Organic Chemistry Test

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List three major sources of hydrocarbons:

- Gasoline used in vehicles, lawn mowers, boats, etc. - Solid coal that is burned for heat - Natural gas used for home heating and barbecues

List three distinguishing properties of hydrocarbons:

- contains only carbon and hydrogen - all are non-polar - they are insoluble in water

Provide the prefixes for 1-10 when naming hydrocarbons:

1-meth ; 2-eth ; 3-prop ; 4-but ; 5-pent ; 6-hex ; 7-hept ; 8-oct ; 9-non ; 10-dec

Of the 13 000 000 known compounds, how many are inorganic?

100 000

What is a hydrocarbon?

A compound made of hydrogen and carbon atoms.

What is petroleum?

A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons that is present in certain rock strata and can be extracted and refined to produce fuels including gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil.

Explain syntroleum:

A patented process for converting natural gas into synthetic hydrocarbon liquids that have both fuel and lubricant properties.

How do you name esters?

Alcohol with "yl" ending, acid with "noate" ending.

What are the three types of aliphatic carbons?

Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes

Which compounds are considered unsaturated? Why?

Alkenes and alkynes, because they possess fewer than the maximum number of hydrogens in their structure.

Are hydrocarbons soluble or insoluble? Why?

All hydrocarbons are non-polar molecules. As a result they are insoluble in water.

What is a radical?

An extension of atoms from a longer hydrocarbon chain.

Describe the difference between aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Aromatic compounds contain an aromatic ring, which is a typical benzene ring, whereas aliphatic compounds are simply the organic chemical compounds which do not contain an aromatic ring.

Why is there such an amazing amount of different organic compounds?

Because carbon atoms have the ability to form strong bonds with many different elements, as well as covalently bond to other carbon atoms while simultaneously bonded to nonmetals.

Why is organic chemistry considered the chemistry of *carbon* compounds?

Because it's the chemistry that involves the study of organic carbon compounds.

What are similarities between aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons?

Both are organic compounds and both can be saturated.

Propanoic acid + 1-butanol -->

Butyl propanoate + water

Draw 3,3-dimethyl 1-pentene:


Draw 3,3-dimethyl propane:


Draw 2,4-diethyl pentane: What is wrong with it's name? Provide it's proper name.

CH3-CH(C2H5)-CH2-CH(C2H5)-CH3 It does not name it based on the longest chain; 2-ethyl 4-methyl hexane

Draw 2,3,4-trimethyl pentane:


Draw 2-methyl propanoic acid:


Draw 2,4,6-octanetriol:


Draw 3-methyl hexanoic acid:


Draw 2-hexene:


What are the exception compounds that fit the organic compound definition but are not organic compounds?

CO, CO2, CS2, carbonates (CO3), bicarbonates (HCO3), cyanides (CN) and carbides (ie: CaC2)

What elements does the body mostly consist of?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

Give a few examples of everyday "things" that contain organic compounds.

Clothing, plastics, fibres, medications, insecticides, petroleum-derived chemicals.

What is the general molecular formula for alkenes?


What is the general formula for alkanes?


What is the general molecular formula for alkynes?


What are aromatic compounds?

Compounds that contain a benzene ring

What are organic compounds?

Compounds that contain carbon

What are inorganic compounds?

Compounds that do not contain carbon

What compounds are considered saturated?

Compounds whose carbon-carbon bonds are all single bonds.

Describe the second step of refining crude oil.

Cracking - the process where large molecules are broken into smaller, more usable molecules. The products of cracking are used in the making of gasoline and starting molecules for synthetic petroleum products.

What is a cyclic hydrocarbon?

Cyclic hydrocarbons are compound that contain a hydrocarbon ring

Cyclohexane and benzene both have six carbons bonded in a ring. What is the main difference between these compounds?

Cyclohexane has no double bonds and instead has two hydrogens per carbon. Benzene has double bonds and one hydrogen per carbon.

What are some examples of organic compounds that are not living?

Diamond, coal, acids, sugars, benzene, naphthalene, methane

Describe the first step of refining crude oil.

Distillation - The crude oil is heated, creating vapours that move to a fractioning tower. When the vapours reach the temperature at which they condense, the liquid is collected at various points up the tower. Each fraction removed is further purified and refined.

What are the two steps of refining crude oil?

Distillation and cracking

What are allotropes?

Each of two or more different physical forms in which an element can exist. Graphite, charcoal, and diamond are all allotropes of carbon.

How did Friedrich Wöhler change the way scientists perceived the nature of organic compounds?

He had produced urea (an organic compound) from inorganic compounds and without the "vital force". The first time an organic compound was produced without the "vital force".

Butanoic acid + hexanol -->

Hexyl butanoate + water

What are aliphatic hydrocarbons?

Hydrocarbon compounds that have their carbon atoms arranged in straight or branched chains. They can also form ringed structures.

What are alkenes?

Hydrocarbons that contain one or more double carbon-carbon bonds, where the carbon atoms share two pairs of electrons.

What are alkynes?

Hydrocarbons that contain one or more triple carbon-carbon bonds, where the carbon atoms share three pairs of electrons.

What are alkanes?

Hydrocarbons that contain only single carbon-carbon bonds, where the carbon atoms only share one pair of electrons.

What are structural isomers?

Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but different arrangements of the atoms.

Esterification reactions are also known as:


Describe the process to create synthetic crude oil from bitumen:

In this extraction process, the larger-chain, complex bitumen is cracked into synthetic crude oil.

Why is organic chemistry important?

It is a part of many everyday things we use, from the food we eat to the products we use.

In normal alkanes, as the molecular weight increases what happens to their melting and boiling points?

It will also increase.

How many known organic compounds are there?

More than six million.

Alkanes in which the carbon atoms form long chains are called:

Normal, straight-chain, or unbranched hydrocarbons

When should you use o, m, p in naming organic compounds and what do they stand for?

O-ortho (0 carbons in between), m-meta (1 carbon in between), p-para (2-carbons in between). You would use these when naming aromatics with 2 radicals attached.

What is a tertiary alcohol?

OH group is attached to a carbon atom which is attached to three other carbons.

What is a secondary alcohol?

OH group is attached to a carbon atom which is attached to two other carbons.

What is a primary alcohol?

OH group is attached to an end carbon.

What are the two ways chemists classify chemicals?

Organic or inorganic

What are all hydrocarbons extracted from?


CH(=O)(-OH) + CH3-CH2-CH2(OH) -->

Propyl methanoate + water

What does the structural formula show?

Shows the arrangement of the atoms found in the molecular formula.

What are esterification reactions?

Synthesis of new substance by removing water.

Explain how petroleum products can be produced synthetically.

Synthetic hydrocarbons are constructed by starting with a petrochemical compound and adding to it, thus creating longer-chain hydrocarbons.

Prior to Friedrich Wöhler, what was the belief of organic chemistry in the early 1700s?

That only living organisms could make the carbon compounds found in their cells. Organic chemistry at that time referred only to the study of these carbon-based compounds found in living cells.

In esterification reactions, what parts of the reactants produces the water?

The OH group from the carboxylic acid and the H from the OH group in the alcohol.

What is the "vital force"?

The ability that allowed living organisms to produce organic compounds.

What is organic chemistry?

The branch of chemistry that involves the study of organic carbon compounds. It encompasses the structures, composition and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds.

What does the molecular formula show?

The kinds of atoms and the number of each kind of atom in the compound.

What is the effect of hydrocarbons polarity on its properties?

The non-polar nature of the hydrocarbons results in very low intermolecular forces, and very low melting and boiling points in relation to their mass

Explain the Russian patent on synthetically producing petroleum-like products.

The process uses a static field and ultraviolet light to catalyze reactions. The reactions produce a number of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons that transform to a petroleum-like mixture after condensing.

How can you identify a radical in hydrocarbons?

They have one less hydrogen atom than their maximum.

What is crude oil?

Unprocessed petroleum that is extracted from the ground.

If an alkane has: a) 6 carbons, how many hydrogens does it have? b) 12 hydrogens, how many carbons does it have?

a) 14 b) 5

If an alkyne has: a) 9 carbons, how many hydrogens will it have? b) 12 hydrogens, how many carbons will it have?

a) 16 b) 7

If an alkene has: a) 18 hydrogen, how many carbons will it have? b) 15 carbons, how many hydrogens will it have?

a) 9 b) 30

Identify the following as organic or inorganic: a) HCN b) Ca2C c) C2H2

a) Inorganic b) Inorganic c) Organic

Identify the following as organic or inorganic: a) NaHCO3 b) CH4 c) HC2H3O2

a) Inorganic b) Organic c) Organic

Given the chemical formula, determine what kind of aliphatic compound it is. a) C200H400 b) C75H148 c) C12H26

a) alkene b) alkyne c) alkane

In alcohols, the "OH" functional group: ________________________

is given preference and must have the lowest number when naming.

Draw 1,2-dimethyl benzene, what is its other name?

o-dimethyl benzene

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