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What is the normal measurement of the cisterna magna?

<10mm but >2mm

The measurement that should be carefully scrutinized in cases of IUGR is the:


If multicystic dysplastic kidney disease is bilateral, what are the associated sonographic findings?

Bilateral multiple smooth-walled noncommunicating cysts of varying sizes in the area of the renal fossa, absence of bladder, and oligohydraminos

Which of the following is a false statement with respect to spina bifida?

Splaying of the vertebral laminae is easiest to demonstrate on a sagittal image of the spine

Absence of the skull is:


Intrauterine growth restriction is defined as estimated fetal weight:

below the 10th percentile

Which of the following procedures can determine fetal karyotype at the earliest gestational age?

chorionic villi sampling

The visualization of the fetal stomach within the fetal chest is most indicative of:

diaphragmatic hernia

What sonographic feature is the classic presentation for duodenal atresia?

double bubble sign

A 75-year-old patient present with vaginal bleeding. Previous ultrasound was negative for any structural abnormalities and she is not taking HRT. Endometrial thickness was 17mm. What is the most likely cause for the bleeding?

endometrial hyperplasia

What fetal presentation is observed if the fetal buttocks are at the cervix and the legs are extended in front of the fetal face?

frank breech

Which of the following pathologies has clinical presentation that includes hyperemesis, extremely elevated hCG, enlarged uterus and heavy vaginal bleeding?

gestational trophoblastic disease

Which of the following is most likely to correlate with chromosomal abnormalities?

omphalocele containing bowel and liver

A male fetus is demonstrated to have bilateral hydronephrosis with hydroureter, dilated bladder, and dilated urethra. What is the cause of these findings?

posterior urethral valve

What term describes shortening of the proximal portions of the limbs?


A fetal sonogram demonstrates a normal left kidney but the right has a severely dilated renal pelvis and dilated proximal ureter, the rest of the urinary system is normal. What is the most likely cause?

uteropelvic junction obstruction

At what gestational age should physiologic bowel herniation be resolved?

12 weeks

What distinguishes a cystic hygroma from nuchal thickening?

A cystic hygroma has a midline thick fibrous band of tissue dividing it into two separate spaces

A fetus is demonstrated to have a horseshoe shaped monoventricle, fused thalami and absent falx. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Alobar holoproscencephaly

Which of the following sonographic findings would not increase the likelihood of an ovarian malignancy?

Anechoic components with acoustic enhancement

What is the cause of adenomyosis?

Basal layer endometrial tissue invades the myometrium

Which of the following is false with respect to the nuchal translucency (NT) exam?

Crown rump length must be between 40mm and 80mm at the time of exam

A fetus is demonstrated to have a mass in the lung that has both cystic and solid componenets. Pleural effusion is also present. What disorder is indicated?

Cystic adenomatoid malformation

The presence of a posterior fossa cyst and agenesis of the cerebellar vermis are characteristic findings of:

Dandy walker malformation

`What does the twin peak sign indicate about a pregnancy?

Dichorionic diamniotic pregnancy

What is the cause of immune hydrops?

Erythroblastosis fetalis

A patient presents with abnormal uterine bleeding. What is the most common cause?

Fibroid tumors invading the endometrial cavity

Which of the following is a nonlethal skeletal dysplasia that presents with rhizomelia, macrocrania, frontal bossing, and trident hands?

Heterozygous achondroplasia

Which of the following abnormalities is associated with Arnold-Chiari type II malformation?

Lemon sign, banana sign, obliterated cistern magna, and hydrocephalus

Insertion of the umbilical cord at the edge of the placenta is referred to as:

Marginal cord insertion

All of the following are clinical findings associated with leiomyoma except:

Myometrial cysts

A patient presents with fever, leukocytosis, purulent vaginal discharge, and dyspareunia. On ultrasound, the uterus was ill-defined and the endometrium appeared irregular and thickened. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Which of the chromosomal abnormalities often presents with an inconclusive triple screen with sonographic features of holoprosencephaly and facial anomalies?

Patau syndrome

What is responsible for the development of follicles on the ovaries?

Release of follicle-stimulating hormone by the anterior pituitary gland.

A sonogram of a postpubertal woman demonstrated a 5-cm simple cyst on the left ovary. A follow-up exam 3 months later demonstrated a normal ovary. What do these findings likely repersent?

Resolution of a follicular retention cyst

A sonographic examination was performed on a pregnancy patient who complained of vaginal bleeding. Sonographically, a crescent-shaped anechoic area is noted adjacent to the gestational sac. the gestation sac contained a 6-week single live IUP. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Which of the following disorders will demonstrate a normal maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein value?

Spina bifida occulta

What is the term used to describe an additional small lobe of placenta separate from the main segment?

Succenturiate lobe

What is the sonographic appearance of the proliferative endometrium?

Three-line sign (echogenic basal layer - hypoechoic functional layer - echogenic canal - hypoechoic functional layer - echogenic basal layer)

Which of the following would be least likely associated with an elevation in MSAFP?

Turner's syndrome

A fetus that presents with anal atresia, ventricular septal defects, and a renal anomaly is likley presenting with which of the following disorders?

VACTERL association

What are the sonographic features of caudal regression?

absent sacrum, clubfeet

Absence of the cavum septum pellucidum is suggestive of which of the following conditions?

agenisis of the corpus collosum

The disorder associated with fetal amputations is:

amniotic band syndrome

Which of the following disorders presents with vaginal bleeding, low hCG, decreased symptoms of pregnancy, and a poor decidual reaction with an empty gestational sac?

anembryonic pregnancy

What is the most common cause of hydrocephalus in utero?

aqueductal stenosis

Which term describes a fetal head that is very round (short and wide)?


Which pelvic ligament is often demonstrated suspending the uterus in the pelvis when a patient presents with gross ascites?

broad ligaments

If polyhydraminos is demonstrated on fetal ultrasound, what gastrointestional abnormalities are most likely?

esophageal or duodenal atresia

Which of the following is consistent with a finding of Turner syndrome?

fetus presents with cystic hygroma

A fetus is shown to have bowel floating around in amniotic fluid herniated through a defect on the right side of a normal cord insertion. What is the likely diagnosis?


What is the term used to describe orbits that are widely spaced apart?


A fetal heart sonogram demonstrates a small left ventricle, aortic stenosis, and absent mitral valve. What do these findings suggest?

hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Which part of the female pelvis has a dual blood supply?


Bilateral renal agenesis, inadequately functioning kidneys, or obstruction of the urinary tract can lead to which of the following?

pulmonary hypoplasia

The twin that will appear larger in TTTS is the:


What is the most frequent cause of oligohydraminos?

renal anomalies

Which of the following is false with respect to theca lutein cysts?

the are found when hCG levels are decreased

On sonographic examination, two cervical canals are identified with separate right and left uterine horns. Which uterine malformation is demonstrated?

uterus didelphys

What term describes the inward curvature of the fifth digit towards the fourth digit?


Subchorionic hemorrage is a common consequence of:

implantation of the conceptus

What ovarian neoplasm is a result of metastases of a gastrointestinal cancer?

krukenberg tumor

What is the most common cardiac defect?

ventricular septal defect

sonogram demonstrates bilaterally enlarged echogenic fetal kidneys, no detectable urinary bladder, and oligohydraminos. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Which of the following conditions is characterized by amenorrhea, hirsutism, and obesity?

Stein-Leventhal syndrome

What is the result of abnormal anastomoses of placental vessels?

acardiac twins

Sonographic features of choriod plexus cysts, micrognathia, rockerbottom feet, omphalocele, and single umbilical artery are consistent with what chromosomal abnormality?

Edwards syndrome

The presence of functional, ectopic endometrial tissue outside the uterus is termed:


A fetal sonogram demonstrates a cloverleaf-shaped skull, hydrocephalus, and telephone receiver-shaped long bones. What skeletal dysplasia is most likely?

Thanatophoric dysplasia

A 38-year-old patient presents for routine ultrasound; triple screen showed low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP), elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and low estriol. Sonographic findings included absent nasal bone, macroglossia, and clinodactyly. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

down syndrome

A patient presents for a dating ultrasound at 7 weeks gestation with right lower quadrant pain and a palpable right adnexal mass. Sonography demonstrates an intrauterine pregnancy and an ovarian cyst with a thickened wall and internal echoes. What is the most likely diagnosis?

hemmorhagic corpus luteum cyst

A patient presents with acute left pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, low hCG for gestational age, and low hematocrit. Sonography demonstrates a small irregular shaped cystic area in the endometrial canal, an adnexal ring sign in the left adnexa, and free fluid in the cul-de-sacs and adnexas. What is the most likely diagnosis?

left ectopic pregnancy

What is the term used to describe an abnormally small chin?


A G2P1 patient presents with a history of previous cesarean section. Sonography demonstrates loss of the normal interface between the placenta and the myometrium and what appears to be placenta along the maternal bladder wall. What does this represent?

placenta percreta

What is the most common cause of painless vaginal bleeding in the second and thrid trimesters?

placenta previa

What is the most likely explanation for painful vaginal bleeding in the second trimester?

placental abruption

A sonogram demonstrates a placental cord insertion at the edge of the placenta with the vessels lying over the internal os. What is this disorder?

vasa previa

A strawberry shaped skull is associated with:

Edward's syndrome

A 77-year-old nulliparous patient presents with abnormal uterine bleeding. She has a history of taking estrogen-based HRT. Biopsy was performed and demonstrated an endometrial malignancy. What is the most likely diagnosis?

adenocarcinoma of the endometrium

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