Osseous Tissue and Bone Structure

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Which of the following is true of the periosteum?

It contains Sharpey's fibers, which are perforating collagen fibers that help bond tendons to bones

______________ produce the osteoid that makes up the organic portion of bone matrix. When they become trapped within gaps in this matrix, they are known as osteocytes.


What would be the effect if an adolescent boy entered puberty at age 16 instead of age 11?

Osteoblasts would not increase their rate of bone deposition to exceed the cartilage production until age 16.

The shaft of a long bone is known as the __________.


Which bone has a trochanter?


Which of the following terms refers to a rounded passageway for blood vessels or nerves?


While taking an anatomy practical, Joey looks at an x-ray film of the hand and sees epiphyseal lines. He can correctly say that the x-ray film is from an individual who __________.

had metacarpals and phalanges that weren't going to grow any longer

A foramen is a _____.

hole or opening

In endochondral ossification, a hyaline cartilage model is converted into bone tissue by the activity of osteoblasts. Which of the following bones is formed in this manner?


Which of the following is NOT a vital component of bone matrix?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?

production of melanin

Which of the following is found within each epiphysis?

secondary ossification center

Which of the following would lead to epiphyseal closure?

slower cartilage formation and faster osteoblast activity

Intramembranous ossification initially produces spongy bone tissue, which is composed of struts known as __________________. Channels between these struts allow the passage of blood vessels.


A sharp or pointed process is a _____.


Which of the following is correctly matched?

trochlea: a grooved process that is shaped like a pulley

Which of the following describes a connection between the skeletal system and the endocrine system?

Growth hormone from the pituitary gland promotes bone growth.

Which of the following do you think would NOT play a role in growing and maintaining healthy bones?


Elsie is 75 years old and has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Which of the following things could she do to help improve or maintain her bone strength?

She should take medications that slow the reabsorption of bone matrix.......She should be sure to consume enough calcium in her diet..........She should do regular weight-bearing exercises.

In a gross anatomy class, students are examining two cadavers. One is from a 35-year-old man who practiced bodybuilding before suffering a fatal heart attack. The other is from a 75-year-old woman who had severe osteoporosis. Which of the following statements comparing their skeletons is FALSE?

The bones of the female contain a greater amount of calcium than the bones of the male.

If Heather breaks her leg and wears a cast for two months, what changes will you expect to observe in her leg when the cast is removed?

The healed bone will have lost bone mass because it will not have been stressed.

Madelynn has a sinus headache. The term sinus is actually an anatomical term referring to which kind of bone marking?

a chamber within a bone that is normally filled with air

When a bone is broken, a blood clot develops. The name for this clot is __________.

a fracture hematoma

The formation of dermal bones begins when aggregated mesenchymal cells differentiate and begin producing osteoid. These aggregations where bone formation gets started are known as _____________.

ossification centers

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