Org B 320 Lesson 8

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Researchers believe that _____________ of adult personality is genetically determined.

50 percent

social dominance orientation (SDO)

A general attitudinal orientation concerning whether one prefers social relationships to be equal or to reflect status differences.


A persistent tendency to feel and behave in a favorable or unfavorable way toward a specific person, object, or idea.


A stable set of characteristics representing internal properties of an individual, which are reflected in behavioral tendencies across a variety of situations.

cognitive dissonance

An uneasy feeling produced when a person behaves in a manner inconsistent with an existing attitude.

Extroverts are particularly well suited for which of the following occupations?

Both Sales and Management

Personality traits influence one's behavior across only a specific set of situations.



The degree to which an individual is easygoing and tolerant.

regulatory focus

The extent to which an individual is promotion focused or prevention focused.

emotional labor

The process whereby associates must display emotions that are contrary to what they are feeling.

Research suggests individuals who score high on emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness are more likely to have team leadership potential.


Which of the following types of studies helps to examine how personality develops?

all of the choices are correct (identical twin studies, newborn studies, genetic studies)

elements of the persuasive communication approach

communicator, message, situation, target

Specific abilities generally associated with emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skill, and


big 5

extraversion, conscientious, agreeable, emotional stability, and openness to experience

The two most thoroughly examined attitudes in strategic OB are job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.


An individual with an ____________ believes he/she can control what happens to him/her.

internal locus of control

One major criticism of the theory of emotional intelligence is that

it is not intelligence.

A criticism of the definition of emotional intelligence is that

it is too broad

_____________ is defined as a stable set of characteristics representing internal properties of an individual, which are reflected in behavioral tendencies across a variety of situations.


Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five traits?


openness to experience

the degree in which a person seeks new experiences and thinks creatively about the future

affective element of an attitude

the feelings one has about a person, object, or idea

behavior element of an attitude

the intention the individual has to act in certain ways toward the object of the attitude

regulatory fit theory

the premise that people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain

Influencing others with foot-in-the door techniques is based on the self-perception effect.


Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are related to job performance.



Complex subjective reactions that have both a physical and mental component. Also affective states corresponding to specific feelings, such as anger, that tend to be associated with particular events, people or other stimuli.

The Big 5 model of personality is the only way to evaluate one's personality.



General mental ability used in complex information processing.

emotional contagion

Phenomenon where emotions experienced by one or a few members of a work group spread to other members.

emotional intelligence

The ability to accurately appraise one's own and others' emotions, effectively regulate one's own and others' emotions, and use emotion to motivate, plan, and achieve.


The degree to which an individual attempts to present the image he or she thinks others want to see in a given situation.

locus of control

The degree to which an individual attributes control of events to self or external factors.


The degree to which an individual believes in conventional values, obedience to authority, and legitimacy of power differences in society.

achievement motivation

The degree to which an individual desires to perform in terms of a standard of excellence or to succeed in competitive situations.

emotional stability

The degree to which an individual easily handles stressful situations and heavy demands.


The degree to which an individual focuses on goals and works toward them in a disciplined way.


The degree to which an individual is outgoing and derives energy from being around other people.

Temperament in the early weeks of life has been found to predict personality later in life.


factors that influence the target

credibility, trust, appearance

cognitive element of an attitude

facts we gather and consider about a person, object, or idea

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