Oxford 3000 level 1

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1 (Of a bird, bat, or insect) move through the air using wings:Move or be hurled quickly through the air:Wave or flutter in the wind:Go or move quickly:Be successful:+An opening at the crotch of a pair of trousers, closed with a zip or buttons and typically covered with a flap.+The space over the stage in a theatre.+short for fly ball.+A one-horse hackney carriage.+An attempt:+A flying insect of a large order characterized by a single pair of transparent wings and sucking (and often also piercing) mouthparts. Flies are of great importance as vectors of disease.+Knowing and clever:+Fashionably attractive and impressive: Many kinds of birds fly south at the approach of winter.+We watched a flock of birds fly over the field.+We are currently flying at an altitude of 15,000 metres.+Concorde flew much higher than most planes.+A swarm of bees flew into the garden. ➤ verb ✦ 1 (of a bird, bat, or insect) move through the air using wings. 'close the door or the moths will fly in' ➥ 1.1 (of an aircraft or its occupants) travel through the air. 'I fly back to London this evening' ➥ 1.2 Control the flight of (an aircraft) 'he flew Hurricanes in the war' ➥ 1.3 Transport in an aircraft. 'helicopters flew the injured to hospital' ➥ 1.4 Accomplish (a purpose) in an aircraft. 'pilots trained to fly combat missions' ➥ 1.5 Release (a bird) to fly, especially a hawk for hunting or a pigeon for racing. 'He is a great falconer, and has promised to fly his hawks on Friday for my amusement.' ✦ 2 Move or be hurled quickly through the air. 'balls kept flying over her hedge' ➥ 2.1 (of accusations or insults) be exchanged swiftly and heatedly. 'the accusations flew thick and fast' ➥ 2.2 (of a report) be circulated swiftly and widely. 'rumours were flying around Manchester' ➥ 2.3 Hit a ball high into the air. 'he flied out to the left field' ✦ 3 Wave or flutter in the wind. 'she ran after him, her hair flying behind her' ➥ 3.1 (with reference to a flag) display or be displayed on a flagpole. with object 'vessels which flew the Spanish flag' ✦ 4 Go or move quickly. 'she flew along the path' ➥ 4.1 Depart hastily. 'I must fly!' ➥ 4.2 (of time) pass swiftly. 'the evening had just flown by' ➥ 4.3 Run away; flee. 'those that fly may fight again' ➥ 4.4 Escape from in haste; flee from. 'you must fly the country for a while' ✦ 5 Be successful. 'that idea didn't fly with most other council members'➤ noun ✦ 1 An opening at the crotch of a pair of trousers, closed with a zip or buttons and typically covered with a flap. ➥ 1.1 A flap of material covering the opening or fastening of a garment or of a tent. 'After the exterior of the tent's fly dries, remove it and drape it over a bush or tree limb with the interior exposed.' ✦ 2 The space over the stage in a theatre. ✦ 3 ✦ 4 A one-horse hackney carriage. ✦ 5 An attempt. 'we decided to give it a fly'➤ noun ✦ 1 A flying insect of a large order characterized by a single pair of transparent wings and sucking (and often also piercing) mouthparts. Flies are of great importance as vectors of disease. 'cattle to be treated for warble fly' ➥ 1.1 Used in names of flying insects of other orders, e.g. butterfly, dragonfly, firefly. 'Why did the common name fruit fly supersede vinegar or pomace fly?' ➥ 1.2 An infestation of flying insects on a plant or animal. 'cattle to be treated for warble fly' ➥ 1.3 A natural or artificial flying insect used as bait in fishing, especially a mayfly. 'There seems to be a culture that now associates using artificial lures and flies with the need to conserve our stocks for the future.'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Knowing and clever. 'she's fly enough not to get tricked out of it' ✦ 2 Fashionably attractive and impressive. 'a fly dude'


1 (Of a person, animal, or plant) stop living:Be very eager for something:Have an orgasm.+singular form of dice.+A device for cutting or moulding metal into a particular shape.+The cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth. These men are ready to die for their country.+When the queen dies, her eldest son will succeed to the throne.+We had a very hard winter last year and some of the plants died.+Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.+If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die. ➤ verb ✦ 1 (of a person, animal, or plant) stop living. 'he died of tuberculosis' ➥ 1.1 Become extinct. 'many species died out' ➥ 1.2 Be forgotten. 'her genius has assured her name will never die' ➥ 1.3 Become less loud or strong. 'after a while, the noise died down' ➥ 1.4 (of a plant) decay from the tip toward the root. 'rhubarb dies back to a crown of buds each winter' ➥ 1.5 Die one after another until few or none are left. 'the original founders died off or retired' ➥ 1.6 (of a fire or light) stop burning or gleaming. 'the fire had died and the room was cold' ➥ 1.7 (of a machine) stop functioning or run out of electric charge. 'three toasters have died on me' ✦ 2 Be very eager for something. 'they must be dying for a drink' ➥ 2.1 Used to emphasize how strongly one is affected by a particular feeling or emotion. 'only the thought of Matilda prevented him from dying of boredom' ✦ 3 Have an orgasm.➤ noun ✦ 1 ✦ 2 A device for cutting or moulding metal into a particular shape. ➥ 2.1 An engraved device for stamping a design on coins or medals. 'A die was very much cheaper to procure although of course a separate die had to be made for each design.' ✦ 3 The cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth.</strong>


1 (Of goods) sold direct from:Not including:+A former husband, wife, or other partner in a relationship:+Out: Eriugena returns in Book Three to give a very complex discussion of the meaning of ˜ex nihilo™ in the concept of creatio ex nihilo, which makes use of some of these modes of being and non-being, and, in general, these modes should be borne in mind when interpreting Eriugena's more overt metaphysical statements.+_Heinsius 'ex libris antiquis'_ hitanisque _B_ hyranisque _C ut uid, M ut uid_ hytanusque _F_ hytanesque _T_ hitaneusque _ex_ hitanque _I_ hythausque _H_ iponesque _L_ | | Calesque _I.+Supper does not confer _grace ex opere operato_, and that, when applied on behalf of others, alive or dead, it does not merit for them _ex opere operato_ the remission of sins, of guilt or of punishment.+Heat ex - The energy and work capability of the ex changers must be used when capturing heat from haust can be recovered to produce steam.+MsgService. streamMessage (uri, MsgStream, msgWindow, null, false, null); catch (ex) alert ( "message:" +ex. message); ➤ preposition ✦ 1 (of goods) sold direct from. 'carpet tiles offered at a special price, ex stock' ➥ 1.1 (of goods) without charges to the purchaser until removed from. 'ex warehouse' ✦ 2 Not including. 'the cost is £5,000 ex VAT'➤ noun ✦ A former husband, wife, or other partner in a relationship. 'I don't want my ex to spoil what I have now'


1 A container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid:An area or space enclosed within straight lines, in particular:A separate section or enclosed area reserved for a group of people in a theatre or sports ground, or for witnesses or the jury in a law court:A protective casing for a piece of a mechanism:A facility at a newspaper office for receiving replies to an advertisement:+Put in or provide with a box:+Mix up different flocks.+Fight an opponent using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing:+A slap with the hand on the side of a person's head:+A slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber.+Any of a number of trees which have timber or foliage similar to that of the box tree, in particular:+Recite the compass points in correct order.+Make a complete change of direction. I took her a box of chocolates.+He lifted the box carefully down from the shelf.+Put the empty box in the rubbish bin.+I'm amazed you managed to move those heavy boxes all by yourself.+I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid. 'a cigarette box' ➥ 1.1 The contents of a box. 'she ate a whole box of chocolates that night' ➥ 1.2 Television or a television set. 'we sat around watching the box' ➥ 1.3 A casing containing a computer. 'the new model is half the cost of an equivalent IBM box' ➥ 1.4 A coffin. 'I always thought I'd be in a box when I finally left here' ➥ 1.5 A coachman's seat. ✦ 2 An area on a page that is to be filled in or that contains separate printed matter. 'tick the box on the coupon' ➥ 2.1 An area on a computer screen for user input or displaying information. 'a new box appears containing the names of all the programs which are opened' ➥ 2.2 A box junction. 'do not enter the box until your exit is clear' ➥ 2.3 The penalty area. 'he curled in a brilliant second from the edge of the box' ➥ 2.4 The area occupied by the batter. 'ten thousand people booed him when he stepped into the box' ✦ 3 A separate section or enclosed area reserved for a group of people in a theatre or sports ground, or for witnesses or the jury in a law court. 'the royal box' ➥ 3.1 A small country house for use when shooting or fishing. 'Available at furniture, storage supply, or home stores, these boxes come with open shelves, doors, or drawers.' ✦ 4 A protective casing for a piece of a mechanism. 'in the second variation, a switch loop, only one cable enters the box' ➥ 4.1 'Simply plant the accelerator, try to keep pace with the gearchanges in the six-speed box and soak up the noise.' ➥ 4.2 A light shield for protecting a man's genitals in sport, especially in cricket. 'He wonders why European sportsmen don't wear boxes to protect themselves from such painful eventualities, when Americans are so keen on them.' ✦ 5 A facility at a newspaper office for receiving replies to an advertisement. 'write to me care of Box 112' ➥ 5.1 A facility at a post office whereby letters are kept until called for by the addressee. 'I know this because Abel and Cole always send a little letter with their boxes which tells me where everything has come from and how the farmers are getting on.' ✦ 6 A woman's vagina.➤ verb ✦ 1 Put in or provide with a box. 'the books are sold as a boxed set' ➥ 1.1 Enclose (a piece of text) within printed lines. 'boxed sections in magazines' ➥ 1.2 Restrict the ability of (a person or vehicle) to move freely. 'a van had double-parked alongside her car and totally boxed her in' ✦ 2 Mix up different flocks.➤ verb ✦ Fight an opponent using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing. 'he boxed for England'➤ noun ✦ A slap with the hand on the side of a person's head. 'she gave him a box on the ear'➤ noun ✦ 1 A slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber. ➥ 1.1 The hard, heavy wood of the box tree, formerly used for engraving and for musical instruments. 'The hardwoods he mentions-box, cocoa - are probably short for boxwood and cocobolo.' ✦ 2 Any of a number of trees that have wood or foliage similar to the box tree.➤ verb ✦ 1 Recite the compass points in correct order. ✦ 2 Make a complete change of direction. 'by now the breeze had boxed the compass'


1 A device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container can be controlled:A device connected to a telephone for listening secretly to someone's conversations:An instrument for cutting a threaded hole in a material.A taproom.+Draw liquid through the tap or spout of (a cask, barrel, or other container):+Exploit or draw a supply from (a resource):+Connect a device to (a telephone) so that conversation can be listened to secretly:+Cut a thread in (something) to accept a screw:+Strike with a quick light blow or blows:+Approach (a sports player) unlawfully with a view to signing them to another club while they are still under contract with their current one.+Designate or select (someone) for a task or honour, especially membership of an organization or committee:+A quick light blow, or the sound of such a blow:+Tap dancing:+A bugle call for lights to be put out in army quarters: The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.+I still haven't got round to fixing that tap.+Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.+The hot tap is running cold !+There's a tray under each tap to catch the beer slops. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container can be controlled. 'she turned the cold tap on' ➥ 1.1 An electrical connection made to some point between the end terminals of a transformer coil or other component. 'Thyristor-assisted tap changers use thyristors to take the on-load current while the main contacts change over from one tap to the next.' ✦ 2 A device connected to a telephone for listening secretly to someone's conversations. 'those taps produced hundreds of hours of recordings' ➥ 2.1 An act of listening secretly to someone's telephone conversation. 'Listening in on the tap, a man laughed, putting his head set down.' ✦ 3 An instrument for cutting a threaded hole in a material. ✦ 4 A taproom.➤ verb ✦ 1 Draw liquid through the tap or spout of (a cask, barrel, or other container) 'several barrels had been tapped to celebrate old victories' ➥ 1.1 Draw (liquid) from a cask, barrel, or other container. 'in the cellars of the monasteries the butlers were tapping new and old ale' ➥ 1.2 Draw sap from (a tree) by cutting into it. 'It is a milky substance that is harvested by tapping the tree, a process similar to the harvesting of maple syrup.' ✦ 2 Exploit or draw a supply from (a resource) 'clients from industry seeking to tap Edinburgh's resources of expertise' ➥ 2.1 Obtain money or information from (someone) 'he considered whom he could tap for information' ✦ 3 Connect a device to (a telephone) so that conversation can be listened to secretly. 'the telephones were tapped by the state security police' ✦ 4 Cut a thread in (something) to accept a screw. 'on most vices, the metal jaws are drilled and tapped to accept screws'➤ verb ✦ 1 Strike with a quick light blow or blows. 'one of my staff tapped me on the shoulder' ➥ 1.1 Strike (something) against something else with a quick light blow or blows. 'Gloria was tapping her feet in time to the music' ➥ 1.2 Produce (a rhythm) with a series of quick light blows on a surface. 'drums that tapped out a rumba beat' ➥ 1.3 Write or enter (something) using a keyboard or keypad. 'he tapped out a few words on the keyboard' ✦ 2 Approach (a sports player) unlawfully with a view to signing them to another club while they are still under contract with their current one. ✦ 3 Designate or select (someone) for a task or honour, especially membership of an organization or committee. 'he had been tapped earlier to serve in Costa Rica'➤ noun ✦ 1 A quick light blow, or the sound of such a blow. 'there was a sharp tap at the door' ✦ 2 Tap dancing. 'a rhythm much used in tap' ➥ 2.1 A piece of metal attached to the toe and heel of a tap dancer's shoe to make a tapping sound. 'They were carrying canes and doing a sort of tap-dance, minus the taps.' ✦ 3 A bugle call for lights to be put out in army quarters. 'the bugler played taps' ➥ 3.1 A bugle call sounded at a military funeral. '"Facing critical shortage of musicians for military funerals, the Pentagon has approved the use of a push-button bugle that plays taps by itself as the player holds it to his lips."' ➥ 3.2 (in the Guide movement) a closing song sung at an evening camp fire or at the end of a meeting. 'Each week we find ourselves constantly scrambling to fit the opening, an active game, all the program work plus a campfire and taps into a two hour window.'


1 A long rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material, typically used as an obstruction, fastening, or weapon:A counter in a pub, restaurant, or cafe across which drinks or refreshments are served:A barrier or restriction to an action or advance:Any of the short sections or measures, typically of equal time value, into which a piece of music is divided, shown on a score by vertical lines across the stave:A partition in a court room, now usually notional, beyond which most people may not pass and at which an accused person stands:The profession of barrister:+Fasten (something, especially a door or window) with a bar or bars:+Prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something or from going somewhere:+Mark (something) with bars or stripes:+Except for:+A unit of pressure equivalent to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre or approximately one atmosphere. As a general rule, we don't allow children in the bar.+You'll find her in the bar almost every evening about six o'clock.+The hotel bar is open to non-residents.+She roamed around America for a year, working in bars and restaurants.+She fell into a conversation with a man at the bar. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A long rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material, typically used as an obstruction, fastening, or weapon. 'an iron bar' ➥ 1.1 An amount of food or another substance formed into a narrow block. 'a bar of chocolate' ➥ 1.2 A band of colour or light. 'bars of sunlight shafting through the windows' ➥ 1.3 The heating element of an electric fire. 'It was a small room, but even so the single bar of the electric fire, glowing bright orange beside its pale neighbour, fought hard to take the chill away.' ➥ 1.4 The crossbar of a goal. 'Clark's shot hit the bar' ➥ 1.5 A metal strip below the clasp of a medal, awarded as an additional distinction. 'he was awarded a second bar to his DSO' ➥ 1.6 A sandbank or shoal at the mouth of a harbour or an estuary. 'the bar to the estuary of the River Eske' ➥ 1.7 A charge in the form of a narrow horizontal stripe across the shield. 'It may be noted that a bar is never shown alone; there are always two or more.' ✦ 2 A counter in a pub, restaurant, or cafe across which drinks or refreshments are served. 'standing at the bar' ➥ 2.1 A room in a pub, restaurant, or hotel in which alcohol is served. 'the oak-panelled bar of the Lion' ➥ 2.2 An establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served. 'a small friendly bar open all day' ➥ 2.3 A small shop, stall, or area in a department store that serves refreshments or provides a specified service. 'a sandwich bar' ✦ 3 A barrier or restriction to an action or advance. 'political differences are not necessarily a bar to a good relationship' ➥ 3.1 A plea suspending an action or claim in a lawsuit. 'In that sense, section 10 constituted only a procedural bar to his claim.' ✦ 4 Any of the short sections or measures, typically of equal time value, into which a piece of music is divided, shown on a score by vertical lines across the stave. 'the opening bars of the first hymn' ✦ 5 A partition in a court room, now usually notional, beyond which most people may not pass and at which an accused person stands. 'the prisoner at the bar' ➥ 5.1 A rail marking the end of each chamber in the Houses of Parliament. 'he had to appear at the Bar of the House for a reprimand by the Speaker' ✦ 6 The profession of barrister. 'his dismissal from the Singapore Bar' ➥ 6.1 Barristers collectively. 'The Bar Council provides representation and services for the Bar, and guidance on issues of professional practice.' ➥ 6.2 Lawyers collectively. ➥ 6.3 A particular court of law. 'He was admitted to the Bar of Western Australia at the Supreme Court in Perth on November 2.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Fasten (something, especially a door or window) with a bar or bars. 'she bolted and barred the door' ✦ 2 Prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something or from going somewhere. 'journalists had been barred from covering the elections' ➥ 2.1 Forbid someone from undertaking (an activity) 'the job she loved had been barred to her' ➥ 2.2 Exclude (something) from consideration. 'nothing is barred in the crime novel' ➥ 2.3 Prevent or delay (an action) by objection. 'If I were wrong in my conclusion that on the principal claims Mr Shaker had no cause of action, the proceedings would still be barred on the basis that the damages were purely reflective of the company's loss.' ✦ 3 Mark (something) with bars or stripes. 'his face was barred with light'➤ preposition ✦ 1 Except for. 'his kids were all gone now, bar one' ➥ 1.1 Except the horses indicated (used when stating the odds). ➤ noun ✦ A unit of pressure equivalent to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre or approximately one atmosphere.</strong>

pan__pæn - pɑ:n

1 A metal container used for cooking food in:A bowl or other container, in particular:A hard stratum of compacted soil:A hollow in the ground in which water may collect or in which a deposit of salt remains after water has evaporated.A person's face.+Criticize severely:+Wash gravel in a pan to separate out (gold):+Swing (a video or film camera) in a horizontal or vertical plane, typically to give a panoramic effect or follow a subject:+A panning movement:+Variant spelling of paan.+A god of flocks and herds, typically represented with the horns, ears, and legs of a goat on a man's body. His sudden appearance was supposed to cause terror similar to that of a frightened and stampeding herd, and the word panic is derived from his name. Divide the mixture evenly between the baking pans.+Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain.+Fry the onions in a shallow pan.+Stir the sauce so that it doesn't stick to the pan.+I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A metal container used for cooking food in. 'heat the olive oil in a heavy pan' ➥ 1.1 An amount of something contained in a pan. 'a pan of hot water' ➥ 1.2 A bowl fitted at either end of a pair of scales. 'she sifted flour on to the wide brass pan of the scales' ➥ 1.3 The bowl of a toilet. 'peroxide is what they put down the lavatory to disinfect the pan' ➥ 1.4 A large container used in a technical or manufacturing process for subjecting a material to heat or a mechanical or chemical process. 'The brine was evaporated or 'walled' in large, shallow lead pans, positioned over wood or coal fires, until a salt-rich sludge was formed.' ➥ 1.5 A steel drum. 'In a steelband, the melodies are played on a tenor pan, which can play a complete low pitch scale.' ➥ 1.6 A shallow bowl in which gold is separated from gravel and mud by agitation and washing. 'he washed the gold-free surface gravel out over the rim of the pan' ➥ 1.7 A part of the lock that held the priming in old types of gun. 'prime the pan, pour the powder down the barrel, then ram in the cartridge's paper and ball' ✦ 2 A hollow in the ground in which water may collect or in which a deposit of salt remains after water has evaporated. ✦ 3 A hard stratum of compacted soil. 'heavy spikes can be useful in breaking a surface pan in grassland' ✦ 4 A person's face.➤ verb ✦ 1 Criticize severely. 'the movie was panned by the critics' ✦ 2 Wash gravel in a pan to separate out (gold) 'the old-timers panned gold' ➥ 2.1 (of gravel) yield gold. 'They can keep the gold they pan out as souvenirs of modest value, plus get a certificate, a medal and perhaps a bag of local cookies or a bottle of schnapps as a trophy.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Swing (a video or film camera) in a horizontal or vertical plane, typically to give a panoramic effect or follow a subject. 'he was panning the camera over everything in sight' ➥ 1.1 (of a camera) be swung in a horizontal or vertical plane. 'the camera panned to the dead dictator'➤ noun ✦ A panning movement. 'that slow pan over London'➤ noun ✦ ➤ proper noun ✦ A god of flocks and herds, typically represented with the horns, ears, and legs of a goat on a man's body. His sudden appearance was supposed to cause terror similar to that of a frightened and stampeding herd, and the word panic is derived from his name.</strong>


1 A rounded or cylindrical container, typically of metal, used for cooking:The total sum of the bets made on a round in poker, brag, etc.A prize in a sporting contest, especially a silver cup.A pot belly:An engine cylinder.A shot in which a player strikes a ball into a pocket:+Plant in a flowerpot:+Preserve (food, especially meat or fish) in a sealed pot or jar:+Strike (a ball) into a pocket:+Hit or kill by shooting:+Make articles from earthenware or baked clay:+Sit (a young child) on a potty.+Encapsulate (an electrical component or circuit) in a synthetic resin or similar insulating material which sets solid.+Cannabis:+A shot aimed at someone or something; a potshot:+(Chiefly in rugby) an attempt to score a goal with a kick.+Score (a goal):+Short for potentiometer (sense 2). We could hear the porridge bubbling away in the pot.+He's got a few plants in pots on the windowsill.+Sow the seeds in pots.+This dishwasher even washes pots and pans .+The children moulded little pots out of clay. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A rounded or cylindrical container, typically of metal, used for cooking. 'pots and pans hung from a rack' ➥ 1.1 Any of various containers made for a particular purpose, especially one used for storage. 'a yogurt pot' ➥ 1.2 A container for holding drink, especially beer. 'Secondly, the beer came in plastic pots, so I was gone if I got into a fight with the bouncers.' ➥ 1.3 The contents of a pot. 'a pot of coffee' ✦ 2 The total sum of the bets made on a round in poker, brag, etc. 'Jim raked in half the pot' ➥ 2.1 All the money contributed by a group of people for a particular purpose. 'in insurance, everybody puts money into the pot used to pay claims' ✦ 3 A prize in a sporting contest, especially a silver cup. ✦ 4 A pot belly. 'men pat their pots proudly and talk of how they must have got through a few skinfuls' ✦ 5 An engine cylinder. ✦ 6 A shot in which a player strikes a ball into a pocket. 'he put together a 36 clearance to blue which was full of difficult pots'➤ verb ✦ 1 Plant in a flowerpot. 'pot individual cuttings as soon as you see new young leaves' ➥ 1.1 Transplant a plant from a small flowerpot to a larger one. 'As slugs are a problem in my garden, I will pot my seedlings on and put them out when they are bigger.' ➥ 1.2 Transplant a seedling into a flowerpot. 'Hardy water lilies must be repotted every spring in a process that's similar to potting them up initially.' ✦ 2 Preserve (food, especially meat or fish) in a sealed pot or jar. 'venison can be potted in the same way as tongue' ✦ 3 Strike (a ball) into a pocket. 'he failed to pot a red at close range' ✦ 4 Hit or kill by shooting. 'he was shot in the eye as neighbours potted clay pigeons' ➥ 4.1 Succeed in obtaining (something desirable); win. 'do you fancy potting a fine trophy?' ✦ 5 Make articles from earthenware or baked clay. 'why not paint or pot in the sun this winter?' ✦ 6 Sit (a young child) on a potty. ✦ 7 Encapsulate (an electrical component or circuit) in a synthetic resin or similar insulating material which sets solid.➤ noun ✦ Cannabis. 'we smoked pot at football games'➤ noun ✦ 1 A shot aimed at someone or something; a potshot. 'my friends had a pot at the occasional rabbit' ✦ 2 (chiefly in rugby) an attempt to score a goal with a kick.➤ verb ✦ Score (a goal) 'the English Lion potted two penalties of his own'➤ noun ✦ </strong>


1 A small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, which is inserted into a lock and turned to open or close it:Each of several buttons on a panel for operating a computer, typewriter, or telephone:A thing that provides a means of achieving or understanding something:A group of notes based on a particular note and comprising a scale, regarded as forming the tonal basis of a piece of music:The dry winged fruit of an ash, maple, or sycamore, typically growing in bunches; a samara.The part of a first coat of wall plaster that passes between the laths and so secures the rest.The keyhole-shaped area marked on the court near each basket:+Of crucial importance:+Enter or operate on (data) by means of a computer keyboard or telephone keypad:+Fasten (something) in position with a pin, wedge, or bolt:+Roughen (a surface) to help the adhesion of plaster or other material:+Word (an advertisement in a periodical), typically by varying the form of the address given, so as to identify the publication generating particular responses:+Vandalize (a car) by scraping its paint with a key.+Be the crucial factor in achieving:+A low-lying island or reef, especially in the Caribbean. She fumbled around in her handbag, looking for her key.+I heard someone turn a key in the lock.+Give me the car keys - you're in no fit state to drive.+She suddenly remembered (that) her keys were in her other bag.+Please hand in your keys at reception on your departure from the hotel. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, which is inserted into a lock and turned to open or close it. 'there were two keys to the cupboard' ➥ 1.1 A shaped metal implement for operating a switch in the form of a lock, especially one operating the ignition of a motor vehicle. 'Nat turned the key in the ignition' ➥ 1.2 An instrument for grasping and turning a screw, peg, or nut, especially one for winding a clock or turning a valve. 'Remove adjusting keys and wrenches from tool before turning it on.' ➥ 1.3 A pin, bolt, or wedge inserted into a hole or between parts so as to lock the parts together. 'Opening the bubble-wrap we find the main unit, an instruction leaflet and a small bag with the screws and 2 keys.' ✦ 2 Each of several buttons on a panel for operating a computer, typewriter, or telephone. 'press the ENTER key' ➥ 2.1 A lever depressed by the finger in playing an instrument such as the organ, piano, flute, or concertina. 'a piece composed solely for the white keys on the piano' ➥ 2.2 A lever operating a mechanical device for making or breaking an electric circuit, for example in telegraphy. 'A woman sits at a telegraph key and rattles Morse code along a wire.' ✦ 3 A thing that provides a means of achieving or understanding something. 'discipline seems to be the key to her success' ➥ 3.1 An explanatory list of symbols used in a map, table, etc. 'In fact, as will be obvious to any reader who has ever used an index, the symbols in the key refer to the chapters in which the characters appear.' ➥ 3.2 A set of answers to exercises or problems. 'a key at the back of the book provides the answers' ➥ 3.3 A word or system for solving a cipher or code. 'it took him some time to find the key, the connection between the code and the Odyssey' ➥ 3.4 The first move in the solution of a chess problem. 'The key is whether the defensive king can get within the promotion 'square'.' ➥ 3.5 A field in a record which is used to identify that record uniquely. 'The optional TYPE part of the foreign key name is used to support multiple keys to the same TABLE FIELD.' ✦ 4 A group of notes based on a particular note and comprising a scale, regarded as forming the tonal basis of a piece of music. 'the key of E minor' ➥ 4.1 The tone or pitch of someone's voice. 'his voice had changed to a lower key' ➥ 4.2 The prevailing tone of a piece of writing, situation, etc. 'it was like the sixties all over again, in a new, more austerely intellectual key' ➥ 4.3 The prevailing range of tones in a painting. 'these mauves, lime greens, and saffron yellows recall the high key of El Greco's palette' ✦ 5 The dry winged fruit of an ash, maple, or sycamore, typically growing in bunches; a samara. ✦ 6 The part of a first coat of wall plaster that passes between the laths and so secures the rest. ➥ 6.1 The roughness of a surface, helping the adhesion of plaster or other material. 'Scratch the render to form a key and, the next day, fill flush with a slightly weaker mix.' ✦ 7 The keyhole-shaped area marked on the court near each basket. 'he hit another jumper from the top of the key'➤ adjective ✦ Of crucial importance. 'she became a key figure in the suffragette movement'➤ verb ✦ 1 Enter or operate on (data) by means of a computer keyboard or telephone keypad. 'she keyed in a series of commands' ✦ 2 Fasten (something) in position with a pin, wedge, or bolt. 'the coils may be keyed into the slots by fibre wedges' ✦ 3 Roughen (a surface) to help the adhesion of plaster or other material. 'a wooden float with nails driven through it is used to key the wall surface between coats' ✦ 4 Word (an advertisement in a periodical), typically by varying the form of the address given, so as to identify the publication generating particular responses. 'one keys advertisements and measures returns' ✦ 5 Vandalize (a car) by scraping its paint with a key. ✦ 6 Be the crucial factor in achieving. 'Ewing keyed a 73-35 advantage on the boards with twenty rebounds'➤ noun ✦ A low-lying island or reef, especially in the Caribbean.</strong>


1 Adjustable-rate mortgage.+Each of the two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand:+A thing comparable to an arm in form or function, typically something that projects from a larger structure:+A branch or division of a company or organization:+Each of the lines enclosing an angle.+Supply or provide with weapons:+Activate the fuse of (a bomb, missile, or other explosive device) so that it is ready to explode: Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.+Without saying a word, she took hold of my arm and marched me off to the headmaster's office.+He put his arm around her shoulder protectively.+He ran up to her, his arms outstretched.+She sat back in her chair and wrapped her arms around her knees. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Each of the two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand. 'she held the baby in her arms' ➥ 1.1 A flexible limb of an invertebrate animal, e.g. an octopus. 'Most fossil starfish consist of scattered individual plates or segments of arms.' ➥ 1.2 A sleeve of a garment. 'He was still wearing a surf suit that day, though one with short sleeves at the arms and legs coming to his knees.' ➥ 1.3 An ability to bowl, pitch, or throw a ball skilfully. 'he has a good arm' ➥ 1.4 Used to refer to the holding of a person's arm in support or companionship. 'as they walked he offered her his arm' ➥ 1.5 Used to refer to something powerful or protective. 'they have extended the arm of friendship to developing countries' ✦ 2 A thing comparable to an arm in form or function, typically something that projects from a larger structure. 'cables will secure the boom to steel arms installed near the top of the tower' ➥ 2.1 A side part of a chair or other seat on which a sitter can rest their arm. 'he draped his legs over the arm of the sofa' ➥ 2.2 A narrow strip of water or land projecting from a larger body. 'the whole place is divided into two equal parts by an arm of the sea' ✦ 3 A branch or division of a company or organization. 'the political arm of the separatist group' ➥ 3.1 Each of the types of troops of which an army is composed, such as infantry or artillery. 'A similar combined arms battalion is the centerpiece of the future unit of action.' ✦ 4 Each of the lines enclosing an angle.➤ verb ✦ 1 Supply or provide with weapons. 'the security forces are armed with automatic rifles' ➥ 1.1 Supply or provide with equipment, tools, or other items in preparation or readiness for something. 'she armed them with brushes and mops' ✦ 2 Activate the fuse of (a bomb, missile, or other explosive device) so that it is ready to explode. 'the bomb would be quite safe until it was armed'


1 Attach or fasten with string or similar cord:Restrict or limit (someone) to a particular situation or place:Connect; link:Achieve the same score or ranking as another competitor or team:+A piece of string, cord, or similar used for fastening or tying something:+A rod or beam holding parts of a structure together.+A thing that unites or links people:+A strip of material worn round the collar and tied in a knot at the front with the ends hanging down, typically forming part of a man's smart or formal outfit:+A result in a game or other competitive situation in which two or more competitors or teams have the same score or ranking; a draw:+A sports match between two or more players or teams in which the winners proceed to the next round of the competition: We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party.+A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post.+She wrapped the present and tied it with ribbon.+With his feet tied together he could only move in little hops.+Where's the cord that ties back the curtains? ➤ verb ✦ 1 Attach or fasten with string or similar cord. 'Gabriel tied up his horse' ➥ 1.1 Fasten (something) to or round someone or something by means of its strings or by forming the ends into a knot or bow. 'Lewis tied on his apron' ➥ 1.2 Form (a string, ribbon, or lace) into a knot or bow. 'Renwick bent to tie his shoelace' ➥ 1.3 Form (a knot or bow) in a ribbon, lace, etc. 'tie a knot in one end of the cotton' ➥ 1.4 Be fastened with a knot or bow. 'a sarong which ties at the waist' ✦ 2 Restrict or limit (someone) to a particular situation or place. 'she didn't want to be like her mother, tied to a feckless man' ✦ 3 Connect; link. 'self-respect is closely tied up with the esteem in which one is held by one's fellows' ➥ 3.1 Hold together by a crosspiece or tie. 'ceiling joists are used to tie the rafter feet' ➥ 3.2 Unite (written notes) by a tie. ➥ 3.3 Perform (two notes) as one unbroken note. ✦ 4 Achieve the same score or ranking as another competitor or team. 'Norman needed a par to tie with Nicklaus'➤ noun ✦ 1 A piece of string, cord, or similar used for fastening or tying something. 'he tightened the tie of his robe' ➥ 1.1 A shoe tied with a lace. 'Roper also offers custom-designed ties for larger customers' needs.' ✦ 2 A rod or beam holding parts of a structure together. ➥ 2.1 'Mine sized rail was laid on ties to standard gauge width.' ➥ 2.2 A curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch indicating that they are to be played for the combined duration of their time values. 'In a rush, he began writing, though he was careful as he drew in all of the notes and ties.' ✦ 3 A thing that unites or links people. 'it is important that we keep family ties strong' ➥ 3.1 A thing that restricts someone's freedom of action. 'some cities and merchants were freed from feudal ties' ✦ 4 A strip of material worn round the collar and tied in a knot at the front with the ends hanging down, typically forming part of a man's smart or formal outfit. 'his hand went up to his collar and started to loosen his tie' ✦ 5 A result in a game or other competitive situation in which two or more competitors or teams have the same score or ranking; a draw. 'there was a tie for first place' ➥ 5.1 A game in which the scores are level and both sides have completed their innings, as distinct from a draw (a game left incomplete through lack of time). 'There was another thriller at Rowntrees when the game ended in a perfect tie with each side making 155-8.' ✦ 6 A sports match between two or more players or teams in which the winners proceed to the next round of the competition. 'Swindon Town have won themselves a third round tie against Oldham'


1 Away from the place in question; to or at a distance:So as to be removed or separated:Starting a journey or race; leaving:So as to bring to an end or be discontinued:(Of an electrical appliance or power supply) not functioning or so as to cease to function:Having access to or possession of material goods or wealth to the extent specified:(With preceding numeral) denoting a quantity produced at one time.+Moving away and often down from:+Situated or leading in a direction away from (a main route or intersection):+So as to be removed or separated from:+Having a temporary dislike of:+Characterized by performing or feeling worse than usual; unsatisfactory or inadequate:+(Of food) no longer fresh:+Located on the side of a vehicle that is normally furthest from the kerb; offside.+Annoying or unfair:+Unfriendly or hostile:+The half of the field (as divided lengthways through the pitch) towards which the batsman's feet are pointed when standing to receive the ball.+The start of a race, journey, or experience:+Leave:+Kill; murder: When we heard she'd got the job, we all went off for a celebratory drink.+The horses set off at a canter.+The dog trotted off to bury its bone.+I'm jetting off to New Zealand next week.+The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 Away from the place in question; to or at a distance. 'the man ran off' ➥ 1.1 Away from the main route. 'turn off for Ripon' ✦ 2 So as to be removed or separated. 'he whipped off his coat' ➥ 2.1 Absent; away from work. 'take a day off' ✦ 3 Starting a journey or race; leaving. 'we're off on holiday tomorrow' ✦ 4 So as to bring to an end or be discontinued. 'the Christmas party rounded off a hugely successful year' ➥ 4.1 Cancelled. 'tell them the wedding's off' ➥ 4.2 (of an item on a menu) temporarily unavailable. 'strawberries are off' ✦ 5 (of an electrical appliance or power supply) not functioning or so as to cease to function. 'switch the TV off' ✦ 6 Having access to or possession of material goods or wealth to the extent specified. 'we'd been rather badly off for books' ✦ 7 (with preceding numeral) denoting a quantity produced at one time.➤ preposition ✦ 1 Moving away and often down from. 'he rolled off the bed' ✦ 2 Situated or leading in a direction away from (a main route or intersection) 'single wires leading off the main lines' ➥ 2.1 Out at sea from (a place on the coast) 'anchoring off Blue Bay' ✦ 3 So as to be removed or separated from. 'threatening to tear the door off its hinges' ➥ 3.1 Absent from. 'I took a couple of days off work' ➥ 3.2 Abstaining from. 'he managed to stay off alcohol' ✦ 4 Having a temporary dislike of. 'he's running a temperature and he's off his food'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Characterized by performing or feeling worse than usual; unsatisfactory or inadequate. 'even the greatest athletes have off days' ➥ 1.1 Unwell. 'I felt decidedly off' ✦ 2 (of food) no longer fresh. 'the fish was a bit off' ✦ 3 Located on the side of a vehicle that is normally furthest from the kerb; offside. ✦ 4 Annoying or unfair. 'His boss deducted the money from his pay. That was a bit off' ✦ 5 Unfriendly or hostile. 'there's no one there except the barmaid, and she's a bit off'➤ noun ✦ 1 The half of the field (as divided lengthways through the pitch) towards which the batsman's feet are pointed when standing to receive the ball. ✦ 2 The start of a race, journey, or experience. 'now Ian is ready for the off'➤ verb ✦ 1 Leave. 'supposedly loyal workers suddenly upped and offed to the new firms' ✦ 2 Kill; murder. 'I finally snapped and offed the guy'

to__tu:, tu, tз

1 Expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location):Approaching or reaching (a particular condition):Identifying the person or thing affected by or receiving something:Identifying a particular relationship between one person and another:Indicating that two things are attached or linked:Concerning or likely to concern (something):Used to introduce the second element in a comparison:Placed before a debit entry in accounting.+Used with the base form of a verb to indicate that the verb is in the infinitive, in particular:+Used without a verb following when the missing verb is clearly understood:+So as to be closed or nearly closed: This meat is difficult to chew.+On a hot day it's lovely to hear the chink of ice in a glass.+I'd prefer not to work but I don't have much choice .+It's impossible to park in the city centre.+There was a clap of thunder and then it started to pour with rain. ➤ preposition ✦ 1 Expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location) 'walking down to the shops' ➥ 1.1 Expressing location, typically in relation to a specified point of reference. 'forty miles to the south of the site' ➥ 1.2 Expressing a point reached at the end of a range or after a period of time. 'a drop in profits from £105 m to around £75 m' ➥ 1.3 (in telling the time) before (the hour specified) 'it's five to ten' ✦ 2 Approaching or reaching (a particular condition) 'Christopher's expression changed from amazement to joy' ➥ 2.1 Expressing the result of a process or action. 'smashed to smithereens' ➥ 2.2 Governing a phrase expressing someone's reaction to something. 'to her astonishment, he smiled' ✦ 3 Identifying the person or thing affected by or receiving something. 'you were terribly unkind to her' ✦ 4 Identifying a particular relationship between one person and another. 'he is married to his cousin Emma' ➥ 4.1 Used in various phrases to indicate how something is related to something else (often followed by a noun without a determiner) 'made to order' ➥ 4.2 Indicating a rate of return on something, for example the distance travelled in exchange for fuel used. 'my car only does ten miles to the gallon' ➥ 4.3 Indicating the power (exponent) to which a number is raised. 'ten to the minus thirty-three' ✦ 5 Indicating that two things are attached or linked. 'he had left his dog tied to a drainpipe' ✦ 6 Concerning or likely to concern (something) 'a threat to world peace' ✦ 7 Used to introduce the second element in a comparison. 'the club's nothing to what it once was' ✦ 8 Placed before a debit entry in accounting.➤ infinitive marker ✦ 1 Used with the base form of a verb to indicate that the verb is in the infinitive. 'I set out to buy food' ➥ 1.1 Expressing purpose or intention. 'I set out to buy food' ➥ 1.2 Expressing an outcome or result. 'she was left to die' ➥ 1.3 Expressing a cause. 'I'm sorry to hear that' ➥ 1.4 Indicating a desired or advisable action. 'I'd love to go to France this summer' ➥ 1.5 Indicating a proposition that is known, believed, or reported about a specified person or thing. 'a house that people believed to be haunted' ➥ 1.6 Forming a future tense with reference to the immediate future. 'he was about to sing' ➥ 1.7 After a noun, indicating its function or purpose. 'a chair to sit on' ➥ 1.8 After a phrase containing an ordinal number. 'the first person to arrive' ✦ 2 Used without a verb following when the missing verb is clearly understood. 'he asked her to come but she said she didn't want to'➤ adverb ✦ So as to be closed or nearly closed. 'he pulled the door to behind him'


1 Fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position:Decide or settle on (a specific price, date, course of action, etc.):Mend or repair:Make arrangements for (something); organize:Make (a dye, photographic image, or drawing) permanent:Influence the outcome of (something, especially a race, match, or election) by illegal or underhand means:Take an injection of a narcotic drug.Castrate or spay (an animal).+A difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself; a predicament:+A dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted:+A measure taken to resolve a problem or correct a mistake; a solution or remedy:+A position determined by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observations:+A dishonest or underhand arrangement: We must get someone to fix that wheel.+He fixes washing machines.+They fixed my watch free of charge.+The car's still at the garage getting fixed.+I still haven't got round to fixing that tap. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position. 'they had candles fixed to their helmets' ➥ 1.1 Direct one's eyes, mind, or attention steadily or unwaveringly towards. 'Ben nodded, his eyes fixed on the ground' ➥ 1.2 (of a person's eyes, attention, or mind) be directed steadily or unwaveringly towards. 'her gaze fixed on Jess' ➥ 1.3 Look at someone unwaveringly. 'Cowley fixed him with a cold stare' ✦ 2 Decide or settle on (a specific price, date, course of action, etc.) 'no date has yet been fixed for a hearing' ➥ 2.1 Arrange (something) on a permanent basis. 'the rate of interest is fixed for the life of the loan' ➥ 2.2 Establish the exact location of (something) by using radar or visual bearings or astronomical observation. 'having made landfall, he fixed his position' ➥ 2.3 Settle the form of (a language). 'This translation was also important in helping to fix the dialect used as standard and spread it through England.' ➥ 2.4 Assign or determine (a person's liability or responsibility) for legal purposes. 'there are no facts which fix the defendant with liability' ✦ 3 Mend or repair. 'you've forgotten to fix that shelf' ➥ 3.1 Put (a bad or unwelcome situation) right. 'the international community should not rely on the UN to fix the world's problems' ➥ 3.2 Do the necessary work to improve or adapt something. 'we were trying to fix up the house so that it became vaguely comfortable' ➥ 3.3 Tidy or neaten (something, especially one's hair, clothes, or make-up) 'Laura was fixing her hair' ✦ 4 Make arrangements for (something); organize. 'Harry's fixed up a meeting' ➥ 4.1 Arrange for someone to have something; provide someone with something. 'I'll fix you up with a room' ➥ 4.2 Prepare or arrange for the provision of (food or drink) with two objects 'Ruth fixed herself a cold drink' ➥ 4.3 Be intending or planning to do something. 'I'm fixing to call the state patrol' ✦ 5 Make (a dye, photographic image, or drawing) permanent. 'he perfected a process of fixing a photographic likeness on a silver plate' ➥ 5.1 Preserve or stabilize (a specimen) with a chemical substance prior to microscopy or other examination. 'specimens were fixed in buffered formalin' ➥ 5.2 (of a plant or microorganism) assimilate (nitrogen or carbon dioxide) by forming a non-gaseous compound. 'lupins fix gaseous nitrogen in their root nodules' ✦ 6 Influence the outcome of (something, especially a race, match, or election) by illegal or underhand means. 'the club attempted to fix last Thursday's league match' ➥ 6.1 Take revenge on or punish (someone) 'that little swine-I'll fix him next time' ✦ 7 Take an injection of a narcotic drug. ✦ 8 Castrate or spay (an animal); neuter.➤ noun ✦ 1 A difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself; a predicament. 'how on earth did you get into such a fix?' ✦ 2 A dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted. 'he hadn't had his fix' ➥ 2.1 An experience of something from which one derives great pleasure or stimulation. 'get your coffee fix at home with this state-of-the-art espresso-maker' ✦ 3 A measure taken to resolve a problem or correct a mistake; a solution or remedy. 'making everything easier for the car driver would only be a short-term fix' ✦ 4 A position determined by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observations. 'the radio operator received the distress call and calculated the fix' ✦ 5 A dishonest or underhand arrangement. 'obviously, his appointment was a fix'

out of__aut

1 Indicating the source or derivation of something; from:Indicating the dam of a pedigree animal, especially a horse.From among (a number):Not having (a particular thing): I'm always clipping recipes out of magazines.+This cork won't come out of the bottle.+The doctors say he is now out of danger.+I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning.+Fur coats have gone out of fashion.


1 Make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object:Remove (something) from something larger by using a sharp implement:Divide into pieces with a knife or other sharp implement:Make or form (something) by using a sharp tool to remove material:Trim or reduce the length of (grass, hair, etc.) by using a sharp implement:Reduce the amount or quantity of:Ignore or refuse to recognize (someone):(Of a line) cross or intersect (another line):Stop filming or recording:Divide a pack of playing cards by lifting a portion from the top, either to reveal a card at random or to place the top portion under the bottom portion:Strike or kick (a ball) with an abrupt, typically downward motion:Mix (an illegal drug) with another substance:Come up to expectations; meet requirements:+An act of cutting, in particular:+A result of cutting something, in particular:+The way or style in which something, especially a garment or someone's hair, is cut: I cut my finger chopping onions last night.+Don't just hack away at the bread - cut it properly!+Could you cut me a small piece of cheese, please?+He cut the cake into six pieces.+The razor slipped while he was shaving and he cut himself. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object. 'he cut his big toe on a sharp stone' ➥ 1.1 Make a deliberate incision in (one's flesh), as a symptom of psychological or emotional distress. 'I started cutting myself when I was about 14 and continued for four years' ✦ 2 Remove (something) from something larger by using a sharp implement. 'I cut his photograph out of the paper' ➥ 2.1 Castrate (an animal, especially a horse). 'For more than 50 years, raising, training, cutting and showing horses has been a way of life for him.' ➥ 2.2 Make something by cutting. 'I cut out some squares of paper' ➥ 2.3 Remove, exclude, or stop eating or doing something undesirable. 'start today by cutting out fatty foods' ➥ 2.4 Separate an animal from the main herd. 'after the target animal is spotted, the pilot swoops down, cutting it out of the herd' ✦ 3 Divide into pieces with a knife or other sharp implement. 'cut the beef into thin slices' ➥ 3.1 Make divisions in (something) 'land that has been cut up by streams into forested areas' ➥ 3.2 Separate (something) into two; sever. 'they cut the rope before he choked' ➥ 3.3 Cause something to fall by cutting it through at the base. 'some 24 hectares of trees were cut down' ➥ 3.4 (of a weapon, bullet, or disease) kill or injure someone. 'Barker had been cut down by a sniper's bullet' ✦ 4 Make or form (something) by using a sharp tool to remove material. 'workmen cut a hole in the pipe' ➥ 4.1 Make or design (a garment) in a particular way. 'an impeccably cut suit' ➥ 4.2 Make (a path, tunnel, or other route) by excavation, digging, or chopping. 'plans to cut a road through a rainforest' ➥ 4.3 Make (a sound recording) 'quadraphonic LPs had to be cut at a lower volume level than conventional records' ✦ 5 Trim or reduce the length of (grass, hair, etc.) by using a sharp implement. 'Ted was cutting the lawn' ✦ 6 Reduce the amount or quantity of. 'buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want' ➥ 6.1 Abridge (a text, film, or performance) by removing material. 'he had to cut unnecessary additions made to the opening scene' ➥ 6.2 Delete (part of a text or other display) so as to insert a copy of it elsewhere. 'Pressing the cut or copy button will allow you to cut or copy any highlighted text or image.' ➥ 6.3 End or interrupt the provision of (a supply) 'we resolved to cut oil supplies to territories controlled by the rebels' ➥ 6.4 Switch off (an engine or a light) 'Niall brought the car to a halt and cut the engine' ➥ 6.5 Absent oneself from (something one should normally attend, especially school) 'Rodney was cutting class' ✦ 7 Ignore or refuse to recognize (someone) 'they cut her in public' ✦ 8 (of a line) cross or intersect (another line) 'mark the point where the line cuts the vertical axis' ➥ 8.1 Pass or traverse, especially so as to shorten one's route. 'the following aircraft cut across to join him' ➥ 8.2 Have an effect regardless of (divisions or boundaries between groups) 'subcultures which cut across national and political boundaries' ➥ 8.3 Leave or move hurriedly. 'you can cut along now' ✦ 9 Stop filming or recording. ''Cut' shouted a voice, followed by 'Could we do it again, please?'' ➥ 9.1 Move to another shot in a film. 'cut to a dentist's surgery' ➥ 9.2 Make (a film) into a coherent whole by removing parts or placing them in a different order. 'I like to watch the rushes at home before I start cutting the film' ✦ 10 Divide a pack of playing cards by lifting a portion from the top, either to reveal a card at random or to place the top portion under the bottom portion. 'let's cut for dealer' ✦ 11 Strike or kick (a ball) with an abrupt, typically downward motion. 'Cook cut the ball back to him' ➥ 11.1 Slice (the ball). 'Under pressure I never hook. I am more prone to cut the ball, if anything.' ➥ 11.2 Hit (the ball) to the off side with the bat held almost horizontally; play such a stroke against (the bowler). 'The elegant right-hander cut the ball beautifully.' ➥ 11.3 (of the ball) turn sharply on pitching. 'The one home bright spot came when Simon Katich cut at James Franklin to end the 84-run stand with Martyn.' ✦ 12 Mix (an illegal drug) with another substance. 'speed cut with rat poison' ✦ 13 Come up to expectations; meet requirements. 'this CD player doesn't quite cut it'➤ noun ✦ 1 A stroke or blow given by a sharp-edged implement or by a whip or cane. 'he could skin an animal with a single cut of the knife' ➥ 1.1 A haircut. 'his hair was in need of a cut' ➥ 1.2 A reduction in amount or size. 'she took a 20% pay cut' ➥ 1.3 A power cut. 'fortunately the cut happened at night and power was quickly restored' ➥ 1.4 An act of cutting part of a book, play, etc. 'they would not publish the book unless the author was willing to make cuts' ➥ 1.5 An immediate transition from one scene to another in a film. 'instead of hard cuts, we used dissolves to give it a very dreamy character' ➥ 1.6 The halfway point of a golf tournament, where half of the players are eliminated. 'And the good thing is the tournament is a seventy-two hole event with no cut!' ➥ 1.7 A stroke made with an abrupt, typically horizontal or downward action. 'Kellett was denied a century by edging a cut to wicketkeeper Burns' ✦ 2 A long, narrow incision in the skin made by something sharp. 'blood ran from a cut on his jaw' ➥ 2.1 A long, narrow opening or incision made in a surface or piece of material. 'make a single cut along the top of each potato' ➥ 2.2 A piece of meat cut from a carcass. 'a good lean cut of beef' ➥ 2.3 A share of the profits from something. 'the directors are demanding their cut' ➥ 2.4 A recording of a piece of music. 'a cut from his forthcoming album' ➥ 2.5 A version of a film after editing. 'the final cut' ➥ 2.6 A passage cut or dug out, as a railway cutting or a new channel made for a river or other waterway. 'the cut connected with the Harborough arm of the canal' ✦ 3 A wounding remark or act. 'his unkindest cut at Elizabeth was to call her heartless' ✦ 4 The way or style in which something, especially a garment or someone's hair, is cut. 'the elegant cut of his dinner jacket'

pop__pɒp; NAmE pɑːp

1 Make or cause to make a light explosive sound:Go somewhere for a short time, often without notice:(Of a person's eyes) open wide and appear to bulge, especially with surprise:Appear brighter or more striking in juxtaposition with something of a different or complementary colour:Take or inject (a drug):Pawn (something):+A light explosive sound:+A sweet fizzy drink such as lemonade:+A patch of bright colour:+A ball hit high in the air but not far from the home plate, providing an easy catch:+With a light explosive sound:+Relating to commercial popular music:+(Especially of a scientific or academic subject) made accessible to the general public; popularized:+Commercial popular music, in particular accessible, tuneful music of a kind popular since the 1950s and sometimes contrasted with rock, soul, or other forms of popular music:+Informal term for father.+Persistent organic pollutant.+Point of presence, denoting equipment that provides access to the Internet.+(In the UK) Post Office Preferred, used to specify the size of envelopes and other items.+Post Office Protocol. Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?+She's the most exciting British singer to emerge on the pop scene for a decade.+a pop festival+The break-up of the pop group came as no surprise.+There was a pop quiz in history at school today. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Make or cause to make a light explosive sound. no object 'corks popped and glasses tinkled' ➥ 1.1 (of a person's ears) make a small popping sound within the head as pressure is equalized, typically because of a change of altitude. 'my ears popped in the lift' ➥ 1.2 Heat (popcorn or another foodstuff) until it bursts open. 'the hot-air popper pops 4 quarts of popcorn in 5 minutes' ✦ 2 Go somewhere for a short time, often without notice. 'she popped in to see if she could help' ➥ 2.1 Put or move (something) somewhere quickly. 'she popped a pen into her pocket' ➥ 2.2 Release, open, or engage (something) quickly or suddenly. 'he pulled a can of beer from the refrigerator and popped its tab' ✦ 3 (of a person's eyes) open wide and appear to bulge, especially with surprise. 'the man's eyes popped in disbelief' ✦ 4 Appear brighter or more striking in juxtaposition with something of a different or complementary colour. 'she added a slick of red lipstick to make the outfit pop' ✦ 5 Take or inject (a drug) 'Williams had spent his life hitting the bottle and popping pills' ✦ 6 Pawn (something) 'I wouldn't ever sell it—I popped it'➤ noun ✦ 1 A light explosive sound. 'there were a few pops, perhaps from pistols' ✦ 2 A sweet fizzy drink such as lemonade. 'a bottle of pop' ➥ 2.1 A can of sweet fizzy drink. 'fruit-flavoured pops' ✦ 3 A patch of bright colour. 'I like wearing a neutral outfit with one pop of yellow' ✦ 4 A ball hit high in the air but not far from the home plate, providing an easy catch. 'he caught a pop fly for the third out of the seventh inning'➤ adverb ✦ With a light explosive sound. 'the champagne went pop'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Relating to commercial popular music. 'pop singers' ✦ 2 (especially of a scientific or academic subject) made accessible to the general public; popularized. 'pop psychology'➤ noun ✦ 1 Commercial popular music, in particular accessible, tuneful music of a kind popular since the 1950s and sometimes contrasted with rock, soul, or other forms of popular music. 'their quasi-psychedelic pop is pleasantly uplifting and danceable' ➥ 1.1 A pop record or song. 'Turn the record over and you have another winner—'Add a Little Wiggle'—a masterpiece made out of a song-and-dance 'pop'.'➤ noun ✦ ➤ noun ✦ A piece of flavoured ice or ice cream on a stick. 'mango-flavoured ice pops'➤ ✦ 1 Persistent organic pollutant. ✦ 2 Point of presence, denoting equipment that provides access to the Internet. ✦ 3 (in the UK) Post Office Preferred, used to specify the size of envelopes and other items. ✦ 4 Post Office Protocol.</strong>


1 Matter in a state intermediate between liquid and plasma that can be contained only if it is fully surrounded by a solid (or held together by gravitational pull); it can condense into a liquid, or can (rarely) become a solid directly.+To kill with poisonous gas.+comical, zany. The initial cloud of tear gas had hardly cleared before shots were fired.+Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, poisonous gas.+Certain gases are highly explosive.+These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.+The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust and gases into the air. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its quantity. 'hot balls of gas that become stars' ➥ 1.1 A gaseous substance that cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure alone. 'The resulting ester was saponified under basic conditions to the free acid, converted to the acyl chloride with thionyl chloride, and then to the amide with anhydrous ammonia gas.' ➥ 1.2 A flammable gas used as a fuel. 'cooking is done by bottled gas' ➥ 1.3 A gaseous anaesthetic such as nitrous oxide, used in dentistry. 'The condor was put under anaesthetic gas for the 20 minute procedure - carried out by zoo vet Brash in Flamingo Land's own clinic a fortnight ago.' ➥ 1.4 Gas or vapour used as a poisonous agent in warfare. 'gas was one of the most dreaded weapons of the war' ➥ 1.5 Gas generated in the alimentary canal; flatulence. 'Intestinal gas is typically caused by the fermentation of undigested food, such as plant fiber, in the colon.' ➥ 1.6 An explosive mixture of firedamp with air. 'To clear mines of gas - be it explosive or poisonous - a crude system of ventilation was used.' ✦ 2 'we stopped for gas' ➥ 2.1 Used in reference to power or the accelerator of a car. 'I ordered my friend to step on the gas' ✦ 3 An entertaining or amusing person or situation. 'the party would be a gas' ➥ 3.1 Enjoyment, amusement, or fun. 'it was great gas in the club last night'➤ verb ✦ 1 Kill or harm by exposure to gas. 'my son was gassed at Verdun' ➥ 1.1 (of a storage battery or dry cell) give off gas. 'the maintenance-free charger controls the input without inducing gassing' ✦ 2 Talk excessively about trivial matters. 'I thought you'd never stop gassing' ✦ 3 Fill the tank of (a motor vehicle) with petrol. 'after gassing up the car, he went into the restaurant'➤ adjective ✦ Very amusing or entertaining. 'Ruthie, that's gas—you're a gem'

do__du:, du

1 Perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified):Achieve or complete, in particular:Act or behave in a specified way:Be suitable or acceptable:Beat up or kill:Prosecute or convict:+Used before a verb (except be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements:+Used to refer back to a verb already mentioned:+Used to give emphasis to a positive verb:+Used with inversion of a subject and verb when an adverbial phrase begins a clause for emphasis:+A party or other social event:+short for hairdo.+Excrement:+A swindle or hoax.+Variant spelling of doh1. What sort of music do you like dancing to?+"And where do you think you're going?" demanded the police officer.+Please don't disturb Georgina when she's working.+How much do you earn, if you don't mind me asking?+Parking restrictions do not extend to disabled people. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified) 'something must be done about the city's traffic' ➥ 1.1 Perform (a particular task) 'Dad always did the washing up on Sundays' ➥ 1.2 Work on (something) to bring it to completion or to a required state. 'it takes them longer to do their hair than me' ➥ 1.3 Do the cleaning for a person or household. 'Florrie usually did for the Shermans in the mornings' ➥ 1.4 Make or have available and provide. 'many hotels don't do single rooms at all' ➥ 1.5 Solve; work out. 'Joe was doing sums aloud' ➥ 1.6 Cook (food) to completion or to a specified degree. 'if a knife inserted into the centre comes out clean, then your pie is done' ➥ 1.7 (often in questions) work at for a living. 'what does she do?' ➥ 1.8 Learn or study; take as one's subject. 'I'm doing English, German, and History' ➥ 1.9 Produce or give a performance of (a particular play, opera, etc.) 'the Royal Shakespeare Company are doing Macbeth next month' ➥ 1.10 Imitate (a particular person) in order to entertain people. 'he not only does Schwarzenegger and Groucho, he becomes them' ➥ 1.11 Take (a narcotic drug) 'he doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs' ➥ 1.12 Attend to (someone) 'the barber said he'd do me next' ➥ 1.13 Have sexual intercourse with. ➥ 1.14 Have sexual intercourse. 'I only ever did it in the missionary position' ➥ 1.15 Urinate or defecate. ✦ 2 Achieve or complete. 'one car I looked at had done 112,000 miles' ➥ 2.1 Travel (a specified distance) 'one car I looked at had done 112,000 miles' ➥ 2.2 Travel at (a specified speed) 'I was speeding, doing seventy-five' ➥ 2.3 Make (a particular journey) 'last time I did Oxford-York return by train it was £50' ➥ 2.4 Achieve (a specified sales figure) 'our bestselling album did about a million worldwide' ➥ 2.5 Visit as a tourist, especially in a superficial or hurried way. 'the Americans are allotted only a day to do the Yorkshire Moors' ➥ 2.6 Spend (a specified period of time) in prison or in a particular occupation. 'he did five years for manslaughter' ➥ 2.7 Finish. 'you must sit there and wait till I've done' ➥ 2.8 Be over. 'the special formula continues to beautify your tan when the day is done' ➥ 2.9 Give up concern for; have finished with. 'I should sell the place and be done with it' ✦ 3 Act or behave in a specified way. 'they are free to do as they please' ➥ 3.1 Make progress or perform in a specified way; get on or fare. 'when a team is doing badly, it's not easy for a new player to settle in' ➥ 3.2 Have a specified effect on. 'the walk will do me good' ➥ 3.3 Result in. 'the years of stagnation did a lot of harm to the younger generation' ✦ 4 Be suitable or acceptable. 'if he's anything like you, he'll do' ➥ 4.1 Suffice or be usable. 'a strip of white cotton about 20 yards long did for a fence' ✦ 5 Beat up or kill. 'one day I'll do him' ➥ 5.1 Be ruined. 'once you falter, you're done' ➥ 5.2 Rob (a place) 'this would be an easy place to do and there was plenty of money lying around' ➥ 5.3 Swindle. 'a thousand pounds for one set of photos—Jacqui had been done' ✦ 6 Prosecute or convict. 'we got done for conspiracy to cause GBH'➤ auxiliary verb ✦ 1 Used before a verb (except be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements. 'do you have any pets?' ➥ 1.1 Used to make tag questions. 'you write poetry, don't you?' ➥ 1.2 Used in negative commands. 'don't be silly' ✦ 2 Used to refer back to a verb already mentioned. 'he looks better than he did before' ✦ 3 Used to give emphasis to a positive verb. 'I do want to act on this' ➥ 3.1 Used in positive commands to give polite encouragement. 'do tell me!' ✦ 4 Used with inversion of a subject and verb when an adverbial phrase begins a clause for emphasis. 'only rarely did they succumb'➤ noun ✦ 1 A party or other social event. 'the soccer club Christmas do' ✦ 2 'a bowl-shaped do of perfect silky hair' ✦ 3 Excrement. 'the air was rancid with the smell of donkey doo' ✦ 4 A swindle or hoax.➤ noun ✦ </strong>


1 Put (something) down gently or carefully:Put down and set in position for use:Used with an abstract noun so that the phrase formed has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun used, e.g. 'lay the blame on' means 'to blame':(Of a female bird, insect, reptile, or amphibian) produce (an egg) from inside the body:Have sex with.Follow (a specified course):Trim (a hedge) back, cutting the branches half through, bending them down, and interweaving them:+The general appearance of an area of land:+An act of sexual intercourse.+The laying of eggs or the period during which they are laid:+Not ordained into or belonging to the clergy:+Not having professional qualifications or expert knowledge, especially in law or medicine:+A short lyric or narrative poem meant to be sung:+Past of lie1. Just lay the suitcase on the bed, would you?+He laid the wreath reverently in front of the memorial.+The road has been dug up in order to lay cables.+Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and phone wires can be laid.+He took out his gold watch and laid it ostentatiously on the table in front of him. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Put (something) down gently or carefully. 'she laid the baby in his cot' ➥ 1.1 Prevent (something) from rising off the ground. 'there may have been the odd light shower just to lay the dust' ✦ 2 Put down and set in position for use. 'it is advisable to have your carpet laid by a professional' ➥ 2.1 Set cutlery, crockery, etc. on (a table) in preparation for a meal. 'she laid the table for dinner' ➥ 2.2 Cover (a surface) with objects or a substance. 'the floor was laid with mattresses' ➥ 2.3 Put the material for (a fire) in place and arrange it. 'he was making newspaper knots before laying a fire in the fireplace' ➥ 2.4 Prepare (a trap) for someone. 'she wouldn't put it past him to lay a trap for her' ➥ 2.5 Work out (an idea or suggestion) in detail ready for use or presentation. 'I'd like more time to lay my plans' ➥ 2.6 Present information or suggestions to be considered and acted upon by (someone) 'he laid before Parliament proposals for the establishment of the committee' ➥ 2.7 Locate (an episode in a play, novel, etc.) in a particular place. 'no one who knew the area could be in doubt where the scene was laid' ➥ 2.8 Stake (an amount of money) in a bet. 'she suspected he was pulling her leg, but she wouldn't have laid money on it' ✦ 3 Used with an abstract noun so that the phrase formed has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun used, e.g. 'lay the blame on' means 'to blame' 'she laid great stress on little courtesies' ✦ 4 (of a female bird, insect, reptile, or amphibian) produce (an egg) from inside the body. 'flamingos lay only one egg' ✦ 5 Have sex with. ✦ 6 Follow (a specified course) 'I'm going to lay a course for Ibiza harbour' ✦ 7 Trim (a hedge) back, cutting the branches half through, bending them down, and interweaving them. 'most hedges are no longer laid'➤ noun ✦ 1 The general appearance of an area of land. 'the lay of the surrounding countryside' ➥ 1.1 The position or direction in which something lies. 'roll the carpet against the lay of the nap' ➥ 1.2 The direction or amount of twist in rope strands. ✦ 2 An act of sexual intercourse. ➥ 2.1 A person with a particular ability or availability as a sexual partner. ✦ 3 The laying of eggs or the period during which they are laid. 'the onset of lay may be marked by a dropping of the duck's abdomen'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Not ordained into or belonging to the clergy. 'a lay preacher' ✦ 2 Not having professional qualifications or expert knowledge, especially in law or medicine. 'a lay member of the Health Authority'➤ noun ✦ 1 A short lyric or narrative poem meant to be sung. 'a minstrel recited a series of lays' ➥ 1.1 A song. 'on his lips there died the cheery lay'➤ ✦ </strong>


1 Put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position:Put or bring into a specified state:Adjust (a clock or watch), typically to show the right time:Harden into a solid or semi-solid state:(Of the sun, moon, or another celestial body) appear to move towards and below the earth's horizon as the earth rotates:(Of a tide or current) take or have a specified direction or course:Start (a fire):(Of blossom or a tree) form into or produce (fruit):Sit:+A group or collection of things that belong together or resemble one another or are usually found together:+The way in which something is set, disposed, or positioned:+A radio or television receiver:+A collection of scenery, stage furniture, and other articles used for a particular scene in a play or film.+An arrangement of the hair when damp so that it dries in the required style:+A cutting, young plant, or bulb used in the propagation of new plants.+The last coat of plaster on a wall.+The amount of spacing in type controlling the distance between letters.+variant spelling of sett.+another term for plant (sense 4 of the noun).+Group (pupils or students) in sets according to ability.+Fixed or arranged in advance:+Ready, prepared, or likely to do something: He set the books down on the table.+She set the tray down beside me.+Finish chopping the onions and set them to one side.+The building itself is set back from the street.+The mansion is set in 90 acres of beautiful, unspoilt countryside. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position. 'Delaney set the mug of tea down' ➥ 1.1 Be situated or fixed in a specified place or position. 'the village was set among olive groves on a hill' ➥ 1.2 Represent (a story, play, film, or scene) as happening at a specified time or in a specified place. 'a private-eye novel set in Berlin' ➥ 1.3 Mount a precious stone in (something, typically a piece of jewellery) 'a bracelet set with emeralds' ➥ 1.4 Mount (a precious stone) in something. 'a huge square-cut emerald set in platinum' ➥ 1.5 Arrange (type) as required. 'the compositors refused to set the type for an editorial' ➥ 1.6 Arrange the type for (a piece of text) 'article headings will be set in Times fourteen point' ➥ 1.7 Prepare (a table) for a meal by placing cutlery, crockery, etc. on it in their proper places. 'she set the table and began breakfast' ➥ 1.8 Provide (music) so that a written work can be produced in a musical form. 'a form of poetry which can be set to music' ➥ 1.9 Move (a bell) so that it rests in an inverted position ready for ringing. 'the ringer gradually increases the swing until the bell is balanced or set' ➥ 1.10 Cause (a hen) to sit on eggs. 'you had to set the clucking hens' ➥ 1.11 Put (a seed or plant) in the ground to grow. 'I set the plants in shallow hollows to facilitate watering' ➥ 1.12 Put (a sail) up in position to catch the wind. 'a safe distance from shore all sails were set' ✦ 2 Put or bring into a specified state. 'the Home Secretary set in motion a review of the law' ➥ 2.1 Cause (someone or something) to start doing something. 'the incident set me thinking' ➥ 2.2 Instruct (someone) to do something. 'he'll set a man to watch you' ➥ 2.3 Give someone (a task or test) to do. 'schools will begin to set mock tests' ➥ 2.4 Establish as (an example) for others to follow, copy, or try to achieve. 'the scheme sets a precedent for other companies' ➥ 2.5 Establish (a record) 'his time in the 25 m freestyle set a national record' ➥ 2.6 Decide on and announce. 'they set a date for a full hearing at the end of February' ➥ 2.7 Fix (a price, value, or limit) on something. 'the unions had set a limit on the size of the temporary workforce' ✦ 3 Adjust (a clock or watch), typically to show the right time. 'set your watch immediately to local time at your destination' ➥ 3.1 Adjust (an alarm clock) to sound at the required time. 'I usually set my alarm clock for eight' ➥ 3.2 Adjust (a device) so that it performs a particular operation. 'you have to be careful not to set the volume too high' ➥ 3.3 Cause (a binary device) to enter the state representing the numeral 1. ✦ 4 Harden into a solid or semi-solid state. 'cook for a further thirty-five minutes until the filling has set' ➥ 4.1 Arrange (the hair) while damp so that it dries in the required style. 'she had set her hair on small rollers' ➥ 4.2 Put parts of (a broken or dislocated bone or limb) into the correct position for healing. 'he lined up the bones and set the arm' ➥ 4.3 (of a bone) be restored to its normal condition by knitting together again after being broken. 'children's bones soon set' ➥ 4.4 (with reference to a person's face) assume or cause to assume a fixed or rigid expression. no object 'her features never set into a civil parade of attention' ➥ 4.5 (of a hunting dog) adopt a rigid attitude indicating the presence of game. ✦ 5 (of the sun, moon, or another celestial body) appear to move towards and below the earth's horizon as the earth rotates. 'the sun was setting and a warm red glow filled the sky' ✦ 6 (of a tide or current) take or have a specified direction or course. 'a fair tide can be carried well past Land's End before the stream sets to the north' ✦ 7 Start (a fire) 'the school had been broken into and the fire had been set' ✦ 8 (of blossom or a tree) form into or produce (fruit) 'wait until first flowers have set fruit before planting out the peppers' ➥ 8.1 (of fruit) develop from blossom. 'once fruits have set, feed weekly with a high potash liquid tomato fertilizer' ➥ 8.2 (of a plant) produce (seed) 'the herb has flowered and started to set seed' ✦ 9 Sit. 'the rest of them people just set there goggle-eyed for a minute'➤ noun ✦ 1 A group or collection of things that belong together or resemble one another or are usually found together. 'a set of false teeth' ➥ 1.1 A collection of implements, containers, or other objects customarily used together. 'a fondue set' ➥ 1.2 A group of people with common interests or occupations or of similar social status. 'it was a fashionable haunt of the literary set' ➥ 1.3 A group of pupils or students of the same average ability in a particular subject who are taught together. 'the policy of allocating pupils to mathematics sets' ➥ 1.4 (in tennis, darts, and other games) a group of games counting as a unit towards a match. 'he took the first set 6-3' ➥ 1.5 (in jazz or popular music) a sequence of songs or pieces performed together and constituting or forming part of a live show or recording. 'a short four-song set' ➥ 1.6 A group of people making up the required number for a square dance or similar country dance. ➥ 1.7 A fixed number of repetitions of a particular bodybuilding exercise. 'making sure that you perform 3 sets of at least 8 repetitions' ➥ 1.8 A collection of distinct entities regarded as a unit, being either individually specified or (more usually) satisfying specified conditions. 'the set of all positive integers' ✦ 2 The way in which something is set, disposed, or positioned. 'the shape and set of the eyes' ➥ 2.1 The posture or attitude of a part of the body, typically in relation to the impression this gives of a person's feelings or intentions. 'the determined set of her upper torso' ➥ 2.2 'he's got this set against social psychology' ➥ 2.3 A grudge. 'most of them hear a thing or two and then get a set on you' ➥ 2.4 The flow of a current or tide in a particular direction. 'the rudder kept the dinghy straight against the set of the tide' ➥ 2.5 The inverted position of a bell when it is ready for ringing. ➥ 2.6 A setter's pointing in the presence of game. ➥ 2.7 The inclination of the teeth of a saw in alternate directions. ➥ 2.8 A warp or bend in wood, metal, or another material caused by continued strain or pressure. ✦ 3 A radio or television receiver. 'a TV set' ✦ 4 A collection of scenery, stage furniture, and other articles used for a particular scene in a play or film. 'the magazine has interviews on set with top directors' ➥ 4.1 The place or area in which filming is taking place or a play is performed. 'the magazine has interviews on set with top directors' ✦ 5 An arrangement of the hair when damp so that it dries in the required style. 'a shampoo and set' ✦ 6 A cutting, young plant, or bulb used in the propagation of new plants. ➥ 6.1 A young fruit that has just formed. ✦ 7 The last coat of plaster on a wall. ✦ 8 The amount of spacing in type controlling the distance between letters. ➥ 8.1 The width of a piece of type. ✦ 9 ✦ 10 ➤ verb ✦ Group (pupils or students) in sets according to ability.➤ adjective ✦ 1 Fixed or arranged in advance. 'try to feed the puppy at set times each day' ➥ 1.1 (of a view or habit) unlikely to change. 'I've been on my own a long time and I'm rather set in my ways' ➥ 1.2 (of a person's expression) held for an unnaturally long time without changing, typically as a reflection of determination. 'Iris was staring in front of her with a set expression' ➥ 1.3 (of a meal or menu in a restaurant) offered at a fixed price with a limited choice of dishes. 'a three-course set menu' ➥ 1.4 (of a book) prescribed for study as part of a particular course or for an examination. 'his book is a set text which has influenced countless schoolchildren' ➥ 1.5 Having a conventional or predetermined wording; formulaic. 'witnesses often delivered their testimony according to a set speech' ✦ 2 Ready, prepared, or likely to do something. 'the first family was set for a quiet night of rest' ➥ 2.1 Firmly opposed to. 'last night you were dead set against the idea' ➥ 2.2 Determined to do (something) 'he's set on marrying that girl'


1 The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something:A thing or part placed on, fitted to, or covering the upper part of something, in particular:The highest or most important rank, level, or position:The end of something that is furthest from the speaker or a point of reference:short for topspin.A bundle of long wool fibres prepared for spinning.One of six flavours of quark.+Highest in position, rank, or degree:+Furthest away from the speaker or a point of reference:+Exceed (an amount, level, or number); be more than:+Provide with a top or topping:+Reach the top of (a hill or other elevation):+Kill:+Mishit (the ball or a stroke) by hitting above the centre of the ball:+At the most:+A conical, spherical, or pear-shaped toy that with a quick or vigorous twist may be set to spin.+Used in names of top shells, e.g. strawberry top.+The forty most popular songs of a given time period.+Made up of, or broadcasting the Top 40:+Tongan pa'anga. From the top of the Empire State Building, you can see the full extent of Manhattan.+She had her hair all piled up on top of her head.+Their house is on the top of a hill.+She showed me to an attic bedroom at the top of the house.+The cloud lifted, and the tops of the mountains suddenly came into view . ➤ noun ✦ 1 The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something. 'Doreen stood at the top of the stairs' ➥ 1.1 The leaves, stems, and shoots of a plant, especially those of a vegetable grown for its root. 'some growers snip off the carrot's green tops in the field' ➥ 1.2 The uppermost creamy layer of milk. 'Not only did I detest the smell, the skin that formed on the top of the milk almost made me physically sick.' ✦ 2 A lid, cover, or cap. 'beer bottle tops' ➥ 2.1 (in a sailing ship) a platform around the head of each of the lower masts, serving to extend the topmast rigging. 'Above is another fifty feet of climbing, as the shrouds (ropes) which are attached to the top narrow down to the point where there is no longer room for your foot unless you turn it sideways.' ✦ 3 The highest or most important rank, level, or position. 'her talent will take her right to the top' ➥ 3.1 The utmost degree or the highest level. 'she shouted at the top of her voice' ➥ 3.2 A person or thing regarded as particularly good. 'professionally you're the tops' ➥ 3.3 The highest gear of a motor vehicle. 'long gradients can be surmounted in top' ➥ 3.4 The high-frequency component of reproduced sound. 'It shows you how to use the bass, mid and top when mixing.' ✦ 4 A garment covering the upper part of the body and worn with a skirt, trousers, or shorts. 'he was wearing a hooded top' ✦ 5 The end of something that is furthest from the speaker or a point of reference. 'the bus shelter at the top of the road' ✦ 6 ✦ 7 A bundle of long wool fibres prepared for spinning. ✦ 8 One of six flavours of quark. ✦ 9 A man who takes the active role in anal intercourse with another man.➤ adjective ✦ 1 Highest in position, rank, or degree. 'the top button of his shirt' ✦ 2 Furthest away from the speaker or a point of reference. 'the top end of Fulham Road'➤ verb ✦ 1 Exceed (an amount, level, or number); be more than. 'losses are expected to top £100 m this year' ➥ 1.1 Be at the highest place or rank in (a list, poll, or league) 'her debut album topped the charts for five weeks' ➥ 1.2 Be taller than. 'he topped her by several inches' ➥ 1.3 Surpass (a person or previous achievement); outdo. 'he was baffled as to how he could top his past work' ➥ 1.4 Appear as the chief performer or attraction at. 'Hopper topped a great night of boxing' ✦ 2 Provide with a top or topping. 'toast topped with baked beans' ➥ 2.1 Complete (an outfit) with an upper garment, hat, or item of jewellery. 'a white dress topped by a dark cardigan' ➥ 2.2 Remove the top of (a vegetable or fruit) in preparation for cooking. 'I use the sharp edge of an old butcher's knife for topping and the back of the blade for cleaning the roots' ✦ 3 Reach the top of (a hill or other elevation) 'they topped a rise and began a slow descent' ✦ 4 Kill. 'I wasn't sorry when he topped himself' ✦ 5 Mishit (the ball or a stroke) by hitting above the centre of the ball. 'he topped his drive on the fifth hole'➤ adverb ✦ At the most. 'some civil servant earning twenty-eight thousand a year, tops'➤ noun ✦ 1 A conical, spherical, or pear-shaped toy that with a quick or vigorous twist may be set to spin. ✦ 2 Used in names of top shells, e.g. strawberry top.➤ ✦ Tongan pa'anga.</strong>


1 To move from one place to another. syn. ant. transl.+A turn at something. You won't be able to go swimming tomorrow if your cold hasn't cleared up.+You should change trains at Peterborough if you're going to Newcastle.+We went dancing at a nightclub.+I was thinking we might go on a shopping trip on Saturday.+Simon and Jo have gone to visit their grandmother this weekend. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Move from one place to another; travel. 'he went out to the shops' ➥ 1.1 Travel a specified distance. 'you just have to go a few miles to get to the road' ➥ 1.2 Travel or move in order to engage in a specified activity. 'let's go and have a pint' ➥ 1.3 Attend or visit for a particular purpose. 'we went to the cinema' ➥ 1.4 Be sold or awarded to. 'the top prize went to a twenty-four-year-old sculptor' ➥ 1.5 (of a thing) lie or extend in a certain direction. 'the scar went all the way up her leg' ➥ 1.6 Change in level, amount, or rank. 'prices went up by 15 per cent' ➥ 1.7 Said in various expressions when angrily or contemptuously dismissing someone. 'go and get stuffed' ➥ 1.8 Used to emphasize the speaker's annoyance at someone's action. 'then he goes and spoils it all' ➥ 1.9 Begin motion (used in a starter's order to begin a race) 'ready, steady, go!' ✦ 2 Leave; depart. 'I really must go' ➥ 2.1 (of time) pass or elapse. 'the hours went by' ➥ 2.2 Pass a specified amount of time in a particular way. 'they went for two weeks without talking' ➥ 2.3 Come to an end; cease to exist. 'a golden age that has now gone for good' ➥ 2.4 Cease operating or functioning. 'the power went in our road last week' ➥ 2.5 Die (used euphemistically) 'I'd like to see my grandchildren before I go' ➥ 2.6 Be lost or stolen. 'when he returned minutes later his equipment had gone' ➥ 2.7 (of money) be spent, especially in a specified way. 'the rest of his money went on medical expenses' ✦ 3 Intend or be likely or intended to be or do something (used to express a future tense) 'I'm going to be late for work' ✦ 4 Pass into or be in a specified state, especially an undesirable one. 'the food is going bad' ➥ 4.1 Enter into a specified state or course of action. 'she went back to sleep' ➥ 4.2 Make a sound of a specified kind. 'the engine went bang' ➥ 4.3 (of a bell or similar device) make a sound in functioning. 'I heard the buzzer go four times' ✦ 5 Proceed or turn out in a specified way. 'how did the weekend go?' ➥ 5.1 Be acceptable or permitted. 'underground events where anything goes' ✦ 6 Be harmonious, complementary, or matching. 'rosemary goes with roast lamb' ➥ 6.1 Be found in the same place or situation; be associated. 'cooking and eating go together' ✦ 7 (of a machine or device) function. 'my car won't go' ➥ 7.1 Continue in operation or existence. 'the committee was kept going even when its existence could no longer be justified' ✦ 8 Contribute to or be put into (a whole) 'considerable effort went into making the operation successful' ➥ 8.1 Used to indicate how many people a supply of a resource is sufficient for or how much can be achieved using it. 'the sale will go a long way towards easing the huge debt burden' ✦ 9 (of an article) be regularly kept or put in a particular place. 'remember which card goes in which slot' ➥ 9.1 Fit into a particular place or space. 'you're trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot, and it just won't go' ✦ 10 (of a song or account) have a specified content or wording. 'if you haven't heard it, the story goes like this' ➥ 10.1 Be known or called by (a specified name) 'he now goes under the name Charles Perez' ➥ 10.2 Say. 'the kids go, 'Yeah, sure.'' ✦ 11 Use a toilet; urinate or defecate. 'he had to go but couldn't, because she was still in the bathroom'➤ noun ✦ 1 An attempt or trial at something. 'have a go at answering the questions yourself' ✦ 2 A person's turn to use or do something. 'I had a go on Nigel's racing bike' ➥ 2.1 Used in reference to a single item, action, or spell of activity. 'he drank a pint in one go' ✦ 3 Spirit, animation, or energy. 'there's no go in me at all these days' ➥ 3.1 Vigorous activity. 'it's all go around here' ✦ 4 A state of affairs. 'this seems a rum sort of go' ➥ 4.1 An attack of illness. 'he's had this nasty go of dysentery' ✦ 5 An enterprise which has been approved. 'tell them the project is a go'➤ adjective ✦ Functioning properly. 'all systems go'➤ noun ✦ A Japanese board game of territorial possession and capture.</strong>


1 To obtain; to acquire+Offspring. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.+What class of degree did you get?+I don't know if I can get the car tonight - I'll have to clear it with Mum.+She gets a 15% commission on every machine she sells.+I got some shoes cheap in the sale. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Come to have (something); receive. 'I got a letter from him the other day' ➥ 1.1 Experience, suffer, or be afflicted with (something bad) 'I got a sudden pain in my left eye' ➥ 1.2 Receive as a punishment or penalty. 'I'll get the sack if things go wrong' ➥ 1.3 Contract (a disease or ailment) 'I might be getting the flu' ✦ 2 Succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain. 'I need all the sleep I can get' ➥ 2.1 Move in order to pick up or bring (something); fetch. 'get another chair' ➥ 2.2 Prepare (a meal) 'Celia went to the kitchen to start getting their dinner' ➥ 2.3 Tend to meet with or find in a specified place or situation. 'for someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock' ➥ 2.4 Travel by or catch (a bus, train, or other form of transport) 'I got a taxi across to Baker Street' ➥ 2.5 Obtain (a figure or answer) as a result of calculation. 'Add 3 + 9 + 3 to get 15.' ➥ 2.6 Make contact with, especially by telephone. 'you can get me at home if you need me' ➥ 2.7 Respond to a ring of (a telephone or doorbell) 'I'll get the door!' ➥ 2.8 Used to draw attention to someone whom one regards as pretentious or vain. 'get her!' ✦ 3 Reach or cause to reach a specified state or condition. no object, with complement 'he'd got thinner' ➥ 3.1 Used with past participle to form the passive mood. 'the cat got drowned' ➥ 3.2 Cause to be treated in a specified way. 'get the form signed by a doctor' ➥ 3.3 Induce or prevail upon (someone) to do something. 'they got her to sign the consent form' ➥ 3.4 Have the opportunity to do. 'he got to try out a few of these nice new cars' ➥ 3.5 Begin to be or do something, especially gradually or by chance. 'we got talking one evening' ✦ 4 Come, go, or make progress eventually or with some difficulty. 'Nigel got home very late' ➥ 4.1 Move or come into a specified position, situation, or state. 'she got into the car' ➥ 4.2 Succeed in making (someone or something) come, go, or move somewhere. 'she had to get them away from the rocks' ➥ 4.3 Reach a specified point or stage. 'it's getting so I can't even think' ✦ 5 ✦ 6 Catch or apprehend (someone) 'the police have got him' ➥ 6.1 Strike or wound (someone) with a blow or missile. 'you got me in the eye!' ➥ 6.2 Punish, injure, or kill (someone), especially as retribution. 'I'll get you for this!' ➥ 6.3 Be punished, injured, or killed. 'wait until dad comes home, then you'll get it!' ➥ 6.4 Be appropriately punished or rewarded. 'I'll get mine, you'll get yours, we'll all get wealthy' ➥ 6.5 Annoy (someone) greatly. 'cleaning the same things all the time, that's what gets me' ➥ 6.6 Baffle (someone) 'she had got me there: I could not answer' ✦ 7 Understand (an argument or the person making it) 'What do you mean? I don't get it' ✦ 8 Acquire (knowledge) by study; learn. 'that knowledge which is gotten at school'➤ noun ✦ 1 An animal's offspring. ✦ 2 A person whom the speaker dislikes or despises.</strong>


1 Travelling through (a place) en route to a destination: We hope to bring you a live report from Ouagadougou via our satellite hook-up.+"I'll be back a little late because I'm going via town." "Uh-huh."+Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired up to receive TV via cable.+Internet connection via broadband offers many advantages.+Deliveries are routed via London. ➤ preposition ✦ 1 Travelling through (a place) en route to a destination. 'they came to Europe via Turkey' ➥ 1.1 By way of; through. 'most people buy a home with a mortgage via a building society' ➥ 1.2 By means of. 'a file sent via electronic mail'


1 Towards a higher place or position:At or to a higher level of intensity, volume, or activity:To the place where someone is:Towards or in the capital or a major city:Into the desired or a proper condition:Into a happy mood:Out of bed:Displayed on a noticeboard or other publicly visible site:(Of sailing) against the current or the wind:At bat:+From a lower to a higher point of (something):+Along or further along (a street or road):+At or to (a place):+Directed or moving towards a higher place or position:+At an end:+(Of a road) being repaired.+(Of a computer system) functioning properly:+In a cheerful mood; ebullient:+(Of a jockey) in the saddle.+Denoting a flavour of quark having a charge of + 2/3. Protons and neutrons are thought to be composed of combinations of up and down quarks.+A period of good fortune:+Do something unexpectedly:+Increase (a level or amount):+Lift (something) up: A coil of thick blue smoke rose up from his pipe.+Transatlantic airfares are going up.+Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter.+Share prices moved up slowly yesterday.+She filled the jug up with cream. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 Towards a higher place or position. 'he jumped up' ➥ 1.1 Upstairs. 'she made her way up to bed' ➥ 1.2 (of the sun) visible after daybreak. 'the sun was already up when they set off' ➥ 1.3 Expressing movement towards or position in the north. 'he's driving up to Inverness to see the old man' ➥ 1.4 To or at a place perceived as higher. 'I'm going for a walk up to the shops' ➥ 1.5 Used as a command to a soldier or an animal to stand up and be ready to move or attack. 'up, boys, and at 'em' ➥ 1.6 (of food that has been eaten) regurgitated from the stomach. 'I was ill and vomited up everything' ✦ 2 At or to a higher level of intensity, volume, or activity. 'she turned the volume up' ➥ 2.1 At or to a higher price, value, or rank. 'sales are up 22.8 per cent at $50.2 m' ➥ 2.2 Winning or at an advantage by a specified margin. 'United were 3-1 up at half time' ✦ 3 To the place where someone is. 'Dot didn't hear Mrs Parvis come creeping up behind her' ✦ 4 Towards or in the capital or a major city. 'give me a ring when you're up in London' ➥ 4.1 At or to a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge. 'they were up at Cambridge about the same time' ✦ 5 Into the desired or a proper condition. 'the government agreed to set up a committee of inquiry' ➥ 5.1 So as to be finished or closed. 'I've got a bit of paperwork to finish up' ✦ 6 Into a happy mood. 'I don't think anything's going to cheer me up' ✦ 7 Out of bed. 'Miranda hardly ever got up for breakfast' ✦ 8 Displayed on a noticeboard or other publicly visible site. 'sticking up posters to advertise concerts' ✦ 9 (of sailing) against the current or the wind. 'the bow of the boat was brought slowly up into the wind and held there' ➥ 9.1 (of a ship's helm) moved round to windward so that the rudder is to leeward. 'We saw a square-rigged vessel in full sail close to us, so close that we had to strike sail to avoid running foul of her, while they too put the helm hard up to let us pass.' ✦ 10 At bat. 'every time up, he had a different stance'➤ preposition ✦ 1 From a lower to a higher point of (something) 'she climbed up a flight of steps' ➥ 1.1 To a higher part of (a river or stream), away from the sea. 'a cruise up the Rhine' ✦ 2 Along or further along (a street or road) 'he lived up the road' ✦ 3 At or to (a place) 'we're going up the Palais'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Directed or moving towards a higher place or position. 'the up escalator' ➥ 1.1 Relating to or denoting trains travelling towards the major point on a route. 'the first up train' ✦ 2 At an end. 'his contract was up in three weeks' ✦ 3 (of a road) being repaired. ✦ 4 (of a computer system) functioning properly. 'the system is now up' ✦ 5 In a cheerful mood; ebullient. 'the mood here is resolutely up' ✦ 6 (of a jockey) in the saddle. ✦ 7 Denoting a flavour of quark having a charge of +2/3. Protons and neutrons are thought to be composed of combinations of up and down quarks.➤ noun ✦ A period of good fortune. 'you can't have ups all the time in football'➤ verb ✦ 1 Do something unexpectedly. 'she upped and left him' ✦ 2 Increase (a level or amount) 'capacity will be upped by 70 per cent next year' ✦ 3 Lift (something) up. 'everybody was cheering and upping their glasses' ➥ 3.1 Raise or pick up (something) 'this woman ups with a stone'


1 (Chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse:Either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions:+Determine the sex of:+Present something in a more interesting or lively way.+Arouse or attempt to arouse someone sexually. How can you tell the sex of a mouse?+They were divided according to sex.+We want to find out the sex of our baby.+What sex is this dog?+Development differs according to the sex of the child. ➤ noun ✦ 1 (chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. 'they enjoyed talking about sex' ➥ 1.1 A person's genitals. ✦ 2 Either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. 'adults of both sexes' ➥ 2.1 The members of either sex considered as a group. 'she was well known for her efforts to improve the social condition of her sex' ➥ 2.2 The fact of belonging to either the male or female sex. 'the same allowances for childcare should be available to all single parents irrespective of sex'➤ verb ✦ 1 Determine the sex of. 'each bird would need to be individually sexed' ✦ 2 Present something in a more interesting or lively way. ✦ 3 Arouse or attempt to arouse someone sexually.</strong>


1 (Of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface:Be, remain, or be kept in a specified state:(Of a place) be situated in a specified position or direction:(Of an action, charge, or claim) be admissible or sustainable:+The way, direction, or position in which something lies:+An intentionally false statement:+Tell a lie or lies: It was very uncomfortable lying on the hospital bed with my legs suspended in the air.+He was lying under the table in a drunken stupor.+The ship has been lying on the seabed for more than 50 years.+My dog loves lying on the rug in front of the fire.+The town lies halfway between Rome and Florence. ➤ verb ✦ 1 (of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. 'the body lay face downwards on the grass' ➥ 1.1 (of a thing) rest flat on a surface. 'a book lay open on the table' ➥ 1.2 (of a dead person) be buried in a particular place. 'his body lies in a crypt' ✦ 2 Be, remain, or be kept in a specified state. 'the abbey lies in ruins today' ➥ 2.1 (of something abstract) reside or be found. 'the solution lies in a return to traditional values' ✦ 3 (of a place) be situated in a specified position or direction. 'Kexby lies about five miles due east of York' ➥ 3.1 (of a scene) extend from the observer's viewpoint in a specified direction. 'stand here, and all of Amsterdam lies before you' ➥ 3.2 (of a competitor or team) be in a specified position during a competition or within a group. 'United are currently lying in fifth place' ✦ 4 (of an action, charge, or claim) be admissible or sustainable. 'an action for restitution would lie for money paid in breach of the law'➤ noun ✦ 1 The way, direction, or position in which something lies. 'he was familiarizing himself with the lie of the streets' ➥ 1.1 The position in which a golf ball comes to rest, especially as regards the ease of the next shot. 'the lie, in deep rough on a bank, was not good' ➥ 1.2 The lair or place of cover of an animal. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An intentionally false statement. 'they hint rather than tell outright lies' ➥ 1.1 Used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression. 'all their married life she had been living a lie'➤ verb ✦ 1 Tell a lie or lies. 'why had Ashenden lied about his visit to London?' ➥ 1.1 Get oneself into or out of a situation by lying. 'you lied your way on to this voyage by implying you were an experienced crew' ➥ 1.2 (of a thing) present a false impression. 'the camera cannot lie'


1 (Of food) not cooked:(Of a part of the body) red and painful, especially as the result of skin abrasion:(Of an emotion or quality) strong and undisguised:(Of the weather) cold and damp; bleak:New to an activity or job and therefore lacking experience or skill:(Of the edge of a piece of cloth) not having a hem or selvedge:From a traditional tribal or rural culture: Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids digestion.+Helen made a grimace of disgust when she saw the raw meat.+Peppers are usually cooked with other vegetables or eaten raw in salads.+Prawns are grey when they're raw, and turn pink when they're cooked.+People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 (of food) not cooked. 'raw eggs' ➥ 1.1 (of a material or substance) in its natural state; unprocessed. 'raw silk' ➥ 1.2 (of data) not analysed, evaluated, or processed for use. 'there were a number of errors in the raw data' ✦ 2 (of a part of the body) red and painful, especially as the result of skin abrasion. 'he scrubbed his hands until they were raw' ➥ 2.1 (of a person's nerves) very sensitive. 'Fran's nerves were raw' ✦ 3 (of an emotion or quality) strong and undisguised. 'he exuded an air of raw, vibrant masculinity' ➥ 3.1 Frank and realistic in the depiction of unpleasant situations. 'a raw, uncompromising portrait' ➥ 3.2 (of language) coarse or crude, typically in relation to sexual matters. 'a campaign against raw lyrics in rock music' ✦ 4 (of the weather) cold and damp; bleak. 'a raw February night' ✦ 5 New to an activity or job and therefore lacking experience or skill. 'they were replaced by raw recruits' ✦ 6 (of the edge of a piece of cloth) not having a hem or selvedge. 'oversewing is used to neaten raw edges' ✦ 7 From a traditional tribal or rural culture. 'they are mainly raw tribesmen who are intensely conservative'


1 A boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents. Your son is the same age as mine.+You must be very proud of your son.+They decided to remove their son from the school.+My son is a lot taller than my daughter.+He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents. 'the sons of Adam' ➥ 1.1 A male offspring of an animal. 'This design is based on the availability of large half-sib families of progeny-tested sons of elite sires with readily accessible semen samples.' ➥ 1.2 A male descendant. 'the sons of Adam' ➥ 1.3 (in Christian belief) the second person of the Trinity; Christ. 'God the Father gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for sinners because He loved us.' ➥ 1.4 A man considered in relation to his native country or area. 'one of Norfolk's most famous sons' ➥ 1.5 A man regarded as the product of a particular person, influence, or environment. 'sons of the church' ➥ 1.6 Used by an older person as a form of address for a boy or young man. 'you're on private land, son'


1 A broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inwards:+An evergreen Mediterranean shrub with deep green leaves and purple berries. Its aromatic leaves are used in cooking and were formerly used to make triumphal crowns for victors.+A space created by a window line projecting outwards from a wall.+A compartment with a specified function in a vehicle, aircraft, or ship:+(Of a horse) brown with black points.+A bay horse.+(Of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly:+The sound of baying: the clear turquoise water of the bay+I thought we might hire a motorboat and take a trip round/around the bay.+The rooftop restaurant affords a panoramic view across the bay.+The boat struck a rock outside the bay and sank.+a stunning view over the bay of Saint Tropez ➤ noun ✦ 1 A broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inwards. 'a boat trip round the bay' ➥ 1.1 An indentation or recess in a range of hills or mountains. 'Now its weathered walls contrast with white window frames; the old front door discovered beneath the iron again opens to the hills and bays below.'➤ noun ✦ An evergreen Mediterranean shrub with deep green leaves and purple berries. Its aromatic leaves are used in cooking and were formerly used to make triumphal crowns for victors.➤ noun ✦ 1 A space created by a window line projecting outwards from a wall. ➥ 1.1 A section of wall between two buttresses or columns, especially in the nave of a church. 'The latter, separated from the former by a solid wall, consists of five bays.' ✦ 2 A compartment with a specified function in a vehicle, aircraft, or ship. 'a bomb bay' ➥ 2.1 An area specially allocated or marked off. 'a loading bay' ➥ 2.2 A short terminal platform at a railway station also having through lines. 'Included in the infrastructure design would be a bay platform at Rathcormac.'➤ adjective ✦ (of a horse) brown with black points.➤ noun ✦ A bay horse.➤ verb ✦ 1 (of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly. 'the dogs bayed' ➥ 1.1 (of a group of people) shout loudly, typically to demand something. 'the crowd bayed for an encore' ➥ 1.2 Bay at. 'a pack of wolves baying the moon'➤ noun ✦ The sound of baying. 'the bloodhounds' heavy bay'


1 A child or young person:A young goat.+(Of a goat) give birth:+Deceive (someone) in a playful way; tease:+A small wooden tub, especially a sailor's mess tub for grog or rations. She knows the name of every kid in the school.+He was the eldest of four kids.+The kids always clutter up the hall with school bags and coats and stuff.+She had to get the kids ready for school.+My daughter used to play with the kids next door. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A child or young person. 'she collected the kids from school' ➥ 1.1 Used as an informal form of address. 'we'll be seeing ya, kid!' ✦ 2 A young goat. as modifier 'white kid gloves' ➥ 2.1 Leather made from a young goat's skin. as modifier 'white kid gloves'➤ verb ✦ (of a goat) give birth. 'milk fever usually occurs in heavy milkers shortly after kidding'➤ verb ✦ 1 Deceive (someone) in a playful way; tease. 'you're kidding me!' ➥ 1.1 Fool (someone) into believing something. 'he likes to kid everyone he's the big macho tough guy' ➥ 1.2 Behave in a silly way. 'we were just kidding around'➤ noun ✦ A small wooden tub, especially a sailor's mess tub for grog or rations.</strong>


1 A coloured fluid or paste used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating:+Mark (words or a design) with ink:+Sign (a contract): She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink.+When you fill in the form, please write clearly in black ink. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A coloured fluid or paste used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating. 'the names are written in ink' ➥ 1.1 Publicity in the written media. 'the story got lots of ink and plenty of air time' ➥ 1.2 A tattoo or tattoos. 'I took my shirt off to display my ink' ➥ 1.3 A black liquid ejected by a cuttlefish, octopus, or squid to confuse a predator. 'Mix squid ink into the first portion until combined.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Mark (words or a design) with ink. 'the cork has the name of the château inked on to the side' ➥ 1.1 Cover (type or a stamp) with ink before printing. 'a raised image is inked to produce an impression' ➥ 1.2 Obliterate something, especially writing, with ink. 'he carefully inked out each word' ✦ 2 Sign (a contract) 'she's just inked a deal to host her own talk show' ➥ 2.1 Secure the services of (someone) with a contract. 'he has been inked as host for next year's ceremony'


1 A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions:A strain or heavy demand:+Impose a tax on (someone or something):+Make heavy demands on (someone's powers or resources):+Confront (someone) with a fault or wrongdoing:+Examine and assess (the costs of a case): A person's gross income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it.+The government have promised that they'll reduce taxes.+The government will pay for the new schools by increasing the tax on luxury goods.+Do you pay less tax if you're self-employed?+The Chancellor has increased the tax on alcohol again. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions. 'higher taxes will dampen consumer spending' ✦ 2 A strain or heavy demand. 'a heavy tax on the reader's attention'➤ verb ✦ 1 Impose a tax on (someone or something) 'the income will be taxed at the top rate' ➥ 1.1 Pay tax on (something, especially a vehicle) 'the Land Rover slowly disintegrates and no one has bothered to tax it' ✦ 2 Make heavy demands on (someone's powers or resources) 'she knew that the ordeal to come must tax all her strength' ✦ 3 Confront (someone) with a fault or wrongdoing. 'why are you taxing me with these preposterous allegations?' ✦ 4 Examine and assess (the costs of a case) 'an officer taxing a bill of costs'


1 A covered motor vehicle, typically without side windows, used for transporting goods or people:+The foremost part of a group of people moving or preparing to move forwards, especially the foremost division of an advancing military force:+A winnowing fan.+A bird's wing.+Informal term for advantage. There was a series of explosions and the van burst into flames .+The raiders machine-gunned everyone in the bank before escaping in a van.+The sound of the ice-cream van was borne into the office on the wind.+The van drivers refused to cross the picket line .+Do you want help bringing your stuff in from the van? ➤ noun ✦ 1 A covered motor vehicle, typically without side windows, used for transporting goods or people. 'he was arrested and placed in the back of a police van' ➥ 1.1 An enclosed railway vehicle for conveying luggage, mail, etc. with modifier 'he had been watching the marshalling of the fish vans' ➥ 1.2 A caravan. 'Zoe is on the lookout for a place to stay, perhaps a van at the caravan park.'➤ noun ✦ 1 The foremost part of a group of people moving or preparing to move forwards, especially the foremost division of an advancing military force. 'in the van were the foremost chiefs and some of the warriors astride horses' ➥ 1.1 The forefront. 'he was in the van of the movement to encourage the cultivation of wild flowers'➤ noun ✦ 1 A winnowing fan. ✦ 2 A bird's wing.➤ noun ✦ </strong>


1 A deity+To idolize. The site was named after a Norse god.+Their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods.+The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.+The gods smiled on us and we had brilliant sunshine throughout the day.+In the various regions of India, Hindus worship different gods and observe different religious festivals. ➤ noun ✦ 1 (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. ✦ 2 (in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. 'a moon god' ➥ 2.1 An image, animal, or other object worshipped as divine or symbolizing a god. 'wooden gods from the Congo' ➥ 2.2 Used as a conventional personification of fate. 'he dialled the number and, the gods relenting, got through at once' ✦ 3 A greatly admired or influential person. 'he has little time for the fashion victims for whom he is a god' ➥ 3.1 A thing accorded the supreme importance appropriate to a god. 'don't make money your god' ✦ 4 The gallery in a theatre. 'they sat in the gods'➤ exclamation ✦ Used for emphasis or to express emotions such as surprise, anger, or distress. 'God, what did I do to deserve this?'


1 A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.A person's face:+Represent (an area) on a map; make a map of:+Modified American plan (see American plan). To find your nearest UK school, we have a clickable map dividing the UK into regions.+I'm not quite sure how to get there - I'd better consult a map.+This map has contours marked at 250-metre intervals.+Let's aim for Coventry first, and then we'll have a look at the map.+On this map, demarcations between regions are shown with dotted lines. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc. 'a street map' ➥ 1.1 A two-dimensional representation of the positions of stars or other astronomical objects. 'she went inside to check a star map' ➥ 1.2 A diagram or collection of data showing the spatial arrangement or distribution of something over an area. 'an electron density map' ➥ 1.3 A representation of the sequence of genes on a chromosome or of bases in a DNA or RNA molecule. 'a physical and genetic map of the entire human genome' ➥ 1.4 'In the quadratic map, very small changes to alpha make enormous changes on how the system behaves.' ✦ 2 A person's face. 'you ought to know my map by now'➤ verb ✦ 1 Represent (an area) on a map; make a map of. 'inaccessible parts will be mapped from the air' ➥ 1.1 Record in detail the spatial distribution of (something) 'the project to map the human genome' ➥ 1.2 Associate (a group of elements or qualities) with an equivalent group, according to a particular formula or model. 'the transformational rules map deep structures into surface structures' ➥ 1.3 Associate each element of (a set) with an element of another set. 'the direct sum of two rings A and B may be mapped homomorphically on the summand' ➥ 1.4 Be associated with or linked to. 'if more than one suffix can be mapped on to the end of a word then the longest is chosen for removal'


1 A domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure:+Stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately:+A fit of sulking or ill humour:+Polyethylene terephthalate.+Positron emission tomography, a form of tomography used especially for brain scans. Doctors have discovered that keeping a pet can do wonders for your health.+my pet dog+Some people are really soppy about their pets.+There was a fashion for keeping reptiles as pets.+Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure. 'the pony was a family pet' ➥ 1.1 A person treated with special favour or affection. 'she is the pet of the family' ➥ 1.2 Treated with special attention or evoking particularly strong feelings. 'another of her pet projects was the arts centre' ➥ 1.3 Used as an affectionate form of address. 'don't cry, pet, it's all right'➤ verb ✦ 1 Stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately. 'the cats came to be petted' ➥ 1.1 Treat (someone) with affection or favouritism; pamper. 'I was cosseted and petted and never shouted at' ➥ 1.2 Engage in sexually stimulating caressing and touching. 'couples necking and petting in cars'➤ noun ✦ A fit of sulking or ill humour. 'Mother's in a pet'➤ ✦ 1 Polyethylene terephthalate. ✦ 2 Positron emission tomography, a form of tomography used especially for brain scans.</strong>


1 A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractile claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.An unpleasant, contemptible, or wicked man:Used in names of dogfishes, e.g. sandy dog, spur-dog.A mechanical device for gripping.Feet.Barriers used to keep horses off a particular part of the track.+Follow (someone) closely and persistently:+Act lazily; fail to try one's hardest:+Grip (something) with a mechanical device: I grabbed the dog by the collar and dragged it out of the room.+A dog lay under the table, gnawing on a bone.+Steve's gone out to walk the dogs.+The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.+Please keep your dog on a lead when on the beach. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice. as modifier 'a dog fox' ➥ 1.1 A wild animal of the dog family. 'In most mammals, adult play is rare, but it is common in dolphins, members of the dog family, great apes and, of course, humans.' ➥ 1.2 The male of an animal of the dog family, or of some other mammals such as the otter. as modifier 'a dog fox' ➥ 1.3 Greyhound racing. 'a night at the dogs' ✦ 2 An unpleasant, contemptible, or wicked man. 'he was interrupted by cries of 'dirty dog!'' ➥ 2.1 Used to refer to a person of a specified kind in a tone of playful reproof, commiseration, or congratulation. 'your historian is a dull dog' ➥ 2.2 Used to refer to someone who is abject or miserable, especially because they have been treated harshly. 'I make him work like a dog' ➥ 2.3 An unattractive woman. ➥ 2.4 An informer or traitor. 'one day she's going to turn dog on you' ➥ 2.5 A thing of poor quality. 'a dog of a film' ➥ 2.6 A horse that is slow or difficult to handle. ✦ 3 Used in names of dogfishes, e.g. sandy dog, spur-dog. ✦ 4 A mechanical device for gripping. ✦ 5 Feet. ✦ 6 Barriers used to keep horses off a particular part of the track.➤ verb ✦ 1 Follow (someone) closely and persistently. 'photographers seemed to dog her every step' ➥ 1.1 (of a problem) cause continual trouble for. 'the twenty-nine-year-old has constantly been dogged by controversy' ✦ 2 Act lazily; fail to try one's hardest. 'Eric had a reputation for dogging it a little' ✦ 3 Grip (something) with a mechanical device. with object and complement 'she has dogged the door shut'


1 A feeling of great pleasure and happiness:+Rejoice: He cried for joy when he heard that his son had been found alive and well.+His poems reveal the duality of his nature, the joy and hope, the fear and despair.+Nearly every new parent feels an amalgam of joy and terror.+He was flooded with joy when his first child was born.+Her joy was palpable. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A feeling of great pleasure and happiness. 'tears of joy' ➥ 1.1 A thing that causes joy. 'the joys of country living' ➥ 1.2 Success or satisfaction. 'you'll get no joy out of her'➤ verb ✦ Rejoice. 'I felt shame that I had ever joyed in his discomfiture or pain'


1 A final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story:The furthest or most extreme part of something:A part or person's share of an activity:A goal or desired result:(In bowls and curling) a session of play in one particular direction across the playing area.A lineman positioned nearest the sideline:+Come or bring to a final point; finish: Her office is at the end of the corridor.+Diplomacy has so far failed to bring an end to the fighting.+Where is the nozzle thing that you attach to the end of this tube?+The book has exercises at the end of every chapter. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story. 'the end of the year' ➥ 1.1 A termination of a state or situation. 'the party called for an end to violence' ➥ 1.2 Used to emphasize that something, typically a subject of discussion, is considered finished. 'you will go to church and there's an end of it' ➥ 1.3 A person's death. 'he realized that his end was near' ➥ 1.4 (in biblical use) an ultimate state or condition. 'the end of that man is peace' ✦ 2 The furthest or most extreme part of something. 'the church at the end of the road' ➥ 2.1 A small piece that is left after use. 'an ashtray full of cigarette ends' ➥ 2.2 A part or person's share of an activity. 'you're going to honour your end of the deal' ➥ 2.3 A specified extreme of a scale. 'homebuyers at the lower end of the market' ➥ 2.4 Either of two places linked by a telephone call, letter, or journey. ''Hello,' said a voice at the other end' ➥ 2.5 Either of the halves of a sports field or court defended by one team or player. 'when they changed ends, the goals kept coming' ✦ 3 A goal or desired result. 'each would use the other to further his own ends' ✦ 4 (in bowls and curling) a session of play in one particular direction across the playing area. ✦ 5 A lineman positioned nearest the sideline. 'a defensive end'➤ verb ✦ 1 Come or bring to a final point; finish. no object 'when the war ended, policy changed' ➥ 1.1 Reach a point and go no further. 'the surfaced road ends at the farm' ➥ 1.2 Perform a final act. 'the man ended by attacking a police officer' ➥ 1.3 Have as its final part or result. 'the match ended in a draw' ➥ 1.4 Eventually come to a specified place or situation. 'I ended up in Eritrea'


1 A flexible container with an opening at the top, used for carrying things:Loose folds of skin under a person's eyes:Loose-fitting trousers:Plenty of:A woman, especially an older one, perceived as unpleasant or unattractive:One's particular interest or taste:The amount of game shot by a hunter:(In southern Africa) a unit of measurement, used especially of grain, equal to 70 kg (formerly 200 lb).A base.+Put (something) in a bag:+Succeed in killing or catching (an animal):+(Of clothes, especially trousers) form loose bulges due to wear:+Abandon or give up on:+Criticize:+Fit (a patient) with an oxygen mask or other respiratory aid. She suddenly remembered (that) her keys were in her other bag.+He had a baseball and a couple of bats in his sports bag.+I put a few personal belongings in a bag and left the house for the last time.+He dropped a bag of sugar and it spilled all over the floor.+Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn't fall out. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A flexible container with an opening at the top, used for carrying things. 'he arrived at the children's ward carrying a bag full of toys for the young patients' ➥ 1.1 The amount contained in a bag. 'a bag of sugar' ➥ 1.2 A woman's handbag. 'a velvet evening bag' ➥ 1.3 A piece of luggage. 'she began to unpack her bags' ➥ 1.4 The amount of game shot by a hunter. 'an estimated bag of 3,000 ducks' ➥ 1.5 Loose folds of skin under a person's eyes. 'there were dark bags under her eyes' ➥ 1.6 Loose-fitting trousers. 'a pair of flannel bags' ➥ 1.7 Plenty of. 'I had bags of energy' ✦ 2 A woman, especially an older one, perceived as unpleasant or unattractive. 'an interfering old bag' ✦ 3 One's particular interest or taste. 'ask the manager about mild curries, if that's your bag' ✦ 4 A base. ✦ 5 (in southern Africa) a unit of measurement, used especially of grain, equal to 70 kg (formerly 200 lb).➤ verb ✦ 1 Put (something) in a bag. 'customers bagged their own groceries' ✦ 2 Succeed in killing or catching (an animal) 'Mike bagged nineteen cod' ➥ 2.1 Succeed in securing (something) 'we've bagged three awards for excellence' ✦ 3 (of clothes, especially trousers) form loose bulges due to wear. 'these trousers never bag at the knee' ✦ 4 Abandon or give up on. 'she ought to just bag this marriage and get on with her life' ✦ 5 Criticize. 'the fans should be backing him not bagging him' ✦ 6 Fit (a patient) with an oxygen mask or other respiratory aid.</strong>


1 Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition:Me:+United States.+Undersecretary.+Unserviceable; useless. If you get to the restaurant before us just wait at the bar.+We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.+We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in.+The teacher asked us to form a circle and join hands.+She thinks she's better than the rest of us. ➤ pronoun ✦ 1 Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition. 'let us know' ➥ 1.1 Used after the verb 'to be' and after 'than' or 'as' 'it's us or them' ➥ 1.2 To or for ourselves. 'we got us some good hunting' ✦ 2 Me. 'give us a kiss'➤ ✦ 1 United States. ✦ 2 Undersecretary. ✦ 3 Unserviceable; useless.</strong>


1 A fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel:A small flat piece of metal or other material, typically square or hexagonal, with a threaded hole through it for screwing on to a bolt as a fastener:A crazy or eccentric person:A person's head:A man's testicles.The fixed ridge on the neck of a stringed instrument over which the strings pass:+Butt (someone) with one's head:+Gather nuts.+The sky goddess, thought to swallow the sun at night and give birth to it in the morning.+(In the UK) National Union of Teachers. He cracked (open) the nuts with his hands.+"I'm allergic to nuts." "So is my brother."+Squirrels store (up) nuts for the winter.+Vegans get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, beans and cereals.+These nuts are addictive - I can't stop eating them. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. 'he was cracking nuts with his teeth' ➥ 1.1 The hard kernel of a nut. 'savoury snacks like crisps and nuts' ➥ 1.2 A small lump of something hard or solid, especially coal. 'Crunchy cereals, pretzels, soy nuts, veggie chips, even beef or turkey jerky can help satisfy the need to work the jaw while filling the stomach.' ✦ 2 A small flat piece of metal or other material, typically square or hexagonal, with a threaded hole through it for screwing on to a bolt as a fastener. 'fix the new pipe and tighten the nuts' ➥ 2.1 The part at the lower end of the bow of a violin or similar instrument, with a screw for adjusting the tension of the hair. ✦ 3 A crazy or eccentric person. 'she would have written me off as a time-wasting nut' ➥ 3.1 A person who is excessively interested in or enthusiastic about a specified thing. 'a football nut' ✦ 4 A person's head. 'he's aiming to break a record by balancing a car on his nut' ✦ 5 A man's testicles. ✦ 6 The fixed ridge on the neck of a stringed instrument over which the strings pass. 'the positioning allows the strings a straight path over the nut'➤ verb ✦ 1 Butt (someone) with one's head. 'I thought he was going to nut me in the face' ✦ 2 Gather nuts.➤ proper noun ✦ The sky goddess, thought to swallow the sun at night and give birth to it in the morning.➤ ✦ (in the UK) National Union of Teachers.</strong>


1 A fully grown female animal of a domesticated breed of ox, kept to produce milk or beef:An unpleasant or disliked woman.+Cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation: The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.+We watched the cow suckling her calves.+The cows were grazing in the meadow.+We visited a dairy farm and saw the cows being milked.+A cow goes 'moo' and a dog goes 'bow-wow'. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A fully grown female animal of a domesticated breed of ox, kept to produce milk or beef. 'a dairy cow' ➥ 1.1 (loosely) a domestic bovine animal, regardless of sex or age. 'The fertilized hay will grow so we can feed our cows and produce milk.' ➥ 1.2 (in farming) a female domestic bovine animal which has borne more than one calf. 'For suckler cows with calves, the biggest risk now is grass tetany.' ➥ 1.3 The female of certain other large animals, for example elephant, rhinoceros, whale, or seal. 'When we pass a rock where a seal cow has just had a pup, we spot them out swimming, the baby piggy-backing on its mother's back.' ✦ 2 An unpleasant or disliked woman. ➥ 2.1 An unpleasant person or thing. 'In my experience, all women with hyphenated names are cows by default, but Emma-Kate was just terrible.'➤ verb ✦ Cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation. 'the intellectuals had been cowed into silence'


1 A hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water:The evergreen shrub or small tree which produces tea leaves, native to southern and eastern Asia and grown as a major cash crop.A light afternoon meal consisting typically of tea to drink, sandwiches, and cakes:+Drink tea or take afternoon tea: This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.+Caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, is a mild stimulant.+I can't stand weak tea.+India grows tea for export.+Could I have two cups of coffee and a tea, please? ➤ noun ✦ 1 A hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water. 'Katherine sipped her tea' ➥ 1.1 The dried leaves used to make tea. 'tea from India and Ceylon' ➥ 1.2 A drink made from the infused leaves, fruits, or flowers of plants other than tea. 'herbal tea' ➥ 1.3 Any hot drink, for example, coffee or cocoa. 'Cocoa tea is a rich, local breakfast drink.' ✦ 2 The evergreen shrub or small tree which produces tea leaves, native to southern and eastern Asia and grown as a major cash crop. ✦ 3 A light afternoon meal consisting typically of tea to drink, sandwiches, and cakes. 'they were about to take afternoon tea' ➥ 3.1 A cooked evening meal. 'fish and chips for tea' ➥ 3.2 Breakfast, typically consisting of a hot drink and bread. 'He had eaten a big tea.'➤ verb ✦ Drink tea or take afternoon tea. 'I teaed with Professor Herron'


1 A kind of soft, flat hat without a brim and typically with a peak:A protective lid or cover for an object such as a bottle, the point of a pen, or a camera lens:An upper limit imposed on spending or borrowing:A contraceptive diaphragm.The broad upper part of the fruiting body of most mushrooms and toadstools, at the top of a stem and bearing gills or pores.short for percussion cap.+Put a lid or cover on:+Provide a fitting climax or conclusion to:+Place a limit or restriction on (prices, expenditure, or borrowing):+Be chosen as a member of a particular sports team, especially a national one:+Confer a university degree on.+Short for capitalization.+Common Agricultural Policy. With his white beard and blue cap he looked like an old sea dog.+The captain of the ship wore a peaked cap decorated with gold braid .+He wears his cap whatever the weather. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A kind of soft, flat hat without a brim and typically with a peak. 'a man wearing a raincoat and a flat cap' ➥ 1.1 A kind of soft, close-fitting head covering worn for a particular purpose. 'a shower cap' ➥ 1.2 A cap awarded as a sign of membership of a particular sports team, especially a national team. 'he has won three caps for Scotland' ➥ 1.3 A player to whom a cap is awarded. 'a former naval officer and rugby cap' ➥ 1.4 An academic mortar board. 'school-leavers in cap and gown' ➥ 1.5 The top of a bird's head when distinctively coloured. 'Females have gray caps and a slightly lighter rufous color on the undersides.' ✦ 2 A protective lid or cover for an object such as a bottle, the point of a pen, or a camera lens. 'a glass bottle with a screw cap' ➥ 2.1 An artificial protective covering for a tooth. 'While your dentist might still recommend an apple a day and be able to fit natural-looking caps, the latest orthodontic innovations concentrate on stopping decay before it has a chance to do any damage.' ✦ 3 An upper limit imposed on spending or borrowing. 'he raised the cap on local authority spending' ✦ 4 A contraceptive diaphragm. ✦ 5 The broad upper part of the fruiting body of most mushrooms and toadstools, at the top of a stem and bearing gills or pores. ✦ 6 ➤ verb ✦ 1 Put a lid or cover on. 'he capped his pen' ➥ 1.1 Form a covering layer or topmost part of. 'snow-capped mountains' ➥ 1.2 Put an artificial protective covering on (a tooth) 'his smile revealed perfectly capped teeth' ✦ 2 Provide a fitting climax or conclusion to. 'he capped a memorable season by becoming champion of champions' ➥ 2.1 Follow or reply to (a story, remark, or joke) by producing a better one. 'he prayed no wit would cap his remark with some repartee' ✦ 3 Place a limit or restriction on (prices, expenditure, or borrowing) 'council budgets will be capped' ✦ 4 Be chosen as a member of a particular sports team, especially a national one. 'he was capped ten times by England' ✦ 5 Confer a university degree on.➤ noun ✦ as modifier 'mid-cap companies'➤ ✦ 1 Common Agricultural Policy. ✦ 2 Civil Air Patrol.</strong>


1 A network of fine threads constructed by a spider from fluid secreted by its spinnerets, used to catch its prey.A complex system of interconnected elements:A membrane between the toes of a swimming bird or other aquatic animal.A roll of paper used in a continuous printing process.A piece of woven fabric.+Cover with or as though with a web: What's the web address? "www dot cambridge dot org".+Our web page had 243 hits this week.+Our site on the web has many pages for you to click on and explore.+The job has been advertised on the web.+He booked his holiday on the web. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A network of fine threads constructed by a spider from fluid secreted by its spinnerets, used to catch its prey. ➥ 1.1 A filmy network spun by some insect larvae, especially communal caterpillars. 'To combat another common pest, tent caterpillars, use a forked branch to wind up the webs and expose the caterpillars to predators.' ✦ 2 A complex system of interconnected elements. 'he found himself caught up in a web of bureaucracy' ➥ 2.1 The World Wide Web or the Internet. 'material downloaded from the Web' ✦ 3 A membrane between the toes of a swimming bird or other aquatic animal. ➥ 3.1 A thin flat part connecting thicker or more solid parts in machinery. ✦ 4 A roll of paper used in a continuous printing process. ➥ 4.1 The endless wire mesh in a papermaking machine on which the paper is made. ✦ 5 A piece of woven fabric.➤ verb ✦ Cover with or as though with a web. 'she noticed his tanned skin, webbed with fine creases'


1 A large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare:A distinct set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a computer system, to which pieces of equipment may be connected in parallel.+Transport in a communal road vehicle:+Remove (dirty plates and dishes) from a table in a restaurant or cafeteria. Please excuse me for arriving late - the bus was delayed.+If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.+Hurry, now, or you'll miss the bus!+He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.+The buses run less frequently on Sundays. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare. as modifier 'a bus service' ➥ 1.1 A car, aircraft, or other vehicle. ✦ 2 A distinct set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a computer system, to which pieces of equipment may be connected in parallel.➤ verb ✦ 1 Transport in a communal road vehicle. 'staff were bussed in and out of the factory' ➥ 1.1 Travel by bus. 'the priest bussed in from a neighbouring parish' ➥ 1.2 Transport (a child of one ethnic group) to a school where another group is predominant, in an attempt to promote racial integration. 'According to the Court, busing schoolchildren to achieve greater racial balance in individual schools is a constitutionally proper remedy in districts burdened by the effects of past or present de jure segregation.' ✦ 2 Remove (dirty plates and dishes) from a table in a restaurant or cafeteria. ➥ 2.1 Remove dirty plates and dishes from (a table). 'He and his special sweetie are spending Valentine's Day evening bussing tables.'


1 A male child or youth:A man, especially a young or relatively young one:+Used to express strong feelings, especially of excitement or admiration: He's an affectionate little boy.+He was always a good boy, very friendly and eager to please.+We've got two grandchildren - a three-year-old girl and a bouncing baby boy.+She's at that age where she's starting to get interested in boys.+According to witnesses, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A male child or youth. 'a four-year-old boy' ➥ 1.1 A person's son. 'she put her little boy to bed' ➥ 1.2 A male child or young man who does a specified job. 'a delivery boy' ✦ 2 A man, especially a young or relatively young one. 'I was the new boy at the office' ➥ 2.1 Men who mix socially or who belong to a particular group, team, or profession. 'I hope that our boys will continue to play good quality rugby' ➥ 2.2 A friendly form of address from one man to another, especially from an older man to a young man. 'my dear boy, don't say another word!' ➥ 2.3 A black male servant or worker (often used as a form of address). ➥ 2.4 A form of address to a male dog. 'down boy!'➤ exclamation ✦ Used to express strong feelings, especially of excitement or admiration. 'oh boy, that's wonderful!'


1 A man:A figure representing Guy Fawkes, burnt on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Night, and often displayed by children begging for money for fireworks.+Make fun of; ridicule:+A rope or line fixed to the ground to secure a tent or other structure.+Secure with a guy or guys.+Guyana (international vehicle registration). She was engaged to some guy in the army.+That guy in the grey jacket has been eyeing you up all evening.+I don't see what the fuss is about - he seems like a fairly ordinary looking guy to me.+Hey, are you guys coming to Angela's party?+I'm just going out for a drink with the guys. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A man. 'he's a nice guy' ➥ 1.1 People of either sex. 'you guys want some coffee?' ✦ 2 A figure representing Guy Fawkes, burnt on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Night, and often displayed by children begging for money for fireworks.➤ verb ✦ Make fun of; ridicule. 'she never stopped guying him about his weight'➤ noun ✦ A rope or line fixed to the ground to secure a tent or other structure.➤ verb ✦ Secure with a guy or guys. 'it was set on concrete footings and guyed with steel cable'➤ ✦ Guyana (international vehicle registration).</strong>


1 A method, style, or manner of doing something; an optional or alternative form of action:A road, track, or path for travelling along:Parts into which something divides or is divided:A person's occupation or line of business.Forward motion or momentum of a ship or boat through water:A sloping structure down which a new ship is launched.+At or to a considerable distance or extent; far (used before an adverb or preposition for emphasis): I popped into the grocer's on the way home from work to get some cheese.+The children will be here soon - you'd better put that plate out of harm's way.+Which way are you headed?+It is arguable which way is quicker.+He put the wheel on the right/wrong way around. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A method, style, or manner of doing something; an optional or alternative form of action. 'I hated their way of cooking potatoes' ➥ 1.1 One's characteristic or habitual manner of behaviour or expression. 'it was not his way to wait passively for things to happen' ➥ 1.2 The customary behaviour or practices of a group. 'my years of acclimatization to British ways' ➥ 1.3 The typical manner in which something happens or in which someone or something behaves. 'he was showing off, as is the way with adolescent boys' ➥ 1.4 A particular aspect of something; a respect. 'I have changed in every way' ➥ 1.5 A specified condition or state. 'the family was in a poor way' ✦ 2 A road, track, or path for travelling along. in place names 'No. 3, Church Way' ➥ 2.1 A course of travel or route taken in order to reach a place. 'can you tell me the way to Leicester Square?' ➥ 2.2 A specified direction of travel or movement. 'we just missed another car coming the other way' ➥ 2.3 A means of entry or exit from somewhere, such as a door or gate. 'I nipped out the back way' ➥ 2.4 A distance travelled or to be travelled; the distance from one place to another. 'they still had a long way ahead of them' ➥ 2.5 A period between one point in time and another. 'September was a long way off' ➥ 2.6 Travel or motion along a particular route; the route along which someone or something would travel if unobstructed. 'Christine tried to follow but Martin blocked her way' ➥ 2.7 Used with a verb and adverbial phrase to intensify the force of an action or to denote movement or progress. 'I shouldered my way to the bar' ➥ 2.8 A particular area or locality. 'the family's main estate over Maidenhead way' ✦ 3 Parts into which something divides or is divided. 'the national vote split three ways' ✦ 4 A person's occupation or line of business. ✦ 5 Forward motion or momentum of a ship or boat through water. 'the dinghy lost way and drifted towards the shore' ✦ 6 A sloping structure down which a new ship is launched.➤ adverb ✦ 1 At or to a considerable distance or extent; far (used before an adverb or preposition for emphasis) 'his understanding of what constitutes good writing is way off target' ➥ 1.1 Much. 'I was cycling way too fast' ➥ 1.2 Extremely; really (used for emphasis) 'the guys behind the bar were way cool'


1 A natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies, especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs:Any of a group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids, which are solid at room temperature and are the main constituents of animal and vegetable fat:+(Of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh:+Large in bulk or circumference:+Make or become fat: If you feed your dog on cakes and biscuits, it's not surprising he's so fat.+Runners come in all shapes and sizes - fat and thin, short and tall.+He pulled out a big fat wallet stuffed with bank notes.+A grub looks like a short fat worm.+Are you suggesting (that) I look fat in these trousers? ➤ noun ✦ 1 A natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies, especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs. 'whales and seals insulate themselves with layers of fat' ➥ 1.1 A fatty substance made from animal or plant products, used in cooking. 'sizzling fat' ➥ 1.2 The presence of excess fat in a person or animal. 'he was a tall man, running to fat' ✦ 2 Any of a group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids, which are solid at room temperature and are the main constituents of animal and vegetable fat. 'some 40 per cent of our daily calories are derived from dietary fats'➤ adjective ✦ 1 (of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh. 'the driver was a fat wheezing man' ➥ 1.1 (of an animal bred for food) made plump for slaughter. 'The limit of his agrarian radicalism was a demand, conceded by the British, for the removal of differential between Irish fat cattle and animals fattened in Britain.' ➥ 1.2 Containing much fat. 'fat bacon' ➥ 1.3 (of coal) containing a high proportion of volatile oils. ✦ 2 Large in bulk or circumference. 'a fat cigarette' ➥ 2.1 (especially in the context of financial reward) substantial. 'a fat profit' ➥ 2.2 Used ironically to express the belief that something is unlikely or does not exist. 'fat chance she had of influencing Guy's decisions'➤ verb ✦ Make or become fat. 'a fatted duck'


1 A paid position of regular employment:A task or piece of work, especially one that is paid:A thing of a specified nature:+Do casual or occasional work:+Buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale:+Cheat; betray:+Turn a public office or a position of trust to private advantage:+Prod or stab:+An act of prodding, thrusting, or wrenching.+(In the Bible) a prosperous man whose patience and piety were tried by undeserved misfortunes, and who, in spite of his bitter lamentations, remained confident in the goodness and justice of God. I've applied for an office job I saw advertised in the paper.+How is Mary enjoying her new job?+It's a tragedy that so many young people are unable to find jobs.+The company plans to shut down four factories and cut 10 000 jobs.+Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow process. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A paid position of regular employment. 'the scheme could create 200 jobs' ✦ 2 A task or piece of work, especially one that is paid. 'she wants to be left alone to get on with the job' ➥ 2.1 A responsibility or duty. 'it's our job to find things out' ➥ 2.2 A difficult task. 'we thought you'd have a job getting there' ➥ 2.3 A procedure to improve the appearance of something. 'someone had done a skilful paint job' ➥ 2.4 A crime, especially a robbery. 'a series of daring bank jobs' ➥ 2.5 An operation or group of operations treated as a single and distinct unit. 'this feature allows your computer to queue print jobs' ✦ 3 A thing of a specified kind. 'the oven is one of those fancy-pants jobs with a convection fan'➤ verb ✦ 1 Do casual or occasional work. 'a jobbing builder' ✦ 2 Buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale. 'his game plan is to buy in then job the shares on at a profit' ✦ 3 Cheat; betray. 'he was jobbed by the Justice Department' ✦ 4 Turn a public office or a position of trust to private advantage. 'if left unfettered he would job'➤ verb ✦ 1 Prod or stab. 'he prepared to job the huge brute' ➥ 1.1 Thrust (something pointed) at or into something. 'immediately job a penknife into the throat'➤ noun ✦ An act of prodding, thrusting, or wrenching.➤ proper noun ✦ 1 (in the Bible) a prosperous man whose patience and piety were tried by undeserved misfortunes, and who, in spite of his bitter lamentations, remained confident in the goodness and justice of God. ➥ 1.1 A book of the Bible telling of Job.


1 A particular amount of money:The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items:An arithmetical problem, especially at an elementary level:+Find the sum of (two or more amounts): We were awarded a derisory sum.+Having sold the house she had a large sum of money at her disposal .+She left a large sum of money in her will to found a wildlife sanctuary.+Her divorce settlement included a lump sum of $2 million.+She was paid the mind-boggling sum of ten million pounds for that film. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A particular amount of money. 'they could not afford such a sum' ✦ 2 The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items. 'the sum of two prime numbers' ➥ 2.1 The total amount of something that exists. 'the sum of his own knowledge' ✦ 3 An arithmetical problem, especially at an elementary level. 'we did sums at school, Mummy'➤ verb ✦ Find the sum of (two or more amounts) 'if we sum these equations we obtain X'


1 A payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services:An estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service.+Make a payment to (someone) in return for services. The entrance fee is six pounds, two pounds for the unwaged.+Someone proposed a motion to increase the membership fee to £500 a year.+The students are holding a demonstration to protest against the increase in their fees.+It was something of a hollow victory - she won the case but lost all her savings in legal fees.+For a nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers' homes. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services. 'they were faced with legal fees of £3000' ➥ 1.1 Money paid as part of a special transaction, for example for a privilege or for admission to something. 'an annual membership fee' ➥ 1.2 Money regularly paid to a school or similar institution for continuing services. 'tuition fees have now reached $9000 a year' ✦ 2 An estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service.➤ verb ✦ Make a payment to (someone) in return for services.</strong>


1 A piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress:The bottom of the sea or a lake or river:An area of ground, typically in a garden, where flowers and plants are grown:A stratum or layer of rock:A layer of food on which other foods are served:A flat base or foundation on which something rests or is supported:+Provide with sleeping accommodation:+Transfer (a plant) from a pot or seed tray to a garden plot:+Fix firmly; embed:+Bachelor of Education. Martha threw back the covers and bounced out of bed.+I bent down to look under the bed.+I didn't even have the energy to get out of bed.+Tidy up your room. And don't forget to make your bed!+I want to finish off this essay before I go to bed. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress. 'a large double bed' ➥ 1.1 A bed and associated facilities comprising a place for a patient in a hospital. 'the unit has 20 geriatric beds' ➥ 1.2 A bedroom. in combination 'a three-bed detached house' ➥ 1.3 A place or article used by a person or animal for sleep or rest. 'a bed of straw' ➥ 1.4 Used with reference to a bed as the typical place for sexual activity. 'he's incredibly good in bed' ✦ 2 The bottom of the sea or a lake or river. 'the gravelly bed of the stream' ➥ 2.1 A place on the seabed where shellfish, especially oysters or mussels, breed or are bred. 'the Firth of Forth was once home to vast beds of oysters' ✦ 3 An area of ground, typically in a garden, where flowers and plants are grown. 'the lawns are flanked by rose beds' ✦ 4 A stratum or layer of rock. 'a bed of clay' ✦ 5 A layer of food on which other foods are served. 'the salad is served on a bed of raw spinach' ✦ 6 A flat base or foundation on which something rests or is supported. 'place each paver on a bed of concrete' ➥ 6.1 The foundation of a road or railway. 'the pavement consists of granite blocks set on a bed of cobblestones and cement' ➥ 6.2 The open part of a truck, wagon, or cart, where goods are carried. 'the spare tyre in the forward bed of the truck' ➥ 6.3 The flat surface beneath the baize of a billiard table. 'The antique pool table is a mahogany beauty, six feet by 12 feet, with the words "Northwest" engraved on the underside of the pool table's bed.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place. 'you can bed down in the shed' ➥ 1.1 Settle a person or animal down to sleep or rest for the night. 'she is grooming the horses and bedding them down for the night' ➥ 1.2 Have sexual intercourse with. 'I am quite picky when it comes to bedding someone' ✦ 2 Transfer (a plant) from a pot or seed tray to a garden plot. 'I bedded out some houseplants' ✦ 3 Fix firmly; embed. 'the posts should be firmly bedded in concrete' ➥ 3.1 Lay or arrange (something, especially stone) in a layer. 'crazy paving has to be bedded on a solid base of hard core' ➥ 3.2 Settle down and become established. 'a period of calm will allow the changes to bed in'➤ ✦ Bachelor of Education.</strong>


1 A piece of open-meshed material made of twine, cord, or something similar, used typically for catching fish or other animals:A structure consisting of a net supported on a frame, forming the goal in games such as football:A fine fabric with a very open weave:A means of catching someone; a trap:A communications or broadcasting network, especially of maritime radio:+Catch (a fish or other animal) with a net:+(In sport) hit (a ball) into the net; score (a goal):+Cover with a net:+(Of an amount, value, or price) remaining after the deduction of tax or other contributions:+Remaining after all factors have been taken into account; overall:+Acquire (a sum of money) as clear profit: The goalkeeper made a valiant dive for the ball, but couldn't stop it going in the net.+There are laws there to protect the mentally ill, but now and then someone does slip through the net.+The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.+The police are tightening the net around the smugglers.+You'll have to hit the ball quite high to get it over that net. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A piece of open-meshed material made of twine, cord, or something similar, used typically for catching fish or other animals. 'fishermen mending their nets' ➥ 1.1 A piece of net supported by a frame at the end of a handle, used for catching fish or insects. 'Using sweep nets and aspirators the researchers collect insects and take them to a lab in Buenos Aires.' ➥ 1.2 The total amount of fish caught in one session or expedition. 'good nets of roach, chub, and perch' ✦ 2 A structure consisting of a net supported on a frame, forming the goal in games such as football. 'Wales did find the net in the 32nd minute' ➥ 2.1 A net supported on a cord between two posts to divide the playing area in tennis, badminton, volleyball, etc. 'At the Baghdad correction center, about 200 delinquents share four dormitories built around a square courtyard cut by a volleyball net.' ➥ 2.2 A strip of ground enclosed by a net, for batting and bowling practice. as modifier 'a full net practice' ➥ 2.3 A safety net. 'he felt like a tightrope-walker without a net' ✦ 3 A fine fabric with a very open weave. as modifier 'net curtains' ➥ 3.1 Net curtains. 'The culmination of two years' work is a plastic hook which can be used, according to Mrs Clegg, with valances, curtains and nets.' ✦ 4 A means of catching someone; a trap. 'the search was delayed, allowing the murderers to escape the net' ➥ 4.1 A means of selecting or securing someone or something. 'he spread his net far and wide in his long search for success' ✦ 5 A communications or broadcasting network, especially of maritime radio. 'the radio net was brought to life with a mayday' ➥ 5.1 A network of interconnected computers. 'a computer news net' ➥ 5.2 The Internet. 'It's a big task, given that only ten per cent of humans have access to the Net today.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Catch (a fish or other animal) with a net. 'damage caused when netting the fish' ➥ 1.1 Fish with nets in (a river) 'they were netting the River Naver' ➥ 1.2 Acquire or obtain in a skilful way. 'customs officials have netted large caches of drugs' ✦ 2 (in sport) hit (a ball) into the net; score (a goal) 'Butler netted 14 goals' ✦ 3 Cover with a net. 'we fenced off a rabbit-proof area for vegetables and netted the top'➤ adjective ✦ 1 (of an amount, value, or price) remaining after the deduction of tax or other contributions. 'net earnings per share rose' ➥ 1.1 (of a weight) excluding that of the packaging. 'Calculation of net mass gain requires assumptions about the nature, degree, and uniformity of overnight mass loss.' ➥ 1.2 (of a score in golf) adjusted to take account of a player's handicap. 'Stockley also lifted the Founders Cup for the best nett score when he shot a gross 83 off a handicap of 19.' ✦ 2 Remaining after all factors have been taken into account; overall. 'the net result is the same'➤ verb ✦ 1 Acquire (a sum of money) as clear profit. 'he netted £2.45 million on the deal' ➥ 1.1 Return (profit or income) for (someone) 'the land netted its owner a turnover of $800,000' ➥ 1.2 Exclude a non-net amount, such as tax, when making a calculation, in order to reduce the amount left to a net sum. 'the scrap value should be netted off against the original purchase price'


1 A projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human beings and quadrupeds.The sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet:+The fruit of a rose, especially a wild kind:+Very fashionable:+Aware of or informed about:+Used to introduce a communal cheer:+(Formerly in the UK) a set of information about a house or flat that a seller must provide to a potential buyer. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint.+She has a rheumatic hip.+Her hip has been troublesome for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on it.+His hip had to be x-rayed to see if it was forming properly.+With a wiggle of her hips, she pulled up the trousers. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human beings and quadrupeds. 'I have big hips and thighs' ➥ 1.1 The circumference of the body at the buttocks. 'I have big hips and thighs' ➥ 1.2 A person's hip joint. 'she dislocated her hip' ✦ 2 The sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet. as modifier 'hip tiles'➤ noun ✦ The fruit of a rose, especially a wild kind. 'the hips and haws in the hedges'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Very fashionable. 'it's hip to be environmentally conscious' ✦ 2 Aware of or informed about. 'he's trying to show how hip he is to Americana'➤ exclamation ✦ Used to introduce a communal cheer. 'hip hip hooray!'➤ noun ✦ (formerly in the UK) a set of information about a house or flat that a seller must provide to a potential buyer.</strong>


1 A receptacle in which to deposit rubbish.Each of a series of ranges of numerical value into which data are sorted in statistical analysis.+Throw (something) away by putting it in a bin:+Store (something, especially wine) in a bin:+Group together (data) in bins. She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.+Put the empty box in the rubbish bin.+If any of the letters aren't interesting just sling them in the bin.+He glanced at the letter and then tossed it into the bin.+We put our wheelie bin out to be emptied every Thursday morning. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A receptacle in which to deposit rubbish. 'a compost bin' ➥ 1.1 A capacious receptacle for storing a specified substance. 'a compost bin' ➥ 1.2 A partitioned stand for storing bottles of wine. 'This usually entails storing the bottles horizontally, ideally in a wine rack so that individual bottles can easily be extracted, or in a bin full of wines of the same sort.' ✦ 2 Each of a series of ranges of numerical value into which data are sorted in statistical analysis.➤ verb ✦ 1 Throw (something) away by putting it in a bin. 'piles of junk that should have been binned years ago' ➥ 1.1 Discard or reject. 'the whole idea had to be binned' ➥ 1.2 End a relationship with someone. 'she was a bit weird so I binned her off' ✦ 2 Store (something, especially wine) in a bin. 'paint on the bottles indicated which way up they should be binned' ✦ 3 Group together (data) in bins.</strong>


1 A removable or hinged cover for the top of a container: The lid of the coffin had been nailed down.+I can't get the lid off this jar.+Screw the lid on tightly.+I prized the lid off with a spoon.+She had used a screwdriver to puncture two holes in the lid of a paint tin. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A removable or hinged cover for the top of a container. 'a dustbin lid' ➥ 1.1 An eyelid. 'eyes hooded beneath heavy lids' ➥ 1.2 The top crust of a pie. 'You poked two holes at opposite sides of the pie lid, then squirted the jelly down the second hole until it came out of the first hole.' ➥ 1.3 The operculum of a moss capsule. ➥ 1.4 A hat or crash helmet. 'I've got a lid for you to try on'


1 A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people: You should always check your oil, water and tyres before taking your car on a long trip.+Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.+We skidded on the ice and crashed into another car.+It was foggy, and all the cars had their headlights on.+It would be better for the environment if more people used bikes rather than cars. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people. 'we're going by car' ➥ 1.1 A railway carriage. 'the first-class cars' ➥ 1.2 The passenger compartment of a lift, cableway, or balloon. 'he was in the lift when the car stuck' ➥ 1.3 A chariot. 'And then Krishna and Arjuna, seated on the same car (chariot), blew their celestial conches.'


1 A shaped covering for the head worn for warmth, as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform: Hang your coat and hat on the rack over there.+Do I look ridiculous in this hat?+It was silly of you to go out in the hot sun without a hat.+A crowd of football fans wearing scarves and hats flooded into the bar.+Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A shaped covering for the head worn for warmth, as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform. 'a black straw hat' ➥ 1.1 Used to refer to a particular role or occupation of someone who has more than one. 'wearing her scientific hat she is director of a pharmacology research group'


1 A silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50.An airtight container made of tinplate or aluminium:+Cover with a thin layer of tin: The country's most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.+Careful with that open tin - it's got a very sharp edge.+In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels horizontally from a vertical shaft.+I've found a tin of beans. So far so good, but where is the opener?+She put on some overalls and got out a tin of paint. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50. 'Kim's only in it for the tin' ➥ 1.1 'Instead most graves are marked with a steel stake and a piece of rusting tin bearing a number.' ➥ 1.2 Money. 'Kim's only in it for the tin' ✦ 2 An airtight container made of tinplate or aluminium. 'Albert got out the biscuit tin' ➥ 2.1 An airtight sealed container for preserving food, made of tinplate or aluminium; a can. 'she had opened a tin of beans' ➥ 2.2 The contents of a tin. 'how many tins of paint would it take?' ➥ 2.3 An open metal container for baking food. 'grease a 450g loaf tin' ➥ 2.4 A rectangular loaf of bread baked in an open metal container. ➤ verb ✦ Cover with a thin layer of tin. 'the copper pans are tinned inside'


1 A small bowl-shaped container for drinking from, typically having a handle.An ornamental trophy in the form of a cup, usually made of gold or silver and having a stem and two handles, awarded as a prize in a sports contest.A cup-shaped thing.A mixed drink made from fruit juices and typically containing wine or cider:One of the suits in a tarot pack.+Form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup:+Bleed (someone) by using a glass in which a partial vacuum is formed by heating:+Cambridge University Press.+Cuban peso(s). My father always has a biscuit and a cup of tea at bedtime.+She prefers her tea in a proper china cup and saucer.+Lynn plopped a paper cup down beside her.+The rim of the cup was chipped and broken.+These plastic cups are virtually indestructible. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A small bowl-shaped container for drinking from, typically having a handle. 'a cup of tea' ➥ 1.1 The contents of a cup. 'a cup of tea' ➥ 1.2 A measure of capacity used in cooking, equal to half a US pint (0.237 litre) 'a cup of butter' ➥ 1.3 (in church use) a chalice used at the Eucharist. 'Latin was replaced by the vernacular, and the cup was offered to the laity' ➥ 1.4 One of the suits in a tarot pack. 'Last September, I started with the swords and I moved on to the wands, and then to the cups.' ✦ 2 An ornamental trophy in the form of a cup, usually made of gold or silver and having a stem and two handles, awarded as a prize in a sports contest. 'playing in the Cup is the best thing ever' ➥ 2.1 A contest in which the winners are awarded a cup. 'playing in the Cup is the best thing ever' ✦ 3 A cup-shaped thing. 'she had grown from an A to a C cup in just six months' ➥ 3.1 Either of the two parts of a bra shaped to contain or support one breast. 'she had grown from an A to a C cup in just six months' ➥ 3.2 The hole on a putting green, or the metal container in it. 'the ball bounced out of the cup' ✦ 4 A mixed drink made from fruit juices and typically containing wine or cider. 'the bars offered large glasses of white wine cup'➤ verb ✦ 1 Form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup. ''Hey!' Dad shouted, with his hands cupped around his mouth' ➥ 1.1 Place the curved hand or hands around. 'he cupped her face in his hands' ✦ 2 Bleed (someone) by using a glass in which a partial vacuum is formed by heating. 'Dr Ross ordered me to be cupped'➤ ✦ 1 Cambridge University Press. ✦ 2 Cuban peso(s).</strong>


1 Before the present; earlier (used with a measurement of time): Electrical goods are almost double the price they were a few years ago.+"Where's my pen? It was on my desk a minute ago."+Twelve thousand years ago, our ancestors were primitive savages living in caves.+We made the booking three months ago.+It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now. ➤ adverb ✦ Before the present; earlier (used with a measurement of time) 'he went five minutes ago'


1 A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractile claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.(Especially among jazz enthusiasts) a man:A short tapered stick used in the game of tipcat.+Raise (an anchor) from the surface of the water to the cathead:+Short for catalytic converter.+Short for catamaran.+Clear air turbulence.+Computer-assisted (or -aided) testing.+Computerized axial tomography: My cat likes dozing in front of the fire.+I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away.+She's always chasing cats out of the garden to protect her precious birds.+A cat was miaowing pitifully outside the door.+The cat purred as I stroked its fur. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed. 'a marbled cat' ➥ 1.1 A wild animal of the cat family. 'a marbled cat' ➥ 1.2 Used in names of catlike animals of other families, e.g. native cat, ring-tailed cat. 'Civet cats are not true cats, but short-haired mammals with long bodies, short legs, and tails.' ➥ 1.3 A malicious or spiteful woman. 'his mother called me an old cat' ➥ 1.4 'I'll wager you've ne'er felt the lash o' the cat.' ➥ 1.5 ➥ 1.6 ➥ 1.7 ✦ 2 (especially among jazz enthusiasts) a man. 'this West Coast cat had managed him since the early 80s' ✦ 3 A short tapered stick used in the game of tipcat.➤ verb ✦ Raise (an anchor) from the surface of the water to the cathead. 'I kept her off the wind and sailing free until I had the anchor catted'➤ noun ✦ 'models fitted with a cat as standard'➤ noun ✦ ➤ ✦ 1 Clear air turbulence. ✦ 2 Computer-assisted (or -aided) testing. ✦ 3 Computerized axial tomography. as modifier 'a CAT scan'


1 A small number of:Used to emphasize how small a number of people or things is:+The minority of people; the elect: The weather is expected to remain clear for the next few days.+Our costs have climbed rapidly in the last few years.+After the trip, it was nice getting back to a few home comforts.+A few rays of sunlight pierced the smoke.+A few scatter cushions would help to brighten up that old sofa. ➤ pronoun, determiner, & adjective ✦ 1 A small number of. as determiner 'may I ask a few questions?' ✦ 2 Used to emphasize how small a number of people or things is. as determiner 'he had few friends'➤ noun ✦ 1 The minority of people; the elect. 'art is not just for the few' ➥ 1.1 The RAF pilots who took part in the Battle of Britain. 'In common with ceremonies across the land, the Last Post and Reveille rang out as the Few were remembered and honoured.'


1 A small piece, part, or quantity of something:A set of actions or ideas associated with a specific group or activity:A girl or young woman:A person's genitals:A unit of 12 1/2 cents (used only in even multiples).+Past of bite.+A mouthpiece, typically made of metal, which is attached to a bridle and used to control a horse.+A tool or piece for boring or drilling:+Put a bit into the mouth of (a horse).+A unit of information expressed as either a 0 or 1 in binary notation. I think we need a bit of colour in this room.+We may as well finish off this pie - there's only a little bit left.+I brought a few things back from India - bits of jewellery and material mainly.+I've bracketed the bits of text that could be omitted.+That salmon was very expensive so make sure you eat up every bit. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A small piece, part, or quantity of something. 'give the duck a bit of bread' ➥ 1.1 A short time or distance. 'I fell asleep for a bit' ➥ 1.2 A fairly large amount. 'working in a foreign country took quite a bit of getting used to' ✦ 2 A set of actions or ideas associated with a specific group or activity. 'Miranda could go off and do her theatrical bit' ✦ 3 A girl or young woman. 'he went and married some young bit half his age' ✦ 4 A person's genitals. 'You could see everything! All her bits!' ✦ 5 A unit of 12 1/2 cents (used only in even multiples).➤ ✦ ➤ noun ✦ 1 A mouthpiece, typically made of metal, which is attached to a bridle and used to control a horse. ✦ 2 A tool or piece for boring or drilling. 'a drill bit' ➥ 2.1 The cutting or gripping part of a plane, pincers, or other tool. 'Align the pilot bit of the hole saw with the center point you marked earlier in the face of the door, and begin drilling.' ➥ 2.2 The part of a key that engages with the lock lever. 'It has lever tumblers that require a key with a bit, or projecting part, of proper depth and position.' ➥ 2.3 The copper head of a soldering iron. 'The soldering iron bit should be cleaned.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Put a bit into the mouth of (a horse). 'my own hysteria was bitted by upbringing and respect' ➥ 1.1 Restrain. 'my own hysteria was bitted by upbringing and respect'➤ noun ✦ A unit of information expressed as either a 0 or 1 in binary notation.</strong>


1 A small round mark or spot:+Mark with a small spot or spots:+Hit (someone):+A dowry from which only the interest or annual income was available to the husband.+(In Canada and formerly in the UK) Department of Transport.+(In the US) Department of Transportation.+Directly observed therapy, a method of supervising patients to ensure that they take medication as directed. If you join up the dots on the paper, you'll get a picture.+"What's your email address?" "It's cide at cambridge dot org." ➤ ✦ Directly observed therapy, a method of supervising patients to ensure that they take medication as directed.➤ noun ✦ 1 A small round mark or spot. 'a symbol depicted in coloured dots' ➥ 1.1 A small round mark written or printed as part of an i or j, as one of a series of marks to signify omission, or as a full stop. 'A dot written under a vowel means that the word should be pronounced with a voice that starts low, drops a little bit lower, and is then cut off abruptly.' ➥ 1.2 A small round mark used to denote the lengthening of a note or rest by half, or to indicate staccato. 'In 20th-century notation the staccato is generally prescribed by means of a dot over or under the note and is distinguished from the more emphatic staccatissimo, indicated by a wedge.' ➥ 1.3 The shorter signal of the two used in Morse code. 'People often speak or write Morse code using words 'Dit' (or Di) for a dot and 'Dah' for a dash.' ➥ 1.4 Used to refer to an object that appears tiny because it is far away. 'they were mere dots on the horizon now' ➥ 1.5 Used to indicate the punctuation separating parts of an email or website address. 'OUP dot com'➤ verb ✦ 1 Mark with a small spot or spots. 'wet spots of rain began to dot his shirt' ➥ 1.1 (of a number of items) be scattered over (an area) 'churches dot the countryside' ➥ 1.2 Place a dot over (a letter) 'you need to dot the i' ➥ 1.3 Mark (a note or rest) to show that the time value is increased by half. 'a dotted minim' ✦ 2 Hit (someone) ''You want to dot him one,' he said'➤ noun ✦ A dowry from which only the interest or annual income was available to the husband.➤ ✦ 1 (in Canada and formerly in the UK) Department of Transport. ✦ 2 (in the US) Department of Transportation.</strong>


1 A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country:+Engage in a war: The war has claimed thousands of lives.+The prime minister is to meet his European counterparts to discuss the war against drugs.+America declared war on Japan in 1941.+There is likely to be civil war if the region tries to secede from the south.+The number of casualties was appallingly high in both wars. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. 'Japan declared war on Germany' ➥ 1.1 A state of competition or hostility between different people or groups. 'she was at war with her parents' ➥ 1.2 A sustained campaign against an undesirable situation or activity. 'the authorities are waging war against smuggling'➤ verb ✦ Engage in a war. 'small states warred against each another'


1 Belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified:Used in titles:+Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned: Paul clicked his fingers to attract the waiter's attention.+We can't stop Tom climbing out of his cot.+The officer commanded his men to shoot.+I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.+She sold the house even though it was against his wishes. ➤ possessive determiner ✦ 1 Belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. 'James sold his business' ➥ 1.1 Belonging to or associated with a person or animal of unspecified sex (in modern use chiefly replaced by 'his or her' or 'their') 'any child with delayed speech should have his hearing checked' ✦ 2 Used in titles. 'His Excellency'➤ possessive pronoun ✦ Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned. 'he took my hand in his'


1 A thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used for fastening pieces of cloth, paper, etc.A metal projection from a plug or an integrated circuit which makes an electrical connection with a socket or another part of a circuit:A stick with a flag placed in a hole to mark its position.A person's legs:An attack on a piece or pawn which is thereby pinned.A half-firkin cask for beer.+Attach or fasten with a pin or pins:+Hold (someone) firmly in a specified position so they are unable to move:+Hinder or prevent (a piece or pawn) from moving because of the danger to a more valuable piece standing behind it along the line of an attack:+An identifying number allocated to an individual by a bank or other organization and used for validating electronic transactions. He stuck up a notice on the board with pins.+She'd used some pins to hold the seam together.+I've not stitched the hem yet, it's just held up with pins.+Don't prick yourself on those pins.+They had to insert a pin into his knee joint. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used for fastening pieces of cloth, paper, etc. 'a gold and diamond lapel pin' ➥ 1.1 A small brooch or badge. 'a gold and diamond lapel pin' ➥ 1.2 A steel rod used to join the ends of fractured bones while they heal. 'His knee will now be held together by metal pins.' ➥ 1.3 A metal peg that holds down the activating lever of a hand grenade, preventing its explosion. 'Orr simply walked across the sand, clambered on to one of the tanks, 'popped' the pins on his hand grenades and moved over the edge of the hatch.' ➥ 1.4 A hairpin. 'Tuck the ends of your hair under the knot and secure with a bobby pin.' ➥ 1.5 A peg round which one string of a musical instrument is fastened. ''You give people individual notes like the little pins in a musical box', he chided the composer.' ✦ 2 A metal projection from a plug or an integrated circuit which makes an electrical connection with a socket or another part of a circuit. as modifier, in combination 'a three-pin plug' ✦ 3 A stick with a flag placed in a hole to mark its position. ✦ 4 A skittle in bowling. ✦ 5 A person's legs. 'she was very nimble on her pins' ✦ 6 An attack on a piece or pawn which is thereby pinned. ✦ 7 A half-firkin cask for beer.➤ verb ✦ 1 Attach or fasten with a pin or pins. 'he pinned the badge on to his lapel' ✦ 2 Hold (someone) firmly in a specified position so they are unable to move. 'she was standing pinned against the door' ✦ 3 Hinder or prevent (a piece or pawn) from moving because of the danger to a more valuable piece standing behind it along the line of an attack. 'the black rook on e4 is pinned'➤ noun ✦ An identifying number allocated to an individual by a bank or other organization and used for validating electronic transactions.</strong>


1 A unit of weight equal to 2,240 lb avoirdupois (1016.05 kg).A unit of gross internal capacity, equal to 100 cu. ft (2.83 cubic metres).A large number or amount:A hundred, in particular a speed of 100 mph, a score of 100 or more, or a sum of £100:+Much; a lot:+Fashionable style or distinction: Customs officers have seized nearly a ton of heroin destined for New York.+The rock weighed over a ton and was completely immovable.+What on earth have you got in this bag, Elaine? It weighs a ton! ➤ noun ✦ 1 A unit of weight equal to 2,240 lb avoirdupois (1016.05 kg). ➥ 1.1 A unit of weight equal to 2,000 lb avoirdupois (907.19 kg). 'Calico's annual output was accordingly very small through 1888, probably not exceeding 250 short tons, or 500,000 pounds, valued at no more than $33,500.' ➥ 1.2 ➥ 1.3 A unit of measurement of a ship's weight representing the weight of water it displaces with the load line just immersed, equal to 2,240 lb or 35 cu. ft (0.99 cubic metres). 'St Albans weighs in with a displacement of 4,200 tons when she is fully loaded, and has a ship's company of around 180.' ➥ 1.4 A unit of weight or volume of sea cargo, equal to a metric ton (1,000 kg) or 40 cu. ft. 'This year over 350 million tons of cargo will pass through Rotterdam.' ✦ 2 A unit of gross internal capacity, equal to 100 cu. ft (2.83 cubic metres). ➥ 2.1 An equivalent unit of net internal capacity. 'Upon entering service, the QM2 becomes the largest and longest passenger ship in the world at 150,000 gross register tons (8,000 more than the Voyager of the Seas) and 1,132 feet from stem to stern (exceeding the Norway by 97 feet).' ➥ 2.2 A measure of capacity for various materials, especially 40 cu. ft of timber. 'In 1772 one of the side branches was thrown down in a violent gale and, on being measured, was found to contain about five tons of timber.' ➥ 2.3 A unit of refrigerating power able to freeze 2,000 lb of water at 0°C in 24 hours. 'The plant would produce 150 megawatts of electricity and 20,000 tons of cooling.' ✦ 3 A large number or amount. 'all of a sudden I had tons of friends' ✦ 4 A hundred, in particular a speed of 100 mph, a score of 100 or more, or a sum of £100. 'he scored 102 not out, his third ton of the tour'➤ adverb ✦ Much; a lot. 'I feel tons better'➤ noun ✦ 1 Fashionable style or distinction. 'riches and fame were no guarantee of a ticket—one had to have ton' ➥ 1.1 Fashionable society. 'it is the most elegant establishment and half the ton was there'


1 A viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant.Oil paint:Information or facts:+Lubricate, coat, or impregnate with oil:+Supply with oil as fuel: You should always check your oil, water and tyres before taking your car on a long trip.+Reports are just coming in of a major oil spillage in the North Sea.+Serve the pasta hot with a drizzle of olive oil.+The walls are covered in oil paintings.+The oil company was found guilty on ten counts of pollution, and was punished with a $250 million fine. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant. '400 birds were coated with oil which spilled out from an opened valve' ➥ 1.1 Petroleum. '400 birds were coated with oil which spilled out from an opened valve' ➥ 1.2 Any of various viscous liquids which are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents and are obtained from animals or plants. 'potatoes fried in vegetable oil' ➥ 1.3 A liquid preparation used on the hair or skin as a cosmetic. 'suntan oil' ➥ 1.4 Any of a group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids, which are liquid at room temperature. 'Methanolic sodium methoxide efficiently transesterified the fats and oils on the feathers to fatty-acid methyl esters.' ✦ 2 Oil paint. 'a portrait in oils' ➥ 2.1 An oil painting. 'a dark discoloured oil of an elderly cleric' ✦ 3 Information or facts. 'Young had some good oil on the Adelaide races'➤ verb ✦ 1 Lubricate, coat, or impregnate with oil. 'a lightly oiled baking tray' ✦ 2 Supply with oil as fuel. 'attempts should not be made to oil individual tanks too rapidly'


1 A weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.Muscular arms; well-developed biceps muscles:+Shoot someone with a gun:+Cause (an engine) to race: She raised her gun, took aim and fired.+This man is desperate and should not be approached as he may have a gun.+His fingerprints were all over the gun.+They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already?+Suddenly the door burst open and police officers carrying guns rushed in. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise. 'a grease gun' ➥ 1.1 A device for discharging a particular object or substance in a required direction. 'a grease gun' ➥ 1.2 A starting pistol used in athletics. 'The Resurrection was the starting gun and the return of Christ is the final whistle.' ➥ 1.3 The firing of a piece of artillery as a salute or signal. 'the boom of the one o'clock gun echoed across the river' ➥ 1.4 A gunman. 'a hired gun' ➥ 1.5 A member of a shooting party. 'The place is badly broken down by the guns of the other party, so that unless they have hasty help, they are likely to lose both their lives and the place, which will be the greatest rebuke to you that ever came to any gentleman.' ➥ 1.6 Used as a nickname for a ship's gunnery officer. ✦ 2 Muscular arms; well-developed biceps muscles. 'it's encouraging to note that Schwarzenegger wasn't born with massive guns'➤ verb ✦ 1 Shoot someone with a gun. 'they were gunned down by masked snipers' ✦ 2 Cause (an engine) to race. 'as Neil gunned the engine the boat jumped forward' ➥ 2.1 Accelerate (a vehicle) 'he gunned the car away from the kerb'


1 Belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified: Australia has its own cultural identity, which is very different from that of Britain.+The city was flooded when the river burst its banks.+The plane began to make its final descent into the airport.+The project is entering its final stages.+Since its establishment two years ago, the advice centre has seen over 500 people a week. ➤ possessive determiner ✦ 1 Belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified. 'turn the camera on its side' ➥ 1.1 Belonging to or associated with a child or animal of unspecified sex. 'a baby in its mother's womb'


1 Adopt or be in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's back is upright:Be or remain in a particular position or state:(Of a parliament, committee, court of law, etc.) be engaged in its business:Take (an examination):Live in someone's house while they are away and look after their pet or pets:(Of a bird) rest on a branch; perch:+A period of sitting:+The way in which an item of clothing fits someone: I could sit here and argue with you till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything.+Don't sit on the floor - you might dirty your dress.+Come and sit beside me, duck.+Children can't sit still for long without fidgeting.+I'm looking forward to Sunday, the only fly in the ointment being the fact that I shall have to sit next to my mother-in-law. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Adopt or be in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's back is upright. 'you'd better sit down' ➥ 1.1 Cause (someone) to sit. 'I sat the baby on my lap' ➥ 1.2 (of an animal) rest with the hind legs bent and the body close to the ground. 'it is important for a dog to sit when instructed' ➥ 1.3 Ride or keep one's seat on (a horse) 'have you never sat a horse before?' ➥ 1.4 (of a table, room, or building) be large enough for (a specified number of seated people) 'the chapel sat about 3,000 people' ➥ 1.5 Pose, typically in a seated position, for (an artist or photographer) 'Walter Deverell asked her to sit for him' ➥ 1.6 Not use (a player) in a game. 'the manager must decide who to sit in the World Series' ✦ 2 Be or remain in a particular position or state. 'the fridge was sitting in a pool of water' ➥ 2.1 (of an item of clothing) fit a person well or badly as specified. 'the blue uniform sat well on his big frame' ➥ 2.2 Be harmonious with. 'his shyness doesn't sit easily with Hollywood tradition' ✦ 3 (of a parliament, committee, court of law, etc.) be engaged in its business. 'Parliament continued sitting until March 16' ➥ 3.1 Serve as a member of a council, jury, or other official body. 'they were determined that women jurists should sit on the tribunal' ➥ 3.2 Be the Member of Parliament for (a particular constituency) 'since the war members of several parties have sat for Anglesey' ✦ 4 Take (an examination) 'pupils are required to sit nine subjects at GCSE' ✦ 5 Live in someone's house while they are away and look after their pet or pets. 'Fenella had been cat-sitting for me' ✦ 6 (of a bird) rest on a branch; perch. 'the robin sat on a low branch' ➥ 6.1 (of a hen or other bird) settle on eggs for the purpose of incubating them. 'don't introduce a new male when the hens are sitting'➤ noun ✦ 1 A period of sitting. 'a sit in the shade' ✦ 2 The way in which an item of clothing fits someone. 'the sit of her frock'


1 An act of asking for information: Of particular importance for our enquiry is the account of native history as Landa heard it directly from the lips of his Maya informants.+And therefore the first answer to their enquiry is a very sharp reproof of their hypocrisy, directed, not only to the people of the land, but to the priests, who had set up these fasts, and perhaps some of them were for keeping them up, to serve some purpose of their own.+Observe to whom this enquiry is addressed -- to God himself.+A national enquiry is needed to force the disclosure of these illicit inducements.+A full, transparent 43 force public enquiry is needed to force the disclosure of these illicit payments and inducements. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An act of asking for information. 'the police were making enquiries in all the neighbouring pubs' ➥ 1.1 An official investigation. 'His case is one of many that the families of those who have died want to be investigated by a public inquiry.'


1 An adult human male:A human being of either sex; a person:A group or person in a position of authority over others, such as a corporate employer or the police:A figure or token used in playing a board game.+(Of personnel) work at, run, or operate (a place or piece of equipment) or defend (a fortification):+Fortify the spirits or courage of:+Used, irrespective of the sex of the person addressed, to express surprise, admiration, delight, etc., or for emphasis: Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall blond man standing at the bar.+My father never spoke a lot, but when he did speak it was worth listening to.+Do you recognize that man in the grey suit?+Jon has developed from an awkward teenager into a sophisticated young man.+I believe women should be paid the same as men. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An adult human male. 'a small man with mischievous eyes' ➥ 1.1 A male member of a workforce, team, etc. 'over 700 men were made redundant' ➥ 1.2 Ordinary members of the armed forces as distinct from the officers. 'he had a platoon of forty men to prepare for battle' ➥ 1.3 A husband or lover. 'the two of them lived for a time as man and wife' ➥ 1.4 A male person associated with a particular place, activity, or occupation. 'a Cambridge man' ➥ 1.5 A person with the qualities associated with males, such as bravery, spirit, or toughness. 'she was more of a man than any of them' ➥ 1.6 A male pursued or sought by another, especially in connection with a crime. 'Inspector Bull was sure they would find their man' ➥ 1.7 A manservant or valet. 'get me a cocktail, my man' ➥ 1.8 A vassal. 'By taking service in William's army he had become the man of the Duke of the Normans.' ✦ 2 A human being of either sex; a person. 'God cares for all men' ➥ 2.1 Human beings in general; the human race. 'places untouched by the ravages of man' ➥ 2.2 An individual; one. 'a man could buy a lot with eighteen million dollars' ➥ 2.3 A type of prehistoric human named after the place where the remains were found. 'Cro-Magnon man' ✦ 3 A group or person in a position of authority over others, such as a corporate employer or the police. 'they've mastered their emotive grunge-pop without haggling with the Man' ➥ 3.1 White people collectively regarded as the controlling group in society. 'he urged that black college athletes boycott the Man's Rose Bowl' ✦ 4 A figure or token used in playing a board game.➤ verb ✦ 1 (of personnel) work at, run, or operate (a place or piece of equipment) or defend (a fortification) 'the helpline is manned by trained staff' ➥ 1.1 Provide someone to fill (a post) 'the chaplaincy was formerly manned by the cathedral' ✦ 2 Fortify the spirits or courage of. 'he manned himself with dauntless air'➤ exclamation ✦ Used, irrespective of the sex of the person addressed, to express surprise, admiration, delight, etc., or for emphasis. 'wow, like cosmic, man'


1 An apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation:A handheld device, typically folding and shaped like a segment of a circle when spread out, that is waved so as to cool the person holding it:+Cool (someone or something) by waving an object to create a current of air:+Increase the strength of (a fire) by blowing on it or stirring up the air near it:+Disperse or radiate from a central point to cover a wide area:+A person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing: I've never been a huge fan of opera.+His most devoted fans think of Morrissey as a sort of god.+The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.+He's an avid football fan.+As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation. 'a couple of ceiling fans, lazily turning' ➥ 1.1 A small sail for keeping the head of a windmill towards the wind. 'While the previous windmill designs are for larger structures that could service entire towns, the fan-type windmill is made specifically for individuals.' ✦ 2 A handheld device, typically folding and shaped like a segment of a circle when spread out, that is waved so as to cool the person holding it. 'the girls were giggling behind their fans' ➥ 2.1 A thing resembling an open fan. as modifier 'fan vaulting' ➥ 2.2 A fan-shaped alluvial or talus deposit at the foot of a slope. 'there are great waste fans at the foot of the Andes in the desert'➤ verb ✦ 1 Cool (someone or something) by waving an object to create a current of air. 'he fanned himself with his hat' ➥ 1.1 (of breath or a breeze) blow gently on. 'his breath fanned her skin as he leant towards her' ➥ 1.2 Brush or drive away with a waving movement. 'a veil of smoke which she fanned away with a jewelled hand' ➥ 1.3 Swing unsuccessfully at the ball or puck. 'he had fanned 37 times in 83 at-bats' ➥ 1.4 Strike out (a batter) 'Norris fanned nine batters with his screwball' ✦ 2 Increase the strength of (a fire) by blowing on it or stirring up the air near it. 'fanned by an easterly wind, the fire spread rapidly' ➥ 2.1 Cause (a belief or emotion) to become stronger or more widespread. 'a fury fanned by press coverage' ✦ 3 Disperse or radiate from a central point to cover a wide area. 'the arriving passengers began to fan out through the town in search of lodgings' ➥ 3.1 Spread out or cause to spread out into a semicircular shape. no object 'a dress made of tiny pleats that fanned out as she walked'➤ noun ✦ A person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing. 'football fans'


1 An establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks, and sometimes also food, to be consumed on the premises:+Frequent pubs. a pub serving traditional British fare+He's one of the regulars at the Rose and Crown pub. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks, and sometimes also food, to be consumed on the premises. 'let's go to the pub' ➥ 1.1 A hotel. 'Ray decided that, after meeting with Walter, and picking up the car, he would stay at a pub for a few days.'➤ verb ✦ Frequent pubs.</strong>


1 An instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder:The tapering cartilaginous internal shell of a squid.+Write or compose:+A small enclosure in which sheep, pigs, or other farm animals are kept:+(In the West Indies) a farm or plantation.+Put or keep (an animal) in a pen:+A female swan.+Short for penitentiary (sense 1).+International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists.+Peruvian nuevo sol(es). She rummaged through all the drawers, looking for a pen.+My pen seems to be running out of ink - I need a refill.+She sat, pen in hand , searching for the right words.+I love my new pen - it just glides over the paper.+She keeps a supply of pens and pencils in a container by the phone. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder. 'she was forced to support herself by the pen' ➥ 1.1 The occupation of writing. 'she was forced to support herself by the pen' ➥ 1.2 An electronic pen-like device used in conjunction with a writing surface to enter commands or data into a computer. 'Of course, the variable widths only work in conjunction with a pressure-sensitive pen and digital tablet.' ✦ 2 The tapering cartilaginous internal shell of a squid.➤ verb ✦ Write or compose. 'Olivia penned award-winning poetry'➤ noun ✦ 1 A small enclosure in which sheep, pigs, or other farm animals are kept. 'a sheep pen' ➥ 1.1 A number of animals in or sufficient to fill a pen. 'a pen of twenty-five Cheviots' ➥ 1.2 Any small enclosure in which someone or something can be confined. 'she took the baby out of the pen and played with it' ➥ 1.3 A covered dock for a submarine or other warship. 'U-boat pens' ✦ 2 (in the West Indies) a farm or plantation.➤ verb ✦ 1 Put or keep (an animal) in a pen. 'it was the practice to pen the sheep for clipping' ➥ 1.1 Confine someone in a restricted space. 'they had been penned up day and night in the house'➤ noun ✦ A female swan.➤ noun ✦ 'you could get twenty years in a federal pen for shooting your mouth off like that'➤ ✦ 1 International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists. ✦ 2 Peruvian nuevo sol(es).</strong>


1 An object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something:Denoting a diminutive breed or variety of dog:+Consider (an idea or proposal) casually or indecisively:+Move or handle (an object) absent-mindedly or nervously: Carol won a large soft toy at the fair.+I remember when I was a child being very impressed with how many toys she had.+I want you to clear all these toys away before bedtime.+Babies like toys that make a noise when you shake them.+Put that down carefully, Christopher, and don't fiddle with it please - it's not a toy. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something. as modifier 'a toy car' ➥ 1.1 An object, especially a gadget or machine, regarded as providing amusement for an adult. 'in 1914 the car was still a rich man's toy' ➥ 1.2 A person treated by another as a source of pleasure or amusement rather than with due seriousness. 'a man needed a friend, an ally, not an idol or a toy' ✦ 2 Denoting a diminutive breed or variety of dog. 'a toy poodle'➤ verb ✦ 1 Move or handle (an object) absent-mindedly or nervously. 'Alan toyed with his glasses' ➥ 1.1 Eat or drink (something) in an unenthusiastic way. 'as the courses came and went, she could only toy with her food' ✦ 2 Consider (an idea or proposal) casually or indecisively. 'I was toying with the idea of writing a book' ➥ 2.1 Treat (someone or their feelings) in a superficially amorous way. 'he had been toying with her that day on the river'


1 An omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal with sparse bristly hair and a flat snout for rooting in the soil, kept for its meat.A greedy, dirty, or unpleasant person:A police officer:An oblong mass of iron or lead from a smelting furnace.A device which fits snugly inside an oil or gas pipeline and is sent through it to clean or test the inside, or to act as a barrier.+Gorge oneself with food:+Crowd together with other people in disorderly or dirty conditions:+(Of a sow) give birth to piglets; farrow.+Operate a pig within an oil or gas pipeline: The main course of the feast was roast suckling pig.+Loud grunts were coming from the pig sty.+a pig pen+a dish of pigs' trotters+These pigs all have curly tails. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal with sparse bristly hair and a flat snout for rooting in the soil, kept for its meat. ➥ 1.1 A wild animal of the pig family; a hog. 'In areas of highest density of the highlands there are no wild pigs and a few boars are kept for breeding.' ➥ 1.2 A young pig; a piglet. 'Young pigs are kept in semi-darkness to minimise fighting and aggression caused through frustration due to their appalling conditions.' ➥ 1.3 The flesh of a pig as food. 'In terms of food, it is usually a roast suckling pig and rice, but it can even be a sandwich.' ✦ 2 A greedy, dirty, or unpleasant person. 'I bet he's scoffed them all, greedy pig' ✦ 3 A police officer. 'were the pigs there when the windows were smashed or not?' ✦ 4 An oblong mass of iron or lead from a smelting furnace. ✦ 5 A device which fits snugly inside an oil or gas pipeline and is sent through it to clean or test the inside, or to act as a barrier.➤ verb ✦ 1 Gorge oneself with food. 'lovesick people pig out on chocolate' ✦ 2 Crowd together with other people in disorderly or dirty conditions. 'he didn't approve of the proposal to pig it in the studio' ✦ 3 (of a sow) give birth to piglets; farrow. ✦ 4 Operate a pig within an oil or gas pipeline. 'they will carry out all trenching and pigging'


1 An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.+To notch, as a sword or knife. A ray of sunshine shone through a gap in the clouds.+With a wriggle, she managed to crawl through the gap.+A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.+He carefully nosed his lorry into the small gap.+A gap between the curtains admitted the faint glimmer of a street lamp. ➤ noun ✦ 1 A break or hole in an object or between two objects. 'he peeped through the gap in the curtains' ➥ 1.1 A pass or way through a range of hills. as name 'Watford Gap' ✦ 2 A space or interval; a break in continuity. 'there are many gaps in our understanding of what happened' ➥ 2.1 A difference, especially an undesirable one, between two views or situations. 'the media were bridging the gap between government and people'


1 An oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane.The female reproductive cell in animals and plants; an ovum.A decorative oval moulding, used alternately with triangular shapes:A person of a specified kind:+Encourage someone to do something foolish or risky: Mix the butter with the sugar and then add the egg.+Crack three eggs into a bowl and mix them together.+Could you get me half a dozen eggs when you go to the shop?+We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.+I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane. 'scrambled eggs' ➥ 1.1 An infertile bird's egg, especially one from a chicken, used for food. 'scrambled eggs' ➥ 1.2 A thing resembling a bird's egg in shape. 'chocolate eggs' ✦ 2 The female reproductive cell in animals and plants; an ovum. ✦ 3 A decorative oval moulding, used alternately with triangular shapes. as modifier 'egg and dart moulding' ✦ 4 A person of a specified kind. 'the biography portrays him as a thoroughly bad egg'➤ verb ✦ Encourage someone to do something foolish or risky. 'he liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly'


1 Soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water:Information or allegations regarded as damaging or scandalous:+A computer-based text or virtual reality game which several players play at the same time, interacting with each other as well as with characters controlled by the computer. He got out of the car and squelched through the mud to open the gate.+Police found tyre tracks in the mud.+Two bikes raced by and spattered mud over our clothes.+My trousers got covered in mud, but luckily I was able to brush them clean.+My car's stuck in the mud - it won't shift. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water. 'ankle deep in mud, we squelched across a meadow' ✦ 2 Information or allegations regarded as damaging or scandalous. 'the two sides took over the local media to throw mud at each other'➤ noun ✦ A computer-based text or virtual reality game which several players play at the same time, interacting with each other as well as with characters controlled by the computer.</strong>


1 Any of the five digits at the end of the human foot:The lower end, tip, or point of something, in particular:+Push, touch, or kick with one's toe:+Walk with the toes pointed in (or out): My toes are freezing.+He trod on my toe.+These shoes hurt my toes.+He learned to paint with his toes. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Any of the five digits at the end of the human foot. 'he cut his big toe on a sharp stone' ➥ 1.1 Any of the digits of the foot of a quadruped or bird. 'Legs are short and sturdy, with five toes on each foot, and claws that are strong, curved and semi-retractile.' ➥ 1.2 The part of an item of footwear that covers a person's toes. 'socks that were holed at the toes' ✦ 2 The lower end, tip, or point of something. 'valley widening and river meandering have eroded the toe of the slopes and caused new landslides' ➥ 2.1 The tip of the head of a golf club, furthest from the shaft. 'Notice that the toe, not the face, of the golf club points to the sky.' ➥ 2.2 The base of a cliff, slope, or embankment. 'valley widening and river meandering have eroded the toe of the slopes and caused new landslides' ➥ 2.3 A flattish portion at the foot of an otherwise steep curve on a graph. 'the contrast potential of the printing is indicated by the steepness of the curve from shoulder to toe' ➥ 2.4 A section of a rhizome or similar fleshy root from which a new plant may be propagated. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Push, touch, or kick with one's toe. 'he toed off his shoes and flexed his feet' ➥ 1.1 Strike (the ball) with the toe of the club. ✦ 2 Walk with the toes pointed in (or out) 'he toes out when he walks' ➥ 2.1 (of a pair of wheels) converge (or diverge) slightly at the front. 'on a turn, the inner wheel toes out more'


1 Apply firm pressure to the surface of (something), using a repeated back and forth motion:(With reference to two things) move or cause to move to and fro against each other with a certain amount of friction:+An act of rubbing:+The central problem or difficulty in a situation:+(In bowling) an uneven patch of ground that impedes or diverts a bowl.+Russian rouble(s). She rubbed sun lotion over her entire body.+With the back of his hand, he rubbed the stubble on his chin.+He rubbed his hand despairingly over his face.+The strap had rubbed against his skin and caused irritation.+The shoe had rubbed a raw place on her heel. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Apply firm pressure to the surface of (something), using a repeated back and forth motion. 'she rubbed her arm, where she had a large bruise' ➥ 1.1 Move (one's hand, a cloth, or another object) back and forth against a surface. 'he rubbed a finger round the rim of his mug' ➥ 1.2 Apply (ointment, polish, or a similar substance) with a back and forth motion. 'she took out her suncream and rubbed some on her nose' ➥ 1.3 Make dry, clean, or smooth by rubbing. 'she found a towel and began rubbing her hair' ➥ 1.4 Work an ingredient into (a mixture) by breaking and blending it with firm movements of one's fingers. 'sift the flour into a bowl and rub in the fat' ➥ 1.5 Reproduce the design of (a sepulchral brass or a stone) by rubbing paper laid on it with coloured wax, pencil, or chalk, etc. 'he was rubbing an old brass' ✦ 2 (with reference to two things) move or cause to move to and fro against each other with a certain amount of friction. with object and adverbial 'many insects make noises by rubbing parts of their bodies together' ➥ 2.1 (of shoes or other hard items in contact with the skin) cause pain through friction. 'badly fitting shoes can rub painfully' ➥ 2.2 (of a bowl) be slowed or diverted by the unevenness of the ground. ➤ noun ✦ 1 An act of rubbing. 'she pulled out a towel and gave her head a quick rub' ➥ 1.1 An ointment designed to be rubbed on the skin to ease pain. 'a muscle rub' ✦ 2 The central problem or difficulty in a situation. 'that was the rub—she had not cared enough' ✦ 3 (in bowling) an uneven patch of ground that impedes or diverts a bowl.➤ ✦ Russian rouble(s).</strong>


1 At the present time or moment:Used, especially in conversation, to draw attention to a particular statement or point in a narrative:Used in a request, instruction, or question, typically to give a slight emphasis to one's words:Used at the end of an ironic question echoing a previous statement:+As a consequence of the fact:+Fashionable or up to date:+National Organization for Women. Both her children are now married with children of their own.+After ten years of military dictatorship, the country now has a civil government.+The breathing problem has now been complicated by a chest infection.+The college now has a counsellor to help students with both personal and work problems.+His marks in English have been below average for some time now. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 At the present time or moment. 'where are you living now?' ➥ 1.1 At the time directly following the present moment; immediately. 'if we leave now we can be home by ten' ➥ 1.2 Under the present circumstances; as a result of something that has recently happened. 'it is now clear that we should not pursue this policy' ➥ 1.3 On this further occasion, typically as the latest in a series of annoying situations or events. 'what do you want now?' ➥ 1.4 Used to emphasize a particular length of time. 'they've been married four years now' ➥ 1.5 (in a narrative or account of past events) at the time spoken of or referred to. 'she was nineteen now, and she was alone' ✦ 2 Used, especially in conversation, to draw attention to a particular statement or point in a narrative. 'now, my first impulse was to run away' ✦ 3 Used in a request, instruction, or question, typically to give a slight emphasis to one's words. 'we can hardly send her back, now can we?' ➥ 3.1 Used when pausing or considering one's next words. 'let me see now, oh yes, I remember' ✦ 4 Used at the end of an ironic question echoing a previous statement. ''Mum says you might let me have some of your stamps.' 'Does she now?''➤ conjunction ✦ As a consequence of the fact. 'they spent a lot of time together now that he had retired'➤ adjective ✦ Fashionable or up to date. 'see more of what's now during our autumn catwalk show'


1 At, to, or by a great distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing is distant from another):Over a large expanse of space or time:By a great deal:+Situated at a great distance in space or time: We drove down the motorway as far as Bristol.+The road stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see.+Can you produce a report detailing what we've spent on the project so far?+As far as I can recollect, his name is Edward.+A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 At, to, or by a great distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing is distant from another) 'the house was not too far away' ✦ 2 Over a large expanse of space or time. 'he had not travelled far' ✦ 3 By a great deal. 'he is able to function far better than usual'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Situated at a great distance in space or time. 'the far reaches of the universe' ➥ 1.1 More distant than another object of the same kind. 'he was standing in the far corner' ➥ 1.2 Distant from a point seen as central; extreme. 'the far north of Scotland'


1 Be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict):Acquire or secure as a result of a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour:Obtain (ore) from a mine.Dry (hay) by exposure to the air.+A successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour; a victory: Brazil are favourites to win this year's World Cup.+He won the award for best actor, and deservedly so.+Whoever wins the election is going to have a difficult job ahead of them.+A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.+She delivered a final serve from the baseline to win the match. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict) 'United won four games in a row' ✦ 2 Acquire or secure as a result of a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour. 'there are hundreds of prizes to be won' ➥ 2.1 Gain (a person's attention, support, or love), typically gradually or by effort. 'you will find it difficult to win back their attention' ➥ 2.2 Gain the support or favour of someone by action or persuasion. 'her sense of humour had won him over at once' ➥ 2.3 Manage to succeed or achieve something by effort. 'a determination to win through against all the odds' ➥ 2.4 Manage to reach (a place) by effort. 'many lived to win the great cave' ➥ 2.5 Obtain (ore) from a mine. 'Since excavations began at Loy Yang in 1982, the large numbers speak for themselves with 398 million m3 of coal (or 446 million tonnes of coal) being won.' ✦ 3 Dry (hay) by exposure to the air.➤ noun ✦ A successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour; a victory. 'a 3-0 win over Birmingham'


1 Belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people previously mentioned or easily identified:Used in formal contexts by a royal person or a writer or editor to refer to something belonging to or associated with himself or herself:Used with a name to refer to a relative, friend, or colleague of the speaker: Customs stopped us and checked our bags for alcohol and cigarettes.+Our new house is heaps bigger than our last one.+The police officer identified himself and asked for our help.+It was too dark to read our map and we took a wrong turning.+We were all really tired out after our long journey. ➤ possessive determiner ✦ 1 Belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people previously mentioned or easily identified. 'Jo and I had our hair cut' ➥ 1.1 Belonging to or associated with people in general. 'when we hear a sound, our brains identify the source quickly' ✦ 2 Used in formal contexts by a royal person or a writer or editor to refer to something belonging to or associated with himself or herself. 'we want to know what you, our readers, think' ✦ 3 Used with a name to refer to a relative, friend, or colleague of the speaker. 'really, she is a one, our Gillian'


1 Belonging to or associated with the speaker:Used in various expressions of surprise:+Motor yacht: I'm sure I left my purse on the desk.+I haven't had my holiday photos developed yet.+I failed my History A level.+I had a chat with my boss today about a possible salary increase.+Both my parents are teachers. ➤ possessive determiner ✦ 1 Belonging to or associated with the speaker. 'my name is John' ➥ 1.1 Used with a name to refer to a member of the speaker's family. 'my Johnny, see, he was smart' ➥ 1.2 Used with forms of address in affectionate, sympathetic, humorous, or patronizing contexts. 'my dear boy' ✦ 2 Used in various expressions of surprise. 'my goodness!'➤ ✦ Motor yacht. 'MY Fleury'


1 Break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.Push or poke sharply:Like, appreciate, or understand:+An act or spell of digging:+A push or poke with one's elbow, finger, etc. The prisoners are made to dig holes and fill them in again.+The ground was frozen hard and was impossible to dig.+They dug a shallow pit and threw the bodies into it.+We dug a hole and planted the tree.+Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc. 'the boar had been digging for roots' ➥ 1.1 Make (a hole, grave, etc.) by breaking up and moving earth. 'he took a spade and dug a hole' ➥ 1.2 Extract from the ground by breaking up and moving earth. 'the water board came and dug the cable up' ➥ 1.3 (of a soldier) protect oneself by digging a trench or similar ground defence. 'On June 26, the battalion had moved up and begun to dig in to a new position when the tell-tale sound of an incoming shell was heard.' ➥ 1.4 Excavate (an archaeological site) 'apart from digging a site, recording evidence is important' ➥ 1.5 Begin eating heartily. 'He suspected she'd still manage to catch every nuance of his reaction, though, so he took his spoon and dug in with all the heartiness he could summon.' ✦ 2 Push or poke sharply. 'he dug his hands into his pockets' ➥ 2.1 Search or rummage in a specified place. 'Catherine dug into her handbag and produced her card' ➥ 2.2 Engage in research; conduct an investigation. 'he had no compunction about digging into her private affairs' ➥ 2.3 Bring out or discover something after a search or investigation. 'they dug out last year's notes' ✦ 3 Like, appreciate, or understand. 'I really dig heavy rock'➤ noun ✦ 1 An act or spell of digging. 'a thorough dig of the whole plot' ➥ 1.1 An archaeological excavation. 'A better project hypothesis would have been to uncover and analyze the findings of the dig, period.' ✦ 2 A push or poke with one's elbow, finger, etc. 'Ginnie gave her sister a dig in the ribs' ➥ 2.1 A remark intended to mock or criticize. 'she never missed an opportunity to have a dig at him'


1 Bring one's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully:Cause harm or distress to:(Of a missile or a person aiming one) strike (a target):Reach (a particular level, point, or figure):Propel (a ball) with a bat, racket, stick, etc. to score runs or points in a game.+An instance of striking or being struck:+An instance of striking the target aimed at:+A successful venture, especially a film, pop record, or song:+A dose of a narcotic drug: I've got a bruise where I hit my leg against the corner of the table.+A stone hit the window and cracked the glass.+I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out at me and hit me in the face.+The car skidded off the road, hit a tree and overturned.+Just try to concentrate on hitting the ball. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Bring one's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully. 'Marius hit him in the mouth' ➥ 1.1 Accidentally strike (part of one's body) against something. 'she fainted and hit her head on the metal bedstead' ➥ 1.2 (of a moving object or body) come into contact with (someone or something stationary) quickly and forcefully. 'a car hit the barrier' ➥ 1.3 Touch or press (part of a machine or other device) in order to work it. 'he picked up the phone and hit several buttons' ✦ 2 (of a missile or a person aiming one) strike (a target) 'the sniper fired and hit a third man' ➥ 2.1 Be suddenly and vividly realized by. with object and clause 'it hit her that I wanted to settle down here' ✦ 3 Cause harm or distress to. 'the area has been badly hit by pit closures' ➥ 3.1 (of a disaster) occur in and cause damage to (an area) suddenly. 'the country was hit by a major earthquake' ➥ 3.2 Make a strongly worded criticism or attack. 'he hit out at the club's decision to place him on the transfer list' ➥ 3.3 Attack and rob or kill. 'if they're cops, maybe it's not a good idea to have them hit' ✦ 4 Reach (a particular level, point, or figure) 'capital spending this year is likely to hit $1,800 million' ➥ 4.1 Be affected by (an unfortunate and unexpected circumstance or event) 'the opening of the town centre hit a snag' ➥ 4.2 Arrive at or go to (a place) 'it was still night when we hit the outskirts of London' ➥ 4.3 (of a product) become available and make an impact on. 'the latest board game to hit the market' ➥ 4.4 Take effect. 'we sat waiting for the caffeine to hit' ➥ 4.5 Give (someone) a dose of a drug or an alcoholic drink. 'He might spot them in time to hit me with another dose of the sedative and then I'd be in deep, deep trouble.' ➥ 4.6 Used to convey that someone is engaging in a particular pursuit or activity with enthusiasm. 'we went to Val d'Isère to hit the shops' ✦ 5 Propel (a ball) with a bat, racket, stick, etc. to score runs or points in a game. 'he had hit 25 home runs' ➥ 5.1 Score (a run or point) by hitting a ball with a bat, racket, stick, etc. 'he had hit 25 home runs'➤ noun ✦ 1 An instance of striking or being struck. 'few structures can withstand a hit from a speeding car' ➥ 1.1 A verbal attack. 'I think people will try to take a hit at my credibility' ➥ 1.2 A murder, typically one planned and carried out by a criminal organization. 'some of the killings were contract hits' ➥ 1.3 'In game two, pitcher Alisha Seifert '05 scattered three hits leading to the complete-game shutout of the Knights.' ✦ 2 An instance of striking the target aimed at. 'one of the bombers had scored a direct hit' ➥ 2.1 An instance of identifying an item of data which matches the requirements of a search. 'Also, there appears to be a strange priorization thing going on with hits during a search.' ➥ 2.2 An instance of a particular website being accessed by a user. 'the site gets an average 350,000 hits a day' ✦ 3 A successful venture, especially a film, pop record, or song. 'he was the director of many big hits' ➥ 3.1 A successful and popular person or thing. 'he's proving to be a big hit with the fans' ✦ 4 A dose of a narcotic drug. 'in another hour, I'll need another hit'


1 Combine or put together to form one substance or mass:(Of a person) associate with others socially:(Especially in sound recording) combine (two or more signals or soundtracks) into one:Be belligerent physically or verbally:+Two or more different qualities, things, or people placed, combined, or considered together:+A commercially prepared mixture of ingredients for making a particular type of food or a product such as concrete:+A version of a recording in which the component tracks are mixed in a different way from the original: Crack three eggs into a bowl and mix them together.+Mash the potatoes and then mix in the butter and herbs.+Pour the honey into the bowl and mix it thoroughly with the other ingredients.+Wet the powder thoroughly and mix to remove lumps.+Mash the bananas to a pulp and then mix in the yogurt. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Combine or put together to form one substance or mass. 'peppercorns are sometimes mixed with other spices' ➥ 1.1 (of different substances) be able to be combined to form one substance or mass. 'oil and water don't mix' ➥ 1.2 Make or prepare by combining various ingredients. 'mixing concrete is hard physical work' ➥ 1.3 Juxtapose or put together to form a whole whose constituent parts are still distinct. 'he continues to mix an off-hand sense of humour with a sharp insight' ✦ 2 (of a person) associate with others socially. 'the people he mixed with were nothing to do with show business' ✦ 3 (especially in sound recording) combine (two or more signals or soundtracks) into one. 'up to eight tracks can be mixed simultaneously' ➥ 3.1 Produce (a sound signal or recording) by combining a number of separate signals or recorded soundtracks. 'it was everyone's dream to mix their album in their front room' ➥ 3.2 Produce (a piece of continuous music, typically dance music) by combining a number of separate recordings. 'Keith mixes great house music, featuring tunes with an African, Latin, and soulful flavour' ✦ 4 Be belligerent physically or verbally. 'he can't afford to mix it any more with a six-month suspended ban hanging over him'➤ noun ✦ 1 Two or more different qualities, things, or people placed, combined, or considered together. 'the decor is a fascinating mix of antique and modern' ➥ 1.1 A group of people of different types within a particular society or community. 'the school has a good social mix' ➥ 1.2 The proportion of different people or other constituents that make up a mixture. 'arriving at the correct mix of full-time to part-time staff' ✦ 2 A commercially prepared mixture of ingredients for making a particular type of food or a product such as concrete. 'cake mixes have made cooking easier' ✦ 3 A version of a recording in which the component tracks are mixed in a different way from the original. 'a dance mix version of 'This Charming Man'' ➥ 3.1 A continuous piece of music, typically dance music, produced by combining a number of separate recordings. 'a group of young women groove in a circle to a DJ mix of Missy Elliot, the Young Gunz, and Kelis' ➥ 3.2 An image or sound produced by the combination of two separate images or sounds. 'titling mixes are added when vision and sound are still on separate film'


1 Cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan:Destroy:+French fries; chips.+A fried dish or meal:+Young fish, especially when newly hatched. Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak.+First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger.+Shall I fry you an egg, or would you prefer boiled?+It is healthier to grill or steam your food than to fry it.+Fry four chicken joints in a pan with some mushrooms and garlic. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan. 'she fried a rasher of bacon, a sausage and a slice of bread' ➥ 1.1 (of food) be cooked in hot fat or oil. 'put half a dozen steaks to fry in a pan' ➥ 1.2 (of a person) burn or overheat. 'with the sea and sun and wind you'll fry if you don't take care' ✦ 2 Destroy. 'drugs fry the brain' ➥ 2.1 Execute or be executed by electrocution. with object 'they fry cop killers in Texas'➤ noun ✦ 1 French fries; chips. ✦ 2 A fried dish or meal. 'would you like a fry in the morning?' ➥ 2.1 Any of various types of offal, usually eaten fried. 'My earliest food memories are all of offal: lamb's fry, black pudding, and brains.' ➥ 2.2 A social gathering where fried food is served. 'you'll explore islands and stop for a fish fry'➤ plural noun ✦ 1 Young fish, especially when newly hatched. ➥ 1.1 The young of other animals produced in large numbers, such as frogs.


1 The expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its land masses:+Short for Single European Act. I can see the sea from my window.+He was swept out to sea by the strong current.+I could hear the sound of the sea.+She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.+They stripped naked and ran into the sea. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its land masses. 'a ban on dumping radioactive wastes in the sea' ➥ 1.1 A roughly definable area of the sea. 'the Black Sea' ➥ 1.2 A large lake. 'the Sea of Galilee' ➥ 1.3 Used to refer to waves as opposed to calm sea. 'there was still some sea running' ➥ 1.4 Large waves. 'the lifeboat met seas of thirty-five feet head-on' ➥ 1.5 A vast expanse or quantity of something. 'she scanned the sea of faces for Stephen'➤ ✦ </strong>


1 Covered or saturated with water or another liquid:Showing a lack of forcefulness or strength of character; feeble:(Of a country or region or of its legislation) allowing the free sale of alcoholic drink.+Cover or touch with liquid; moisten:+Liquid that makes something damp:+A person lacking forcefulness or strength of character:+A person opposed to the prohibition of alcohol. We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.+The tyres on my car don't cope very well on wet roads.+Level the wet cement before it sets.+My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together.+The wood was wet and would not burn. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Covered or saturated with water or another liquid. 'she followed, slipping on the wet rock' ➥ 1.1 (of the weather) rainy. 'a wet, windy evening' ➥ 1.2 (of paint, ink, plaster, or a similar substance) not yet having dried or hardened. 'the waterproofer can easily be washed off while it is still wet' ➥ 1.3 (of a baby or young child) having urinated in its nappy or underwear. 'the baby was wet and needed changing' ➥ 1.4 Involving the use of water or liquid. 'wet methods of photography' ➥ 1.5 (of a ship) liable to take in water over her bows or sides. ✦ 2 Showing a lack of forcefulness or strength of character; feeble. 'they thought the cadets were a bit wet' ➥ 2.1 Conservative with liberal tendencies, especially as regarded by right-wing Conservatives. 'they came across as the most liberal or wet members of the government' ✦ 3 (of a country or region or of its legislation) allowing the free sale of alcoholic drink. 'our programme depends on our willingness to help other alcoholics, both wet and dry' ➥ 3.1 (of a person) addicted to or drinking alcohol. 'our programme depends on our willingness to help other alcoholics, both wet and dry'➤ verb ✦ 1 Cover or touch with liquid; moisten. 'he wetted a finger and flicked through the pages' ➥ 1.1 (especially of a baby or young child) urinate in or on. 'while dreaming the child wet the bed' ➥ 1.2 Urinate involuntarily. 'she was going to wet herself from fear' ➥ 1.3 Infuse (tea) by pouring on boiling water. 'she said she'd wet the tea immediately because they must be parched'➤ noun ✦ 1 Liquid that makes something damp. 'I could feel the wet of his tears' ➥ 1.1 Rainy weather. 'the race was held in the wet' ➥ 1.2 A drink. 'I took a wet from my bottle' ✦ 2 A person lacking forcefulness or strength of character. 'there are sorts who look like gangsters and sorts who look like wets' ➥ 2.1 A Conservative with liberal tendencies. 'the wets favoured a change in economic policy' ✦ 3 A person opposed to the prohibition of alcohol.</strong>

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1 Denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge:Used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase:Used to make a generalized reference to something rather than identifying a particular instance:Enough of (a particular thing):(Pronounced stressing 'the') used to indicate that someone or something is the best known or most important of that name or type:Used adverbially with comparatives to indicate how one amount or degree of something varies in relation to another: Don't sit on that bag - you'll squash the sandwiches.+I dropped him at the library and went shopping.+She followed me into the kitchen.+"How many children are there in the school?" "About three hundred."+The children are always hungry when they get home from school. ➤ determiner ✦ 1 Denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge. 'what's the matter?' ➥ 1.1 Used to refer to a person, place, or thing that is unique. 'the Queen' ➥ 1.2 Denoting a disease or affliction. 'I've got the flu' ➥ 1.3 (with a unit of time) the present; the current. 'dish of the day' ➥ 1.4 Used instead of a possessive to refer to someone with whom the speaker or person addressed is associated. 'I'm meeting the boss' ➥ 1.5 Used with a surname to refer to a family or married couple. 'the Johnsons were not wealthy' ➥ 1.6 Used before the surname of the chief of a Scottish or Irish clan. 'the O'Donoghue' ✦ 2 Used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase. 'the fuss that he made of her' ➥ 2.1 (chiefly with rulers and family members with the same name) used after a name to qualify it. 'George the Sixth' ✦ 3 Used to make a generalized reference to something rather than identifying a particular instance. 'he taught himself to play the violin' ➥ 3.1 Used with a singular noun to indicate that it represents a whole species or class. 'they placed the African elephant on their endangered list' ➥ 3.2 Used with an adjective to refer to those people who are of the type described. 'the unemployed' ➥ 3.3 Used with an adjective to refer to something of the class or quality described. 'they are trying to accomplish the impossible' ➥ 3.4 Used with the name of a unit to state a rate. 'they can do 120 miles to the gallon' ✦ 4 Enough of (a particular thing) 'he hoped to publish monthly, if only he could find the money' ✦ 5 (pronounced stressing 'the') used to indicate that someone or something is the best known or most important of that name or type. 'he was the hot young piano prospect in jazz' ✦ 6 Used adverbially with comparatives to indicate how one amount or degree of something varies in relation to another. 'the more she thought about it, the more devastating it became' ➥ 6.1 Used to emphasize the amount or degree to which something is affected. 'commodities made all the more desirable by their rarity'


1 Different to what is usual or expected; strange:(Of whole numbers such as 3 and 5) having one left over as a remainder when divided by two:Happening or occurring infrequently and irregularly; occasional:Separated from a usual pair or set and therefore out of place or mismatched: I had a very odd dream about you last night.+I find him really odd - I can't figure him out at all.+Doesn't it strike you as rather odd that he never talks about his family?+Something in the cupboard smells odd.+It's odd that she should think I would want to see her again. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Different to what is usual or expected; strange. 'the neighbours thought him very odd' ✦ 2 (of whole numbers such as 3 and 5) having one left over as a remainder when divided by two. 'atoms which possess an odd number of electrons' ➥ 2.1 In the region of or somewhat more than a particular number or quantity. 'she looked younger than her fifty-odd years' ➥ 2.2 Denoting a single goal by which one side defeats another, especially where each side scores at least once. 'they lost a close-fought game by the odd goal in five' ✦ 3 Happening or occurring infrequently and irregularly; occasional. 'we have the odd drink together' ➥ 3.1 Spare; unoccupied. 'when you've got an odd five minutes, could I have a word?' ✦ 4 Separated from a usual pair or set and therefore out of place or mismatched. 'he's wearing odd socks'


1 Each of a pair of globular organs of sight in the head of humans and vertebrate animals:A thing resembling an eye in appearance, shape, or relative position, in particular:The small hole in a needle through which the thread is passed:The source of a spring or river.+Look at closely or with interest: He had a nasty cut above the eye.+You'll poke someone in the eye with that umbrella if you're not careful!+She's got fair hair and blue eyes.+When she looked at him, her eyes were full of tears.+The officer looked at him narrowly through half-closed eyes. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Each of a pair of globular organs of sight in the head of humans and vertebrate animals. 'my cat is blind in one eye' ➥ 1.1 The visual or light-detecting organ of many invertebrate animals that corresponds to the eye of humans and vertebrate animals. 'The eye of arthropod invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, etc.) is vastly different from the molluscan or vertebrate eye.' ➥ 1.2 The region of the face surrounding the eyes. 'her eyes were swollen with crying' ➥ 1.3 Used to refer to someone's power of vision and in descriptions of the direction of someone's gaze. 'his sharp eyes had missed nothing' ➥ 1.4 Used to refer to someone's opinion or attitude towards something. 'in the eyes of his younger colleagues, Mr Arnett was an eccentric' ✦ 2 A thing resembling an eye in appearance, shape, or relative position. 'withered potatoes sprouting at the eyes' ➥ 2.1 A rounded eye-like marking on an animal, such as those on the tail of a peacock; an eyespot. 'It is pleased when others look at the eyes on its tail feathers; it pulls them all together in a cluster for this purpose.' ➥ 2.2 A round, dark spot on a potato from which a new shoot can grow. 'withered potatoes sprouting at the eyes' ➥ 2.3 The centre of a flower, especially when distinctively coloured. 'delicate flowers of light blue colour, with white or yellow eyes' ➥ 2.4 The calm region at the centre of a storm or hurricane. 'the smaller the eye, the more intense the winds' ➥ 2.5 The extreme forward part of a ship. 'it was hanging in the eyes of the ship' ✦ 3 The small hole in a needle through which the thread is passed. 'strands of glass tiny enough to pass through the eye of a needle' ➥ 3.1 A small metal loop into which a hook is fitted as a fastener on a garment. 'They were fastened down the front with buttons or with or with hooks and eyes.' ➥ 3.2 A loop at the end of a rope, especially one at the top end of a shroud or stay. 'The double overhand knot is tied through the eye of the hook and of the swivel, then secured with either a single or double crimp.' ✦ 4 The source of a spring or river.➤ verb ✦ 1 Look at closely or with interest. 'Rose eyed him warily' ➥ 1.1 Look at someone in a way that reveals a particular, especially sexual, interest. 'Margot saw the women eyeing up her boyfriend'


1 The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power:The various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance:Subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects):A skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice:+Archaic or dialect second person singular present of be. Most people on the board of governors have an arts degree.+The government announced today that it is to cut funding for the arts for next year.+He was accomplished in all the arts.+He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons.+She was recently appointed Dean of the Faculty of Arts at my university. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. 'the art of the Renaissance' ➥ 1.1 Works produced by human creative skill and imagination. 'his collection of modern art' ➥ 1.2 Creative activity resulting in the production of paintings, drawings, or sculpture. 'she's good at art' ✦ 2 The various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. 'the visual arts' ✦ 3 Subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects) 'the belief that the arts and sciences were incompatible' ✦ 4 A skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice. 'the art of conversation'➤ ✦ 'I am a Gentleman as thou art'


1 Each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands:Each of the supports of a chair, table, or other structure:A section or stage of a journey or process:A branch of a forked object.The half of the field (as divided lengthways through the pitch) away from which the batsman's feet are pointed when standing to receive the ball:A deferential gesture made by drawing back one leg and bending it while keeping the front leg straight.+Travel by foot; walk:+Propel (a boat) through a tunnel on a canal by pushing with one's legs against the tunnel roof or sides: Robson injured his leg in the second half of the match and had to be carried off.+His leg was broken in two places.+She likes to wear short skirts to show off her legs.+I've been sitting with my legs crossed for so long, my right leg has gone numb.+The doctor said I was to keep my leg elevated. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands. 'Adams broke his leg' ➥ 1.1 A leg of an animal or bird as food. 'a roast leg of lamb' ➥ 1.2 A part of a garment covering a leg or part of a leg. 'his trouser leg' ➥ 1.3 (with reference to a ball, especially in golf) sufficient momentum to reach the desired point. 'Instead he went one better, judging the line perfectly and giving the ball just enough legs to make it up the slope for a winning birdie.' ➥ 1.4 (with reference to a product or idea) sustained popularity or success. 'some books have legs, others don't' ✦ 2 Each of the supports of a chair, table, or other structure. 'table legs' ✦ 3 A section or stage of a journey or process. 'the return leg of his journey' ➥ 3.1 A run made on a single tack. 'an important part of the upwind leg' ➥ 3.2 (in soccer and other sports) each of two games constituting a round of a competition. 'they were defending a 3-0 lead from the first leg' ➥ 3.3 A section of a relay or other race done in stages. 'one leg of its race round the globe' ➥ 3.4 A single game in a darts match. 'he took the first leg with 7 darts' ✦ 4 A branch of a forked object. ✦ 5 The half of the field (as divided lengthways through the pitch) away from which the batsman's feet are pointed when standing to receive the ball. 'he played a lucky stroke to leg' ✦ 6 A deferential gesture made by drawing back one leg and bending it while keeping the front leg straight.➤ verb ✦ 1 Travel by foot; walk. 'I am part of a team legging it around London' ➥ 1.1 Run away. 'he legged it after someone shouted at him' ✦ 2 Propel (a boat) through a tunnel on a canal by pushing with one's legs against the tunnel roof or sides. 'a little boy was lying on his back, legging the boat along'


1 Each of the twenty-four-hour periods, reckoned from one midnight to the next, into which a week, month, or year is divided, and corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis:A particular period of the past; an era: I always like to leaove my desk clear at the end of the day.+We went to Edinburgh and back again all in one day.+We're open every day except Sunday.+She had five days off work due to illness.+The soldiers marched 90 miles in three days. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Each of the twenty-four-hour periods, reckoned from one midnight to the next, into which a week, month, or year is divided, and corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis. 'they only met a few days ago' ➥ 1.1 The part of a day when it is light; the time between sunrise and sunset. 'the animals hunt by day' ➥ 1.2 The part of a day spent working. 'he works an eight-hour day' ➥ 1.3 A single rotation of a planet in relation to its primary. 'Why do we not get a total eclipse once every 28 days i.e. once every lunar orbit?' ➥ 1.4 The period on a planet when its primary star is above the horizon. ➥ 1.5 Daylight. 'by the time they had all gone it was broad day' ✦ 2 A particular period of the past; an era. 'in Shakespeare's day' ➥ 2.1 The present time. 'the political issues of the day' ➥ 2.2 A particular period in a person's life or career. 'my student days' ➥ 2.3 The most active or successful period of a person's life or career. 'he had been a star in his day' ➥ 2.4 The remaining period of someone's life. 'she cared for him for the rest of his days'


1 Either of the two fleshy parts which form the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth:The edge of a hollow container or an opening:Insolent or impertinent talk:+(Of water) lap against:+(Of the ball) hit the rim of (a hole) but fail to go in: Her lower lip trembled as if she was about to cry.+She took a bite of doughnut and licked her lips.+She put on her lipstick and then carefully blotted her lips with a tissue.+There was the faintest trace of a smile on his lips.+Her hair was jet-black, her lips ruby-red, and her skin as white as snow. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Either of the two fleshy parts which form the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth. 'he kissed her on the lips' ➥ 1.1 Used to refer to a person's speech or to current topics of conversation. 'downsizing is on everyone's lips at the moment' ➥ 1.2 ✦ 2 The edge of a hollow container or an opening. 'the lip of the cup' ➥ 2.1 A rounded, raised, or extended piece along an edge. 'the cockpit is protected by a lip extending from the roof' ✦ 3 Insolent or impertinent talk. 'don't give me any of your lip!'➤ verb ✦ 1 (of water) lap against. 'beaches lipped by the surf rimming the Pacific' ✦ 2 (of the ball) hit the rim of (a hole) but fail to go in. 'Norman's putt lipped the hole and spun out'


1 Enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure:+Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable:+Joke or tease: It's all good clean fun.+Playing card games is not my idea of fun.+She's only having a bit of fun - leave her be.+Don't be angry - it was just a joke - where's your sense of fun?+Time flies when you're having fun. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure. 'the children were having fun in the play area' ➥ 1.1 A source of fun. 'people-watching is great fun' ➥ 1.2 Playfulness or good humour. 'she's full of fun' ➥ 1.3 Behaviour or an activity that is intended purely for amusement and should not be interpreted as having any serious or malicious purpose. 'the column's just a bit of fun'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable. 'it was a fun evening' ➥ 1.1 (of a place or event) providing entertainment or leisure activities for children. 'a school fun day'➤ verb ✦ Joke or tease. no object 'no need to get sore—I was only funning'

due__du, dyu

1 Expected at or planned for at a certain time:Of the proper quality or extent:+One's right; what is owed to one:+An obligatory payment; a fee:+(With reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly: The present chairman is due to retire next month.+They backed out of the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract.+When is the first payment due?+The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27.+He's due to appear in court again on Monday. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Expected at or planned for at a certain time. 'the baby's due in August' ➥ 1.1 (of a payment) required at a certain time. 'the May instalment was due' ➥ 1.2 (of a person) having reached a point where the thing mentioned is required or owed. 'she was due for a rise' ➥ 1.3 (of a thing) required or owed as a legal or moral obligation. 'he was only taking back what was due to him' ✦ 2 Of the proper quality or extent. 'driving without due care and attention'➤ noun ✦ 1 One's right; what is owed to one. 'he thought it was his due' ✦ 2 An obligatory payment; a fee. 'he had paid trade union dues for years'➤ adverb ✦ (with reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly. 'we'll head due south again on the same road'


1 Expressing possibility:Used to ask for or to give permission:Expressing a wish or hope:+The hawthorn or its blossom.+The fifth month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of spring: If used on delicate skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.+People who suffer a stroke may experience a loss of speech.+This afternoon we may see some wintry showers over higher ground.+We may have to sell the house, but I hope it won't come to that.+I worry about the destructive effect that violent films may have on children. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Expressing possibility. 'that may be true' ➥ 1.1 Used when admitting that something is so before making another, more important point. 'they may have been old-fashioned but they were excellent teachers' ✦ 2 Used to ask for or to give permission. 'you may confirm my identity with your Case Officer, if you wish' ✦ 3 Expressing a wish or hope. 'may she rest in peace'➤ noun ✦ The hawthorn or its blossom.➤ noun ✦ 1 The fifth month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of spring. 'the new model makes its showroom debut in May' ➥ 1.1 One's bloom or prime. 'others murmured that their May was passing'

of__ɔv or əv

1 Expressing the relationship between a part and a whole:Expressing the relationship between a scale or measure and a value:Indicating an association between two entities, typically one of belonging, in which the first is the head of the phrase and the second is something associated with it:Expressing the relationship between a direction and a point of reference:Expressing the relationship between a general category or type and the thing being specified which belongs to such a category:Expressing the relationship between an abstract concept having a verb-like meaning and a noun denoting the subject of the underlying verb:Indicating the relationship between a verb and an indirect object:Indicating the material or substance constituting something:Expressing time in relation to the following hour:+Old French. Those seats are reserved for senior members of the club.+He was elected Member of Parliament for Rushcliffe.+What's the name of that plant?+Sean doesn't like the smell of garlic.+Troops shot dead the leader of the rebels in an attack last night. ➤ preposition ✦ 1 Expressing the relationship between a part and a whole. 'the sleeve of his coat' ➥ 1.1 With the word denoting the part functioning as the head of the phrase. 'the sleeve of his coat' ➥ 1.2 After a number, quantifier, or partitive noun, with the word denoting the whole functioning as the head of the phrase. 'nine of the children came to the show' ✦ 2 Expressing the relationship between a scale or measure and a value. 'an increase of 5%' ➥ 2.1 Expressing an age. 'a boy of 15' ✦ 3 Indicating an association between two entities, typically one of belonging, in which the first is the head of the phrase and the second is something associated with it. 'the son of a friend' ➥ 3.1 Expressing the relationship between an author, artist, or composer and their works collectively. 'the plays of Shakespeare' ✦ 4 Expressing the relationship between a direction and a point of reference. 'north of Watford' ✦ 5 Expressing the relationship between a general category or type and the thing being specified which belongs to such a category. 'the city of Prague' ✦ 6 Expressing the relationship between an abstract concept having a verb-like meaning and a noun denoting the subject of the underlying verb. 'the opinion of the directors' ➥ 6.1 Where the second noun denotes the object of the underlying verb. 'the murder of two boys' ➥ 6.2 Where the head of the phrase is a predicative adjective. 'it was kind of you to ask' ✦ 7 Indicating the relationship between a verb and an indirect object. 'I don't know of anything that would be suitable' ➥ 7.1 With a verb expressing a mental state. 'I don't know of anything that would be suitable' ➥ 7.2 Expressing a cause. 'he died of cancer' ✦ 8 Indicating the material or substance constituting something. 'the house was built of bricks' ✦ 9 Expressing time in relation to the following hour. 'it would be just a quarter of three in New York'


1 Expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else:Expressing a period of time during which an event happens or a situation remains the case:Expressing the length of time before a future event is expected to happen:(Often followed by a noun without a determiner) expressing a state or condition:Expressing inclusion or involvement:Indicating someone's occupation or profession:Indicating the language or medium used:As an integral part of (an activity):Expressing a value as a proportion of (a whole):+Expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else:+Expressing the situation of being enclosed or surrounded by something:+Expressing arrival:+(Of the tide) rising or at its highest level.+Present at one's home or office:+Fashionable:+(Of the ball in tennis and similar games) landing within the designated playing area.+Batting:+A position of influence with someone powerful or famous:+The chemical element indium.+Indiana (in official postal use).+In; into; towards; within: I go to the cheapest hairdresser's in town.+"I can't find my keys." "Have another check in your jacket pockets."+He is one of the top chefs in Britain.+She sat in the dentist's waiting room, nervously chewing at her nails.+The chlorine in the pool makes my eyes sore. ➤ preposition ✦ 1 Expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else. 'I'm living in London' ➥ 1.1 Expressing motion with the result that something ends up within or surrounded by something else. 'don't put coal in the bath' ✦ 2 Expressing a period of time during which an event happens or a situation remains the case. 'they met in 1885' ✦ 3 Expressing the length of time before a future event is expected to happen. 'I'll see you in fifteen minutes' ✦ 4 (often followed by a noun without a determiner) expressing a state or condition. 'to be in love' ➥ 4.1 Indicating the quality or aspect with respect to which a judgement is made. 'no discernible difference in quality' ✦ 5 Expressing inclusion or involvement. 'I read it in a book' ✦ 6 Indicating someone's occupation or profession. 'she works in publishing' ✦ 7 Indicating the language or medium used. 'say it in French' ➥ 7.1 Indicating the key in which a piece of music is written. 'Mozart's Piano Concerto in E flat' ✦ 8 As an integral part of (an activity) 'in planning public expenditure it is better to be prudent' ✦ 9 Expressing a value as a proportion of (a whole) 'a local income tax running at six pence in the pound'➤ adverb ✦ 1 Expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else. 'come in' ✦ 2 Expressing the situation of being enclosed or surrounded by something. 'we were locked in' ✦ 3 Expressing arrival. 'the train got in very late' ✦ 4 (of the tide) rising or at its highest level.➤ adjective ✦ 1 Present at one's home or office. 'we knocked at the door but there was no one in' ✦ 2 Fashionable. 'pastels and light colours are in this year' ✦ 3 (of the ball in tennis and similar games) landing within the designated playing area. ✦ 4 Batting. 'which side is in?'➤ noun ✦ A position of influence with someone powerful or famous. 'she got an in with the promising new artist'➤ ✦ The chemical element indium.➤ ✦ Indiana (in official postal use).</strong>


1 Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy:Pathetically inadequate or unfashionable:(Of dough) heavy through having failed to rise.+Seasonal affective disorder. We said our sad farewells and got on the bus.+I don't feel angry so much as sad.+That was such a sad film.+I just felt sad for her.+I was very sad when our cat died. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy. 'I was sad and subdued' ➥ 1.1 Causing or characterized by sorrow or regret; unfortunate and regrettable. 'he told her the sad story of his life' ✦ 2 Pathetically inadequate or unfashionable. 'the show is tongue-in-cheek—anyone who takes it seriously is a bit sad' ✦ 3 (of dough) heavy through having failed to rise.➤ ✦ Seasonal affective disorder.</strong>


1 For each (used with units to express a rate):By means of:Divided by a line in the direction of: They cut 2p per litre off the price of unleaded petrol.+It costs a staggering $50,000 per week to keep the museum open to the public.+In China, the policy of one child per family was introduced to stabilize the country's population at 1.6 billion.+The train sped along at over 120 miles per hour.+The computer screen displays 80 characters per line. ➤ preposition ✦ 1 For each (used with units to express a rate) 'he charges £2 per square yard' ✦ 2 By means of. 'send it per express' ✦ 3 Divided by a line in the direction of. 'per saltire'


1 For what reason or purpose:+(With reference to a reason) on account of which; for which:+Expressing surprise or indignation:+Used to add emphasis to a response:+A reason or explanation: She cited three reasons why people get into debt.+I'll never comprehend why she did what she did.+It's easy to see why he's so popular.+She marched into my office demanding to know why I hadn't written my report.+My usual train was cancelled. That's why I'm so late. ➤ interrogative adverb ✦ 1 For what reason or purpose. 'why did he do it?' ➥ 1.1 Used to make or agree to a suggestion. 'why don't I give you a lift?'➤ relative adverb ✦ 1 (with reference to a reason) on account of which; for which. 'the reason why flu jabs need repeating every year is that the virus changes' ➥ 1.1 The reason for which. 'each has faced similar hardships, and perhaps that is why they are friends'➤ exclamation ✦ 1 Expressing surprise or indignation. 'why, that's absurd!' ✦ 2 Used to add emphasis to a response. ''You think so?' 'Why, yes.''➤ noun ✦ A reason or explanation. 'the whys and wherefores of these procedures need to be explained to students'


1 Free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist:(Of information, writing, etc.) dully factual:(Of a joke or sense of humour) subtle and expressed in a matter-of-fact way:Prohibiting the sale or consumption of alcoholic drink:(Of an alcoholic drink) not sweet:Relating to political 'dries' sense 3 of the noun; rigidly monetarist.+Become dry:+Forget one's lines:+The process or an instance of drying.+A dry or covered place.+A Conservative politician (especially in the 1980s) in favour of strict monetarist policies.+A person in favour of the prohibition of alcohol: Cracks had appeared in the dry ground.+The weather forecast said it would be fine and dry today.+You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk.+We collected dry twigs to start the fire.+This moisturizing cream is excellent for dry, flaky skin. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist. 'the jacket kept me warm and dry' ➥ 1.1 (of paint, ink, etc.) having lost all wetness or moisture over a period of time. 'wait until the paint is dry' ➥ 1.2 For use without liquid. 'the conversion of dry latrines into the flushing type' ➥ 1.3 With little or no rainfall or humidity. 'the West Coast has had two dry winters in a row' ➥ 1.4 (of a river, lake, or stream) empty of water as a result of lack of rainfall. 'the river is always dry at this time of year' ➥ 1.5 (of a source) not yielding a supply of water or oil. 'a dry well' ➥ 1.6 Thirsty or thirst-making. 'working in the hot sun is making me dry' ➥ 1.7 (of a cow or other domestic animal) no longer producing milk. 'the rye has been strip-grazed by dry cows' ➥ 1.8 Without grease or other moisturizer or lubricator. 'cream conditioners for dry hair' ➥ 1.9 (of bread or toast) without butter or other spreads. 'only dry bread and water' ✦ 2 (of information, writing, etc.) dully factual. 'the dry facts of the matter' ➥ 2.1 Unemotional, undemonstrative, or impassive. 'it transformed him from a dry administrator into the people's hero' ✦ 3 (of a joke or sense of humour) subtle and expressed in a matter-of-fact way. 'he delighted his friends with a dry, covert sense of humour' ✦ 4 Prohibiting the sale or consumption of alcoholic drink. 'the country is strictly dry, in accordance with Islamic law' ➥ 4.1 (of a person) no longer addicted to or drinking alcohol. 'I heard much talk about how sobriety was more than staying straight or dry' ✦ 5 (of an alcoholic drink) not sweet. 'a dry, medium-bodied red wine' ✦ 6 Relating to political 'dries'; rigidly monetarist.➤ verb ✦ 1 Become dry. 'waiting for the paint to dry' ➥ 1.1 Cause to become dry. 'they had washed and dried their hair' ➥ 1.2 Wipe tears from (the eyes) 'she dried her eyes and blew her nose' ➥ 1.3 Wipe dishes dry with a cloth after they have been washed. ''I'll wash, Sara, you dry'' ➥ 1.4 Preserve by allowing or encouraging evaporation of moisture from. 'dried flowers' ✦ 2 Forget one's lines. 'a colleague of mine once dried in the middle of a scene'➤ noun ✦ 1 The process or an instance of drying. ✦ 2 A dry or covered place. 'the grass was yellowing and the dry had started' ➥ 2.1 The dry season. 'the grass was yellowing and the dry had started' ➥ 2.2 A tract of waterless country. 'the forty-mile dry' ✦ 3 A Conservative politician (especially in the 1980s) in favour of strict monetarist policies. ✦ 4 A person in favour of the prohibition of alcohol. 'evangelical dries had seen to it that the nearest bottle of whiskey was miles away'


1 Frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid:An ice cream, ice lolly, or portion of water ice.Diamonds.+Decorate (a cake or biscuit) with icing.+Clinch (something such as a victory or deal).+Kill:+(In the UK) Institution of Civil Engineers.+Internal combustion engine.+An entry stored in a person's mobile phone that provides emergency contact information: Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.+A thick sheet of ice had formed over the water.+When you get a build-up of ice in your freezer, you know it's time to defrost it.+We skidded on the ice and crashed into another car.+The ice clinked as she dropped it into the glass. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid. 'she scraped the ice off the windscreen' ➥ 1.1 A sheet or layer of ice on the surface of water. 'the ice beneath him gave way' ➥ 1.2 Complete absence of friendliness or warmth in manner or expression. 'the ice in his voice was only to hide the pain' ✦ 2 An ice cream, ice lolly, or portion of water ice. ➥ 2.1 A frozen mixture of fruit juice or of flavoured water and sugar. 'If you're still hungry after the oysters, prawns and shellfish, for dessert there are a dozen varieties of cake, plus ice cream and shaved ice.' ✦ 3 Diamonds.➤ verb ✦ 1 Decorate (a cake or biscuit) with icing. ✦ 2 Clinch (something such as a victory or deal). ✦ 3 Kill. 'she was saved from being iced by the mafia'➤ ✦ 1 (in the UK) Institution of Civil Engineers. ✦ 2 Internal combustion engine.➤ noun ✦ An entry stored in a person's mobile phone that provides emergency contact information. as modifier 'all mobile phone users should have an ICE contact in their phones'


1 Give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred:Suffer a misfortune as a consequence of an action:Give (attention, respect, or a compliment) to (someone):+The money paid to someone for regular work:+Seal (the deck or seams of a wooden ship) with pitch or tar to prevent leakage: I pay my electricity bill by direct debit.+Very few people can afford to pay those prices.+How much did you pay for your glasses?+We agreed to pay for the car by instalments.+I've been saving all year to pay for our holiday. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred. with object and infinitive 'the traveller paid a guide to show him across' ➥ 1.1 Give (a sum of money) in exchange for goods or work done or to settle a debt. 'the company was rumoured to have paid 450p a share' ➥ 1.2 Hand over or transfer the amount due of (a debt, wages, etc.) to someone. 'I always prefer to pay all my bills by cheque' ➥ 1.3 (of work, an investment, etc.) provide someone with (a sum of money) 'jobs that pay £5 an hour' ➥ 1.4 (of a business, activity, or an attitude) be profitable or advantageous. 'crime doesn't pay' ✦ 2 Suffer a misfortune as a consequence of an action. 'the destroyer would have to pay with his life' ➥ 2.1 Give what is due or deserved to. ''I'll pay you for that,' he snarled' ✦ 3 Give (attention, respect, or a compliment) to (someone) 'no one paid them any attention' ➥ 3.1 Make (a visit or call) to (someone) 'she has been prevailed upon to pay us a visit'➤ noun ✦ The money paid to someone for regular work. 'an entitlement to sickness pay'➤ verb ✦ Seal (the deck or seams of a wooden ship) with pitch or tar to prevent leakage. 'an open groove between the planks had to be payed by running in hot pitch from a special ladle'


1 Have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received: As I recall, he said with some irritation, "you still owe me £150."+It's just struck me that I still owe you for the concert tickets.+It'll be difficult to sort out how much each person owes.+He'd better pay me back that money he owes me soon, or else.+I owe you an apology - I'm afraid I forgot to send Amanda that report. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received. 'they have denied they owe money to the company' ➥ 1.1 Owe something, especially money, to. 'I owe you for the taxi' ➥ 1.2 Be under a moral obligation to give someone (gratitude, respect, etc.) 'I owe it to him to explain what's happened' ➥ 1.3 Have something because of. 'champagne houses owe their success to brand image'


1 Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature:(Of food) containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce a burning sensation when tasted:Filled with passionate excitement, anger, or other strong emotion:Involving much activity, debate, or interest:Very knowledgeable or skilful:Difficult to deal with:+Make or become hot: In hot weather, we sell masses of cold drinks and ice creams.+Do you want this pie hot?+Is the water hot enough for a bath?+She passed him a mug of hot black coffee.+I like to sunbathe in the morning when the sun is not so hot. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature. 'it was hot inside the hall' ➥ 1.1 Feeling or producing an uncomfortable sensation of heat. 'she felt hot and her throat was parched' ➥ 1.2 (of food or drink) prepared by heating and served without cooling. 'this soup is equally good hot or cold' ➥ 1.3 (of an electric circuit) live or at a high voltage. 'The rectifiers are fully redundant and hot pluggable for replacement or maintenance without any down time.' ➥ 1.4 Radioactive. 'It is so hot and radioactive that the miners use remote control equipment.' ✦ 2 (of food) containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce a burning sensation when tasted. 'a very hot dish cooked with green chilli' ✦ 3 Filled with passionate excitement, anger, or other strong emotion. 'the idea had been nurtured in his hot imagination' ➥ 3.1 Lustful or erotic. 'steamy bed scenes which may be too hot for young fans' ➥ 3.2 (of popular music) strongly rhythmical and excitingly played. 'hot salsa and lambada dancing' ✦ 4 Involving much activity, debate, or interest. 'the environment has become a very hot issue' ➥ 4.1 (of news) fresh and of great interest. 'have I got some hot gossip for you!' ➥ 4.2 Currently popular, fashionable, or in demand. 'they know the hottest dance moves' ➥ 4.3 (of a person) sexually attractive. 'a hot chick' ➥ 4.4 (of the scent) fresh and strong, indicating that the quarry has passed recently. 'Once picking up hot scent, he bores in and busts birds out of the cover to provide the gun a shot.' ➥ 4.5 (in children's games) very close to finding or guessing something. ✦ 5 Very knowledgeable or skilful. 'Tony is very hot on local history' ➥ 5.1 Good. 'this is not so hot for business' ➥ 5.2 Regarding (something) as very important; strict about. 'local customs officers are hot on confiscations' ✦ 6 Difficult to deal with. 'he found my story simply too hot to handle' ➥ 6.1 (of goods) stolen and difficult to dispose of because easily identifiable. 'Police decided to publicise the robbery as much as possible in an effort to make the paintings too hot to handle.' ➥ 6.2 (of a person) wanted by the police. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Make or become hot. with object 'he hotted up the flask' ➥ 1.1 Become or make more lively or exciting. no object 'the championship contest hotted up'


1 Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together:Used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself:Used condescendingly to refer to the person being addressed: We were just chatting about what we did last weekend.+We weren't married in church, but we had a civil ceremony in a registry office.+A friend recently sent me a newspaper clipping about someone we were at school with.+As we approached the hall we could hear the sound of laughter.+We'd save time on our journey if we went by train. ➤ pronoun ✦ 1 Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together. 'shall we have a drink?' ➥ 1.1 Used to refer to the speaker together with other people regarded in the same category. 'nobody knows kids better than we teachers do' ➥ 1.2 People in general. 'we should eat as varied and well-balanced a diet as possible' ➥ 1.3 Us or our. 'thought you wasn't coming to look for we' ✦ 2 Used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself. 'in this section we discuss the reasons for this decision' ✦ 3 Used condescendingly to refer to the person being addressed. 'how are we today?'


1 Having lived for a long time; no longer young:Belonging to the past; former:Of a specified age:Used to express affection, familiarity, or contempt: A group of old men sat playing dominoes.+Many buildings in the old part of the city are falling down, and the government has no money to repair them.+As people get older, they often become set in their ways.+It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building.+There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Having lived for a long time; no longer young. 'the old man lay propped up on cushions' ➥ 1.1 Made or built long ago. 'the old quarter of the town' ➥ 1.2 Possessed or used for a long time. 'he gave his old clothes away' ➥ 1.3 Boring or tiresome, especially as a result of repetition or overfamiliarity. 'I wish she'd shut up—it's getting old' ➥ 1.4 Having the characteristics or showing the signs of age. 'he complained of being old beyond his years' ✦ 2 Belonging to the past; former. 'valuation under the old rating system was inexact' ➥ 2.1 Used to refer to a thing which has been replaced by something similar. 'we moved back into our old house' ➥ 2.2 Dating from far back; long-established or known. 'we greeted each other like old friends' ➥ 2.3 Denoting someone who formerly attended a specified school. 'an old Etonian' ➥ 2.4 (of a form of a language) as used in former or earliest times. 'They are given in the book in the form of old Irish writing, new Irish writing and English.' ✦ 3 Of a specified age. 'he was fourteen years old' ➥ 3.1 A person or animal of the age specified. 'a nineteen-year-old' ✦ 4 Used to express affection, familiarity, or contempt. 'good old Mum'


1 Help, typically of a practical nature:A grant of subsidy or tax to a king or queen.+Help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something:+Artificial insemination by donor. The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.+Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought.+humanitarian aid+We need to look at the logistics of the whole aid operation.+Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon. ➤ noun ✦ 1 Help, typically of a practical nature. 'he saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid' ➥ 1.1 Financial or material help given to a country or area in need. '700,000 tons of food aid' ➥ 1.2 A source of help or assistance. 'exercise is an important aid to recovery after heart attacks' ✦ 2 A grant of subsidy or tax to a king or queen.➤ verb ✦ 1 Help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something. 'women were aided in childbirth by midwives' ➥ 1.1 Promote or encourage (something) 'diet and exercise aid healthy skin'➤ ✦ Artificial insemination by donor.</strong>


1 In support of or in favour of (a person or policy):Affecting, with regard to, or in respect of:On behalf of or to the benefit of:Having (the thing mentioned) as a purpose or function:Having (the thing mentioned) as a reason or cause:Having (the place mentioned) as a destination:Representing (the thing mentioned):In place of or in exchange for:In relation to the expected norm of:Indicating the length of (a period of time):Indicating the extent of (a distance):Indicating an occasion in a series:+Because; since: We're having a collection for Tom's retirement present.+Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.+A young girl came up to me and asked for money.+There's a letter for you on the table.+There'll be a prize for the best entry. ➤ preposition ✦ 1 In support of or in favour of (a person or policy) 'troops who had fought for Napoleon' ✦ 2 Affecting, with regard to, or in respect of. 'she is responsible for the efficient running of their department' ✦ 3 On behalf of or to the benefit of. 'I got a present for you' ➥ 3.1 Employed by. 'she is a tutor for the Open University' ✦ 4 Having (the thing mentioned) as a purpose or function. 'networks for the exchange of information' ✦ 5 Having (the thing mentioned) as a reason or cause. 'Aileen is proud of her family for their support' ✦ 6 Having (the place mentioned) as a destination. 'they are leaving for London tomorrow' ✦ 7 Representing (the thing mentioned) 'the 'F' is for Fascinating' ✦ 8 In place of or in exchange for. 'will you swap these two bottles for that one?' ➥ 8.1 Charged as (a price) 'copies are available for £1.20' ✦ 9 In relation to the expected norm of. 'she was tall for her age' ✦ 10 Indicating the length of (a period of time) 'he was jailed for 12 years' ✦ 11 Indicating the extent of (a distance) 'he crawled for 300 yards' ✦ 12 Indicating an occasion in a series. 'the camcorder failed for the third time'➤ conjunction ✦ Because; since. 'he felt guilty, for he knew that he bore a share of responsibility for Fanny's death'


1 In what way or manner; by what means:Used to ask about the condition or quality of something:Used to ask about the extent or degree of something:The way in which; that:+A greeting attributed to North American Indians (used in humorous imitation). Your house is always so neat - how do you manage it with three children?+She used to lie awake at night worrying about how to pay the bills.+"Well, " he began, "I don't quite know how to tell you this."+Notes on how to use this dictionary can be found at the beginning of the book.+We do not know exactly how life first began. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 In what way or manner; by what means. 'how does it work?' ✦ 2 Used to ask about the condition or quality of something. 'how was your holiday?' ➥ 2.1 Used to ask about someone's physical or mental state. 'how are the children?' ✦ 3 Used to ask about the extent or degree of something. 'how old are you?' ➥ 3.1 Used to express a strong feeling such as surprise about the extent of something. 'how kind it was of him' ✦ 4 The way in which; that. 'she told us how she had lived out of a suitcase for a week' ➥ 4.1 In any way in which; however. 'I'll do business how I like'➤ exclamation ✦ A greeting attributed to North American Indians (used in humorous imitation).</strong>


1 Influenza: She's very hot and shivery, so I think she must have flu.+There are lots of people off school this week with flu. ➤ noun ✦ Influenza. 'she was in bed with flu'


1 Introducing a conditional clause:Despite the possibility that; no matter whether:(Often used in indirect questions) whether:Expressing a polite request:Expressing an opinion:Expressing surprise or regret:With implied reservation:+A condition or supposition:+Intermediate frequency. You'll feel cold if you don't wear a coat.+You have to go to college for a lot of years if you want to be a doctor.+Try to act confidently, even if you feel nervous.+The TV won't work if the aerial's not connected.+Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight container. ➤ conjunction ✦ 1 (introducing a conditional clause) on the condition or supposition that; in the event that. 'if you have a complaint, write to the director' ➥ 1.1 (with past tense) introducing a hypothetical situation. 'if you had stayed, this would never have happened' ➥ 1.2 Whenever; every time. 'if I go out she gets nasty' ✦ 2 Despite the possibility that; no matter whether. 'if it takes me seven years, I shall do it' ✦ 3 (often used in indirect questions) whether. 'he asked if we would like some coffee' ✦ 4 Expressing a polite request. 'if I could just use the phone, I'll get a taxi' ✦ 5 Expressing an opinion. 'that's a jolly long walk, if you don't mind my saying so' ✦ 6 Expressing surprise or regret. 'well, if it isn't Frank!' ✦ 7 (with implied reservation) and perhaps not. 'the new leaders have little if any control' ➥ 7.1 Used to admit something as being possible but relatively insignificant. 'if there was any weakness, it was naivety' ➥ 7.2 Despite being (used before an adjective or adverb to introduce a contrast) 'she was honest, if a little brutal'➤ noun ✦ A condition or supposition. 'there are so many ifs and buts in the policy'➤ ✦ Intermediate frequency.</strong>


1 Join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount:Put in (an additional element, ingredient, etc.):Put together (two or more numbers or amounts) to calculate their total value:Say as a further remark:+Analogue digital digital, indicating that a music recording was made in analogue format before being mastered and stored digitally.+Attention deficit disorder. First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger.+You have to add the cost of postage to the subtotal.+If you add the plural inflection '-s' to 'dog' you get 'dogs'.+Two of the cathedral's chapels were added later - the Lady Chapel and the Chapel of St Paul.+Have you anything further to add to the discussion? ➤ verb ✦ 1 Join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount. 'a new wing was added to the building' ✦ 2 Put in (an additional element, ingredient, etc.) 'chlorine is added to the water to kill bacteria' ➥ 2.1 Contribute (an enhancing quality) to something. 'the suite will add a touch of class to your bedroom' ✦ 3 Put together (two or more numbers or amounts) to calculate their total value. 'they added all the figures up' ✦ 4 Say as a further remark. with direct speech ''I hope we haven't been too much trouble,' she added politely'➤ ✦ 1 Analogue digital digital, indicating that a music recording was made in analogue format before being mastered and stored digitally. ✦ 2 Attention deficit disorder.</strong>


1 Join, fasten, or repair (something) by making stitches with a needle and thread or a sewing machine: You could always sew a frill or two around the bottom of the skirt if you think it's too plain.+I learned to sew at my mother's knee.+Surgeons have managed to sew a man's ear back on after it was bitten off in a fight.+I'll have to sew a patch onto these jeans - they're ripped at the knee.+I'll keep the trouser patch in place with pins while I sew it on. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Join, fasten, or repair (something) by making stitches with a needle and thread or a sewing machine. 'she sewed the seams and hemmed the border' ➥ 1.1 Attach (something) to something else by sewing. 'she could sew the veil on properly in the morning' ➥ 1.2 Make (a garment) by sewing. 'the two sisters sewed their own dresses'


1 Make an attempt or effort to do something:Subject (someone) to trial:Smooth (roughly planed wood) with a plane to give an accurately flat surface.Extract (oil or fat) by heating:+An effort to accomplish something; an attempt:+An act of touching the ball down behind the opposing goal line, scoring points and entitling the scoring side to a kick at goal.+Turkish lira (or lire). She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.+We must try to spend less money.+I never seem to lose any weight, no matter how hard I try.+She lay back in the dentist's chair and tried to relax.+The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Make an attempt or effort to do something. with infinitive 'he tried to regain his breath' ➥ 1.1 Use, test, or do (something new or different) in order to see if it is suitable, effective, or pleasant. 'everyone wanted to know if I'd tried jellied eel' ➥ 1.2 Attempt to achieve or attain. 'they decided to try for another baby' ➥ 1.3 Compete or audition for (a post or place on a team) 'she tried out for the team' ➥ 1.4 Attempt to contact. 'I've tried the apartment, but the number is engaged' ➥ 1.5 Push or pull (a door or window) to determine whether it is locked. 'I tried the doors, but they were locked' ➥ 1.6 Make severe demands on (a person or a quality, typically patience) 'Mary tried everyone's patience to the limit' ✦ 2 Subject (someone) to trial. 'he was arrested and tried for the murder' ➥ 2.1 Investigate and decide (a case or issue) in a formal trial. 'the case is to be tried by a jury in the Crown Court' ✦ 3 Smooth (roughly planed wood) with a plane to give an accurately flat surface. ✦ 4 Extract (oil or fat) by heating. 'some of the fat may be tried out and used'➤ noun ✦ 1 An effort to accomplish something; an attempt. 'he got his membership card on his third try' ➥ 1.1 An act of trying something new or different to see if it is suitable, effective, or pleasant. 'she agreed that they should give the idea a try' ✦ 2 An act of touching the ball down behind the opposing goal line, scoring points and entitling the scoring side to a kick at goal. ➥ 2.1 An attempt to score an extra point after a touchdown. 'Philadelphia converted one of every three third-down tries.'➤ ✦ Turkish lira (or lire).</strong>


1 Make someone or something free of (an unwanted person or thing): Have you got anything for getting rid of scuff marks on shoes?+We can't sell the house because we can't get rid of the sitting tenants.+The idea of the game is to get rid of all your cards as soon as you can.+The horses swished their tails to get rid of the flies hovering around them.+We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Make someone or something free of (an unwanted person or thing) 'boil the peel to rid it of bitterness' ➥ 1.1 Be freed or relieved of. 'she couldn't wait to be rid of us'


1 Mentally ill; insane:Very enthusiastic about someone or something:Great; remarkable:+Very; extremely:+Make (someone) mad:+Moroccan dirham(s). He went mad towards the end of his life.+He started attacking his brother like a mad thing.+In those days, people with this condition were considered mad and kept locked away in mental institutions.+She used to hear voices in her head and everyone said she was mad.+Don't be silly - you're not mad, you're just over-stressed and need a break. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Mentally ill; insane. 'he felt as if he were going mad' ➥ 1.1 (of behaviour or an idea) extremely foolish; not sensible. 'Antony's mother told him he was mad to be leaving Dublin' ➥ 1.2 In a frenzied mental or physical state. 'she pictured loved ones mad with anxiety about her' ➥ 1.3 (of a dog) rabid. 'And all the while I'm thinking, this dog is mad, and blind.' ✦ 2 Very enthusiastic about someone or something. 'he's mad about football' ➥ 2.1 Very exciting. 'The rest of the class seemed to get the idea soon enough and before long the group was chattering in mad excitement.' ✦ 3 Very angry. 'don't be mad at me' ✦ 4 Great; remarkable. 'I got mad respect for him'➤ adverb ✦ Very; extremely. 'he was mad cool—we immediately hit it off'➤ verb ✦ Make (someone) mad. 'had I but seen thy picture in this plight, it would have madded me'➤ ✦ Mutual (or mutually) assured destruction.➤ ✦ Moroccan dirham(s).</strong>


1 Move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time:Pass or cause to pass quickly in a particular direction:(With reference to a liquid) flow or cause to flow:Extend or cause to extend in a particular direction:(Of a bus, train, ferry, or other form of transport) make a regular journey on a particular route:Be in charge of; manage:Be in or cause to be in operation; function or cause to function:Continue or be valid or operative for a particular period of time:Pass into or reach a specified state or level:(Of a quality, trait, or condition) be common or inherent in members of (a family), especially over several generations:Stand as a candidate in an election:Publish or be published in a newspaper or magazine:Bring (goods) into a country illegally and secretly; smuggle:Cost (someone) (a specified amount):Provide:+An act or spell of running:+A journey accomplished or route taken by a vehicle, aircraft, or boat, especially on a regular basis:+An opportunity or attempt to achieve something:+A continuous spell of a particular situation or condition:+A widespread and sudden demand for (a commodity) or a widespread trading in (a currency):+The average or usual type of person or thing:+A sloping snow-covered course or track used for skiing, bobsleighing, or tobogganing:+An enclosed area in which domestic animals or birds may run freely in the open:+A unit of scoring achieved by hitting the ball so that both batsmen are able to run between the wickets, or awarded in some other circumstances.+A ladder in stockings or tights:+A downward trickle of paint or a similar substance when applied too thickly:+Diarrhoea.+The after part of a ship's bottom where it rises and narrows towards the stern. How does she manage to run so fast at her age? he asked in awed tones.+They stripped naked and ran into the sea.+"I ran all the way home," she puffed.+People were screaming and running down the steps to escape the flames.+She runs much faster than he does. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time. 'the dog ran across the road' ➥ 1.1 Run as a sport or for exercise. 'I run every morning' ➥ 1.2 (of an athlete or a racehorse) compete in a race. 'she ran in the 200 metres' ➥ 1.3 Enter (a racehorse) for a race. 'I'm hoping to run him in the Portland Handicap' ➥ 1.4 Move about in a hurried and hectic way. 'I've spent the whole day running round after the kids' ➥ 1.5 (of a batsman) run from one wicket to the other in scoring or attempting to score a run. 'Lineker and Cooper held the run rate to three per over, while the batsmen ran very well between the wickets, keeping pressure on the fielders.' ➥ 1.6 Chase (someone) away. 'Ah went tuh eat the mangoes but the people run mih' ➥ 1.7 (of hounds) chase or hunt their quarry. 'the hounds are running' ➥ 1.8 (of a boat) sail straight and fast directly before the wind. 'we slanted across to the far bank and ran before the wind' ➥ 1.9 (of a migratory fish) go upriver from the sea in order to spawn. 'Beats higher up the river are often more prolific this late in the season with fish running hard to the middle and upper stretches.' ✦ 2 Pass or cause to pass quickly in a particular direction. no object, with adverbial of direction 'the rumour ran through the pack of photographers' ➥ 2.1 Move or cause to move forcefully or with a particular result. no object, with adverbial of direction 'the tanker ran aground off the Shetlands' ➥ 2.2 Fail to stop at (a red traffic light) 'cameras triggered by cars running red lights at intersections' ➥ 2.3 Navigate (rapids or a waterfall) in a boat. 'the boats were preparing to run the big rapids' ✦ 3 (with reference to a liquid) flow or cause to flow. no object, with adverbial of direction 'a small river runs into the sea at one side of the castle' ➥ 3.1 Cause water to flow over. 'I ran my hands under the tap' ➥ 3.2 Fill (a bath) with water. 'she ran a bath and lowered herself into the water' ➥ 3.3 Be covered or streaming with (a liquid) 'his face was running with sweat' ➥ 3.4 Emit or exude a liquid. 'she was weeping and her nose was running' ➥ 3.5 (of a solid substance) melt and become fluid. 'it was so hot that the butter ran' ➥ 3.6 (of the sea, the tide, or a river) rise higher or flow more quickly. 'there was still a heavy sea running' ➥ 3.7 (of dye or colour in fabric or paper) dissolve and spread when the fabric or paper becomes wet. 'the red dye ran when the socks were washed' ✦ 4 Extend or cause to extend in a particular direction. no object, with adverbial of direction 'cobbled streets run down to a tiny harbour' ➥ 4.1 Pass into or reach a specified state or level. 'inflation is running at 11 per cent' ✦ 5 (of a bus, train, ferry, or other form of transport) make a regular journey on a particular route. 'buses run into town every half hour' ➥ 5.1 Put (a form of public transport) in service. 'the group is drawing up plans to run trains on key routes' ➥ 5.2 Take (someone) somewhere in a car. 'I'll run you home' ✦ 6 Be in charge of; manage. 'Andrea runs her own catering business' ➥ 6.1 (of a system, organization, or plan) operate or proceed in a particular way. 'everything's running according to plan' ➥ 6.2 Organize, implement, or carry out. 'we decided to run a series of seminars' ➥ 6.3 Own, maintain, and use (a vehicle) 'he could no longer afford to run a car' ✦ 7 Be in or cause to be in operation; function or cause to function. no object 'the car runs on unleaded fuel' ➥ 7.1 Move or cause to move between the spools of a recording machine. with object 'I ran the tape back' ✦ 8 Continue or be valid or operative for a particular period of time. 'the course ran for two days' ➥ 8.1 Happen or arrive at the specified time. 'the programme was running fifteen minutes late' ➥ 8.2 (of a play or exhibition) be staged or presented. 'the play ran at Stratford last year' ✦ 9 Stand as a candidate in an election. 'he announced that he intended to run for President' ➥ 9.1 (especially of a political party) sponsor (a candidate) in an election. 'they ran their first independent candidate at the Bromley by-election' ✦ 10 Publish or be published in a newspaper or magazine. with object 'the tabloid press ran the story' ➥ 10.1 (of a saying, argument, piece of writing, etc.) have a specified wording. ''Tapestries slashed!' ran the dramatic headline' ✦ 11 Bring (goods) into a country illegally and secretly; smuggle. 'they run drugs for the cocaine cartels' ✦ 12 Cost (someone) (a specified amount) 'a new photocopier will run us about $1,300' ✦ 13 (of a stocking or pair of tights) develop a ladder. ✦ 14 Provide. 'the wait-and-see game continues until the government runs some ready cash' ➥ 14.1 Provide pasture for (sheep or cattle); raise (livestock) 'they ran sheep and cattle'➤ noun ✦ 1 An act or spell of running. 'I usually go for a run in the morning' ➥ 1.1 A running pace. 'Rory set off at a run' ➥ 1.2 An annual mass migration of fish up or down a river. 'the annual salmon runs' ✦ 2 A journey accomplished or route taken by a vehicle, aircraft, or boat, especially on a regular basis. 'the London-Liverpool run' ➥ 2.1 A short excursion made in a car. 'we could take a run out to the country' ➥ 2.2 The distance covered in a specified period, especially by a ship. 'a record run of 398 miles from noon to noon' ➥ 2.3 A short flight made by an aircraft on a straight and even course at a constant speed before or while dropping bombs. 'bombing runs by B52s' ✦ 3 An opportunity or attempt to achieve something. 'their absence means the Russians will have a clear run at the title' ➥ 3.1 A preliminary test of a procedure or system. 'if you are styling your hair yourself, have a practice run' ➥ 3.2 An attempt to secure election to political office. 'his run for the Republican nomination' ✦ 4 A continuous spell of a particular situation or condition. 'he's had a run of bad luck' ➥ 4.1 A continuous series of performances. 'the play had a long run in the West End' ➥ 4.2 A quantity or amount of something produced at one time. 'a production run of only 150 cars' ➥ 4.3 A continuous stretch or length of something. 'long runs of copper piping' ➥ 4.4 A rapid series of musical notes forming a scale. 'The scores are filled with amazing runs, double stops, surprising melodic leaps and various special effects.' ➥ 4.5 A sequence of cards of the same suit. 'A four of a kind is closed, and can no longer be extended, and the same would apply in theory to a run of 14 cards with an ace at each end.' ✦ 5 A widespread and sudden demand for (a commodity) or a widespread trading in (a currency) 'there's been a big run on nostalgia toys this year' ➥ 5.1 A sudden demand for repayment from (a bank) made by a large number of lenders. 'growing nervousness among investors led to a run on some banks' ✦ 6 The average or usual type of person or thing. 'the new trooper stood out from the general run of eager youth crowding to enlist' ➥ 6.1 The general tendency of something. 'quite against the run of play, Smith scored an early try' ✦ 7 A sloping snow-covered course or track used for skiing, bobsleighing, or tobogganing. 'a ski run' ➥ 7.1 A track made or regularly used by a particular animal. 'a badger run' ✦ 8 An enclosed area in which domestic animals or birds may run freely in the open. 'an excellent and safe guinea pig run' ➥ 8.1 A large open stretch of land used for pasture or the raising of stock. 'one of the richest cattle runs of the district' ✦ 9 Free and unrestricted use of or access to. 'her cats were given the run of the house' ✦ 10 A unit of scoring achieved by hitting the ball so that both batsmen are able to run between the wickets, or awarded in some other circumstances. ➥ 10.1 A point scored by the batter returning to home plate after touching the other bases. 'It's not a fabulous lineup, but I don't think they'll come last in the Majors in runs scored either.' ✦ 11 A ladder in stockings or tights. 'she had a run in her nylons' ✦ 12 A downward trickle of paint or a similar substance when applied too thickly. 'varnish should be applied with care to avoid runs and an uneven surface' ➥ 12.1 A small stream. 'a shallow run at the edge of a low rock' ✦ 13 Diarrhoea. ✦ 14 The after part of a ship's bottom where it rises and narrows towards the stern.</strong>


1 Obtain in exchange for payment:Accept the truth of:+A purchase: I'll buy some paperbacks at the airport.+We stopped at some nearby shops to buy some food.+They took out a £40,000 mortgage to buy the house.+I bought a cheese roll for lunch.+She buys all the latest fashion magazines. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Obtain in exchange for payment. 'she bought six first-class stamps' ➥ 1.1 Pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share. 'when their affair ended, she bought him out' ➥ 1.2 Obtain one's release from the armed services by payment. 'Some rioters tried to keep the focus on the blatant unfairness of Lincoln's draft laws in which, for 300 dollars, the rich could buy themselves out of the service.' ➥ 1.3 Withdraw something at auction because it fails to meet the reserve price. ➥ 1.4 Procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery. 'here was a man who could not be bought' ➥ 1.5 Be a means of obtaining (something) through exchange or payment. 'money can't buy happiness' ➥ 1.6 Get by sacrifice or great effort. 'greatness is dearly bought' ➥ 1.7 Be a buyer for a store or firm. 'Now that he buys for them he doesn't go overseas but he still works ridiculously long hours.' ✦ 2 Accept the truth of. 'I am not prepared to buy the claim that the ends justify the means'➤ noun ✦ 1 A purchase. 'wine is rarely a good buy in duty-free shops' ➥ 1.1 An act of purchasing something. 'a drug buy'


1 Move to or place in a particular position:Bring into a particular state or condition:Cause (someone or something) to be subject to something:Throw (a shot or weight) as an athletic sport:+A throw of a shot or weight.+short for put option. I've put the beer in the fridge to chill.+Why don't we put the bed against the wall?+Aha, that's where I put my keys!+Throw your gun down and put your hands in the air.+I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Move to or place in a particular position. 'Harry put down his cup' ➥ 1.1 Cause (someone or something) to go to a particular place and remain there for a time. 'India has put three experimental satellites into space' ➥ 1.2 (of a ship) proceed in a particular direction. 'she stepped into the boat and put out to sea' ➥ 1.3 (of a river) flow in a particular direction. 'A small river puts into Warner Lakes from the southwest.' ✦ 2 Bring into a particular state or condition. 'they tried to put me at ease' ➥ 2.1 Imagine oneself in (a particular situation) 'it was no use trying to put herself in his place' ➥ 2.2 Write or print (something) in a particular place. 'they put my name on the cover page' ➥ 2.3 Express (a thought or comment) in a particular way. 'to put it bluntly, he was not really divorced' ✦ 3 Cause (someone or something) to be subject to something. 'commentators put some of the blame on Congress' ➥ 3.1 Assign a particular value, figure, or limit to. 'it is very difficult to put a figure on the size of the budget' ➥ 3.2 Estimate something to be (a particular amount) 'estimates put the war's cost at £1 million a day' ✦ 4 Throw (a shot or weight) as an athletic sport. 'she set a women's record by putting the shot 56' 7"'➤ noun ✦ 1 A throw of a shot or weight. ✦ 2 </strong>


1 Nervous or timid in the company of other people:Less than; short of:(Of a plant) not bearing flowers or fruit well or prolifically.+(Especially of a horse) start suddenly aside in fright at an object, noise, or movement:+A sudden startled movement, especially of a frightened horse.+Fling or throw (something) at a target:+An act of flinging or throwing something at a target. Underneath that shy exterior, she's actually a very warm person.+Tom is very extrovert and confident while Katy's shy and quiet.+He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.+Paulo's very shy - he needs bringing out.+Suddenly shy, our young daughter burrowed her head into my shoulder. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Nervous or timid in the company of other people. 'I was pretty shy at school' ➥ 1.1 Slow or reluctant to do (something) 'the wealthy have become less shy of displaying their privilege' ➥ 1.2 Having a dislike of or aversion to a specified thing. 'he was very car shy when he came here' ➥ 1.3 (of a wild mammal or bird) reluctant to remain in sight of humans. 'otters are very shy animals' ✦ 2 Less than; short of. 'the shares are 29p shy of their flotation price' ➥ 2.1 Before. 'he left school just shy of his fourteenth birthday' ✦ 3 (of a plant) not bearing flowers or fruit well or prolifically.➤ verb ✦ 1 (especially of a horse) start suddenly aside in fright at an object, noise, or movement. 'their horses shied at the unfamiliar sight' ➥ 1.1 Avoid doing or becoming involved in (something) due to nervousness or a lack of confidence. 'don't shy away from saying what you think'➤ noun ✦ A sudden startled movement, especially of a frightened horse.➤ verb ✦ Fling or throw (something) at a target. 'he tore the spectacles off and shied them at her'➤ noun ✦ An act of flinging or throwing something at a target.</strong>


1 Not any:+Used to give a negative response:+Not at all; to no extent:+Not:+A negative answer or decision, especially in voting:+The chemical element nobelium.+Variant spelling of Noh. I see no reason for us to depart from our usual practice.+I certainly have no desire to have children.+The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no real threat to the present government.+I can see no useful purpose in continuing this conversation.+She repeated that she had no intention of standing for president. ➤ determiner ✦ 1 Not any. 'there is no excuse' ➥ 1.1 Used to indicate that something is quite the opposite of what is being specified. 'it was no easy task persuading her' ➥ 1.2 Hardly any. 'you'll be back in no time' ➥ 1.3 Used in notices or slogans forbidding or rejecting something specified. 'No Smoking signs'➤ exclamation ✦ 1 Used to give a negative response. ''Is anything wrong?' 'No.'' ➥ 1.1 Expressing disagreement or contradiction. ''This is boring.' 'No, it's not!'' ➥ 1.2 Expressing agreement with or affirmation of a negative statement. 'they would never cause a fuss, oh no' ➥ 1.3 Expressing shock or disappointment. 'oh no, look at this!'➤ adverb ✦ 1 Not at all; to no extent. 'they were no more able to perform the task than I was' ✦ 2 Not. 'I'll no be a minute'➤ noun ✦ A negative answer or decision, especially in voting. 'he was unable to change his automatic yes to a no'➤ ✦ The chemical element nobelium.➤ noun ✦ </strong>


1 Not prevent or forbid; allow:Used in the imperative to formulate various expressions:Allow someone to have the use of (a room or property) in return for regular payments:+A period during which a room or property is rented:+(In racket sports) a circumstance under which a service is nullified and has to be taken again, especially (in tennis) when the ball clips the top of the net and falls within bounds:+Hinder: They agreed to let us live there rent-free.+It isn't hygienic to let the cat sit on the dining table.+We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in.+The dog's scratching at the door - shall I let him in?+Kyle's mom lets him stay up late on the weekends. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Not prevent or forbid; allow. 'my boss let me leave early' ➥ 1.1 Allow to pass in a particular direction. 'could you let the dog out?' ✦ 2 Used in the imperative to formulate various expressions. 'let's have a drink' ➥ 2.1 Used as a polite way of making or responding to a suggestion, giving an instruction, or introducing a remark. 'let's have a drink' ➥ 2.2 Used to make an offer of help. ''Here, let me,' offered Bruce' ➥ 2.3 Used to express one's strong desire for something to happen or be the case. ''Dear God,' Jessica prayed, 'let him be all right.'' ➥ 2.4 Used as a way of expressing defiance or challenge. 'if he wants to walk out, well let him!' ➥ 2.5 Used to express an assumption upon which a theory or calculation is to be based. 'let A and B stand for X and Y respectively' ✦ 3 Allow someone to have the use of (a room or property) in return for regular payments. 'she let the flat to a tenant' ➥ 3.1 Award (a contract for a project) to an applicant. 'preliminary contracts were let and tunnelling work started'➤ noun ✦ 1 A period during which a room or property is rented. 'I've taken a month's let on the flat' ➥ 1.1 A property available for rent. 'an unfurnished let'➤ noun ✦ (in racket sports) a circumstance under which a service is nullified and has to be taken again, especially (in tennis) when the ball clips the top of the net and falls within bounds. 'he was obstructed and asked for a let'➤ verb ✦ Hinder. 'pray you let us not; we fain would greet our mother'


1 Of a colour at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies:Communist or socialist (used especially during the Cold War with reference to the Soviet Union):Involving bloodshed or violence:(Of a Xhosa) coming from a traditional tribal culture:+Red colour or pigment:+A red thing, in particular:+A communist or socialist.+The situation of owing money to a bank or making a loss in a business operation: This heat has made me come out in an itchy red rash.+She drives a red sports car.+Nicky and I both have red hair but hers is lighter than mine.+She had a red mark on her arm where she'd burned herself.+He was signalling with a red flag. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Of a colour at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies. 'her red lips' ➥ 1.1 (of a person or their face) flushed or rosy, especially with embarrassment, anger, or heat. 'there were some red faces in headquarters' ➥ 1.2 (of a person's eyes) bloodshot or having pink rims, especially with tiredness or crying. 'her eyes were red and swollen' ➥ 1.3 (of hair or fur) of a reddish-brown or orange-brown colour. 'her long, red hair' ➥ 1.4 (of a people) having reddish skin. ➥ 1.5 Of or denoting the suits hearts and diamonds in a pack of cards. 'a red queen' ➥ 1.6 (of wine) made from dark grapes and coloured by their skins. 'a glass of red wine' ➥ 1.7 Denoting a red light or flag used as a signal to stop. 'He grabbed red danger flags and special detonators, used to stop trains, and ran into the path of the train.' ➥ 1.8 Used to denote something forbidden, dangerous, or urgent. 'the force went on red alert' ➥ 1.9 (of a ski run) of the second-highest level of difficulty, as indicated by red markers positioned along it. ➥ 1.10 Denoting one of three colours of quark. ✦ 2 Communist or socialist (used especially during the Cold War with reference to the Soviet Union) 'the era of nuclear anxiety, the red scare and covert CIA plots' ✦ 3 Involving bloodshed or violence. 'red battle stamps his foot and nations feel the shock' ✦ 4 (of a Xhosa) coming from a traditional tribal culture. 'a red Xhosa wife spends several years in her mother-in-law's homestead'➤ noun ✦ 1 Red colour or pigment. 'their work is marked in red by the teacher' ➥ 1.1 Red clothes or material. 'she could not wear red' ✦ 2 A red thing. 'which dress - the black or the red?' ➥ 2.1 A red wine. 'good Italian reds at affordable prices' ➥ 2.2 A red ball in snooker or billiards. 'Another highly tactical frame, and the longest in the match so far, as Williams and Doherty reach just 36 points between them with 11 reds potted.' ➥ 2.3 A red light. ✦ 3 A communist or socialist. ✦ 4 The situation of owing money to a bank or making a loss in a business operation. 'the company was £4 million in the red'


1 Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose:In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise:+Be of the right shape and size for:+Install or fix (something) into place:+Be compatible or in agreement with; match:+The particular way in which something, especially a garment or component, fits:+A sudden attack of convulsions and/or loss of consciousness, typical of epilepsy and some other medical conditions:+A sudden short period of uncontrollable coughing, laughter, etc.+Have an epileptic fit:+A section of a poem. Those trousers fit you nicely.+This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.+Their new car barely fitted into the garage.+If you can't fit all the cases in your car, I can take a few in mine.+One size fits all. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose. 'the house was not fit for human habitation' ➥ 1.1 Having the requisite qualities or skills to undertake something competently. with infinitive 'the party was fit to govern' ➥ 1.2 Suitable and correct according to accepted social standards. 'a fit subject on which to correspond' ➥ 1.3 Having reached such an extreme condition as to be on the point of doing the thing specified. 'he baited even his close companions until they were fit to kill him' ➥ 1.4 Ready. 'well, are you fit?' ✦ 2 In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise. 'my family keep fit by walking and cycling' ➥ 2.1 Sexually attractive; good-looking. 'who's this fit babe?'➤ verb ✦ 1 Be of the right shape and size for. 'those jeans still fit me' ➥ 1.1 Try clothing on (someone) in order to make or alter it to the correct size. 'she was about to be fitted for her costume' ➥ 1.2 Be of the right size, shape, or number to occupy a particular place. 'Fiona says we can all fit in her car' ✦ 2 Install or fix (something) into place. 'they fitted smoke alarms to their home' ➥ 2.1 Provide (something) with a particular component or article. 'most tools can be fitted with a new handle' ➥ 2.2 Join or cause to join together to form a whole. no object 'their bodies fitted together perfectly' ✦ 3 Be compatible or in agreement with; match. 'the landlord had not seen anyone fitting that description' ➥ 3.1 Be suitable or appropriate for. 'the punishment should fit the crime' ➥ 3.2 (of an attribute, qualification, or skill) make (someone) suitable to fulfil a particular role or undertake a particular task. 'an MSc fits the student for a professional career'➤ noun ✦ 1 The particular way in which something, especially a garment or component, fits. 'the dress was a perfect fit' ➥ 1.1 The particular way in which things match. 'a close fit between teachers' qualifications and their teaching responsibilities' ➥ 1.2 The correspondence between observed data and the values expected by theory. 'A smaller ratio score signifies good fit, and values near 2.0 are considered acceptable.'➤ noun ✦ 1 A sudden attack of convulsions and/or loss of consciousness, typical of epilepsy and some other medical conditions. 'the child had frequent fits' ✦ 2 A sudden short period of uncontrollable coughing, laughter, etc. 'he had killed her in a fit of jealous rage' ➥ 2.1 A sudden burst of intense emotion. 'he had killed her in a fit of jealous rage'➤ verb ✦ Have an epileptic fit. 'he started fitting uncontrollably'➤ noun ✦ A section of a poem.</strong>


1 Of considerable size or extent:Of considerable importance or seriousness:Generous:+Praise or recommend something highly:+The major league in a professional sport. What happened to your jacket? There's a big rip in the sleeve.+The big windows make the room feel wonderfully light and airy.+There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like.+We made a big profit on that deal.+That jacket looks a bit big for you. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Of considerable size or extent. 'her big hazel eyes' ➥ 1.1 Larger than other items of the same kind. 'my big toe' ➥ 1.2 Grown-up. 'I'm a big girl now' ➥ 1.3 Elder. 'my big sister' ➥ 1.4 On an ambitiously large scale. 'a small company with big plans' ➥ 1.5 Doing a specified action very often or on a very large scale. 'a big eater' ➥ 1.6 Showing great enthusiasm. 'a big tennis fan' ✦ 2 Of considerable importance or seriousness. 'it's a big decision' ➥ 2.1 Very popular or successful. 'African bands which are big in Britain' ➥ 2.2 Holding an important position or playing an influential role. 'as a senior in college, he was a big man on campus' ✦ 3 Generous. ''I'm inclined to take pity on you.' 'That's big of you!''➤ verb ✦ Praise or recommend something highly. 'the record's been on the streets a while now, but it's still worth bigging up'➤ noun ✦ The major league in a professional sport. 'the day he made it to the bigs, he forgot every minor league ballpark he ever played in'


1 Of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground:Below average in amount, extent, or intensity:Ranking below other people or things in importance or class:(Of a sound or voice) not loud or high:Depressed or lacking in energy:+A low point, level, or figure:+A difficult time in a person's life:+In or into a low position or state:+In a low voice or at a low pitch:+(Of a cow) make a characteristic deep sound:+A sound made by cattle; a moo. High vehicles must take an alternative route because of low clearance under the bridge.+The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall.+That new shelf in the bathroom is too low - I just hit my head on it.+We could see a low range of hills in the distance. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground. 'the school is a long, low building' ➥ 1.1 Situated not far above the ground, the horizon, or sea level. 'the sun was low in the sky' ➥ 1.2 Located at or near the bottom of something. 'low back pain' ➥ 1.3 (of women's clothing) cut so as to reveal the neck and the upper part of the breasts. 'the low neckline of her blouse' ➥ 1.4 (of latitude) near the equator. 'the warming effect will be greatest at low latitudes' ➥ 1.5 (of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue held low in the mouth; open. ✦ 2 Below average in amount, extent, or intensity. 'bringing up children on a low income' ➥ 2.1 (of a river or lake) below the usual water level. 'the river was low' ➥ 2.2 (of a substance or food) containing smaller quantities than usual of a specified ingredient. 'vegetables are low in calories' ➥ 2.3 (of a supply) small or reduced in quantity. 'food and ammunition were running low' ➥ 2.4 Having a small or reduced quantity of a supply. 'they were low on fuel' ✦ 3 Ranking below other people or things in importance or class. 'jobs with low status' ➥ 3.1 (of art or culture) considered to be inferior in quality and refinement. 'the dual traditions of high and low art' ➥ 3.2 Less good than is expected or desired; inferior. 'the standard of living is low' ➥ 3.3 Unscrupulous or dishonest. 'practise a little low cunning' ➥ 3.4 (of an opinion) unfavourable. 'he had a low opinion of himself' ✦ 4 (of a sound or voice) not loud or high. 'keep the volume very low' ✦ 5 Depressed or lacking in energy. 'I was feeling low'➤ noun ✦ 1 A low point, level, or figure. 'his popularity ratings are at an all-time low' ➥ 1.1 An area of low barometric pressure; a depression. 'the weatherman talked about highs and lows' ✦ 2 A difficult time in a person's life. 'the highs and lows of an actor's life' ➥ 2.1 A state of depression. 'she doesn't have big highs or big lows'➤ adverb ✦ 1 In or into a low position or state. 'she pressed on, bent low to protect her face' ✦ 2 In a low voice or at a low pitch. 'we were talking low so we wouldn't wake Dean'➤ verb ✦ (of a cow) make a characteristic deep sound. 'the cocks were crowing, the cows lowing'➤ noun ✦ A sound made by cattle; a moo.</strong>


1 Of or in the middle part or position of a range:+In the middle of. + Ne beo in hire naþing iwrat bute chirche bisocnie ⁊ beode to criste ⁊ eoten ⁊ dri {n} ken mid griðe ⁊ mid {80} gledscipe.+Þa ferde he mid micel færd into engle [la] nd. ⁊ wan castles. ⁊ te king ferde agenes hi {m} mid {180} micel mare ferd. ⁊ þoþwæthe ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Of or in the middle part or position of a range. 'the mid 17th century' ➥ 1.1 (of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue neither high nor low. 'a mid central vowel'➤ preposition ✦ 1 In the middle of. ➥ 1.1 In the course of.


1 Point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target:Have the intention of achieving:+A purpose or intention; a desired outcome:+The directing of a weapon or missile at a target:+Alternative Investment Market (a subsidiary market of the London Stock Exchange that allows small companies to be traded without the expense of a full market listing). The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around the actress.+The aim was to cut off the enemy's escape route.+The aim is to improve the public image of the police.+The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.+She set out with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target. 'aim the camcorder at some suitable object' ➥ 1.1 Direct (a missile or blow) at someone or something. 'she had aimed the bottle at Gary's head' ➥ 1.2 Direct information, a product, or an action towards (a particular group) 'the TV campaign is aimed at the 16-24 age group' ✦ 2 Have the intention of achieving. 'the programme will aim at deepening understanding'➤ noun ✦ 1 A purpose or intention; a desired outcome. 'our primary aim is to achieve financial discipline' ✦ 2 The directing of a weapon or missile at a target. 'his aim was perfect'➤ ✦ Alternative Investment Market (a subsidiary market of the London Stock Exchange that allows small companies to be traded without the expense of a full market listing).</strong>


1 Of poor quality or a low standard:Not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome:Lacking or failing to conform to moral virtue:(Of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or painful:(Of food) decayed; putrid:Regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something:Worthless; not valid:Good; excellent:+Badly: He's been in a bad mood all afternoon.+Our departure was delayed because of bad weather.+Tom has been excluded from school for bad behaviour.+"How are you feeling?" "Not too bad, but I've still got a slight headache."+Apart from the salary, it's not a bad job. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Of poor quality or a low standard. 'a bad diet' ➥ 1.1 (of a person) not able to do a particular thing well. 'I'm so bad at names' ➥ 1.2 Not appropriate in a particular situation. 'morning was a bad time to ask Andy about anything' ✦ 2 Not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome. 'bad news' ➥ 2.1 (of something causing pain, danger, or other unwelcome consequences) severe or serious. 'bad headaches' ➥ 2.2 Unfavourable; adverse. 'bad reviews' ➥ 2.3 Having a harmful effect on. 'soap was bad for his face' ✦ 3 Failing to conform to standards of moral virtue or acceptable conduct. 'the bad guys' ➥ 3.1 (of language) using words generally considered offensive; vulgar. 'She has even invented a mechanical parrot that speaks bad French.' ✦ 4 (of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or painful. 'a bad back' ➥ 4.1 (of a person) unwell. 'I tried medication but felt even worse the next morning' ✦ 5 (of food) decayed; putrid. 'everything in the fridge went bad' ➥ 5.1 (of the atmosphere) polluted; unhealthy. 'bad air' ✦ 6 Regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something. 'she feels bad about ending their engagement' ✦ 7 Worthless; not valid. 'he ran up 87 bad cheques' ✦ 8 Good; excellent. 'they want the baddest, best-looking Corvette there is'➤ adverb ✦ Badly. 'he beat her up real bad'


1 Offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction:Make an effort or attempt to achieve:+An offer of a price, especially at an auction:+An attempt or effort to achieve something:+Utter (a greeting or farewell) to:+Command or order (someone) to do something: Online auctions, where buyers bid for items over the internet, have become increasingly popular.+How much did you bid for that antique vase?+Five countries are bidding to host the next World Cup.+The game gives players the chance to bid for property.+The council invited contractors to bid for the right to build on the site of the old City Hall. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction. 'a consortium of dealers bid a world record price for a snuff box' ➥ 1.1 (of a contractor) offer to do (work) for a stated price; tender for. 'nineteen companies have indicated their intention to bid for the contract' ➥ 1.2 Make a statement during the auction undertaking to make (a certain number of tricks with a stated suit as trumps) if the bid is successful and one becomes the declarer. 'North bids four hearts' ✦ 2 Make an effort or attempt to achieve. with infinitive 'she's now bidding to become a top female model'➤ noun ✦ 1 An offer of a price, especially at an auction. 'at the fur tables, several buyers make bids for the pelts' ➥ 1.1 An offer to buy the shares of a company in order to gain control of it. 'a takeover bid' ➥ 1.2 An offer to do work or supply goods at a stated price; a tender. 'a number of businessmen were keen to make a bid for the £75 million contract' ➥ 1.3 An undertaking by a player in the auction to make a stated number of tricks with a stated suit as trumps. 'a bid of three spades' ✦ 2 An attempt or effort to achieve something. 'he made a bid for power in 1984'➤ verb ✦ 1 Utter (a greeting or farewell) to. 'James bade a tearful farewell to his parents' ✦ 2 Command or order (someone) to do something. 'I did as he bade me' ➥ 2.1 Invite (someone) to do something. 'he bade his companions enter'


1 Officially or legally prohibit (something):+An official or legal prohibition:+A curse:+A monetary unit of Romania, equal to one hundredth of a leu. The council plans to ban circuses with performing animals.+The proposed new law would ban picketing.+The council is making a move to ban traffic in some parts of the city.+Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.+He's been banned from driving for six months. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Officially or legally prohibit (something) 'parking is banned around the harbour in summer' ➥ 1.1 Officially prevent (someone) from doing something. 'her son was banned for life from the Centre'➤ noun ✦ 1 An official or legal prohibition. 'a proposed ban on cigarette advertising' ➥ 1.1 An official exclusion of a person from an organization, country, or activity. 'a ban on dangerous jet-ski riders' ➥ 1.2 A sentence of outlawry. 'the Presbyterians were under the ban of the law' ✦ 2 A curse. 'the land might be smitten by the ban which once fell upon the Canaanites'➤ noun ✦ A monetary unit of Romania, equal to one hundredth of a leu.</strong>


1 One's father: My dad was furious when he saw the phone bill.+Jonathan would make a smashing dad.+Her dad said he would help her with the costs of buying a house.+My dad died when we were small so my mum raised the family on her own.+All the mums and dads are invited to the school play at the end of the year. ➤ noun ✦ One's father. 'his dad was with him'


1 Perceive with the eyes; discern visually:Discern or deduce after reflection or from information; understand:Experience or witness (an event or situation):Meet (someone one knows) socially or by chance:Escort or conduct (someone) to a specified place:Ensure:(In poker or brag) equal the bet of (an opponent) and require them to reveal their cards in order to determine who has won the hand.+The place in which a cathedral church stands, identified as the seat of authority of a bishop or archbishop. I saw him this morning.+Have you seen Angela?+If you see Nicky say hello from me.+I've seen a few houses but none that I've really liked.+I haven't seen any shoes that I've wanted to buy. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Perceive with the eyes; discern visually. 'in the distance she could see the blue sea' ➥ 1.1 Be or become aware of something from observation or from a written or other visual source. 'I see from your appraisal report that you have asked for training' ➥ 1.2 Be a spectator of (a film, game, or other entertainment); watch. 'I went to see King Lear at the Old Vic' ➥ 1.3 Refer to (a specified source) for further information (used as a direction in a text) 'elements are usually classified as metals or non-metals (see chapter 11)' ✦ 2 Discern or deduce after reflection or from information; understand. 'I can't see any other way to treat it' ➥ 2.1 Ascertain after inquiring, considering, or discovering an outcome. 'I'll go along to the club and see if I can get a game' ➥ 2.2 Regard in a specified way. 'he saw himself as a good teacher' ➥ 2.3 Find good or attractive qualities in (someone) 'I don't know what I see in you' ➥ 2.4 View or predict as a possibility; envisage. 'I can't see him earning any more anywhere else' ➥ 2.5 Used to ascertain or express comprehension, agreement, or continued attention, or to emphasize that an earlier prediction was correct. 'it has to be the answer, don't you see?' ✦ 3 Experience or witness (an event or situation) 'I shall not live to see it' ➥ 3.1 Be the time or setting of (something) 'the 1970s saw the beginning of a technological revolution' ✦ 4 Meet (someone one knows) socially or by chance. 'I saw Colin last night' ➥ 4.1 Visit (a person or place) 'I went to see Caroline' ➥ 4.2 Meet regularly as a boyfriend or girlfriend. 'some guy she was seeing was messing her around' ➥ 4.3 Consult (a specialist or professional) 'you may need to see a solicitor' ➥ 4.4 Give an interview or consultation to. 'the doctor will see you now' ✦ 5 Escort or conduct (someone) to a specified place. 'don't bother seeing me out' ✦ 6 Ensure. 'Lucy saw to it that everyone got enough to eat' ✦ 7 (in poker or brag) equal the bet of (an opponent) and require them to reveal their cards in order to determine who has won the hand.➤ noun ✦ The place in which a cathedral church stands, identified as the seat of authority of a bishop or archbishop.</strong>


1 Silent.+Act in a traditional masked mime or a mummers' play:+A cultivated chrysanthemum.+One's mother: It was lovely to see your mum and dad at the school concert last night.+My mum won't let me stay out late.+My mum's always nagging me to get my hair cut.+Catherine's mum gives her £5 a week pocket money.+Let's have a quick tidy-up before mum gets home. ➤ noun ✦ One's mother. 'she often goes round to see her mum, who lives nearby'➤ adjective ✦ Silent.➤ noun ✦ A cultivated chrysanthemum.➤ verb ✦ Act in a traditional masked mime or a mummers' play. 'after they had masked and mummed, away they went'


1 Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before:Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time:Beginning anew and in a transformed way:+Newly; recently: I'm going to check out that new club.+The company cited a 12% decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.+Her new book has received fulsome praise from the critics.+The new development will generate 1500 new jobs.+Have you heard their new record? It's really funky. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before. 'the new Madonna album' ➥ 1.1 Not previously used or owned. 'a second-hand bus costs a fraction of a new one' ➥ 1.2 Of recent origin or arrival. 'a new baby' ➥ 1.3 (of vegetables) dug or harvested early in the season. 'new potatoes' ✦ 2 Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time. 'her new bike' ➥ 2.1 Unfamiliar or strange to (someone) 'a way of living that was new to me' ➥ 2.2 Inexperienced at or unaccustomed to (an activity) 'I'm quite new to gardening' ➥ 2.3 Different from a recent previous one. 'I have a new assistant' ➥ 2.4 In addition to another or others already existing. 'looking for new business' ➥ 2.5 Discovered or founded later than and named after. 'New York' ✦ 3 Beginning anew and in a transformed way. 'starting a new life' ➥ 3.1 (of a person) reinvigorated. 'a bottle of pills would make him a new man' ➥ 3.2 Superseding and more advanced than another or others of the same kind. 'the new architecture' ➥ 3.3 Reviving another or others of the same kind. 'the New Bohemians'➤ adverb ✦ Newly; recently. 'new-mown hay'


1 Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it:+Light food or snacks:+Tanzania (international vehicle registration). I don't eat meat and my husband doesn't either.+How many pieces of fresh fruit do you eat in a day?+Jane never eats breakfast.+I offered him a biscuit and he ate the whole plateful.+He paused for a moment to listen and then continued eating. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it. 'he was eating a hot dog' ➥ 1.1 Have (a meal) 'we ate dinner in a noisy cafe' ➥ 1.2 Have a meal in a restaurant. 'there were plenty of places to eat out in the city centre' ➥ 1.3 Have a meal at home. 'The accommodation is self-catering, so eating in is the way forward.' ➥ 1.4 Perform fellatio or cunnilingus on (someone). ➤ noun ✦ Light food or snacks. 'these make great party eats'➤ ✦ Tanzania (international vehicle registration).</strong>


1 Risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game:Used to express certainty:+An act of betting a sum of money: On the face of it, it seems like a bargain, but I bet there are hidden costs.+I bet that computer knocked you back a few thousand.+"I bet you can't eat all that food on your plate." "Is that a challenge?"+I bet you can't guess how old he is.+I bet she wishes (that) she'd never got involved in the whole affair. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game. 'he bet on baseball games' ➥ 1.1 Risk a sum of money against (someone) on the outcome or likelihood of a future event. with two objects 'I bet you £15 you won't chat her up' ✦ 2 Used to express certainty. 'I bet this place is really spooky late at night'➤ noun ✦ 1 An act of betting a sum of money. 'she had a bet on the Derby' ➥ 1.1 A sum of money staked. 'the bookies are taking bets on his possible successor' ➥ 1.2 A candidate or option offering a specified likelihood of success. 'City looked a good bet for victory' ➥ 1.3 One's opinion about a future event. 'my bet is that Arsenal won't win anything'


1 Say something in order to obtain an answer or some information:Say to (someone) that one wants them to do or give something:Invite (someone) to one's home or a function:+The price at which an item, especially a financial security, is offered for sale:+A demand or situation that requires a specified degree of effort or commitment: First I'd like to ask you a few questions about your childhood.+I just wanted to ask you if you're free this afternoon.+I hate having to ask for money.+If you want any time off work you'll have to ask the boss.+We had to ask our guide to interpret for us. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Say something in order to obtain an answer or some information. with object and clause 'I asked her what she meant' ➥ 1.1 Talk to different people in order to find out something. 'there are fine meals to be had if you ask around' ➥ 1.2 Enquire about the health or well-being of. 'if I see him I'll tell him you were asking after him' ✦ 2 Say to (someone) that one wants them to do or give something. 'Mary asked her father for money' ➥ 2.1 Say that one wants permission to do something. 'she asked if she could move in' ➥ 2.2 Say that one wants to speak to. 'when I arrived I asked for Katrina' ➥ 2.3 Say that one wants (a specified amount) as a price for selling something. 'he was asking £250 for the guitar' ➥ 2.4 Expect or demand (something) of someone. 'it's asking a lot, but could you look through Billy's things?' ✦ 3 Invite (someone) to one's home or a function. 'it's about time we asked Pam to dinner' ➥ 3.1 Invite someone to join one on a group outing. 'do you want to ask him along?' ➥ 3.2 Invite someone out on a date. 'a few boys asked her out but never the right ones'➤ noun ✦ 1 A demand or situation that requires a specified degree of effort or commitment. 'it is a big ask for him to go and play 90 minutes' ✦ 2 A request, especially for a donation. 'it was an awkward ask for more funding' ➥ 2.1 The price at which an item, especially a financial security, is offered for sale. as modifier 'ask prices for bonds'


1 Shed tears in distress, pain, or sorrow:Shout or scream in fear, pain, or grief:(Of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call:+A loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion:+The loud characteristic call of a bird or other animal:+A spell of shedding tears:+A pack of hounds: Her lower lip trembled as if she was about to cry.+The little boy fell over and started to cry.+He'd been crying and his face was all blotchy.+What's the matter? Why are you crying?+When we gave her the bad news, she broke down and cried. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Shed tears in distress, pain, or sorrow. 'don't cry—it'll be all right' ✦ 2 Shout or scream in fear, pain, or grief. 'the little girl fell down and cried for mummy' ➥ 2.1 Say something loudly in an excited or anguished tone of voice. ''Where will it end?' he cried out' ➥ 2.2 (of a street trader) shout out the name of (goods for sale) 'there was a bustle of activity as vendors cried their wares, offering shellfish to potential buyers' ✦ 3 (of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call. 'the wild birds cried out over the water'➤ noun ✦ 1 A loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion. 'a cry of despair' ➥ 1.1 A loud excited utterance of a word or words. 'there was a cry of 'Silence!'' ➥ 1.2 The call of a street trader selling goods. 'the city comes to life after 10 p.m., with the din of car horns, and the cries of street hawkers' ➥ 1.3 An urgent appeal or entreaty. 'fund-raisers have issued a cry for help' ➥ 1.4 A demand or opinion expressed by many people. 'peace became the popular cry' ✦ 2 The loud characteristic call of a bird or other animal. 'the harsh cries of magpies' ✦ 3 A spell of shedding tears. 'I still have a cry, sometimes, when I realize that my mother is dead' ✦ 4 A pack of hounds. 'he kept a cry of hounds to hunt in the wilderness'


1 Squeeze or pack tightly into a specified space:Become or make unable to move or work due to a part seizing up or becoming stuck:Improvise with other musicians, especially in jazz or blues:+An instance of a thing seizing or becoming stuck:+An awkward situation or predicament:+An improvised performance by a group of musicians, especially in jazz or blues.+A sweet spread or conserve made from fruit and sugar boiled to a thick consistency:+Make (fruit) into jam. She won first prize for her raspberry jam at the Mitchell county fair.+Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam.+We were served scones with butter and jam.+The recipe uses a whole jarful of jam.+She has toast with raspberry jam for breakfast. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Squeeze or pack tightly into a specified space. 'four of us were jammed in one compartment' ➥ 1.1 Push (something) roughly and forcibly into position or a space. 'he jammed his hat on' ➥ 1.2 Crowd on to (a road or area) so as to block it. 'the streets were jammed with tourist coaches' ➥ 1.3 Cause (telephone lines) to be continuously engaged with a large number of calls. 'listeners jammed a radio station's switchboard with calls' ✦ 2 Become or make unable to move or work due to a part seizing up or becoming stuck. no object 'the photocopier jammed' ➥ 2.1 Make (a broadcast or other electronic signal) unintelligible by causing interference. 'they were jamming broadcasts by the pirate radio ships' ✦ 3 Improvise with other musicians, especially in jazz or blues. 'he had the opportunity to jam with Atlanta blues musicians'➤ noun ✦ 1 An instance of a thing seizing or becoming stuck. 'paper jams' ➥ 1.1 'she was held up in a jam on the M25' ➥ 1.2 A hold obtained by jamming a part of the body such as a hand or foot into a crack in the rock. 'Once you're over the initial difficulties, the route follows a nice crack that I used for left foot and hand jams.' ✦ 2 An awkward situation or predicament. 'I'm in a jam' ✦ 3 An improvised performance by a group of musicians, especially in jazz or blues. 'an ultra catchy jam, driven by the drums but given substance by the interjection of horns' ➥ 3.1 (especially in dance or urban music) a song or track. 'an ultra catchy jam, driven by the drums but given substance by the interjection of horns'➤ noun ✦ 1 A sweet spread or conserve made from fruit and sugar boiled to a thick consistency. 'strawberry jam' ➥ 1.1 Used in reference to something easy or pleasant. 'they want it all, both ways and with jam on the top'➤ verb ✦ Make (fruit) into jam.</strong>


1 Suffering from an illness or disease or feeling unwell:Poor in quality:+Badly, wrongly, or imperfectly:+Only with difficulty; hardly:+A problem or misfortune: He was very ill for a while but he's all right now.+She felt quite ill from exhaustion.+Don't talk nonsense! She's far too ill to return to work!+It was a shock to see him looking so ill.+Badly cooked shellfish can make you seriously ill. ➤ adjective ✦ 1 Suffering from an illness or disease or feeling unwell. 'he was taken ill with food poisoning' ✦ 2 Poor in quality. 'ill judgement dogs the unsuccessful' ➥ 2.1 Bad or harmful. 'she had a cup of the same wine and suffered no ill effects' ➥ 2.2 Not favourable or auspicious. 'I have had a run of ill luck'➤ adverb ✦ 1 Badly, wrongly, or imperfectly. 'the street is dominated by ill-lit shops' ➥ 1.1 Unfavourably or inauspiciously. 'a look on her face which boded ill for anyone who crossed her path' ✦ 2 Only with difficulty; hardly. 'she could ill afford the cost of new curtains'➤ noun ✦ 1 A problem or misfortune. 'a lengthy work on the ills of society' ➥ 1.1 Evil or harm. 'how could I wish him ill?'


1 Take action; do something:Behave in the way specified:Fulfil the function or serve the purpose of:Take effect; have a particular effect:Perform a role in a play, film, or television:+A thing done; a deed:+A pretence:+A written law passed by Parliament, Congress, etc.+A main division of a play, ballet, or opera:+Advance corporation tax.+Australian Capital Territory. When he saw the crash, the young boy acted very responsibly and called the police. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Take action; do something. 'they urged Washington to act' ➥ 1.1 Take action according to or in the light of. 'I shall certainly act on his suggestion' ➥ 1.2 Take action in order to bring about. 'one's ability to act for community change' ➥ 1.3 Represent (someone) on a contractual, legal, or paid basis. 'he chose a solicitor to act for him' ➥ 1.4 Be motivated by. 'you acted from greed' ✦ 2 Behave in the way specified. 'they challenged a man who was seen acting suspiciously' ✦ 3 Fulfil the function or serve the purpose of. 'they need volunteers to act as foster-parents' ✦ 4 Take effect; have a particular effect. 'bacteria act on proteins and sugar' ✦ 5 Perform a role in a play, film, or television. 'she acted in her first professional role at the age of six' ➥ 5.1 Behave so as to appear to be; pretend to be. 'I acted dumb at first' ➥ 5.2 Perform a narrative as if it were a play. 'encouraging pupils to act out the stories' ➥ 5.3 Express repressed emotion or impulses in overt behaviour as a defensive substitute for conscious recall, typical of some behavioural disorders. 'Like so many traumatized children, they were acting it out again and again, Elliott explains, until they could see it in a way that made sense to them.'➤ noun ✦ 1 A thing done; a deed. 'a criminal act' ➥ 1.1 A New Testament book immediately following the Gospels and relating the history of the early Church. ✦ 2 A pretence. 'she was putting on an act and laughing a lot' ➥ 2.1 A particular type of behaviour or routine. 'he did his Sir Galahad act' ✦ 3 A written law passed by Parliament, Congress, etc. 'the 1989 Children Act' ➥ 3.1 A document attesting a legal transaction. 'Third, the fact that the act or document is uncommercial, or even artificial, does not mean that it is a sham.' ➥ 3.2 The recorded decisions or proceedings of a committee or an academic body. 'For the Acts and Proceedings of the Convocations, readers are referred to The Chronicle of the Convocation of Canterbury.' ✦ 4 A main division of a play, ballet, or opera. 'the first act' ➥ 4.1 A set performance. 'her one-woman poetry act' ➥ 4.2 A performing group. 'an act called the Apple Blossom Sisters'➤ ✦ 1 Advance corporation tax. ✦ 2 Australian Capital Territory.</strong>


1 Take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force: They were robbed of all their savings.+Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot.+He was robbed while he was on holiday.+He was robbed of his wallet and car keys.+That was when I realized I'd been robbed. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force. 'he tried, with three others, to rob a bank' ➥ 1.1 Overcharge (someone) for something. 'Bob thinks my suit cost £70, and even then he thinks I was robbed' ➥ 1.2 Steal. 'someone had robbed my jacket' ➥ 1.3 Deprive someone of (something needed or deserved) 'poor health has robbed her of a normal social life' ➥ 1.4 Deprive (an opposing player) of the ball. 'Hughes robbed Vonk yards inside the City half'


1 Take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing or achieving something; employ:Take or consume (an amount) from a limited supply:Describing an action or situation that was done repeatedly or existed for a period in the past:Be or become familiar with (someone or something) through experience:One would like or benefit from:+The action of using something or the state of being used for a purpose:+The value or advantage of something:+The habitual consumption of a drug:+The characteristic ritual and liturgy of a Christian Church or diocese. Your table manners are appalling - don't you know how to use a knife and fork?+Please use the side entrance.+If we clear out the spare room, you can use it as a study.+The teacher demonstrated how to use the equipment.+Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned. ➤ verb ✦ 1 Take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing or achieving something; employ. 'she used her key to open the front door' ➥ 1.1 Treat (someone) in a particular way. 'use your troops well and they will not let you down' ➥ 1.2 Exploit (a person or situation) for one's own advantage. 'I couldn't help feeling that she was using me' ➥ 1.3 Apply (a name or title) to oneself. 'she still used her maiden name professionally' ➥ 1.4 Take (an illegal drug) 'they were using heroin daily' ✦ 2 Take or consume (an amount) from a limited supply. 'we have used all the available funds' ✦ 3 Describing an action or situation that was done repeatedly or existed for a period in the past. 'this road used to be a dirt track' ✦ 4 Be or become familiar with (someone or something) through experience. 'she was used to getting what she wanted' ✦ 5 One would like or benefit from. 'I could use another cup of coffee'➤ noun ✦ 1 The action of using something or the state of being used for a purpose. 'hyper-modern trains are now in use' ➥ 1.1 The ability or power to exercise or manipulate one's mind or body. 'the horse lost the use of his hind legs' ➥ 1.2 A purpose for or way in which something can be used. 'the herb has various culinary uses' ✦ 2 The value or advantage of something. 'it was no use trying to persuade her' ➥ 2.1 The benefit or profit of lands, especially lands that are in the possession of another who holds them solely for the beneficiary. 'Justice Lee found there to be a right to possession, occupation and use of the land.' ✦ 3 The habitual consumption of a drug. 'burgling and dealing financed their heroin use' ✦ 4 The characteristic ritual and liturgy of a Christian Church or diocese.</strong>


1 The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.An impression of a quality or manner given by someone or something:A tune or short melodious song:A jump off the ground on a snowboard or skateboard.+Express (an opinion or grievance) publicly:+Expose (a room) to the open air in order to ventilate it: The balloon rose gently (up) into the air.+The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust, and gases into the air.+The extent of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air.+The ball carried high into the air and landed the other side of the fence.+A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. 'the air was stale' ➥ 1.1 Air regarded as necessary for breathing. 'the air was stale' ➥ 1.2 The free or unconfined space above the surface of the earth. 'he celebrated by tossing his hat high in the air' ➥ 1.3 Referring to the use of aircraft. 'air traffic' ➥ 1.4 The earth's atmosphere as a medium for transmitting radio waves. 'radio stations have successfully sold products over the air' ➥ 1.5 One of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs of Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra) as modifier 'an air sign' ➥ 1.6 A breeze or light wind. 'From the mobile start line north of Rough Holme, Naiad got away well in the light south-westerly airs and reached the windward mark at Claife with a narrow lead.' ✦ 2 An impression of a quality or manner given by someone or something. 'she answered with a faint air of boredom' ➥ 2.1 An annoyingly affected and condescending manner. 'he began to put on airs and think he could boss us around' ✦ 3 A tune or short melodious song. 'traditional Scottish airs sung in the Gaelic tongue' ✦ 4 A jump off the ground on a snowboard or skateboard.➤ verb ✦ 1 Express (an opinion or grievance) publicly. 'a meeting in which long-standing grievances were aired' ➥ 1.1 Broadcast (a programme) on radio or television. 'the programmes were aired on India's state TV network' ➥ 1.2 Parade or show (something) ostentatiously. 'he took the opportunity of airing his knowledge of antiquity' ✦ 2 Expose (a room) to the open air in order to ventilate it. 'the window sashes were lifted regularly to air the room' ➥ 2.1 Warm (washed laundry) to remove dampness. 'I was airing the sheets' ➥ 2.2 Go out in the fresh air. 'to go and air myself in my native fields'


1 The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed:A distinct period of history:+Grow old or older: Prokofiev started composing at the age of five.+She's getting very forgetful in her old age.+He's very mature for his age.+He became a professional athlete at the age of 16.+Hilary's the same age as me. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed. 'he died from a heart attack at the age of 51' ➥ 1.1 A particular stage in someone's life. 'children of primary school age' ➥ 1.2 The state of being old. 'fine wine improves with age' ✦ 2 A distinct period of history. 'an age of technological growth' ➥ 2.1 A division of time that is a subdivision of an epoch, corresponding to a stage in chronostratigraphy. 'All other ages, epochs, and eras are represented by natural evolutionary and geological phenomena.' ➥ 2.2 A very long time. 'I haven't seen her for ages'➤ verb ✦ 1 Grow old or older. 'the tiredness we feel as we age' ➥ 1.1 Cause to appear old or older. 'he even tried ageing the painting with a spoonful of coffee' ➥ 1.2 (with reference to an alcoholic drink, cheese, etc.) mature or allow to mature. no object 'the wine ages in open vats or casks' ➥ 1.3 Determine how old (something) is. 'we didn't have a clue how to age these animals'


1 The lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1:The same; identical:A joke or story:An alcoholic drink:Alone:+Referring to a person or thing previously mentioned or easily identified:+A person of a specified kind:+Used to refer to the speaker, or any person, as representing people in general: Trouble broke out in the match when one of the players called a member of the other team a cheat.+They've got two adopted children and one of their own.+He is one of the top chefs in Britain.+When one engine stopped, we had to turn round and fly home.+Would you run your idea by me one more time?+Four parcels came this morning, but only one was for Mark.+Paint one side, leave it to dry, and then paint the other.+He can't tell one wine from another, so don't give him any of the expensive stuff. ➤ cardinal number ✦ 1 The lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1. 'there's only room for one person' ➥ 1.1 A single person or thing. 'they would straggle home in ones and twos' ➥ 1.2 Just one as opposed to any more or to none at all; single (used for emphasis) 'her one concern is to save her daughter' ➥ 1.3 Denoting a particular item of a pair or number of items. 'electronics is one of his hobbies' ➥ 1.4 Denoting a particular but unspecified occasion or period. 'one afternoon in late October' ➥ 1.5 Used before a name to denote a person who is not known to the reader or hearer; a certain. 'he worked as a clerk for one Mr Ming' ➥ 1.6 A noteworthy example of (used for emphasis) 'the actor was one smart-mouthed troublemaker' ➥ 1.7 One year old. 'I want to talk to my little girl who is going to be one today.' ➥ 1.8 One o'clock. 'I'll be there at one' ➥ 1.9 A size of garment or other merchandise denoted by one. 'Candy dragged me into a shop, where she began sifting through a pile of skirts to find her size (a size one).' ➥ 1.10 A domino or dice with one spot. 'It was a curious remark to make for one who dreamed of emulating Alexander the Great.' ✦ 2 The same; identical. 'all types of training meet one common standard' ✦ 3 A joke or story. 'the one about the Englishman, the Irishman, and the Yank' ✦ 4 An alcoholic drink. 'a cool one after a day on the water' ✦ 5 Alone. 'the time when you one tackled a field of cane and finished before the others had even started'➤ pronoun ✦ 1 Referring to a person or thing previously mentioned or easily identified. 'her mood changed from one of moroseness to one of joy' ✦ 2 A person of a specified kind. 'you're the one who ruined her life' ➥ 2.1 A person who is remarkable in some way. 'you never saw such a one for figures' ✦ 3 Used to refer to the speaker, or any person, as representing people in general. 'one must admire him for his willingness'


1 The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this.+The seed-bearing head or spike of a cereal plant. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.+She's deaf in her left ear.+Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ear.+She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.+I put my hands over my ears because I couldn't bear to listen. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this. 'an ear for rhythm and melody' ➥ 1.1 An organ sensitive to sound in other animals. 'Then she would have leaned over and stroked the mare's neck whispering sweet nothings in her ear as the animal pranced.' ➥ 1.2 An ability to recognize, appreciate, and reproduce sounds, especially music or language. 'an ear for rhythm and melody' ➥ 1.3 Used to refer to a person's willingness to listen to others. 'she offers a sympathetic ear to worried pet owners'➤ noun ✦ 1 The seed-bearing head or spike of a cereal plant. ➥ 1.1 A head of maize. 'The dignity inherent in the farmer's labour is enhanced rather than diminished as he turns every tenth ear of corn over to support those who labour in a different field.'


1 Used before the second or further of two or more alternatives (the first being introduced by a negative such as 'neither' or 'not') to indicate that they are each untrue or each do not happen:Used to introduce a further negative statement:Than:+A Boolean operator which gives the value one if and only if all operands have a value of zero and otherwise has a value of zero. Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.+They followed neither the spirit nor the letter of the law.+Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.+I can't make head nor tail of these instructions on the packet.+Neither my mother nor my father went to university. ➤ conjunction & adverb ✦ 1 Used before the second or further of two or more alternatives (the first being introduced by a negative such as 'neither' or 'not') to indicate that they are each untrue or each do not happen. 'they were neither cheap nor convenient' ➥ 1.1 'nor God nor demon can undo the done' ✦ 2 Used to introduce a further negative statement. ''I don't see how.' 'Nor do I.'' ✦ 3 Than. 'she thinks she knows better nor me'➤ noun ✦ 1 A Boolean operator which gives the value one if and only if all operands have a value of zero and otherwise has a value of zero. ➥ 1.1 A circuit which produces an output signal only when there are no signals on any of the input connections. 'He and his colleagues have already created the biological equivalent of many logical components common in the digital world, such as AND, NAND, and NOR gates.'


1 The pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering:+Attach to or cover the end or extremity of:+(In bookbinding) paste a single page, typically an illustration, to the neighbouring page of a book by a thin line of paste down its inner margin:+Overbalance so as to fall or turn over:+Cause (the contents of a container) to be emptied out by holding it at an angle:+Strike or touch lightly:+Put the ball in play by throwing it up between two opponents.+A place where rubbish is left:+A pitched ball that is slightly deflected by the batter.+A sum of money given to someone as a reward for a service:+A small but useful piece of practical advice:+Give (someone) a sum of money as a reward for a service:+Predict as likely to win or achieve something:+Give someone information in a discreet or confidential way: Freezing the butter was a useful tip.+He gave me some tips about the best way to catch trout.+Have you got any tips for a new journalist?+Let me give you a tip: she likes flattery.+Layla gave me some tips about the best places to visit. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering. 'George pressed the tips of his fingers together' ➥ 1.1 A small piece or part fitted to the end of an object. 'the rubber tip of the walking stick'➤ verb ✦ 1 Attach to or cover the end or extremity of. 'mountains tipped with snow' ➥ 1.1 Colour (something) at its end or edge. 'velvety red petals tipped with white' ✦ 2 (in bookbinding) paste a single page, typically an illustration, to the neighbouring page of a book by a thin line of paste down its inner margin. 'tipped in here is a clipping from a magazine'➤ verb ✦ 1 Overbalance so as to fall or turn over. no object 'the hay caught fire when the candle tipped over' ➥ 1.1 Be or cause to be in a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other. with object and adverbial 'I tipped my seat back, preparing myself for sleep' ✦ 2 Cause (the contents of a container) to be emptied out by holding it at an angle. 'Sarah tipped the washing-up water down the sink' ➥ 2.1 Rain heavily. 'It's tipping down with rain at The Riazor and the pitch is perfect for football.' ✦ 3 Strike or touch lightly. 'I tipped his hoof with the handle of a knife' ➥ 3.1 Cause (an object) to move somewhere by striking or touching it lightly. 'his twenty-yard shot was tipped over the bar by Nixon' ✦ 4 Put the ball in play by throwing it up between two opponents.➤ noun ✦ 1 A place where rubbish is left. 'a rubbish tip' ➥ 1.1 A dirty or untidy place. 'your room's an absolute tip!' ✦ 2 A pitched ball that is slightly deflected by the batter.➤ noun ✦ 1 A sum of money given to someone as a reward for a service. 'he never leaves a tip' ✦ 2 A small but useful piece of practical advice. 'handy tips for decorating a small flat' ➥ 2.1 A prediction or piece of expert information about the likely winner of a race or contest. 'Barry had a hot tip'➤ verb ✦ 1 Give (someone) a sum of money as a reward for a service. with two objects 'I tipped her five dollars' ✦ 2 Predict as likely to win or achieve something. 'Christine was widely tipped to get the job' ✦ 3 Give someone information in a discreet or confidential way. 'they were arrested after police were tipped off by local residents'


1 The region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth:+Hit (a ball) high into the air: We could see hundreds of stars in the clear desert sky.+The sky was a perfect blue - not a cloud in sight.+The sun climbed higher in the sky.+The outline of the castle on the hill was clearly defined against the evening sky.+The sky was alight with hundreds of fireworks. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth. 'hundreds of stars were shining in the sky' ➥ 1.1 Heaven; heavenly power. 'the just vengeance of incensed skies'➤ verb ✦ 1 Hit (a ball) high into the air. 'he skied his tee shot' ➥ 1.1 Hang (a picture) very high on a wall, especially in an exhibition. 'a painter's worst fear was that his picture would be skied'


1 The short, fine, soft hair of certain animals:A coating formed by hard water on the inside surface of a pipe, kettle, or other container:+Coat or clog with a deposit:+Covered with or made from a particular type of fur:+Level (floor or wall timbers) by inserting strips of wood:+A member of a Muslim people of the mountainous and desert regions of SW Sudan.+The language of the Fur, an isolated member of the Nilo-Saharan family, with about 500,000 speakers.+Relating to the Fur or their language. The animal's thick fur provides very good insulation against the arctic cold.+Personally , I don't think animals should be killed for their fur.+The cat purred as I stroked its fur.+The cat's fur bristled and it arched its back.+Cats make him sneeze - I think he's allergic to the fur. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The short, fine, soft hair of certain animals. 'a long, lean, muscular cat with sleek fur' ➥ 1.1 The skin of an animal with fur on it. 'the trapper can sell his furs to the highest bidder' ➥ 1.2 Animal skin with fur on it, or fabric resembling this, used in making or trimming garments. 'a Parka with nylon fur round the hood' ➥ 1.3 A coat, cape, or similar garment made of fur. 'I'd just seen her sitting in her furs' ➥ 1.4 Any of several heraldic tinctures representing animal skins in stylized form (e.g. ermine, vair). ✦ 2 A coating formed by hard water on the inside surface of a pipe, kettle, or other container. 'fur or scale, not just in kettles but in other hidden parts of the hot-water system' ➥ 2.1 A coating formed on the tongue, typically as a symptom of sickness. 'Just had a bit of breakfast and I'm now trying to get the fur off my tongue while writing this.'➤ verb ✦ 1 Coat or clog with a deposit. 'the stuff that furs up coronary arteries' ✦ 2 Covered with or made from a particular type of fur. 'the black-furred rabbit' ✦ 3 Level (floor or wall timbers) by inserting strips of wood. 'the drain could be concealed by furring out the original wall'➤ noun ✦ 1 A member of a Muslim people of the mountainous and desert regions of south-western Sudan. ✦ 2 The language of the Fur, an isolated member of the Nilo-Saharan family, with about 500,000 speakers.➤ adjective ✦ Relating to the Fur or their language.</strong>


1 The star round which the earth orbits:The light or warmth received from the earth's sun:A day or a year:+Sit or lie in the sun: The sun climbed higher in the sky.+They're advising that children be kept out of the sun altogether.+The clouds finally parted and the sun came out.+She left the midday sun for the cool of the shade.+Now I know it won't look very cool, but this hat will keep the sun out of your eyes. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The star round which the earth orbits. 'the sun shone from a cloudless sky' ➥ 1.1 Any star in the universe that is similar to the sun, with or without planets. 'A planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology has discovered the first extrasolar planet under three suns in the constellation Cygnus.' ✦ 2 The light or warmth received from the earth's sun. 'we sat outside in the sun' ➥ 2.1 A person or thing regarded as a source of glory, inspiration, etc. 'the rhetoric faded before the sun of reality' ➥ 2.2 Used with reference to someone's success or prosperity. 'the sun of the Plantagenets went down in clouds' ✦ 3 A day or a year. 'after going so many suns without food, I was sleeping'➤ verb ✦ 1 Sit or lie in the sun. 'Buzz could see Clare sunning herself on the terrace below' ➥ 1.1 Expose (something) to the sun, especially to warm or dry it. 'the birds are sunning their wings'


1 The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties:A rule defining correct procedure or behaviour in a sport:A statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present:The body of divine commandments as expressed in the Bible or other religious texts. Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets.+The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16.+We're campaigning for a repeal of the abortion laws.+The police want tougher laws for dealing with drug traffickers.+The new law will outlaw smoking in public places. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. 'shooting the birds is against the law' ➥ 1.1 An individual rule as part of a system of law. 'a new law was passed to make divorce easier and simpler' ➥ 1.2 Systems of law as a subject of study or as the basis of the legal profession. 'he was still practising law' ➥ 1.3 Statute law and the common law. 'A very small part of the Common or Statute Law of England is law there by this maxim.' ➥ 1.4 Something regarded as having binding force or effect. 'he had supreme control—what he said was law' ➥ 1.5 The police. 'he'd never been in trouble with the law in his life' ✦ 2 A rule defining correct procedure or behaviour in a sport. 'the laws of the game' ✦ 3 A statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present. 'the second law of thermodynamics' ➥ 3.1 A generalization based on a fact or event perceived to be recurrent. 'the first law of American corporate life is that dead wood floats' ✦ 4 The body of divine commandments as expressed in the Bible or other religious texts. ➥ 4.1 The Pentateuch as distinct from the other parts of the Hebrew Bible (the Prophets and the Writings). 'We know that still this Law calls us to rest from work and to worship God.' ➥ 4.2 The precepts of the Pentateuch. 'During this visit, the believers from Jerusalem began to insist that the Gentile Christians in Antioch adopt all the prescriptions of the Law of Moses.'


1 The transfer of a competitor directly to the next round of a competition in the absence of an assigned opponent:A run scored from a ball that passes the batsman without being hit (recorded as an extra, not credited to the individual batsman).One or more holes remaining unplayed after a match has been decided.+Short for goodbye. ♫♫ Let the circle be unbroken, by & by Lord, bye& bye ♫♫+In Marshallese, the language of Bikini Atoll, hello and bye alike are conveyed in the word kwe, which also means love.i In English, the expression bye was once similarly fulsome: God be with you.+During the first hour I felt pain, but during the rest of the evening pride kindly came to my assistance and from that moment instead of feeling myself little, I grew to a most noble and patagonian [3] nature, from which I could scarcely reduce myself for many days after; and which enabled me at the moment to turn a deaf ear to the contended merits of Demosthenes and Cicero, the Borhavians in medicine, and the &c &c &c &c — and to set and compose verses 'to my Old Oak table', which by the bye is a far better companion to me, as I will make appear, than Dr. A and his son put together.+February 11th, 2010 at 6: 42 pm tombaker says: mr. bye bye is ruled by fear. what a shame.+An acceptance to an anthology and a personal good-bye from a person who moved away instead of just an invite to the going away party. ➤ noun ✦ 1 The transfer of a competitor directly to the next round of a competition in the absence of an assigned opponent. 'he has a bye into the second round' ✦ 2 A run scored from a ball that passes the batsman without being hit (recorded as an extra, not credited to the individual batsman). ✦ 3 One or more holes remaining unplayed after a match has been decided.➤ exclamation ✦ 'Okay, James. I'll call her now. Bye'


1 To a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively:In addition; also: Don't fill your glass too full or you'll spill it.+This book is a bit too grown-up for you.+I can't pick the kettle up - the handle's too hot.+By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.+That hill's far too steep to cycle up. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 To a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively. 'he was driving too fast' ➥ 1.1 Very. 'you're too kind' ✦ 2 In addition; also. 'is he coming too?' ➥ 2.1 Moreover (used when adding a further point) 'she is a grown woman, and a strong one too'


1 To such a great extent:To the same extent (used in comparisons):Referring back to something previously mentioned:In the way described or demonstrated; thus:+And for this reason; therefore:+With the aim that; in order that:+And then; as the next step:+Introducing a question:+Introducing a statement which is followed by a defensive comment:+Introducing a concluding statement:+In the same way; correspondingly:+Variant spelling of soh. He's so unreliable.+It was so kind of you.+I'm so tired.+He's so gorgeous.+She's so tall. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 To such a great extent. 'the words tumbled out so fast that I could barely hear them' ➥ 1.1 Extremely; very much (used for emphasis) 'she looked so pretty' ➥ 1.2 Used to emphasize a clause or negative statement. 'that's so not fair' ➥ 1.3 Used with a gesture to indicate size. 'the bird was about so long' ✦ 2 To the same extent (used in comparisons) 'he isn't so bad as you'd think' ✦ 3 Referring back to something previously mentioned. 'if she notices, she never says so' ➥ 3.1 That is the case. 'if she notices, she never says so' ➥ 3.2 Similarly; and also. 'times have changed and so have I' ➥ 3.3 Expressing agreement. ''There's another one.' 'So there is.'' ➥ 3.4 Used for emphasis in a formula added at the end of a statement. 'your old man was the salt of the earth, so he was' ➥ 3.5 Used to emphatically contradict a negative statement. 'it is so!' ✦ 4 In the way described or demonstrated; thus. 'hold your arms so'➤ conjunction ✦ 1 And for this reason; therefore. 'it was still painful so I went to see a specialist' ➥ 1.1 With the result that. 'it was overgrown with brambles, so that I had difficulty making any progress' ✦ 2 With the aim that; in order that. 'they whisper to each other so that no one else can hear' ✦ 3 And then; as the next step. 'and so to the final' ✦ 4 Introducing a question. 'so, what did you do today?' ➥ 4.1 Introducing a question following on from what was said previously. 'so what did he do about it?' ➥ 4.2 Why should that be considered significant? ''He came into the shop this morning.' 'So?'' ✦ 5 Introducing a statement which is followed by a defensive comment. 'so I like keeping track of things—what's wrong with that?' ✦ 6 Introducing a concluding statement. 'so that's that' ✦ 7 In the same way; correspondingly. 'just as bad money drives out good, so does bad art drive out the good'➤ noun ✦ </strong>


1 Up until the present or a specified or implied time; by now or then:Still; even (used to emphasize increase or repetition):In spite of that; nevertheless:+But at the same time; but nevertheless: Wait for it! I haven't said 'go' yet.+We haven't discussed the matter in detail yet.+Has he found himself a place to live yet?+The details of the contract have not yet been settled.+His new novel is advertised as his steamiest yet. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 Up until the present or a specified or implied time; by now or then. 'I haven't told anyone else yet' ➥ 1.1 As soon as the present or a specified or implied time. 'wait, don't go yet' ➥ 1.2 From now into the future for a specified length of time. 'I hope to continue for some time yet' ➥ 1.3 Referring to something that will or may happen in the future. 'further research may yet explain the enigma' ✦ 2 Still; even (used to emphasize increase or repetition) 'snow, snow, and yet more snow' ✦ 3 In spite of that; nevertheless. 'every week she gets worse, and yet it could go on for years'➤ conjunction ✦ But at the same time; but nevertheless. 'the path was dark, yet I slowly found my way'


1 Used as a friendly greeting or to attract attention:+Hawaii (in official postal use). Love from Sophie. PS Say hi to Gemma.+Hi, Lewis. How are you?+Oh hi, Ben. ➤ exclamation ✦ Used as a friendly greeting or to attract attention. ''Hi there. How was the flight?''➤ ✦ Hawaii (in official postal use).</strong>


1 Used as a polite or respectful way of addressing a man, especially one in a position of authority: Come hither, young sir!+I'm sorry, sir, the salmon is off.+Officer Clarke will show you where to go, sir.+The seat of those trousers looks rather tight, sir - Would you like to try a larger size?+Would you like to settle up now, sir? ➤ noun ✦ 1 Used as a polite or respectful way of addressing a man, especially one in a position of authority. 'excuse me, sir' ➥ 1.1 Used to address a man at the beginning of a formal or business letter. 'Dear Sir' ➥ 1.2 Used as a title before the forename of a knight or baronet. 'Arthur announced, 'You are indeed brave, sir knight, but the fight is mine!'.' ➥ 1.3


1 Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified:Herself:+Belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified:+Used in titles: She was ill so I sent her some flowers to cheer her up.+Rachel ran out of the room and slammed the door behind her.+I'd like to find Debbie and talk to her about this. ➤ pronoun ✦ 1 Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. 'she knew I hated her' ➥ 1.1 Referring to a ship, country, or other inanimate thing regarded as female. 'the crew tried to sail her through a narrow gap' ➥ 1.2 Used after the verb 'to be' and after 'than' or 'as' 'it must be her' ➥ 1.3 She. 'she will get all her wants' ✦ 2 Herself. 'peevishly she flung her on her face'➤ possessive determiner ✦ 1 Belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. 'Patricia loved her job' ➥ 1.1 Belonging to or associated with a ship, country, or other inanimate thing regarded as female. 'at her launch, she was the ultimate in luxury transatlantic travel' ✦ 2 Used in titles. 'Her Majesty'

as__æz, əz

1 Used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something:+Used to indicate that something happens during the time when something else is taking place:+Used to indicate by comparison the way that something happens or is done:+Because; since:+Even though:+Used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has:+During the time of being (the thing specified):+An ancient Roman copper coin.+The chemical element arsenic.+Anglo-Saxon. Feel my toes - they're as cold as ice.+Country life isn't always as peaceful as city-dwellers think.+I don't think he's been watering these plants - the soil is as dry as a bone.+She can't run as fast as she used to.+The apple pie was as good as the one my grandmother used to make. ➤ ✦ Anglo-Saxon.➤ adverb ✦ 1 Used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something. 'go as fast as you can' ➥ 1.1 Used to emphasize an amount. 'as many as twenty-two rare species may be at risk'➤ conjunction ✦ 1 Used to indicate that something happens during the time when something else is taking place. 'Frank watched him as he ambled through the crowd' ✦ 2 Used to indicate by comparison the way that something happens or is done. 'they can do as they wish' ➥ 2.1 Used to add or interject a comment relating to the statement of a fact. 'as you can see, I didn't go after all' ✦ 3 Because; since. 'I must stop now as I have to go out' ✦ 4 Even though. 'sweet as he is, he doesn't pay his bills'➤ preposition ✦ 1 Used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has. 'it came as a shock' ✦ 2 During the time of being (the thing specified) 'he had often been ill as a child'➤ noun ✦ An ancient Roman copper coin.➤ ✦ The chemical element arsenic.</strong>

and__ænd, ənd, ən

1 Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly:Used to introduce an additional comment or interjection:Used after some verbs and before another verb to indicate intention, instead of 'to':+A Boolean operator which gives the value one if and only if all the operands are one, and otherwise has a value of zero.+Andorra (international vehicle registration). The Australians have won three gold medals and two silvers in the swimming events.+It costs a lot to feed and clothe five children.+Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.+Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.+I'm afraid those days are gone and they'll never come again. ➤ conjunction ✦ 1 Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly. 'bread and butter' ➥ 1.1 Used to connect two clauses when the second refers to something that happens after the first. 'he turned round and walked out' ➥ 1.2 Used to connect two clauses, the second of which refers to something that results from the first. 'there was a flash flood and by the next morning the town was under water' ➥ 1.3 Connecting two identical comparatives, to emphasize a progressive change. 'getting better and better' ➥ 1.4 Connecting two identical words, implying great duration or great extent. 'I cried and cried' ➥ 1.5 Used to connect two identical words to indicate that things of the same name or class have different qualities. 'all human conduct is determined or caused—but there are causes and causes' ➥ 1.6 Used to connect two numbers to indicate that they are being added together. 'six and four makes ten' ➥ 1.7 Used to connect two numbers, implying succession. 'a line of men marching two and two' ✦ 2 Used to introduce an additional comment or interjection. 'if it came to a choice—and this was the worst thing—she would turn her back on her parents' ➥ 2.1 Used to introduce a question in connection with what someone else has just said. ''I found the letter in her bag.' 'And did you steam it open?'' ➥ 2.2 Used to introduce a statement about a new topic. 'and now to the dessert' ✦ 3 Used after some verbs and before another verb to indicate intention, instead of 'to' 'I would try and do what he said'➤ noun ✦ 1 A Boolean operator which gives the value one if and only if all the operands are one, and otherwise has a value of zero. ➥ 1.1 A circuit which produces an output signal only when signals are received simultaneously through all input connections. 'A vehicular crash discrimination system incorporates first and second crash sensors operatively coupled to a logic AND gate, which activates a safety restraint system.'➤ ✦ Andorra (international vehicle registration).</strong>


1 Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy, or when reacting to a remark:+Variant spelling of O1 (sense 2).+Ohio (in official postal use).+A person's wife, husband, or partner (used in electronic communication): My, oh, my, what a busy day!+Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the devil, here she is.+I really didn't want to go away this weekend but, oh well, it can't be helped.+You won't catch Carla eating in a cheap restaurant, oh no.+What was I talking about - oh yes, I was telling you what happened at the party. ➤ exclamation ✦ Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy, or when reacting to a remark. ''Oh no,' said Daisy, appalled'➤ noun ✦ ➤ ✦ Ohio (in official postal use).➤ noun ✦ A person's wife, husband, or partner (particularly used in online forums) 'I often go to gigs on my own as my OH doesn't have the same musical tastes as me'


1 Used to express agreement or acceptance:+Satisfactory but not especially good:+In a satisfactory manner or to a satisfactory extent:+An authorization or approval:+Give approval to:+Oklahoma (in official postal use). Okay, let's get going!+OK, is everyone ready?+Okay, today I'm going to tell you a bit about Picasso.+OK, now that everyone's here, we'll sit down.+OK, Stephanie, could you tell us what you've been doing this week? ➤ exclamation ✦ 1 Used to express agreement or acceptance. 'OK, I'll pass on your message' ➥ 1.1 Used to introduce an utterance. ''OK, let's go'' ➥ 1.2 Used at the end of a statement to invite agreement, approval, or confirmation. 'humour me, OK?'➤ adjective ✦ 1 Satisfactory but not especially good. 'the flight was OK' ➥ 1.1 In a satisfactory physical or mental state. 'are you okay, Ben?' ➥ 1.2 Permissible; allowable. 'it's not OK to say that to a teacher'➤ adverb ✦ In a satisfactory manner or to a satisfactory extent. 'the computer continues to work OK'➤ noun ✦ An authorization or approval. 'the officer gave me the OK'➤ verb ✦ Give approval to. 'despite objections, the committee ok'd the construction'➤ ✦ Oklahoma (in official postal use).</strong>


1 Used to give an affirmative response:Used as a response to someone addressing one or trying to attract one's attention:Used to question a remark:Encouraging someone to continue speaking:Expressing great pleasure or excitement:Expressing irritation or impatience:+An affirmative answer or decision, especially in voting: Did the kids enjoy their trip to the zoo? "Oh, yes, they were full of it when they got back this afternoon."+Oh yes, now I know who you mean.+I asked him if he wanted to come to dinner with my parents, and surprise, surprise, he said yes!+"Did I hear you say your children cleared up after the party?" "Oh yes, I've got them well-trained!"+Sorry, I can't today. Now if you'd asked me yesterday, I would have said yes. ➤ exclamation ✦ 1 Used to give an affirmative response. ''Do you understand?' 'Yes.'' ➥ 1.1 Expressing agreement with a positive statement. ''That was a grand evening.' 'Yes, it was.'' ➥ 1.2 Asked at the end of a statement to indicate the expectation of agreement. 'you think I perhaps killed Westbourne, yes?' ➥ 1.3 Expressing contradiction of a negative statement. ''You don't want to go.' 'Yes, I do.'' ✦ 2 Used as a response to someone addressing one or trying to attract one's attention. ''Oh, Mr Lawrence.' 'Yes?'' ✦ 3 Used to question a remark. ''It should be easy to check.' 'Oh yes? How?'' ✦ 4 Encouraging someone to continue speaking. ''When you bought those photographs ...' 'Yes?'' ✦ 5 Expressing great pleasure or excitement. 'plenty to eat, including hot hamburger sandwiches (yes!)' ✦ 6 Expressing irritation or impatience. ''Is the pain still there?' 'Yes, yes, damn you, the pain is always there''➤ noun ✦ An affirmative answer or decision, especially in voting. 'answering with assured and ardent yeses'


1 Used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned:Used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated:Used to introduce a response expressing a feeling such as surprise or anger:Used after an expression of apology for what one is about to say:Without it being the case that:+Except; apart from; other than:+No more than; only:+(Used at the end of a sentence) though; however:+An argument against something; an objection:+An outer room, especially in a two-roomed cottage. We ran after him, but he escaped.+It's a nice dress, but it creases very easily.+He looked disappointed at their decision, but didn't argue.+Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful, but nobody dares mention it to him.+I haven't got any grapefruit juice, but I've got some orange juice. Will that do? ➤ conjunction ✦ 1 Used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned. 'he stumbled but didn't fall' ✦ 2 Used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated. 'one cannot but sympathize' ✦ 3 Used to introduce a response expressing a feeling such as surprise or anger. 'but that's an incredible saving!' ✦ 4 Used after an expression of apology for what one is about to say. 'I'm sorry, but I can't pay you' ✦ 5 Without it being the case that. 'it never rains but it pours'➤ preposition ✦ 1 Except; apart from; other than. 'we were never anything but poor' ➥ 1.1 Used with repetition of certain words to give emphasis. 'nobody, but nobody, was going to stop her'➤ adverb ✦ 1 No more than; only. 'he is but a shadow of his former self' ✦ 2 (used at the end of a sentence) though; however. 'he was a nice bloke but'➤ noun ✦ An argument against something; an objection. 'no buts—just get out of here'➤ noun ✦ An outer room, especially in a two-roomed cottage.</strong>


1 Used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal previously mentioned or easily identified:+A female; a woman: She was the blond woman in the red dress.+If I tell Marie she might tell Jane.+When my mum comes to see us she always brings a cake.+She's not as fat as her sister.+She's so clever. ➤ pronoun ✦ 1 Used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal previously mentioned or easily identified. 'my sister told me that she was not happy' ➥ 1.1 Used to refer to a ship, vehicle, country, or other inanimate thing regarded as female. 'I was aboard the St Roch shortly before she sailed for the Northwest Passage' ➥ 1.2 Used to refer to a person or animal of unspecified sex. 'only include your child if you know she won't distract you' ➥ 1.3 Any female person. 'she who rocks the cradle rules the world' ➥ 1.4 Her or hers. 'give she lavender oil' ➥ 1.5 It (used to refer to something not usually regarded as female) 'reckon some decent weather and she'll be right'➤ noun ✦ 1 A female; a woman. 'is that a he or a she?' ➥ 1.1 Female. 'a she-bear'


1 Used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many:Whichever of a specified class might be chosen:+At all; in some degree (used for emphasis): I don't have any cash on me, so could I pay with by cheque?+All the shops were closed, so we couldn't buy any food.+"Can I buy stamps here?" "Well, we do sell them, but we haven't got any at the moment."+I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect.+He hardly ever washes the dishes and he rarely, if ever, does any cleaning. ➤ determiner & pronoun ✦ 1 Used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many. as determiner 'I don't have any choice' ➥ 1.1 Anyone. 'the city council ceased payments to any but the aged' ✦ 2 Whichever of a specified class might be chosen. as determiner 'these constellations are visible at any hour of the night'➤ adverb ✦ 1 At all; in some degree (used for emphasis) 'he wasn't any good at basketball' ➥ 1.1 At all (used alone, not qualifying another word) 'I didn't hurt you any'


1 Used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing:Used to refer to any person in general: I'm sorry that I wasn't able to phone you yesterday.+Are you frightened of spiders?+Did you put the car in the garage?+Are you sure there isn't any way of solving this problem?+Do you prefer plain or striped shirts? ➤ pronoun ✦ 1 Used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing. 'are you listening?' ➥ 1.1 Used to refer to the person being addressed together with other people regarded in the same class. 'you Americans' ➥ 1.2 Used in exclamations to address one or more people. 'you fools' ➥ 1.3 Your. 'I didn't know that was you nickname' ✦ 2 Used to refer to any person in general. 'after a while, you get used to it'


1 Used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing:+Completely:+(In games) used after a number to indicate an equal score:+Albanian lek(s). Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.+We all clapped his performance enthusiastically.+I want you to clear all these toys away before bedtime.+The suspect said that he had been at home all evening.+She had £2,000 under the bed and the thieves took it all. ➤ pronoun, determiner, & predeterminer ✦ 1 Used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. as predeterminer 'all the people I met' ➥ 1.1 Any whatever. 'he denied all knowledge of it' ➥ 1.2 Used to emphasize the greatest possible amount of a quality. 'they were in all probability completely unaware' ➥ 1.3 The only thing (used for emphasis) 'all I want is to be left alone' ➥ 1.4 (used to refer to surroundings or a situation in general) everything. 'all was well'➤ adverb ✦ 1 Completely. 'dressed all in black' ➥ 1.1 Used to emphasize a temporary quality. 'my ankle's gone all wobbly' ✦ 2 (in games) used after a number to indicate an equal score. 'after extra time it was still two all'➤ ✦ Albanian lek(s).</strong>


1 Used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belongs or relates to the person mentioned:+Have (something) as one's own; possess:+Admit or acknowledge that something is the case or that one feels a certain way:+Utterly defeat (an opponent or rival); completely get the better of: They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adopt.+Now you can watch the latest films in the comfort of your own room.+She said that she didn't want a lawyer and was going to conduct her own defence.+Her death made him more aware of his own mortality.+We now have our very own post office in the village. ➤ adjective & pronoun ✦ 1 Used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belongs or relates to the person mentioned. as adjective 'they can't handle their own children' ➥ 1.1 Done or produced by and for the person mentioned. as adjective 'I used to design all my own clothes' ➥ 1.2 Particular to the person or thing mentioned; individual. as adjective 'the style had its own charm'➤ verb ✦ 1 Have (something) as one's own; possess. 'his father owns a restaurant' ✦ 2 Admit or acknowledge that something is the case or that one feels a certain way. 'she owned to a feeling of profound jealousy' ➥ 2.1 Take or acknowledge full responsibility for (something) 'I emphasize the importance of owning our anger and finding ways to control it' ➥ 2.2 Acknowledge paternity, authorship, or possession of. 'he has published little, trivial things which he will not own' ✦ 3 Utterly defeat (an opponent or rival); completely get the better of. 'yeah right, she totally owned you, man'


1 Used with an auxiliary verb or 'be' to form the negative:Used as a short substitute for a negative clause:Used to express the negative of other words:Used in understatements to suggest that the opposite of a following word or phrase is true:+A Boolean operator with only one variable that has the value one when the variable is zero and vice versa.+(Of paper) not hot-pressed, and having a slightly textured surface. Cheer up! It's not that bad!+She's not one of my close circle of friends.+Party unity is threatened when members will not compromise.+The TV won't work if the aerial's not connected.+It's not very dignified behaviour for a 54-year-old man. ➤ adverb ✦ 1 Used with an auxiliary verb or 'be' to form the negative. 'he would not say' ➥ 1.1 Used in some constructions with other verbs. with infinitive 'he has been warned not to touch' ✦ 2 Used as a short substitute for a negative clause. 'maybe I'll regret it, but I hope not' ✦ 3 Used to express the negative of other words. 'not a single attempt was made' ➥ 3.1 Used with a quantifier to exclude a person or part of a group. 'not all the poems are serious' ➥ 3.2 No more than (used to indicate a surprisingly small quantity) 'the brakes went on not ten feet from him' ✦ 4 Used in understatements to suggest that the opposite of a following word or phrase is true. 'the not too distant future' ➥ 4.1 Following and emphatically negating a statement. 'that sounds like quality entertainment—not'➤ noun ✦ 1 A Boolean operator with only one variable that has the value one when the variable is zero and vice versa. ➥ 1.1 A circuit which produces an output signal only when there is not a signal on its input. ➤ adjective ✦ (of paper) not hot-pressed, and having a slightly textured surface.</strong>


1 Utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction:Assume something in order to work out what its consequences would be; make a hypothesis:+Used to express surprise or to draw attention to a remark or question:+An opportunity for stating one's opinion or feelings: He said he was coming.+I said she should give him a call.+Did she say why she left so early?+He said that he'd already tried it.+What did she say about the cost? ➤ verb ✦ 1 Utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction. with direct speech ''Thank you,' he said' ➥ 1.1 (of a text or a symbolic representation) convey specified information or instructions. with clause 'the Act says such behaviour is an offence' ➥ 1.2 Enable a listener or reader to learn or understand something by conveying or revealing (information or ideas) 'I don't want to say too much' ➥ 1.3 (of a clock or watch) indicate (a specified time) 'the clock says ten past two' ➥ 1.4 Be asserted or reported. with infinitive 'they were said to be training freedom fighters' ➥ 1.5 Present a consideration in favour of or excusing (someone or something) 'all I can say for him is that he's a better writer than some' ➥ 1.6 Utter the whole of (a speech or other set of words, typically one learned in advance) 'the padre finished saying the Nunc Dimittis' ✦ 2 Assume something in order to work out what its consequences would be; make a hypothesis. 'let's say we pay in five thousand pounds in the first year' ➥ 2.1 Used parenthetically to indicate that something is being suggested as possible or likely but not certain. 'the form might include, say, a dozen questions'➤ exclamation ✦ Used to express surprise or to draw attention to a remark or question. 'say, did you notice any blood?'➤ noun ✦ 1 An opportunity for stating one's opinion or feelings. 'she let him have his say' ➥ 1.1 An opportunity to influence developments and policy. 'the assessor will have a say in how the money is spent'


1 What or which person or people:Used to introduce a clause giving further information about a person or people previously mentioned:+An English rock group known almost as much for destroying their instruments on stage as for the songs of guitarist Pete Townshend (b.1945). They had hits with songs such as 'My Generation' (1965) and recorded Townshend's rock opera Tommy in 1969.+World Health Organization. Who told you you could park there?+Who have you invited to the party?+Who won the match?+Who did you vote for in the last election?+Who is the president of France? ➤ pronoun ✦ 1 What or which person or people. 'who is that woman?' ✦ 2 Used to introduce a clause giving further information about a person or people previously mentioned. 'Joan Fontaine plays the mouse who married the playboy' ➥ 2.1 The person that; whoever. 'who holds the sea, perforce doth hold the land'➤ ✦ World Health Organization.</strong>

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