OCR a-level maths

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variance (msmsm)

(Σ(x-x̄)^2) / n = (Sxx)/n


(Σx) / n

- the weight acts straight downwards - the reaction force is at a right angle to the plane

- direction of forces for a particle on an inclined plane

-menu -7 -3: inverse normal -put area equivalent to 0.6 -enter standard deviation and mean -calculator will work out b

-if P(X>b) = 0.4 find b using a calculator


1 / (dx/dy)


1 radian in degrees





A/(x-2) + B/(x+6) + C/(x+3)

7 /(x-2)(x+6)(x+3) = ?


A function must have a distinct output value for every input value in the domain. True or False?

-swap x and y -rearrange

Finding inverse functions

Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction


What type of function can have an inverse function?

R = sqrt( a^2 + b^2)

Where Rcos(α)= a and Rsin(α) = b What is R?

- P(X<Q1) = 0.25 -inverse normal function on calculator can be used to show that Q1 =89.88 - mean is 100 - 100-89.88 = 10.12 -Q1 is 10.12 from the mean -Q3 will also be 10.12 from the mean as the normal distribution is symmetrical -so IQR = 2*10.12 = 20.24

X~N(100,15^2) how would you calculate the IQR?

y= -(1/m)x

equation of line perpendicular to y = mx

-integrate the function -substitute the values of a point on a curve or the value of the function at a given point into the integrated function -solve the equation to find c

how to find the constant of integration, c

add the vectors

how to find the resultant force of 2 or more forces

join the middle of the top of each bar

how to form a frequency polygon

P(A) * P(B)

if A and B are independent what is P(A∩B)?


loga(x^k) = ?

|a| = sqrt (x^2 + y^2)

magnitude of a (vector)


magnitude of displacement vector


mg = ?

|bx|<1 or |x|< 1/|b|

the expansion of (1+bx)^n, where n is negative or a fraction is valid for

the hypothesis that you assume to be correct

the null hypothesis, H0

Sec(x) + c

∫sec(x)tan(x) dx =

tan(x) + c

∫sec^2(x) dx

-cos(x) + c

∫sin(x) dx =

mean of data in frequency table


-menu -7 -3: inverse normal -put area equivalent to 0.75 -enter standard deviation and mean -calculator will work out a

-if P(X<a) = 0.75 find a using a calculator

-68% -95% -99.7% -100%

-what percentage of data is within: -1 standard deviation of the mean -2 standard deviations -3 standard deviations -5 standard deviations



P(A) + P(B) - P(A∩B)

P(A∪B) = ?

Where f"(x) = 0 and the curve changes from being convex to concave (or vice versa)

Point of inflection

acos(x) ± bsin(x)

Rcos(x ∓ α) can be expressed as what?

asin(x) ± bcos(x)

Rsin(x ± α) can be expressed as what?

a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC

Sine rule

class width

The difference between the upper and lower class boundaries

If f''(x) ≤ 0 for every x value of that interval

Where is f(x) concave on a given interval? ≤ ≥

If f''(x) ≥ 0 for every x value of that interval

Where is f(x) convex on a given interval? ≤ ≥


Y = a^(kx) what is dy/dx?

partial fractions

a single fraction with 2 distinct linear factors in the denominator can be split into two separate fractions with linear denominators called...


a tangent to a circle is ...... to the radius of the circle at the point of intersection

sinθ = sin(180-θ)

ambiguous case of the sine rule θ

Newton's First Law

an object at rest will stay at rest and that an object moving with constant velocity will continue to move with constant velocity unless unbalanced force acts on the object

g = 9.8

an object moving vertically in a straight line can be modelled as a particle with a constant downward acceleration of ?


another way to calculate equation of a line

distance travelled

area between velocity-time graph and horizontal axis


area of bar / k = ?


associated with non-numerical observations


associated with numerical observations

a^n + nC1*a^n-1*b + nC2*a^n-2*b^2 + ... + nCr*a^n-r*b^r + ... + b^n

binomial expansion of (a+b)^n with nCr

data which has pairs of values for two variables

bivariate data

-menu -7 -2: normal CD -making lower bound extremely negative so it is basically negative infinity -make upper bound 109 -enter mean and standard deviation -calculator will give the probability

calculating P(X<109) from normal distribution using calculator

-equivalent to 1-P(80<X<106) -this can be found with the calculator

calculating P(X<80 or X>106)

m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

calculating the gradient with 2 points

continuous variable

can take any value in a given range

discrete variable

can take only specific values in a given range

observes and measures every member of a population


centre: (-f,-g) radius: sqrt (f^2 + g^2 -c)

centre and radius of x^2 + y^2 + 2fx + 2gy + c = 0

dy/dx = (dy/du)*(du/dx)

chain rule

-choose u by seeing what will be canceled out when swapping dx for du -e.g. if expression has sin in it -u = cosx -du/dx = -sinx -dx = -du/sinx (sin will be canceled)

choosing u for integration by substitution

maximum and minimum values in a class

class boundaries

removing anomalies

cleaning the data

Z = (X - μ) / σ

coding for the standard normal distribution μ σ

if f(x) = a(x+p)^2 + q, then the turning point is (-p,q)

completing the square to find the turning point

θ must be in radians

condition for A = 0.5r^2θ

θ must be in radians

condition for l = rθ

- the sum of the values tend towards a specific number - it is only convergent if |r|<1

convergent sequence

the nature of the linear relationship between two variables




Cos^2(A)-sin^2(A) = 2cos^2(A) -1 = 1-2sin^2(A)


a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bcCosA

cosine rule

the region of the probability distribution which, if the test statistic falls within it, would cause you to reject the null hypothesis

critical region

the first value to fall inside of the critical region

critical value

f'(y) dy/dx

d/dx (f(y)) = ?

x(dy/dx) + y

d/dx (xy) = ?

ny^(n-1) dy/dx

d/dx (y^n) = ?

Sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 )

distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)

the sum of the values tend towards infinity

divergent sequence

∫1/g(y) dy = ∫f(x)dx

dy/dx = f(x)g(x) then ∫

x^2 + y^2 = r^2

equation of circle centre (0,0)

(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2

equation of circle centre (a,b)

(1+x)^0.5 * (1-x)^-0.5

express sqrt (1+x / 1-x) so that it can be expanded

1+nx+ (n(n-1)x^2)/2! + (n(n-1)(n-2)x^3)/3! +...+ (n(n-1)...(n-r+1)x^r)/r!+...

expression for binomial expansion of (1+x)^n

lim h->0 (f(x+h)-f(x))/h



f(x) = ax^n f'(x)=?


f(x) = g(x) loga(f(x)) = ?

local minimum

f(x) has a stationary point at x=a and f''(a) > 0, is the point a local minimum or maximum

if f(p) = 0 then (x-p) is a factor of f(x)

factor theorem


fg(x) = ?

e.g. in third quadrant -sinθ = sin(180+θ)

find sin, cos , tan of any positive or negative angle using the corresponding acute angle made with the x-axis, θ

-find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors of 2 different chords -find the coordinates of the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors

find the centre of a circle given any 3 points

-divide n by 4 -if it is a whole number the LQ is halfway between this data point and the one above -if it is not a whole number round up

finding lower quartile for discrete data

- s = Ut + 0.5at^2 - y = Usinαt -0.5gt^2 - t = x / Ucosα = x/u Secα - y = Usinα(x/cosα) - 0.5g(x/U secα)^2 - y = xtanα - gx^2 / 2U^2 Sec^2 U - y = xtanα - g/2U^2 x^2 sec^2α - y = xtanα - g/2u^2 x^2(tan^2α + 1) - y = xtanα - gx^2 ((1 + tan^2α) / 2U^2)

finding the equation of trajectory for a particle

where f'(x) = 0

finding the stationary point

-multiply n by 0.75 -if this is a whole number the UQ is halfway between this data point and the one above -if it is not a whole number round up

finding upper quartile for discrete data

y = xtanα - (gx^2)(1+tan^2α / 2U^2)

for a particle which is projected from a point on a horizontal plane with an initial velocity U and an angle α above the horizontal, and that moves freely under gravity: what is the equation of trajectory?

U^2Sin2α / g

for a particle which is projected from a point on a horizontal plane with an initial velocity U and an angle α above the horizontal, and that moves freely under gravity: what is the range on horizontal plane?

2Usinα / g

for a particle which is projected from a point on a horizontal plane with an initial velocity U and an angle α above the horizontal, and that moves freely under gravity: what is the time of flight?

Usinα / g

for a particle which is projected from a point on a horizontal plane with an initial velocity U and an angle α above the horizontal, and that moves freely under gravity: what is the time to reach greatest height?

P(A) * P(B)

for independent events what is (P A and B)

P(A) + P(B)

for mutually exclusive events, what is P(A or B)

X̄ - μ / (σ/sqrt(n)) and is normally distributed with Z~N(0,1)

for the sample mean of a normally distributed random variable X̄~N (μ , σ^2/n)? Z = ?

mean = 0 standard deviation = 1 X~N(0,1^2)

for the standard normal what is the mean and what is the standard deviation

- Sn = n/2 (2a + (n-1)d) - Sn = n/2 (a + l) where a is the first term and l is the last term

formula of an arithmetic series

- Sn = a(1-r^n) / 1-r - Sn = a(r^n - 1) / r-1 where r does not equal 1

formula of first n terms of a geometric sequence

- always resists the motion - Fmax is the maximum value of friction - Fmax = µR where µ is the coefficient of friction and R is the reaction force

friction in mechanics µ

gradient of a curve at a given point

gradient of the tangent to the curve


gradient of velocity-time graph

frequency density

height of a bar on a histogram

y = a +bx

how is the regression line of y on x written

X̄~N (μ , σ^2/n)

how is the sample mean normally distributed for a random sample of size n (X̄ μ σ)

μ = np σ = sqrt(np(1-p)) and then apply a continuity correction

how to approximate the binomial distribution into the normal distribution? μσ

-menu -6:statistics -2: y=a+bx -enter the variables -OPTN -4: regression calc

how to calculate PMCC on a calculator

-menu -6: statistics - 2: y = a+bx - enter data -optn -4: regression calc

how to calculate r on a calculator

1. state null hypothesis (e.g. H0: ρ=0) 2. state alternative hypothesis (e.g. H1:ρ≠0 for 2 tailed tests or H1:ρ<0 if r<0 or H1:ρ>0 if r>0) 3. use sample size to find critical value from table (the significance level should be halved if it is a 2-tailed test) 4. conclude with context e.g. if observed outcome > critical value then H1 if not then H0

how to do hypothesis testing for correlation (ρ≠)

-differentiate the u to get an expression for dx -substitute this into the expression -substitute the rest of the expression so that xs are replaced by us -integrate this expression -the us can be converted back to xs

how to integrate by substitution

try ln|f(x)| and differentiate to check then adjust the constant

how to integrate ∫k(f'(x))/(f(x))dx

try (f(x))^(n+1) and differentiate to check then adjust any constant

how to integrate ∫kf'(x)(f(x))^n dx

-sketch y = ax+b -then reflect the section of the graph below the x-axis in the x-axis

how to sketch y = |ax+b|

one-tailed tests

hypothesis test with alternative hypotheses in the form H1:p< ... and H1:p>...

two-tailed tests

hypothesis tests with an alternative hypothesis in the form H1:p≠...

P(A) (as A is not affected by B)

if A and B are independent what is P(A|B)?

0 (won't both happen)

if A and B are mutually exclusive what is P(A∩B) ?

P(A) + P(B)

if A and B are mutually exclusive what is P(A∪B)?

it is decreasing

if Un+1 < Un for all n ∈ ℕ, what is true of the sequence

- it is periodic - means that the terms repeat in a cycle - k = the order of the sequence (how often the terms repeat)

if Un+k = Un for all n ∈ ℕ, what is true of the sequence

μ=200 σ=4

if X~N(200,16) what is μ? what is σ?

- horizontal component is UcosA - vertical component is UsinA

if a particle is projected with an initial velocity of U, at an angle of A above the horizontal what are the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity?

P(X=r) = ((nCr)p^r)*(1-p)^(n-r)

if a random variable X has the binomial distribution B(n,p) the its probability mass function will be : ?

-dP = kP -∫(1/P)dP = ∫kdt -ln|P| = kt + c -logeP = kt + c - P = e^(kt+c) - P = Ae^(kt) where A = e^c

if dP/dt = KP find an expression for P (∫)

mean of x minus a all divided by b standard deviation of original data divided by b

if data is coded using y = (x-a)/b what is the mean of the coded data? what is the standard deviation?


if dy/dx = x^n y=?


if f'(x) = kx^n f(x)=


if f(x) = e^x what is f'(x)


if loga(n) = x what is n?

v = ds/dt

if s is expressed as a function of t, then velocity can be expressed as?

a = dv/dt = (d^2)s/d(t^2)

if v is expressed as a function of t, then velocity can be expressed as ?


if y = e^(kx) what is dy/dx ?

f'(x) + g'(x)

if y = f(x) + g(x) what is dy/dx

logk + xlogb

if y = kb^x for constants k and b then logy = ?

logy = logk + xlogb

if y = kb^x what is this in logs?

loga + nlogx

if y =ax^n for constants a and n then logy = ?

logy = loga + nlogx

if y=ax^n what is this in logs?

u = Ax (often)

integrating Sin(Ax) by substitution


integrating acceleration gives


integrating velocity gives

difference between 2 given percentiles

interpercentile range

difference between upper quartile and lower quartile

interquartile range

- when friction is at its maximum - so a body is about to move or moving at a constant speed

limiting equilibrium


loga(1) = ?

loga(x^-1) = -loga(x)

loga(1/x) = ?


loga(a) = ?


loga(x) + loga(y) = ?


loga(x)-loga(y) = ?


magnitude of velocity vector

the middle value when the data values are put in order


integration by parts to get xlnx - x + c

method of integrating lnx

average of the class boundaries


value or class that occurs most often

mode or modal class

1.dimensions of object are negligible so mass is concentrated at a single point 2.all dimensions but one are negligible so mass is concentrated along line, it has no thickness and is rigid 3. mass of the object is treated and tension the same at both ends of a light string 4. does not stretch under load so acceleration is the same in objects connected by the string 5.assume that there is no friction between the surface and any object on it 6.pulley has no mass and tension is the same on either side of the pulley

modelling assumptions of: 1.particles 2.rod 3.light object 4.inextensible string 5.smooth surface 6.smooth and light pulley

n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... *3 * 2 * 1




- Un = ar^(n-1) - a = first term - r = common ratio

nth term of a geometric sequence

- Un = a + (n-1)d - a = the first term - d = the common difference

nth term of an arithmetic sequence

consists of taking the sample from people who are available at the time the study is carried out and who fit the criteria you are looking for

opportunity sampling

the whole set of items that are of interest


fully describes the probability of any outcome in the sample space

probability distribution


probability of A given B

- if f(x) = uv - f'(x)= uv' + u'v

product rule

an example that does not work for the statement

proof by counter-example

starting from known facts or definitions then using logical steps to reach the desired conclusion

proof by deduction

breaking the statement into smaller cases and proving each case separately

proof by exhaustion

first quadrant: A sinθ , cosθ and tanθ are all positive second quadrant: S only sinθ is positive third quadrant: T only tanθ is positive fourth quadrant: C only cosθ is positive

quadrants of CAST diagram θ

An interviewer or researcher selects a sample that reflects the characteristics of the whole population

quota sampling

-if f(x)= u/v -f'(x) = (vu' - uv') / v^2

quotient rule

difference between largest and smallest values in a data set


* (a-sqrt(b) / a-sqrt(b))

rationalising the denominator of e.g. 1/sqrt(b)+a

- defines each term of a sequence as a function of the previous term - to find the members of the sequence substitute in n=1, n=2 ... using the previous terms given

recurrence relation of form Un+1 = f(Un)

-sum of all moments acting on a body

resultant moment

selection of observations taken from a subset of the population which is used to find out information about the population as a whole


sampling units individually named or numbered to form a list

sampling frame

individual units of a population

sampling units

magnitude only

scalar quantity

A sample of size n selected from the population in such a way that each possible sample of size n has an equal chance of being selected.

simple random sample

sinAcosB + cosAsinB





sin^2θ + cos^2θ ≡ ?


sinθ / cosθ = ?

-sketch the graph of y = f(x) where x is greater than or equal to 0 -reflect this in the y-axis

sketching y = f(|x|)

-sketch y =f(x) -reflect any parts where f(x)<0 in the x-axis -delete the parts below the x-axis

sketching y = |f(x)|

θ θ 1-(θ^2)/2

small angle approximation of: sinθ tanθ cosθ

square root of the variance

standard deviation σ

The population is divided into mutually exclusive strata and a random sample is taken from each

stratified sampling

a / 1-r

sum to infinity of a geometric series

πrl (where l is length of slanted edge)

surface area of a cone


surface area of a sphere

1. u + at 2. 0.5(u+v)t 3. u^2 + 2as 4.ut + 0.5at^2

suvat equations: 1. v=? 2.s=? 3.v^2=? 4.s=?

the required elements are chosen at regular intervals from an ordered list

systematic sampling



2tanA / 1-tan^2A


Probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis

the actual significance level of a hypothesis test

tells us about the parameter if your assumption is shown to be wrong

the alternative hypothesis, H1

a right angle

the angle in a semicircle is always

|(b/a)x|<1 or |x|<|a/b|

the expansion of (a+bx)^n, where n is negative or a fraction is valid for

Newton's Second Law (F=ma)

the force needed to accelerate a particle is equal to the product of the mass of the particle and the acceleration produced

s = vt

the horizontal motion of a projectile is modelled as having constant velocity so what is displacement?

the centre of a circle

the perpendicular bisector of a chord will go through.....

- acceleration - due to gravity (a=g)

the vertical motion of a projectile is modelled as having constant what?

force * perpendicular distance (so may have to use trig to find the perpendicular distance)

turning moment = ?

a / |a|

unit vector in the direction of a

i and j

unit vectors along x- and y-axes are denoted by

-using the first 3 terms it comes to 543/256 -using the expression it comes to sqrt(9/2) -sqrt(9/2) = 3sqrt(2)/2 -this can be rearranged to find that sqrt(2) is approximately equal to 181/128

use the first 3 terms in the expansion of (4+5x)^0.5 to find an approximation of sqrt(2) with x=0.1

< is dotted line ≤ is solid line

using lines to represent < and ≤

b^2 - 4ac > 0 has 2 distant real roots B^2 -4ac = 0 has on real repeated root b^2 - 4ac < 0 has no real roots

using the discriminant to find number of roots

has both magnitude and direction

vector quantity


velocity on a displacement time graph


volume of a cone


volume of sphere

the sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence

what is an arithmetic series

0.5h*(y0+2(y1+y2...+yn-1)+yn) where h = (b-a)/n and yi = f(a+ih)

what is the area between a and b of curve y roughly equal to?


what is the area under a continuous probability distribution equal to?

A' (not A- the complement of A)

what is the notation for this? (∩∪')

A∩B (A and B- the intersection of A and B)

what is the notation for this? (∩∪')

A∪B (A or B- the union of A and B)

what is the notation for this? (∩∪')

describes the linear relationship between 2 variables. it is a value between -1 and 1 (how close data is to a straight line)

what is the product moment correlation coefficient?

the domain of f(x)

what is the range of f-1(x)

- velocity is equal to zero - (significant in problem solving as the parabola of motion of the projectile is symmetrical and this point is at the top of the curve)

what is true of a projectile when it reaches its greatest height

-the resultant force in any direction and the resultant moment about any point will both be 0

what is true of a rigid body in equilibrium?

any vector parallel to a

what is λa

one-tailed test

what kind of test should you use these for: -H0: ρ=0 -H1: ρ>0 or ρ<0


what kind of test should you use this for: -H0: ρ=0 -H1: ρ≠0

-a measure of location -a measure of spread

what to comment on when comparing data sets

resolve it to find the component of the force that acts in the direction of motion (this can be done using trigonometry)

what to do if a force is applied at an angle to the direction of motion?


when a rigid body is on the point of tilting about a pivot, the reaction at any other support (or tension in any other wire or string) is what?

also negative

when calculating the PMCC, if the correlation is negative then r is...

-when n is large and p is close to 0.5

when can you approximate the binomial distribution into the normal distribution?


when data is presented in a group frequency table, the specific data values are not shown.

- if it is at rest and the resultant force acting on the particle is zero

when is a particle or rigid body in static equilibrium?

x=0 and y=0

where are the asymptotes of y = k/x


which equation has a linear graph of log(y) against log(x) with a gradient n and vertical intercept a


which equation has a linear graph of log(y) against x with a gradient log(b) and vertical intercept log(a)

(n+1)th row

which row of pascal's triangle gives the coefficients of the expansion of (a+b)^n



reflection in x-axis

y = -f(x)

stretch vertically by scale factor a

y = af(x)


y = cosec(kx) what is dy/dx?


y = cot(kx) what is dy/dx?

reflection in y-axis

y = f(-x)

stretch by scale factor 1/a horizontally

y = f(ax)

translation up by a units

y = f(x) + a

translation left by a units

y = f(x+a)

y = x

y = ln(x) is a reflection of y = e^x in which line


y = ln(x) what is dy/dx


y = sec(kx) what is dy/dx?


y = sin(kx) what is dy/dx


y = tan(kx) what is dy/dx?


y=cos(kx) what is dy/dx


y=f(x) and y=f-1(x) are reflections of each other in which line?

-there are a fixed number of trials, n -there are two possible outcomes (success or failure) -there is a fixed probability of success, p -the trials are independent of each other

you can model X with a binomial distribution, B(n,p) if:

5g -14 = 35N 35 * 1/7 = 5 5>3 so the box stays in equilibrium

µ = 1/7 a box weighs 5kg and a force of 3N is exerted on it there are 2 reaction forces and one is 14N will the box remain at rest or accelerate?

Fmax = µR

µ Fmax equation


ΣP(X=x) = ?


π radians in degrees

ln|x| + c

∫ 1/x dx =


∫(f'(x))/(f(x)) dx =?

Sin(x) + c

∫cos(x) dx =

-cosec(x) + c

∫cosec(x)cot(x) dx =

-cot(x) + c

∫cosec^2(x) dx =

e^x + c

∫e^x dx =

(1/a)f(ax + b) +c

∫f'(ax + b) dx =

(x^(n+1)) / (n+1) + c

∫x^n dx =

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