OT Final Exam Dr Page MC

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worst, presence, God

The Message of Job: 1.)A person can deal with the ______ this life has to offer if their faith in the Lord is strong. 2.)Our desire for the __________ of God in our lives should be so strong that all else pale in comparison. 3.) Everything is manageable if _____ is with us.

longest, 150, chapters

The Nature of the Psalms: The Book of Psalms is the _______ book of the OT. It contains ______ Psalms. They should not referred to as ________.


The Nature of the Psalms: The book of hymns, prayed, anthems, and liturgical reading the ancient _______ used in worship.

Psalmoi; melodies

The Psalms in the LXX is identified by the title _________, whose best translation is "__________" or "songs": The LXX tittle has come down to us through the Latin Vulgate.


The Psalms in the MT bears the title of what?


The ________ moment: that group of wise people who passed on gathered wisdom to others.


The ________, meter or beat of Hebrew poetry is one of its major characteristics.


The book of Job challenges a _______ understanding and application of the Deuteronomic Formula

patriarchal age

The book of Job is based on a character from the what age?


The book of Job offers a Biblical perspective on what?(to be distinguished from offering an explanation of suffering)

Ezra-Nehemiah; Chronicles, Daniel

The last three books of the kethubim that are not grouped are: ____-__________, ______________, and ______.

suffering; righteous

The purpose of Job was to explore (without solving) the various aspects of ______, especially as it related t those who are ________.


The renewing of the ________.

Hebrew Bible

The writings or Kethubim, make up the third and final section of the ________ _______

Moses, Heman, and Ethan

These three authors only wrote 1 Psalm.


This Author wrote 73 Psalms.


This author wrote 12 Psalms.


Title Descriptive of the Nature of the Psalms: 1.) _______ (mizmor):appears to indicate a piece of music to be sung with an instrumental accompaniment.


Title Descriptive of the Nature of the Psalms: 2.) _______ (shir):seems to be a general term for a song. occurs about 30 times.


Title of Descriptive of the Nature of the Psalms: 5.) ______ (tephillah) a term with an obvious meaning which occurs 5 times.


Titles Descriptive of the Nature of Psalms: 3) ______: usually only transliterated; meaning is uncertain; the root relates to wisdom; occurs 13 times


Titles Descriptive of the Nature of Psalms: 7) ___________: "to wander" and interpreted as referring to a wild, ecstatic tune


Titles Descriptive of the Nature of Psalms: 4) ________: transliterated; meaning uncertain; occurs 6 times


To account for a ________ in the line of Davi was the second fold purpose of Ruth.


To demonstrate the __________ of Israel's God was the first fold purpose for Ruth.


To show God's gracious ________ in the life of this family was the third fold purpose of Ruth.


True or False: 1/3 of the Psalms are Anonymous.


True or False: Hebrew Poetry has rhyme.


True or False: Wisdom (the caller and giver) was created first and became the master workman by God's side

-ON the foreigness of Ruth. (Ruth is from Moab, one of isarel's enemies). -On the friendship of Ruth and Namoi(Ruth4:15 "more than seven sons"). -on the fatherliness of God.("unseen but everywhere visible")

What are the 3 Emphases in Ruth?

Job, Psalms, and Proverbs

What are the big 3 writings?

1. Allegorical. 2. Topical. 3. Dramatic. 4. Nuptial Song. 5. Liturical rites. 6. Love Song

What are the interpretations of the Song of Songs?

Synonymous parallelsim. Antithetical parallelism. Synthetic parallelism.

What are three parallelism of Hebrew Poetry?


What was Azariah Babylonian name?


What was Daniels babylonian name?


What was Hannah Babylonian name?


What was Mishaels Babylonian name?

-to demonstrate the universality of Israel's God. -to account for a foreigner to the line of David. -to show God's gracious guidance in the life of this family.

What were the 3 Fold purpose of Ruth?

the Lord

Who the is the main character in the Book of Job?

Jobs wife

Who was the Human instrument of the Adversary?

Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah

Who were Daniels three friends?

Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar

Who were Job's three friends?

Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar

Who were Jobs three friends?

silver, gold, or jewels

Wisdom is described as more precious than ________,_________, or __________.


Wisdom is pictured as a _______ calling out in the market place, offering peace and security to an unresponsive crowd.


Wisdom isa house-builder, she has built he house on _______ pillars.


______-knowing what needs to be done.


_______-knowing how and when to do what needs to be done.

Common sense

________ ________- Ability to adapt traditions to changing situations to increase effectiveness without violating the tradition itself.


__________-General acquaintance with the way will and word of God.


___________-awareness and appreciation for social values, mores, and teachings passed on from earlier generations.


___________-being able to stick with your plan no matter.


____________- being able to discern your enemies plans.


_____________- The Specific application of wisdom to every day living.


a figurative story about God's love for the covenant community

Nuptial Song

parallels Syrian wedding rites practiced during a seven day festival

Liturgical rites

parallels rites of the cult of Tammuz in Babylon


stresses the themes of love and devotion which foreshadow the love of Christ

dedicated, style

"A Psalm of David": can be translated 1) "A Psalm by David. "2) "A Psalm ____________ to David" or "about David". 3) "A Psalm in David's _____" or "after the manner of David".


views the Song of Songs as a play with two or three major characters

Love Song

views the book as a poem(s) on the subject of human love

3. Temple and Worship. 4. Retribution and Repentance.

1st and 2nd Chronicles Themes: 3._____ & ______:strongest link with prexcilic Israel. 4. _______&________:"immediate retribution"

1. People. 2. Kingship

1st and 2nd Chronicles-Characteristic Themes: 1. _______: emphasize all Israel as God's people. 2. _________:Kingship in Israel=Kingdom of God.

1. Purim. 2. Historical context

2 Fold purpose of Esther: To explain the celebration of the festival of _______. To supply the _______ ______ of Purim (the survival of the Jews in Persia).

purim; justice; self-defense; immutability.

4 themes in Esther: anti-_______. retributive _____. _______-______. ________ of the law of the Medes and Persians.

wise man or wise woman

A ________ or ___________ ______: one who had seriously pondered what was necessary to have "the good life" and, based upon his or her experience as well as being founded upon the experience of the ages, arrived at conclusions.


A line of Hebrew poetry is called a?

Sons of Korah

Author os Psalms that wrote 10.

1. prospered, failed. 2. Sickness, sinned

Certain Conclusion in Job: 1. The good person ______ while the wicked person ________. 2. _______ was a sign that a person had ______. It was part of God's judgment on sinners.

blessings; curses

Dueteronomic Formula: Righteousness brings ________. Sin brings _______.


Each Hebrew Poetry has how many beats?


Each Hebrew Poetry part of a verse has how many beats?


Ezra's reforms: 1. The problem of foreign ________.


Fools in Proverbs: The __________-gulllible, silly, decidable. Pete="open-headed" 1:4.


Fools of Proverbs: The ________- Trouble maker, malignant. Lez=Scorful, set to sin.


Fools of Proverbs: The _______-Heightended degree of evil. Chaser Leb-Lacking heart, moral and religious insensitivity.


Fools of Proverbs: The _______ stupid fellow, dullard, thick. Kesil=Sluggish, "Brick-head" 1:22.


His name means "God is my Judge"

justice to mankind

Ideas for Understanding Job: 1. God was just and gave ________ to ________.


Ideas for Understanding Job: 2.) This life was all there was. When people died they went to ______, the abode of the dead. There was no life after death with rewards and punishments


Ideas for Understanding Job: 3) If justice was to be done, it had to be done in this _____.

273(86:4%), 43 (13:6%)

In Psalms Book 1 (1-41) Yahweh is used _________ times and Elohim is used _______ times.

30(15.5%), 164(84.5%)

In Psalms Book II (42-72) Yahweh is used _______ times and Elohim is used ______ times.

44(43.6%), 57 (56.4%)

In Psalms Book III (73-89) Yahweh is used _____ times and Elohim is used _____.

103 (84.4%), 19 (15.6%)

In Psalms Book IV (90-106) Yahweh is used _____ times and Elohim is used _____

190, 27

In Psalms Book V( 107-150) Yahweh is used ______ times and Elohim is used _____.

inright; upright; outright; downright

Job's Character: 1) __________ --> He was blameless (Integrity). 2) __________ --> He feared God (Reverence). 3) __________ --> He lived honestly before others (Character). 4) ___________ --> He turned from evil (Godly).

1. One. 2. Seven. 3. Three. 6. East

Job's Family and Lifestyle: 1. _______ wife(2:9). 2. ______ sons(Died 1:19). 3. _______ Daughters(Died). 4. Servants (All but four died). 5. Great Wealth(Lost). 6. Greatest Man of the _______.

worshiped & blessed

Job's Religion: Job ________ and blessed the Lord even in the face of bad news.


Job's Religion: Job attended to his own ______ first and foremost.


Job's Religion: Job retained his _______ even when sick.


Job's Religion: Job sought to "_______" his children, sanctifying them with his reverence.

1. Deceitful. 2. Worthless. 3. Miserable

Jobs estimation of his Three Friends: 1. __________ Brooks. 2. _______ Physicians. 3. _________ Comforters. "You Have Not Spoken What is Right".

1. inviolable. 2. always. 3. hope. 4. presence.

Lessons from Lamentations: 1. No place on earth is _________.(1:1-2). 2. God _______ judges sin!(2:17). 3. There is always a source of _______ and the source is always God. (3:21-27). 4. Seek the _____ of God, not just the place of God. (Temple in Jerusalem).

levirate marriage (Ruth)

Marry kinsman to continue the family line.

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai Zachariah, Malachi.

Name the books of the OT


Nehemiah: A devout Jewish __________.


Nehemiah: Cup-bearer to the ________ king.


Nehemiah: Finished the wall in ______ days.

Sanballat. Tobias. Geshem

Nehemiah: His enemies= ___________ (governor of Samria). ________(governor of Ammon in Transjordan). _________ (an Arab king).

kinsman redeemer (Ruth)

Of the land-to-keep it in the family.

Psalterion; "Psalter"

One ancient codex identified the book by the title of __________, which refers to songs accompanied by stringed instruments. From this word we get the "_______ ".


One lien of a three-line unit is called a?


One line of a two-line unit is called


Outline of Psalms: Book 1 Psalms ____-____


Outline of Psalms: Book 2 Psalms ____-____


Outline of Psalms: Book III--Psalms __ to __


Outline of Psalms: Book IV--Psalms __ to ___


Outline of Psalms: Book V--Psalms ___ to ___

Wise, Foolish

Proverbs Intro: General Purpose=To Increase the Number of _______ and Decrease the Number of ______.

Authoritative Comparison

Proverbs Intro: Proverbs (Meshalim)= "________ ______".


Proverbs Intro: Theme __:__ "The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge; Fools Despise Wisdom and Instruction"

Synthetic parallelism

Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man ➢who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked➢nor stand in the way of sinners➢nor sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy➢shall follow me all the days of my life:➢and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Antithetical parallelism

Psalms 1:6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Synonymous parallelism

Psalms 2:4-5(NIV) The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath.


Satan in Job: Satan is introduced a--- part of the ________ council.


Satan name means? (In Job)

Ruth=Pentocost. Esther=Purim. Ecclesiastes=Feast of Tabneracles. Song of Songs=Passover. Lamentations=9th of Ab.

Scrolls (Megilloth) that were read at feast/fast days.


Technical Matters in Psalm Study: A term applied to a line of poetry


Technical Matters in Psalm Study: What we would call a stanza or verse.


Technical Matters in Psalm Study: _______ "to pause"

qinah; "lament"

The 3rd common rhythm is 3:2. It is a slower, off-beat rhythm and named _______ which means what?


The Book of Esther: Title derived from the ______ of the story.

1. Jeremiah. 2. Jerusalem. 4. 9th Ab. 5. acrostic format.

The Book of Lamentations: 1. Authorship attributed to ________(uncertain). 2. Laments the fall of ________ in 586 B.C. 3. Part of the Megilloth. 4. Read on the Fast day known as the ____ ____, the traditional date of Jerusalem's fall. 5. Style: ______ format(lines begin with the letters of the alphabet) for thoroughness.


The Book of Proverbs translates ______ "to be like"

1. Praise. 2. Thanksgiving. 3. Lament. 4. Royal. 5. Liturgical Psalms. 6. Confidence. 7. Wisdom

The Forms of the Psalms: 1) hymns of ______. 2) psalms of _________. 3) psalms of _______. 4) ______ psalms. 5) __________ psalms. 6) psalms of. confidence. 7) ________ psalms. 8) mixed types


The Kethubim contains how many books?

Ruth; Esther; Ecclesiastes; Song of Songs; Lamentations

The Megilloth section of the kethubim contains (books): _____, _______, ______________, _____ ___ _____, and _________________.

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