high school?

They can no longer access their IEP.

Which of the following is not true with regard to English learners receiving special education services?

They typically exhibit a disability in their native language first.

Which of the following is the most important reason for students with disabilities to generalize a learned skill?

To be able to use skills in multiple settings

Which one of the following does not describe the use of behavior rating scales?

To classify students as having psychological problems

Which of the following best describes the purpose of state standardized tests?

To compare a student's academic achievement to a norm

How might a lesson introduction be most beneficial when teaching students with learning disabilities about math?

To connect the learning from the previous lesson

Which of the following is the best example of how to interpret the results of a diagnostic assessment?

To determine the instruction level that students are at

Jordan is a fifth-grade student with an intellectual disability who is given a behavior rating scale assessment. Which of the following best describes how the results of adaptive behavior scales can benefit Jordan?

To incorporate functional skills in his lesson

Which of the following best describes one of the goals of a behavior plan?

To increase behaviors

Which of the following would be the least appropriate reason to provide a social skills intervention group for students?

To increase friendships

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Education for ALL Handicapped Children Act of 1975?

To mandate FAPE for students with disabilities.

Which of the following is not one of the benefits of using curriculum-based assessments?

To match the classroom curriculum

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the prior written notice section of the IEP?

To propose changes to the IEP

Which of the following least describes when the co-teaching model would be effective for teaching an English lesson to a group of seventh-grade students?

To share control over the classroom

Which of the following best describes the goal of implementing a functional curriculum for students with disabilities?

To teach independent living skills to students

Which of the following best describes how daily learning objectives can be implemented to assist students who are working on adaptive skills?

To teach students to learn how to complete a new task

Which of the following best describes one of the roles of the special education paraprofessional in a middle school setting?

Toileting students with disabilities

Which of the following examples is least likely to be considered a formative assessment technique?

Unit pretests

Which of the following strategies is most effective in measuring the goals of students with behavior concerns?

Using random time samples

Which of the following best describes how technology can be included in a small group of students with disabilities working on reading comprehension?

Using tablets to read a story and answer questions.

Which of the following checks for understanding would be most appropriate when teaching a small-group writing lesson to seventh graders?

Using white boards

Which of the following best describes when it would be necessary for a teacher to create their own assessment?

When the academic standards are modified

When evaluating a sixth-grade student for a specific learning disability, which one of the following is an academic achievement test that can be administered?


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