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During what years did Texas proclaim to be its own country: The Republic of Texas?


The rule of Porfirio Díaz in Mexico is known as:

El porfiriato

According to the 1929 Aims and Purposes of LULAC, the official language of the organization was Spanish.


According to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, all Mexicans residing in new U.S. territories would immediately face deportation to Mexico.


According to the document, "Juan Nepomuceno Cortina, A Proclamation to the Inhabitants of the State of Texas, 1859," Cortina and his men planned to attack all Euro-Americans (Anglos) in Texas.


All Nuevo Mexicanos supported the push for New Mexican statehood.


All Tejanos prospered while living in the Republic of Texas.


All U.S. immigrants to Mexico's northern territories settled with official permission from Mexican authorities


Antonio López de Santa Anna served 11 terms as Mexico's president.


Antonio López de Santa Anna signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that transferred to the United States close to half of the territory formerly claimed by Mexico.


By enacting the Monroe Doctrine, the United States impeded the French invasion of Mexico.


Despite the destruction of the USS Maine off the coast of Havana on February 15, 1898, the United States remained neutral during the Cuban war of independence against Spain.


During the first three decades of the 1900s, Latin America experienced the United States' implementation of the Roosevelt Corollary - particularly the Caribbean basin.


El Cinco de Mayo commemorates Mexico's independence from Spain.


In the document "Las Vegas Daily Optic, The White Caps Spell Out Their Position, 1890," Las Gorras Blancas emphasized that their goal was the successful return of New Mexico to the Mexican Republic.


Mexico's first president was Antonio López de Santa Anna.


No civilizations existed in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus.


Tejanos did not support the Anglo desire for rebellion against Mexico.


The 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the war against Spain included representatives from Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.


The United States exclusively defeated Spain and won the Spanish American War.


Throughout the 1800s, Tucson remained primarily populated by Mexican people.


U.S. journalist James Creelman wrote an article in March of 1908 that described Porfirio Díaz as an ineffective ruler whose only accomplishment was the destruction of Mexico's society and economy.


Unlike other regions of the Spanish Empire in the Americas, California never witnessed an Amerind uprising against Spanish rule.


Unlike other wars fought by the United States, no Mexican-Americans contributed to U.S. war efforts during WWI.


Upon becoming a U.S. state, New Mexico created a constitution that made English the only language to be used in government and schools.


With the conclusion of the U.S.-Mexican War in 1848, U.S. politicians unanimously agreed to give New Mexico statehood.


During the Mexican Revolution, U.S. authorities routinely subjected Mexicans crossing into the United States with strip searches and toxic chemical "baths."


During the Mexican Revolution, the United States twice sent its military to intervene in Mexican affairs: Once in 1914, and again in 1917.


During the Mexican period, Californios differentiated themselves from those they considered "low-status" by referring to them as "Cholos," a word that meant an uncultured Indian or Mestizo.


Europe's economic expansion during the Second Wave of European Conquest spread European imperialism by searching for markets, natural resources, and laborers.


For the United States, mining in Arizona was especially lucrative.


Former lands owned by Tejanos changed ownership as Euro-Americans (Anglos) utilized legal and illegal methods to proclaim them as theirs.


From 1900 to 1930, an estimated one million Mexicans migrated to the U.S. fleeing the revolution or seeking work.


In June of 1846, U.S. Colonel Stephen Watts Kearny took the capital of Nuevo México, Santa Fe, without a shot fired by Governor Manuel Armijo.


In Texas, Mexicans who attempted to directly protect themselves from Anglo discrimination were considered "Mexican Bandits."


In his Plan de San Lui Potosí, Francisco Madero called on Mexicans to rise up against Porfirio Díaz on November 20, 1910.


In the Zimmerman Telegram of January 16, 1917, Germany urged Mexico to join Germany and declare war on the United States.


In the document "Ernesto Galarza, A Defense of Immigration from Mexico, 1929," Dr. Ernesto Galarza proclaimed that the United States had become "an empire" that was created "largely by the brawn of the humble Mexican...."


In the document "Hispano Commercial Club of Las Vegas, Land Loss in New Mexico, 1890," Nuevo Mexicanos petitioned the Mexican Government's representative to the United States to help them reclaim their land grants.


In the document "John Box, Immigration Restriction, 1928," East Texas Congressman John Box called for the exclusion of Mexican immigration to the United States because Mexicans were supposedly "illiterate," "unclean," "poor," and "criminals."


Lorenzo de Zavala became the first Vice President of the Republic of Texas.


Napoleon III desired to make Mexico a colony of the French Empire.


Rodolfo Acuña states that commercial agriculture in Arizona worsened mutual relations among Mexicans, Amerinds, and Anglos.


Some Tejanos, like Juan Nepomuceno Seguín ("John N. Seguín"), supported both Anglo immigration and the institution of slavery in Texas


Tejanos believed that they were going to be equal partners with Euro-Americans (Anglos) in running the Republic of Texas.


Tejanos never held significant roles of authority in the Texan Republic.


The 1904 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine officially proclaimed the United States an "international police power."


The 1924 Immigration Act eliminated immigration from Latin America.


The Apache were an Amerindian people who successfully avoided Spanish, Mexican, and U.S. conquest until the late 1800s.


The Euro-American (Anglo) implementation of "vigilante justice" in Texas simultaneously worked to intimidate and overpower the Mexican population.


The Platt Amendment to the Cuban Constitution authorized the United States to intervene militarily in Cuba whenever the U.S. deemed it necessary to "uphold Cuba's independence" against internal and foreign threat.


The desire for national unity during WWI initiated a movement in the United States to assimilate and "Americanize" its immigrant populations.


The founders of independent Mexico invented a connection between the new country and the former Mexica Empire.


The racist policies of the Republic of Texas toward Mexicans forced Juan Nepomuceno Seguín ("John N. Seguín") to flee to Mexico in 1842.


The rise in immigration in the 1920s, coupled with the perceived decadence and loss of morals in the country, created a backlash among Christian-fundamentalist groups in the United States.


The term "Amerind" is a combination of the words American and Indian.


The1920s witnessed growth in support for the Ku Klux Klan in the United States.


Tiburcio Vásquez was hanged in San Jose, California on March 19, 1875.


When labeled as "bandits," Mexicans were at the mercy of both state and federal authorities who, contrary to official law, considered them guilty until proven innocent.


William Becknell gets the credit for creating the Santa Fe Trail in 1821 that economically connected Santa Fe, New Mexico with Missouri.


With the conclusion of the Spanish-American War, the United States obtained Spain's former colonies of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.


According to Rodolfo Acuña, during the 1850s, California led the nation in mob violence because of the Gold Rush.


Because Anglos proclaimed that Mexicans and Chinese were stealing "their gold," California passed the Foreign Miners' Tax in 1850.


Cubans fought a war of independence against Spain from 1895-1898.


The Spanish referred to non-Hispanicized Amerinds as Indios Bárbaros (Barbarian Indians).


According to Rodolfo Acuña, the first Spanish colonists to California were of African, Amerind, Mestizo, and casta origins.


Although the Texan Republic created laws and local police forces to enforce them, these laws and authorities seldom protected non-Anglos.


Both Spain and Mexico invited U.S. immigrants to settle and populate their proclaimed northern territories (today's U.S. Southwest).


How many Spanish missions were created in California?


The Second Wave of European Conquest focused on what two regions of the world?

Asia & africa

According to Rodolfo Acuña, the railroad brought to Arizona the era of what "Three C's"?

Cattle copper cotton

Although the term Texas Rangers did not appear in Texas until 1874, the roots of the Rangers date back to the time of Stephen F. Austin who recruited men to serve as defenders against Native American raids.


Although various Amerind societies gathered into tribes, Amerind societies and tribes are not synonymous.


By the late 1820s, Mexican officials demonstrated concern over the large number of U.S. undocumented immigrants settling in the Mexican territory of Tejas (i.e. Texas).


On December 30, 1853, President Antonio López de Santa Anna sold a portion of Mexico's northwestern territory to the United States in a transaction known as the ______Purchase.


What U.S. president declared war on Mexico in May of 1846?

James K. Polk

Whose head was supposedly displayed in Stockton, California in 1853?

Joaquín Murieta

According to what belief did White Anglo-Saxon Protestants have the "God-given right and duty to civilize and settle the West"?

Manifest Destiny

What was the primary function of presidios in California?

Military forts

As the Spanish had done during the colonial period, Anglo-Texans implemented the notion of "whiteness" as a prerequisite for acceptance and admittance to the higher ranks of society.


What are the Three Periods of Mesoamerican history?

Preclassic, classic , postclassic

In 1680, Amerind people of the New Mexico area revolted against Spanish colonists in what is known as the __________ Revolt.


In what April of 1836 battle did Tejano/Texan forces defeat Antonio López de Santa Anna and his men?

San jacinto

Because of "Mexican Wages," Mexican people of Arizona formed Mutualistas, or mutual-aid societies. Correct!


Railroads increased industrialization and the Anglo population in Arizona.


According to Rodolfo Acuña's theory, Economics is at the center of Conquest, Political Control, Socialization, and Resistance.


The 1847 Amerind and Nuevo Mexicano revolt against Charles Bent is known as the __________ Revolt.


What was the name of the Mexica capital?


Because the conclusion of the U.S. Civil War implemented the end of legal slavery in the United States, Euro-American (Anglo) merchants and ranchers in Texas turned to using inexpensive African American and Mexican manual labor to augment their profits.


Before the conclusion of the U.S.-Mexican War, New Mexicans were used to sharing communal water and pasture lands.


For Texans and Tejanos, what treaty concluded the Texan Rebellion?

Treaty of Velasco

According to Article X of the original Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the United States would recognize and respect all Mexican land grants.


According to Rodolfo Acuña, Texan "cowboys" fanned antagonism between Mexicans and Anglos in Arizona.


According to Rodolfo Acuña, a primary reason why Euro-Americans (Anglos) desired to invade and conquer Texas was to control the Rio Grande and the trade of northern Mexico.


According to Rodolfo Acuña, because WWI created a labor shortage in the United States, U.S. officials promoted Mexican immigration into the country.


According to Rodolfo Acuña, the competition for jobs in Texas between African Americans and Tejanos/Mexicans created an animosity among them that was a deliberate tactic used by federal and Texan officials to decrease the potential of both groups joining forces to end Euro-American (Anglo) discrimination against them.


While Maximilian von Habsburg proclaimed to be the emperor of Mexico, who (technically) was still Mexico's elected president?

benito juarez

Mexico achieved independence from Spain on September 16, 1810.


With whom did the Virgin of Guadalupe supposedly speak in 1531?

juan diego

Who was the young Mexica woman given as a "gift" to Hernán Cortés?


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