Old Testament chapter 22, Old Testament chapter 21

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Theories on the Psalms' arrangement

1. there may be a connection b/w the book arrangement and the five books of the Torah

Imprecatory psalms call on

God to judge one's enemies

At the fountainhead of Israel's wisdom traditions stood who?


Hymns focus on

individual or corporate praise to God

major objective of Proverbs

instruction for all

the five basic divisions of the Book of Psalms

1-41 42-72 73-89 98-106 107-150

Examples of wisdom psalms

1. Psalm 1 a direct-to the point observation on life blessed are those who avoid sin and delight in God's word they become like trees planted in streams of life giving water they fulfill God's highest purpose for them the wicked find no such favor Psalm 14 David described the fool who said God did not exist living for the Lord is worth it because God will restore the fortunes of the righteous Psalm 73 Asaph wrote that nothing else mattered other than following the Lord faithfully

examples of lament psalms

1. Psalm 3 David wrote it when fleeing his son Absalom Psalm4 and Psalm 6 David expresses anguish to God he asks how long before God delivers him

examples of imprecatory psalms

1. Psalm 35 & 69 David asks God to take his side against those who contended with him he asks the Lord to intervene and judge them he asks for God's judgement to rescue him and his people Psalm 137 a captive asks God to avenge his people the Babylonians mocked them the Edomites turned traitor on them

Why does Psalms have a unique place in the Scriptures?

1. They gave us insight into the Israelite worship the songs sang, the themes, what was dear to their hearts gave us insight the psalms describe the corporate and personal worship certain psalms served the entire body of believers others relate to personal experience 2. they deal with all aspects of Hebrew life God was praised for his special blessings and mighty deeds. forgiveness was asked for their sin sometimes they lamented difficult times or implored God to curse enemies of the faith

two types of wisdom literature

1. discoursive wisdom found in Job 2. instructional literature found in Proverbs

What does the Book of Psalms contain?

150 songs from Hebrew life and worship dear to peoples hearts it reflects their personal experiences

The Instruction of Amenomope came before what?

200 years before Solomon, around 1200 b.c.

How many psalms have no authorship?


How many psalms begin with "A psalm of David"?


What does the chapter open with?

Agur's confession that he does not have great wisdom and understanding

Who was Asaph?

David appointed him chief musician Asaph wrote a variety of psalms

What does Psalm 8 reflect?

David's own experience with God its a hymn of praise

What are the closest parallels to the Book of Proverbs?

Egyptian instructional wisdom

classification of the Psalms

German scholar Hermann Gunkel laid the foundation for the study of the psalm classification he stated that psalm writers used certain poetic forms and styles to express similar ideas hymns of praise followed a certain pattern so did community laments, psalms of thanksgiving

the Book of Psalms bears witness to what?

Jesus as the son of God sacrifice for sin, our great high priest risen from the dead King of kings Lord of lords

Who exerted a great influence on the Book of Psalms?

King David

Who are the sons of Korah?

Korah denotes a man who contended with Aaron for the priesthood God judged Korah and his followers Korah may refer to two or more different families b/c it was a common name

Who aggressively seeks to be found by humankind?

Lady Wisdom

What was the first of God's created order?

Lady Wisdom it stood at His side as He fashioned the universe

Who is Psalm 90 ascribed to?


another example of a hymn of praise

Psalm 136 in corporate worship, a responsive reading it calls for praise to God for His magesty, creative power, saving power, sustaining power, and His faithfulness

examples of Royal Psalms

Psalm 2 describes haughtiness toward the Lord and his anointed God established a father-son relationship it may be a coronation psalm Israel recited it as she crowned a new king Psalm 45 dedication to the king march victoriously in battle extol the king's righteousness affirm God's anointing of him Psalm 110 the Lord would shatter other kings and extend David's scepter David was ordained a special priest the Lord's presence with David would result in victory

examples of Messianic Psalms

Psalm 2 describes the king as God's anointed one describes the Messiah as God's Son Psalm 16 David affirmed God would never abandon him describes the Messiah as risen and glorified Psalm 22 also a lament psalm begins with words Jesus uttered from the cross "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" David thought God had abandoned him David's psychological and emotional suffering foreshadowed Christ's physical suffering Psalm 45 describes Christ's kingship Psalm 110 denotes Christ's role as Lord of David and our great high priest

examples of Penitential Psalms

Psalm 38 David described his guilt that overwhelmed him his pain never left him David called God his Savior Psalm 51 the most famous penitential psalm dealt with David's sin with Bathseba and the arranged death of her husband Uriah David poured out his repentant heart to God he asked God to forgive him he needed God to cleanse him, and purify his heart

Who are Psams 72 and 127 ascribed to?


The Book of Proverbs contains sayings from whom?

Solomon, Agur, Lemuel

Who does the opening verse in the Book of Proverbs relate to?

Solomon, the greatest wise man and the catalyst of Old Testament wisdom literature

What is the Book of Proverbs?

a collection of short sayings it instructs the reader how to live well

the last psalm in each collection typically contains what?

a doxology an ascription of praise to the Lord it ties off that part of the Book of Psams

What is Psalm 150 an example of?

a hymn it commands us to praise the Lord 13 times in six verses praise God in His sanctuary, in the heavens, and praise His power and greatness praise God with instruments and all flesh praise God

What is stated in 3:1-35 regarding the benefits of wisdom?

a lifetime of serenity and victory trust in the Lord with all your heart in all your ways acknowledge him

What is a proverb?

a succinct and persuasive saying proven true by experience topics include everything in God's universe and how it operates a collection of timeless truths or basic values proven by previous generations

What did God's people express through their worship?

about the great truths people believed in

the literary device used in Proverbs 31


A wise man will do what?

adorn his father's instruction and mother's teaching

What do Proverbs 1:8-9:18 warn against?

adultery, and dangers of immoral women

When were the psalms compiled into one volume?

after the Babylonian exile

Why should we treat the psalms as authentic?

all of the ancient copies of the psalms contain the same headings as the ones we see today

With proverbs, heir general quality means you should

always be looking for the underlying principle of the statement

What do the psalms represent?

an ancient songbook of God's people

the Book of Psalms represents

an ancient songbook of Israel

When is it suggested that the Book of Proverbs was composed?

an early first millenium it implies that Solomon wrote most of the material

What does the Book of Proverbs consolidate?

ancient Israel's truths based on experience offers believers practical advice on holy living

In 1:20-33, wisdom is personified as what?

as a woman rejecting her advice is tantamount to hating knowledge and rejecting the fear of Yahweh her invitation is to life and security

Why do many find the imprecable psalms troubling?

because of the harsh words ex: destroy Babylonian infants by dashing them against rocks these psalms help us see the human side of Scripture they leave judgement in God's hands only God had the absolute right to judge

Why are the psalms valuable for counseling?

because the psalms concern every aspect of life many writers of the scriptures went through the same types of struggles

Imprecatory Psalms

call for God's judgement against God's enemies and/or his people's enemies individual or corporate in nature angry content

sayings of the wise men

careful observance to these sayings results in trust in the Lord and a solid foundation in the truth 30 sayings

What chapters of the book of Proverbs were probably from non-Israelites?

chapter 30, and part of chapter 31

Penitential Psalms

confess sorrow for sins appeal to God for grace and forgiveness it may be for one person's sins, or many peoples' sins

Why would many of the proverbs be of interest to Hezekiah?

deal with topics of leadership Kings thirst for truth

Messianic Psalms

describe some aspect of the Messiah's person or ministry they describe God's anointed one the Messiah would one day restore Israel and establish everlasting salvation

What is the unifying purpose of the collection of the Book of Proverbs?

encourage the reader to live righteously and justly before God

What are the sayings in 1:8-9:18?

fatherly talks they contrast sexual immorality with devotion to wisdom, which involves sexual purity

What is the first and controlling principle of wisdom?

fear of God

Royal Psalms

focus on the king as son of David and God's chosen man to rule his people focus on Israel's king sometimes portray him as heir to God's covenant with David

Where does psalm come from?

from the Greek word psalmos it means a song or a hymn

Wisdom psalms provide

general observations about life

Wisdom Psalms

general observations on life especially God and our relationship to him they are self-evident descriptions of the way God has intended life to be

sayings of Lemuel

he learned the proverbs at his mother's knee it warns about royal responsibility do not indulge appetites at the expense of their people specifically, it warns abut drunkenness it leads to neglect of the law and persecution of the oppressed

the first test of a man's character

his choice of a wife his success depends on her character

How do the Psalms state God's truth?

in a beautiful style it speaks to our minds and hearts

The wisdom in the Book of Proverbs is rooted in what?

in a personal knowledge of God

Penitential psalms feature

individual or corporate confession and repentance

The Book of Proverbs is what type of wisdom literature?

instructional or didactic in nature usually optimistic about life

true wisdom

is a relationship with God

What does paragraph 2:1-22 state about wisdom?

it is attainable you must search for it as you search for silver wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are gifts from God they come from the Lord's mouth they are the truths of God's eternal ways

What does the seven verse introduction state?

it states the book's purpose

Lament Psalms

lament one's condition usually include statements of lament, statement of trust in God, and affirmation of praise to Him the last psalm type usually contain three elements, not always in the same order 1. bemoan one's condition 2. state trust in God 3. some kind of praise

Who wrote the psalms?

many people contributed to the songs and poems

What is chapter 5:15-23 about?

marital faithfulness is a joy of wisdom sexual delight is God's gift to a married couple faithfulness to one's wife is a source of joy and satisfaction

Sayings of Agur and King Lemuel

may have existed independently before becoming part of the book they may be of Arabian descent supported by the slight textual variant

Why is the Book of Psalms divided into five books?

no one really knows why it may reflect tradition

Is there an organizing principle or structure in the Proverbs of Solomon?

no, there is no organizing principle or structure

Are proverbs commands?

no, they are not commands thy are a general principle of life

Are proverbs promises?

no, they are not promises they are statements of general truth they are not hard-and-fast promises

Lament psalms bemoan

one's condition state trust in God end with praise

Proverbs 1-9 are basically

parental discourse to children

What do the Proverbs of Solomon cover?

poverty and wealth slander self-discipline work and laziness rash promises discipline in education sickness and grief old age

What kinds of psalms did David write?

praises, laments, penitential, imprecatory, royal, and messianic psalms

Sayings of Agur emphasizes what the enemy of wisdom is?


What does the Book of Proverbs contain?

proverbs and wisdom sayings from different authors from different sources compiled in a library of wisdom teachings on how to fear the Lord and shun evil

David was interested in establishing music for what?

public worship

What was the Israelite's world of experience?

rational perceptions and religion are not differentiated no attempt to separate faith from knowledge fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge/wisdom

Solomonic sayings from Hezekiah's collection

scribes in Hezekiah's court copied and compiled this collection they have a short, forceful style Hezekiah's scribes organized certain proverbs into small, topical collections

What does the Book of Proverbs contain?

seven collections of proverbs from different authors

What does chapter 5:1-14 warn against?

sexual sin it lists the dire consequences of sexual impurity

a key element of wisdom in human relationships

sexuality the beauty of love within marriage the power of sex presents a danger for wreckage

basic characteristics of hymns

some are hymns of praise, either corporate or personal praise


songs of praise and thanksgiving to God for who he is and what he has done

Proverbs in chapters 10-22

specific proverbs for youth, covering a variety of subjects

What do many of David's psalms describe?

specific times in his life Psalm 3: fled from his son Absalom Psalm 51: after Nathan confronted him about Bathsheba Psalm 57: as he hid from Saul in the cave

What does Agur's collection illustrate?

that pride is the enemy of wisdom and no friend of God

What was the contents of the Israelite education?

the Book of Proverbs

The 30 sayings of the wise men in the Book of Proverbs have much in common with what?

the Egyptian document known as "Instruction of Amenopope" it has a prologue and 30 chapters of instructions for well-being most scholars believe the Hebrew proverbs were modeled on an Egyptian original the Hebrew text tends to clarify the Egyptian document

Messianic psalms describe

the Messiah

In chapter 7:1-27, it is the most powerful unit on what?

the dangers of sexual impurity make careful decisions sexual sin first takes root in the heart

according to the Book of Proverbs, what is the beginning of knowledge?

the fear of the Lord

Proverbs are not only human observations

the instructions are also part of God's revelation to Israel and all believers

Royal psalms focus on

the king of Israel

What is chapter 8:1-36 about?

the pinnacle of the Bible's view of wisdom it contrasts with preceding sections that warn of infidelity wisdom is personified as a woman who is cherished, adored, and honored provides a man with clear choices between wisdom and sin

What do the random order of the Proverbs of Solomon reflect?

the random manner in which we deal with the life-issues they address

What is Agur's collection marked by?

the repetition of numerical sayings

What does the Book of Proverbs illustrate?

the retribution principle by emphasizing the two ways of living the way of wisdom, or folly way of wisdom is living in a relationship with God way of folly is living without a regard for God or his instruction

the closing paragraphs emphasize what?

the role of the virtuous wife and mother as the one most able to build up a character of wisdom in the family

the Book of Proverbs

the second book of wisdom literature

What theme does the Book of Proverbs continue?

the theme of contrasting two ways of living life

Proverbs of Solomon

the unit consists of proverbial sayings in poetry of two lines each these are distichs the parallelism is almost always antithetical

What is the way of folly?

the way of life suggested by peers, leading to sin

What does the introduction in the Book of proverbs highlight?

the ways of wisdom and the way of folly

the wisdom of finding an excellent wife

these verses are an acrostic the first letter of each line is the next successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet there are 22 lines, one for each of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet

Why are the Book of Psalms spiritually helpful to us?

they have experienced the joy, sadness, mourning, forgiveness, and other experiences that touch our lives we can learn from them and apply their truth to our lives

How do the Book of Psalms make a special contribution to the Bible?

they provide an understanding of Israelite worship they touch on all aspects of Hebrew life

In the Book of Proverbs, whose lives are seen as wise?

those who maintain a relationship with God and adhere to His ways

in the Books of Proverbs, who are fools?

those who reject God's laws and refuse to keep his covenant their life choices are folly

What is the Book of Proverb's goal?

to instruct the young to also help those who already have wisdom

psalm titles may contain musical notatons

to the choir master: maybe people sang them in public worship other musical notations remain a mystery

What does chapter 4:1-27 contain?

two paths that are taught by the father to his son handed down from generation to generation the contrast of the two paths culminates in: the path of the righteous they walk in the safe light of the day the wicked stumble about in deep darkness

taking your deepest concerns to God

usually results in a change of attitude the troubles don't seem so big anymore

why does it end with the importance of finding an excellent wife?

warned against sexual impurity exalted the role of women personified wisdom as a woman worthy of marriage

Proverbs intends to present what?

wisdom needed for successful living instruction for living in a relationship with God and His created world

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