ocean chapter 16/17

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In 1968, Garrett Hardin, a biologist, published an article called "_______________________." The article used the metaphor of a commonly owned livestock field to explain how common ownership of property can lead to its destruction.

"Tragedy of the Commons."

The US spends about ______________________ annually to control atmospheric, terrestrial, and marine pollution.

$250 billion

That equals about 2% of the gross national product, about $_________ for each US citizen.


Possible effects of global warming include: A rise in average temperature about ___°C in the next ________ years.

2, 50-100

___% has been destroyed and estimates are that in ____ years there will no longer be any coral reefs alive. :(

25, 50

Data that supports Earth's average temperature is rising: The oceans currently absorb from ____% to ____% of carbon dioxide emissions.

30 to 50

Today more than __% of the world's mangroves have been _______ and are continuing to vanish - even faster than tropical rainforests.

50, destroyed

In June 1990, ____ nations agreed on an international ban of ozone-depleting chemicals. The ban took effect in 2000, so it will be some time before we know how it will affect the ozone layer. The significance of the ban was that it demonstrated the international community can __________ to solve global issues threatening us all

53, cooperate

_______________________is the concentration of heavy metals, synthetic organic chemicals, and natural organic chemicals in an organism throughout its lifetime.


Plastics are a hazard through entanglement and entrapment. _____________ plastic in the marine environment is one answer. ____________________- the best solution is to keep plastic out of the ocean altogether.

Biodegradable, recycling

_______________________is what happens when the concentration of heavy metals or other substances rises as it moves up the food web - concentrates as each level of the food chain consumes the one below.


The Coastal Zone Management Act (_________) of 1972 provides economic _________ for states to take a strong role in preserving their coastal zone.

CZMA, incentives

Ultraviolet radiation (UV) damages ______________ and _____________________. It is associated with _________, __________ and __________ in reproduction. It can cause _________ and suppress the _____________

DNA and protein. mutations, cancer, and reduction. cataracts, suppress the immune system.

1972 - Ocean Dumping Convention resulted in an _________ agreement that prohibited marine dumping of _________ (nonbiodegradable) plastic.

International, persistent

5. _____________________of biological resources in __________________ _________________ needs addressing and enforcement.

Management, international waters

In 1862, when the ___________ clashed with the __________ during the American Civil War, people viewed the seas as inexhaustible. By the 1960s, they had started to realize this isn't the case.

Monitor, Virginia

Living undersea has the same psychological, environmental, and logistical problems as living in space. ___________________________________________ (NEEMO) studies human spaceflight issues in the __________ underwater research habitat - the only one in the world.

NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, Aquarius

_______________________________is the study of ancient atmospheres. It is important because _______________________________________ to compare with the present atmosphere. Climatologists use computers to model how the Earth has changed from millions of years ago to today.

Paleoclimatology, it provides a baseline of condition

In 1945, the ______________ Proclamation began ownership management when the US took claim to all the physical and biological resources to the edge of our continental shelf. Other nations followed and in 1982, UNCLOS established the _______________________ (EEZ).

Truman, Exclusive Economic Zone

The amount of radioactive waste already dumped into the sea previously by the ____ and more currently by _______ is a threat to local marine resources.

US, Russia

Refined oils have _________________________ that make them more toxic.

added chemicals

Ships can carry non-native species to new environments.: They take on and release ________________________ to maintain stability.

ballast water

The bottom of harbors tend to contain toxic chemicals from shipping and development. These chemicals damage the _______ communities when dumped with the spoil at sea and does damage even without _____.

benthic, toxins

Normally they exist in very low concentrations, but organisms can ________________ them just as they do heavy metals.


Many synthetic organic chemicals also ________. They cause harm at any trophic level, but they are the greatest risk to top-level predators, including _____________________.

biomagnify, humans

Mercury, which has been associated with ________________________ and an increase in ________________________ and ________________________ over the past 20 years, appears to be linked to heavy-metal poisoning.

birth defects, brain damage, behavior disorders

This is because refinement ________ the heavy crude oil components and _________ the lighter, biologically active ones.

breaks up, concentrates

Aquaculture is at risk because the fish ________________________ from an oil spill.

can't flee

Data that supports Earth's average temperature is rising: Burning of fossil fuels has released carbon,in the form of ______ ________. This carbon was isolated from the carbon cycle until humans started burning it.

carbon dioxide

Leakage of _____________________________, on the other hand, could pose a major threat by contaminating and killing local wildlife.

chemical weapons

Possible effects of global warming include: Habitat destruction due to ____________ and an increase in _________.

climate changes, violent storms

Possible effects of global warming include: Flooding of _________ due to a rising sea level.

coastal areas

The Tragedy of the Commons suggest that the cause of overfishing and other pending biological crises is that_________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. Grotius' 1604 concept of Mare Liberum, set the stage by establishing _________ of the seas for all nations, effectively making the world's oceans common property.

common property misplaces incentives and responsibilities. freedom

Substances that biomagnify are called ___________ __________. They're called this because they're conserved rather than consumed as they move through the food web.

conservative materials

Dumping can cause several concerns: New York is dumping sludge on the ________ shelf and scientists worry it could contaminate the ___________.

continental, gulf stream

Decreased protection from UV would have a negative effect on ____________, ____________, and _____________ in general.

crop yields, plankton growth, and world productivity

The ______________________________________________ need to be addressed so that one or two nations can't poison the seas for all.

cross-boundary effects of pollution

Refined oil is more hazardous. It disrupts the environment more extensively and for longer periods than ______.


Besides bleaching, a host of other ailments attack coral: Tropical fish collection by using _______________is killing coral as well as fish.


Although it is helpful to use some clean-up measures, other chemicals and methods cause more ________ than the oil spill itself.


Eutrophication can create ___________________ on the bottom. Areas that have low oxygen (hypoxic) and no oxygen (anoxic).

dead zones

Dumping can cause several concerns: Storms can ________ sludge washing it onto local _______, contaminating _________ beds, and causing disease outbreaks.

dislodge, beaches, shellfish

Besides bleaching, a host of other ailments attack coral: Killing fish for food with _______________causes widespread death and damage to coral.


1980 - UN Environment Program, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and the World Wildlife Fund released the World Conservation Strategy. It provides a strategy and procedures by which nations can develop their _________ potential without destroying their resources.


Among natural fisheries the ____________________________________ are at risk.

eggs and larvae

Excessive nutrients that throw the local ecosystem out of balance is called __________________________.


Pollution is ugly, offensive, and destructive. If that weren't enough, it's ________________


Estuaries are particularly at risk of destruction for several reasons: First, they're not only potential real estate by being ______________________, but they're also potential harbors by being _______________________________

filled in, dredged out

The ocean is the "______________________________."

final frontier on Earth

The only real solution is to ___________________________________________ to fossil fuels.

find and develop cost-effective alternatives

Plastics are a hazard in the marine environment because they look like ________ to some predators.


How do you discover if a career in marine science is right for you?

get involved, follow your heart, then learn about it

There are two approaches to using biological ocean resources: Take them until they are __________. The current state of the world fisheries and the decline of whales are examples of ineffective management.


Red tides and similar algae blooms are called HABs - _______________________________________________

harmful algae blooms

Bleaching seems to correlate with __________________________________________, which in turn appear associated with _____ events. Research also suggests that agricultural runoff triggers coral bleaching.

high surface temperatures, ENSO

Species transplantation is so rapid and countermeasures have been so ineffective that many ecologists think the world will soon be a one-world ___________ ecosystem.


Livestock produces more waste than a comparable human population and it isn't generally processed like ________ sewage. Instead it seeps into groundwater and storms can wash out _______ ponds.

human, storage

Sources of marine pollution are a cocktail of ______________________________ contributed from common everyday activity, like driving cars, what we throw away in landfills, and run-off from farms and parking lots.

hundreds of substances

Overfishing affects local ecosystems by creating an ____________________


Heavy metals damage organisms by_____________________________________________ and are not easily eliminated, so they tend to collect in organisms' tissues over time.

interfering with cellular metabolism

The US government needs to ______________________________________ with respect to its role in providing biological resources and in survival of life on Earth.

invest more into ocean research

Heavy metals of most concern are ________________________________

lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and copper

Plastics get into the marine environment primarily by being ______ or _______ there.

lost or dumped

Accepting the Tragedy of the Commons as a suitable metaphor for the seas suggests that to continue to supply the world with fish and other biological resources, international ____________________ has to change. The best chance for the future may be ownership.


Today, anoxic and hypoxic events cause more _______________________________ than any other single cause including oil spills.

massive fish kills

International law needs to agree on how to enforce limits within ___________________________ for species that cross EEZs.

maximum sustainable yield

Management so that fisheries and other industries stay within ______________________ ___________________________________ is the only realistic option.

maximum sustainable yield

____________________is a greenhouse gas and some scientists fear that an earthquake, global climate changes, or some other event could cause a massive methane release. This could trigger a significant increase in global climate changes.


In addition to being a potential energy resource, _______________________ have scientists interested in them for their role in the _______________ and ____________________________.

methane hydrates, biosphere and global climate changes

1991 - Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty banned _______ and _____ exploration in Antarctica for at least 50 years. It further designated the entire continent as a __________ devoted to peace and science.

mining, oil, natural reserve

Despite the obvious danger radiation poses to living organisms, so far _____________________. It appears that marine organisms have a high tolerance to radioactivity. It is just a matter of time though before measurable effects become evident - probably genetic damage.

no widespread effects have been noted

1973 - Marine Pollution Convention (London International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) established regulations that limit and control ____ pollution, _________ substances, _________, and _________ dumped from ships.

oil, packaged, sewage, garbage

noninvasive species: The new species may have characteristics that allow it to __________ local organisms becoming a biological invader that can shift the ecological balance, sometimes even __________ an ecosystem.

out compete, destroying

The primary cause of coastal wetland destruction is ____________________________

people and their desire to live near the coast

Radioactive materials get into the oceans by ___________

people dumping it there

Cures From the Ocean Bottom: They have powerful immune systems loaded with literally millions of _________________________________

potential drugs

A definition of pollution. With respect to the marine environment, it is useful to define pollution as substances or energy that can change the water _______ or affects the ________, ________, or ___________ environment.

quality. physical, chemical, or biological

This could result in a significant _______________________________________ on a worldwide level.

reduction in biodiversity

The Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 gives the federal government the power to designate specific coastal zone areas for ____________ _______________________________________

research, protection, or recreation

Data that supports Earth's average temperature is rising: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is _____________.


Possible effects of global warming include: A _____ sea level may ____ and/or alter oceanic currents with resultant widespread ecosystem damage.

rising, slow

Major sources of oil pollution in the ocean are: Annually about 6 million tons of petroleum hydrocarbons reach the sea. The major cause is the users, not the producers. Oil enters aquatic environments through ____________________________________________________________________ and as waste from sewage treatment plants.

runoff from parking lots and streets

Estuaries are particularly at risk of destruction for several reasons: Second, estuaries are very _________________environments. It only takes one part per 10 million of oil in water to seriously disrupt growth and reproduction of some species in this type of wetland. Migrating birds stop over in estuaries - they can carry the pollution thousands of kilometers away.


Subsidies and incentives need to __________________________________________________. Tax breaks and funding for fishing and other resources need to be tied to maximum sustainable yield and fishery recovery.

shift to renewable resource strategies

The detonation of unexploded bombs is more of a safety concern for ______________________________ than it is a long-term, wide-ranging environmental hazard.

ships and divers

Larger marine animals can swallow small pieces as food. Once swallowed, the plastic can cause internal blockage and a swift death. Or, it can accumulate in the gut, inhibiting feeding, resulting in ___________________________________.

slow starvation

Dumping can cause several concerns: A sea bottom covered with _______ results in a _________ environment in which few organisms can survive.

sludge, hypoxic

There are three process levels used to treat sewage before dumping: level 1 - removes ________ level 2 - removal of solids and __________ level 3 - removes solids, pathogens, and ________.

solids, pathogens, nutrients

Undersea research applies to ________ research by providing ______________ environments for study.

space, analogous

A major pollution source is spoil. _____ is the soft bottom material removed during the dredging of harbors and ports. More often than not this is dumped at sea.


There are two approaches to using biological ocean resources: Manage them so that they are ___________________. The California gray whale is an example of effective management. Its population has increased enough to be removed from the endangered species list.


Known as ______________________ because they are human-made but are based on an organic molecule structure. (remember organic means carbon-based!)

synthetic organic chemicals

_________________ and _______________ are the driving forces of more potential now for marine research than any time in history.

technology and demand

Human activities are destroying one of the world's most productive ecosystems, _________________________

the coral reefs

Most ________________________________ comes from ___________________, which draw water from the sea for cooling. By using heat exchangers the discharged hot water remains free of radiation and contamination. Usually the heat is the only pollutant.

thermal pollution, power plants

Heated water is a pollutant because hot water can raise temperatures above the ________ level for many species, causing a _______ or decline in the immediate areas where the warm-to-hot water is.

tolerance, die-off

These are dangerous because they can be _______________________________, persisting in the environment because bacteria and other processes don't break them down.

toxic in small quantities

The Ozone layer protects us from _____________________________________. Without it, life in it's current form could not exist.

ultraviolet radiation

Greenhouse gases include ________________________________________________________________________

water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and CFCs

non invasive species: These introduced species could _______________________________________ competitive species.

wipe out existing

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