Oly Bears Study Guide

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A "partnership" is possible only if both parties have the same role and opinions. True or false?


A child's off-track behavior like biting or hitting is: a. Always a signal for help b. An indication that they feel disconnected c. A reason to set off a limit d. All of the above


A cleanable surface is one that is designed to be cleaned frequently and is free from cracks, chips or tears. True or false?


A continuum is a range of progression. True or false?


A first aid kit should include everything a center would need for minor injuries. True or false?


A professional conforms to ___ standards. a. Ethical b. Unethical c. Arbitrary d. None of the above


A professional follows ethical standards. True or false?


A professional is business-like in the workplace. True or false?


A red flag is best described as: a. A sign of a definite problem b. An indicator of a potential c. The low end of the continuum d. An indicator of a difficult temparament


A safe center is one that is organized with the children's care and developmental in mind. True or false?


A skill that should be accomplished by a certain age and is a marker development is called a: a. Domain b. Milestone c. Stage d. Continuum


A statement that communicates how a center performs its daily practice might include the program's goals and philosophies is called. a. A program philosophy b. Licensing goals c. A mission statement d. a director's vision


According the NAEYC Position Statement on Early Childhood Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation's indicators of effectiveness, the information gathered through observation and assessment is used to understand and improve learning. True or false?


According to regulations food must be offered about every 2 to 3.5 hours. True or false?


According to the Child Care Center Licensing Guidebook, infants are children under three years of age. True or false?


According to the NAEYC Code of Ethics, all handouts or written materials must be offered in families primary language. True or false?


According to the licensing guidebook, it is not necessary for a center to publish its mission statement in the parents guidebook. True or false?


Adults who work with their children often experience strong feelings about children's actions that arise from their own childhood experiences. True or false?


All children learn the same way, so we do not need to set individual goals for children. True or false?


All children need to be screened daily for illnesses. True or false?


All licensed centers/providers must have written health policies and procedures. True or false?


All materials produced for children and purchased for classrooms are appropriate. True or false?


All observations or data shared at parent conferences will support the parent-child relationship. True or false?


As a child care provider your role is to remove as many hazards as possible, exposing children in your care to as few risks as possible. True or false?


As a child care provider, you DO NOT NEED to provide a rest period for all young children (five or younger) if they are in your care for more than 6 hours. You only need ti provide a quiet time for those who are tired. True or false?


As long as adults are nurturing toward children, it doesn't matter how rudely they act toward one another. True or false?


As long as as the center is providing some type of physical activity, it is not important if that activity is interesting and developmentally appropriate as long as some type of activity is available to them. True or false?


Bleach solutions are the most common and recommended sanitizing/ disinfecting solution in a facility. True or false?


Brain connections (or synapses) are automatic and not effected by the environment. True or false?


Brain connections (or synapses) are strengthened when left alone and pruned away when overused. True or False?


By building positive relationships with colleagues we create caring and supportive environments for children. True or false?


Care giving is emotional work so caregivers benefit by setting up times to release their own tension through talking and sharing feelings with a trusted friend. True or false?


Careful observation can give you valuable data on how individual children are progressing. True or false?


Caregivers can increase children's language and vocabulary and extend the child's learning by: a. Giving direct statements b. Being completely silent when working with children c. Asking meaningful questions d. Directing children to talk


Caregivers should always do everything for the child and family, resisting the urge to get help for things they don't understand or do not have the expertise for. True or false?


Centers must implement a method to monitor entrance and exit doors to prevent children from exiting the building unsupervised. True or false?


Characteristics of a good mission statement include: a. Brief b. Memorable c. Inspiring d. All of the above


Child care has been called the "new extended family" since many families now often depend on their children's providers for help and advice on parenting. True or false?


Child development is: a. Predictable and universal b. Impacted by both nature and nurture c. Progresses from the simple to complex d. All of the above are correct


Children are especially vulnerable to foodborne illnesses due to their smaller body size and underdeveloped immune systems. True or false?


Children as young as 3-6 years of age begin to notice the visually apparent aspects of racial difference. True or false?


Children benefit most from staff who have specialized in early childhood professional preparation. True or false?


Children should not share hats, combs, hairbrushes, or hair ornaments. True or false?


Children with common colds do not need to stay home. True or false?


Confidentiality is an essential element of trusting relationship between providers and families. True or false?


Confidentiality means that you should only discuss information about a child with: a. Their family b. The director c. Other teachers that work with the children d. All of the above


Culture includes only the thing we see, hear, experience. True or false?


Culture is an integrated pattern of knowledge, beliefs and behavior that weave a group of people together. True or false?


Curriculum is more than a list of skills. True or false?


DAP stands for: a. Developmentally Appropriate Programs b. Developmentally Active Practice c. Desired Appropriate Practice d. Developmentally Appropriate Practice


Daily routines and schedules must be posted for families to view as required by licensing. True or false?


Describing an action that you appreciate (such as "You put your coat in your cubby!") is more useful to a child than using judgmental words like "good job" or "good girl/boy" True or false?


Developmental milestones: a. Are age-specific tasks that most children can do by a certain age range b. Must be met by an exact age or the child is developmentally delayed c. Are unaffected by individual factors like culture and temperament d. All of the above are true


Developmentally appropriate practice can best be defined as individually- and age- appropriate. True or false?


Developmentally appropriate practice supports the belief that: a. All children are unique b. Children progress through predictable ages and stages at their own pace c. Children can be encouraged to think critically d. All of the above


Diapering areas and any surface that is exposed to body fluids can be sanitized with just a soap and warm water solution. True or false?


Diversity refers only to visible differences such as race. True or false?


Documentation of 10 hours of annual STARS training must be part of the employees personnel files. True or false?


Each child does not need to have his/her own separate bedding and when space is tight, beds may be stored/stacked on top of each other. True or false?


Early childhood providers do not need knowledge of child development. True or false?


Emergencies/Disasters/Crisis Preparation policies describe: * What you will do if families are not able to get their own children for two or 3 days * Who is designated to be responsible for each part of the plan *Procedures for accounting for all children and staff during and after the emergency *Plans for evacuation and meeting after the emergency * Accommodations for children with special needs *Plans for contacting parents, transporting and providing for child. True or false?


Emotional release through tears and tantrums helps children rid themselves of stress. True or false?


Encourage parents to allow their child to participate in outdoor activities, even if their child does have a slight cough or runny nose. True or false?


Every child care program must have written guidance policies that expressly rule out frightening, cruel, unusual, hazardous, or humiliating responses to children. True or false?


Everyone who works in an early learning center should be aware of the program's goals and mission while they carry out their day-to day practice. True or false?


Executive functions are are called the "air traffic controller" of the brain and is located in the prefrontal cortex. True or false?


Executive functions can be limited by toxic stress. true or false?


Failing to provide food, shelter, clothing or supervision to ensure a child's health or safety is a form of child abuse. True or false?


Families are called primary educators of their children simply because they were the first adult caregivers. True or false?


Family home child care centers do not need to worry about licensing monitored visits. True or false?


Following a consistent daily routine provides the child with structure and comfort in the classroom. True or false?


For licensed child care facilities in our state, indoor environments need ___ amount of square feet useable space per child: a. 30 b. 75 c. 35 d. 70


For licensed child care facilities in our state, outdoor environments need ___ square feet of useable space per child: a. 30 b. 75 c. 35 d. 70


Guidance includes: a. How we treat children with listening, warmth, respect, and how we set up environments and activities that nurture their interests and love of learning b. How we respond to children in ways that are positive, descriptive of behaviors we see that we like, re-directive away from negative behaviors and toward behaviors we value, and descriptive of what we want them to do instead of what we don't want them to do. c. How we set limits when their behavior goes off track to stop the behavior, and how we listen to any upset that might follow. d. All of the above


Health Policies for a program will inform staff how to: handle minor and major injuries, screen for daily illnesses, manage medication, respond to and plan for disaster, as well as care for infants. True or false?


Helping build parental confidence is one of the best things providers can do to help children. True or false?


If a center employs more than ___ of people, certain written policies must be in place and discussed with each employee that is hired by the program. a. 10 b. 5 c. 2 d. 25


If an injury results where professional medical attention is required, your licensor must be notified and provided a written copy of the incident report. True or false?


If medications are required, the family must provide written instructions to caregivers on the proper administration of the medications or treatment required for the child. Medications CAN BE given on an "as needed" basis. True or false?


Information about a child or family that is considered confidential information should be: a.. Posted in the provider's office b. Kept in a safe place where it cannot be accessed by the general public c. In the child's portfolio d. None of the above


It is NOT necessary to use a bleach solution in diapering areas if you use a towel and/or blanket underneath the infant or toddler. True or false?


It is an important that young children develop a positive sense of their own identity. True or false?


It is best for families to leave quietly once their child is distracted by playing. True or false?


It is considered best practice for all staff preparing, handling, and serving food should maintain a current food handler's card. This includes all teachers and caregivers who serve children food and snacks. True or false?


It is important to maintain open and honest communication with all involved at your center/program. True or false?


It is more effective to use positive communication with children than negative. Getting into that habit of saying what TO do instead of what NOT to do is a useful guidance tool. True or false?


It is not necessary to collaborate with colleagues, families and the community when you work in ECE. True or false?


It is not necessary to have a policy in place to prevent child abuse and/or neglect. True or false?


It is not necessary to keep copies of lesson plans on file from your classroom to your licensing visits. True or false?


It may be necessary to modify the activities or the environment if you care for children with exceptional needs in your center. True or false?


Key numbers to remember are: Safe holding temperature: 41 degrees Fahrenheit or cooler and 135 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter, that means the danger zone is between 41 degrees and 135 degrees when bacteria will grow very rapidly in food. True or false?


Listening builds connections between people. True or false?


Mission statements for an early learning center: a. Give staff and families a clear idea of the program;s philosophy b. Can be copied off the internet from a reliable source c. Is something that is written to satisfy the board of directors of a center. d. Can be ignored


Mission statements should be shared with the caregivers, families and program staff. True or false?


Modeling the behavior you want to see in children IS NOT an important way to help children learn how you expect them to act. True or false?


Neither WAC nor Washington State Competencies for Early Learning Professionals provide guidance on issues of accepting differences in children and families. True or false?


Observation does not give you information about individual progress. True or false?


Observation helps you build relationships with children by: a. Getting to know each child b. Respecting and appreciating children c. Connecting with children d. Fostering children's competence and success e. All of the above


Once a child care center is licensed, the licensor will do a monitoring visit at least once every ___ months if you're a child care center provider, and at least once every ___ months if you're a family home provider. a. 12,14 b. 18, 12 c. 12, 18 d. 12, 24


Only the director needs to know about local resources for families because they do all the referrals for a center. True or false?


Only the director of a center and/or provider is mandated to report child abuse and/or neglect if she feels it is legitimate. True or false?


Part of creating a stimulating environment for children is to have challenging activities available for the children all throughout the day. True or false?


Partnerships can be hard with families because they sometimes feel guilty about leaving their child and/or feel jealous of their child's relationship with the caregiver. True or false?


Physical activity provides many health benefits, including: * Improved energy * Ability to handle stress better * Increased self esteem * Stronger heart and lungs True or false?


Professional development is essential t providing high-quality services to children and their families. True or false?


Providers can help children to develop respect and appreciation for people with ideas and experiences that are different from their own. True or False?


Providers can rely on the MERIT system to keep track of all STARS training, including this basic 30-hour training, and it is not necessary to have it on file in the center for licensing visits. True or false?


Punishment doesn't really work as a guidance strategy. Things like shaming, spanking, and blaming make a child feel LESS connected and don't help children manage their own behavior. True or false?


Responding to children is what we do after they have done something. True or false?


Safe water and water play are not addressed in the child care WAC's, because all water play is off limits. True or false?


Safety characteristics are both equally important for indoor and outdoor play. True or false?


Secure relationships are vital to children. True or false?


Snack and mealtimes are social times, so they are good times for staff members to clean up the activity areas and set up for the next activities. True or false?


Some centers have found it useful to include a checklist in the front of each provider's personnel file to keep track of records, but it is not required. True or false?


Some child care centers may need to consult the licensing guidebook to determine if the plants in the outdoor environment are safe for the children in their care. True or false?


Some good tips for maintaining good dental care include: * Wean children from bottles by age one *Avoid prolonged use of Sippy Cup *Between meals, water only- fluoridated tap water *Limit fruit juice to no more than 4 ounces per day *Brush teeth once per day while in care True or false?


Some information about a center's license should be available to all parents-on-site and posted for all to read. True or false?


Some of the learning centers that could be found in the preschool setting might include: a. Reading and literacy center b. Outdoor play space c. Table toy/manipulative center d. All of the above


Some records kept in an early learning center must be kept confidential and should be kept secure in the director's office. True or false?


Special Time can help a tense child relax and be less likely to have off-track behavior. True or false?


Staff members can build strong partnerships with families by listening for these emotions and working with families to understand them. True or false?


Stickers and rewards should be used extensively so children will learn to work for low wages. True or false?


Subjective is: a. Opinion b. Judgement c. Assumption d. Belief e. Rumor f. Suspicion g. All of the above


Temperament refers to characteristics that change with developmental stage. True or false?


The Ecological Systems Theory sees the child as the center of layers of concentric circles of environmental influence. True or false?


The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct names which of the following as provider responsibilities to families in Ideas and Principles? a. Communication, cooperation, and collaboration b. Communication, involvement, and referrals c. Cooperation, communication, and conferencing d. Observing, screening and assessing development


The National Association for Sport and physical Education recommends that all children (ages 3-5) participate in at least 60 minutes of structured and 60 minutes of unstructured physical activity every day. True or false?


The WAC does not describe playground surface requirements because every site is different. True or false?


The Washington State Core Competencies serve as the ___ for decisions and practices carried out by professionals in all settings and programs. a. Foundation b. Background c. Patchwork d. None of the above


The code of Ethics from NAEYC is useful to understand your role in observation. True or false?


The curriculum cycle is made up of what three components? a. Plan, observe and reflect b. Discuss, plan and implement c. Interact, intervene and plan d. None of the above


The daily schedule in a center and classroom can provide: a. A balance of activities throughout the children's total day b. An opportunity to teach children the time of day by the sequence of activities c. Children with a sense of security d. All of the above


The developmental range in a same-age group may vary two years or more. True or false?


The different areas of developmental (physical, emotional, etc.) are called: a. Domains b. Stages c. Periods d. Executive functions


The early childhood professional educators ___ effectively in multiple forms to diverse audiences. a. Gossip b. Speak c. Communicate d. All of the above


The effects of toxic stress can be buffered by a caring and consistent caregiver. True or false?


The first step in creating a partnership with families is to: a. Build parental self-esteem b. Establish trust c. Encourage involvment d. None of the above


The foundation in building ___ is to provide clear and open communication as well as as comfortable environments for parents and childcare professionals to collaborate together. a. Connection b. Something c. Feelings d. Relationships


The knowledge , skills, and practices of early childhood educators are important factors in determining how much a young child ___ and how prepared that child is for entry into school. a. Memorizes b. Forgets c. Learns d. Trains


The main types of learning that happen at home according to Katz are: a. Learned feelings, skills, knowledge. and attitudes about learning b. Educations, tasks, attitudes, learning style. c. Learned feelings, emotions, knowledge, and skills d. Skills, academic knowledge, emotions and attitudes about learning.


The mission statement for a center can be a "work in progress" or evolve over time. True or false?


The most commonly used form of observation is the Running Record. True or false?


The only adult who should have a key to the locked first aid kit is the center director. True or false?


The only times staff are required to wash their hands are when they arrive for work, and just before they leave. True or false?


The professional development of practicing early childhood educators is considered ____ to the quality of experiences afforded to children. a. Non-essentials b. Critical c. Non-important d. None of the above


The regulations prohibit serving children food that has been home-canned, frozen or prepared unless it for the family's own children. True or false?


The science of early childhood development shows that investing in ___ early learning, social, and health programs yields healthy and capable children, strengthens families, and supports economic stability. a. Poor quality b. Essential c. Quality d. Honest


The standards and expectations of early learning professionals in Washington State are defined by the ____ of Early Learning, The National Association for the Education of Young children and others. a. Department b. Office c. Branch d. Division


The term "child centered environment" means that: a. The children run around with supervision b. The children must play in the center of the classroom c. Stimulating challenging activities are available throughout the day


There are many types of learning materials that can help increase children's awareness of other people and to be more comfortable with their own identity. True or false?


There are multiple topics that need to be included in health policies. Some are more important than others. For example, "responding to any disaster policy" would not be an important issue. True or false?


Through observation you can determine what a child can do independently, what they can do with help, and what additional support the need to take them to the next developmental level. True or False?


Time out is a way to keep from harming a child, and should not be used as punishment. True or false?


To be an effective observer first you must understand normal, typical Child Growth and Development. True or false?


To become a skilled observer you should NOT ask yourself which of the following: a. What do I want to find out? b. What is wrong with this child? c. How do I record what I want to know? d. How should I effectively organize the information I collect?


To provide quality care, individuals are: a. respectful to children, families and staff b. Impatient c. Unethical d. Dishonest


To really understand children you must: a. Observe over time b. Observe in a variety of settings c. Observe intently one time d. Observe in one familiar setting e. A and B f. B and C g. C and D


WAC is an acronym for: a. Washington Allied Centers b. Washington Administrative Centers c. Washington Administrative Code d. Washington Accumulated Codes


Washington State licensing laws require that an outdoor space must be available to children and easily accessed by the children. True or false?


What are common barriers families face that may it difficult for some families to find and/or contact needed services? a. Language differences b. Cultural differences c. Educational background d. All of the above


What are some common obstacles to partnerships between families and providers? a. Lack of time and opportunities to communicate b. Differences in the background c. Stressful and emotional nature of caring for children d. All of the above


When planning classroom environments, it is not necessary to consider the learning styles of the children in the classroom. True or false?


When planning for children, it is important to keep in mind: a. The developmental range in the group b. The individual children with interests or skills outside the age range of the group c. Children with special needs who require modifications to the activities d. All of the above


When planning for younger children, keep in mind that most of the activities should be child initiated in individual or small groups rather than in large group instruction. True or false?


When planning learning centers in the classroom, it is not necessary to consider the storage of materials as long as you have one item for every child enrolled in the program. True or false?


When unresolved hurts from her childhood results in a caregiver feeling angry toward a child for that child's off-track behavior, the caregiver should: a. Quit her job b. Tell the child "You make me so mad!" c. Get help from a co-worker to keep from taking out her anger on the child, or lie down on the floor if she is the only adult around d. Call the child's mother and tell her, "I can't spank her so you need to tonight."


Which are types of observation tools? a. Running record b. Anecdotal c. Tally event d. Checklist e. All of the above


Which is NOT a recommended response to an angry parent or family member? a. Use active listening b. Remain calm and professional c. Suggest that they talk after the parent calms down d. Let family finish speaking before responding


Which is NOT a temperamental type? a. Easy or flexible b. Difficult or spirited c. Unattached d. Slow to warm or shy


Which is NOT objective? a. Observable b. Factual c. Describable d. Countable e. Opinion


Which is an objective word from the following list? a. Happy b. Frustrated c. Normal d. Smiled e. Intelligent


Which is not a domain of development? a. Physical b. Social c. Creative d. Intellectual


Which of the following is NOT part of a child's records: a. A completed enrollment application b. Health history of the child c. Direction's to the child's primary residence d. A copy of the child's immunization records


Which of the following list is something that observation is NOT used for? a. Developing curriculum to meet the individual needs of the group b. Watching children progress in their development c. Comparing and labeling children d. Changing the environment to meet children's needs e. None of the above


Which of the following records must be kept in a secure place within a facility because they are considered confidential a. Last month's fire drill documentation b. A copy of the snack menu from last month c. A copy of the child's latest are project d. A referral to a speech-language therapist for a child


Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Schedules and routines in the classroom can help children to feel secure b. Family child care centers do not need to follow a daily schedule c. Outdoor space must be accessible to children in a family child care centers d. Children should have developmentally appropriate materials accessible to them


Which of the following will NOT encourage a positive relationship between families and providers? a. Providing expert advice b. Establish trust c. Encourage involvment d. Acknowledging feelings expressed


Which of the following will NOT enhance brain development in young children? a. Responding b. Showing educational television programs c. Reading regularly to children d. Music, art, excercise and touch


Which of these types of toxic stress adversely affect early brain development? a. Toxic stress b. Positive stress c. Tolerable stress d. All of the above


Why are secure and consistent relationships important for child development? a. For secure emotional attachment between child and caregiver b. For healthy brain development c. Both of the above d. Neither of the above


Why do children cry when separated from their parents? a. They don't want to be away from them b. They don't like transitions or changes c. They are expressing and releasing strong feelings d. All of the above


Working with kindergarten teachers to transition children from child care is one of their ways providers can use community services commonly needed by families of young children? a. Housing, food, and social services b. Legal and insurance services c. None of the above d. All of the above


You are not required to notify parents in writing when their children have been exposed to infectious diseases or parasites. The notification may be done through a letter to families. True or false?


You are required by WAC 170-295-2080 ("What must I communicate to parents?") to advise the parent of each child's progress and issue's relating to the child's care and individual practices concerning the child's special needs. True or false?


You can reduce a baby's risk of dying from SIDS by placing babies in your care to sleep on their back. True or false?


You can't spoil a baby by holding him/her, or responding quickly to her cues. True or false?


Young children deserve teachers who commit to___ and excellence every day. a. Professionalism b. Educational c. Ineptitude d. Silliness


____ practice should be interwoven throughout all of our work with young children, colleagues and families. a. Business b. Professional c. Normal d. None of the above

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