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Because the area has not yet been designated as a marine sanctuary, lifeguards are allowed to do what so that people can use the beach?

chase the harbor seals off the beach

What is the role of the operculum?

covering the gills of the fish

What is baleen made of?


Red muscle tissue in fish is ________ and contains much ________ concentrations of myoglobin than white muscle tissue.

thinner; higher

Which part of the fish is most commonly used to propel high-speed fish?

caudal fins

What part(s) of a fish is/are used for thunniform swimming?

caudal fins myomeres

Which of the following statements regarding sea otters is correct?

They are one of the few types of animals known to use tools.

Of the following statements about bioluminescence in deep-water nekton, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-A flash of bioluminescent light can temporarily blind a predator, allowing the prey to escape. -Bioluminescence can be used to attract a mate. -Bioluminescent light can be used to stake out territory. -Bioluminescent light can attract and lure prey to a predator. -The majority of deep-water nekton can bioluminesce.

Which of the following characteristics are shared by all marine mammals?

-All marine animals have fur. -All marine animal mothers nurse their young with their milk. -All marine animals are warm-blooded. -All marine animals bear live young.

Which of the following statements about gray whales are true? Choose all that apply.

-Gray whales are one of only a few species ever to be removed from endangered status. -Gray whales typically feed on bottom-dwelling organisms, such as crustaceans and clams. -Gray whales used to be known as "devilfish" because of their aggressive behavior toward whalers. -Gray whales undertake the longest migration of any mammal. -Gray whales spend most of their time in coastal waters.

Which of the following statements about the characteristics of marine mammals are true? Choose all that apply.

-Marine mammals bear live young. -Marine mammals evolved from land species. -Marine mammals have hair (or fur) during at least some stage of their development. -Marine mammals are warm-blooded. -Marine mammals must surface to breathe air.

Which of the following statements about odontocetes are true? Choose all that apply.

-Odontoceti have the ability to use echolocation. -Odontoceti have large brains relative to their body size. -Odontoceti have prominent teeth and good vision. -Odontoceti form long-lived social groups.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the order Cetacea?

-Porpoises and dolphins are considered to be small whales. -Baleens are made out of the same material that makes up humans' fingernails and hair. -Many species of whales were hunted to the brink of extinction, but with protection, many of them are now making a comeback.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the order Sirenia?

-The order Sirenia includes manatees and dugongs. -They are also called sea cows.

The oxygen-storing compound in the red muscle tissue of fishes is called _________.


Of the following groups of organisms, which is/are considered zooplankton? A) Radiolarians B) Copepods C) Diatoms D) Jellyfish E) Krill

A) Radiolarians B) Copepods D) Jellyfish E) Krill

Which of the following affect the ability of species to capture food?

All the above affect the ability of pelagic organisms to capture food.

A remora attaching itself to a shark to obtain food and transportation without harming its host is an example of which of the following types of symbiotic relationship?


What is the harbor seal controversy at Children's Pool in La Jolla California about?

Do harbor seals have the right to use the beach at Children's Pool?

What is the main opposition of having harbor seals at Children's Pool in La Jolla?

Harbor seals defecate in the water, producing high levels of bacteria in the water offshore.

Whales evolved from a land-dwelling ancestor similar to which of the following?


Despite the International Whaling Commission ban on commercial whaling which of the following nations continues to hunt whales under the guise of scientific research?


Which of the following is not an adaptation of deep-sea fishes?

Large body sizes

The stinging tentacles of a sea anemone protecting a clown fish which chases away any fish that tries to feed on the anemone is an example of which of the following types of symbiotic relationship?


Part complete What suborder includes baleen whales?


What feeding strategy best describes that of humpback whales?

One or more individuals cooperate to corral prey using bubbles and then swim vertically to scoop up large quantities of fish.

An isopods attaching itself to a fish and derive its nutrition from the body fluids of the fish, robbing it of some of its energy supply, is an example of which of the following types of symbiotic relationship?


Which of the following is the most important function of schooling in small fish?

Protection from predators

What evidence exists that harbor seals have always been in the area?

The existence of a rock offshore known as Seal Rock.

What would happen to a fish with a body less dense than the surrounding seawater?

The fish would float on the ocean surface.

What happens to the swim bladder as a fish moves into deeper water?

The gas in the swim bladder contracts due to increasing water pressure. The gas in the swim bladder contracts, decreasing the volume of the swim bladder.

Which of the following statements regarding Manatees is correct?

Their front flippers have nails that resemble the nails on elephant feet.

Which of the following statements regarding polar bears is correct?

They have massive webbed paws that make them excellent swimmers.

Which of the following statements regarding seals is correct?

They propel themselves through water by using their rear flippers.

Which of the following characteristics is not found in cruising fishes such as tuna?

They rely on a swim bladder for neutral buoyancy.

Which of the following statements of the Pacific Coast Feeding Group is correct?

They spend the summer along the Pacific coast from Canada to northern California.

Why was the seawall constructed in La Jolla?

To create a quiet beach behind the seawall that is free of large waves so that children can safely use the beach.

Which of the following is not one of the reasons bioluminescence is employed by deep-sea animals?

Warning coloration

Which of the following adaptations allows a fish to add or remove gases rapidly to change depths quickly?

a swim bladder with a pneumatic duct

What is a swim bladder?

an internal organ used to maintain neutral buoyancy

Which set of fins is used as stabilizers? 6) _____ A) Anal and caudal B) Caudal and dorsal C) Anal and dorsal D) Pectoral and pelvic E) Caudal and pelvic

anal and dorsal

Which of the following have gas chambers that serve as floats and sails that allow the wind to push them across the ocean surface? 51) _____ A) Cnidarians B) Coccolithophores C) Ctenophores D) Foraminifers E) Radiolarians


Which of the following have soft bodies that are more than 95% water? 49) _____ A) Cnidarians B) Coccolithophores C) Ctenophores D) Foraminifers E) Radiolarians


Microscopic, shrimplike animals that have a hard exoskeleton that can be either herbivorous, carnivorous, or parasitic are called ________. 4) _____ A) foraminifers B) radiolarians C) copepods D) fishes E) cnidarians


Which of the following compose the majority of the ocean's zooplankton biomass? 47) _____ A) Coccolithophores B) Copepods C) Ctenophores D) Foraminifers E) Radiolarians


Which of the following have a hard exoskeleton and a segmented body with jointed legs, forked tails and distinct antennae? 44) _____ A) Coccolithophores B) Copepods C) Ctenophores D) Foraminifers E) Radiolarians


Some specialized deep-sea fish have a swim bladder that is filled with what to help them stay in the deep ocean?


What type of whale feeds primarily on amphipods and shellfish?

gray whales that plunge into the muddy bottom and strain the invertebrates out

What type of fish is shown in the SmartFigure image?


What style of feeding is used by whales with rorqual folds?

gulp feeding

Sea lions are easily distinguished from seals because they:

have external ears.

What part of a fish helps it sense vibrations in the water?

lateral lines

The gray whale and other baleen whales migrate every year to:

mate and give birth in the tropics during the winter

Which of the following animals uses an external shell as a rigid gas container to achieve neutral buoyancy? 34) _____ A) Spirula B) Sea Bass C) Grouper D) Nautilus E) Sepia


The stinging cells used by cnidarians to capture prey are called _________.


Part complete Which carnivore in the SmartFigure is known to use tools to open shells?


The fins used by fishes primarily for maneuvering are _________.

pectoral and pelvic

Which set of fins is used for turning and braking? 5) _____ A) Anal and caudal B) Caudal and dorsal C) Anal and dorsal D) Caudal and pelvic E) Pectoral and pelvic

pectoral and pelvic

An organism such as a fish whose body temperature is nearly the same as the environment is referred to as:


Which of the following are single-celled, microscopic protozoans that build their hard shells out of silica? 42) _____ A) Coccolithophores B) Copepods C) Ctenophores D) Foraminifers E) Radiolarians


Which of the following marine carnivores are flipper-footed?

seals sea lions walruses

Which of the following animals compensates for not having a swim bladder by using large and flat pectoral fins and an asymmetrical caudal fin to produce lift? 40) _____ A) Shark B) Nautilus C) Spirula D) Tuna E) Sepia


What type of whale captures prey by swimming at the surface with its mouth open to trap plankton in the fringe of its baleen?

skim-feeding right whales

Which of the following animals uses an internal chambered structure as a rigid gas container to achieve neutral buoyancy? 36) _____ A) Spirula B) Grouper C) Nautilus D) Tuna E) Snapper


White muscle tissue in fish is ________ and contains much ________ concentrations of myoglobin than red muscle tissue.

thicker; lower

The function of a swim bladder is ________. 1) _____ A) to prevent predators from eating the puffer fish B) to assist the organism in steering with the currents C) to increase the surface area of the organism to prevent sinking D) to allow a fish to change position in the water column E) to increase the density of the organism to keep it afloat

to allow a fish to change position in the water column

Which of the following animals doesn't use a rigid gas container or a swim bladder? 33) _____ A) Tuna B) Sea Bass C) Grouper D) Nautilus E) Sepia


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