Original Sin

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What did God send as a sign of his covenant with Noah

A rainbow🌈


A sacred promise between or agreement between God and humans

New Adam

A title for Jesus by his obedience to the father and willingness to give his life for us


An attraction to sin those actions and also God that go against light reason

Why did God save Noah and his family?

Because he was the only person who served God

Why was Ables sacrifice acceptable to God

Because it was a sincere sacrificed that he worked hard for

Why did God do not except cane's sacrifice what does this teach us about sacrificing to God

Because it was the "leftovers" and he did not care what he gave to God it was not a sincere sacrifice; it teaches us to always give him our best

Why is what Adam and Eve did call original sin

Because it was the first sin ever it is also the condition we are all born in

How does God know that Adam and Eve ate from the tree?

Because they tell God that they are naked.

What did Cane And up doing how did God punish him for his actions

Cane ended up killing Abel; he makes him wonder away from God to new lands

What was the one thing God told Adam and Eve they should not to?

Eat from the tree of knowledge

TRUE or FALSE Eve gave Adam some of the fruit but he refused to eat it.

False, Adam ate the fruit as well.

How does God show Adam and eve his merciful love💗

He bans them from the garden and promises them that the serpent will be crushed

How does God punish Adam?

He makes him work hard for food.

How does God punish Eve

He makes it hard and painful for her to bear childeren

God told Adam and Eve that if you eat from the tree of knowledge that they will die however in the story they did not immediately die what does God mean when he said this?

He meant That they will die spiritually

How does the serpent tempt Eve to eat the fruit?🍎

He says that it would open their eyes and they would be more like God.

What does the sacrament of baptism do for us

It cleanses our original sin

What was Adam and Eve's life like before original sin?

Life was good and they new everything that they needed to know and had everything that they needed

Who does the snake represent in this account?

Satan/the devil👹

Who convinced eve to eat from the tree of knowledge? what form does he take in this story

Seton in the form of a serpent


Steadfastness that God showed to all humans even when they sin

How does God punish the snake?

That he shall crawl on his belly and eat the dirt forever

Which animal was the most cunning?

The Serpent (snake)🐍

Original Sin

The sin of our first parents Adam and Eve which led to the sinful condition of the human race

What happened to Adam and Eve immediately after they ate from the tree?

Their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked.

List some of the effects of original sin that you see in the story of Cain and Abel

They have to work for food, And jealously

What did God say would happen to Adam and Eve if they ate from the tree of knowledge?🌳

They would surely be doomed to die😵

Why did God decide to send a flood

To wipe away Sin

When God confronts Adam and Eve about what they did they...

Try to blame someone else.

What effects of Original Sin do we struggle with today

We die, we have to work hard for things, and things are difficult

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