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3) Define the following terms: A) Page:

A page is the amount of data and program instructions that can swap at a given time.

29) --------- changes to the parent directory A) CD\ B) CD/ C) CD . D) CD ..

Answer: D

2) Name six functions of operating system.

Booting: Booting is a process of starting the computer operating system starts the computer to work. ... Memory Management. Loading and Execution. Data security. Disk Management. Process Management. Device Controlling. Printing controlling.









18) A---------------- intercepts documents to be printed from the operating system and places them in the queue.


B) Paging:

The techniques of swapping items between memory and storage, called paging, is a time-consuming process for the computer.

GUI stands for graphical user indentification


1) What is an operating system?

Answer: An operating system is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer or mobile device hardware.

9) Each device connected to a computer requires its own specific driver.

Answer: True

12) ----------------- is used for network testing.

Answer: ping

an interface interprets and executes the instructions


23) With a ----------------, users interact with the software through ordinary intuitive behavior. A) natural user interface B) graphical user interface C) Command-line interface D) Proprietary siftware

Answer: A

16) --------------------- interprets and executes the instructions.

Answer: Processor

2) Describe the role of network administrator.

The network administrator, the person overseeing network operations, uses the server operating system to add and remove users, computers, and other devices to and from the network. The network administrator also uses the operating system on the network to configure the network, install software, and administer network security.

5) A driver is a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specific device.


8) The area of hard drive used for virtual memory is called a swap file.


foreground is active program which is displayed on the screen and is in use


10) Hackers often look for ways to break into a computer or device using flaws in the operating system.


8) Operating systems often provide users with a variety of tools related to managing a computer, its devices, or its programs. Name seven of them.

8) Operating systems often provide users with a variety of tools related to managing a computer, its devices, or its programs. Name seven of them.

linux is proprietary software


D) Buffer

A buffer is a segment of memory or storage in which items are placed while waiting to be transferred from an input device or to an output device.

10) Describe a desktop operating system. List examples of desktop operating systems.

A desktop operating system sometimes is called a stand-alone operating system or a client operating system. A desktop operating system is a complete OS that works on desktops, laptops, and some tablets. A desktop operating system may use menus, windows, and bars to run apps and to access features within apps. On a desktop, you can run multiple programs simultaneously and seamlessly due to the large screen and the use of pointing devices. Examples of server operating systems: Windows- Mac OS- UNIX- Linux- Chrome OS

9) Describe a server operating system. List examples of server operating systems.

A server operating system is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network. Client computers on a network rely on server(s) for access to resources. Examples of server operating systems include Windows Server, OS X Server, UNIX, and Linux.

4) Define the terms, user interface. Distinguish between GUI, NUI, and CLI.

A user interface (UI) controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on the screen. With a graphical user interface (GUI), you interact with menus and visual images by touching, pointing, tapping, or clicking buttons and other objects to issue commands. Many current GUI operating systems incorporate features similar to those of a browser, such as links and navigation buttons (i.e., Back button and Forward button) when navigating the computer or mobile device's storage media to locate files. A natural user interface (NUI), users interact with the software through ordinary, intuitive behavior. NUIs are implemented in a variety of ways: touch screens (touch input), gesture recognition (motion input), speech recognition (voice input), and virtual reality (simulations). In a command-line interface, a user types commands represented by short keywords or abbreviations (such as dir to view a directory, or list of files) or presses special keys on the keyboard (such as function keys or key combinations) to enter data and instructions. In a command-line interface (CLI), a user types commands represented by short keywords or abbreviations (such as dir to view a directory, or list of files) or presses special keys on the keyboard (such as function keys or key combinations) to enter data and instructions. Some people consider command-line interfaces difficult to use because they require exact spelling, form, and punctuation. Minor errors, such as a missing period, generate an error message.

21) A --------- application is an application that runs the same on multiple operating system. A) Cross-platform B) Stand-alone C) Device driver D) Multitasking

Answer: A

25) With ----------------, the operating system allocates a portion of a storage medium to function as additional RAM. A) Virtual memory B) Live USB C) Spooling D) User interface

Answer: A

27) In windows, a ------- is a shortcut to apps or other content. A) tile B) ribbon C) launchpad D) recycle bin

Answer: A

30) -------------------- is used to identify the computer name. A) hostname B) ping C) ipconfig D) telnet

Answer: A

32) A -------------- is a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specific device. A) driver B) hard drive C) disk D) tool

Answer: A

4) List two other names for a desktop operating system.

Answer: A desktop operating system sometimes is called a stand-alone operating system or a client operating system.

Answer: A desktop operating system sometimes is called a stand-alone operating system or a client operating system.

Answer: A swap file is the area of the hard drive used for virtual memory, because it swaps (exchanges) data, information, and instructions between memory and storage.

10) What does it mean when an operating system is thrashing?

Answer: An operating system is thrashing when it spends much of its time paging, instead of executing application software.

22) Placing a computer in ------- mode saves any open documents and running programs or apps to an internal hard drive before power is removed from the computer or device. A) sleep B) hibernate C) kernel D) GUI

Answer: B

28) A ---------------- is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network. A) Stand-alone operating system B) Server operating system C) Virtual machine D) Multipurpose operating system

Answer: B

26) The techniques of swapping items between memory and storage, called ---------. A) thrashing B) spooling C) paging D) buffering

Answer: C

31) -------------------- communicate with a remote machine using TELNET protocol. A) FTP B) RDP C) TELNET D) VNC

Answer: C

24) A ----------------- operating system allows two or more programs or apps to reside in memory at the same time. A) Foreground B) background C) Single tasking D) Multitasking

Answer: D

11) ---------------- displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values.


8) Why do some users find command-line interface difficult to use?

Answer: Some people consider command-line interfaces difficult to use because they require exact spelling, form, and punctuation. Minor errors, such as a missing period, generate an error message.

7) What does the kernel do?

Answer: The kernel is the core of an operating system that manages memory and devices, maintains the internal clock, runs programs, and assigns the resources, such as devices, programs, apps, data, and information.

13) An ---------------- can be used to complete a folder name.

Answer: asterisk

17) A ------------------- is a segment of memory or storage in which items are placed while waiting to be transferred from an input device or to an output device.

Answer: buffer

3) List the security tools used by operating system.

Answer: firewall, automatic updating, antivirus software, and spyware and malware detection software.

20) A -----------------------is a program that assesses and reports information about various computer resources and devices.

Answer: performance monitor

19) Multiple documents line up in a -------------in the buffer.

Answer: queue

14) ------------------ mode saves any open documents running programs or apps to RAM, turns off all unneeded functions, and then places the computer in a low-power state.

Answer: sleep

15) --------------- displays a folder structure in the form of a graphical tree.

Answer: tree

9) In terms of speed, how does virtual memory compare with RAM?

Answer: virtual memory is slower than RAM.

7) Define the terms: Proprietary software, backward compatible, and Upward compatible

Proprietary software is privately owned and limited to a specific vendor or computer or device model. A backward compatible operating system recognizes and works with applications written for an earlier version of the operating system (or platform). Upward compatible means programs or apps may or may not run on new versions of the operating system.

1) How does sleep mode differ from hibernate mode?

Sleep mode saves any open documents and running programs or apps to RAM, turns off all unneeded functions, and then places the computer in a low-power state. If, for some reason, power is removed from a computer or device that is in sleep mode, any unsaved work could be lost. Hibernate mode, by contrast, saves any open documents and running programs or apps to an internal hard drive before removing power from the computer or device.

6) Explain how a computer coordinates tasks. Define these terms: buffer, spooling, and queue.

The operating system determines the order in which tasks are processed. A multiuser operating system does not always process tasks on a first-come, first-served basis. If a user or task has been assigned a higher priority than others by the network administrator, the operating system performs higher-priority tasks first. Sometimes, a device already may be busy processing one task when it receives a request to perform a second task. While waiting for devices to become idle, the operating system places items in buffers. A buffer is a segment of memory or storage in which items are placed while waiting to be transferred from an input device or to an output device. An operating system commonly uses buffers with printed documents. This process, called spooling, sends documents to be printed to a buffer instead of sending them immediately to the printer. Multiple documents line up in a queue in the buffer.

5) Describe how a computer manages memory. Define the term virtual memory.

The purpose of memory management is to optimize the use of a computer or device's internal memory, i.e., RAM. RAM (random access memory) consists of one or more chips on the motherboard that hold items such as data and instructions while the processor interprets and executes them. The operating system allocates, or assigns, data and instructions to an area of memory while they are being processed. Then, it carefully monitors the contents of memory. Finally, the operating system releases these items from being monitored in memory when the processor no longer requires them. With virtual memory, the operating system allocates a portion of a storage medium, such as a hard drive or a USB flash drive, to function as additional RAM. As you interact with a program, part of it may be in physical RAM, while the rest of the program is on the hard drive as virtual memory. Because virtual memory is slower than RAM, users may notice the computer slowing down while it uses virtual memory.

C) Thrashing

When an operating system spends much of its time paging, instead of executing application software, it is said to be thrashing.

a swap file is the amount of data and program instructions that can swap at a given time


an operating system must reside inside a computer or mobile device, that is, it cannot run from a usb flash drive or other external drives


an upward compatible application means it can recognize and work with applications written for earlier versions of the operating system


most users today work with command-line interface


spooling decreases both processor and printer efficiency by placing documents to be printed in a buffer or on a storage media before they are printed


the kernel is nonresident, which means it remains in memory while computer or mobile device is running


unix is a multitasking operating system, but linux is a single tasking operating system


1) An operating system is a set of programs that coordinate all the activities among computer or mobile device.


16) When an operating system spends much of its time paging, instead of executing application software, it is said to be thrashing.


20) Android is an open source, Linux-based mobile operating system designed by Google for smartphones and tablets.


3) A user interface controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on the screen.


7) Most operating systems today are multitasking.


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