OB exam 2

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A client who gave birth 5 days ago reports profuse sweating during the night. What should the nurse recommend to the client in this regard?

"Be sure to change your pajamas to prevent you from chilling."

If the monitor pattern of uteroplacental insufficiency were present, which action would the nurse do first?

Turn her or ask her to turn to her side.

A nurse is preparing a patient for rhythm strip testing. She places the woman into a semi-Fowler's position. What is the appropriate rationale for this measure?

To prevent supine hypotension syndrome

Thirty minutes after receiving pain medication, a postpartum woman states that she still has severe pain in the perineal region. Upon assessing and palpating the site, what can the nurse expect to find that might be causing this severe pain?


During a home visit, the client mentions she is still having significant of joint pain. The nurse explains that the changes that softened the pelvic joints to allow for the birth were due to the hormone relaxin. The nurse informs the client that it takes approximately how long for the joints to return to prepregnancy status?

6 to 8 weeks after pregnancy

A nurse notes a woman's prelabor vital signs were: temperature 98.8° F (37.1° C); BP 120/70 mm Hg; heart rate 80 bpm. and respirations 20 breaths/min. Which assessment findings during the early postpartum period should the nurse prioritize?

BP 90/50 mm Hg, heart rate 120 bpm, respirations 24 breaths/min.

Before calling the primary care provider to report a slow progression or an arrest of labor, several assessments need to be made. What other maternal assessment does the nurse need to make prior to calling the care provider?

Check for a full bladder.

A woman gave birth vaginally approximately 12 hours ago, and her temperature is now 100° F (37.8° C). Which action would be most appropriate?

Continue to monitor the woman's temperature every 4 hours; this finding is normal.

The nurse is caring for several postpartum clients on the unit. Which client's reaction should the nurse prioritize for possible intervention?

Neglects to engage or provide care or show interest in infant.

In recording a postpartum mother's urinary output, the nurse notes that she is voiding between 100 to 200 mL with each void. How would the nurse interpret this finding?

Normal finding

Is the following statement True or False? After birth, the cervix returns to its prepregnant shape. a. True b. False


A pregnant client at 32-week gestation has been admitted to a health care center reporting decreased fetal movement. Which fetal structure should the nurse determine first before auscultating the fetal heart sounds?

fetal back

A pregnant woman's amniotic membranes rupture. Prolapsed cord is suspected. Which of the following interventions would be top priority?

place the woman in knee-chest

The perinatal nurse notes a rapid decrease in the fetal heart rate that does not recover immediately following an amniotomy. the most likely cause of this OB emergency is:

prolapsed umbilical cord

A nurse is teaching a pregnant woman about pain-relief measure available during the 2nd stage of labor. Which should be included?

pudendal block

When caring for a woman who has positive contraction test, the nurse assesses late decelerations w/ contractions. Nurse interprets this to be consistent with:

uteroplacental insufficiency

The nurse is making a home visit to a woman who is 4 days postpartum. Which finding would indicate to the nurse that the woman is experiencing a problem?

uterus 1 cm below umbilicus

A client who is 3 days postpartum calls the office and complains of excessive night sweats. Which explanation should the nurse provide for the client?

Body secreting the excess fluids from pregnancy

The nursing student demonstrates an understanding of dystocia with which statement?

"Dystocia is diagnosed after labor has progressed for a time."

A client who gave birth vaginally 16 hours ago states she does not need to void at this time. The nurse reviews the documentation and finds that the client has not voided for 7 hours. Which response by the nurse is indicated?

"It's not uncommon after birth for you to have a full bladder even though you can't sense the fullness."

The nurse is caring for a client in the transition phase of the labor process. Which client statement requires nursing action?

"My lips and fingers are tingling."

A client who had a vaginal birth 2 days ago asks the nurse when she will be able to breathe normally again. Which response by the nurse is accurate?

"Within 1 to 3 weeks, your diaphragm should return to normal, and your breathing will feel like it did before your pregnancy."

A woman, who has been in labor for a few hours, is now complaining of being hungry. Which response by the nurse would be best if the client asks for some food to eat?

"You could have some hard candy to suck on."

A woman comes to the clinic. She gave birth about 2 months ago to a healthy term male newborn. During the visit, the woman tells the nurse, "I've noticed that I'm a bit uncomfortable now when we have sexual intercourse. Is there anything that I can do?" The woman's menstrual period has not yet resumed. Which suggestion by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"You might try using a water-soluble lubricant to ease the discomfort."

The nurse is preparing to assess a client who is 1 day postpartum. The nurse predicts the client's fundus will be at which location on assessment?

1 cm below the umbilicus

The experienced labor and birth nurse knows to evaluate progress in active labor by using which simple rule?

1 cm/hour for cervical dilation

Fetal heart rate monitoring reveals baseline tachycardia in the fetus. Which rate would be most likely?

164 bpm

The nurse tests the pH of fluid found on the vaginal exam and determines that the woman's membranes have ruptured based on which result?


At which time is it most important to monitor for umbilical cord prolapse?

After rupture of membranes

The nursing instructor is conducting a class discussion on the various agents used during labor and delivery to assist the client. The instructor determines the class is successful after the students correctly choose which factor as true about the use of systemic analgesia?

Benzodiazepines enhance pain relief attained with opioids and cause sedation.

A multigravida client is still focusing on her difficult labor and discusses it with the nurse at each opportunity, several hours after the birth. Which action should the nurse prioritize after noting the client's partner is spending more time with the infant than the client?

Encourage her to discuss her experience of the birth and answer any questions or concerns she may have.

A woman delivered her infant 2 hours ago and calls to tell the nurse that she needs to go to the bathroom. When the nurse arrives, the mother is getting out of bed alone. What should the nurse do?

Have the client sit dangling her legs off the side of the bed for 5 minutes.

A nurse is assessing a postpartum client. Which measure is appropriate?

Instruct the client to empty her bladder before the examination.

The nursing instructor is leading a discussion on the physical changes to a woman's body after delivery of the baby. The instructor determines the session is successful after the students correctly point out which process results in the return of nonpregnant size and function of the female organs?


The nurse is preparing to assist with a pudendal block. The nurse predicts the client is at which point in the labor process?

Just before birth

A nurse is caring for a client who has had a vaginal birth. The nurse understands that pelvic relaxation can occur in any woman experiencing a vaginal birth. Which should the nurse recommend to the client to improve pelvic floor tone?

Kegel exercises

What two elements play the biggest role in becoming a mother after delivery of her newborn?

Love and attachment to the child and engagement with the child

A new mother who is breastfeeding reports that her right breast is very hard, tender, and painful. Upon examination the nurse notices several nodules and the breast feels very warm to the touch. What do these findings indicate to the nurse?


A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a postpartum client. Which symptom is a possible complication that the nurse should educate the client about?

Notify the health care provider of increased lochia and bright red bleeding.

The nurse is caring for a client who is sent to the obstetric unit for evaluation of fetal well-being. At which location is the nurse correct to place the tocodynamometer?

On the uterine fundus

A client who gave birth about 12 hours ago informs the nurse that she has been voiding small amounts of urine frequently. The nurse examines the client and notes the displacement of the uterus from the midline to the right. What intervention would the nurse perform next?

Perform urinary catheterization.

The nurse is conducting a postparum examination on a client who reports pain and is unable to sit comfortably. The perineal exam reveals an episiotomy appropriately approximated without signs of a hematoma. Which action should the nurse prioritize?

Place an Ice pack

The nurse is assessing a multipara woman who presents to the hospital after approximately 2 hours of labor and notes the fetus is in a transverse lie. After notifying the RN and primary care provider, which action should the LPN prioritize?

Prepare to assist with external version.

Which information would the nurse emphasize in the teaching plan for a postpartal woman who is reluctant to begin taking warm sitz baths?

Sitz baths increase the blood supply to the perineal area.

The nurse is planning care for a client at risk for postpartum depression. Which statement regarding postpartum depression does the nurse need to be aware of when attempting to formulate a plan of care?

Symptoms of postpartum depression can easily go undetected.

The nurse is admitting a client who appears to be in advanced labor with imminent birth. Which action should the nurse prioritize?

Take blood pressure and determine if clonus or edema are present.

A nurse is caring for the client who gave birth a week ago. The client informs the nurse that she experiences painful uterine contractions when breastfeeding the baby. Which should the nurse do next?

Tell the client to take an NSAID orally.

A nurse helps a postpartum woman out of bed for the first time postpartally and notices that she has a very heavy lochia flow. Which assessment finding would best help the nurse decide that the flow is within normal limits?

The color of the flow is red.

A client has come to the office for her first postpartum visit. On evaluating her blood work, the nurse would be concerned if the hematocrit is noted to have:

acutely decreased

A nurse finds the uterus of a postpartum woman to be boggy and somewhat relaxed. This a sign of which condition?


While assessing a laboring client who is laying on her left side, the nurse notes a nonreassuring fetal pattern. In response to this finding, the nurses first intervention should be to:

change her position to the right side

The nurse is assessing a client at a postpartum visit and notes the client is emotionally sensitive, complains about being a failure, and appears extremely sad. The nurse concludes the client is presenting with which potential condition?

postpartum depression

Rubin identified a series of changes that a new mother makes during the postpartum period. The correct sequence of these changes is:

taking-in, taking-hold, letting-go.

A primary care provider prescribes intravenous tocolytic therapy for a woman in preterm labor. Which agent would the nurse expect to administer?

magnesium sulfate

A client in labor has administered an epidural anesthesia. Which assessment findings should the nurse prioritize?

maternal hypotension and fetal bradycardia

Which factor might result in a decreased supply of breast milk in a postpartum client?

supplemental feedings with formula

The client, who has just been walking around her room, sits down and reports leg tightness and achiness. After resting, she states she is feeling much better. The nurse recognizes that this discomfort could be due to which cause?

thromboembolic disorder of the lower extremities

A nurse is providing care to a postpartum woman who gave birth about 2 days ago. The client asks the nurse, "I haven't moved my bowels yet. Is this a problem?" Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"It might take up to a week for your bowels return to their normal pattern."

If a delivering mother weighed 140 pounds at the time of delivery, how much weight should she have lost when she goes home 2 days later, based upon the average pattern?

17-29 pounds Normal expected weight loss is approximately 12-14 pounds with the delivery of the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid then an additional 5-15 pounds in the early postpartum period from fluid loss.

The client is preparing to go home after a cesarean birth. The nurse giving discharge instructions stresses to the family that the client should be seen by her primary care provider within what time interval?

2 weeks

On a routine home visit, the nurse is asking the new mother about her breastfeeding and personal eating habits. How many additional calories should the nurse encourage the new mother to eat daily?

500 additional calories per day

The nurse is monitoring a postpartum client who says she's concerned because she feels mildly depressed. The nurse recognizes that she is most likely experiencing "postpartum blues," and reassures the client that this symptom is experienced by approximately what percentage of women?


The nursing instructor is conducting a class exploring the various changes which occur in the early postpartum period. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly point out which definition of bonding?

A process of developing an attachment and becoming acquainted with each other

The nurse is caring for a client in the transition stage of labor. In which scenario would the nurse predict the use of forceps may be used to assist in delivery?

Abnormal position of the fetal head

Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication?

An absence of lochia

The nurse discharging a newly delivered mother and her newborn infant needs to assess the mother's knowledge about how to take care of herself and her baby. This is her second child. Which approach would be best to verify the client's understanding of these topics?

Ask her questions and observe her caring for the baby.

When completing the morning postpartum data collection, the nurse notices the client's perineal pad is completely saturated. Which action should be the nurse's first response?

Ask the client when she last changed her perineal pad.

The nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of risk for injury related to possible effects of oxytocin therapy. Which action would the nurse perform to ensure a positive outcome for the client?

Assess contractions by using external monitor.

The nurse is performing an assessment on a 2-day postpartum client and discovers a boggy fundus at the umbilicus and slightly to the right. The nurse determines that this is most likely related to which situation?

Bladder distention

A pregnant woman's pulse fluctuates throughout pregnancy and the early postpartum period. When assessing a 1-day postpartum woman's pulse, what is the first action a nurse should take in response to a rate of 56 bpm?

Compare the pulse rate of 56 bpm with her pulse rate on the first prenatal care visit.

A nurse is caring for a client administered general anesthesia for an emergency cesarean birth. The nurse notes the client's uterus is relaxed upon massage. What would the nurse do next?

Continue to massage the client's fundus.

The client is experiencing back labor and reporting intense pain in the lower back. The nurse should point out which intervention will be effective at this point?

Counterpressure against the sacrum

A client is Rh-negative and has given birth to her newborn. What should the nurse do next?

Determine the newborn's blood type and rhesus.

At which time in a client's labor process would the nurse encourage effleurage?

During the early labor phase

A nurse is applying ice packs to the perineal area of a client who has had a vaginal birth. Which intervention should the nurse perform to ensure that the client gets the optimum benefits of the procedure?

Ensure ice pack is changed frequently.

A client is exhibiting signs of engorgement, but her milk is still flowing easily. Which suggestion should the nurse prioritize?

Ensure the baby empties the breasts at each feeding

Is the following statement True or False? The drop in maternal blood volume after birth leads to a similar drop in hematocrit. a. True b. False

False, it may actually go up due to plasma loss.

The nurse is performing Leopold's maneuvers as part of the initial assessment. Which action would the nurse do first?

Feel for the fetal buttocks or head while palpating the abdomen.

When stimulating the fetus via an acoustic vibrator, which action indicates fetal well-being?

Fetal heart rate acceleration occurs.

The nurse is monitoring the EFM and notes the following: variable V-shaped decelerations in the FHR lasting about 30 seconds, accelerations of about 5 bpm before and after each deceleration, no overshoot, and baseline FHR within normal limits. Which response should the nurse prioritize?

Help the woman change positions.

At 31 weeks' gestation, a 37-year-old woman with a history of preterm birth reports cramps, vaginal pain, and low, dull backache accompanied by vaginal discharge and bleeding. Assessment reveals cervix 2.1 cm long; fetal fibronectin in cervical secretions, and cervix dilated 3 to 4 cm. Which interactions should the nurse prepare to assist with?

Hospitalization, tocolytic, and corticosteroids

A client appears to be resting comfortably 12 hours after giving birth to her first child. In contrast, she labored for more than 24 hours, the primary care provider had to use forceps to deliver the baby, and she had multiple vaginal examinations during labor. Based on this information what postpartum complication is the client at risk for developing?


The nurse is making a home visit to a woman who is 5 days postpartum and has no reports. Which finding would concern the nurse and warrant further investigation?

Lochia Rubra Lochia serosa is normal from days 3 to 10 postpartum. However, lochia rubra is present for about the first 3 days and is considered abnormal on the 5th postpartum day. By the fifth day postpartum day, the uterus should be approximately 5 cm below the umbilicus. After birth the vagina is edematous and thin with few rugae. It eventually thickens and rugae return in approximately 3 weeks. Diaphoresis is common during the early postpartum period, especially in the first week. It is a mechanism to reduce fluids retained during pregnancy and restore prepregnant body fluid levels.

A client who has given birth is being discharged from the health care facility. She wants to know how safe it would be for her to have intercourse. Which instructions should the nurse provide to the client regarding intercourse after birth?

Resume intercourse if bright red bleeding stops.

The nurse is preparing a nursing care plan for an immediate postpartum client. Which nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize?

Risk for injury: postpartum hemorrhage related to uterine atony

Labor dystocia is an abnormal progression of labor. It is the most common cause of primary cesarean birth. When is it most common for labor dystocia to occur?

Second stage of labor

A nurse is assessing a postpartal woman. Which behavior would the nurse interpret as an indication that the woman is entering the taking-hold phase of the postpartal period?

She did her perineal care independently.

The client is progressing into the second stage of labor and coping well with the natural birth method. Which instructions should the nurse prioritize at this point in the process?

Use a birthing ball and find a position of comfort.

A G2P1 woman is in labor attempting a VBAC, when she suddenly complains of light-headedness and dizziness. An increase in pulse and decrease in blood pressure is noted as a change from the vital signs obtained 15 minutes prior. The nurse should investigate further for additional signs or symptoms of which complication?

Uterine Rupture

The nurse discovers that the FHM is now recording late decelerations in a client who is in labor. The nurse predicts this is most likely related to which event?

Uteroplacental insufficiency

The nurse is preparing discharge for a client who plans to bottle-feed her infant. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize for this client in the discharge teaching?

Wear a tight, supportive bra.

A new mother asks the nurse what she is allowed to do when she goes home from the hospital. Which statement by the nurse would be correct?

You should not lift anything heavier than your infant in its carrier.

When assessing the uterus of a 2-day postpartum client, which finding would the nurse evaluate as normal?

a moderate amount of lochia rubra

A new mother has been reluctant to hold her newborn. Which action by the nurse would help promote this mother's attachment to her newborn?

bringing the newborn into the room.

While making a follow-up home visit to a client in her first week postpartum, the nurse notes that she has lost 5 pounds. Which reason for this loss would be the most likely?


The nurse interprets the fetal heart rate pattern when monitoring a laboring client. This pattern inversely mirrors contraction and returns to baseline after contraction. This pattern is:

early deceleration

Which nursing intervention is appropriate for prevention of a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the postpartum woman?

encouraging the woman to empty her bladder completely every 2 to 4 hours

A client receives an epidural anesthetic. Which medication would the nurse anticipate the primary care provider will prescribe if the client develops moderate hypotension?


The nursing instructor is preparing a group of nursing students for their clinical phase and is questioning them on the various assessment skills they will need. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly choose which time interval to assess the fetal heart rate of clients who are in the active phase of labor?

every 15 to 30 minutes

The nurse is assisting a primary care provider to attempt to manipulate the position of the fetus in utero from a breech to cephalic position. What does the nurse inform the client the procedure is called?

external version

The LVN/LPN will be assessing a postpartum client for danger signs after a vaginal birth. What assessment finding would the nurse assess as a danger sign for this client?

fever more than 100.4° F (38° C)

The nurse is assessing a postpartum woman and is concerned the client may be hemorrhaging. Which assessment finding is the nurse finding most concerning?

increased heart rate

A nurse working on the postpartum floor is mentoring a new graduate and instructs the new nurse to make sure that clients empty their bladders. A full bladder can lead to which complication?

increased lochia drainage

A woman in labor who is receiving an opioid for pain relief is to receive promethazine. The nurse determines that this drug is effective when the woman demonstrates which finding?

less anxiety

A nurse is inspecting the perineal pad of a client who gave birth vaginally to a healthy newborn 6 hours ago. The nurse observes a 5-inch stain of lochia on the pad. The nurse would document this as:


A nurse is assessing a client's lochia every 15 minutes for the first hour during the fourth stage of labor. Which finding would the nurse expect to assess?

moderate lochia rubra with a fleshy odor

The nurse working on a postpartum client must check lochia in terms of amount, color, change with activity and time, and:


The nurse is observing a client who gave birth yesterday. Where should the nurse expect to find the top of the client's fundus?

one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus

The nurse preceptor explains that several factors are involved with the "powers" that can cause dystocia. She focuses on the dysfunction that occurs when the uterus contracts so frequently and with such intensity that a very rapid birth will take place. This is known as which term?

precipitous labor

The health care provider is evaluating a high-risk woman for a continuous internal monitoring. It would be most appropriate to meet which criterion?

rupture of membranes

The nurse who is working with parents and their newborn encourages which action to assist the bonding and attachment between them?


A client with a pendulous abdomen and uterine fibroid tumors had just begun labor and arrived at the hospital. After examining the client, the primary care provider informs the nurse that the fetus appears to be malpositioned in the uterus. Which fetal position or presentation should the nurse most expect in this woman?

transverse lie

A nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about internal & external monitoring. After the teaching session, the students should know that which maternal condition would be a contraindication for application of internal monitoring?

unruptured membranes

During an assessment, the nurse notes that the client has been unable to urinate properly since she gave birth and is still bleeding more than expected. The nurse suspects which condition?

uterine atony

A woman who delivered her newborn by cesarean birth is admitted to the postpartum unit. During the delivery, the mother received two doses of morphine sulfate. The nurse notes that the client's respiratory rate is 11 and her oxygen saturation is 93%. What should the nurse do first?

Notify the doctor of your findings.

One hour after birth the nurse is assessing a neonate in the nursery. The nurse begins by assessing which parameters?

Inspecting posture, color, and respiratory effort

A nurse is caring for a client who has just received an episiotomy. The nurse observes that the laceration extends through the perineal area and continues through the anterior rectal wall. How does the nurse classify the laceration?

fourth degree The nurse should classify the laceration as fourth degree because it continues through the anterior rectal wall. First-degree laceration involves only skin and superficial structures above muscle; second-degree laceration extends through perineal muscles; and third-degree laceration extends through the anal sphincter muscle but not through the anterior rectal wall.

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