Organizational MGMT Test One
What is the cognitive component?
"I believe." The cognitive component of an attitude reflects our beliefs or ideas about and object or situation
What is the affective component?
"I feel." The affective component of an attitude reflects our beliefs or ideas about an object or situation
What is the behavioral component?
"I intend". The behavioral component refers to the way we intend or expect to act toward someone or something
What is made up of First Bipolar Dimension?
- Self-Transcendence: Concern for the welfare and interests of others - Self-Enhancement: Pursuit of one's own interests and relative success and dominance over others
What is within the competitive environment?
- rivals - suppliers - buyers - new entrants - substitutes and components
What are frontline managers responsible for?
-Directly involved with nonmanagement employees -implement specific plans with middle managers -link between management and nonmanagement human resources
What is within the macroenvironment?
-Economy -Technology -Legal and regulations -Demographics -Social issues -Natural environment
What is Schwartz Model made up of?
-First Bipolar dimension -Second bipolar dimension
What are the three environments?
-Macroenvironment -Competitive environment -Internal Environment
What are the five predominant models of job satisfaction?
-Need fulfillment: understand and meet employees' needs -Met expectations: Meet employees' expectations about what they will receive from the job -Value attainment: Structure the job and its rewards to match employee values -Equity: Monitor employees' perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated -Dispositional/genetic components: Hire employees with an appropriate disposition
What is made up of the Second Bipolar Dimension?
-Openness to Change: Independence of thought, action, and feelings, and readiness for change -Conservation: Order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change (conformity, tradition, security)
Who is Douglas McGregor?
-Organizational behaviorists during the 1960s that heavily influenced the field of management: - Came up with Theory X and Theory Y
What is within the internal environment?
-culture -values -climate
What are the three types of commitment that make up Organizational Commitment?
1. Affective commitment 2. Continuance commitment 3. Normative commitment
What are the most important things for managers to consider according to Organizational Psychology research?
1. Cognitive ability 2. CSE 3. Conscientiousness 4. Agreeableness 5. Emotional intelligence
What are the 6 behaviors OB is specifically concerned with explaining, predicting and influencing?
1. Employee Productivity 2. Absenteeism 3. Turnover 4. Organizational Citizenship behaviors 5. job satisfaction 6. workplace misbehavior
What are the four ongoing challenges that characterize the business landscape?
1. Globalization 2. Technological changes 3. Knowledge management 4. Collaboration across borders
What are the 6 competitive advantages?
1. Innovation 2. Quality 3. Service 4. Speed 5. Cost effectiveness 6. Sustainability
What are Gardner's eight intelligences?
1. Linguistic intelligence 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence 3. Musical intelligence 4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence 5. Spatial intelligence 6. Interpersonal intelligence 7. Intrapersonal intelligence 8. Naturalist intelligence
What are the 4 methods?
1. Method of experience 2. Method of Intuition 3. Method of Authority 4. Method of Science
Savvy managers will track four key workplace attitudes
1. Organizational commitment 2. Employee engagement 3. Perceived organizational support 4. Job satisfaction
According to the value percept theory of job satisfaction overall job satisfaction is made of:
1. Pay satisfaction 2. Promotion satisfaction 3. Supervision satisfaction 4. Coworker satisfaction 5. Satisfaction with the work itself
4 steps of scientific method
1. Theory 2. Hypotheses 3. Data 4. Verification
What are Schwartz's 10 values
1. Universalism 2. Benevolence 3. Conformity 4. Tradition 5. Security 6. Power 7. Achievement 8. Hedonism 9. Stimulation 10. Self- Direction
Which facet is the strongest driver of overall job satisfaction?
1. Work itself 2. Coworker 3. Supervision 4. Promotion 5. Pay
What are narcissists?
1. grandiose sense of self importance 2. requiring or even demanding excessive admiration 3. having a sense of entitlement 4. lacking empathy 5. tending to be exploitative, manipulative, and arrogant
What is normative commitment?
A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization because of a feeling of obligation -"You stay because you ought to"
What is Continuance Commitment?
A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization because of an awareness of the costs associated with leaving it -"You stay because you need to"
What is affective commitment?
A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization because of an emotional attachment to, or involvement in, that organization -"You stay because you want to"
The Three Components of Attitudes?
Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral
What is strategic maneuvering?
An organization's conscious efforts to change the boundaries of its task environment
What is a corporate diplomacy?
An umbrella term for attempting to influence external stakeholders through a variety of strategic activities
What is Frederick Taylor known for?
As the founder of scientific management in the 1910s. Break down tasks to the smallest unit.
What are attitudes?
Attitudes represent our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects and range from positive to negatives.
Which of the following occurs when a person rises higher in a company?
Conceptual skills become more important than technical skills
Nathan is dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented, while Martin is relaxed and unworried. Nathan is likely to score high on______
Which of the following is a reason that companies decide to innovate?
Consumers' tastes change all the time
What is controlling?
Controlling: monitors performance and implements necessary changes
When Martin has a perceived conflict with a coworker, he will send them emails that are taunting or insulting. This is an example of
Counterproductive work behaviors
What is divestiture?
Divestiture occurs when a company sells one or more business
______is the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.
Emotional intelligence
What is speed?
Fast and timely, execution, response, and delivery of products
What is flextime?
Flextime; is a policy of giving employees flexible work hours so they can come and go at different times, as long as they
What is henry Fayol known for?
Focus on general management functions -Managers perform 14 key functions
What is a conceptual and design skill?
Involve the ability to identify and resolve problems for the benefit of the organization and everyone concerned
What is job satisfaction?
Is an affective or emotional response toward various facets of your job.
What is domain selection?
Is the entrance by a company into another suitable market or industry
What is self-esteem?
Is your general belief about your self-worth
Which of the following is true of the modern approach to quality?
It focuses on preventing defects before they occur
What is leading?
Leading is stimulating people to be high performers
What is smoothing?
Leveling normal fluctuations at environmental boundaries. Selling discounted winter clothes in the summer
What is locus of control?
Locus of control is a relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility we take for. "You control your own destiny"
Ticket Booth Cinemas and New World Theaters merge, bringing together two organizations with very strong cultures. What is one of the likely outcomes?
Longstanding habits and beliefs of the two companies are likely to clash
What is Management?
Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals
What is the MBTI?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Although helpful for self-awareness purposes, or discussing preferences related to communicating and making decisions with colleagues. Science shows it is a poor predictor of performance
What is organization culture?
Organization culture: The set of important assumptions about the organization and its goals and practices that members of the company share.
_______ is the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals
Organizational commitment
________ is the combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identity.
What are withdrawal cognitions?
Represent an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting
What is cognitive dissonance?
Represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, beliefs, values, or emotions)
________ can be developed because it involves a person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task.
Self-efficacy -"i can do that belief" can be developed
Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is true?
Self-efficacy can be developed
What is coopetition?
Simultaneous competition and cooperation among companies with the intent of creating value.
What are conceptual and decision skills?
Skills pertaining to abilities that help to identify and resolve problems for the benefit of the organization and its members
The organization exists in its competitive environment which is composed of what?
The firm, its rivals, suppliers, customers(buyers), new entrants, and substitute of complementary products.
What is innovation?
The introduction of new goods and services; a change in method or technology; a positive, useful departure from previous ways of doing things
What is supply chain management
The managing of the network of facilities and people that obtain materials from outside the organization, transform them into products, and distribute them to customers
What is value?
The monetary amount associated with how well a job, task, good, or service meets users' needs
What is service?
The speed and dependability with which an organization delivers what customers want
What is Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X: all humans are lazy and require constant supervision and external motivation Theory Y: managers assume employees want to work and can direct and control themselves
What are middle-level managers responsible for?
They are responsible for translating the general goals and plans developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and activities
Which of the following is characteristic of frontline managers?
They are the link between management and nonmanagement personnel
What are values?
Values are abstract ideals that guide our thinking and behavior across all
environmental uncertainty?
When managers do not have enough information about the environment to understand or predict the future
Which of the following would characterize an active relationship with your employer?
You think about how can you contribute and act accordingly
What is a scenario?
a narrative that describes a particular set of future conditions
What is self-efficacy?
a person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task
Michael Porter, a noted authority on strategic management, said that successful managers?
act in ways that shape or change the organization's environment
What are individual differences (IDs)
are the many attributes, such as traits and behaviors, that describe each of us as a person
Personal attitudes affect _______ via ______.
behavior; intentions
You are unlikely to say anything to someone smoking on your smoke-free campus if you have no intention of confronting the smoker. Your intention reflects the __________ component of your attitude toward people smoking on campus.
What classifies Machiavellians?
believe the ends justify the means, often maintain emotional distance, and are manipulative
What classifies psychopaths?
can be aggressive and lack concern for others, guilt, or remorse when their actions do others harm
Which of the following is one of the most important processes of knowledge management?
Which of the following is an ongoing challenge in the current business landscape?
collaboration across organizational boundaries
Which of the following refers to the immediate environment surrounding a firm, including suppliers, customers, rivals, and new entrants?
competitive environment
________ is the personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance.
What is organizational climate?
consists of the patterns of attitudes and behaviors that shape people's perceptions of an organization
Which of the following is an example of a cooperative strategy to influence the environment?
contractual marketing systems
What is buffering?
creating supplies of excess resources in case of unpredictable needs
The internal environment includes
culture, climate, and values
Faisal is the general manager of Neptune's Landing, a seafood restaurant with two locations in his city. On a busy weekend night when the restaurant is short-staffed, he has to take on the role of a disturbance handler several times. Which of the following is Faisal most likely to be engaged in as part of the role?
dealing with irate customers and conflicts between overworked servers and kitchen staff
The planning function of the new business environment is describes as
delivering strategic value
What is organizational citizenship behavior?
discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization -employee going above and beyond
Slow Joe is a successful coffee importer and distributor. The company recently branched out and announced a series of unique coffee-flavored candies that will soon be available across all supermarkets. Which of the following is slow joe trying to do in this case?
domain selection
Which of the following is not one basic dimensions of the Big Five personality dimension?
emotional intelligence: The 5 personality dimensions: -extraversion -agreeableness -conscientiousness -emotional stability -openness to experience
Owen leads a team tasked with developing a client tracking system. He is nervous and worried, afraid that if this assignment doesn't go well, he won't be promoted. Jack, a team member, is relaxed, unworried, and secure in the feeling that they have all the necessary resources and talents to make this work. Jack is likely to score high on
emotional stability
Which of the following is not an element of emotional intellignece?
emotional stability Emotional intelligence four components: -self-awareness -self-management -social awareness -relationship management
Which of the following is a demographic factor of an organization's macroenvironment?
employees' ages
The______model suggests that managers should monitor employees' perceptions of fairness
Which of the following is a characteristic of a strong culture?
everyone believing in the firm's practices
What are switching costs?
fixed costs buyers face when they change suppliers
What is social capital?
goodwill stemming from your social relationships
What is counter productive work behavior?
harms other employees, the organization as a whole, and/ or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders
Marisol is a middle-level manager at Crawford and Williams, a corporate recruiting agency. Recently, the company partnered with an outside company, EQ Seminars, Inc., to offer a four-week seminar called "Developing your EQ." Which of the following skills did Marisol most likely learn during the seminar?
how to identify her communication strengths and weaknesses
Marco, the owner of a struggling flower and gift shop called Bloom, wants to review his company's processes and has decided to do a benchmarking study. What actions would you expect Marco to perform?
identifying best practices of the competition and comparing to his own business to determine gaps
What are interpersonal and communication skills?
influence the managers ability to work well with people. People skills; the ability to lead, motivate, and communicate effectively with others
Raw materials, human resources, exergy, equipment, financial resources, and information are _______ for an organization?
What is organizaing?
is assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals
What is a technical skill?
is the ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process
What is knowledge management?
is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization's intellectual resources - fully using the intellects of the organization's people
Liz told her boss, "Dan, many of our senior staff will be retiring within five years. We can't afford to have the combined expertise, skills, wisdom, and relationships of these retirees walk out the door without first discovering and sharing these intellectual resources. I recommend that we implement a(n) ________ system to harness this intellect."
knowledge management
In order to take a more complete approach to achieving total quality, a company should?
live out a philosophy of continuous improvement in operations
Top-level managers or strategic managers focus on?
long-term issues and emphasize the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of the organization
Halfway through the semester, Samuel quit doing assignments for and going to his advanced accounting class. He attributes this to his poor performance on the first two tests, as well as his lack of talent for accounting; he feels he will do much better as a management major. Samuel is likely to be experiencing
low self-efficacy for accounting self-efficacy: is a person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task
What is environmental scanning
means both searching for useful information and interpreting what is important and what is not
What is benchmarking?
means identifying the best in-class performance by a company in a given area
What makes up the "dark triad"
narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy
Mack Roberts, CEO of Ball Systems, is performing duties of a top-level manager when he....
negotiates the acquisition of a global competitor to strategically grow Ball Systems' market share
Halim, one of your employees, always seems to be "taking it easy", often ignores problems that arise, and rarely takes action on his own. It is likely that Halim is _______
not a proactive personality
Examples of organizational citizenship behavior OCB include all of the following except
not expressing interest in the work of others
______programs help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs
The way people within a company dress and act, their interactions with each other and with customers, and the qualities expected and appreciated by there managers and company are examples of the
organization culture
Interpersonal and communication skills are sometime known as?
people skills
Core self-evaluations represent a broad personality trait comprised of all of the following except
proactivity CSE comprises of four narrower and positive individual traits: -generalized self-efficacy -self esteem -locus of control -emotional stability
Marie works as a project manager for a major consumer products firm. She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization. Mare beliefs represent an
psychological contract.
What are strong, moderate, and weak correlations?
r= .50 strong r= .30 strong r= .10 weak
What is organizational commitment?
reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals.
What is perceived organizational support?
reflects the extent to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being
What are Psychological contracts?
represent an individual's perception about the reciprocal exchange between him- or herself and another party.
What are core self evaluations?
represent four narrow and positive individual traits: (1) generalized self-efficacy, (2) self-esteem, (3) locus of control, (4) emotional stability
what is intelligence?
represents an individual's capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning, and problem solving
When appliance retailers discount barbecue grills and air conditioners in the winter months to compensate for the usual drop in sales, they are employing the concept of
Why would a manager of marketing for a shopping mall be concerned with demographics of actual and potential mall visitors?
so that she can attract retailers that sell products that appeal to the age, gender, and income levels of mall visitors
What is planning?
specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals
What is systems theory?
study of systems i.e. a cohesive group of interrelated interdependent components that can be natural or human-made. Four basic elements 1. output 2. process 3. input 4. feedback
In Michael Porter's competitive environment model, the five parts of the model are:
suppliers new entrants, customers, substitutes and complements, and rival firms
Companies that want to grow often?
tap into international markets
What are the Must-Have Management skills?
technical, conceptual and decision, interpersonal and communication
What is scientific management?
the application of scientific principles to management of work and workers.
What is personality?
the combination of relatively stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identities
Which of the following aspects of organization culture will tell you what the firm's desired public image is?
the corporate mission statement
What is Occam's Razor?
the most likely cause of an individual's change in performance on any given occasion is likely chance
What is "EQ" or emotional intelligence?
the skills of understanding and managing yourself as well as dealing effectively with others
Organizations are open systems. What are open systems?
they are affected by an in turn affect their external environments
Danny is convinced that the new recycling program implemented at his company is worth the extra effort of sorting his waste. He believes in this so strongly that he reminds everyone in the department that they should all get on board and gives an extensive presentation at the monthly meeting. Danny values
Schwartz's model suggest that
values may conflict with each other