Oceanography Chapter 1
The average depth of the world's oceans is approximately ________. A) 3,682 meters (12,080 feet) B) 2,172 meters (7,126 feet) C) 5,280 meters (17,323 feet) D) 11,022 meters (36,161 feet) E) 840 meters (2,756 feet)
3,682 meters (12080 feet)
Earth is about ________. 23) _____ A) 6,000 years old B) 40 billion years old C) 4.6 billion years old D) 400,000 years old E) 4.6 million years old
4.6 billion years old
Archeological evidence suggests that boat technology was developed about ________ years ago.
The four principal ocean basins (plus an additional ocean) on Earth are the ________. A) Atlantic, Antarctic, Southern, Mediterranean, and Pacific Oceans B) Antarctic, Arctic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern Oceans C) Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans D) Antarctic, Caspian, Southern, Indian, and Pacific Oceans E) Atlantic, Arctic, Mediterranean, Southern, and Pacific Oceans
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans
The European "Age of Discovery" began with ________. 9) _____ A) Phoenician exploration of the Mediterranean B) Polynesian colonization of Pacific Islands C) Christopher Columbus' discovery of the "New World" D) Viking voyages to North America E) Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe
Christopher Columbus' discovery of the "New World"
Which of the following statements regarding continental and oceanic crust is TRUE? 17) _____ A) Continental crust is thinner and less dense than oceanic crust. B) Continental crust is thicker and denser than oceanic crust. C) Continental crust is thinner and denser than oceanic crust. D) Continental crust and oceanic crust have equivalent densities. E) Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust.
Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust
Which of the following parts of Polynesia was populated last?
Easter Island
The first person we are aware of who determined the circumference of the Earth using trigonometry and the angle of sunlight at Alexandria, Egypt, was ________. A) Seneca B) Pytheas C) Herodotus D) Eratosthenes E) Ptolemy
The European "Age of Discovery" ended with ________. 10) _____ A) Polynesian colonization of Pacific Islands B) Viking voyages to North America C) Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe D) Christopher Columbus' discovery of the "New World" E) Phoenician exploration of the Mediterranean
Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe
A tentative, testable statement about the general nature of a phenomenon is called a/an ________. 11) _____ A) hypothesis B) observation C) guess D) law E) theory
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 24) _____ A) Indian B) Arctic C) Atlantic D) Mediterranean E) Pacific
The Sun and the rest of the solar system formed about 5 billion years ago from a huge cloud of dust and gas called a ________. 13) _____ A) protoplanet B) solar system C) supernova D) nebula E) quasar
The largest of the ocean basins, which currently covers more than half of the ocean surface, is the ________. A) Pacific Ocean B) Arctic Ocean C) Atlantic Ocean D) Southern Ocean E) Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
The first humans from Western Hemisphere known to have developed the art of navigation were the ________. A) Vikings B) Phoenicians C) New Zealanders D) Greeks E) Polynesians
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 27) _____ A) John Cabot B) Ferdinand Magellan C) Vasco de Gama D) Christopher Columbus E) Ptolemy
The method of determining latitude in the Northern Hemisphere by measuring the angle between an observer's line of site to the North Star and line of site to the northern horizon was developed by ________. A) Ptolemy B) Herodotus C) Pytheas D) Eratosthenes E) Seneca
Based on definition, it is more appropriate to consider which ocean as a sea?
The Arctic Ocean
Which ocean is the shallowest ocean in the world?
The Arctic Ocean
Which ocean is similar in size and average depth to the Indian Ocean? 42) _____ A) The Arctic Ocean B) The Southern Ocean C) The Atlantic Ocean D) The Pacific Ocean E) The Indian Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean
Which ocean is mostly, but not entirely, in the southern hemisphere?
The Indian Ocean
Which ocean was considered by 14th century Europeans to be one of the seven seas?
The Indian Ocean
Which of the following modern seven seas was also recognized by pre-15th century Europeans as one of their seven seas?
The Indian Ocean
Which ocean is the deepest ocean in the world? 40) _____ A) The Pacific Ocean B) The Atlantic Ocean C) The Indian Ocean D) The Southern Ocean E) The Antarctic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
Which ocean's name comes from a word meaning peace? 41) _____ A) The Arctic Ocean B) The Pacific Ocean C) The Indian Ocean D) The Antarctic Ocean E) The Atlantic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
Which ocean is actually a part of three other oceans?
The Southern Ocean
Which of the following is TRUE concerning the deepest part of the ocean? 4) _____ A) The depth of this trench exceeds the height of Mount Everest. B) The deepest part of the ocean is located in a trench off the coast of Japan. C) The depth of this trench is estimated at 15,000 meters. D) The bottom of this trench has never been reached by a submersible. E) This trench is called the Philippine Trench.
The depth of this trench exceeds the height of Mount Everest
Plate tectonics and evolution, which are held with a high degree of confidence because of rigorous testing and verification, are examples of ________. 12) _____ A) hypotheses B) guesses C) laws D) theories E) observations
Most of the explorations by northern and western Europeans during the Middle (Dark) Ages were undertaken by ________. 8) _____ A) Vikings of Scandinavia B) Portugal C) France D) Italy E) Spain
Vikings of Scandinavia
Radioactive materials can sometimes be used to determine the ________. 22) _____ A) ages of rocks B) formation method C) metamorphism D) origin of rocks E) chemical composition of rocks
age of rocks
The nebular hypothesis suggests that ________. 14) _____ A) galaxies such as the Milky Way form independent of one another B) Earth's moon is an asteroid captured by the Earth's gravity C) the moon is derived from a protoplanet D) the Earth was formed by a cosmic explosion, a "big bang" E) all bodies in the solar system formed from an enormous gas cloud
all bodies in the solar system formed from an enormous gas cloud
Which of the following statements about the Pacific Ocean is TRUE? 37) _____ A) The Pacific Ocean is about three times larger than the next largest ocean. B) The Pacific Ocean covers more than two-thirds of the ocean surface area on Earth. C) The Pacific Ocean spans more than one-half of Earth's entire surface. D) The Pacific Ocean is the second largest geographic feature on the planet. E) All of the continents could fit into the space occupied by the Pacific Ocean.
all of the continents could fit into the space occupied by the Pacific Ocean
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 30) _____ A) Asthenosphere B) Granite C) Basalt D) Oceanic crust E) Continental crust
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 29) _____ A) Atmosphere B) Mesosphere C) Core D) Asthenosphere E) Lithosphere
Oceanic crust is primarily ________. 16) _____ A) granite B) clay minerals C) siltstone D) basalt E) carbonate sedimentary rocks
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 28) _____ A) Theory B) Testing C) Observation D) Hypothesis E) Belief
One of the reasons that free oxygen in our atmosphere is important to the development and maintenance of life on Earth is because oxygen ________. 21) _____ A) can form ozone and block some UV radiation B) was very abundant in Earth's early atmosphere C) combines with iron in volcanic rocks D) reduces atmospheric temperature E) is necessary for photosynthesis to occur
can form ozone and block some UV radiation
Earth's primordial atmosphere most likely included ________. 18) _____ A) ammonia, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor B) nitrogen, ozone, and sulfur dioxide C) carbon dioxide, water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and methane D) hydrogen, helium, and oxygen
carbon dioxide, water vapour, sulfur dioxide, and methane
The separation of the Earth into layers while it was molten was the result of the ________. 15) _____ A) initial collection of materials and their position in Earth B) differing densities of the elements that make up the Earth C) gravitational force created by the rotating Earth D) presence of water at Earth's surface E) decrease in temperature downward toward the core
differing densities of the elements that make up the Earth
The study of the structure of the sea floor and how the sea floor has changed through time is an example of ________ oceanography. 34) _____ A) chemical B) geological C) physical D) archaeological E) biological
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 32) _____ A) Photosynthesis B) Autotrophs C) Heterotrophs D) Plants E) Chemosynthesis
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 25) _____ A) Black B) Mediterranean C) Indian D) Adriatic E) Caspian
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 33) _____ A) Jurassic B) Silurian C) Devonian D) Permian E) Ordovician
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 26) _____ A) Eratosthenes B) Magellan C) Herodotus D) Pytheas E) Ptolemy
The mechanism by which populations evolve and new species develop is called ________. 20) _____ A) natural selection B) adaptation C) descent with modification D) intelligent design E) evolution
natural selection
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 31) _____ A) Carbon dioxide B) Oxygen C) Ammonia D) Water vapor E) Methane
The study of the transmission of light and sound in the oceans is an example of ________ oceanography. 35) _____ A) chemical B) physical C) archaeological D) geological E) biological
Our world ocean can be divided into four principal oceans plus an additional ocean, based on the ________ of the ocean basins and the ________ of the continents. 36) _____ A) position; latitude B) size; shape C) shape; position D) depth; elevation
shape; position
Which ocean covers more than half of the ocean surface area on Earth? 38) _____ A) The Pacific Ocean B) The Atlantic Ocean C) The Indian Ocean D) The Southern Ocean E) The Antarctic Ocean
the Pacific Ocean
Which ocean is the single largest geographic feature on the planet? 39) _____ A) The Pacific Ocean B) The Atlantic Ocean C) The Indian Ocean D) The Southern Ocean E) The Antarctic Ocean
the Pacific Ocean
Current scientific knowledge indicates that the most likely origin of most of Earth's oceans was due to ________. 19) _____ A) water vapor released from volcanic outgassing B) water-bearing minerals found in meteorites C) comets from outer space D) release of liquid water from the core
water vapour released from volcanic outgassing