OT Exam 5

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27. Why are the Psalms the most loved book in the OT, according to the professor?

"Psalms celebrates Israel's drawing close to God in worship, addressing God with all of the emotion of the faithful—doubts, fears, hopes, joys, etc." (Allen Ross).

What are the three possible reasons for calamity striking?


What two alternatives are possible for the person who reads the Bible's wisdom literature? What are the consequences for each?


Where do the events in Job date back to (approximately)?


What is the damaging conclusion we draw deductively if we grant that the righteous always prosper and the wicked always suffer? How do we see those who suffer? Or those who are prospering?

.433 Are you suffering? It is because you sinned 4.434 Are you prospering? You must be a righteous person

24. What three things are true at the end of Job?

1. God restores Jobs wealth and family 2. Job dies a rich old man full of days 3. God rebukes Jobs 3 friends for not speaking what is right

In what sense is the book of Proverbs a compilation?

1. Proverbs: a compilation of wise sayings, much like Psalms is a compilation of worship songs and hymns.

What is the purpose of Song of Solomon?

1. Purpose: to exalt the beauty and purity of marital love

What four ideas summarize the argument of Ecclesiastes?

1. those who seek meaning in life from the activities of life will be frustrated 2. only god gives life meaning, so we must pursue him to find it 3. only then does wisdom find meaning not in and of it self by connected to god 4. lifes joy is found in contentment despite confusing questions who have no answers in human wisdom

What basic human flaw is exposed through the wisdom literature?

1. wisdom exposes a basic human flaw not to listen to wise counsel

Is Ecclesiastes written by the author in sin? Explain.

1.1 Some have concluded that the negative, pessimistic tone of Ecclesiastes (Q) indicates that the book was written by someone in sin. Such a conclusion would fit Solomon late in life after his heart had been turned to the idols (cf. 1 Kings 11:4). 1.2 Such a line of interpretation is dangerous, to propose that the Bible is teaching or affirming sin without explicitly saying that it is doing so.

Explain why Song of Solomon is one of the most widely interpreted books of the OT. What did the professor offer as a legitimate interpretation of the book?

1.1 Song of Solomon is one of the most widely interpreted OT books. May see it as an allegory of the love of God for Israel, or the love of Christ for His bride, the Church.

What four Bible books comprise the wisdom literature sections? What themes/topics are addressed by each book?

1.41 Job: the theme of Gods role in good and bad experiences 1.42 Proverbs: General life and activity 1.43 Ecclesiastes: the meaning of life 1.44 Song of Solomon: sexual purity

What people are identified as authors of proverbs in the book of Proverbs?

2. Authorship: Solomon 2.1 Authors who are named: Solomon (Proverbs 1:1 to 22:16; Proverbs 25-29), Wise Men (22:17 to 24:34), Agur (Proverbs 30), and Lemuel (Proverbs 31). 2.2 Agur and Lemuel are not known, perhaps even wisdom from Gentiles that is recognized as true and included in the book—"All truth is God's truth."

What is the purpose of Ecclesiastes?

2. Purpose: to prove that the pursiut of wisdom is incapable of finding the menaing of life without God

What is the purpose of Proverbs? How is the purpose described in Proverbs 1:1-7?

3. Purpose: to guide the believer into skillful living and discernment 3.1 The purpose is described in the book's introduction (Proverbs 1:1-7). Discernment and understanding- to think well. Devotion to God or moral rightness

2. In light of the definition for wisdom, what does the wisdom literature in the Bible do to increase wisdom?

3. wisdom literature offers advice or counsel not law or command a. if you listen you are wise or discerning, not obedient b. if you resist, you are foolish, not disobedient 4. To follow wisdoms advice, generally leads to a better life. Wisdom offers general observations to how life works a. These are not promises or guarantees because there are exceptions 5. wisdom exposes a basic human flaw not to listen to wise counsel

How can Solomon write his Song, in light of his huge harem? What is the principle message for NT readers of the Song, in light of the entire Bible?

3.5 How can Solomon write about sexual morality, however, when he has 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3)? 1. This is solomons first marriage- however this is unlikely 2. Illustrates the limits of old testament morality in light of progressive revelation 3. God ideal is monogamy 4. God does not rebuke polygamy in the old testament, even accomodating to it in the law. 5. Jesus affirms monogamy in the NT 6. This is not sexual excess for Solomon , his heirom was for political and economical reasons 7. Solomons heiriom was well provided for in the community 3.51 The principle: God conviction is often selective . He does not nag us about every area of sin, or none of us could endure it.

32. What three parts of praise psalms did the professor identify?

33. 6.221 Introductory call to praise (34:1-3). 34. 35. 6.222 Report of God's action to deliver (Testimony) (34:4-7). 36. 37. 6.223 Instruction or renewed call to praise (34:8-22). 38. 6.3 Royal psalms, making reference to Israel's king: his coronation (Psalm 2), wedding (Psalm 45) or rule over the nations (Psalm 110).

What are pilgrim psalms? How are they identified in the book of Psalms?

4 Pilgrim psalms (Psalms 120-134). 6.41 Pilgrim psalms are sung as worshipers go to Jerusalem to worship.

What point is Solomon making about wisdom in Proverbs 1-9? What response is he hoping for in his readers?

4. In Proverbs 1-9, Solomon proclaims the great value of wisdom, urging his son to follow his counsel.

How does wisdom help to answer the main question of Ecclesiastes? How does the analogy about wisdom from Exodus help us understand wisdom's limits in Ecclesiastes?

4.2 Most of Q is devoted, however, to shooting down all other answers to the meaning of life question. All other pursuits are futile (hebel): without substance, value, or permanence. 4.61 Not from wisdom (Q 1:16-18; 2:15-17). 4.62 Not from pleasure (Q 2:9-11). 4.63 Not from human labor(Q 2:18-19). N.B. The fatalism of Q, chapter three. 4.64 Solomon has sought wisdom all of his life, but now is disillusioned because wisdom has explained so little about life and its meaning (Q 6:10 to 11:6).

What does the Hebrew word hebel mean? What three pursuits in life are seen as hebel in Ecclesiastes 1.2?

4.3 (hebel): without substance, value, or permanence. 4.65 Not from wisdom (Q 1:16-18; 2:15-17). 4.66 Not from pleasure (Q 2:9-11). 4.67 Not from human labor(Q 2:18-19). N.B. The fatalism of Q, chapter three.

16. How does Jesus Christ refute these lines of thinking in John 9:1-3?

4.441 It may come as a direct result of sin. 4.442 It may come from living in a sinful, fallen world. 4.443 It may not come from any direct human cause. It may be part of God accomplishing His will.

23. In Job 38-42, what does God show to the men when He speaks to Job in the whirlwind? What are the implications of this revelation?

4.532 God also shows Job his place as a creature (Job 38-42). 4.5321 God's question: can Jon refute Gods actions? Can he find God guilty? 40:7-8)? 4.5322 God is above our judgement . 4.5323 Therefore, we are to accept both good and adversity from God, and not link it to some direct cause based on obedience or sin.

What bottom line advice does Solomon offer in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes?

4.68 Solomon has sought wisdom all of his life, but now is disillusioned because wisdom has explained so little about life and its meaning (Q 6:10 to 11:6). 4.4 The bottom line? Live life skillfully to make it better, but look to God; not wisdom or wise living the meaning of life (Proverbs), but look to God, not wisdom or wise living, for the meaning of life (Qohelet).

What four topics are addressed in Proverbs 1-9, to show the value of wisdom?

5. In Proverbs 1-9, Solomon proclaims the great value of wisdom, urging his son to follow his counsel.

28. What is the predominant style associated with Hebrew poetry? Be able to explain and identify examples of three of the most common types of this style of Hebrew poetry.

5. Psalms is an illustration of Parallelism : Hebrew poetry's dominant style, repeating the meaning stated in parallel expressions. Three important types: Synonymous: The thought of the first line is repeated in similar terms in the second line, explaining or modifying the first line. 5.11 O Lord, who shall sojourn in Your tent? Who shall dwell on Your holy hill? (Psalm 15:1) 5.12 Then Israel came to Egypt, Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham. (Psalm 105:23) 5.2 Antithetical: the idea in the first line is contrasted in the second line. 5.21 In the morning it flourishes and is renewed, In the evening it fades and withers. (Psalm 90:6) 5.3 Chiastic: a subset of synonymous parallelism, where the word/idea order of the 1st line is reversed in the 2nd line. R-G G-R 5.31 Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love, According to Your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions. (Psalm 51:1).

What are five of the common features of lament psalms?

5.1 Lament psalms (for example, Psalm 3). 6.11 Introductory Cry (3:1a). 6.12 The lament proper (complaint) (3:1b-2). 6.13 Confession of trust (3:3-6). 6.131 This "confidence" section is crucial to the lament psalms. Rather than just lament, wallowing in self-pity and getting depressed, the psalmist wants to build the trust of the reader in the midst of difficulty (usually start with word but). 6.132 The correct approach to suffering: acknowledge the pain, yet acknowledging God's greatness to help me through it. 6.14 Request or Petition (3:7). 6.15 Praise (3:8).

What three areas of life for a virtuous woman are described in Proverbs 31?

5.1 Proverbs 30-31 are miscellaneous proverbs by Agur, Lemuel, and a third source writing about a godly woman. 6.41 She is engaged in the activities of life: caring for her family (31:10-19), serving and ministering to others (31:20), and carrying on her own business (31:21-25).

What four topics are typical subjects of the wisdom psalms?

6.61 Four common themes or advice that appear in many Wisdom psalms: 6.611 Advice to fear God and to obey the law . 6.612 The righteous and the wicked are contrasted. 6.613 Descriptions of coming justice for both groups ( righteous of the wicked). 6.614 General guidance for life.

What is the subject of royal psalms?

8. 6.3 Royal psalms, making reference to Israel's king: his coronation (Psalm 2), wedding (Psalm 45) or rule over the nations (Psalm 110).

30. How do virtually all of the lament psalms end?

All lament psalms turn to praise at the end. 6.152 In some lament psalms, the praise is in the form of a praise vow, offered before the answer comes to the request made. The psalmist is rehearsing the praise offered when (not if) God delivers, a demonstration of trust in God to deliver (see

8. What do we know about the author and date of Job?

Author: unknown, possibly Job himself, but there is no way to know. 1.1 Job is almost certainly not written during the golden age of poetry during the united monarchy (c. 1010-930), but it is a legitimate part of the Hebrew wisdom literature. The story appears to be very ancient, perhaps dating back to the times of Abraham. 1.2 The Hebrew language used in Job is distinctive in the OT with the most unique vocabulary of any OT book. 1.3 The book appears to predate the times of Moses, with no reference to the Law or the tabernacle.

18. What do we readers know "behind the scenes" of the reason for Job's suffering?

Back to Job, we know that another reason does exist to explain Job's suffering, eavesdropping behind the scenes with God and Satan talking (Job 1-2). 4.443 Job's suffering has nothing to do with his behavior—good or bad. 4.444 This is the harsh reality of life: God ordains pain and suffering They are the result of sin in general and the work of Satan. At times God chooses to intervene to stop them. But God also chooses at times not to intervene.

How does Job instruct us to respond to adversity, in Job 1-2?

Job's response is tremendous: I must acceptadversity from God if I accept good from him

In what sense is Psalms the hymnbook of Israel? What is the purpose of Psalms?

Psalms is a collection of hymns and songs into a hymnbook. It is the largest collection of ancient lyrical poetry preserved to this day. 1. Purpose: to lead believers to worship God in the midst of every circumstance of life.

What is the purpose of Job? What primary moral questions is Job addressing?

Purpose: to establish Gods freedom to act within the bounds of his nature and promises Why do bad things happen to good people? 4.22 How can a loving God permit pain and suffering? 4.23 How should I respond to adversity or calamity?

What Hebrew term is used for the author of Ecclesiastes? What does it mean?

Qohelet—teacher or preacher.

In what way are royal psalms Messianic? How do the predictive sections pointing to the Messiah relate to any implications at that time for Israel's king?

Royal psalms often carry messianic meaning, since Messiah is the royal son of David. 6.32 Either royal psalms are purely predictive about the Messiah, such as Psalm 16:10-11, or (most often) some experience of a king of Israel that is magnified even further in the coming Messiah (Psalm 2, cf. Hebrews 1:5; 5:5).

What answer does Elihu offer to the debate? What flaw in the argument does Elihu identify?

The flaw in the argument: a falso concept of Gods justice , that suffering comes as a direct result of sin. Suffering also can warn of worse calamity coming if one's actions do not change (Job 33:19-22, 29-30). N.B. The role of physical pain.

What areas of life does the book of Proverbs address?

The remainder of the chapters in Proverbs deal with virtually every area of life—work, money, family, friendship, speech, etc.

How do Job's friends argue through the book? How does Job defend himself?

The three friends argue that Job must have sinned because God's power and justice are non-negotiable, fundamental truths.

What is the wise advice of Song of Solomon, in light of the book's content? What phrase in the book summarizes that advice?

The wisdom of Song of Solomon? The benefits of being chaste before marriage Song of Solomon uses a powerful, positive incentive: the incredible magnitude of passion waiting for marriage partners!

40. What are the two things that might be meant to be ascended in the "Songs of Ascent?"

They are titled "Songs of ascent:" either ascending into Jerusalem or ascending the Temple steps in Jerusalem.

Are the words of wisdom in the Bible promises? or a guarantee of results? Explain.

To follow wisdoms advice, generally leads to a better life. Wisdom offers general observations to how life works a. These are not promises or guarantees because there are exceptions

What is the best moment in the book for Job's three friends?

When they mourned and noticed his pain, sat with him for a week and weeped with him

What is the main question of Ecclesiastes, and how is it answered in the book in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14?

Where does life's meaning come from? Solomon answers the question in the last two verses of the book (Q 12:13-14).

What phrase does Solomon use to describe all those who read Proverbs (1:20-33)? What alternative to this kind of person is identified in Proverbs 3:7? What point did the professor make about learning from this distinction?

Wisdom calls out to simple or naïve ones (Proverbs 1:20-23). 5.2 The value of wisdom: 5.21 Keeps me out of trouble (Proverbs 4:10-15). 5.22 Keeps me healthy (Proverbs 4:20-23). 5.23 Keeps me pure sexually (Proverbs 7:6-23). 5.24 Keeps me poverty (Proverbs 6:6-11).

. Is the wisdom literature advice or commands? Explain. How does that difference influence the way we describe the two responses to wisdom?

Wisdom literature in the Bible, then, gives advice or counsel on living life skillfully. 1.21 Solomon says that to follow his counsel will make one wise (Proverbs 1:1-7). 1.22 Heed the advice? Your life will be better or smoother. Ignore the counsel? Your life will be worse or harder

1. What is the Hebrew word for wisdom? What does it mean? How does its usage in Exodus 25-40 help us understand its meaning?

Wisdom: hokmah. The word is used 120 times in the OT, 45 times in Proverbs. Hokmah means skilled craftsman (Exodus 35:25,35) Hokmah applied to life: one who lives life skillfully

25. What authors are identified as writers of Psalms, including psalms attributed to each?

a. David is attributed 73 psalms. It may be possible that the use of David's name either means that he wrote the psalm or that the psalm is dedicated to him. b. Psalm 90 is attributed to Moses. c. Psalms 72 and 127 are attributed to Solomon. d. Psalms 50, 73-83 are attributed to Asaph. e. Psalm 88 to Heman. f. Psalm 89 to Ethan.

What three propositions describe the dilemma of Job, according to Harold Kushner? Why is it a dilemma when Job begins to suffer adversity?

a. God is all-powerful and ordains everything that happens b. God is just and good, so that people get what they deserve—good prosper and wicked are punished. c. Job is a good man Back to Job, we know that another reason does exist to explain Job's suffering, eavesdropping behind the scenes with God and Satan talking (Job 1-2). 4.441 Job's suffering has nothing to do with his behavior—good or bad. 4.442 This is the harsh reality of life: God ordains pain and suffering They are the result of sin in general and the work of Satan. At times God chooses to intervene to stop them. But God also chooses at times not to intervene.

19. What does God show to Job about the way that He works, including pain?

a. God reveals His ways to Job: God is free to act He may choose to prosper people or to allow sin and Satan to strike people. b. God is only limited by His nature and His promises.

31. What technical difference distinguishes thanks and praise?

a. Hebrew poetry distinguishes between praise and thanksgiving. 6.211 Praise explains and magnifies God's traits, characteristics, and works. 6.212 Thanksgiving remembers God's works for me/us. 6.213 Both are part of the praise psalms, not one at the expense of the other.

41. Which psalms are identified as the "Hymn of Praise" psalms? What function did they serve in the worship ritual in Israel?

a. Hymn of Praise" psalms (Halel: Means praise) (Psalms 113-118). These six psalms were sung as a group at each of the three seasonal festivals 6.51 For example, at Passover, Psalms 113-114 are sung before the meal, then Psalms 115-118 after the meal—perhaps sung by Jesus and the Apostles after the Last Supper (Matthew 26:30)?

39. What purpose do the pilgrim psalms fulfill in the worship life of the nation? When were they sung during the Jewish year?

a. Pilgrim psalms celebrate family and community life, similar to American national celebrations viewed as family times. 6.45 Pilgrim psalms prepare travelers for worship before they reach Jerusalem and/or the Temple. Pilgrim psalms are sung as worshipers go to Jerusalem to worship.

What is the "big" question of the book of Job? How does the problem of the book of Job cut across conventional human wisdom?

a. The BIG question of Job, however, is why did the calamity come? It is human nature to desire answers to these kinds of questions. b. The problem cuts against human conventional wisdom, that justice requires good things to happen to good people and calamity to strike evil people (see Proverbs 12:21 and Isaiah 3:10-11). For Job, we can state the problem as Rabbi Harold Kushner does.

Who are Asaph, Ethan, and Heman, according to 1 Chronicles 15:17-19? Levitical musiciants Was the book of Psalms assembled all at once? Explain.

a. The book of Psalms is assembled in stages, over many centuries. 3.21 "The psalms of David are ended" (Psalm 72:20), but 17 psalms after Psalm 72 are attributed to David and many before Psalm 72 are not attributed to David. Therefore, 72:20 must refer to an earlier edition of the psalms.

9. What is a hapax legomina? Why are they hard to translate?

a. There are dozens of hapax legomina terms in Job—words that are only used once in the OT, making their exact translation very difficult.

29. Why is the "confession of trust" or "confidence" so critical to the lament psalms? How do the lament psalms illustrate the proper, balanced approach to suffering?

a. This "confidence" section is crucial to the lament psalms. Rather than just lament, wallowing in self-pity and getting depressed, the psalmist wants to build the trust of the reader in the midst of difficulty (usually start with word but). b. The correct approach to suffering: acknowledge the pain, yet acknowledging God's greatness to help me through it.

What is a praise vow? Why is it a demonstration of trust in God by the psalmist?

the praise is in the form of a praise vow, offered before the answer comes to the request made. The psalmist is rehearsing the praise offered when (not if) God delivers, a demonstration of trust in God to deliver (see

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