Org B Quizzes

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For each situation, choose the correct form of operant conditioning. 1) Your ski instructor shouts out, "Great job!" after your perfect black diamond run. 2)You clean up your mess in the kitchen to avoid a fight with your roommate. 3)Your cell phone rings in class, and I yell at you. 4)Your cell phone rings in class, and I take your phone. 5)After repeatedly ignoring her requests, Miley Cyrus stops asking you for a date. 6)At work, you exceed this month's sales quota so your boss gives you a bonus 7) As a manager, you want to increase sales, so you tell your sales guys that they can get out of sales training if they meet or exceed their goals 8) For your psychology class, you watch a video about the human brain and write a paper about what you learned. Your instructor gives you 20 extra credit points for your work. 9)Before heading out for a day at the beach, you slather on sunscreen in order to avoid getting sunburned. 10)On Monday morning, you leave the house early in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic and being late for class.

1) Positive Reinforcement 2) Negative Reinforcement 3) Punishment 4) Punishment 5) Extinction 6) Positive Reinforcement 7) Negative Reinforcement 8) Positive Reinforcement 9) Negative Reinforcement 10)Negative Reinforcement

Match the individual's activities or beliefs with the most appropriate expectancy theory element. 1) Shaq - Believes that no matter how hard he practices, he's just not going to get better at shooting free throws. 2) Dwight - Understands that if his foul shooting improves, he has a shot at an NBA title! 3) Carmelo - Worked really hard to be a "team player" and a better defender on the basketball court with hopes of winning a championship. This late in his career, a championship is all he really desires. 4) Lane - Knows that if he gets a better grade on tomorrow's math test, he's more likely to get an "A" in Math Analysis. 5) Taylor - Asked her students what type of chocolate they want as a reward for a job well-done. 6) Kate - Knows that if she starts her homework ahead of time, she'll be better prepared in class when her professor calls on her. 7) Mitch - Isn't sure he wants to put in any extra effort. He's not sure a bigger raise and a promotion are worth it. 8) Catie - Decides that working harder isn't helping her produce as much as her fellow employees. 9)Victor - Observes that most employees who make more sales get more vacation time. 10)Molly - Asks her staff to make more sales calls, indicating that if they do, they're much more likely to make more sales.

1) Expectancy 2) Instrumentality 3) Valence 4) Instrumentality 5) Valence 6) Expectancy 7) Valence 8)Expectancy 9)Instrumentality 10)Expectancy

For each situation, choose which component from Expectancy Theory is being described. 1) If I work harder than everyone else in the plant, will I produce more? 2)If I produce more than anyone else in the plant, will I get a bigger raise? A faster promotion? 3) Do I want a bigger raise? Is it worth the extra effort? Do I want a promotion? 4) Do I need a sales bonus? Is the extra time I spend making extra sales calls worth the extra commission? 5)If I make more sales will I get a bonus? A greater commission? 6) If I make more sales calls, will I make any more sales?

1) Expectancy 2) Instrumentality 3)Valence 4)Valence 5)Instrumentality 6)Expectancy

According to the "Colorado Companies" article, Rally Software helps to promote work/life balance by giving employees which of the following after seven years of service:

A six week sabbatical to pursue personal passions

If you want to increase motivation through the mechanism of increasing expectancy, you should

Clarify people's expectancies that their effort will lead to performance.

In Path Goal Theory which type of leadership style is appropriate when subordinates are having difficulty and involves establishing performance goals for followers?


In which order would expectancy theory place the following events?

Effort, Performance, Outcome

The process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization, is known as


You may compare your ratio of inputs to outputs to the ratio of others at your place of employment in a process described by ______ theory.


The effort-to-performance link in expectancy theory is called



Expectancy is people's perceived likelihood that their efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals. In Figure 13.2, expectancy is the link between effort and performance.

Negative reinforcement entails the administration of negative consequences when dysfunctional behaviors are performed.


An extrinsic reward is a reward the person derives directly from performing the job itself.


Applying a consequence that decreases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it is referred to as extinction.


The T in SMART, an acronym used by Microsoft for goal setting, stands for traceable.


In comparison to a vision statement, a company's mission statement is more likely to inspire enthusiasm and encourage commitment.

False, A vision statement is more lofty and broad, whereas a mission statement is more specific, but less inspiring.

Which situational approach theory postulates that effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation?

Fiedler's contingency model

Which of the following statements about the contingency leadership model is correct?

It considers whether the task-oriented or relationship-oriented leadership style is most appropriate.

The trait approach assumes the existence of a leadership personality and that

Leaders are born, not made.

According to the Sheryl Sandberg TED talk:

Men attribute their success to themselves

The first step in the policy deployment process is to establish the ______ and the ______ of the company.

Mission; vision

The Big Bang Theory video about giving chocolates BEST demonstrates

Operant Conditioning Theory

Which motivational theory uses behavior modification?

Operant Conditioning Theory

Riya was a highly successful manager at Optics International. After ten years with the company, she decided to leave and become a fulltime mother and caregiver to her ailing father. This example demonstrates which factor affecting women's careers?

Opt-out trend

The data suggest that women tend to be more _____ in their leadership style whereas men tend to be more _____.

Participative; Harsh during punishment

If you use want to increase the quality of someone's work using PAY how should you pay them?

Pay them bonuses for quality

If new governmental regulations contribute to a reduction in available raw materials, it would be considered an organizational ______ in a SWOT analysis.


Which leadership model identifies the characteristics of an effective leader?


An example of a reinforcer in a management setting is giving an employee-of-the-month award for superior customer service.


As a group, women who interrupt their careers for family reasons never again make as much money as women who stay on the job.


Increasing expectancies, identifying positively valent outcomes, and making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes are all managerial implications of expectancy theory.


Not following through on a threat of punishment when the employee begins to perform satisfactorily is a form of negative reinforcement.


According to expectancy theory, your ______ is low if you don't think a bonus or raise is going to be big enough to justify working evenings and weekends.


According to the Drew Dudley TED talk:

We've made being a leader into something bigger than ourselves

Which of the following is 'not' a possible explanation for the limited number of women holding executive leadership positions?

Women typically do not aspire to be CEOs.

According to the Dan Pink TED talk:

The group offered nothing to solve the above problem had the faster time.

Which type of power is dominant when a leader is respected for his knowledge?


Which form of power is being used when a sales manager gives his salespeople some tips on how to close a deal, and the salespeople then alter their sales techniques because they respect the manager's expertise?

expert power

A manager using expert power may implement an absenteeism policy that administers disciplinary actions to offending employees.


According to path-goal theory, for highly authoritarian people, a participative leadership style is more appropriate.


Leadership works best when it is reserved for those at the top.


According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness, effectiveness depends on two factors: the personal style of the leader and the loyalty of the followers.

false, According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness, effectiveness depends on two factors: the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation. Figure 12.4 illustrates the contingency model.

While all five sources of power are potentially important, bosses who have high legitimate power get far superior performance from their employees.

false, Although it is easy to assume that the most powerful bosses are those who have high legitimate power and control major rewards and punishments, it is important not to underestimate the more "personal" sources such as expert and referent power.


forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts. All behavior, except involuntary reflexes, is motivated.

According to path-goal theory, achievement-oriented leadership is descriptive of leader behaviors that are

geared toward motivating people

Extrinsic Reward

given to people by the boss, the company, or some other person. An intrinsic reward is a reward the person derives directly from performing the job itself.

The metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to top executive jobs is called the

glass ceiling.

Expectancy Theory

helps the manager zero in on key leverage points for influencing motivation. Three implications are crucial: increasing expectancies, identifying positively valent outcomes, and making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes.

According to the Ohio State model, ______ is leadership behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing.

initiating structure (process)

_______ power is dominant when subordinates are obliged to comply by virtue of a boss's authority.


Managers have more ________ over their subordinates than they do over their peers and bosses.

legitimate power

Performance is maximized when goals are

moderately difficult to challenging.

In the ______ leadership model, a leader makes desirable rewards available in the workplace and clarifies how followers can obtain them.


The ability to influence others is referred to as


A manager that has poor leader-member relations with subordinates that perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks should use a(n) ______ leadership style.


The erroneous stereotype is that women tend to be more _____ in their leadership style whereas men tend to be more _____.

relationship-oriented; task-oriented

Acknowledging an individual's contributions at a monthly department meeting is an example of using ______ power.


Camden Tile managers determined that there would be no end-of-year bonuses due to predicted leveling of sales. Perry, a department manager, let his staff know that even high-performing employees would not get bonuses this year. This change limited what type of power for Perry?


_________ power is held by a manager who has control over the size of an employee's raise.


Muriel has taught at a public elementary school for six years, and every year she simply gets the raise given to all of the teachers at her school. She has spoken to the principal about this, and has been told that it is based on the current union contract wherein job performance is not currently considered in awarding raises. Here the union contract limits the principal's

reward power

In hostile environment sexual harassment, the person being harassed does not

risk economic harm from the harasser.

law of effect

states that behavior that is followed by positive consequences probably will be repeated. This powerful law of behavior laid the foundation for countless investigations into the effects of the positive consequences called reinforcers that motivate behavior.

Path-Goal Theory

states that personal characteristics determine the appropriateness of various leadership styles. For example, a directive leadership style is more appropriate for highly authoritarian people because such people respect authority.

A leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that leaders share is referred to as the

trait approach

Competent ______ leaders are not mediocre; they are badly needed but best in stable situations rather than rapidly changing ones.


______ leadership helps employees pursue organizational goals over self-interests.


A leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others, and they comply because of admiration or a desire for approval.


Today having a vision for the future and communicating that vision to others are known to be essential components of great leadership.


The trait approach assumes the existence of a leadership personality and that leaders are born, not made.

true, The trait approach focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics (traits) that great leaders share. It assumes the existence of a leadership personality and assumes that leaders are born, not made.


withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence When this occurs, motivation is reduced and the behavior is extinguished, or eliminated. Punishment is the delivery of an aversive consequence.

Which of the theories is SMART?


The motivation theory stating that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end is

Goal-Setting Theory

______ suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable.

Goal-Setting Theory

Goal-Setting Theory

Goal-setting theory states that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end. Goal setting works for any job in which people have control over their performance.

Which of the following statements about setting goals is true?

Goals should have deadlines

To further its commitment to be the world's leading nutrition, health, and wellness company, Nestlé recently purchased Pfizer's baby food division for nearly $12 billion. The acquisition of two additional brands in infant formula positions Nestlé for the future in emerging markets like China. This action is an example of a(n) ______ strategy.

Growth, A growth strategy is a grand strategy that involves expansion, as in expanding sales revenues, market share, number of employees, or number of customers or (for nonprofits) clients served. Acquiring brands capable of performing well in emerging markets is an example of this.

Path-goal theory is concerned with

How leaders influence subordinates' perceptions of their work and how their goals might be attained.

Which of the following statements is supported by equity theory?

Inequity causes dissatisfaction.

The performance-to-outcome link in expectancy theory is called


What is the belief that performance results in the attainment of outcomes?



Instrumentality is the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome. According to Figure 13.2, instrumentality is the link between performance and outcome.

People often do volunteer work for the ______ rewards.


Applying a valued consequence to increase the likelihood that a behavior is repeated is known as

Positive Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is applying a positive consequence that increases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it. Examples of positive reinforcers include compliments, letters of commendation, favorable performance evaluations, and pay raises.

______ is the extent to which a person is able to influence others so they respond to orders.


Administering an aversive consequence is referred to as


The application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior is known as


Withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence is referred to as


The "R" in S.M.A.R.T. goals stand for


Ethel's subordinates and coworkers respect, admire her and are are fiercely loyal. They are giving her what type of power?


A ______ is a large-scale action plan that sets the direction for an organization.

Strategic Plan

In Path Goal Theory which type of leadership are best when employees are stressed and create a pleasant, cooperative work environment.?


According to Fiedler, which aspect of the model is fixed?

Task Structure

A leadership perspective that attempts to identify what effective leaders do and the behaviors they exhibit is referred to as the

behavioral approach

Negative Reinforcement

can involve the threat of punishment by not delivering punishment when employees perform satisfactorily. Punishment is the actual delivery of the aversive consequence.

Jayne supports and encourages her employees, and helps them improve and grow on the job. This behavior is known as:

developmental consideration

Which of the following is characteristic of a transactional leader rather than a transformational one?

effectively utilizing coercive and reward power

In the University of Michigan Leadership Model, managers exhibiting ______ behavior paid more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive.

employee-centered (people)

The Capuchin Monkeys video BEST demonstrates

equity theory

The primary elements that determine how willing an employee is to work hard at tasks important to an organization, those that relate effort, performance, and outcomes, are

expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.

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