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The author of Ecclesiates acknowleged numoerous ________________ to living under the sun.


According to proverbs, what dispoition toward God constitues " the beginning of wisdom"? a. prayerfulness b. fear c. Straight A's d. Love e. Gratitude


Which of the following Hebrews -based words means , "praise Yahweh"? a. Amen b. Noel c. Hebel d. Selah e. Hallelujah


The author of job clarified _________ _____ __________ when God's justice and goodness appear questionable

How to respond

The author of Psalms expressesd ___________ _______________ in healthy and authentic ways

Human emotions

The book of Proverbs pictures life as a ______________________. a. journey b. celebration c. Sprint d. test


The author of Psalms used __________ __________ as templates for communicating with God

Literary forms

Ultimately, Proverbs focuses on the development of wise_________. a.living b. intellect c. speech d. feelings


What is the most fundamental component of Hebrew poetry? a. Parallelism b. Assonance c. Literalism d. Alphabetic Acrostic e. Rhyme


How does the professor understand the interrelationship between Job, Proverbs , and Ecclesiastes?

Proverbs is " standard wisdom"; Job and Ecclesiastes are " speculative wisdom," challenging a superficial understanding of Proverbs and the retribtutive principle

If Ecclesiastes were reduced to a text message, whar would it say ? a. LMAO b. LOL c. OMG d.XOXO e. WTF


The author of Psalms called people to worship _______ in light if hus oersin and works


What is the direct source of authority for the sage? That is, where does he get wisdom? a. Observation and experience b. Direct revelation from God c. Dialog with priesr and prophets d. The Written Torah e. TFC's student handbook

a. Observation and experience

Proverbs 26:4-5 provides two statements: " Do not answer a fool according to his folly , or you will be lije him youself" ; ans, Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes." THis is a good example of which basic principle? a. Proverbs are general truths that assume exceptions b. Proverbs are commands that must be follwed. c. Proverbs are part of the Old Covenant, no longer applicable to Christans. d. Proverbs are guaranteed promises that should be "claimed" by belivers. e. The Bible os self-contradictory, show that not all of it is inspired

a. Proverbs are general truths that assume exceptions

Which of the following pairs - which match a psalm type with its corresponding major emotion - is not accurate? a. imprecatory/ gratitude b. Praise/ worship c. Trust/ confidence d. Lament/ fear

a. imprecatory/ gratitude

According to the textbook, what is the frame narrator's view of Qoheleth's voice? a. Basically possitive, as we should've expected b. Basically positive, which is a bit surprising c. Basically negative, as we should've expected d. Basically negative, which is a bit surprising

b. Basically positive, which is a bit surprising

Whar is Job's role ( at least in his mind) in the Earthly Trail of Job 3-37? a. Prosecution b. Defendant c. Key Witness d. Judge e. Bailiff

b. Defendant

Which og thr following human chracters in Job was most correct in his assessment? a. Zophar b. Elihu c. Bildad d. Eliphaz

b. Elihu

How does the book of Job end? a. The satan is condemned for his challenges to God b. Job is blessed with a new family and material things c. Job is left in ashed to pnder his challenges against God d. Job's friends are applauded for their challenges to Job

b. Job is blessed with a new family and material things

Which of the following propositions did Job's friends eventually deny? a. God is just b. Job is innocent c. Job is suffering d. Satan is real e. God is good

b. Job is innocent

In the book of Job, the saten character denies which of the following propositions ( even though the proposition is true)? a. Job's friends are correct in their accusations. b. Job's piety is disinterested c. Job is rightous d. God is sovereign

b. Job's piety is disinterested

Which of the following genres best characterizes Song of Solomon /songs? a. Speculative Wisdom b. Love Poetry c. Allegory d. Narrative

b. Love Poetry

Who is the female lover in the Song of Solomon/ Songs? a. The queen of Sheba b. The Shulamite Woman c. Bathsheba d. The daughter of Korah e

b. The Shulamite Woman

Which of the following is the most accurate statement concerning the historical context of the Psalms? a. The specific historical context of a psalm is almost always provided in the psalm title. b. The specific historical context of most pslams is unknown and unnecessary c. The specific historical context of each psalm can be found in other OT books, which often quote the psalms. d. The specific historical context of most psalms can be found in NT references

b. The specific historical context of most pslams is unknown and unnecessary

What is the most accutate description of human emotions as they are expressed in the Psalms? a. Emotions are appropriate in the initial stages of communiating with God, but belivers ought to seek to minimize them as they mature. b. The intensity of the emotions shows that the author is overly inrospective and self- centered c. All the emotions expressed are healthy and authentic d. Positive emotinos are legitimate, but the negative emotionsare illegitimate

c. All the emotions expressed are healthy and authentic

What is Job's "role" in the heavenly trail of Job 1-2 ? a. defendant b. bailiff c. Key Witness d. Prosecution e. Judge

c. Key Witness

In Ecclesiastes, What is life" under the sun"? a. The overt sinful moments in life b. Private life ad opposed to public life c. Life generally as we experience it in a fallen world d. Public life as opposed to private life e. The experience one has only when life's problems are solved

c. Life generally as we experience it in a fallen world

The author of job recognized that God accepts the honest __________ of his hurting people


According to Ecclesiastes, what us the key to a meaningful and signifcant life? a. Enjoy the pleasures of this world and repent later. b. Turst your own instincts and rely on your own observations. c. Nothing; life has no meaning d. Fear God and keep his commandments

d. Fear God and keep his commandments

Which of the follwing questions is ultimately answered by Ecclesiastes? a. How is God both good and just? b. Why do the righteous suffer? c. How can one find consistency in life? d. How should one handle adversity? e. None of the above

e. None of the above

According to the professor, how would the suthor of Job ultimately answer the question, "Why do people suffer?" a. Because Satan is at work behind the scenes b. Because God is arbitray and capricious c. Because of a human's personal sin d. Because God wants to strenghten one's character e. None of the above ( i.e , the question is left unanswered ultimately)

e. None of the above ( i.e , the question is left unanswered ultimately)

The author of Song of Songs extolled ______ __________ within marragie as God's good gift.

erotic love

The author of job blived that people should _________ _______________ for who he is rather than for what he gives

fear God

The author of Ecclesiates provided important ___________ about ___________ wel under the sun

instruction / living

The author of Song of Songs traced the progress of _____________ from initail attraction to maturity


THe author of Pslams taught how to _____________ and _________ wiswly.

live and think

The author of Ecclesiates highlighted the key to a _____________ and ______________ life

meaningful and signifanct

The author of Proverbs portrayed the _________ _______ _________ in memorable ways

nature of wisdom

The author of job showed that personal sin is ____________ the only reason humans suffer


The author of Ecclesiates affired God's mysterious _______________ in all of life .


The author of Ecclesiates raised more ___________ than he answered


The author of job affirmed Yaheh's _________ over all things


The author of Proverbs Asserted that true wisdom is grounded in ______ __________ ____ ___________

the fear of Yahew

The author of Song of Songs decribed the ________________ power of love.


THe author of Psalms encouraged _________ for God's kingdom and the Messiah


The author of Proverbs cintrasted the path if ________ with the path of ____________.

widom w/h the path of folly

The author of Proverbs gave practical guidance for _______ __________

wise living

The author of job acknowleges humanity's inabliity to fully grasp God's ________and _________

work and purpose

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