Old Testament Survey - Midterm

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What is the most obvious purpose of 1-2 Kings?

The most obvious purpose of the Kings narrative is to complete the written history of Hebrews Kingship as a sequel to the books of Samuel

We should assume that none of the Pentateuch's laws are binding unless _______________.

They are renewed in the New Testament

What was the purpose of Genesis

To tell how and why Yahweh came to choose Abraham's family and make a covenant with them.

Leviticus is known as the Book of _________.

Worship & Sanctification

Who was 1-2 Chronicles written to?

Written to the remnant of Judah during the rebuilding time

Who are the three key people in the rebuilding of Jerusalem and their main focus?

Zerubbabel - Task was to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem: Center of Worship Ezra - Task was to bring the Law back into practice: Heart of Worship Nehemiah - Task was to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem: Physical Restoration and Social Reform

What was exchanged as a symbol of the agreement between Boaz and the other kinsman-redeemer?

a shoe was removed and exchanged to ratify the agreement

The book of Numbers in literary terms is a ______ of Israel's early covenant relationship with Yahweh.


Why do modern versions use book/chapter/verse designation?

ease of reference

The book to Chronicles provides a(n) _______ to the Israelites who returned from the Babylonian exile to Jerusalem.

provides an identity

Interpretation is ______without application. Meaning, it accomplished nothing.


The request God made to sacrifice Isaac was more than just giving up a son, but it also put what in jeopardy?

the promise

The purpose of Deuteronomy is to remember your what?

to remind Israel of their need to be faithful to the covenant God made

What is the purpose of Esther?

to show how God intervened, again, on behalf of his people to save/deliver them

Was the covenant with David conditional conditional or unconditional?


What is the Theological purpose or Numbers?

was the preserve the accounts of the initial phases of God's covenant with Israel

What are the three stages of Numbers?

- A 20 day period at Mt. Sinai from the completion of the Tabernacle to the taking up of the cloud of guidance (1:1-10:11) - The 38 year sentence of wilderness wandering from Sinai to Kadesh for the 1st generation that came out of Egypt due to their unbelief and rebellion (10:11-20:13, 33:38) - A 6 month duration at the end of 38 years when the 2nd generation after the Exodus journeyed from Kadesh to the plains of Moab (20:14-36:13, )

What were some of the functions of a cupbearer?

- Administered over the private life of the King and his family - Test the food and wine serves to the King - Carried the royal signet ring of the king

Practically speaking, why were the censuses important?

- Ascertaining and recruiting manpower for war - Allotment of work assignments in forced labor gang Establishment a basis for taxation

What are the historical, doctrinal and Christological purpose of Leviticus?

- Historical Purpose: to show the redeemed people how to live a holy life - (1) That God is a holy, and (2) that since God is Holy, he must be approached in a prescribed way, through offering made by a priest. - Christ is the fulfillment of both the sacrificial system and the priestly meditation

What causes people to wander?

- Idols - Immorality - Shallowness - Evil Leaders

What were some of the responsibilities of the Kinsman Redeemer?

- Purchase back the land sold in a time of need - Redeem things dedicated to the Lord - Free a person sold into slavery - Avenge the blood of a murdered relative - Marry a childless widow to redeem the family name.

Who are the main three people highlighted in 1-2 Samuel?

- Samuel - Saul - David

What is the purpose of these books (1-2 Samuel)?

- The establishment of the new leadership (Monarch) - How the people should live within the new governmental structure (davidic Covenant )

What were the two things the Kinsman needed to redeem?

- The means to redeem - The desire to redeem

What did the Lord promise to David?

- To make David's Name great - A place in which he would plant Israel - The David's descendants would be established on the throne after him

Who are the four main patriarchs that are covered in Genesis?

1. Abraham 2. Isaac 3. Jacob 4. Joseph

What books comprise the Pentateuch?

1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy

What three things did Ezra do that made him successful?

1. Set his heart to study the law of the lord 2. Practiced the law 3. Taught the law

What were the three reasons the kingdom split?

1. Solomon's apostasy and walking away from God 2. Heavy Taxation 3. Tribal Rivalry

What are the five things the original of something portrays?

1. Source/ Origin 2. Purpose 3. Means 4. Structure 5. Value

What are the three basic components of the message of Exodus?

1. The Judgement of the oppressor nation - Egypt 2. The deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt by the might arm of Yahweh, 3. The establishment of Israel as God's special possession among all people.

Why read the OT? List the 5 reasons?

1. The OT is as much the Word of God as the NT 2. The OT helps us understand the NT 3. God's grace for humanity is seen throughout the OT. 4. OT People and stories serve as examples for believers today 5. The OT helps us recognize God's actions.

What are the 4 major genres of the OT?

1. The law 2. Historical Books 3. Wisdom and poetry 4. Prophetic

How long were the beauty treatments a woman had to undergo before meeting the king?

12 months

Deuteronomy literally means ___________.

2nd Law

What was the significance of sending and "open letter"?

Anyone was able to read and see it

Why was it so risky for Esther to go into the king's presence without being summoned?

Anyone who went into the presence of the king they could be killed.

Compare/Contrast the books that were written before the captivity with after the exile.

Before Captivity: Strong in exposing sin Strong in rebuke Showed why judgement came After Captivity: Bring hope and restoration Shows the God of Restoration and covenant promise

Numbers is referred to as "The Book of _______"

Book of Wandering

What does CAPSIA stand for?

C: Central Point A: Attention Getter P: Problem S: Solution I: Illustration A: Application

The author of the Chronicles is commonly referred to as _______.


The history that is narrative is a warning against what three things?

Complacency Rebellion Idolatry

Joshua is the Book of _______.


What are the who aspects of worship that are a focus in 1-2 Chronicles?

Corporate- Passover Celebration Private - Expression of thanks

What was the new "D" word we discussed? And how did that impact Nehemiah?


Who was born first, Jacob or Esau?


In discussing the purpose of Joshua, the ________ of God in carrying out his end of the covenant is IMPORTANT to affirm.


True or False: Sacrifice was not commonplace in the ancient near east, so the sacrificial God set up was completely foreign to Israel.


True or False: The "Law" portion of the Pentateuch can be understood apart from the narrative it is embedded.


True and False: an OT narrative is meant to teach doctrine. Why or why not?

False It is a narrative, it's just a story not a teaching

True or False: Joshua is about a courageous and Godly person. Why or why not?


True or False: The purpose of Joshua is not to outline militaristic strategies. Why or why not?


True or False: When it comes to reading the law, we are to compare them with modern laws. Why or why not?

False. Because they were written to a specific group of people in a specific place surrounded by specific people.

Who is the main character of the OT historical books?


What is the significance of the name of the Feast of Purim?

God's deliverance doesn't come by some cosmic intervention of an angel but means that other would view as chance. Purim is a holiday, where God saved the Israelites

What are the two complicating factors to studying the OT that we discussed in class?

God's revelation did not come in the english language or through Western culture.

God choosing Abraham's family was an act of _____.


Ruth is the Book of ________.


What was the relationship like between the king and Nehemiah?

Great Friends

Why was Eli a not so great leader?

He turned a decided not to do anything with his sons, who were corrupt priests and did evil.

What happened to Naomi that was so devastating? And why was it devastating?

Her husband and all her sons died. They could not continue the family name.

What was the main purpose of the Passover festival?

It is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover, for he passed over the houses of the people of Islase on Egypt when he slew the Egyptians but spared out houses.

Who was sold into slavery, but ended up saving his entire family?


What was the main point of the leadership lesson we talked about at the end of class?

Keep this Book of the Law

The Septuagint combines 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings together and calls them _______


What were the viewpoint of the following groups of books: Kings, Chronicles, and Prophets

Kings - Royal Viewpoint Chronicles - Priestly Viewpoint Prophets - Prophetic Viewpoint

What is the proper motivation for obeying the Law?

Love for God

Why was it such a big deal that Ruth was from Moab?

Moabites had a terrible reputation to Israel

What period of time does 1-2 Samuel take place in?

Monichial Period - 1042-586

What was Esther's uncle's name?


Who wrote the Pentateuch?


What is the language of unbelief?


What is the genre of the historical books?


Did the sun actually stand still?


After the kingdom divided, how many tribes went north and how many went south? What were the tribes of the north and south referred to?

North (Israel)- 10 Tribes South (Judah) - 2 Tribes

Who defeated the northern tribes? Southern Tribes?

North - Assyria South - Babylon

What verses in the bible do we see a recipe for success that will lead us to places of peace.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Esther is referred to as the Book of _______.


All narrative are _____ and ______. Not all the relevant details are given.

Selective and Incomplete

What is the historical purpose of Exodus?

The Historical purpose of Exodus was the preservation of accounts explaining how the Israelites came to be slaves in Egypt, their deliverance, and their presence in the wilderness of Sinai

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