Organization and Professional Health and Well-Being

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Which type of budgeting model requires justification for every budget line item without reference to previous spending patterns? A. Fixed B. Variable C. Zero-based D. Performance E. Need-based


All of the following are exceptions to the rule of confidentiality except: A. When the media desires information regarding the athletes' health status B. When there is clear and imminent danger to the athlete C. When there is clear and imminent danger to other persons D. When legal requirements demand that confidential information be released E. C and D


Medical records are defined as which of the following? A. Cumulative documentation of a person's medical history and health care interventions B. Widely accepted principles that are intended to guide the professional activities of the health care practitioner C. The act of recording health care assessments or treatment on cassette tapes or directly into a computer for later transcription D. A method of recording details of an athlete's assessment and treatment using a detailed prose-based format E. All of the above


The ______ is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that gathers injury data from a number of sources including educational institutions. A. NSC B. NOCSAE C. ACSM D. OSHA E. ISS


The athletic trainer may use any of the following to treat an injured or ill patient except: A. Prescription drug B. Hydrotherapy C. Cryptherapy D. Electrotherapy E. Massage


The process by which something is done in a sports medicine program is defined as ______ A. Procedure B. Policy C. Agreement D. Chain of command E. Protocol


What is a deductible? A. An out-of-pocket expense before the insurance policy begins paying B. The amount of coverage provided by an insurance company C. The monthly premium for insurance coverage D. The amount of money you will pay for each medical visit E. The maximum amount of money the insurance company will pay minus your co-pay


What is one of the most important steps an athletic trainer needs to take when starting a new high school AT program? A. Make an emergency plan B. Make sure there is enough tape and first aid kits C. Have uniforms made for the athletic training staff so they may be identified by the coaches D. Meet with the school's booster clubs to begin fundraising E. Network with local physical therapists


What is the primary care physician who is appointed by an insurance company to oversee the medical care given to a patient and assigns any specialty and ancillary services called? A. The gatekeeper B. The participating provider C. The third-party administrator D. The policyholder E. None of the above


What is the series of codes used by insurance agencies and providers alike to identify a patient's diagnosis for reimbursement purposes called? A. International Classification of Diseases or ICD-10 codes B. Interclincian Codes of Diagnoses or ICD-5 codes C. Third-party payer codes D. International Procedure and Diagnoses or IPD-10 codes E. None of the above


What organization publishes CPT codes on an annual basis? A. AMA B. NATA C. CAATE D. BOC E. None of the above


When acquiring capital equipment for your ATR, a decision must be made regarding leasing or purchasing the equipment. What might be a possible advantage in leasing the equipment? A. Less risk that the equipment will become obsolete B. Lower overall cost C. Outright ownership of the equipment D. Purchased equipment has little resale value E. All of the above


When developing preparticipation physical exam forms, it is important to make sure all patients have all of the following included in their medical folders except: A. Treatment consent form signed by their parents if the patient is 18 or order B. History of any previous conditions documented C. Documentation of medications being taken D. Assumption of risk forms E. C and D


Which of the following could present a problem for the athletic trainer when using a computer to store medical records? A. Maintaining security B. Retrieving specific information C. Loading files D. Using email E. All of the above


Which of the following describes an insurance "rider"? A. A supplementary clause to an insurance contract that covers the cost of conditions that extend beyond those associated with the standard policy B. The usual fee charged by a health care provider for a particular service C. A policy that pays for medical expenses only after all of the athlete's other medical insurance policies have reached their limit D. A universally accepted insurance claim form used by hospitals E. None of the above


Which of the following forms should the AT fill out to gain the quickest reimbursement from an insurance company? A. HCFA-1500 form B. CPT 1-A form C. UCR form D. An incident report form E. None of the above


Which of the following is a method that allocates a fixed amount of money for an entre program without specifying how the money will be spent? A. Lump-sum budgeting B. Request for quotes C. Lump-sum bidding D. Line-item budgeting E. Need-based budgeting


Which of the following is a prudent action that the athletic trainer should take prior to an emergency arising? A. The athletic trainer should arrange a meeting between him or herself, the local rescue squad, team physician, and any other individual involved in handling an injured athlete at least once per year to establish and practice procedures that will be used in the event of an emergency B. Make sure all of the golf carts are fully charged and ready to roll C. Make sure the athletic director and school nurse are on campus D. Know all of the emergency routes of the campus and have directions to the nearest hospital E. B and D


Which of the following is not an error when planning the design of a sports medicine facility? A. Concentrating on function rather than style B. The use of wood for the main flooring material C. Having the adaptive access on the other side of the building D. Non-ground fault interrupter receptacles placed within the hydrotherapy area E. Having only one entrance and exit


Which of the following is the biggest budgetary obstacle that many high school athletic trainers must face? A. Lack of a room and special facilities/equipment necessary to operate an adequate athletic training program B. Lack of athletic tape and wraps, athletic training kits, and a table C. Location of the athletic training facility D. Lack of an athletic training student program, which would provide the certified athletic trainer with free help E. Lack of a budget plan


Which one of these is not a step for recruiting and hiring sports medicine personnel? A. Placing a position vacancy notice in the NATA Career Center B. Interviewing C Creating program goals D. hiring a head athletic trainer E. All of the above


A patient with a disability should not be discriminated against, but he or she must have documentation that supports his or her condition. How can he or she justify the disability? A. He or she tells you about the condition B. He or she has a record of such impairment with medical documentation C. He or she has trouble performing in class or in the sport D. All of the above E. None of the above


All of the following are ways athletic trainers can help keep insurance premiums to a minimum except: A. Insist that the athletes purchase their own personal insurance B. Adopt and communicate policies that increase the institution's financial obligations to those injuries that are covered by the school's insurance policy C. Spread the risk among all concerned parties D. Pass the cost or some fraction of the cost to the athlete E. Have the team physician see athletes in the ATR


How high should the electrical outlets be placed above the floor in the athletic training facility? A. 2-3 feet B. 4-5 feet C. 6 feet D. 1-2 feet E. None of the above


How would you define a policy? A. A specific plan for members of an organization to follow B. A broad statement of an intended action C. An organizational plan that provides program direction for 1 or 2 years D. A mission statement of an organization E. A vision statement of an organization


Primary coverage is defined as which of the following? A. "Self-pay" insurance B. A coverage that begins to pay for covered expenses after the deductible has been met C. Protection for an individual against future loss of earnings because of injury D. The invoiced cost of an insurance policy E. Third-party payment


What are cost-based providers contracted by the federal government and charged with reviewing Medicare claims made by hospitals called? A. An intermediary B. An insurance "carrier" C. A joint review board D. An insurance network E. Business manager


Which of the following documents would be most likely subpoenaed during a civil litigation suit against an AT? A. Equipment inventory B. Treatment log C. Budget reports D. Sporting event schedules E. Proof of athletic trainer credentials and certifications


Which of the following is a priority when developing a sports medicine center for the local community? A. An area for massage therapy B. A mission statement C. An open house D. An educational seminar for coaches E. All of the above


Which of the following is covered in a "rider" in an athletic accident insurance policy? A. Acute traumatic injuries B. Chronic overuse injuries C. Long-term permanent disabilities D. All of the above E. None of the above


Which of the following is not a responsibility of the AT? A. Counsel and advise the athlete about health care B. Diagnose and treat illnesses C. Administer first aid as necessary D. Supervise proper equipment fitting E. Organize and set up preparticipation exams


Which of the following standards are performance evaluation standards intended to help foster practicality in the employee appraisal process? A. Accuracy standards B. Feasibility standards C. Utility standards D. Proprietary standards E. Quality standards


Which of the following would help an AT determine space needs when planning to build a sports medicine center? A. Enlisting the help of a doctor who is in private practice B. Developing a traffic pattern chart C. Buying the equipment first and then determining space needs D. Performing site visits at various gyms to get ideas E. All of the above


Which organization must certify facemasks that are used in ice hockey helmets? A. CSA B. HECC C. NOCSAE D. ASTM E. NCAA


You are part of a planning committee that has been given the responsibility of designing the new ATR at your school. You have been through the initial process of conducting a needs assessment and selecting an architect/contractor. You now are meeting with the architect to begin the development of the schematic drawings that will be submitted for approval. _________ and __________ are 2 major elements that must be addressed in these schematic drawings. A. Plumbing, electrical layouts B. Space needs, traffic patterns C. Field access, escape routes D. Aesthetics, large equipment positioning E. Color, furniture location


You were just given permission to hire a new staff athletic trainer. What order should these components follow when conducting staff selection activities? I. Retention II. Hiring III. Promotion IV. Performance evaluation V. Demotion A. III, V, IV, II, I B. II, III, I, IV, V C. I, II, III, IV, V D. IV, I, V, III, II E. I, II, IV, V, III


_____ is a form of record keeping that allows the AT to list the athlete's injury information, the actions taken by the AT, and the response of the athlete to the AT's treatment in column form A. SOAP notes B. Focus charting C. Charting by exception D. Computerized documentation E. WOTS UP


______, _________, and ________ must be taken into consideration when developing a risk management plan. A. Security, liability, competence B. Security, fire safety, management of emergency injuries C. Insurance procedures, policies/procedures, materials D. Licensing, certifications, administrative policy E. Employees, liability, security


Which organization has identified the domains of athletic training as defined by the Role Delineation Study? A. AMA B. APTA C. BOC D. NATA Ethics Committee E. CAATE


Which of the following methods for funding public sector sports medicine facilities utilizes an institution's assets in cash and investments not normally used for operational purposes? A. Capital campaign B. Tax-exempt bonds C. An endowment D. Commercial loans E. Unrestricted loans


A high school athlete is pitching during a baseball game and is hit in the head with a line drive. He is seriously injured. The assistant coach is also the athlete's father. In this situation, who is legally responsible for the athlete's immediate care? A. The head coach B. The assistant coach/parent C. The athletic trainer D. The high school at which the event is taking place E. All of the above


According to program management theory, which of the following is defined as a decision-making process in which a course of action is determined in order to bring about a future state of affairs? A. Vision statement B. Mission statement C. Planning D. Program evaluation E. Implementation evaluation


All of following are methods of enhancing a budget plan except: A. Keep an accurate inventory on all disposable and non-disposable supplies B. Figure out how much of your disposable supplies have been used and estimate how much more will be needed to finish out the fiscal year C. Consult with a certified public accountant or professional financial advisor and follow his or her direction regarding the development of a budget plan D. Consult with several vendors to get an estimate of how much prices will rise in the upcoming year E. Determine how many athletes will be receiving care


As the director of a free-standing sports medicine clinic, it is important to keep accurate records of an employee's personnel record. All of the following should be included in this file except: A. Performance evaluation records B. Salary and promotion records C. Time-off request sheets D. Employee contracts E. B and D


Athletic training equipment can be either leased or bought. Which of the following is an advantage to leasing equipment? A. Higher overall cost B. No ownership C. Lower initial cost D. Higher effective interest rate than traditional financing E. None of the above


If a patient who is covered by an HMO insurance policy needs to see a specialist, who must make the referral in most cases? A. Athletic trainer B. Specialist C. Primary care physician D. Patient E. None of the above


In athletic training, database software has been primarily used to perform what function? A. Write letters and produce forms B. Perform simple calculations and integrate text with graphics C. Store and retrieve information regarding athletic injury and treatment D. Merge lists and develop spreadsheets E. All of the above


Maintaining up tot date records is extremely important. How often should the AT document? A. Monthly B. Weekly C. Daily D. Every 6 months E. Every 2 weeks


What is a type of athletic insurance that pays for covered medical expenses only after all other insurance policies have reached their limits? A. Self B. Primary coverage C. Secondary coverage D. Catastrophic E. Liability coverage


What is a type of organizational culture characterized by autonomy in decision making and problem solving? A. Organizational culture B. Collegial culture C. Personalistic culture D. Informal culture E. Independent culture


What is the process in which health care practitioners are reimbursed by a policyholder's insurance? A. Primary-party reimbursement B. Secondary-party reimbursement C. Third-party reimbursement D. Tertiary-party reimbursement E. Direct reimbursement


What is the state law that gives an individual the length of time to file a claim? A. Foreseeable harm B. Liability negligence C. Statute of limitations D. Tort E. Statute of suitability


What type of analysis would be considered a useful tool in the strategic planning of an existing athletic training program? A. The HCFA analysis B. The strengths/weaknesses analysis C. The WOTS UP analysis D. The Samson analysis E. Flow chart analysis


Which of the following is not a type of budget? A. Fixed budgeting B. Variable budgeting C. Laissez-faire budgeting D. Lump-sum budgeting E. Line-item budgeting


Which of the following is not characteristic of a managed care organization? A. They require provider accountability B. They promote the use of a physician as a gatekeeper C. They are based on a fee-for-service model D. They utilize various strategies E. They utilize specific providers


Which of the following is not one of the 3 phases of the needs assessment as it is related to budget planning? A. Exploration B. Information gathering C. Negotiation D. Decision making E. A and B


Which of the following is the most common order for steps in recruiting and hiring sports medicine personnel? A. Request for position, application collection, position request approval B. Application collection, position vacancy notice, offer a contract C. Request for position, telephone interviews, hiring D. Hiring, offer of contract, request for position E. Application collection, interview, request for position


You are beginning to lay the foundation for your new athletic training facility at North High School. In order to expedite the process and cut down on the amount of individuals you must deal with, you have decided to use of the following construction process models. Which of the following uses only one firm to both design and construct the new building? A. Lump-sum bidding model B. Construction development model C. Design/build model D. Contractor supply model E. None of the above


A properly organized athletic training facility should have separate, designated areas for all of the following except: A. Modality area B. Hydrotherapy area C. Storage facilities D. Changing room for the athletes E. Physician treatment


All of the following are components of a well-written SOAP note except: A. It is legible, clear and concise B. It contains many objective measurements C. Progress is expressed in functional terms D. It is written with the intent to mislead an insurance company E. It describes a clear plan of treatment


All of the following are important steps in avoiding legal problems when administering care to the patient except: A. Keeping accurate records B. Staying familiar with the health history of the patient C. Following orders of the team physician D. Allowing the coach to decide when the patient should return to play after injury E. B and C


All of the following are reasons why an insurance claim might be denied except: A. Lack of patient progress B. The duration of care is considered excessive C. Improper coding D. The goals are based on functional outcomes E. Treating beyond the approved number of visits


All of the following are reasons why good documentation skills are an absolute necessity for the athletic trainer except: A. To protect the legal rights of the patient and athletic trainer B. To improve the communication between the athletic trainer and other health care providers C. To enhance the care given by the athletic trainer and to determine when release from the athletic trainer's immediate care is appropriate D. To improve the athletic trainer's position for financial gain through reimbursement by the insurance company E. To keep an accurate log of treatment as a means of evaluating successful outcomes


All of the following forms are critical parts of the patient's permanent medical record and should be completed before the patient is permitted to participate in the first team practice except: A. Permission-to-treat form B. Preparticipation physical exam form C. Release form for patients subjected to high risk D. Coach's injury report form E. Medical history form


An ICD-10 code identifies which of the following? A. The cost of a medical procedure B. Who the provider is C. The prognosis of the injury D. A diagnosis E. A treatment procedure


An athletic trainer cab release a patients medical records to which of the following? A. Professional athletic team organization B. Insurance companies C. The media D. No organization or individual without the consent of the patient or legal guardian E. B and C


Fixed payments made on a monthly basis to a managed care provider are known as what type of reimbursement? A. Point-of-service plan B. Fee for service C. Third-party reimbursement D. Capitation E. Managed care option


How many hours of evidence based practice continuing education is a certified athletic trainer required to get every 2 years? A. 25 B. 50 C. 80 D. 10 E. 20


Large purchases for an educational institution are usually done through a process known as what? A. Direct purchase B. Indirect purchase C. Soliciting D. Bid process E. None of the above


Maintaining accurate medical records is the responsibility of which of the following individuals in the high school setting? I. Athletic trainer II. Athletic director III. Principal IV. School nurse V. Team physician A. I, II, III B. II, IV, V C. III, IV, V D. I, IV, V E. All of the above


The equal employment operating chief works with employees who have filed what type of complaint? A. Discrimination B. Sexual harassment C. Racism D. All of the above E. None of the above


What guidelines does the athletic trainer have to follow regarding maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation in the ATR? A. JCAHO B. AMA C. CARF D. OSHA E. CAATE


What is a type of tort in which an AT fails to act as a reasonably prudent AT would act under the same circumstances? A. Breach of contract B. Omission C. Abandonment D. Negligence E. Foreseeable harm


What would be included in the capital expenses of an AT program? A. Staff salaries B. Equipment under $500 C. Athletic training supplies D. Buildings and room construction E. All of the above


When developing an emergency plan, all of the following should be established except: A. The athletic trainer and coaches should have appropriate keys to important gates and locks B. There should be a phone accessible for immediate use C. The AT should be familiar with the community emergency medical system D. Making sure there is a student athletic trainer available to accompany an injured athlete to the hospital if necessary E. A and C


Which of the following best describes a copayment? A. An occasional payment made by a policyholder to an insurance company B. The amount owed yearly by the policyholder before the insurance company will begin to pay for services C. The amount of money that both an employee and employer share when paying for medical benefits D. A percentage of the total amount the policyholder is required to pay for medical services rendered E. The amount of money that a provider offers as a discount for services


Which of the following is a contract between a policyholder and an insurance company to reimburse a percentage of the cost of the policyholder's medical bills? A. An insurance claim B. Point-of-service insurance C. A promissory note D. Medical insurance E. Treatment agreement


Which of the following is not part of a SOAP note? A. Subjective B. Objective C. Assessment D. Participation level E. Plan


Which of the following pieces of information are important for the athletic trainer to keep on record in the athletic training facility? A. Injury reports B. Injury evaluations and progress notes C. Daily treatment logs D. All of the above E. None of the above


Which piece of information is not part of the AT's daily documentation? A. Treatment techniques B. Playing status C. Daily injury log D. Patient's insurance information E. Rehabilitation progression


You have been given the opportunity to assist in hiring a new team physician. What type of agreement should be drawn up between the school and the physician? A. School emergency systems agreement B. A noncompete agreement C. A medical consent agreement D. A physicians letter of agreement E. Liability contract agreement


The codes that were established by the AMA for health care providers to receive third-party reimbursement are CPT codes. What does CPT mean? A. Current Procedural Treatments B. Current Provider Terminology C. Consensus Procedural Treatments D. Current Provider Treatments E. Current Procedural Terminology


All of the following are basic steps in the purchasing process except: A. Request a quote B. Negotiation C. Purchase order D. Bid requests E. Quality control


An "operational plan" is a plan that defines organizational activities in the short-term and should be no longer than which of the following? A. 10 years B. 15 years C. 25 years D. 7 years E. 2 years


The BOC Standards of Professional Practice consists of 2 sections. What are the 2 sections? A. Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility B. Practice Standards C. Code of Professional Responsibility D. A and B E. B and C


The _____ is a charge that represents the maximum amount that an insurance company will pay a provider. A. HCFA B. NCR C. ADA D. CPT E. UCR


There are different models of supervision that may be used by a head athletic trainer when managing an athletic training staff. Two of these models are known as _____ and _____ supervision. A. Monarchical, sovereign B. Clinical, directional C. Transitional, directional D. Inspection-production, administrative E. Clinical, developmental


What general topics should be addressed in an AT program policies and procedures manual? A. Who the athletic training program will serve B. Facility use and maintenance C. Risk management plans D. Chains of command and supervision E. All of the above


What is the potential to influence the behavior of a superior called? A. Superior power B. Position power C. Counter power D. Subordination power E. Personal power


Which of the following a type of organizational culture characterized by consensus, teamwork, and participatory decision making? A. Transformational B. Personalistic C. Formulistic D. Organizational E. Collegial


Which of the following are factors that influence space requirements when designing a sports medicine facility? A. Number of clients to be served B. Types of clients to be served C. Amount and type of equipment needed D. Projected growth of the program E. All of the above


Which of the following best describes an AT in a nontraditional AT setting? A. Controller B. Organizer C. Director D. Planner E. Manager


Which of the following describes a person or organization that supports a program but has as history of untrusting behavior? A. Opponents B. Challengers C. Allies D. Adversaries E. Bedfellows


Which of the following is a growing concept in the insurance industry stressing cost control through coordination of medical services? A. A primary care provider B. Health maintenance organization C. Exclusive provider organization D. Preferred provider organization E. Managed care


Which of the following is not a type of insurance policy that is offered to organizations seeking to purchase insurance for athletic teams? A. Accident insurance B. Indemnity policy C. Basic medical coverage D. Group insurance E. Capitation


Which of the following organizations establishes standards of quality for organizations that provide rehab services? A. TJC B. AMA C. APTA D. OSHA E. CARF


Which type of budget allocates a fixed amount of money for specific program functions and activities? A. Lump-sum budgeting B. Fixed budgeting C. Need-based budgeting D. Variable budgeting E. Line-item budget


Who should be involved in making the decisions about transporting an injured athlete? A. Athletic trainer B. Team physician C. Paramedics D. Emergency medical technicians E. All of the above


You are in the position to hire an assistant athletic trainer. You have a specific person in mind, but your athletic director implies he is not comfortable with this person's gender. Which level of the law mandates the hiring and firing of employees? A. State B. Local C. City D. District E. Federal


___________ supplies include such items as adhesive tape, gauze pads, and bandages. A. Permanent B. Capital C. Nonexpendable D. Nonfixed E. Expendable


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