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The book the Social Construction of Reality was written by:

Berger and Luckmann

According to diffusion of innovation, the critical mass for a technology occurs when?

Between the early majority and the late majority

Systems theory depends on what kind of metaphor?


Is globalization good or bad?


The notion that decisions are made within a unique emotional context is known as?

Bounded Emotionality

Decisionmakers do not always look at all resources and options. Instead, they generally work within constraints. This constraint is called:

Bounded Rationality

Weber's name for closed systems that attempt to be immune to the outside world is?


Affirmative Action programs have worked to increase diversity, but which is a cost?

Causes people that benefit to doubt their competence

The evidence is that people are pretty suspicious of new technologies as improvements over old technologies---think of the ways that your opinion of ZOOM has changed over the last two years. Typically, as people are more familiar with new technologies, they tend to rate them as more rich. This theory is?

Channel Expansion Theory

The theory that argues that individual experience serves and important role in determining how rich people perceive a media tool is?

Channel Expansion Theory

Which is an example of "emotional labor"?

Childcare worker

New technologies displace old technologies and make life simpler.


Maslow argues that people have lots of needs. How many does he identify?


According to Fairhurst and Sarr, the most essential skill for a leader is the ability to?

Frame Issues

Looking at language as a way to get people to do something represents which of Craig's perspectives on communication?


According to Graen, change in phase from the boss giving tasks to the subordinate taking a task---with the ability to modify the role or manner in which it is done is called:

Role Making

According to the Montreal School, policies always start as conversations that move their way through the organization. This process of moving conversations upward in the organization is called:

Scaling up

Who is considered the father of scientific management?


After the crisis is over, what should leaders do?

Review and dissect the successes and failures of the management team

A transactional leader leads by?

Rewards and Punishment

When a new technology comes on the scene, what percentage of people are considered "early adopters/innovators"?


When did the workforce become majority female?


How many adults report that they have suffered at the hands of workplace bullies?


What determines what counts as a decision (such as majority vote or consensus) is called:

A decision rule

What is the FMLA?

A federal law that allows people time to take up to 12 weeks of leave a year

An organization where all of the members are initiated into the organization with an emphasis on its rits, values and rituals is called:

A strong culture

Marxists theorize that large imbalances of power lead to:

Alienation and Oppression

Communication studies in the midst of what is known as__________ which is a new appreciation for the role of emotion

An Affective turn

What is Weik's term for my response to something that you said?

An interact

What is functional diversity?

Another name for disability diversity

Right now, you are doing work in preparation for your first job. This work is called:

Anticipatory Socialization

A third party negotiator that has the power to force people into a decision is?


Jablin calls ongoing behavioral and cognitive processes by which individuals join, become integrated into , and exit organizations.....


Esprit de corps is part of which of Fayol's elements of management?


What does CCO stand for?

Communicative Constitution of Organizations

The type of support that gives someone a sense of social belonging (and is also called belonging) is known as...?

Companionship Support

The type of communication that nurses and support staff at a retirement home use is called?

Compassionate communication

Blake and Mouton (1964) were among the first to present a conceptual scheme for classifying the modes (styles) for handling interpersonal conflicts in five types: forcing, withdrawing, smoothing, compromising, and problem solving. This more or less models their earlier work with management styles. In the grid that explains them, what are the two axes:

Concern for self and concern for others

Systematic soldiering is an example of which of Foucault's modes of control?


Another name for a gig worker or a worker that subcontracts is:


The idea that communication is a conduit through which resources and information are created, shared, and distributed is known as:


Revealing the ways that power is revealed in language is which of Craig's linguistic orientations?


Marxist term for an investigation into the structures under which we live, think, and act.


Orientation programs have two main goals. They seek to teach job related roles and what they need to get by, the second main goal deals with....

Culturally Related Norms

If you are a childcare worker, feeling is part of the job. You cannot fake it. This variety of emotional work is known as?

Deep Acting

Which is better for getting ahead in a company a few strong links or many weak links?

Definitely many weak links

The phenomenon of flaming is possible because we can distinguish the actual person from the sterotypical group they belong to (think MAGA or Libs instead of Paul or Margaret). This move is called?

Deindividuation effects

There are three elements to burnout. They are emotional exhaustion, lack of personal accomplishment and...


An organization that exists outside of a particular place (think of something like Uber--where workers do not work for a geographically defined entity) are called:


In the Montreal School, when an individual conversation becomes coded so that it can move through the organizational structure, the process is called:


When a conflict is approached as though there were a fixed amount of positive outcomes or resources, where one side will end up winning and the other losing, even if they do win some concessions. It is said to be what kind of conflict:


What is the difference between second generation affirmative action and a multicultural organization?

Diversity is seen in the context of serving the needs of minorities and women v. deliberate attempts to capitalize on diversity

_________ is the process of increasing economic integration between countries, leading to the emergence of a global marketplace or a single world market.

Economic Globalization

In ideology critique, the self-understanding that leads to agency is called:


___________________is/are the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s)

Emotional Intelligence

The idea that people should express emotion in a professional way or that they should only show them to certain people are known as?

Emotional display rules

In Weik's scheme, the role of action in regard to organizational change. He calls this focus on action:


In a network, if there are more than one way to get a message from one place to another, we say that the network has:


Peters and Waterman's idea of focused organizations that have a bias toward action and do not have a large number of cumbersome structures is:

Excellent Cultures

Groups generally make better decisions than individuals. What is Irving Janis' theory that explains how sometimes they can make worse decisions?


What is "tokenism" and is it good?

Having a highly visible representation of a minority--but it is not good becuase it emphasizes stereotypes

Gramsci's term for when dominant groups tell subordinate groups to accept their subordination as the Norm.


What is a situation where people, because of their virtual abilities, are put in spaces where they are guaranteed a desk--but not the same desk every day?

Hot Desking

What are the four I's of conflict?

Incompatible goals, interdependent behaviors, interaction, expressions of incompatibility

Electronic message systems......

Increase prevalence of upward communication

Stella Ting-Toomey's Negotiation Strategy starts with what assumption?

Individuals choose a style of handling conflict based on the importance of saving their face and that of the face of the other.

Transformational leadership centers on the four I's? They are?

Inspirational motivation, idealized influence, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration

Group orientations (such as Samford's summer orientation) are known as:

Instututional socialization tactics

______ is a set of techniques that attempts to improve the quality and likelihood of negotiated agreement by taking advantage of the fact that different parties often value various outcomes differently.

Integrative Bargaining

What is name for the kind of conflict where different factions of an organization view others as competitive?

Intergroup Level

An organization that identifies with two or more countries with distinct cultural qualities, where distinct national interests are assumed to exist in the company's management, clients, customers, and institutional environment can be said to be:


Discursive leadership is the notion that...

Leadership is socially constructed through the interaction of organizational actors

Scientific management looks at organizations using what metaphor?


In an optimizing model, people attempt to:

Make the best decision withink the constraints

Conflict _____ minimizes the negative outcomes of conflict and promotes the positive outcomes of conflict with the goal of improving learning in an organization.


In Pondy's phased levels of conflict, what is the level where the conflict is enacted through communication where there are cycles of escalation?

Manifest Stage

It is impossible to understand an ideology from within it---instead, you need to have a critical distance to see it clearly. This is known as:

Mannheim's Paradox

The Hawthorne studies are closely associated with what researcher:


The theory that argues that the ambiguity of the task should determine what media you choose to convey information is?

Media Richness Theory

Information that people receive during orientation tends to be especially influential. These bite size messages are called:

Memorable Messages

When one finally moves from initiate to insider is called:


Sometimes groups have people that exist to crush dissent. People that occupy this role are called:


Institutions tend to be inherently:

More conservative than the world in general

What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Negative attitude v. action

In Weik's scheme, what is the relationship between communication cycles and the number of existing assembly rules to reduce equivocality?

Negative: more rules lead to fewer cycles

Laissez-faire capitalism is also known as:


The term for whether a network works via fact-to-face or emails or slack is .....

Network Mode

How are people related to one another (isolates, bridge, liaison between two radically different members) is called their:

Network Role

Is irtual work is a universal good?

No it leads to a series of paradoxes where flexibility is met with structure, individuality is met with greater teamwork and more responsibility is matched with less control.

Is it legal to discriminate against LGBTQ+ workers

No, courts have held they are protected under the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Is it effective for a direct manager to do an exit interview?

No, few people want to talk with their former manager

Is "conflict styles" a good way of thinking about conflict?

No, it is too simplistic

Corporate images are always purposely planned and created?

No, material experiences play a huge role in what people think

Do groups generally use the phased approach?

No, most do not

Are human relations and human resources the same thing?

No, one is interested in happy employees and the other is interested in employees as resources

Is CCO the best way of looking at organizations?

No, organizations are material and transcend their communication

Wendt's term for a situation where a team worker who constantly participates and contributes to problem solving but who, in the final analysis, has no control over the decision-making process becomes frustrated by the paradoxical dimension of empowered organizations."

Paradox of Participation

Which of the Four Systems does Likert indicate is the most effective?


That a lot of people know the name of a brand is called its:


In the Blake and Mouton grid, what are the two axes?

People and Production

The term for the ease with which information can get into and out of a system is its:


Samford recognizes that we are a diverse population through the work of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives. Which kind of organization are we most likely?


The view that takes and organization as many groups with differing interests/needs that must be negotiated is called:

Pluralist Frame

Increasingly, non-governmental organizations have taken the place of national governments as the driver of international coordination. This move is called:

Political Globalization

McPhee notes that there are four communication flows in an organization. The one that deals with distinguishing one institution from similar institutions is:


What kind of negotiators seek integrative solutions, and do so by sidestepping commitment to specific positions. They focus on the problem rather than the intentions, motives, and needs of the people involved. They separate the people from the problem, explore interests, avoid bottom lines, and reach results based on standards independent of personal will?


Of the burnout coping mechanisms, which one has the largest impact on reducing burnout?


Most managers get their authority because it is in their job description. According to Weber, this is what kind of authority?


For Weik, the central purpose of an organization is to:

Reduce equivocality

In the Fisher model, the last phase is called:


Does diversity always result in a more productive organization?

Results are mixed--early attempts at diversity result in greater conflict--but diversity is a good investment in the long run

In the Tuchman developmental model of group formation, the phase with the most conflict occurs in what position?


The largest sector of the US economy is:


When the Samford police give you a ticket, what kind of control are they exercising?


In the scaling up process, how many levels does the Montreal School recognize?


The theory that argues that online interpersonal relationships may demonstrate the same relational dimensions and qualities as fact-to-face relationships is

Social Information Processing Model

The perception and actuality that one is cared for, has assistance available from other people, and most popularly, that one is part of a supportive social network is known as...

Social Support

When one person's negative feelings spread to others, this is called:


What is the worst strategy for telling people about change?

Spray and Pray

A position from which objects or principles are viewed and according to which they are compared and judged is called?

Standpoint Theory

When you are being interviewed for a job, should you stick with talking about the job, or, should you try to made friends with the interviewer or talk about your old job?

Sticking with the job makes you seem more positive and warm

The notion that the perspectives of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals can help to create more objective accounts of the world is called:

Strong Objectivity

The name for Gidden's notion that we are made by and make the system that constrains our behavior is....


In Nutt's normative model, what happens in the detailing process?

Subgroups are assigned to look at various alternatives

In the Marxist system, everything not associated with production is called:


Scientific management was created to solve some problems. One of them was when people only did as much work as their colleagues--it was impossible to get them to work harder for fear of the backlash from their peers. This phenomenon is called:

Systematic Soldiering

When a conversation becomes something material (like a memo) the Montreal School says that it has become:


What is BATNA?

The best alternative to a negotiated agreement

People who meet online have a better opportunity to make a favorable impression on the other. This is because the communicators can decide which information they would like to share about themselves by controlling their self-presentations online, giving them the power to disclose only their good traits. This is called:

The hyperpersonal phase

What is the connectivity paradox?

The idea that virtual work gives lots of freedom but also decreases the freedom to be away from work

One of the disadvantages of social networking sites is.....

The internet lives forever, your dumb stuff will never be forgotten

One of the challenges to a stable identity in the current era is:

The need coherence to what is an incoherent collection of products and services

What is 'emotional buzzing"?

The notion that emotions are contagious and can spread from person to person

According to the theory of anchoring, who has the advantage in a negotiation?

The person that goes first

In the Aristotlean model, Ethos are proofs that exist within?

The speaker

McGregor's name for an orientation toward employees where they hate their jobs and have to be closely monitored and constantly offered rewards and punishments so that they will complete tasks?

Theory X

Are satisfied employees more productive?

There is little evidence for this

Does participatory decision making (PDM) lead to increased productivity?

There is no evidence for it (although there are a lot of benefits)

How many stages are there in a crisis?


ENDA did not pass into law, what protections exist against gender discrimination?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and several state actions

There are two general schools of thought on leadership. Leaders are born or they are made. The theory that they are born is called?

Trait Theory

What is the greatest difference between the SMCR model and the transactive model?

Transactive model has two-way communication

What is the best way to tell people about impending change?

Underscore and Explore

What is the Universal Basic Income?

Usually, $1K a month to all citizens

Sometimes the rules make us say things that we don't mean. For example, Samford has a policy that every class has a final during the designated period (whether this is a good idea or not). This notion that texts commit us to policies that we may or may not support is called:


What is "Ownership tension"?

When people in critical positions do not understand or support the change

The most common stressors that cause burnout are?

Workload, role conflict, role ambiguity

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