Option Individual and work

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Work conditions

Awards- set of minimum employment standards - specific to each industry & occupation. it dictates the working arrangements of employees and includes things such as rates of pay, types of employment (e.g. full-time, part time), overtime, penalty rates, allowances, and other work arrangements. Enterprise agreement- no less than the conditions outlined in the award, negotiation between employer and employee about working conditions and entitlements. Grievance procedures- formal process that employees follow to resolve a grievance. Involves communication of dissatisfaction about work situation or incident that , can be made by employees or a group of employees - better wellbeing of worker if grievance is resolved, therefore increased productivity, worker more willing to work.


Energy directed towards a goal

Youth Rights and responsibilities

RIGHTS receive at least the minimum wage an explanation of any awards applicable to them in the workplace safe working environment free from threat of injury or any form of abuse reasonable work hrs take time off providing they give enough notice without feeling threatened that they will lose their job (casual workers). RESPONSIBILITIES show up to work on time & stay till shift has finished give enough notice when they cannot make a shift do the work set out for them listen to & treat employer & other employees fairly & with respect.

Reasons people work To meet specific needs

To meet specific needs eg through paid work you receive an income that provides adequate standard of living. Also it enhances you social needs as you are interactions with people


A person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking. Advantages Benefits the community New experiences Disadvantages May not gain recognition No pay Suitability Retirees School students


Female participation has increased Male participation is greater than female participation

Reasons people work Paid

Safety & Security - Some job types increase risk of injury Health - Some paid jobs relate directly to physical health Education - Some jobs are both employment and education Sense of Identity - Employment can be a major aspect of their identity Employment - Will be satisfied Adequate Standard of Living - Will be satisfied

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Economics

The state of the government and the move towards globalisation have had a significant influence on the relationships between employees and working patterns The time differences between different countries have meant that companies need to trade 24 h a day if they want to remain competitive Efficient technology advances has enhanced the communication between the different hemispheres Shift workers have had to be employed to keep up with the 24 h demand Full time employees will lose their jobs due to the decline in the economy Casual and temporary workers are cheaper to maintain as workers as they do not get benefits and holidays etc A recession signifies high unemployment and little bargaining power Economic boom enables workers to bargain flexible working patterns to help manage multiple jobs, allowing individuals to open their own businesses due to the surplus

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Perceptions of gender

Traditionally men and women have entered the workforce at the age of 15, men usually continued in the workforce until death, disability or retirement, their worklife may have been interrupted by job loss, military involvement of illness or job changes. In contrast women usually worked until marriage or first child then took up full time caring Over the past few decades factors such as feminism have removed the societal expectation the the men is the provider and the females are the carers Feminism has encouraged women to continue their education Women no longer have to rely on financial support or partners and have become financially independent This has led to the change in perception of the women's role in the family Anti Discrimination have increased women participation in areas such as construction, politics, real estate and engineering An example is the workplace equity act of 2012 The effect of gender expectation affect men and women in the workforce Many women desire the flexibility in fitting the demands around parenting and caring After childbirth many women may desire the opportunity for casual, part or job share and other flexible work opportunities women have enough skill to be able to create their own business increase acceptance of men as carers, of their children have enabled to work more part time jobs and their partner full time

Personal commitments and interests

Work religion volunteering parenting leadership recreation caring studying hobbies

Equal employment opportunities

the establishment of conditions that allow all workers regardless of -age, gender, disability, ethnicity and sexuality - the opportunity to find, gain, and advance (through promotion) in employment. doesn't assume everyone has the same skills, talents and abilities but does demand that everyone is given the same opportunity to use their skills, talents and abilities. aims to eliminate the possibility of discrimination.

Part time

A part-time contract is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. They work in shifts but remain on call while off duty and during annual leave. The shifts are often rotational. Workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 or 35 hours per week. Advantages Shorter hours, allowing individuals to combine work and family responsibilities or other interest outside of work Wide range of occupations Disadvantages Lower status than full time work Wages are proportional to the number of hours worked Suitability Phased retirees Parents of infant children


An agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the time the employee is hired that outlines the exact nature of their business relationship, specifically what compensation the employee will receive in exchange for specific work performed. Advantages Paid for every hour worked Flexible Disadvantages Not eligible for any benefits Lack stability Suitability Young people Parents with a support network

Job share

An arrangement in which two people share the work and pay of a single full-time job Advantages Family friendly Education and social needs are met through workplace interaction Disadvantages Income is lower Working in tandem with someone else may be difficult Suitability Parents with a working partner Those returning to work

Leave entitlements

Carers leave: paid leave enabling individuals to care for the partner, child, parent or relative Long service leave- 2 months paid leave after 10 years of service with the same employee Annual leave- 4 weeks holiday leave each year taken after the one year anniversary of employment Maternity leave- up to 52 weeks unpaid leave available to females during pregnancy Paternity leave- short leave up to 1 week when the child is born for fathers Sick leave- employees are entitled to min 5 days per year


Casual employment is an Australian employment classification under Australian workplace law whereby an employee is paid at a higher hourly rate (at least 20%) in lieu of having their employment guaranteed, and lacking other usual employment conditions such as sick leave. Advantages Gain skills and training Receive an extra pay loading Disadvantages Can be called in without notice Lack job security Suitability Young student Carers

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Technology -computers -automation/robotics -research and development

Computers have revolutionised the labour market Reduce the number of laborious jobs and created new jobs They have enabled people to open business at home, and allow people to communicate with others that are far away Computers have shrunk geographical and cultural differences Industries relying on machines use computer e.g. banks Computer programs have created new industries e.g. web designing Automation/robotics Technological advancement has replaced skilled and unskilled workers Robotics have been used in jobs that are regarded too dangerous such as mining Research and development: Industries such as textiles and science and medical will always require people to take on projects to improve the lives of others Examples: Wrinkle free fabrics, Cheaper fuel costs, Fly in fly outs Affects of technology on patterns of work: Technology can impact on work in various ways Shift work will continue to compete with competition in the global market More people will be contracted to do smaller jobs Shift workers will be required to work irregular hours, to maintain and service computer-operated machines Contractors or volunteers working while at university will continue their work in a research area if it succeeds full time or contract work can continue remote working arrangements will increase due to better telecommunications and computers and improvements in engineering

Importance of rights and responsibilities in the workforce

Employers have rights and responsibilities regarding workplace health and safety. A duty of care exists to provide for the protection to the health, safety and welfare of workers and others within a workplace. Employers are expected to abide by a range of requirements governing such aspects as providing safe machinery and equipment, carrying out regular health and safety checks, ensuring the training of employees in health and safety issues, and carrying out a risk assessment to assess the dangers of particular work activities.

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Employment/unemployment

Employment has changed from the regular 9-5 am hours due to more irregular working hours For example some people work on the weekend or at nights Such irregular hours can affect family time, meaning that family have to work to maintain relationships However some changes 9-5 format have benefited families, with parents using their bargaining power to create these changes The cassations of the workforce has allowed the shift from to full time/ part time positions to higher level of contract and casual positions It is important to focus on the percentage of casual/part time/contract who are under employed rather than the unemployed The under employed need more hours to help support their family needs The effects of employment/unemployment include: Change to the 9-5 format such as part time, shift work and job sharing Allowed people to better manage their time which has reduced pressures of parenting and improved their bargaining power with employers the casualisation of the workforce has reduced the number of full time jobs available, the fact causal workers receive less benefits and earn less means they are less able to satisfy their family needs

Flexible workplace patterns

Flexible work patterns - part-time, casual, seasonal, job share, work from home & telecommuting


For many retailers, the holiday shopping season is a "make or break" period which can define their bottom lines for the entire year. Temporary and part-time employment spikes as retailers and other businesses increase staffing to accommodate their seasonal increase in business. Advantages Earn extra money New experiences Disadvantages Incomes depends on whether it's a good or bad season Work can be intensive Suitability Uni students Single people

Full time

Full-time employment is employment in which a person works a minimum number of hours defined as such by his/her employer. Full-time employment often comes with benefits that are not typically offered to part-time, temporary, or flexible workers, such as annual leave, sick leave, and health insurance. Advantages Work is generally stable Increased hours, therefore increased wages Disadvantaged Long hours Work may need to be taken home Suitability Young people who have finished uni or tafe Homeowners with a mortgage

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Education

In the past, education was viewed differently, the workforce wasn't as competitive and people only completed the compulsory levels of schooling, continuing on to apprenticeships or low skilled employment. Since then, there has been a greater trend in more young people, especially women, completing years 10-12 The number of people with post school qualifications has increased and those without has decreased. The Aust Gov has impacted on this as no person under the age of 17 can leave school, unless in full-time employment, full time work or both The job market is now aimed at those with high education and pushing those without a degree down Schools across NSW are offering VET courses because of the current skills shortage Young people studying full time need casual or flexible employment. In order to retain trained staff, flexible working hours have been introduced to cater for this.


It provides economic resources to fulfil eg adequate standard of living (food, water, clothing, shelter) Value work for satisfaction and self esteem they gain from it- lifestyle they are able to create Community basis People earn money and pay taxes, government are able to provide infrastructure and services, such as roads, hospitals that contribute to society The value placed on a particular occupation (whether by the individual or society will dictate how people perceive that type of job and therefore how valuable it is

Individual strategies for managing multiple roles

Negotiating and sharing roles- Rosters that list chores for each family member, set times and expectations established help busy parents Managing resources- using labour saving devices e.g. microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, slow cooker etc. paying for cleaners >rather than using time & energy Using technology- Internet assists with grocery shopping, budgeting advice, product advice, quick education & 24hr news -Technology in cooking appliances (blenders, dicers) to reduce preparing time. Accessing support- Formal - childcare, before & after school care, speech pathologist, tutors, cleaners Informal - family, friends, relatives, neighbours Advantages of informal support networks: -access on short notice as no appointment is necessary Utilising work place structure- Flexible work patterns e.g. flexible start & finish times, flexible rostering, rostered days off, working remotely, job sharing, part-time work. -Leave entitlements -Support from union -Workplace culture - childcare services

Reasons people work Unpaid

Safety & Security - Unpredictable situations in volunteer work Health - Cleaning your house is physical exercise Education - Internships Sense of Identity - Charity work Employment - Will not be satisfied Adequate Standard of Living - Will not be satisfied


Status is a societal based rank of an individuals importance derived from their work, occupation or professional (stereotypes) Status can be perceived by Whether an individual is employed/unemployed The industry they work in- fire-fighter v paparazzi Level of employment- CEO, manager, assistant Level of decision making on behalf of others- doctor- life threatening, prime minister (large numbers) Work patterns How many years study or education How much an individual earns (remuneration)

Working remotely

There are a variety of terms to describe the process of working from a location other than the traditional office. Common terms are telecommuting, home, remote, mobile, virtual, or cloud working. The frequency with which remote work is being done may also affect the "definition" of the activity. Advantages Do not need to relocate Travel costs are paid for Disadvantages Travel can be draining Time away from family Suitability Young males Families

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Family circumstance

Women are having shorter absences from work Women are seeking a more suitable working pattern to balance work and family Higher rate of divorce and change in social attitudes towards single parents left sole parents responsible for paid and domestic work responsibilities Sole parents may have no other choice but to take on more than one job Job losses in nuclear/de facto families encourages family members to change their working patterns and non working members to find employment When parents age they may chose to reduce working hours because their children's financial demands lessen They may choose retirement, choose to work from home or telecommute High costs in childcare have meant mothers are not seeking full time employment or any employment at all Examples of family circumstances Mother who has just had a child, may take maternity leave from a full time job, return part time or casually Losing a job, may mean a partner may have to increase their working hours

Social factors leading to changing work patterns Gov policy

Women have benefited more than men in the legislative changes therefore there is double the women in the workforce Employers have changed working hours and patterns to suit women and their families Government policies have created support for employees e.g. anti-discrimination Act, Gender Equality Act, introduction of maternity, paternity, and parental leave Because Australia has the lowest educated women in the workforce, they are investing enormous amounts of time and money into educating women in the workforce, although they will not receive economic returns The effects of government work policies often benefit employees: Minority groups were previously unable to participate in the workforce such as people with disabilities or with carer responsibilities may be able to access flexible work patterns such as casual, part time, job share and working from home Maternity and paternity leave may involved a parent to moving from full time to part time or unpaid parenting Legislation has been introduced for some industries that enables parents to continue to work part time until their child goes to school For other industries where this option is not available parents may choose to work from home or job share Enterprise bargaining agreements may allow some workers to negotiate more flexible working patterns away from full time work


Work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in relay. Advantages Rarely travel in peak periods High earnings Disadvantages Lack of sleep Unable to use public services Suitability Parents with partners Young people

self employed

Working for oneself as a freelance or the owner of a business rather than for an employer. Advantages Control over how much time is spent working Work hours can accommodate family needs Disadvantages Responsible for everything In the start any profit goes into establishing the business Suitability Parents with partners Single people

Youth Extra facts

Youth unemployment rate- number of people that are eligible to work but aren't working Unemployment rate- 17.3% Youth struggle for employment due to lack of experience, skills, work related employment connections or knowledge Job opportunities therefore then to be low skilled and low paid

Youth employment Predominate patterns of work of young people

a lot of young people are undertaking full or part time study & often their type of employment is part-time or casual job may be only temporary - may be working full time in school, TAFE, or university holidays & have to resign when study resumes could often be seen as a job rather than a career - due to lack of experience/skills, the workplace you are involved in may not be the workplace they want to have a career in. • Part time • Casual • Temporary • Shift work

Youth employment Personal management skills required in the workplace

being on time getting work done within timeframes knowing when to make changes to plans if it is not feasible/no longer working managing & dealing with conflict knowing how to negotiate managing data & files into logical sequences being responsible for one's tools & equipment Planning Organisation Communication Decision making Problem solving

Workplace culture

childcare - family friendly culture, by creating a family-friendly culture, employers will benefit by having skilled women return to work after having kids. will reduce retraining costs and increase productivity. >prayer rooms - create an environment free from discrimination & vilification, employers should ensure that their workplaces are welcoming to people of all faiths. Greater inclusivity is created at work. Acknowledges that some religions are required to observe ceremonial activities during working hrs. kitchen - creates a space where relationships between employees & employers can be fostered and developed. By encouraging these relationships, employers can hope to reduce conflict and increase communication. Informal discussions of a workplace, in which people can trade gossip, discuss sporting teams or make afterwork or weekend plans.

Rights of employees

clear rate of pay - paid correct amt for wrk. must be at least the minimum wage & entitlements set out by award or contract (AWARD) leave entitlements as stated by the award, agreement or contract such as sick leave, annual leave, parental leave, public holidays and long service leave (AWARD) feel safe in working environment and have access to safety equipment when needed (WHS) receive on-the-job training and in-services to complete their jobs properly and safely (EEO) freedom to belong to or join a union. be protected from unfair dismissal, and the right to appeal to the Industrial Tribunal if they consider they have been 'wrongfully' dismissed (GRIEVANCE) have a contract amended if it is not covered by the award work in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment (EEO, ANTI-DISCRIM)

Responsibilities of employees

comply with lawful & reasonable instructions given by the employer work together with the employer and other employees to maintain a safe & healthy working environment (WHS) work with a level of competence that displays skill & care have good faith & maintain confidentiality, must not give out confidential info or trade secrets. Also have an ethical responsibility to maintain customer privacy. disclose info that may put themselves, others or business at risk e.g. health care workers, defence forces must disclose to their employers if they are living with HIV/AIDS. maintain a reasonable work ethic by arriving on time, dressing appropriately in compliance with workplace health and safety, respecting other' & employers' property, alerting the employer if absent and not discriminating against or vilifying others give sufficient notice when intending to leave.

Rights of employer

discuss & negotiate terms & conditions with any employee under an enterprise agreement end employment by providing redundancy (transfer of duties, voluntary stopping work) when the amt of work or hours of work have changed. This may be caused by technological change, economic recession, company merger, takeover or restructuring. dismiss employees on the spot when they fail to obey lawful instruction, perform duties over a period of time, perform duties safely & meet the conditions of the employment contract enjoy safety and safety measures at the same level as those of their employees expect their employees to follow safety instructions, complete all set tasks & maintain work integrity (WHS)

Trade unions

organisations that have been created by workers for the purpose of protecting and advancing their interests and wellbeing, they fight on behalf of employees to: -maximise wage & salaries -preserve and protect awards -provide job security, challenge redundancies -create a safe and healthy workplace -ensure equality between men & women -ensure equal employment opportunity is enforced by representing an employee with, e.g. sexual harassment or discrimination claims.

Work and health safety act 2011

seeks to not only act as a safety net to prevent injury and illness, but also reduce the costs associated with work-related injury, such as legal, rehabilitation and medical costs.

Responsibilities of employers

set out clear terms & conditions of employment; e.g. min wages, provision of meal breaks, working hrs, opportunities for overtime and details of expected meetings (AWARD) pay their employees on a regular basis & provide within 1 day of payment a pay slip, on which is recorded the no. of hrs worked, the amt. of tax & superannuation maintain records for 6 yrs, including employee details, wages paid, hrs worked, leave accruals & superannuation provide a duty of care, which ensures the safety of employees. This means to provide safety equip, training employees to have the skills to perform duties in a safe manner, & alerting employees to any unexpected risks or harms in the workplace (WHS) create an environment free from discrimination/vilification (EEO) not terminate employment without reasonable grounds

Youth employment Steps taken to prepare and plan for a career

studying & applying oneself through school & further education will allow them to get better marks & be closer to attaining their dream job brainstorming what things a person is interested in working out what carriers match up with these interests ask people in the field whether it is neighbours, friends, posting a quest online to gauge what other people in the career did to get where they are consider one's online profile, if applying for a job an individual should look at how their social media sites make them look to a perspective employer. Photos of someone always out late and statuses that are not suitable such as implying illegal activities are not ideal when applying for jobs Having skills set and interests in areas related to career aspirations Training and hands on experience Pursuing career that match up with interests Research career path necessary to get dream job Seek advice from people in that field Get experience in the field by work experience, traineeships, volunteering Marketing your self Online profile consideration- what does your social media site make them look like to potential employer Consider- photos, status, places you are tagged and posts and pages you like- these can imply that you support controversial/ illegal activities/ unsuitable opinions for that job

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