OCE1001 Exam 1 Chapter 2
Which of the following tectonic plates are oceanic? Eurasian Plate North American Plate African Plate Pacific Plate Nazca Plate
- Nazca Plate - Pacific Plate
Of the following statements about ocean crust, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.
- Ocean crust is destroyed at deep sea trenches. - Ocean crust is created at the mid-ocean ridge.
Of the following statements about Earth's magnetic field, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.
- The lines of the magnetic force are perpendicular relative to Earth's surface at the magnetic north pole. - The lines of the magnetic force are perpendicular relative to Earth's surface at the magnetic south pole. - The magnetic north pole may reverse so that it is located near the geographic south pole. - The lines of the magnetic force are parallel with Earth's surface at the equator.
Why does the sea floor have a striped pattern of magnetic anomalies that is symmetric with respect to the mid-ocean ridge? Choose all that apply.
- The ocean floor is spreading apart and new sea floor is forming. - The igneous rock of the ocean floor preserves Earth's existing magnetic field as the rock cools. - The polarity of Earth's magnetic field experiences reversals.
Which of the following lines of evidence did Alfred Wegener use to support the concept of drifting continents? Choose all that apply.
- evidence of glaciers in areas that are now tropical - the distribution of species of fossils - the way the shapes of the continents fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle - the pattern of similar mountain belts on different continents
When did the Appalachian Mountains of North America begin to form? 150 million years ago 450 million years ago 600 million years ago 250 million years ago 300 million years ago
450 million years ago
When did the great mountain ranges of southern Europe and Asia begin to form? 600 million years ago 450 million years ago 50 million years ago 300 million years ago
50 million years ago
How are normal polarity and reverse polarity of Earth's magnetic field different?
A compass points toward the North Pole during normal polarity and to the South Pole during reverse polarity.
In general, what is our best evidence that the orientation of Earth's magnetic field has changed over time?
A record of Earth's magnetic field is recorded in oceanic rocks, which show a clear pattern of changes in Earth's magnetic polarity.
If the rate and direction of plate movement remain the same for the next 50 million years, an accurate prediction would then be:
Accretion of the California Terrane onto Alaska
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Canary Islands Galapagos Islands Iceland Aleutian Islands Azores
Aleutian Islands
The first person to advance the idea of mobile continents or continental drift was: Alfred Wegener. John Tuzo Wilson. Drummond Matthews. Frederick Vine. Harry Hess.
Alfred Wegener.
What is the relationship between the mantle and the asthenosphere?
All of the asthenosphere is contained within a larger layer called the mantle.
What is the relationship between the crust and the lithosphere?
All of the crust is contained within a larger layer called the lithosphere.
Why does the orange liquid rise when the lava lamp animation is plugged in?
Although both liquids expand when heated, the orange liquid expands more.
Which of the following is an example of an oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary? Andes Mountains San Andreas Fault Mendocino Fault Aleutian Islands Himalaya Mountains
Andes Mountains
Which of the following rocks is the most reliable one used to collect information about Earth's magnetic field where and when the rock originated? Schist Granite Basalt Limestone Sandstone
The first scientist to propose the origin of coral reefs based upon subsidence (sinking) of volcanic islands was: Alfred Wegener. Drummond Matthews. Charles Darwin. John Tuzo Wilson. Harry Hess.
Charles Darwin.
Which of the following is the main reason that Earth has a magnetic field? Select only one answer.
Convection in the liquid iron-nickel outer core generates a magnetic field.
Plate convergence begins during which stage of the Wilson Cycle? Terminal Suturing Declining Juvenile Mature
The Pacific Ocean is an example of the ________ stage of the Wilson Cycle. declining mature terminal juvenile suturing
Iceland is located on what type of plate boundary? Oceanic/continental Divergent Continental/continental convergent Oceanic/oceanic convergent Transform
Which of the following statements about Earth's magnetic field is most accurate?
Earth's magnetic field switches polarity at irregular time intervals.
Which of the following statements about earthquakes with magnitude greater than 4.0 is most accurate?
Earthquakes with magnitude greater than 4.0 occur in a pattern than correlates closely with plate boundaries.
Which of the following is an example of the embryonic stage of the Wilson Cycle? Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean East Africa Red Sea Mediterranean Sea
East Africa
Seafloor depth was first determined by what remote sensing technology? -Echo sounder -Aerial photography -Lidar -Satellites -Radar
Echo sounder
The book The History of Ocean Basins, which contained the idea of seafloor spreading, was written by geologist: Drummond Matthews. Alfred Wegener. Harry Hess. John Tuzo Wilson. Frederick Vine.
Harry Hess.
Which of the following is an example of a nematath? Hawaiian Islands-Emperor Seamount Chain Iceland Great Barrier Reef Aleutian Islands Mariana Islands
Hawaiian Islands-Emperor Seamount Chain
Why are ocean basins continually being destroyed and created, rather than simply being redistributed around Earth's surface like continents?
High-density oceanic crust subducts beneath low-density continental crust where plates converge.
Consider the geologic fate of the following seamounts and islands in the Hawaiian Island-Emperor Seamount chain. Assuming conditions remain favorable for coral growth, which would most likely be the next to form an atoll? Kauai Hawaii Maui Oahu Loihi
Which of the following fossils was used as data to help reconstruct Pangea because it was a reptile found in South America and Africa? Glossopteris Lepidodendron Archaeopteris Mesosauras
Which of the following was not used as evidence for continental drift? The fit of the continents The distribution of organisms Past glacial activity Paleomagnetic reversals Matching sequences of rocks
Paleomagnetic reversals
study of magnetism over geologic time
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Gondwanaland Tethys Sea Panamerica Pangaea Panthalassia
supercontinent 250 million years ago
ancient precursor of the Pacific Ocean
depression along a ridge axis
Rift Valley
Wegener used which of the following to provide evidence for continental drift? -Locations of active volcanoes - Magnetic pole reversals - Seafloor magnetic patterns - Shape of continental margins - Earthquake distribution
Shape of continental margins
What is the relationship between the mantle and the lithosphere?
Some of the mantle is contained within a smaller layer called the lithosphere.
Mid-Ocean Ridge
Spreading Center
Seafloor Magnetic Stripes
Spreading Center
Seafloor Spreading
Spreading Center
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Frederick Vine Alfred Wegener Stanley Miller Drummond Matthews Harry Hess
Stanley Miller
Island Arc
Subduction Zone
Subduction Zone
sloping area from a trench along a downward moving plate
Subduction Zone
Which of the following statements is true regarding tectonic plates?
Tectonic plates may include both oceanic and continental crust.
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Andesitic volcanic eruptions are usually less explosive and destructive than basaltic eruptions BECAUSE andesite magma is more viscous than basalt magma and contains a higher gas content. -The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid. - The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid. -The assertion is correct but the reason is incorrect. - The assertion is incorrect but the reason is correct. - Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect.
The assertion is incorrect but the reason is correct.
What would happen in the lava lamp if the orange liquid were denser at warmer temperatures than the blue/clear liquid shown in the animation?
The blue/clear liquid would rise toward the top when the lamp was turned on, whereas the orange liquid would sink.
What prompted the first widespread mapping of the ocean floor?
The importance of submarine warfare during World War II
Which properties of a lava lamp are important to remember when modeling convection?
The lava lamp contains two liquids with different densities that do not mix and that expand at different rates when heated.
Which of the following statements is true of the lithosphere?
The lithosphere is composed of the crust and the uppermost portion of the mantle.
Alfred Wegener's continental drift hypothesis received much hostile criticism and ridicule from the scientific community because of which of the following?
The mechanism he proposed for the movement of the continents.
Of the following statements about the age of the ocean crust, which one is true? Select only one answer.
The oldest ocean crust is about 200 million years old and is located near an ocean trench.
What would happen to the orange liquid in the lava lamp if heat did NOT conduct out of the top of the lava lamp?
The orange liquid would stay near the top of the lava lamp.
What did the maps of the ocean floor produced by Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp reveal about seafloor topography?
There are ridges in the middle of the ocean basin floors.
What do all plate boundaries have in common? Select only one answer. -They occur entirely within the middle of continents. -They occur only on the ocean floor. -They are all located along the edges of continents. -They are all associated with zones of earthquakes. -They are all associated with an abundance of volcanic activity.
They are all associated with zones of earthquakes.
What did the continents that formed during the break-up of the supercontinent 600 million years ago look like?
They were nothing like the continent shapes we see on Earth today.
The Alps are an example of ________ plate boundary. a continental transform a continental-continental convergent an oceanic-oceanic convergent an oceanic-continental convergent a continental-continental divergent
a continental-continental convergent
What surface feature would you expect to form if both a hot spot and a tectonic plate are stationary? a single volcano a small hill above the hot spot a chain of volcanoes a ring of volcanoes
a single volcano
What was Pangea?
a supercontinent that formed 300 million years ago
The Mariana Trench is an example of ________ plate boundary. an oceanic-continental convergent an oceanic-oceanic divergent an oceanic transform a continental transform an oceanic-oceanic convergent
an oceanic-oceanic convergent
The East Pacific Rise is an example of ________ plate boundary. -an oceanic transform an oceanic-oceanic divergent a continental-continental divergent an oceanic-continental convergent an oceanic-oceanic convergent
an oceanic-oceanic divergent
Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-continental convergent plate boundaries? andesitic volcanoes hot spots mid-ocean ridges fracture zones volcanic island arcs
andesitic volcanoes
Where are tectonic plates located? at Earth's surface below Earth's surface, in the upper mantle just under Earth's surface below Earth's surface, near the core
at Earth's surface
Where do most earthquakes occur? -at the bottom of the ocean -on the continents -in the middle of the plates -they are evenly distributed all over the world -at plate boundaries
at plate boundaries
What is the appropriate term for the movement of the orange liquid in the lava lamp animation? evaporation advection convection subduction conduction
Which type of plate boundary is most closely associated with uplifting continental regions and mountain building? transform boundaries convergent boundaries divergent boundaries hot spot boundaries
convergent boundaries
Which type of plate boundary is most closely associated with the formation of new ocean floor?
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of a: -divergent plate boundary. - convergent plate boundary (continent-oceanic). - convergent plate boundary (continent-continent). -convergent plate boundary (oceanic-oceanic). -transform fault boundary.
divergent plate boundary.
What are the three types of plate boundaries? divergent, converse, and transform divergent, convergent, and transverse divergent, convergent, and transform digressive, convergent, and transform divergent, converse, and transverse
divergent, convergent, and transform
All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along ________. -the edge of the continental shelf -edges of the deep sea floor -current shorelines - edges at around 2,000 meters depth -oceanic trenches in subduction zones
edges at around 2,000 meters depth
How often does the Earth's magnetic field switch polarity?
every 100,000 to several million years
Coral reefs that initially develop along the margin of an island or continent where environmental conditions are suitable are called: patch reefs. barrier reefs. fringing reefs. atolls.
fringing reefs.
Underwater volcanic peaks that resemble volcanoes on land except that they are flat on top are called ________. volcanic arcs oceanic ridges ultra-slow spreading centers guyots oceanic rises
Which phenomenon can explain the presence of volcanoes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? earthquakes transform motion hot spots subduction divergence
hot spots
Coral reefs ________.
include atolls, barrier, and fringing reefs
Moving from an oceanic ridge to an oceanic trench, the thickness of the lithosphere:
increases in proportion to the distance.
Climate distribution on Earth is primarily controlled by: -presence or absence of glacial debris. -plants and animals that live in an area. -Earth's geologic history. - latitude. - longitude.
Tectonic plates are pieces of the ________ that float on the more fluid ________ below.
lithosphere; asthenosphere
Ocean basins with continental margins are representative of the ________ stage of the Wilson Cycle. terminal juvenile suturing declining mature
The Hawaiian Islands are located where the Pacific plate is: -diving under Japan. -being subducted beneath the North American plate. - moving over a hot spot or mantle plume. -being subducted beneath Japan. -being thrust over the North American plate.
moving over a hot spot or mantle plume.
Where in a lava lamp would the density of both materials be equal? near the bottom of the lamp near the top of the lamp nowhere in the lamp almost everywhere in the lamp near the middle of the lamp
near the middle of the lamp
Chains of extinct volcanoes that are progressively older as one travels away from a hotspot are called ________. oceanic ridges volcanic arcs ultra-slow spreading centers oceanic rises nemataths
The steeply-sloping and slower-spreading parts of the mid-ocean ridge are called ________. oceanic ridges guyots ultra-slow spreading centers oceanic rises nemataths
oceanic ridges
Where would you expect to see alternating bands of rock with different magnetic polarities?
on both sides of the mid-ocean ridge
What did the surface of Earth look like 600 million years ago?
one large continent surrounded by ocean
The study of historical changes of continental shapes and positions is called: paleoclimatology. sedimentology. paleogeography. paleomagnetism.
Fossils of ancient tropical plants are currently found near the poles because the: -poles were at the equator at times in the geologic past. -entire earth had warm, humid conditions at the time the plants were living. -plants lived in the tropics, but landmasses have drifted to current locations. -plants probably were tolerant of both tropical and polar conditions. -plants were distributed to current locations by ancient glacial ice sheets.
plants lived in the tropics, but landmasses have drifted to current locations.
Which process causes the surface geography of Earth to change over time?
plate tectonics
When was the Precambrian eon?
prior to 600 million years ago
Large volcanoes on the seafloor that are cone-shaped on top because they never reached sea level are called: mantle plumes. hotspots. guyots. seamounts. tablemounts.
The Himalaya Mountains are an example of the ________ stage of the Wilson Cycle. suturing declining terminal mature juvenile
Compared to the rest of the planet, an unusually high concentration of hot spots and rifting is located on the continent of Africa. A likely explanation for this is that __________.
the African Plate is essentially stationary with respect to Earth's interior and the thick continental crust acts as a "heat blanket"
What is meant by the term plate boundary? -the bottom of the plate, where the plate meets the core -the edge of a plate, where two plates meet each other -the bottom of a plate, where the plate meets the asthenosphere -the top of a plate, where the crust interacts with the atmosphere -the entire tectonic plate
the edge of a plate, where two plates meet each other
Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews determined that new ocean floor was being produced at ocean ridges by examining: -glacial debris at various locations. -the location of ancient coral reefs. -the magnetic pattern of rocks on the seafloor. - fossils in marine sediments. - apparent polar wandering.
the magnetic pattern of rocks on the seafloor.
The flat top of a guyot or tablemount in deep water is evidence that __________.
the seamount was once at the surface of the ocean, but is now submerged due to plate movement and erosion when it was near sea level
Which plate boundary is NOT associated with volcanic eruptions? converse convergent divergent transform
What surface feature provides evidence for the location of hot spots?
volcanoes within tectonic plates
When will a hot spot volcano become extinct?
when the volcano is carried away from the hot spot by the tectonic plate