OMIS 352

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Who is Fredrick W. Taylor

management would set arbitrary rules of thumb, workers produce more each day no less, believed the production process could be more efficient.

What is a sunk Cost

money already spent and so can't be recovered. Sunk costs should be ignored when deciding to continue to spend funds on the project.

Basic Structure of WBS

represents a logical decomposition of the work to be performed and focuses on how the product service or results is naturally subdivided.

What is Zero slack

the amount of time an activity can be delayed before if delays the project

What is Delphi Technique

- A request for information is sent to the experts, their responses are compiled, and the results are sent back to them for further review until consensus is reached

Risk Strategies

-Accept or Ignore, Avoidance, Mitigate, Transfer

Quantitative Risk Assessment

-Discrete - Binomial -Continuous- Normal, PERT, TRIANG

Qualitative Risk Assessment

-Expected value and payoffs tables -Decision trees -Risk impact table and ranking

Risk management planning process

-Plan risk management, identify risks, perform qualitative risk analysis, perform quantitative risk analysis, plan risk response, monitor and control risks.

Risk Strategies depends on

-The nature of the risk - Impact on MOV and Project objective -Project constraints - Risk tolerance or preference of the project stakeholders

What is Time Boxing

A box of time is allocated for a specific activity or task or deliverable, can focus a team if used effectively, or can demoralize a team if not used effectively.

What is a deliverable

A deliverable is any tangible, measurable and verifiable outcome, result or item that must be produced to complete a project of part of a project

What is a Milestone

A milestone is the end of a stage that marks the completion of a work package or phase, typically marked by a high level event such as completion, endorsement or signing of a deliverable, document or a high level review meeting

Precedence Diagramming Method

A schedule network diagramming technique in which schedule activities are represented by boxes (or nodes). Schedule activities are graphically linked by one or more logical relationships to show the sequence in which the activities are to be performed.

Process Metrics

Defect arrival rate, defect by phase, defect back log, fix response time, defect fixes


Estimating by guessing or just picking numbers out of the air is not the best way to derive a project's schedule and budget.

Activity Analysis for AON

Evaluate current technology, define the requirements, design web page layout, set up server, estimate web traffic, test the web pages and links, Move web pages to production enviroment, write announcement for corp, news letter, Train users

W. Edward Deming.

Management treatment the worker as a COG in the machinery, final inspection used to control quality, workers not directly responsible, scrap and rework reduced per piece rate. Invited to give series of day long lectures in Japan in 1950s

Product Metrics

Mean time failure, defect density, customer found defects, customer satisfaction

What is Validation?

Product oriented activities that attempt to determine if the product service system or project, service system or project deliverables meet the customer or client's expectations. Testing- does the product function as intended as intended and has all the capabilities and features in the project's scope and requirement.

Structure of Work Packages

Project - Phase - Deliverables- Milestone Phase completion. Under Deliverables we have Activity Task and Milestone- Deliverable completion

Project Quality Management

Project Quality Management includes the processes and activities of the performing organization that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken.

What is Bottom up

Schedules and budget are constructed from WBS. starts with people who willbe doing the work. Schedules and budgets are the aggregate of detailed activites and costs.

Project Metrics

Scope changer, scope change approval, over due tasks, over budget tasks.

Who is Eli Whitney

Thought of a new way of manufacturing large amounts of goods at one time. Invented cotton gin.

What is top Down

Top and middle managers dertermine overall project schedule and or cost. The lower level managers are expected to breakdown schedule budget etimates into specific activities

What is Verification?

Verification focuses on process related activities to ensure that the products and deliverables meet specified requirements before final testing. Technical reviews, Business reviews, Management reviews.

Who is Juran

Viewed quality as fitness for use, his message is that quality does not happen by accident- it must be planned.

Who is Walter Stewart?

Worked for Western Electric Company (Bell Telephones). Quality improvements needed for underground equipment. Applied statistical theory to control production processes

What is a Gantt Chart

a type of bar chart that shows both the scheduled and completed work over a period of time. It is often used in planning and tracking a project.

What is a successor

activites are activites that must follow a particular activity in some type of sequence

What is Predecessor

activities are those activities that must be completed before another activity can be started

What is a parallel

activities may be thought of as an opportunity to shorten the project schedule.

What is Quality

an inherent of distinguishing characteristics properly "having a high degree of excellence"

What is Reserves

contingency fund, to be used at the discretion of the project manager

What is PERT

it is a program and review technique, developed in 1950 to help manage the Polaris submarine project. Employs both a project network diaggram with statistical distribution

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