Organizational Behavior Final

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Self-efficacy can be increased by ?

All of the above

your ? determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement


Organizational commitment is defined as

Employees identify with the organization and its goals

Which of the following statements represents a person's job attitude

I enjoy my job as it challenges me and helps hone networking

? employees believe the organization values their contribution and cares about well being

Perceived organizational support

This theory states that behavior is a function of its consequences

Reinforcement theory

Inductive reasoning is ability to identify logical sequences in a problem then solve the problem


Inductive reasoning is the ability to identify a logical sequence to solve the problem


OB applies knowledge of individuals groups and structure on behavior to make organizations work


People are usually not aware of the factors that influence their view of reality


People's behavior is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself


Team cohesion is team emotionally attachment and motivation because of the attachment


The affective component of attitude is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude


Unlike power, leadership requires some degree of goal compatibility


Which of the following statements represents the cognitive component of attitude

This job isn't giving me an opportunity to explore my skills

Enhancing workforce diversity by targeting recruiting messages to specific demographic groups


What is motivation

a persons intensity towards a goal

Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others


Which process influences what is learned from models by an individual

all of the above

Which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior

an employee is late to work because of a punctured tire

Which of the following is an example of internally caused behavior

an employee was fired because he violated a company policy

What refers to evaluative statements or judgement concerning objects, people, or events


Leon Festinger argued that ? follows ?

attitudes; behavior

Which level of education has the highest percentage of people working from home

bachelor's degree

What is not part of employee investment for job engagement


What is a pay plan rewarding employees for recent performance rather than historical performance


What power is based on the fear of the negative results from falling to comply


An incompatibility between two or more attitudes or behavior and attitudes results in

cognitive dissonance

Which dimension of the Big Five Model is a measure of reliability


Which of the following is not an example of moral emotions

contempt for those who behave ethically

Is a dimension of intellectual ability involving logic to assess the implications of arguments

deductive reasoning

What is a dimension of intelletual ability using logic to assess implications of an arguement

deductive reasoning

Reactive and protective behaviors designed to avoid action, blame, or change are termed

defensive behaviors

Which of the following functions do managers undertake as part of planning functions

defining an organizations goals

Power is a function of


Which of the following activities is included in the definition of ground rule step

determining time constraints applicable to negotiation

which is not a benefit of piece rate pay

discourage lower performers

The two general approaches to negotiation are ? bargaining and ? bargaining

distributive and integrative

Which of the following describes members of a work unit share a common demographic attribute


Which of the following is not a key element of motivation


Conflict between two people is called ? conflicts


Refers to a person's ability to detect and to manage emotional cues and information

emotional intelligence

What refers to basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific proof

evidence-based management

What power is influence wielded as a result of proficiency, special skill, or knowledge


There is a strong correlation between intelligence and job satisfaction


The interactionist view, ? conflicts support goals of the group and improve performance


Which of the following statements is true regarding a work team

generate positive synergy through coordinated effort

Which is most likely to be related to reduced absences and lower resignation rates

high job involvement

Which is not a benefit of high job engagement

higher human resources complaints

Ability to understand, communicate, motivate, and support other people, individually and in groups

human skills

What refers to the tendency of people to associate 2 events when there really is no connection

illusory correlation

What justice is the degree to which employees are treated with dignity and respect


Discrimination that refers to overt threats or bullying directed at members of a specific group


What refers to a gut feeling not necessarily supported by research


Which of the following is true regarding systematic study

involves analyzing relationships based on scientific data

Which of the following statements is true regarding legitimate power

is broader that the power to coerce and reward

Which is the major problem with the Myers- Briggs type indicator as a measure of personality

it forces a person to be categorized as one type or the other

What does JMC stand for

job characteristic model

Which of the following is not one of the core job dimensions

job design

What refers to positive feelings of one's job resulting from evaluation of its characteristics

job satisfaction

An arrangement that allows 2 or more individuals to split a traditional 40 hour a week position

job sharing

John assembles parts in a specific order for the automotive industry. His position offers

low autonomy

What does MBO stand for

management by objectives

What gets things done through other people. They make decisions and allocate resources.


What is a pay plan based upon performance appraisal ratings

merit based

A person made fun of as he is an Arab-American is being subjected to ? a discrimination


What does MPS stand for

motivating potential score

What is the desire for close interpersonal relationships

need for affiliation

Which of the following statements is not true regarding multiteam systems

perform better when lines of communication are restriced

The ? dimension of motivation measures how long a person can maintain effort


What is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others


Which of the following factors contributes to political behavior in the organization

presence of limited resources in the organization

Conflicts related to how the work gets done are called ? conflicts


Conflict is dysfunctional when it

reduces group cohesiveness

What conflicts are almost always dysfunctional


According to the Big Five Model, a highly conscientious person is most likely to be

responsible organized and dependable

A variable pay program has long been used to compensate ?

sales people and sales executives

With reference to decision making which of the following does satisficing involve

seeking solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient

Theory that extrinsic rewards can improve intrinsic motivation under specific circumstances

self-determination theory

Which o the following is the most common means of measuring personality

self-report surveys

Which of the following statements best defines work group

share information, instead of work requiring joint effort

Which of the following is an example of an ethical dilemma

should i play politics to advance my career

When engaged in ? people coast on group effort due to their contribution cant be identified

social loafing

Discipline blends psychology and sociology concepts to focus on people's influences on one another

social psychology

Legitimate power is directly based on

structural position of the manager in the organiztion

To predict human behavior supplement intuitive opinion with information derived from

systematic study

Conflict that related to the content and goals of work is called ? conflict


What is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole identifiable piece of work

task identity

The belief that effective teams have in their ability to succeed is called

team efficacy

A work team is characterized by

the availability complementary skills among members

If feel that conflict should be eliminated, you are supporting which views of conflict

the traditional view

Which of the following statements is true about people with positive core self-evaluation

they are committed to their goals and set ambitious goals

Which of the following allows collaboration between team members who are physically dispersed

virtual teams

Job design is defined as the

way elements in the job are organized

What is telecommuting

working at home at least two days a week

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