Organizational Behavior Final Study Guide

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___ is a process that involves an individual comparing perceptions of his or her of performance with those of managers, subordinates and peers.

360-degree feedback

___ is an artificial intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past

Affirmative Action

Which one of the following is not a difference between affirmative action and diversity management?

Affirmative action only refers to mandatory programs.

___ is based on a simple premise: Rightly or wrongly, people infer causes for their own and others' behavior.

Attribution theory

Which of the following is not a layer of diversity


The generation described as workaholic, idealistic, competitive, and materialistic is

Baby Boomers

Dawn is at the playground with her four-year-old daughter. The father of another child is yelling and cursing at him. Dawn decides to tell the father to stop the verbal abuse or leave the playground, or she will call the authorities. Dawn's behavior reflects the ___ component of her attitude.


___ goals are most relevant for knowledge work.


The existence of implicit cognition leads people to make ___ decisions without realizing they are doing so.


Len is the top swimmer on his school's team. Star athletes are likely to be high in ___ intelligence


Affirmative action plans

Can negatively affect women and minorities

___ are suspected or inferred causes of behavior

Causal Attributions

Which of the following is not a best practice for becoming more productive?

Check social media every two hours

___ is the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions.

Cognitive Dissonance

___ is the personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance.


Samuel values his tradition and conformity. Not surprisingly, family time is very important to him. His employer, Stillman & Songs, expects him to work on holidays. Stillman & Sons and Sauel do not share the values of


"what are the different needs that activate motivation's direction, intensity, and persistence?" This statement reflects which theories of motivation


Linda wants to leave her company. No one ever seems to do what they say they will do. In addition, her manager's expectations seem to change from one day to the next. Linda is missing

Contractual trust

People's with high ___ see themselves as capable and effective

Core self-evaluations

___ provides broad and useful ways to describe personality in terms of our individual differences in self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability

Core-self evaluation

___ are discussions between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong.

Crucial conversations

People who are high on openness to experience are likely to demonstrate

Curiosity and broad-mindedness

Jonathan decides that rather than hire an employee to replace someone who left, he will eliminate the position. Jonathan is

Dissolving the problem

Which of the following is not one of the basic dimensions of the Big Five personality dimensions?

Emotional Intelligence

___ is the ability to monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.

Emotional Intelligence

___ are complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target


___ is the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles.

Employee engagement

Maria focuses on community volunteerism, while Anna focuses on getting a promotion at work. ___ are represented by Maria's and Anna's focuses.

Endpoints of one of the dimensions of values

Peter offers his manager some suggestions for a new holiday display. His manager shrugs his shoulders and tells Peter that the display is all set. Then Sarah approaches the manager with an idea for the display, and the manager tells her that its a great idea. ___ theory is the model of motivation that explains how peter is striving for fairness and justice.


The idea underlying the ____ model is that satisfaction is tied to how fairly an individual is treated at work


Waco Company monitors employees' perceptions of fairness by quarterly surveys and occasional focus groups. Management is following the ___ model.


___ highlight the fact that choosing among available options is not always a choice between right and wrong.

Ethical dilemmas

Rachel gets her midterm grades and finds that she has a 2.4 in OB. She expected a better grade point average to date. Rachel is ___ her performance.


Lenore has a fight with her best friend, Samantha, and doesn't want to speak to her. She unfriends her on social media. By doing this, Lenore is using ___, thereby removing consequences from an undesirable behavior.


People who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive are likely to score high on


Expectancy theory is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness


Jamil is a new member of a group that evaluates student activities on campus. He wants to focus on bringing more foreign students into the mainstream activities. The president of the group seems to have her own ideas and virtually everyone supports her. When Jamil opposes one of her suggestions, everyone looks uncomfortable. This is an example of a psychological safety climate.


Primary appraisals are perceptions of how you are able to deal or cope with a given demand.


___ is information about performance shared with those in a position to improve the situation.


___ groups are assigned by organizations or managers, while ___ groups form when the members' purpose of getting together is friendship or a common interest.

Formal; informal

The term___ identifies an invisible but absolute barrier that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions.

Glass ceiling

Three months ago, XYZ Corporation changed the way the typing pool is organized from a self-managed team to a more traditional structure in which employees receive their assignments from a direct supervisor. Since then, three of the seven employees have left the organization. ___ is the OB perspective applied here


___ are powerful forms of social control that influence group and member behavior.

Group roles and norms

Of the approaches to job design, ___ is the most recently evolved and attempts to merge earlier perspectives.


___ are goals and incentives set to promote a desired behavior, but instead encourage a negative one.

Ill-conceived goals

Deep-level characteristics of diversity

Include attitudes, opinions and values

Pat is applying for anew job. Which of the following will help her online "image"?

Include information on her volunteer activities

Sean is questioning his team's effectiveness. He asks himself "Is the group performing less than, equal to, or greater than the sum of its parts?" Once he thinks this through, he recognizes that two people are not contribution at all. Which of the following will not work to combat social loafing?

Increase group size

___ is(are) when we hold others less accountable for unethical behavior that is carried out through third parties.

Indirect blindness

Alexa quit her job because she felt it was boring. This would be diagnosed as a(n) ___ level problem


___ is the creation of something new that makes money and finds a pathway to the consumer.


In the Organizing Framework,

Inputs lead to processes, which lead to outcomes.

___ is how an individual perceives the movement from performance to outcome


"Different people may perceive similar situations in different ways and similar people may perceive different situations in the same way." This represents the ___ perspective.


___ intelligence is the potential to understand and regulate oneself.


___ results when an individual gains satisfaction and self-praise from an assignment.

Intrinsic motivation

___ is defined as the physical and cognitive changes individuals make in the task or relational boundaries of their work.

Job crafting

Which of the following is not an appropriate measure of goal achievement?

Lack of interpersonal conflict

___ leadership is an example of passive leadership.


Vivek and Warren are working on an assignment for their marketing class. Warren finished his part of the assignment; Vivek doesn't. Vivek apologizes because he took an extra shift at work and didn't give the assignment for the priority it needed. He promises Warren he will stay home tonight and finish his work. what personality characteristic does this show?

Locus of Control

___ intelligence will be most closely related to a performance on tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate Management Admissions Test.


___ is the use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles.


___ states that motivation is a function of five basic needs that are met sequentially

Maslow's need hierarchy theory

Sweetie's Sweets is a hospitality company whose ___ is "dedicated to providing high-quality desserts in a comfortable atmosphere for clients who seek a fun gourmet experience outside restaurants."

Mission Statement

Which of the following statements is true?

Motivated blindness occurs when we overlook the unethical behavior of another because its in our interest to remain ignorant

___ is the psychological process that arouses our interest in doing something.


___ are physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior


Sanjay promotes the benefits of little or no conflict within an organization. This, he states, leads to greater productivity. Is this analysis correct?

No. Organizational conflict is inevitable and can have constructive consequences.

Letitia reports to work at Apex Inc. This is her first day. Human resources tells Letitia to report to a conference room so that she can review the company's mission statement and policies, go over her job description, and learn about the technology systems in use. This type of experience is an ___ program.


Recently, the Acme Explosives Company was sold to a new owner, Roadrunner Inc. The operations of the two organizations re going to be merged, with several of the manufacturing locations possibly to be eliminated. ___ is the most likely OB perspective to apply.


Mason is highly satisfied with his job. He receives consistently strong evaluations and volunteers to train new employees. Mason exhibits positive job performance and

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

___ is the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals.

Organizational commitment

___ is when we give a pass to unethical behavior if the outcome is good.

Overvaluing Outcomes

Angela works for a company that does not provide good health benefits or career opportunities. Her ___ is most likely to be negative.

POS (Perceived Organizational Support)

___ is the popular term for linking monetary incentives with results or accomplishments

Pay for performance

Alana looks at the clouds and sees flowers. Her brother, Sammy, looks at the same clouds and sees jellyfish. Alana and Sammy have different


___ is the set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining, monitoring, measuring, evaluation, and providing consequences for performance expectations.

Performance Management

___, with which you can build goodwill, include personality, teamwork and leadership.

Personal Attributes

___ is the combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identity.


In Maslow's needs hierarchy theory, ___ is the lowest level and ___ is the highest level

Physiological; self- actualization

A(n) ___ is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change.

Proactive Person

___ is associated with entrepreneurialism.


Claire works for Content Consultants. she telecommutes and has great flexibility in her work schedule. In return, Content Consultants expects to have satisfied clients who hire them again. Claire receives consistently high evaluations. Despite that, the company now wants her to work out of the main office. Claire feels that Content Consultants has breached a(n)

Psychological Contract

Marion, a shift supervisor, is keeping a performance diary for each of there employees. This mechanism can ___ performance appraisals.

Reduce Bias in

What kind of a response is a manager making when he or she chooses a satisfactory, but not ideal, solution?


Discretionary individual behavior that promotes the effective functioning of the organization is called organizational citizenship behavior. ___ is an example of OCB.

Respecting the spirit as well as the letter of housekeeping rules

Ethics is primarily concerned with

Right and Wrong

Which of these is an analytical framework that can help your company develop a strategic plan?

SWOT analysis

___ is knowing who you are and what you want


___ theory assumes that competency, autonomy, and relatedness influence our behavior and well-being.


Sandra has a new assignment. she is confident that she can successfully complete the task. This is an example of


Trevor is an overachiever. This brother calls him ambitious and power hunger. Trevor exemplifies the ___ dimension.


___ is your general belief about your own self-worth


Person factors and ___ are the two broad categories of OB concepts and theories.

Situation Factors

Problem solving and critical thinking are ___ because they use logic and reasoning to develop and evaluate options.

Soft skills

Halim hires a new employee who best meets the characteristics he is looking for in the ideal employee. He is

Solving the Problem

On the first day of class, Professor Simmons explains what the goals of the course are and what he expects of his students. This represents ___ of effective performance management.

Step 1, Defining Performance

A(n) ___is an individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics of a group.


John hasn't started working on his term paper. He wants to do well in the course, but he's struggling with how to identify a solid topic and start an outline. Most of the other students appear to be moving ahead. John is procrastination because he is


Saying, "You've got to pay your dues" is another way to promote the status quo. This is an example of the ___ option that organizations can use to address any type of diversity issue.


___ characteristics are quickly apparent to interactants


Ellen has worked on a project to market a new medication from beginning to end- advertising, packaging, etc. The design program wins and award. Ellen's ___ is high.

Task identity

A ___ is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


___ is one element that allows employees to balance their work lives and family lives.


According to ___, the typical perspective held by managers is that employees dislike work, must be monitored, and can be motivated only with rewards and punishment ("carrots and sticks")

Theory X

At Cornet Company, employees and teams had higher performance, greater job satisfaction, and increased organizational commitment when their managers showed ___ behaviors.

Theory Y

At ABS Inc., the market research group is now operating on flextime. Initially, ABS allowed the sales group to do so. This an example of adaptive change.


Brenda has two exams and a research paper scheduled within the next 10 days. She creates a study plan in which she studies an hour a day for each exam and devotes an addition 90 minutes to her research paper. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Brenda is invited to go out with her friends. Instead, she stays at home and sticks with her study plan because she knows this will help her learn more effectively.


Collecting performance information from multiple sources helps a person being evaluated to get a broad view of his or her performance.


In equity theory, you compare your outputs and inputs to those of another person


Maslow's need hierarchy and Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theories are both examples of process theories.


Negative feedback can have a positive motivational effect


The acquired needs identified y McClelland include the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and he need for esteem.


The functions of performance management processes include guiding employee development and making employee-related decisions.


When the demands or pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible, work-family conflict has occurred.


___ is a reciprocal belief that another person will consider how their intentions and behaviors will affect you.


Michele is a freelancer who works with publishing company on an editorial team. She resides in Connecticut, while the company is based in Illinois. Michele attends team meetings via Skype and is in constant email contact. This is an example of a(n) ___ team.


Jason is working at Sushow Motors. The position, as originally described, involved conducting research with customers. Instead, Jason is answering phones and filing. He's very unhappy and thinks he should find another job. This thought process is

Withdrawal Cognitions

What is the difference between formal and informal groups?

a formal group is assigned by an organization or its managers to accomplish specific goals.

An artifact is

a physical manifestation of an organization's culture

In ___, the negotiating parties cooperatively develop multiple-deal packages while building a productive long-term relationship.

added-value negotiation

The Peter's Group originated four years ago, and since then, the company has grown each year. Management has focused on making sure that the organization's strategic goals cascade down through the organization so that the employees can work together in pursuit of common ends. Peter's Group is using ___

aligned goals

___ is when you try to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

an inspirational appeal

Wayne has been studying ABC Corp. even before he interviewed for a position there. This is the ___ stage of organizational socialization.


___ are the phases or organizational socialization.

anticipatory, encounter, and change and acquisition

Trained ___, typically from outside agencies, are versed in relevant laws and case precedents. The parties agree ahead of time to accept the decision of this neutral person in a formal setting, often complete with evidence and witnesses.


Which of these would you not see from an inspiring transformation leader?

authoritarian leadership

The ___ translates an organization's vision and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system

balanced scoreboard

The ___ approach attempts to identify the unique ways of acting displayed by effective leaders.

behavior styles

Based on the contingency approach, to define performance ___ goals can be used in most jobs


Mosco's is a ___ in which management has largely succeeded in breaking down barriers among internal levels, job functions, and departments, as well as reducing external barriers between the organization and those with whom it does business.

boundaryless organization

A(n) ___ is someone who is a catalyst in helping organizations to deal with old problems in new ways.

change agent

In the ___ phase of organizational socialization, employees master important tasks and roles and adjust to their work group's values and norms.

change and acquisition

A(n) ___ helps guide behavior as well as avoid and overcome conflict.


___ is employees' shared perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures of an organization.


A(n) ___ can hamper growth because the flow of information stays within the system and has no chance to interact with or build on knowledge from the outer environment

closed system

A(n) ___ is a group of people actively pursuing a particular issue.


The ability to make threats or deliver punishment gives an individual or organization ___ power.


Tony has a full courseload and a full-time job. He has tried everything he can think of to help him deal with his stress, but nothing has worked. He plans to see a counselor next week. What method relies on therapeutic intervention?

cognitive restructuring

Norman is elected president of the debate club. He is known as a team player. That means that Norman is

committed, collaborative, and competent

___ is a circular and dynamic process in which people interpret and make sense of the information they exchange.


___ is your personal evaluation of your ability to do your job.


___ trust addressed the question: "How effectively do people meet or perform their responsibilities and acknowledge other people's skills and abilities?"


The ___ framework provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure and change organizational culture.

competing values

___ are members' interactions aimed at working through task and interpersonal disagreements.

conflict processes

In the leniency perceptual error, a person

consistently evaluated people in an extremely positive fashion

There are two key situational characteristics that affect perception: the ___ of the interaction, and the culture and race___ between perceivers

context; consistency

Which of the following is an organizational function of a group?

coordinate interdepartmental efforts

Some organizations block employees' access to social media sites. This can

damage employee morale and loyalty

A(n) ___ is a graphical representation of the process underlying decisions.

decision tree

___ occurs when people perceive that they are being attacked or threatened.


___ are exemplified by persistently high unemployment levels among young people around the world creating a strong force for change felt by governments and organizations.

demographic characteristics

the dean of Roan College is looking for a new head of admissions. She wants to be sure that Roan College has an admissions program with the highest standards. As the committee interviews various candidates, the dean tries to point out potential flaws in each person. She is playing the role of

devil's advocate

Meryl wants to buy a used car, and she can spend $4,000. She meets up with sandy who wants $4750 for her 2008 Toyota. Meryl can't go any higher. This is an examploe of ___ negotiation.


___ occur(s) when organizations divide the work in pursuing the common goal among groups and individuals performing separate but related tasks.

division of labor

Perception is the process that

enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings

In the ___ phase of organizational socialization, employees' values, skills, and attitudes start to shift as the new recruit discovers what the organization is truly like.


Which of the following is not a task role?


___ values are explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization


Jamie is a prize-winning weightlifter who desires to increase the amount of weight she can bench press in a matter of weeks. When a person aims for a goal with a deadline, it can be a source of stress. However, Jamie has enough time to work steadily toward a realistic goal. This is known as "good" stress or


Michael wants to be president of his division. Everything he does is geared to that objective. He pushes his employees to meet higher quotas, criticizes anyone who doesn't put in 10 to 12 hour days, and demands results before the due date. He is arrogant and dominant. Michael is

exhibiting narcissism

All stress is associated with negative emotions or outcomes.


Anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message is known as feedback.


Crowdsourcing occurs when companies invite other employees to contribute to particular goals and manage that process via the Internet.


In evaluating alternatives and selecting a solution, managers should evaluate the legality and efficiency of potential solutions and conduct a cost-benefit analysis.


Light tactics of conflict include making threats; heavy tactics include violence.


Linguistic intelligence refers to a person's characteristic speaking pattern


Normative intuition represents the notion that decision makers are restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions.


You are taking an OB course that meets Mondays and Wednesdays, and your professor gives unannounced quizzed each week. It's the Sunday before a class, and you are deciding whether to study for a potential quiz or watch football. Two of your classmates have decided to watch the game rather than study because they don't think there will be a quiz the next day. The next morning you walk into class and the professor says, "Take out a sheet of paper for the quiz." You turn to your friends and say, "I knew we were going to have a quiz; why did I listen to you?" This reflects the anchoring bias.


Job satisfaction across the United States has gone up, according to a national survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management. The top three facets of satisfaction include

feeling safe at work, having god relationships with coworkers, and having a good relationship with an immediate supervisor

Group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about such unknowns as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals during the ___ stage


A(n) ___ structure groups people according to the type of work they perform.


Nicole is a manager at a fast food restaurant. She is under a lot of pressure from headquarters to increase her monthly profits. Nicole isn't sure what the solution is for her financial dilemma. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to determine the best path for a solution. The problem has already been defined by headquarters. Now Nicole has to

generate alternative solutions

___ is the sense of "we-ness" that overrides individual differences and motives.

group cohesiveness

___ is a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.


The type of follower who is most compliant with leadership is the


The forms of intuition are

holistic hunches and automated experiences

When a leader is trying to instill pride, respect, and trust within employees, he or she is engaging in

idealized influence

___ is one advantage of having a face-to-face conversation

immediate feedback

___ is the feeling that your efforts make a difference and affect the organization.


If you are strong at ___, your employees are likely to think that it is right to follow your lead.

impression management

Alana says to her subordinates, in essence, "Let me provide tangible support to help you reach your goals." Alana is engaging in

individualized consideration

A(n) ___ negotiation describes a situation where an agreement can be found that is better for both parties.


Connie knows that Benton Inc. is not growing. In fact, it's lost a lot of business to new competitors. She asks her managers 1. What is Benton Inc. doing wrong? 2. What can the company do to turn things around? 3. Should the goals or mission of the company change? She wants them to question the status quo and seek innovative and creative solutions to organization problems. What kind of behavior is Connie exhibiting.

intellectual stimulation

Rachel bought a table at a thrift store for $20. She had a feeling it might be valuable. When cleaned up and assessed, the table turned out to be an antique from the 1700s, worth $3250. What was Rachel using to make her decision?


Alicia is meeting with her study group. She is listening to the group, but is also worried about her dad who is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. She hasn't asked as many questions or provided much information as she usually does. Alicia will focus on the conversation for a while, but then sits back and stares ahead. This is and example of a(n) ___ listener


Why is it critical for managers to develop policies and procedures governing the appropriate use of social media?

it can create many legal, financial and personnel risks.

Included in demographic changes are all of the following except

job dissatisfaction

___ represent(s) cognitive shortcuts or biases that are used to simplify the process of making decisions.

judgmental heuristics

By ___, a person can develop self-awareness

knowing his or her own strengths and limits

The leadership theory that is based on the assumption that leaders develop unique one-to-one relationships with each of the people reporting to them is

leader-member exchange

In Fiedler's model, ___ refers to the extent that a leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group.

leader-member relations

Drake is running for Congress during a time of conflict. He has a strong, craggy, dominant look -- similar to Cling Eastwood. His campaign manager says that this gives him an advantage over his opponent. This reflects a

leadership prototype

A(n) ___ organization is composed of "a group of people working together to collectively enhance their capacities to create results that they truly care about."


Fiedler's model uses the ___ scale to measure a person's leadership style.

least preferred coworker

___ power is the basis of power that most people think of as authority.


Multitaskers end up switching tasks hundreds of times a day. This makes them ___ in their work environment.

less efficient

Noreen is extremely happy to be working at QBiz. They are a socially conscious, community-focused company. Noreen knows that her goals align with those of her manager, team, and employer. Noreen has ___ in relation to her company.


Leaders increase psychological empowerment by engaging in behaviors that enhance perceptions of

meaningfulness, self-determination, competence, and impact

Neil is attending a job fair. He knows that there is a lot of competition for these positions and wants to stand out. Neil practices his greeting and "elevator" pitch in from of a mirror. He brings copies of his resume and business cards. On each car, he notes his blog site address. On the blog, he has comments on several recent articles about new technologies in this field. Neil is maximizing

media richness

____ is a method for stress reduction that involves directing thoughts away from yourself.


According to research, which of the following statements about men's and women's leadership traits is true?

men are more autocratic than women.

___ is the process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental relationships between a variety of developers and a junior person.


Carlos works at Tyner Construction Company as an assistant project manager. His manager assured him that if his projects came in on time and under budget, he would be promoted within a year. At nine months, Carlo is promoted to project manager. This is an example of

met expectiations

Job enrichment is based on the ___ theory of job satisfaction.


Claire is working 24/7 to meet a deadline. She often uses ___, a method for stress reduction that involves slow deep breathing.

muscle relaxation

Which of the following interpersonal traits has research shown to have a negative relationship with leadership effectiveness?


Which of the following is not an example of an internal force for change?

negative feedback from customers

Wayne is on the production line for Medical Services Inc. He has been there for five years and has won Employee of the Month more than anyone else. Zander, his coworker, who has only been at Medical Services three years and hasn't even been nominated for Employee of the Month, just received a promotion. Wayne perceives a

negative inequity

___ is a give-and-take decision-making process involving two or more parties with different preferences. For example, labor-management negotiations over wages, hours, and working conditions.


Amy receives a note from Carrie, asking her to pick up some material for a project from Staples. Amy does the shopping, but misses a few items because she can't decipher Carrie's writing. This is an example of


Carl's team is evaluation his effectiveness as a leader. Which of the following behaviors does not reflect and effective leader?

not letting other group members make any decisions

A(n) ___ helps new recruits integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics and by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities.

onboarding program

Jess has completed her two-year medical assistant program. She really wants to be a nurse, but needs to start working as soon as possible in order to pay her bills and loans. Unbeknownst to her, one of her professors has to put her name in for an award program at the local nursing college. She is notified that she is a finalist for the award-- full paid tuition and living stipend. This ___ can enable her to exceed her goals.


___ is the set of shared, take-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its previous environments.

organizational culture

formal groups perform two basic functions: ___ and ___.

organizational; individual

At example of internal forces for change is

participation/suggestions by employees

Professor Mardsen explains to the class that he wants the assigned paper submitted for review at several points in the research process. Lydia notes that she has to submit the paper multiple times. Marcy notes that the paper has to be reviewed before it is final. This reflects the ___ of communication.

perceptual model

The two basic types of goals are

performance and learning

Otto is convinced that social media offers many benefits for employees and wants to institute a plan at Compass Inc. Which of the following is not a potential benefit for employees.

personal stability

___ power is the type of influence a person exercises because of the job he or she holds.


After a series of train incidents, NS&Q offered employee bonuses based on safety for the first quarter of this year. This is an example of

positive reinforcement

___ is the ability to marshall resources to get things done.


The first stage of the creative performance behavior process is

problem formulation/definition

The perceived fairness of the processes used to make allocation decisions is called ___ justice


A local political group is divided on how to present their candidate. The debate is getting heated. Finally, the head of the group focuses the team on defending their idea based on facts, rather than personal preference. this is an example of ___ conflict.


___ is a lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a lack of remorse or guilt when one's actions harm others.


The ___ model of decision making assumes that managers are completely objective and possess all information for their decisions. In this model, decisions demonstrate excellent logic.


In the last step of Lewin's model of change, ___, role modeling is probably the most powerful way to get other to follow.


Groups transform individuals into functioning organizational members communicating and enforcing ___ expectations.


Madetra makes low-prices leather handbags and wallets. They keep their costs down, but have to cut some corners. Now their rate of return is 25 percent. Madetra considers this a(n) ___ or "good enough solution.


Meghan is a little stressed over an assignment. She just can't seem to identify an easy way to get this work done, but she's not one to give up. Finally, she says: "If this way fails, I can always try another method." This indicates a positive

secondary appraisal

Joseph wants Taylor to pick up some snacks to bring to a meeting. In this case, Joseph is the ___ (the person wanting to communicate information), and Taylor is the ___ (the person, group, or organization for whom the message is intended).

sender; receiver

___ leadership focuses on increased benefit to others rather than to oneself


A follower is a person who

serves as a passive audience

In which way do employees waste time on social media?

shopping online

Which of the following is not a group maintenance role?

someone who clarifies pertinent values

___ is the number of people reporting directly to a given manager.

span of control

A(n) ___ outlines the organization's long-term direction and the actions necessary to achieve planned results.

strategic plan

Negative reinforcement is

strengthening a behavior by contingently withdrawing something displeasing

Fiedler's contingency model identifies which leadership styles?

task-motivated or relationship-motivated

___ are deliberate plans that outline exactly what the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining roles.

team performance strategies

Javier asked Maria for general advice on homework. Then he asked her to let him see specific problems. Now he wants to copy her assignment, claiming he has no time and the content is too difficult. This is an example of

the Slippery Slope

The contingency approach suggests that

the best answer depends on the situation

___ is a group process that anonymously generates ideas or judgements from physically dispersed experts.

the delphi technique

In the United States, the judicial system is an example of ___. It is based on hearing directly opposing points of view to establish guilt or innocence.

the dialectic method

Extrinsic rewards come from ___ and intrinsic rewards come from ___

the environment; oneself

Using ___, Sensotix emphasizes using the chain of command to make sure the right people do the right things at the right time.

the hierarchy of authority

Naturalist intelligence is

the potential to live in harmony with one's environment

Interactional justice is defined as the perceived fairness of

the quality of interpersonal treatment received

Nita is the office manager at a service station. Two applicants, Max and Tim, arrive to interview for the open mechanic's position. Max'a clothes are dirty, his hair is unwashed, and he doesn't make eye contact when he gives Nita his name. Tim dresses in clean jeans and a nice shirt, is shaved, and shakes Nita's hand when he introduces himself. After the interview, Keith the head mechanic, asks Nita what she thought. Both men have the skill set needed for the position. Nita recommends Tim. She is responding to her perception of

the target

Communication competence is a performance-based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context.


Every management function and activity involves some form of direct or indirect communication.


External changes either can present new opportunities for an organization or can cause its ultimate failure.


Functional conflict is also known as constructive or cooperative conflict.


Intuitive processes are influenced by both expertise and feelings.


Work-family conflicts can be social or emotional.


flexspace includes the concept of working from home.


the rational model of decision making explains how managers should make decisions.


When Meet & Greet went public, the company had fewer than 15 engineers working on mobile applications. It was almost entirely focused on users accessing the site from desktop computers. Four years later, the company has over 250 engineers working on mobile apps-- a strong signal that mobile apps are at the center of the company's strategy. This is an example of ___ from the desktop.


Abis Sneakers & Stuff states that it plans to be "the number one athletic company in the world." What does this represent?


Teddy is a project manager at a consulting firm. He travels a lot and works very long hours. When he's home, he is always checking e-mail. He has a three-year-old son and a brand-new daughter, and his wife is upset that he doesn't help more. He is experiencing

work-family conflict

Tina is a restaurant manager at a high-end restaurant. She works very long hours, and sometimes double shifts. When she's home, she is constantly texting and answering texts from the restaurant. he husband complains that he rarely gets to see her and that he is unable to keep up all the household tasks himself. Tina is experiencing.

work-family conflict

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